Understanding The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind With Dr. George Pratt | Interview

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hey guys Alex IDEs here 22 year old real estate entrepreneur guys in this special interview I am humbled to introduce you a famous world renowned psychologist by the name of dr. George Pratt dr. George has helped me personally in my everyday life you know clearing past trauma in my life to really give it to that next level I started seeing him March of this year and it's been a phenomenal experience and right now we're in Hawaii and the reason why is because we came to his five-day seminar to really get to that next level and this is day five I'm a little burnt now but guys it is amazing so dr. George Pratt is a neuroscientist clinical psychologist hypnotherapist that literally has dedicated his entire life's work to helping everyday people and also working with top athletes like Olympic athlete Super Bowl winners Grammy nominees all these a bunch of just high performance high elite you know individuals and he's helped him overcome you know traumatic experiences and really gets that next level he's also helped one of my idols which is rob dyrdek rob dyrdek visited him at the age of 24 and now Rob is 48 worth 50 million and and obviously it's not all dr. George but I firmly believe in and actually rob dyrdek has actually said it himself well he credits a lot of that to what dr. Pratt was able to do in his life so without further ado let's get straight into the interview you guys will enjoy by the way give this a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and I'll see you guys in the interview let's go [Music] [Applause] hey guys Alex I'm Seri 20 old real estate entrepreneur I'm here and humbled to be dr. George Bratz the presence it's a it wrote the name just rolls well but it's awesome to you know be here one-on-one and so thankful for your time and my pleasure know through I mean with this beautiful setting like this it's just it's really humbling to be able to do this and provide you know some value for you guys so actually let's take this time to you know George like you know I would love to know like how you came to be be you like like what how did you get to this point of and and would you might give a little background on you know what you have done sure hurting your your journey yes well it's been a wonderful journey yes I'm originally from Minnesota and I moved to California because I was tired of the two seasons in Minnesota winter and the fourth of July so California has been pretty nice and I decided at a young age I actually had a near-death experience when I was six and I was not expected to live and as I was in the hospital for quite a while and I was I was thinking more adult thoughts like things should be different and I could see how we could make a difference for people kids crying around me and so I just I thought you know when I grow up I want to see if I could do something about that so I went to the university there and then came out did my additional training and became a clinical psychologist and my goal was always to help people be more effective and to heal so as those two goals won because of my own healing issue which turned out great and then additionally how can we help others and then that led to how can we be the most successful and so we can shine brightly we can feel good about ourselves we can have good self-worth self loves self-esteem because that's really the essence of what you need when you are attaining your goals and whether you're being a doctor whether you're being a real estate magnate it doesn't it doesn't matter it all comes down to some basic principles of being feeling worthy and worthwhile loving yourself and even despite whatever has happened to you in your life you want to shine brightly and love yourself so self-acceptance and self-love is one of the key elements of people attaining their goals yeah so with that said well would you would you say there's a few steps or a process to ultimately unlock like the natural state of happiness yeah number one positive self-esteem number two feeling worthy of attaining your goals like that's a big one that is a big one but that's just for me I dealt with a lot of unworthiness a lot of past bad programming that kind of limited to my my journey yeah and it was a self sabotaging to be honest well knowing you as I do you're an amazing guy and for the we're here at one of my events and you are the youngest guy here and these are some top people on the planet and you're the youngest and they're going I can't believe you you and end with your positive attitude and your desire to help people and to share information with people it's really it's really it's it's a pleasure to do some work with you yeah I feel like what I got well now it's like after now that the event is over I'm like I just feel like I hit like a gold mine and I'm I'm more first and foremost I'm eager to apply this in my everyday life but I'm also very eager to share this and that's why we're doing this because I'm very eager to share because I just feel like more people more entrepreneurs more more more people just need to hear this stuff and really apply in their in their life so my next question is something that for years I was not aware of and that is the conscious versus subconscious mind and now being aware of that I see the power would you would you mind explaining the power and significance of you know ultimately having that you know plate of your side yes it's most people think it's logic and and that's not the case what really works is with we have the conscious mind and it's also called this unconscious or the subconscious mind we use the subconscious the subconscious mind is 1 million times more powerful in the conscious mind 1 million 1 million and so we can dance around it we can use other therapeutic techniques when I first in my journey of evolving trying to help people be their best and achieve their goals and to be happy which has been my goal and that's written four books on the topic those books are all designed to help people recognize to learn and love yourself and to connect with the unconscious mind the first book was a book on hypnosis the second book on optimal performance in business that's the one that Rob Dyrdek keeps referring to this and we'll post those links in the description for you guys interested yeah ads so uh and he keeps calling it hyper success it's hyper performance even though we've talked about it a hundred times it's funny anyway then a book on instant emotional healing acupuncture acupuncture acupressure for the emotions that actually the sixth person to walk on the moon was a consultant on the manuscript Wow yeah Edgar Mitchell so I've had we've had fabulous help on from others and then code to joy which has explains lots of this we have a conscious mind way of an unconscious mind and that uh that unconscious mind phenomenally more powerful and so if we call it the flea and the elephant so we think an issue was let's see so you have the flea and the elephant now the flea is the conscious mind the subconscious mind is the elephant yeah so the flea we think that's the issue the elephant which is much more powerful as the unconscious so if you don't deal with the unconscious material little things that we think are the problem it's usually not it you have to delve deeper and we have quick techniques to get at the source from neuromuscular feedback to interviews from lots of other things but if the flea is your problem somebody sees me for a specific issue and the unconscious is the elephant and the person says well I've already dealt with that if it comes up as an issue whether you dealt with it or not it hasn't worked and you can spend lots of time and years of work and which is why I've been fortunate to use the combination of hypnosis and EMDR eye movement desensitization reprocessing and then the tapping which was instant motional healing that combination is a wonderful set of tools to develop to help you to self to feel more empowered and worthy but most of the problems that we have are not the problems that we have we think they are but there's they're not so that's why they're tools like neuromuscular feedback you might have noticed you can extend your arm and two and two is four and your arm is strong two and two is six and your are as Lewis but we can do this regarding issues where you have no idea what the answer is and we are energetic beings and it's wonderful to have these tools because we can do very rapid things many people in your field some of the top people I've had a good relationship and their friends and characters one of the reasons I'm you know I seek to see you I'm like if these guys you know had have something you know awesome to say about you know George Brad you know there has to be something there that I can go and even if it's just one nugget yeah and by now I mean our first session was in March and since then business is just skyrocketed and I see no accident in that and so you know on the topic of the subconscious so and we discussed this earlier at the seminar but ultimately you can consciously you can think as positively as you want you can think you know about what you want out of life but ultimately if your subconscious mind isn't following it's almost I mean nine times out of ten unachievable right so what we're really talking about is the difference between positive belief and positive thoughts so positive thinking is at the very surface level positive belief is the foundation and so if you have the positive belief rather than the very minimally effective positive thinking you can turn things around very very rapidly and so I've done this with professional athletes with business with lots of other things and and some of my great sports sports heroes we can all fall victim to this we think this is this little issue is the problem and it turns out that it's a deeper issue than just that situation let's say deeper down because of a past background you don't love yourself and we can determine that in minutes and then also correct it very briefly very rapidly well would you say that positive thinking is almost like the flea and positive belief is you're exactly right and there's just think of that when you think of something that's just superficial and I'm gonna die can do it I can do this I'm going to do this I'm going to force myself to do this but as we know the body the human body has polarity we have that's why we could use a neuromuscular feedback and we can find out very rapidly what what what is what and see if that's if what do you think the problem is or what your body says the problem is interesting so for an entrepreneurial or anybody out there really that wants to make that massive to change that massive shift and you know they're thinking positive but they're just kind of not getting the results like what would you tell that person to do or begin to do first to work with someone that knows what they're doing on identifying these kinds of things I would see somebody that's trained in both business psychology that can use these kinds of tools and identifying what's going on like like me so seek help yeah you're not going to do that you're not going to typically fix this by yourself and you can find out very rapidly I mean the first thing that we did when we met I had you I say would you mind putting your hand on the top of your head and I'm sure you were thinking about oh boy what's going on does this guy is its grips but it was pretty kooky and and then extend your arm and when you have the proper polarity you should be very strong like this what happens is you did this and then inverted and you should be weak of this you were reversed on that so that what you was what you thought was an accurate answer was not and it happens it's kind of routinely and it happens because of past traumas negative statements the things you had to grow up with challenges before which all can be corrected in some way and then you're off to the races and then you just get better and better we were just talking about some of the top people in the field that I've done this with they thought they couldn't get any better and and so the one that sticks out the most is a rob dyrdek for me just because he it's I mean he was just so clear on where he was at 25 24 got and to see where he's at now it's just inspiring and it's no accident all I can say is Rob who was a good friend now when he started he was basically unemployed at 25 but he had desires to make things better and someone referred him to me and this is public knowledge and he has released me and he talks about me on the shows he people are probably tired of hearing about me okay so the guy who did the hypnosis and these things and because he's one of the nicest so what happened is he went from at age 25 rather rapidly to achieving massive results and for somebody that started with nothing and now worth 50 million multiple TV shows a beautiful Playboy Playmate wife he over achieved on this and he still and he loves to help people he has 19 companies that he's kind of nurturing and he's using more capacity most of us use a very small of our small amount of our capacity Rob is a very smart guy and he has a heart of gold he wants everybody to succeed I mean he's one of the finest human beings I've ever met and so there's ways to make this happen to help people more effectively so my next question to touch on that which what would you say are some core principles for a healthy successful mind one is to being open to new information another one is to love yourself that's a huge one and if you don't have that you're going to be very limited and and if you grow up in an environment that wasn't nurturance and telling you that we love you and the world loves you you have to heal that and correct that which is possible because we're all here to help each other absolutely and I've seen you interact with others and even here in this event you're just naturally kind and helpful and many of the things that you were talking about developing were to help other people and so that's pretty amazing so that's a priority and I know things you had some challenges growing up but you're shining very brightly now and you you aren't even touching full capacity most of us when you do the neuromuscular feedback and what the neuromuscular feedback does it connects you to your unconscious and so the unconscious mind which is 1 million times more powerful in the conscious mind but when you connect to that then you can use these tools and when you clear yourself it's a wonderful way to clear the path to success it's a little bit like most issues it would be like driving around on surface streets to get at something under water under the streets you can't get there from you have to use a new approach you have to go down in there and find the pathway yeah it definitely makes sense so George you've dealt with a lot of elite athletes you know executives high performers Super Bowl winners world world-known golfers yeah what would you say are some of the same characteristics of elite athletes an elite businessman desire to learn and to be open-minded many of these people that were icons for me they found out about me and they were just so kind and open they just say just help me to develop my potential most of us operate at ten percent of our potential if you if you never use neuromuscular training or testing on on a hundred people ninety five people would be a ten percent if you ask them how effective they were and how much of the true potential they're using most of them would say eighty or ninety or 70 percent it's ten percent so what they're getting is they're getting a distortion that they're doing better than they're doing you actually have to go in there find it but it's it's possible to do that which is wonderful and these tools not only work for successful people and people being successful but to help people that are traumatized yeah and I've done several thousand cases of that the worst things you could imagine but good thing is there's a way to help people and even on my website there's a free half an hour download of download of a deep relaxation experience which is very nice and it's dr. George Pratt calm and they can download it for free yeah we'll have that in the description Wow so well so aside from you know physical conditions everything else is yeah and actually when you saw a demonstration yesterday of a person that was incapacitated now we're not doing surgery but lots of emotional components can come up and and mimic that and so it just happened that this person who was heart it was hard for her to walk to the front yeah her back yeah yeah add the emotional components were were cleared allowing her the emotional components were clear for resolving those issues I said I want her to go get checked out with her physician but I've known her and yes so sometimes your your emotions may consciously you may think it's physical but it's really these subconscious emotion it can be it's the whole spectrum I mean sometimes we have some disease processes and we have need for surgery but it's nice also to have these tools to recover more rapidly and to feel better because much of what we think is purely medical and I'm actually on staff at a top Hospital the using these emotional clearing techniques hypnosis eye movement desensitization reprocessing this other technique that we're talking about from instant emotional healing they can make a huge difference in terms of satisfaction in life and quality of life Wow it's like so much I hope you guys are falling by the way so another question is what's the best way for somebody to get rid of you know anxiety or limit anxiety and get rid of pointless stress that's it that's it my books are designed to do that but there's some free things on my website regarding that but what you want to learn is you want to learn some tools to relax yourself most of us go around in an anxious state right and you don't get to use your unconscious subconscious you can't just go in you have to relax some to use those tools and when they when you do you can get at wonderful opportunities to connect with yourself to love yourself and to be more relaxed it's hard even in an emergency I mean I've dealt with combat veterans and PTSD and plane crashes and several plane crashes and these tools work for that too yeah yeah and so now one person that had a head of plane crash trapped up upside down fuel leaking out he then used these tools to enhance success it's just that he came to me through the trauma side if that ultimately led up to you yeah yeah yeah so I know you know even up-and-coming entrepreneurs but I know a lot of successful entrepreneurs that are just go go go but they haven't really cleared up the past trauma right and it goes back to their potential you know they feel like you know they may be successful but you know how important is it to you know clear up that passion drama absolutely essential that's what I start with so that if somebody comes in take a history and we figure out what what their goals are and then what's the best way to make all of this work and if somebody says well at age three I was nearly killed but I'm fine now and so that doesn't really bother me really any of you and even if you don't remember it consciously remember conscious mind subconscious mind and so you have to the body will register that that needs to be cleared because that was a life-and-death method experience so you have to clear that and you can actually identify how many you have and clear them and when you cleared all the junk that's when you can move into success so I have many people that have heard one way or another about some of the things I do and they come in they want to be given that format for just purely success and I'll say you've got you've got four issues and I'll show them with muscle testing and if not I'll and I do quite a bit of remote work - but the people in the office other than the ones that are on skype or facetime if they clear those issues then they can achieve their goals but it's like intervening and not allowing them to be their true potential it's like having a cast on your leg and you want to be a marathon runner you have to let's get the proper medical treatment let's get the physical rehab going get your training going and then we're gonna optimize you mentally so for me in you know my story so for me I got to a level of my life where I achieve you know a little bit of success but it was bulldozing my way through and now that I have cleared up a lot in my my case I I feel like I've cleared 90 95 percent of the trauma I it's like it's easy going now things just blow way better it's like swimming and I call it you know I say this all the time it's like swimming with the current versus against it that's a good analogy and I truly feel that way but it wasn't I guess I didn't know what I didn't know right right so for a lot of entrepreneurs like even if they achieve you know some success they almost justified their success for that the Trump but I don't need to do that it's not important because I'm already where I want to be I've already moved on and that I hear that hear that all the time and then they might try it their way and I'll say here's here's something to think about because if you don't do this it's it's it's it will be challenging so once I once we do it once on some past issue and it's clear then they go let's clear everything because they can see the benefit and it's a huge shift rather rapidly a lighter and brighter yeah yeah so for somebody who maybe is watching this and you know depressed just not in a very good state of mind really lost and clueless on what they like what are some some steps that they can take knowing nothing right so what would be to do a life inventory and of things that have happened to them and looking at and just seeing how you feel as you think about this now remember we have the flea and the elephant are these good life inventory or what I like to do both but first we have to clear the junk first okay and so if they if I'm able to have an experience with them even once on a past event and that clears they'll they just totally understand they'll say I didn't know I could feel so relaxed I've been tense for the last twenty years and so it just it's just experiencing things in a new way it's a it's a different way of looking at this for optimal performance and it's just like being in the Super Bowl those guys get good training and we've got some good training and the nice thing is this is pleasant and positive and then with the positive reinforcement you've seen what you've seen today with pretty successful it's phenomenal and then then we put in hypnosis and things that strengthen you that's where the Rob's love of your life and then you go into dissecting to see how those made you feel yeah and then and then once they clear one of them then people are just totally on board let's clear those things I'd say the average let's say entrepreneur that I've had we've talked about some of the good ones you guys the big guys yeah that like to tell funny stories about this but once they have an experience their life has changed because they know there's a solution now this doesn't have to go on forever like not just Frank or you know what you know countless countless highly successful entrepreneurs how does an entrepreneur in their day-to-day life cuz you know it can be miles an hour yeah and there's nothing wrong with that as long as you're you know president yeah but how does how does one find more clarity it has to it's good to have I'll show you a little technique there's a tectus technique to start out with called balance breathing putting the left ankle over the right the right hand out over the left and then tongue to the roof of your mouth as you breathe in and relax the tongue as you exhale now if you do that for normally once you get into the habit you've cleared things you can just do it routinely for like two minutes at a time but let's say somebody is watching this and wanting to try this do it for about 5 minutes tongue to the roof of your mouth as you breathe in relax the tongue as you exhale and it's just and then just relaxing and then because most of us when were traumatized we get kind of separated from our body symbolically so you could just put your hands on the abdomen for about two minutes and feel connected to the source and feel connected to the center of the earth so grounding grounding and then you could rub the spot the neural lymphatic reflex right in the middle of the chest yes and you could rub this clockwise and for a couple minutes and just think to yourself or say it out loud I I love myself now most people before they get to that point they will need to do this point let's say 50 times I love myself yeah once you get over I mean it could be if you've had a traumatic life you know when one person and the group did at 150 times today and it worked beautifully I did it my first session with the other 58 number yeah well you've been through a lot and that's why you like to help people so much yeah and that's why you're so grateful for life that then gives you the personality that you have because you mentioned in there about helping others and that's what I love to do so you might do 150 I love myself and then see how you feel there is a video on that on your website on the website yeah we'll have the link yeah for your website guys yeah do you do you recommend any this is exactly this is actually a question for me yeah okay do you recommend any like morning routines yes I suggest to the people to do a little three-part harmony which is a little combination of what we're talking about because it gets you set for the day and so that's the starting off with the balanced breathing for two minutes left leg over the right and just for two minutes tongue to the roof of the mouth relax the tongue as you exhale do that for two minutes then one minute that grounding feet flat on the floor hands on the abdomen and imagine a connective cord between your abdomen and the center of the earth and you do that for one minute then you're going to rub the spot so the first time let's say if you've had some trauma do it 150 times but after that you can do it 50 times and after you do that for a while you can do it five or ten times depending on how you feel yeah and so you just rub the spot and it's a nerve bundle it's a little bit sensitive and you just think or say and I would say out loud I love myself I love myself and you can do it very quickly let myself let myself let myself let myself love myself and then you're going to think more clearly then while you're thinking more clearly then things kind of fall into place you know from the first time because after one time we'd already identified what you're trying traumas were what to work on and you felt what percent better the first time it was 70 80 percent better yeah good and I kept I kept going and going every single time it was just it just kept and you were having company come in from out of town yeah I was I mean I was flying out from Phoenix and and I'm in La Jolla California yeah but that's how dedicated I wasn't now after especially after this events it's just I'm just excited to see where your life is gonna take me the next six you know you know three to six months really because they can happen really quick yeah and you've seen that happen already and you heard from some of the feedback of the group and even just how brightly you're shining and you're already connected with some wonderful people yeah and very grateful yeah so in that sense of gratitude the gratitude list there's a couple you know simple things people can do that have nothing to do with this specific method one is a gratitude list we know that the brain if you're busy scanning for the positives and writing down what you're grateful for this beautiful place for the seminar and Hawaii grateful for the significant other grateful for and you start a list and then it causes you to look every day oh I forgot about how wonderful it is to be able to drive a car and get to where I need to go a cold beverage when you're thirsty and you start writing this down it begins to train your brain to scan for the positive instead of the negative which is part of the problem with depression so that's a good way to start then another one is scanning for positives or scanning for fractals fractals are irregular patterns in nature that cause the brain to relax we have a zillion of them around here ocean waves or waves they're irregular patterns they're not uniform so you can watch them and as you're looking at them it's going to relax you also with plants and seashores and trees and as we look over here in the beauty all of nature your regular patterns have a calming influence on major parts of our brain yeah and so there's lots of those things and then teaching yourself to scan for the positive is a big deal there's something called cognitive behavioral theory or therapy just intercepting negative thoughts and replacing them with positive thoughts you can kind of give yourself a little flick on the wrist with that if you have a negative thought say I do look myself now that's this isn't going into the subconscious but it's a useful tool in the process so you repetition and and just treating yourself in a loving way and thinking thoughts that are helpful for you so here's a question so somebody in the loop of negativity and negativity how do you almost immediately disrupt that to get the positive going right how do you disrupt cycle yeah so somebody is just thinking negatively all the time and it's like it's just this is there's no because I've been in this myself where it's just it just you can try to think of other things but it's just a cycle you cannot go and you can't focus on Chesley yeah what do you do I would do those three things we started with balance breathing getting grounded doing this so that your body is more accepting of some new information now there's a there's a treatment point for trauma on the bodies just above the eyes so if you're just kind of overwhelmed and you don't know what's going on if you tap there for about five minutes you will you will calm your central nervous system so that it's easier to think of other things so when you call me would you suggest doing maybe the gratitude list yes yes right and it's also some some entrepreneurs bond together as a group supportive they will share resources and/or use recommend physicians or psychologists that are helpful yep yeah and so that's another way to do it and they're just thinking about how to we talked a little bit about that movie that making the world a better place foundation doing things where you're helping others so if you think because when you're doing something outside of your own self-interest and you're thinking how can we make things better and we'll help you more than will help the people that is that you're going to help tremendously so then you know you're starting to feel better you're helping somebody by helping others yeah even though our film that we did which was filmed here oddly enough yeah making the world a better place Foundation I took seven for seven years but it was designed to help kids from divorcing families and just to use some tools trying to trying to make things better where can they find you right here at this moment I know I like to be here I by practices in La Jolla California and I'm on a campus at a great Hospital and so about a mile from the ocean and so my my website is dr. George Pratt comm dr. George Pratt comm and I have many free things on the website but particularly that three-part harmony and then other resources and Heather is my office manager and whether people come in and a lot of people fly in even I somebody flew in from Australia last week or went the week before we got here and I said you know I can do Skype and FaceTime I have a lot of people in Australia you said I wanted the experience and I said was there another reason he says the Loyalists looks pretty nice too exactly so I said it was this sort of a medical deduction deduction or something so yes so I think and find me and the website has lots of lots of circumstances and events and things that I've already done and demonstrated with people and how and why and it explains what we're doing really thoroughly and then they can if they want to do phone sessions or in person or Skype or FaceTime absolutely yeah I recommend it I think in this in this time this generation I just feel like we need to as an entrepreneur myself I just feel like we need to be more aware the life that we can really live by you know healing yourself and I know because I deal with you know I talk to entrepreneurs every single day and I know the trauma and the hurt that you know that we experienced just as human so I highly suggest that if you can you know get in contact with dr. George here and it will be absolutely phenomenal phenomenal because in my life it's it's done wonders and now I'm 22 now and I just I just it's it's super exciting to just even imagine how life is gonna look like five ten I mean even through our child world it's coming and and I recommend people download the free it's about 25 minutes long or 30 minutes long it's a deep relaxation relaxing each part of the body don't do it while you're driving or flying or flying as long as you're not flying the plane right that that's a good way to kind of start so you can think about how you're feeling when you get more relaxed because most of us are so tense we cut off communication to our Center so if you do you do this some of these other techniques and then you can also there are other some demonstrations of other techniques to help people relax and do the tapping and some of these other things but the deep relaxation will help you and then you get some exercise and then you network with other people and then you realize that there are tools everything is healable yeah okay well George I appreciate your time my pleasure it was definitely fun to do this and I hope you guys found this valuable and definitely check George out dr. George here at dr. George Francom and until next time everybody good to see you [Music]
Channel: Real Estate Alex
Views: 6,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr George Pratt, Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapist, Law of Attraction, Subconscious, Mind, Peace, Millionaire Mind, 22 Millionaire, making money, Wholesaling Houses, Alex Saenz, Carlos Reyes, Sal Shakir
Id: jLdAjIf-trY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 23sec (2543 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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