Turning up the HEAT - Hutts Stream Hades Ep11

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let's do it i'm jumping right in uh i'll get you for this father juventus father uh [Music] i was oh the announcer enjoying staring at that bowl i got you boy no fun if it doesn't fight back i bought cerberus toys important feels no urgency to waste his precious time on simple play things much preferring to serve as vast energy reserves in case any trespassers need to be eaten suddenly i could yeah i could do it well it's there if you change your mind deuce um i wanted to invite you to an outing in the lounge hey it's sadness 500 bits i'm finally able to catch a stream and drop some loving i've been waiting for my chance okay love you huts and all the content i have to go now bye sadness thanks the 500 bits appreciate you [Music] right now i guess i'm overdue to take a break time passes and well since i don't exactly but the mold of your traditional gorgon i mean i have no body for example i had trouble finding work that is until lord hades took me in and then thank you and well i just love this job oh i can definitely relate to at least some of that huh i i i thanks your highness prince prince zagreus deuces his mole you leaving um bye for now do we unlock or a thing i don't see it unlocked but i would have imagined that would be the way to unlock it achilles boy friend of yours were in need of assistance but the only way you could assist them was to somehow change the terms of an ancient pact father probably forced on them what would you do i would be very careful above all do you understand lad i would not wish to make things any worse how many packs such as the one you're thinking of are buried back in the administrative chamber there even your father can't keep track although perhaps nix can nix you're right talking about achilles i think and helping achilles out so he's not just forced to be the guard maybe voices are super quiet turn it up so if there's anything that i can do for you nix you need but ask all right i plan to pull my weight you want to pull my what your services were always welcome here please acclimate yourself at your own rate i am available to answer any questions you may have at any time thank you my friend i have to tell you it's good to be back am i gonna go on a date with meg too right now i gotta tell you something zagreus i'm not getting any more used to losing to you like this i mean you don't even stop to rub it in you know how humiliating that is wait you're saying you would feel less ashamed about the outcomes of our fights if i were to gloat more about beating you how does that make any sense you know what doesn't make any sense that you keep beating me i must be getting sloppy if i'm not predictable and zele what's up the other wretches al naganza i'll keep putting up a fight that's any consolation he wants me to bash talk her a bit pinky always a pleasure who says little the best waifu why cause all she does is clean good damn riot right now what a sexist comment i'm going to the gardens now i forgot there's never anything here though it's very boring is there more what's the staircase don't put a staircase there if i can't go down the staircase oh snap dirty girl it's only a matter of time i suppose got a few things here goddess of the hunt i got all the boons from artemis i'm grateful for you now the balloons from dionysus and i've got all the dials enchantments for stygius i know stigies like the back of my hand maybe we could throw someone down the stairs hey skelly listen for you i don't know exactly how to put this so i'm just gonna come right out i need your help with something and i'll be honest i don't think you're gonna like it anymore if it doesn't involve hacking away at you with reckless abandons kelly i don't want to hear it but oh you're being serious i am and funny you should put it like that oh yeah i am asking you to get me out of here um permanently claiming that my drift just standing around stuff just kind of wears on you after a while you know i know i can only imagine tell me what i can do that blade of yours back there it's got a special power you gotta spruce it all the way up your aspect not somebody else's then let me have it with that thing and i'm out of here then you'd be dead forever you're asking me to kill you i know it's a lot to dump on you but i got my reasons i don't exactly have a lot of options here so give it some thought till then we'll act like nothing's changed all right she's the nicest of the bunches nos googly i'm just giving you a hard time but he he wants me to go ahead and upgrade my aspect of zagreus all the way to the top how many levels does it take to get to the top how many looks does it take to get to the center of the zagreus aspect take them out one bone at a time five to max it out and that would cost me what like 20 titan it only cost one each i'm pretty sure it steps up in rice right my blood oh myself okay looking good wait what did i upgrade great chance bonus attack speed and move speed 15 that's not so bad what got you pretty good again didn't i boyo i am asking you to get me out of here all that stuff about your blade and your aspect i mean you ate all of it right up oh what a piece of [ __ ] appears i've been the victim of an elaborate prank not sure that i appreciate it skelly what if i were to never hit you again how would you like you guys always check your facts i totally bought wholesale in to this who is he he's not a doctor now come on boy it was just a joke i figured things could lighten up a little here don't need to do anything instead rash fire where skelly spawns prophecy fulfilled i unlocked his hearts if i can give him more stuff not currently but you know uh yeah let's let's get started shall we um i kind of want to level up my trinkets but i kind of feel like i want to do an eight heat run and try to get this statue unlocked in case it means something significant which you know i don't know if it does or does not let's what's good what's good on the shield i feel like dionysus some sort of like if my special with the pulsing of my shield currently could give off some hangover dot or some doom or some lightning would be really cool it gives you a companion i know i haven't unlocked any companions and i don't want to know too much about them so don't go too heavy in the spoilers but this companion is so good let's see here i'm thinking what if we got like a heavy shield knockback run and we just pushed people into the walls i feel like we don't really go for poseidon very often and we need to unlock all of his stuff gotta get all the poseidon [ __ ] aphrodite we could do the weakness thing gotta run with doom on she on zeus shields red rings of death are good now if you combine uh the blade riffs with the shield throwing actually is like holy [ __ ] those go together so well besides sucks besides he's actually i had a build offline where i was able to push people around and actually it does a lot of damage it was i was able to kill people very quickly but uh is great with with them what that means let's go for blade riffs let's go for blade riffs if we can't pull that off i said eight uh we're going to step way past are we currently our heat gauge is full right now but i think that we could go harder um armored foes have perks i don't know what that means each boss contains one armored foe the exit each underworld region requires you to purge one boon to unlock it what no all foes have bonus movement speed and attack speed trap steel plus 400 percent [ __ ] dude balance from the mirror uh deactivated my super rank both deal more damage lasting consequences any effects of your life here's the problem though when i'm doing this at eight heat i'm not gonna get the darkness at the end of every run harder bosses is easy this one three measures times four i only need it right there let's jump some five to eight heat convenience i could do uh more expensive shops would be fine i could try this though not the last one i'll get extra bounties this way that i need eight or nine in my domain you either find your place or learn your place this work enough to go around haven't gotten any messages about the pizza it's gonna be tough i haven't done anything this hard i also haven't done that extra chamber that uh that heat perhaps forget chamber go then remind them of the agony which brought them to your realm special influx doom your cast sends a blade rift or your dash creates a blade rift i'm going to go special doom here be pretty good i did like the idea of blade drifting with my shield but this is an epic and i talked about how good that could be so let's start there keep fighting okay we'll get them both maybe maybe get uh actually some doom stacking would be pretty nice with that because it would just keep applying the doom instead of only doing it once harder bosses changes up attack patterns which is probably gonna hurt me like i said when i do kill them i won't get the uh the darkness slash health back for it dionysus is pretty good damage over time i don't mind that how's the volume guys is it good too loud now careful of minotaur numbskulls hmm just for you attack influx hangover your column flex hangover your health is low if your health is low restore to a threshold after it encounters let's do attack and folks hangover sounds pretty okay it's just there's there's better ones that make my attack do like bonus damage as well and i don't know if attack hangover is going to make up for how good other ones could be you know you get the heartbeat strike and it's like heartbreak strike whatever it's called and it's like 170 percent damage extra ben's boom is really good in shield but you can't always swap later and always swap later like after party since i am complaining about health maybe that is the right all right i suppose so i want the damage over time but maybe on like a festive fog or the the lasers i really like the demeter laser upgrade for the cast i think that's just hot with their ice lasers seems like knockback poseidon knockback with the shield would be pretty good since we're knocking people around if we could not come back even further and and make them hit the walls it would be spicy hangover is good for on fast hitting attacks this is you know it's not the worst but um yeah it would be pretty good but from 100 to like 150 or something like that but i think we can go for a different thing what else is there okay you want to die again pushes them into my oh what's up push them into my my little thing come get some oh my doorbell my pizza bruh pizza like pete's bruh i can smell it maybe we'll take a little slice break after the first boss after your special hits the next two attack steal plus 80 damage your dash strike deals 50 in large area bull rash deals damage to armor i'm gonna say i'm gonna say special cause i just special special special special special my shield grows stronger left heavy knuckle damage seems pretty nice pizza huts [Music] what's your favorite weapon um it used to be spear not sure what it is now having a lot of fun with the that nuke build that we built with the gun and also the uh the fists pretty fun i don't have money i can't afford that i don't have money can i get a golden pot because i've got the golden tickets lance it's demolished on the shield's pretty good too they're honestly they all have their strength with all the trifling down there and cause a real storm for once take now the fiercest of my powers and you show your no good father what you're made of i really like the uh the aspects vacuum it's chain lightning when you damage a foe your dash causes lightning to hit enemies or zeus's call i i do like lightning strike i think it's very good for crowd control but once again it's not buffing my damage at all go for the first one or to pass up an epic though cancel in and out of your spin attack with dashing and that's super useful for aspect of hades um pikachu use thunder smash yeah first all right we'll have to go try to get jolted then i feel like if you're gonna go lightning you gotta go jolted and uh zeus has some really good combinations like especially with dionysus if you get the festive fog with zeus having he shocks anybody in the fog that one's pretty good your boy steve harvey four total what's up gotta go but thanks for being you thanks for the support my friend uh sent us 19 minutes ago i did read that do you get the aspects on the bow fists and gun let's see your relatives get you out of this um the hidden hat aspects okay the hidden aspect on the fists so you gotta fight the minotaur with the fists and the knock back on this is crazy we did it beside knockback build it would be pretty strong wouldn't necessarily go well with my shield though can't seem to use the boat properly i think bo is probably the hardest one to use it used to be my favorite early on and now i'm like very difficult bam wow very nice probably afford a shop at this point in time i will [ __ ] bite you me what did i do all right here's our chance to get jolted oh that's a care in shop which i think i will do i'll pay for that lightning jolted all right we made up for the fact that our thing isn't doing any more damage uh yeah we'll do a karen fight it's early but hey free money whoops sorry dude's got just billions of dollars and i like take a penny from them i'm sorry and principal is going to try to kill me just testing me here right on i mean when you place a huge coin conspicuously within my reach what do you expect me to do a shiny floating bag i rob you from now on it's just my way of saying caron i would like to battle you to the death right now for a quick change of pace he might have uh new attack patterns though i don't know if he's considered a boss okay i'm dead i'm already dead i don't even want to go over there [Applause] great so uh this is [ __ ] nuts dude this is unprecedented wowie membership card oh crazy i appreciate your generosity i gotta go look at that pile in the back every time boy hits [ __ ] hard i don't think i've ever been hit that hard before in my life it's like what like 50 plus damage that he was doing now i used up a death defiance already and i'm at half health give me a good cast here lasers blade riffs pass the fog be my top choices yes 30 off the whole run very short run kind of like if you dive underwater you could spend the rest of your life underwater take this for the health i guess garbage choices by the way but we don't have anything to re-roll here karen the hardest boss fight because of his damage that is an insane amount of damage that he was doing i think i did really really well dodging his [ __ ] and getting some nice backstabbies off that was crazy dude that was insane i really like the the upgrades that allow me to do more damage to shields i really don't like the bull rush though i used it there and it actually went really well so maybe i should use my bull rush or maybe i'm not giving it a fair chance well i do have the money to spend the shop and there's nothing but the shop left kind of awkward to look him in the eye though now that was hella clenched huts you missed a sub oh look at the sub diana thane welcome you on the fame thank you molo and tragic souls gifted a sub to volcanos falcolus or kelas maybe aries blade rift uh cast she is for the discount dash becomes a blade rift your attack special and cast deal more damage after you take damage boom i don't think that blade dash is very strong buy it all easy easy i'm gonna take urge to kill here yeah as well delicious chain lightning strike doom strike doom strike here and will this if it's not a room reward do i also get the re-roll for buying a key probably not right um don't take blade rest when you have deal we'll dilute his boon pool we'll start to see like the blade rush suck people in and hit a wire to area and no re-roll that has to be a room reward you gotta read the fine prints uh probably gonna die here too against the sisters who are just gonna clobber the [ __ ] out of my neck hope i didn't keep you waiting ladies i can't believe it you signed the pact of punishment have you completely lost your mind or just well if you're going to be so rude about it maybe a little of each what do you even care which packs i sign or don't i'm not an idiot i see what you're doing you want to be punished then come on i never saw the special thing that made me that allowed me to go in at five eats [Music] wow that doom shield combo is saucy real real good i literally just sent the shield out and was just like i don't know running around the room doing nothing and she got bobbed how much is this game on pc not sure you withstood got to do it at some point in time it's required instantly restore death defiance for 160. i'm thinking about it you might need it let's go up don't get mirror bonus from foes having bloodstones in them second if you want doom build you should be aiming for the dire misfortune and impending doom blade rifts will put their own upgrades in aries boom pool you don't get mirror bonus from foes having bloodstones i don't get a mirror bonus that looks like a sexy pizza you guys i'm gonna have at least one of these slices i did put on there that i wanted the spicy garlic dipping sauce i ended up just getting three of the normal garlic dipping sauces they must have missed that on the order rip cancel it take it back to them all those gifting subs to galaxygamer thank you molo and nerd resub 34 what's up nerd how's it going no balls if you don't finish the pie i'm hungry enough that i feel like i totally could i'm gonna cheat cheat hard i'm time finally this is super good you guys increase the chance of getting a boon that will allow doom to stack and i'll be every hit yeah right if i did not go blade riff i'm just not talking to the mic i know that i'm not i can yell at it like this i just dripped garlic sauce my keyboard rip almost done peace that's what i meant by doom stacking in the beginning guys actually get almost 50 dodge with zag fist plume and hermes boone sounds pretty dope all right i've had my one slice i didn't sign up for this you signed up for athena that's not athena i hate the whole pie while playing hades bro if i've got hot feet shouldn't i be able to walk in magma i literally have burning feet advanced magma advanced darkness boy didn't even get lifted off the ground didn't even take off [Music] curse of pain leveled up as well which is more doom damage very good i thought it was going to make me choose between athena or chaos boon what's up got my workout in and have done some art and doing some fun stuff honestly it could be worse that's nice all right i don't really want to give up the health here on nine or eight heat rather but [Music] zarya what's up you cannot earn money my attack deals more damage your life total reduced 110 damage striking phones from behind take 20 more spent more damage 28 chance to be rarer or better i'm gonna go with excruciating excruciating favor i want my boons to be up okay where's my athena i thought i was a promised uh some athena here no shield is so good and the doom shield is so good jumps into lava because i've got hot feet so i can last a couple seconds in lava where'd he go oh he died like all that stuff that we got i need to sell it no athena apparently does not exist this is good we'll get our health back assuming i don't die stop hiding i need to kill you faster why help yourself be low i'll take it full health else very much so worth it um definitely definitely definitely let me go with this lady here steady now looks like diablo and plays a lot like diablo haha i love diablo it's going have you seen this at all hades kid [Music] pizza sitting here is just too tempting do i not eat more slices then i haven't heard good things oh for me really your majesty this will be perfect for my latest recipes you know of all the souls i've ever met i feel like you put this stuff to the best possible use why not have a quick bite of something to eat before you head on out hon that's what i'm doing up to two random boons if yours are upgraded to the next rarity palm porridge four random boons gain plus one level or next three boons you find our upgraded rarity uh we have some really big hitters to go so i'm thinking stacking the chaos things are more rare plus the refreshing nectar we might be able to pull off some legendaries i don't know i just you know hey i'm gonna throw it out there possible or some duos [Music] otherwise i would have upgraded the rarity of the one that i already have curse the pain um fire would have been you know cool lightning strike higher [Music] it always it's the ones that you don't want to though there's my athena we still have the chaos spoon um in effect so that's not going to be affecting this rarity but high chance very high chance that we'll get either the dash the call or the phalanx shot until next time eat that's that pizza slice hmm you're done you got squashed you before he tends to seek out revelry not conflict i'm pleased to know he's making himself useful here 90 um crap reduction is pretty good let me go with athena call though i see this power no dash deflect i think we get a better cast the call was on that list of things i wanted so message for me uh more dashes more dashes faster attack or the locomotion victories of late boss happens right you've seen the sort of bounce right back though let me help with that i like soft strike i like greater haste let me go swish strike 30 is pretty good that's one more fish for me trust station i'm gonna re-roll that palm i can't get something good then i'll just go to my shop where things are pretty cheap that looks fun plus greek lore is the bomb yeah this this game's got it all it's very good i recommend in the name of hades i mean i wouldn't be here playing it if i didn't there's my dash deflect i'm gonna go for it pretty hot fish in the name of hades bash deflect oh and every time i dash i am uh am i sturdy as well dash deals damage and can deflect okay no i'm just i just deflect everything while i'm dashing and i i find it to be like unbelievably forgiving it's very good freak lore but the gods are nice instead of massive [ __ ] all the time lamont they like me what the [ __ ] i don't like this at all i think i missed i think i missed again fired and i missed this is balls dude oh he got me damage pain to my face pain in my face oh he's moving learning also never seen such [ __ ] before oh lottie coming he he detached i thought he had a body is just neck enough my boot from master chaos has evolved bowser looks like he learned a new trick freaking learning one small step for mankind no one small snapper man one giant sleep for learnkind i'm butchered the [ __ ] out of that mine you know what i mean the fact that there's not a fishing spot on this new level is absolute horseshit one small step zag one giant leap for learning i'm kind of just thinking about going with my palm blossom every four encounters i gained one palm we've got really good stuff so leveling it all up would be pretty good although what would i want to see right now we need a cast i think that going with dionysus festive fog would combine nicely with our our shield throw sorry it's gross yeah pum ah let's just go the pump or cascade it's pretty cheap that's fringe get out of here i holding up scone in these times we tried not to get political earlier we failed if it's between a god upgrade that i want or a or a dallas hammer and the uh chaos gate i'm not choosing chaos gate this keeps happening to me armies wouldn't even be bad this spear guy is the most unfair enemy i've ever seen even if you're perfectly able to stun lock him he hits you he somehow gets some shots off while he's done locked pretty aegis just a bit longer using the lesser calls is something that i need to do more to when it's just ready a little bit you could totally get away with doing some cool [ __ ] like i just did i don't have to get it all the way up to the top bull rush dash strike bull rush i never bull rush i just don't bull rush i just don't even believe in bull rushing i think bull rushing is a load of bull rush but uh what about dashing wallop yes says arku charge shot is amazing let's try it because you're excited about it let's try it i shoot then i got it lester call worth because most chambers you can't yeah you can't even get a fully charged it was just not something i necessarily thought about it just kind of felt like it was a thing that i would only really end up using in boss rooms and and i should use it all the time it's there take advantage of it like hades i suggest watching vol rhyme or alien watching isn't like it's a show this does seem like it'd be um pretty good especially for like these enemies to be able to shoot them and knock them back i'm on board every single time that we pick up um darkness as a room reward we get health back sixty percent of the darkness gain goes into our health as well zeus or shop because i'm thinking the shop could be to totally to be totally cool i wouldn't mind going for zeus and getting the zeus uh chain lightning spell that could really help us out on uh toots yeah maybe i just was reading scone scone got into my brain chop at the discount zeus we could be totally totally zeuseful shop all the way the yeah if i'm thinking about um the other things that i could get from poseidon is there a dual boon i don't know what poseidon aries duo boon there might be i don't think we probably uh unlocked it it probably has to do with his blade riffs maybe there could be an athena boon with zeus i've never watched this game how do work bossy kitty sexy tier 2 sub 18 months in a row welcome back appreciate that and more dane trauma prime sub welcome friendo exciting aries bloodshot fight karen again it's a grab bag so we don't even know but i mean i would have bought it no matter what it was this just makes it cheaper right [Music] [Music] funny god gauge charges up faster when you deal or take damage amazing uh after i take damage the flows are struck by lightning cast is a burst of chain lightning i'm gonna go without a judgment here uh our call is super good having our call activate faster always hits the spot there we go we just leveled it up to two which what did it go from like 14 to 16 not very very good but more zeus we could we could not fight the minotaur because you guys had the minitar be really tough right whatever let's try it yeah we need to upgrade our dashes if we're gonna dash deflect appropriately fight fight fight zeus stonks [Music] around the corner and i'll hit a smack in the face so smack in the butt i'm out i'm out [Music] too late for your shields bro it pooed on good good all right he just said get good all right more dashes [ __ ] uh hyper spread is pretty good it's a dodge automatically they drop the we're not casting it i'm gonna go hyper sprint here hyper sprint really gets me out of trouble yeah i am thinking that actually hyperspin is pretty good though that's pretty good festive fog and uh doomstack call it now festive fog doomstack we probably want to fight ares because we want to fill our cast slot before we choose aries so that ares doesn't try to give me some [ __ ] um blade rift cast we won't be able to fight this i think it's going to be 10 heat minimum i feel i'm feeling the heat pun intended at eight i can't imagine doing a 15 heat run okay so dionysus first carries for black metal that's the worst trippy cast shot thing ever but i'm going to do it especially to give myself a higher chance of the aries boon that i want max health sounds pretty nice for me fountain's giving me more damage sounds pretty nice to me with still light for strong drink this is still helpful to side against me thus blood needs to be shed and yours is going to suffice i don't want to be in there i don't even want to be in there where are they um hello i'm gonna take it slow i'm gonna do this right i'm out i'm also splitting them up which is just working out great there's more we're getting more spawns took some damage there i'm a failure i'm sorry mama meant to hurt you i'm never meant to make you cry tonight i'm killing the spear [ __ ] i'm liking the super shot knock back probably the best part 100 day hots super good now i got pizza it's been hectic this whole election things got everyone all crazy well we didn't get it it deals more damage and takes longer to activate probably yeah [Music] any of these that i would not want what kind of pizza it's got i believe it's a meat lover's pizza with added onion and jalapeno oh take longer to activate uh 0.5 seconds is not going to make or break any of this stuff so i think we go with that sounds delicious it's very good oh my zeus i i could totally just avoid the zeus and not fight the minotaur how about another well yeah see see what i mean it could be the butterfly [ __ ] but you don't know random right through it right into my trap we've activated my trap card to keep keep pushing them back into the into the thing with the stuff you know the thing it does that stuff well they were also invulnerable and were kind of my favorite what if i give you some stuff first what if i bribe you lord aries i honor you for all the strength you've given me to overcome my foes such a splendid offering to me how very thoughtful they're my kin i am taken aback who i accept i appreciate her too hard in the name of hades now dire misfortune though is that the one your doom effect still more damage when applied multiple times close your damn mouth hey whoa i'm streaming over dinner time i gotta eat nine months have another chance to come by on a live stream but i enjoy every minute of your content keep on keeping on thank you so much i appreciate that but baby you're now you're more op is this not the stack one what's black metal you have to fight the bull anyway in the boss fight i know but fighting him twice sounds bad maybe it would have been better to fight him once so that i could learn the attack patterns before i just jump straight in i kind of a feeling we're gonna die it is the stack okay cool the black metal one then this stuff black melee blade rift effects steal damage in a wider area that's not what i want i'm not blade rifting will you time a black metal then come on you bro you looking at this power right now i am the senate no you're gross no you kind of totally forgetting about my festive fog how did you still hit me there i was the most millennial insult i've ever heard what's up with all these h new sub thingies what's up badge what's up with all these sub badges they're so bad huh i don't want more dashes still from hermes but i'm not getting it if i go for health from the darkness or re-rolls from the key pierces pretty cool let's keep pushing them back into my shields we're still here oh they broke it through the barrier dd oh [ __ ] traps on the side excuse me i asked for the traps to be on the side not in my main meal you'll be hearing from your manager about this or dead why is everyone doing like 50 000 gazillion bajillion times more damage took a bite out of me there yeah they did i need some healing bro let's hit the shop up and buy everything that he's got hopefully there's a hoagie sub i could re-roll the heart go for like a dawdless hammer but you upped their damage yeah by 20 not 100 percent not 150 percent 20 percent i believe [Music] this money no festive fog also deals lightning damage well that's the one that was that's it that's the thing the the building strength would not be bad we'd be invulnerable and we would be doing more damage but i gotta go with the scintillating feast god's grant me strength hunter bits from boswell appreciate that one pound of ham 33 months welcome back also prime sub from bozwear yeah baby thank you for that i think what we're doing here is going hard on the doom but do i want to go from 168 to 187 or 85 percent more damage what's 20 of 168 is that higher than [Music] 187-168 because i think it is [Music] 36 no 32 33 right [Music] learn something new every day [Music] shopping my senses that wasn't me all right let's be slow and methodical on this fight now what the [ __ ] it's finally time mysterious he's here does he have a minigun you vile insignificant he'll spawn prepare now to be overrun he has guns and bullets oh this is unfair that's a bronze-plated macedonian tower lambda what's an obnoxious belly acre like you doing with the most durable chariot created to date you don't deserve to know suffice it that asterius and i were handsomely rewarded once again and we shall not hesitate to exploit our hard-fought spoils against you we're dead for sure what the absolute balls dude [Applause] boys spinning bombs these are so many bombs how could there be more bumps the bumps mom this isn't even [ __ ] fair oh this is working out though oh i was dashing out after my call you [ __ ] cheater he's just laughing maniacally your next king [Applause] running away he doesn't shoot the bombs out very quickly worth noting oh he's back in the ground you think you have the wherewithal to achieve wow fosware with 294 bits corgo294 thank you for that okay so how difficult is uh haiti's fight gonna be probably pretty messed up doug nasty thanks to the prime sub [Applause] and a perfect way to describe my skill praise thug nasty bro they weren't that great was he supposed to have guns with this much heat is that a guarantee we keep harvard the palm blossom yeah i don't know what else i need maybe the harpy feather duster for health but you know what i'm gonna do it well maybe the lucky tooth honestly for another um death defiance [Music] cryo 5000 bits nice fight dad you made it look easy as i'm like oh is it so unfair 46 health for 68 money i'm gonna pass on that go ahead and see i thought about it we discussed it we ended up going with no usually get the best lines pines never played hades or watched anyone play it is it good watch me play it you'll see how much fun i'm gonna have you'll see how me gets slaughtered in these ridiculously tough seder caves this is not gonna go well i i i'm imagining if that is how that fight went imagine the hades fight which i still lose on sometimes it's super hard yes it is unbelievably hard and i'm thinking honestly pk what's up i missed the treat stream again damn i'm picking out pizza right now who did the treat stream this time i don't know if anyone uh claimed it maybe they did and i didn't see it was it nerd hang mathagix is me was it you king for real wasn't me nerd um i'm kind of almost feeling hey uh hermes for well probably dionysus maybe for something that could stack off of our festive fog lightning but yep this is king how is it well thank you so much i appreciate it it's very good it's super good look i'm playing isaac for the first time i have no clue what anything is [Music] that aries is calling my name mystery stream again oh squat 50 months such a good number thank you so much squad i appreciate the ears of support [Music] how's it going squat answer my message since i did it last time but couldn't actually sub last time hmm zeus sounds okay we get something that stacks off of our our festive fog shock uh our main attack does shock we have jolted and maybe there's something that we can do to up those things [Music] let's see what's in here i was a little nervous with everything going on i'm gonna stand in the festive fog we should be safe ouch who bit me who [ __ ] my pants um yeah i was a little worried about streaming today with everything going on and i was a little worried about it the our our talks getting political today and they kind of did get political but i think we handle it really well [Music] um athena aries duo what's that one look for golden pots i get stuck there i try to dash out there we go there we go there it is oh there it is i was dashing over here oh yeah this little wall chunk i think that we can all agree that wall chunks are the worst thing that's ever happened in any video games this see this this corner killing me smalls like in gungeon biggest enemy toughest enemy corners of walls walls are the most opie enemy i missed terribly send that into the corner and then forget about him you idiot you walked right up to me i'm poisoned how did he get a shot off i don't understand this game sometimes at all my fist is like up his [ __ ] and i'm like dangling his body parts and he's like no that's you don't have shields your stun locks that one was fine i don't know i don't dispute that one i'm empty the knockback on this i feel like we should have gone poseidon i feel like we should have gone poseidon with that think about how strong our knockback would be right now if we had title dash and our knockback punch we will be flying across the map olympus i accept this message after you dash no after you take damage no after call deal more damage 15 seconds yeah i mean okay after i take damage automatically jolting the enemy could have been pretty good but let's see shot bounces so i don't have the ability [Music] going fishing river sticks fish [Music] fix dish a guppy i can use this your guard gauge charges automatically plus three dashes cast a rap these are all if i could have them all i would have them all one percent every second would be pretty dope our our god gage would be charging up real quick but dashing is going to be important for haiti's fight for dodging his massive sweeps that'll end up doing i think 70 damage this gives me more invincibility true but if i get hit once i'm dead i gotta go with number two they're all very very good and i'm happy to have all of them especially stacking with dash deflect i think i need the dashes i want the aries i just don't want to fight a a boss here these bosses are tough i'll take another hmm less damage from traps maybe and then we can go into the other caves maybe it's in here pulling up hades give me a hades mod that gives me a choice of four rooms death defiance recharge that would be very handy i've never been concerned with death defiance i guess when i was first learning the game i was but not like i am right now this is gonna be tough man it's been a while since we've had a clincher weirdos doorways and some of the basement runs that got me raging i felt like i dead ended even with the mini map on come on wall fragments and isaac what about that one room you walked into and there are the uh the super fast eyeball runner globs and then there's that like spot to the right and left where there's like a hole and you get like stuck ugh imagine if there was a pulling of hades that would be kind of cool spk yes it would yes it would but i'm going to squat so i take off i miss it let's see if i can fix my expedite for delivery day since i still need it stores open for another few hours hide behind [ __ ] cry oh he almost got me still poison clouds doom damage though how's that going it looks horrible don't don't stop moving on the [ __ ] poison [ __ ] you silly i'm being so defensive that defiance makes you impervious longer replenish one use probably pretty good here oh it's even got a little uh athena symbol on it bottom left you see the top little three orbs one's a bony boy from the tooth and the the collectible thing that i've got one's normal the picture of me it's a little latina symbol you're a beyblade champion lol do i want another aries boon i might save up for a dionysus i'm gonna go ares maybe i'll go money now i'm sad back to three defiances very true started with three right squad is still here are they trying to fix this he's got he's not here he is here he's not here and he is here but then he's not here i think you look away he's on your lap look at you man now look at me now look at your man now look back at me but that reminded me of anyone name that reference look at all the shock that comes down in this this fog planet's fogging old spice i'm on a horse just hats off to that uh that marketing team that would have been a tough sell you imagine like a stuffy room of a bunch of old dudes in suits and you're like all right imagine what's this what's the guy's name terry smith like just like this super buff dude in a bathroom screaming at the top of his lungs while doing a sexy oiled up pec dance how does that hit you close your eyes look at your man now look at me i'm on a horse terry crews terry thatched ted cruz who oh imagine the old spice commercial with ted cruz doing uh doing a peck dance i didn't want to get political here but yo yeah i usually find it on the third one second or third for me open up a little bit i'm singing in the oil i'm singing in the oil after all that working soil i'm just singing in the oil didn't even get up to foil let's just go down this sata hole i can leave or explore more tunnels and i appreciate that ted cruz i don't want to get political but is the fastest way to start an argument limo well you want to argue with me about ted cruz doing a peck dance get it on i'll take it i take less damage while standing in the festive fog you take less damage while 40 or below health gain health when picking up the blah blah blah i'm thinking about uh 40 15 damage resists i mean it's this is like a constant 15 damage resistance if i'm really good at casting you could probably be pretty active all the time they're both good tom cruise better after using death defiance deal more damage this encounter after slaying a foe your next attack or special deals more damage after you take damage and flick doom who's around you let me go blood frenzy because we are definitely definitely going to be using a death defiance and to be doing 30 more damage probably just once i could go for a super tough i'm going to know no maybe no let me think about that for a nope already done that's doing a pack dance see you boy cold out there baby it's cold outside i got to see my mom boy it's cold the hades version of the song i'm back father already here seems our underworld still has many feelings i shall have to deal with after this after this well they didn't change the arena so i'm assuming that something super [ __ ] up is going to happen with his attack patterns how don't you darkness me immediately i see you thank god for extra dashes ah see what i meant why don't you clean your chamber my chambers just aren't as enjoyable to fight you and your clever with intelligence [Music] oh he [ __ ] got me there i'm not noticing anything new so what if he has a third phase i'm doing the math and i'm coming up with third phase here stop running away when i'm doing my thing he [ __ ] got me at the end let's go missed gotta run kind of blessed he's all mad and [ __ ] wait where'd they go didn't he just set traps oh gotta run oh my [ __ ] god i don't even know he was doing that i'm invulnerable dumb ass oh that was incredibly easy i don't think that haiti's gotta power up at all there in my father's name it was a pretty good build blood all our dashes though was it five six dashes plus the ability to dash deflect and have the uh the super dash we were all over the place he couldn't keep up with me the underworld prince is getting rather good at this but let us say anyhow nothing changes for the hades fight if it's x3 no no taken by the sticks drink water i am drinking drink your water and that one is a victory a house no one is home this hour a moment what hold child i have a message for you from my daughters themselves concerning the blade of the underworld in your possession yo what up wait do you mean the fates and stygius i'm honored that they would have taken any notice of me what is it that they want for me to know wish for me to impart to you these words so that your blade in turn may hear them uttered from your lips i see your kingly pardon from a prison of stone repeat them and remember king arthur i see your kingly pardon from a prison of stone this must be for one of the weapons hidden forms please tell your daughters i am very grateful nix i shall child although i'm certain they already know though whether they are aiding you or this is simply what must come to pass i cannot say i'll take my chances it's the former flying the sword in the stone kingly all adds up i have to ask you for a favor meg and i'm willing to make it worth your while if you'll hear me out wow a proposition zach yes let's hear it then well i'm in a charitable mood is the brightest [ __ ] lipstick i've ever seen it's about sisyphus if i can get my father to alleviate his sentence would you just ease off of him a little bit you and your sisters i think he suffered quite enough under your whips i don't know what you see in him i swear but you don't need to ask such things of me if you can overturn a sentence with lord hades i'd like nothing better than to never see that miserable shade again it's a deal like she needs to drink water too do what you will with these my good chef i'm much obliged i can afford another uh i must confess something to you my friend my mind still wanders to eurydice quite often and my memories of her despite my best attempts to move along with my existence here i would call it a fatal flaw except i am already dead don't torture yourself mate you've been through enough as is she you still care for one another just don't have a way to get the point across but i have an idea i too once had ideas secrets ideas and inspirations it was so very wonderful to have a muse orpheus is depressed i know all right so nobody's still home let's just go i should check the garden let's go let's check the sword the prophecy has been fulfilled is this one skeleton maybe slain i guess i'm glad skelly's not permanently dead by the last fated authority not the last there's more to go 22.50 say uh skelly how did you get here anyway oh you know just kind of zapped right in like papa lets us do some of us sometimes why do you ask i meant how did you get to the realm of the dead in the first place lord please whisk you to the entryway thanatos scoop you up karen give you a lift what like jdm anime itaku for the nine months but baby welcome back well that's a little personal don't you think boyo i i don't like to talk about it much so if i could have a little privacy hmm what this guy can i unlock you unveil [Music] no problem know what i mean of course that was just the easy one you got there pretty sure i could have got that one myself wait just so i understand i literally toiled through hell and back and my reward is just a statue of you don't get me wrong it's lovely it's just my exact reaction you know what i expected look boy oh there was a little mix up when we put in the request for that thing see i told him to make something that'll make me look good with my sources and anyway that's how it all turned out the other ones turned out much better though you'll see i'll temper my expectations just in case that's it there's no like upgrade i don't get like a permanent upgrade for this let's see here oh come on the useless trinket is the achievement huh hey all right sword go stygius i see your kingly pardon from a prison of stone aspect of arthur i knew it what sort of name is arthur you have holy excalibur and 50 max life or a damage reduction which is what the attack special creates a defensive aura that slows hoes okay is it good lost chat there for a second it disconnected you guys still there marco says yes very good is it the best though big damage slow animation makes you get hit more kinda thousand bits from cryo did max that out and kill skelly dad max that out and kill skelly i did that on this one and i killed him and i got the thing with the stuff you can dash mid combo though well i've dark thrust on this so i don't maybe i'll use this first but the garden will do that before i stop this youtube video oh come on hades mortals are much more resilient than that what do you think they'll show up at your gates here all at once that is what i'm afraid of do you truly believe my brothers and the rest shall take the sort of care of them while they draw breath as we do here after they have expired what's going on it's true we have to look out for them indefinitely while olympus need only look out for them for a little while but our relatives are always watching from their mountain and if they do turn a blind eye once in a while mortals aren't bad at fending for themselves but they are never satisfied always begging us to provide more and more they like us hades they praise us tell one another about us what do you expect would you rather they forgot about us no no i suppose not but they need us well we need them dad's learning what's bound to happen really oh oh good stuff
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 7,038
Rating: 4.9469028 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Action Roguelike, action, indie, rpg, roguelike, hack and slash, dungeon crawler, roguelite, mythology, hand drawn, difficult, funny, fail, levels, bosses, tips and tricks, playthrough, footage, gameplay
Id: W1oAKAdlhl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 57sec (6057 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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