The Dungeon Run - Episode 16: Whitebeard’s Jutty

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you're about to watch another episode of the dungeon run but did you know that you can actually be part of the adventure when you tune in live on Wednesday nights at 6 p.m. Pacific time you can make your voice heard and help determine the fate of our adventurers we hope to see you there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] resumes and welcome to the dungeon a live tabletop role-playing game where your interactions help tell the tale I am Lord arable Keeper of Secrets and your host for tonight's campaign together we stand witness as our intrepid adventurers face terrible danger and most certain doom in their quest for glory valor and most importantly treasure yes throughout our time together you will be called upon to help guide decisions made within the game in addition to our live chat interactions those that are brave enough can purchase one of five unique digital items you could bestow upon the adventuring party the gift of advantage the ability who rolled who 20-sided dice at once and chose higher of do or for those of you that feel the players have had it too easy up until now you're crazy by the way you can set the trap of disadvantage if player has bandaged this disadvantage will counter it and if a player does not have an advantage well well well they were all to 20 sanitize it once and take the lowest after all what live his pain perhaps you'll want to be the wind at her adventurers backs and allow them to draw from the force of good deck or to an addition challenge force you can purchase the force of evil card and you have to be evil to do that when you buy one of these digital items please specify which player at the table it is for or guess what I'll decide for you understood oh that's not all please remember it's on you you can purchase an IOU and each time you do it will light the force of good candle and when you when the goal of 20 candles is reached a force of good card will be awarded to a random number of the team if at the end of tonight's adventure there are candles stilted they will carry over to the next show also you have the power to submit your idea for a force of good or force of evil card and we might use it on the show head over to the dungeon rank fandom comm to submit you can upload your fan art there as well and to those who have already submitted I see you and I thank you such a mind and we oh wait hold on we have dungeon run sure seriously check it out we have four shirts available the dungeon run logo you've seen it before rosy cheeks pub and tavern hall that's right drinks on me just kidding me plebs our fiery little bird and my personal favorite yes it's me Lord Arab and get them all purchase them over at the dungeon run dot fandom calm now let's meet her brave souls the cast of characters if you will please welcome Katie Michaels as Lily Dumble stuck good evening yeah sir Ronald Ogden as Argo good night good night no it's the nights just beginning if Morgan Peter Brown is James Willis sup sup Jess Jessica Layton parson says Fatima Tiger hello that's more like it Jared K Jack is silver he's away so I'm taking odds on how well we do on the jetty tonight you want in on that yes alright all my gold I'm yeah yeah but both everything and our Dungeon Master himself mr. GF could not her are you doing all right man I'm good Jeff you you look spectacular it's not a new cloak it's the same one that is before I I washed it as their journey continues I'll order about will be joining you in your social conversations around the game so keep an eye out for my avatar and comments and before we begin I have a favor to ask of you it would give me great pleasure if you would share should just click below and let all of your admirers know that you are watching the tundra now keep the comments coming be ever vigilant and let the dice well before we start tonight something pretty special what a viewer has sent you guys a gift Jason Brown made minis for all of you what oh one hero forge they're pretty great he nailed all of you this is a sieve red thistle nice Jason 0 for G kidding me this is for Emmett I sleep in fact this is James quilling dude please hand I go down he's got purple smoke purple smoke coming out of his hand yes oh good and this is jason said that he has never done anything like this before i'm probably won't ever again but i can't i can't believe that because they are there so well guess it's amazing how perfect all of you came out so I wanted that to be a surprise and I've got books next to me while there's a flute in Lily's hand it's quite extraordinary to the point of although his blue eyes now I got here you did apologize you said I know that Fatima and James both have glasses and he tried to make glasses but he said one hero force before yeah there's a meet like that's crazy wild right okay wow thank you Jason let's catch everybody up shall we oh I I've lost control we saved the toys to the end learn anything as a father okay ready yes is started as a simple dungeon run five new adventurers who happen to find one of the most powerful artifacts in the entire world the secret keepers amulet an item that allows you the watchers of the time stream to influence their world and bring chaos to them wherever they go but it also set them off on an epic quest to find the missing wardens of ein the great protectors of the realms who have been disappearing captured and imprisoned having already freed one of these wardens from a tower in the sky our teams set off to find another this time out in the ocean a wizard by the name of Claude yet Maugham fellow procured travel for them aboard the tardy plunder and when they arrived by portal the vessel was sailing east on course to enter the treacherous waters of the deep reef but when the team heard that Lily's Island home of Bingle was under attack they forced the ship's captain nervous blowhard to turn the ship around so they could mount a courageous defense of the island and defended they did defeating the evil copper ooh who had been using mind control to command an army of sea creatures to terrorize Bingle's idyllic Shores but the journey to Bingle was a costly one rerouting the ship back toward the island meant they sailed headlong into a storm and into the path of a group of vicious harpies while the team managed to save one crewman who was thrown overboard two others lost their lives including the ship's helmsman loudmouth the mute who drowned as the ship sailed away unable to even call out for help when the heroes of Bingle returned to the tardy plunder after a night of celebration and reverie they found a new problem waiting for them Mertes blowhard and his crew were unwilling to brave the unforgiving waters of the deep reef without loudmouths experience at the wheel Mervis told them that if they were still hell-bent on sailing into deep reef there was only one other helmsman alive that he trusts to make the journey saugus and fleek unfortunately then fleek served at the pleasure of Marisa's arch-nemesis the very man who had cut out loudmouths tongue the pirate known his white beard but when Mervis suggested infiltrating white beard stronghold taking saugus van fleek and killing white beard on the way out tempers flared ago refused to consider the offer and nearly found himself thrown in the brig as the entire ship's crew was summoned swords out to the captain's stateroom luckily James managed to cast suggestion on nervous once again influencing his mind and narrow it narrowly averting a deadly confrontation along night past sieve made a connection with the bosun Sharn who told him of blowhard and white beards contentious past then he and fátima took a risky sojourn into the captains chambers searching for clues that might shed more light on that relationship instead they found Marissa's hidden stash of porcelain figurines lovingly displayed near a pinup of Lily's old drinking opponent from rosy cheeks pub and tavern hall feisty Gail Hammersmith legend as we ended last week the heroes of bingo were still trying to work out their differences and come up with a plan they prevailed upon the wizard Claudia to join them in their quest to find saugus VanFleet and spied an enormous shelled sea creature in the water as they approached the island of we're a gorgeous sight the island lush green high atop it the Shelf of waterfalls punctuating its circumference cascading out and over and into the sea we pick up our tail as the tardy plunder anchors itself a safe distance from the island and the heroes of Bingle prepare to row out in search of white beards jetty yard you know all right so we are still on the tardy plunder but you can only see the island in the distance as I mentioned it is punctuated around all sides by waterfalls it's a gorgeous beautiful sight and it's clear that you're going to have to row from here to get to the stronghold are there any signs of civilization like outposts the tower like viewing towers or ships docked anywhere that we can see no okay I would say probably about eleven o'clock in the morning okay yeah how much sunlight do we have like what time does the Sun normally set about six seven o'clock okay how long about there it would probably be an hour or so throwing it I'll go as Swift pace the the Mervis is nowhere to be found right now he's still in his quarters and the scuttlebutt on the boat is that he is a little embarrassed that he passed out and unwilling to sort of make an appearance this morning is Steve around or yeah or sure Steve and Shawn are both present they're sort of helping prepare the the dinghy to disembark off the ship all right as they are um do either of you um have had either of either of you ever met salgas van fleek is there a description we can get I mean because we're about to walk into strange territory looking for someone we took know yeah well now studied under Van fleek but he was unable to tell us about him as you can imagine yes right I do know that this island stronghold is set up to prevent the casual visitor so to speak there's dangers ahead for sure yes is there a cove an inlet somewhere that that the ships may be hiding that could give us some sort of clue word is that the jetty is behind a waterfall but which waterfall is the question yes the designers of the jetty per white beards suggestion have created a system where only the best pirates can gain entrance or find the correct waterfall yes I don't know what happens if you try the wrong one but I can't imagine you'll emerge alive you mean there's traps well there's uh my understanding is there's a code down at the bottom of the ocean visible and only attainable by the best pirates the best fares of the sea yes I don't know exactly how it works but I assume you'll find it as you approach the only good news it's on the ocean floor you said yes the bottom of the water as you approach but the crystal blue waters probably give you a good view down there mm-hmm my only bit of Solace for you is the fact that in a small boat they may not be expecting you to arrive does white beard have a boat or a vessel observe a Dwarfs where where would that be probably in his stronghold inside the island crucially and do you know how many men white beard serves a cert that serve underneath white beard it's quite a few hundreds perhaps I don't don't know are they all as loyal as you are to your captain or can they be swayed with treasure well let's just say white beard does not inspire confidence yes we've heard of many parents leaving his service as loudmouth did hmm and why is that he's a terrible man he cuts the tongue out of people who serve Him I select Li who inhabits the island what who inhabits the island you mean besides the Pirates just them yes Wow so some very dangerous and what should we say is saga spends weeks reason for coming with us I don't know I'm assuming he can be bribed with treasure most pirates can uh just a question just a thought I've had um do pirates occasionally that you've heard of arrive seeking employment with him that perhaps we could masquerade as that's an interesting gambit yes sorry I know he has a large crew and he must acquire them somehow I've kept a wide berth from those sort yes there's a reason we're on the tardy plunder perhaps if we disguised ourselves as pirates that would be a way to enter in their defenses at least get them to give us a moment's you know hesitation before trying to kill us it's worth a try although I would suspect there will be suspicious of any interlopers especially people that managed to gain admittance to what is clearly a stronghold for members only if you catch my drift I think so do you happen to have any um it's a sort of awkward any extra clothes pirate clothes I am NOT what exactly our pirate clothes dirty and torn I wouldn't have put it exactly that way but more let's say um and I'm sort of pointing to their you know um sort of hit with a bit more salt you know if things that look as if they've been worn on the ocean a bit more well obviously those we can find something what are they trying to say about our clothes calm down child do I look like a pirate Sean seriously look like huts I've heard worse so that's fine but you've made two forces are good two forces are good mmm when the DM makes himself left there's one for Civ and one for Fatima is from middle-aged sim there yes thirteen ages thirteen yes thank you ages thirteen I wonder if that's a pun age is 13 I know it would be if it was me I would be very good for 13 years re the stuff inside Stretch Armstrong the 80s were good to us a Stretch Armstrong doll that looks like a mini ago appears in front of you you pull his arms but he unfortunately breaks apart and purple ooze explodes from him is it good is evil let the dice decide roll a d6 one through three evil and I take damage four through six good and I take healing ooh can I tear this open Leah okay cool - called Community Chest this if you are submitted nice how did this card get him the deck you have won second prize in a beauty contest collect ten gold do not pass go mmm huge ice all right then gold to the party North to your person whatever means she she won that second place on her own he missed too young to catch a monopoly references okay so stinky Steve manages to collect some some used shirts and pantaloons and even a hat or two for each of you I think or for the group and it's the best you can do they're not these are not laundered these are not you know they don't smell great they're not actually very fancy these are discarded things that were actually being used as rag this but me brings them to me I'm gonna go to work like kind of costuming everyone a little bit with us I'm gonna black out a tooth all right my studded leather like I'll keep the armor on obviously but yeah like scarves and hemp necklace attempted to pirate up then we probably look like cheesy Disney costume party but then I match are you guys hopping into the buoy and hang out yes okay so our plan is to appear like we're looking for employment I mean III think at least that could be a so to speak cover story well I'd like to I'd like to try to use stealth new minis is club sorry but yet I think it's coming right Claudia it's coming have we considered that maybe what the people on a ship are telling us is the flip of the truth it's possible good god what's the word adversary guys thank you yes main adversary has taken care of yes I thought they are being used and I don't like it well look at this I go we're going to meet white beard and well I don't if he's a monster I will kill him and I have no problem with that but I am NOT taking someone's word for that and I think we need to make sure that we are not doing that perfect I just want to make sure that's what's going on no I don't always understand well guess what if we're in the if we're in the the dinghy now yes yes no I by no means am I suggesting that we just take their word for it so yes I think information-gathering is probably the first first order of business and then we'll decide what to do and remember blowhard himself said he's not expecting us to kill why God give him trouble yeah and I think looking at us I think we could probably do a good job of that yeah okay can I send me behead sure I can cause trouble no problem the scouts now potentially for that code as well right so meet leaves your shoulder and goes up into the sky dozens of feet the sky starts flying ahead and circling around Claudia also got into pirate gear you wanted to have her be pirated so this is a you know a yeah you say but pirated as a verb I did okay just checking you're welcome a pirated for the our there is it possible to do a short rest for people that aren't rowing sure that would be everybody but now go I mean this is this is pretty full dinging at this point it's not meant for six passengers so you're kind of sitting low in the water a little bit and it takes a little more effort to to row is it you're still doing a solo yes okay let us know if it gets too hard and I think no such thing so because I used sending twice at the end of the of our last episode so that gets my spell slots back okay so Thank You Claudia with a black pirate hat on over her emerald green Rhodes she has moved from a large boat that moves a little bit into a small boat that moves a lot and she is not having a good time she is yes she is it is rocking you're sitting low in the water anytime anybody moves on the ship she is turning about the same color as her smock cut yet pretend you're in a cradle like a baby okay just imagine quite a while since I was a baby I know he was the imagination oh my goodness oh this is good look up at the sky it stays the same Oh your eyes cause could you press to digitate something that smells nice for yes I find that ginger sort of helps and buys so I'll make her up a little fake ginger drink just to give that a sort of senses I wish I can consume it there's a terrible idea oh my god and as the the rowing continues it's you know several minutes of her just complaining on the floor would you like some rum that help I feel would not it's the rum that knocked out a pirate captain but I'm gonna do as we're rowing for sure I'm gonna do song of rest if we're we're doing this to try and like help regain her hit points by sick okay extra early fix the hit points and then I'll save I got my I got my flute out oh nice row towards the show shower how deep how deep is the water as you are sort of heading approaching the the shore it it's crystal blue so you can seem quite a ways down it and it seems as if it's getting a little shallower as you approach the the island but it's still you know 60 feet down I believe Katy is going to perform for us Oh as we roll our boat going toward the land we don't know what fates in store whitebeard's men and white beards land we are quickly heading for though we've got bigger badder things there's no telling what's to come but there's one thing that we must keep in mind as we face this island Bom Bom stay together and be strong friends are stronger when working as one stay together it will not fail when times are tough look to each other to prevail stay together we must work as one for when the fighting starts the only way we make sure we survive this scrum stay together it will not fail and out with white beard we all do sail ba BOM the last notes carry across the sea and there's a moment of silence as you continue along and Claudia goes spent much too much time with Wizards and not enough with Bob sometimes you just have to take your mind off of how you're feeling and she kind of sits up in her seat as Fatima you hear a squawk and you feel a sensation from deep inside you and you're in the back of your brain your connection to meat and it seems as if meep has seen something as the waters get shallower a ways ahead and the image that you get in your mind is something on the sea floor about thirty feet down that is you know and sort of the sandy sea floor as things get closer to this island and it is an image of iron and iron rail two of them in fact that extend quite a ways and they run in parallel all along the seafloor almost like a minecart like a rail that stick no closer together than that it would it would be something like two two parallel rails that something could fit in between let's roll knowledge history what we think knowledge history that makes some Ken I got it can I roll with advantage because MEAP don't worry oh yeah I think somebody just roll that awesome awesome plus five so 25 all right so as you hear fatima relay this information to you you recall reading nautical fiction and nonfiction in nitestone ABI yes annotate that yes it's certainly it certainly sounds like something that might fit the rudder of a large sea ship to guide it into Sheol yes I also have inconceivable which is a force of evil that I had from username Eric so I failed that automatic right you know what a ship is they're going I really I think I messed up that last line in the song I'm gone I'm gone uncharacteristically very what does that mean should be maybe avoid it because of oceans no I think it might actually guide the way because if unless I'm mistaken so large ships have what's known as a keel on the bottom a little real-life stuff coming in here and it's a it's a it's a large nice it's a large protrusion out of the bottom of a ship to help guide it and so to guide it into Shore if you line up the keel with the railing I assume that you're being led into in into the inner the inner sanctum so to speak then just something you need it's being a devil's advocate here is I mean if me could see it from the sky it seems a bit obvious yes doesn't it and it's just really a code right no thank you for a code though we don't know where it leads yet yeah it could go under the island it could go on the shore we didn't have no idea but it seems like if it's said here for other ships Lily tried to keep up with the conversation I yes it doesn't quite add up with what Shawn and Steve was saying about it was almost a test maybe I should send me been further to see if there's any other let's try and get closer in I mean yes but but but be careful and I just had a thought should we not be doing this in the middle of the day all right Lord as well when we left yes yes I'm afraid we're underneath a little bit of a time crunch deed actually after our conversation with dip earlier I I'm not feeling confident about waiting around for anything it's our best bet then to let's get further be open if we're found yes they take us right to white beer yes yeah yes okay what if need be no we're going to try to be stealthy and if that doesn't work then we're going to pretend to be pirates and go hopefully straight to white beard yes hey SIV does mr. whiskers wants a little Joyride Thank You fun well I believe Lily still is holding on to him for me uh yes you've had mr. whiskers this whole time whoo Wow it's a little dangerous to be on my person well I think it's a bit dangerous in meap's claws as well but could be fun go to out on the back just hold on playdate yeah I don't think I trust you comes out I mean as soon as mr. whispers comes out meat comes on Seuss and and grasps her in her claws him in her closet goes up you get oh I really hope he's going to return you promised her claws made of fire and then you see this light in the sky of this flash of fire in the sky I come back and swoop back down and drop a terrified Mouse giant eyes back in your hand and the image that you have in your head there's there's a feeling a sensation of just the most fun that your your little bird familiar had but also you see out several dozen feet in front of that railing that me pen spied there is another sort of platform in the bottom of the ocean that looks like a large series of stones deep down that could be spied from above almost looks like a grid pattern of stones how many interesting I'll go get us close up maybe yeah how deep are we talking about it's about 30 35 40 feet down a drain kind of well this is all being filtered through meep to Fahim a-- so it is I would not describe it as a sheep yeah I would not describe it as a drain it looks like a big solid slab that is has individual stones as part of it I feel a little bit we're worried about going right over it let's approach and maybe we can get a better sense of it is there any way that if fish that if the tie goes all the way out that it would get 35 feet deep no so this would always be over water our water would always be over this correct who is the best swimmer maybe someone could jump could could dive in and check it out probably one I can swim I don't know I'm I also have this I have waiting to exhale I can hold my breath for a number of minutes equal to my highest ability score but if I speak attack or any time then it ends Wow and can't you talk to fish yeah Wow you should definitely go well [ __ ] I can't speak right if she speaks underwater than this spell goes away I'll just pop right back up surface we're talking to fish I'll be right back I'll go dives into the water splash all the way down to the bottom okay I mean it's in a general way it like number of stones well you you guys you guys have to so that you would row over the top of that railing and beyond it quite a way as you say yeah I figured that's what we were yeah okay yes yes so the stones themselves are there nondescript they're sort of you know at the bottom of the ocean sitting there in a slab okay there are it's like a four by four grid kind of okay and there's little grooves on the side you can run your finger on but you don't have a ton of air to a lot of investigation what do you mean by grid how long can I hold my breath with is it is it survival or now a slight on its cause streak on its I believe what the book says is your con modifier is a number of is your number of minutes that you can hold your breath hmm I'll buy that I can look it up if you want I don't know it offhand or it's like everyone gets ten ten equals one and then your con modifier is like total number of minutes seems like a lot but I should have looked at it before this bit real live look two weeks in a row I pulled out the rules yeah bad me more than five right now right holy breath cease suffocating you're holding your breath I kind of see choking see choking see Heimlich maneuver eating too large of bites so he's out in front of us and we're just something yeah you guys saw him just dive over the side all right yeah boy I'll grab the other one thank you well we're just staying in place yeah we doesn't want to go too far from where he is no we're going towards him no he's in front of us yes I because you can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to one plus its Constitution might modify okay so I'm actually down there for 15 minutes I have 473 okay so getting down there is gonna be a lot of that drak up so you're able to basically swim down run your hands over this thing and get back up so I'm confused you said that there's a stone slab but you also said that there was different stones so is it several stones making up one slab that's correct is there I don't know if I can tell from know like a puzzle together slap or any of that like depressed or not same height no is there any I don't know if we can tell from where we're at but is there any markings on the stones well you'd have to ask ago he went down and ran his hand over them and felt you know uneven stone but there was no observable writing I'm standing over there at near the edge of the boat watching ago grid 16 four-by-four he's or at for yes were there any markings on the stands no no carving of rough grid bunch of stones make one more slab and they're heavy they're large stand up pick them up oh no how big how big are they yeah they're pretty big I mean they're they're yeah they're like five by five yeah about us like the squares on a map yeah maybe we can try pokin them how far away from shore are we from these stones quite a way still really the stones are set a ways back from these just massive waterfalls and the island itself Jeff I'm still staring down into the water mm-hmm and I think I see something and then I just fall over the side of the boat oh no James I'm gonna try and catch him you can roll the dexterity saving throw sorry you step down you have an advantage for Hema from RPG maker but it is countered by big mom and hurdle okay she's doing good work good work would you get that's an awesome so as you kind of fall forward into the water for Hema moving with a speed you have not seen from her maybe ever just reaches out and grabs you with an arm pulls you back in the boat you're right yeah I'm sorry what was that what happened did you see something do you think I thought no no um are you doing a dance move no just kind of feeling hang on um just stay there and I go in again going to the water yeah okay splash you're diving down my head down and I can breathe hmm [Music] level five eldritch invocation gift of the depths I'm able to breathe underwater and my swimming speed is equal to my swim and to my walking speed okay yeah so we just see him as you hit the water he stays down in there and all of you are looking and I like wave up at the back and you see and you see it this is crystal blue water you can see down quite a ways and you see him actually inhale water and all of you watch as the water oh I think he's okay that's not someone who's drowning I've seen people close to drowning that's not what happened did you give him the thing that you have no is this a spell something that you know I've heard of a spell like it I come back up sorry that was amazing I didn't know I could swim that was very strange that's your first time swimming yes I mean yeah large like poo wait till I tell people on Fingal about this you're not only gonna have a dance hall but you're also gonna give swim lesson I'm like feeling around like how strange give Gail's oh my god don't do I know no no okay oh no sorry hang on and looking at all of them and I cast water breathing on all of them okay does it do anything and immediately in the air no but you why you always change I feel a sensation inside you and I pull you into the water splash Fahim is in the water and you can take a big inhale of salt water and it goes into your lungs and there's a moment of panic and then it feels okay and you're able to breathe water so you're able to cast that twice on once per day okay on No so you has another to ten people okay for 24 hours no concentration Wow so everybody in the boat for the next day okay including mr. whispers I'm joining Claudia including Claudia sure I don't know if they wanted less preachers yeah going into the wall in the fire am I gonna need one that fits wet dampens we shouldn't just leave the the dinghy oh no I agree someone should stay up here for certain who beep what about since those look like very heavy stones I can help him investigate and maybe for Hema or Lily can come with us and but if we need lifting or some sort a go should be down there with us yes I can say I can we talking to each other and we're still buoyant like it's still like we still got a swim in order even though we got it's still if you inhale water you will sink what's keeping you up is the air in your lungs mm-hmm oh I'll stay on the boat okay I'll stir well you two want to go first and then we'll have some kind of okay are you feeling okay - so maybe see the grid from where we are you guys have rode up to it actually now you can do it for the next 24 hours if you wish come on what all right I think in case there's anything but the trap maybe it's better if we have more people up here okay with eyes on you and then we can help if you get in a bad situation I'll stay on the dinghy okay so just I'll go and I that's fine right all right all right so the two of you good time for you guys to think about it swim to me brother your friendship the two of you swim and this bonding moment the pool just looking at each other it's down where it's hot ah there we go so you get to the bottom 35 feet down yeah and you see this squid as described by uh go it is a it is seems we get to the bottom of the ocean and I plant my feet on the ground you just yell go go [Music] excellent all right so yeah he's investigated the rocks yes Landen really yeah went down I'm just at it now that I have I can breathe and I don't have to worry about going back up yep I will like yeah bro investigation I'd any of you have advantage from Pig stand nice thank you thirteen oh wait oh he he does and James you're an advantage from twinsies Thank You twinsen yes that's a dirty 20 so you guys are looking at these things and unable to move them they seem like they have been constructed at the bottom of this seafloor and they seem they kind of give a little bit but there's no moving them there's no lifting them they do seem like they are individual pieces that are put together and excuse me in a grid form but is there one of them missing so if I slide one left from where I'm at can I tell if they're different colors or shades they are all the same shade shade else but they are they are different than it looks like they have been brought from somewhere else and put here they're not different kind of stuff yes I'll check out one okay put my weight on it and sort of does it sink at all call yet Oh would you look at this round in the water do you see that oh don't there's any ideas seems to me might have something to do with that what well two things right there's rails yeah does the railing go underneath the stone does it stop at this office it's much farther back so railing then oh is the railing stopped yes oh okay Oh interesting it's a section of railing okay well maybe we need to bring that up closer is that your say all the candles are lit so we roll to find out who [Music] that's a reroll that's a to James a no-go come yeah yeah give each other signal up okay what did you see maybe map yeah that seems to be the only thing that makes sense there they're not marked in any way rather than not no they don't sink into the ground they care and I look up know there's there anything around it or in between you see how the railing stops and then there's a gap in in the stones yes is it how far is the gap between the railing in the stone quite a ways okay is there anything I'm sorry yes I have this for some good it's called booster whispers ghost fishing for treasure which is super time never submitted a fishing rod appears with a tiny mouse sized harness at the end of the line it's already really on a bird once today what's this place mister whispers into the harness and you can cast the now concerned looking Mouse in silence to attempt to retrieve whatever your heart desires without fear of being spotted one-time-use please give mr. whispers an extra lump of bread for his efforts oh wow so to retrieve whatever I want specifically on attempt to retrieve whatever you want attempt to retrieve specifically on a fishing rod yeah it's a little rough mouse on a fishing rod and you can yeah you know okay something too interesting the idea being send mr. whispers into a place to try to Nick something for you right got it mmm so like if we wanted to get the key from Captain blowhard you could just send his prison and he would go and get it and bring it back and you reel them back in so an entire egg quest you know you're on this building and you drop and you know we should be possible for hema is there anything could we send me pout and maybe there's anything past this maybe it's a progression of of clues we have railing we have this set of stones maybe there's something next that'll tell us so that when we get to the shore we'll add it all up and it will mean something some sort of some sort of code cynicism maybe yes we can we can do that but I was also thinking that maybe we should try putting wait we tried that I stepped on the line we on but you're not very heavy now so he's a ship I also tried to step on it I Saul send gal send me felt further should we go true she gets pretty dangerously close to the shore shore the rushing sounds of water immediately in going to your brain and you can you see these just massive waterfalls the image of them but there are no other things in the water that have been sent back to you for me but is there a particular waterfall that we're lined up with so railing stones waterfall there are several that could it's far enough past this there are several that you could sort of view yeah James yes perhaps once here story of hidden messages yes maybe one here yes I think so I think that's what we'll do we try and touch the railing and see if that does anything ah okay James is enjoying swimming now so all right so you go down and swim back it's quite a ways but you venture away from the dinghy which is sort of rocking there and Claudia is going and you go back to where these two parallel rails are and as you swim down close to them roll investigation check I believe you have advantage from hailey copter thanks Haley I'm gonna take a grappling hook and the ropes that I have tie one end on me and grappling hooks a boat yep and just make like it's gonna that's an 18 basically like a kite but in the water oh so you can pull it so I can pull it great so as you go down to the two these rails you see that they are not simple railings they're two in parallel and they seem to have little wheels in inset like Castor's yes for a ship yes how far apart are they about this size of keel yeah all right all right I'll come back up I I see it's definitely made to guide a ship either either Rider to trap no I don't hmm that's an interesting question I hadn't thought of that but it more seems like it maybe maybe that's its purpose now I think it's legend liable I think I might have an idea okay if a ship were brought in on those casters and there was any kind of a tripping mechanism whereas it would be triggered or registered by being on that rail then that might affect the stones in some way perhaps creating an opening or something that they could use to get inside of the island this is a guy who died in your dungeon mm-hmm right yeah and the filt only got squashed i Bigley remember him the dragon's lair yes he got ripping it kind of saw someone die when you were looking at them in the eyes yeah that was the inaugural one how long is the railing from end to end is it long enough first ship to go in or stop on yes what so we could try going down and enacting the some sort of the casters or the rail trick trying to trigger it in it around yes sort of moving along the rail as if we were a ship oh yeah I probably need someone else with rails are there right about the width of a keel we could kind of a foot and a half two feet as if it's yes as if something is coming through this yes as if something is coming through up the tracks right I'll go do you want to come with me again oh yeah do I think that the mall head if turned sideways would be able to trigger both hmm you can try it okay yeah I mean okay I yeah all right and I'll swim back down to where the where this where the track starts the opposite side okay so what are you doing you're gonna try to use them all yeah yeah I'm just gonna try to like I'm a sieve said get the wheels to trigger basically yeah so I'm gonna try to get the wheels to trigger together using the width of the mall to pull it through yeah I mean if it's too wide I think that I think that what would happen it would be a real coincidence that your mall would fit in there perfectly so your mall can fit in but not there's a gap I'm you're not gonna get it quite right okay maybe the two of you working and hold on to one side you love and we're like and yeah okay and you hear even underwater you hear this [Music] and you guys are so on the boat yeah mm-hmm looking down which is tied to me all right so role perception boat people or all of us so to people who's wrong see if you have advantage from sims the ship phan a demon you have advantage from fixer 314 but it's blocked countered by a moody mom and nerdy but you have counter from cheek your booty as well peak perception yes thanks mom so I got a 13-week 21 21 okay nice Fahim aun and Lily immediately turn and hear this clicking sound and you see something pretty neat happen you see this to the front row of stones start to start to rotate they go whoa like that you see Wow giant diamonds so they do indeed look like giant coins there the other side of the the stones they flip over and then now there are coins along that side I'll keep going and then as soon as you move on to the next one they flip back oh no we need it sale we need actual cave we need actual ship really yeah or something that's going to keep them compressed something to keep them weighted down what route well you did that before I don't know Cameroon in a robot we would need a lot of food a lot of food she has quite you know I mean you have a bag of spares how big are these I'll ask them when they come back up how big are these casters the triggering mechanism they're about the size you just me with your hands they're about those everything pretty big they're pretty big but they're not does it require a lot of pressure from them to actually you know it requires them rolling them so there's four of them on each side yeah but you roll them and then you let go and it pops in it like rolls back it's not possible to like hold it up in position to hold it there you could probably do that yeah you could hold it in position and hold your hand there whatever that I guess we took the or and lodged it in there between the two of them would be getting rid of well you could conjure in or I guess one of them look weak we're gonna need all four at the same time right like a sip of a soup comes in it opens up all four at the same time yes right so that's the intended way to use it right but we also it might just be a map so we could just trigger them a set at a time as long as we can see what the end if we did mount or the second one yes okay let's continue under the second one and let's continue Chao field so it's a seat down and you are doing the same thing you guys dive back down and you push the second set of casters I'm just remembering it was gold silver silver silver yes okay what real yeah I thought it was just Jeff's random coin the intention Fatima so that's the second round he goes oh [ __ ] gold gold silver gold silver oops I'm sorry oh no the first one who's gold silver silver silver correct the top left is gold everything else was silver so goes that's correct I apologize backwards gold got it I love puzzles next one Jeff next one [Music] yes we'll move we'll move on so that goes off mm-hmm and then you swim a bit go to the next one I don't know if I'm gonna lie you to write stuff down you're under the water right okay it seems like a cheap doesn't it yeah well she can write stuff down okay thanks well you guys would have to come back up at night we'd have to go this is what we saw and then you'd go back down yeah and you know what I specifically have photographers tools so I'm pretty good at taking listen nice that it okay okay [Music] on to the fourth and final then we had to figure out the final one no to you a moment he's dramatic pause building tension so one goal to gold no that's not it I don't know if you guys are down there holding these yeah okay the only other thing I could think of is there would be the entire ship that goes through there's no way they could just touch certain things when they're docking so really hope I didn't screw up [Music] do all of us showing correct oh snap lime diagonally what does that mean I come back up the lock last time like instantly the riddle there's a it's an arrow yeah it's an arrow gold the gold is an arrow the silver it's an arrow baby Geoffrey Kannada yeah yeah right Morgan Peter Brown you figured yeah so right but what does that mean I want to give it pointing us in a sudden dirty effect to the camera yes Wow did you plan this out that we can only get one row at a time they're so smart we go back we could have done it the way where we go back we tell them to get the tardy plunder and bring it in close need to roll a 25 25 what is a intimidation check to get the member so now that we see an arrow can we see which freedoms waterfall it's pointing at is pointing out a specific one it is indeed now amazing John James well done Elvis so you never did see this image I'm doing it for the weather cameras but this is the the message that was formed on this grid of stones at the bottom of the ocean if the keel went through this thing farther up it would reveal the direction to go for the correct waterfall it reminds me of a word search which is again things I used to do in the library late at night anyway no I'll tell you like alright so you now seem to be indicating a specific direction to go to hit what is very clearly a distinct waterfall and there is is there any land on either side of the waterfall where we could like put the boat up on land for a minute or is it right into it it's right into it it is it is as if this water pure stone it is as if yeah the sheer stone on either side and then a waterfall into the ocean we probably have to sail right through it yeah right we have to go inside of that we do get a force of good yeah for uh go from cunning flecks oh hello cunning flecks um like I do next a dexterity flex or I have an idea because the boat feels very obvious it is and we could stash it somewhere we could stash it somewhere tie it off somewhere and the group of us could um swim in could sweat could walk in really on the on the floor of the ocean yes I like that idea this cars called diet free Arab and you were submitted a delicious brain of an unknown species drops from the sky it must be a gift from the Lord Arab and himself eat it to restore ten hit points nice cuz it just plops into the first alright so what's the plan so I'm scanning the after James's idea I'm scanning the side of the beach line or the coast line is there a place for us to stash or hide our boat that's somewhat near tie a lot of all your good tie it off or well so here's the thing if you the waterfall is cascading at a at a pretty intense rate right and it's causing a lot of kickback and so it would be far away but on either side of that hey is there like a little right so you could probably go you know swing to the right or to the left where there is shear wall so the idea here is that there's something beyond the waterfall right and it is as if the waterfall is forming a gate so you can you can park your or try to anchor it somehow on either side Rock yeah but if there's no purchase to disembark on to something more real far is the walk from where the this arrow is how far is the Walker fall yeah it's it's still quite a ways hey so the idea here is you know just to spell it out specifically is that a ship much larger than this would come and have to line up with this keel and if to go where it's gonna go so there's quite a bit of runway for a large ship to then change course and make its way to the how long can I breathe underwater all day so why don't we take boat back to ship and and walk there I think maybe having the boat well we're gonna need something to bring saugus van fleet back in I think it's probably a good idea to keep it nearby for some reason but what if you took your gap with your grappling hook stuck it in the wall maybe a hundred yards or something from the waterfall we leave it there in case we need it and then as we as Civ and I was saying we just walk on in we won't have grappling hook inside it's true wrong right I I have rope if I don't have a grappling hook so we could use something else to pin it to the wall I do have I could also eldritch blast the stone on the wall no I I have spikes and hema okay oh so I get to the walls great yes a climbing kit right wonderful great so yeah and with hammer and spikes great we'll take it like a hundred yards to the right or left whichever one seems calmer right and tie it off but yeah this is gonna be good for you because now you won't be in a boat you'll actually just be one with the water oh wow I should have done this a long time ago I suppose so thanks you guys tie off this boat or you're tying it off to the with the grappling hook on the side or no with you I'm gonna take a spike spike it into the stone itself and then tie the rope around the spike right so you guys are a ways away from the waterfall but you still feel this force of water gushing down missed hitting you in the faces you're hammering this thing into the into the side of the rock it's kind of refreshing how loud you want to talk but yeah I mean it's it's also loud this thing is gushing and you managed to get it secured the the boat is kind of hitting against the side as its pushed from the the force of the waterfall hitting the water I'll take another spike a little ways down on the back end of the boat and Hammer that and then tie a rope off on that end so that it's up against its okay it's not yapping around yeah okay so now the boat is secured to that side area is this off to the left or the right of the water seems less like is there I is there another waterfall closer to one side whichever seems yeah there are more to your left than to your right that arrow sort of pointed you off to it and on the rights yes okay so on the right side okay great so having done that now you guys are all cut it's like didn't know if I should even come on this we might need you to be able to make a hasty retreat if quite I offer this is not my area of expertise swimming and breathing water I offer a member to kind of help her into the water no she's an elf oh yeah right says he'll help you yes yes Lily would you like to help me get her in the water absolutely yes yes yeah and she sort of sits on the edge and plugs her nose is it to do that but okay you breathes in water huh and it sounds very weird underwater so if all of you are are now just kind of going us to the bottom yeah it's a much shallower here yeah I'm gonna leave some stuff in the boat that should not get wet like my extra rope and bread and stuff like that okay so it doesn't get damaged your mouse no well what I would like to test that so I'll take him and just kind of gently put him in the water his squirms squirms and then reads water and looked at you with terrified and then yeah what a day for mister should be the episode name actually houston whispers big day maybe it's just like a little ball of fire flying above us in the water okay so as you guys go in me B's gonna stay out that correct okay so she's gonna keep through the waterfall yeah that's uh that's a big bright flare in the sky I'm just asked you if she's gonna stay out of this guy's about to walk underneath a waterfall yes oh maybe I was confused but where we are I thought okay so we're up close to the waterfall and there's a giant surface with water cascading down it's kind of creating a gate across this wide berth of stone and you have tied you have tied your boat up tight right undeterred yards off to the right off on the stone area that's a shear face where there's a waterfall blocking your entrance and now the plan as I understand it is that everybody's going to go to the bottom of the water and walk underneath this waterfall yes so me people either have to go under the water with you or fly through the waterfall to follow you you should not do the latter you can stay on the boat for now if we need her she can come in I think you should come under the water with me we have a force of evil coming out of the cauldron oh not a milos Bowl evidence so that's a six I will reroll it's a three with a force of evil okay fine a force of evil just hit us did we did we brand the cards there's a big Anchors Away like these are all perfect you think you were submitted it's weird how this stuff works out so this was a community card this was out of Milo's bowl okay got it yeah a magical anchor and chain appear and attached to your leg you can only move 5 feet per turn in the next battle and the next battle so yeah doesn't affect you until battle I guess right now right now I don't think we need him to move now yeah we get into battle that's all right able to run okay so this so meep-meep is not gonna go under the water with me I'm given her given what she is she is full of curiosity and she is often unaware of dangers posed towards herself and excited slain war of the world so she's gonna go through the waterfall above the water she's going through the waterfall okay she's a Phoenix she does want to go to the water I think that's what she doesn't have to here with you at all she can stay out stampede oh okay so she goes under the waterfall you hear a hiss as she's extinguished momentarily and flies out the other side of the waterfall out of your view all of you are now sinking down into Soumya out of the water and and walking on the ocean floor which is actually shallow here it's actually rising up and you as you walk underneath you see this massive amount of water just cascading down and hitting the surface above oh yeah yeah and it's you know it's really cool you're underneath this this waterfall and the the sand underneath you rises up and comes up and as you kind of get to the surface of the water and peek your eyes out you see that you see a a giant Cove of sheer rock face that looks as if a ship has been parked in the rock face itself jutting out of it there is a rope bridge connecting that ship to a dock with stairs down there is a crow's nest there with a pirate standing it you know what let me just show you yeah oh my gosh that is being really testing the limits of the table this week it is a big old map to my lost oh it's gorgeous oh it is beautiful Wow okay that's our future Oh like the ships is she's stuck in the rock yes Wow Wow almost like the ship built into the side of okay well sheer stone face like a hotel is there sunlight or is it no lzu staying in D well there are there is light illuminated through the yes there shafts of sunlight coming from above and illuminated sort of through the ripples of the waterfall itself it's dark but it's not but it is lit okay there is I see cuz pirate yeah pirate who's cage things yeah how's it cruise kids look like Christmas what does does that mean something what's where you would put prisoner cool so in those you see remains oh you are coming in well you said the right side right yeah you're coming in here and you see a lot of shouting and activity as the pirates have spied a baby Phoenix that just got extinguished it's kind of sputtering and spinning in the water and they are shouting and running excitedly this guy she hit the water hmm did meep hit the water she had to go through she went through it but did it like force her down into the water no she managed to recover but she is extinguished and she's fluttering like a sort of a blackened bird wings with bits of fire trying to reignite yeah these two pirates are going to attack her I have advantage from Mays shooting her with arrows yeah nice armor class it is 12 except I'll go is gonna pull out a t-shirt cannon 15 yeah nice you sure okay I don't give us away yeah I mean you're gonna shoot a shirt from the water I mean I pull it out and then I realized no alright so there's a deep with you if the wreck oh yeah I've got a mini mine okay Miep came through here no she's still on my mini what are you talking about this guy runs to here this guy's hurries down his on his way over here to try to get a better shot they're very excited about this why would I try to shoot a baby bird that's so evil it has bits of fire trying to reignite itself and I think they think that was cool they miss well they're there on a wood ship and it's a burning they missed the first time first arrows flies past but me they sort of disoriented and flying and trying to reignite herself the second one hits her yeah and she takes five points of damage so she's an egg now nope I'm gonna use my force of good that I've been saving since episode 11 called you shall not pass protecting your friends is the greatest strength there is shield one player from attack but take damage yourself I'd like to use it on me okay so the arrow hits her unbeknownst to them though it doesn't affect her and you feel as if a arrow hit you lodged in your chest and you take five points of damage ah this this one can't understand why his arrow didn't fell this bird he starts shouting oh my god here you guys are sitting in the water I'm you know awakened mind to Fatima because we're under the water yeah oh we did peek our heads up tell her to tell her to leave tell her to go can you meep-meep is our own accord gonna dive down to me guide with the Islander to you into the water into the water just down into the water okay thank straight down so because she can breathe underwater because of the spell yeah yeah so the bird again is extinguished and under the water can I at this point start really booking it and swimming towards because we're over here right yeah yeah I really want to make it over to where that water works no what if I get the swimming speed water breathing doesn't increase your swimming speed of us I'm not walking at this point I'm swimming yes okay my I don't know if this counts as combat does my app does the only move five feet does that kick in yet if you guys would like to engage in this event then we can roll initiative I'm assuming you're trying to they have not spotted you yet they've spotted this bird that just went to the water I'm not trying to get into combat no no no we do have some cards can I wish she had open to the water right like immediately after being attacked I mean wouldn't that kind of look like she was hit if your hands down that may be what they think okay I just wanted to yeah say that she did it go straight down yep we do have some cards that's reckoned with that first we have two forces of good for James one from twins in and one from excuse me three total for James for twins in one two from twins in one from radioactive beaver Wow thank you radioactive beaver and sir twins ins and then we have another force of good for Lily nosy man 9018 [Music] thank you oh my god the first force of god I just got is called Phoenix down that is hilarious this is not planned no it would be possible right okay Phoenix down for viewer-submitted the radiant warmth of meep soft down invigorates your fighting spirit that reroll yeah I guess so it's both reroll one saving throw on yourself or a chosen companion however Mitra verts two eggs gonna say the best time to use it would be when she was like just hatching egg or something the second one you must be Dave's friend viewer-submitted if discovered or a stealth deception role fails the target assumes you must be Dave's friend everyone knows a Dave if you're clumsy move against them or not report anything allowing you to continue your action undetected thistle gambit crossbow viewer-submitted a magical crossbow appears in front of you you may shoot a single magic bolt that finds your enemy's vulnerability and makes your next attack an awesome but it will cheese but it will reduce your health down to one hit point what results may vary pain is guaranteed oh wow I choose you for your submitted true Claire is granted mystical powers to choose any party member to re-roll a single day that's yours oh so you also gotta go this is from green demon three four three nice it sounds like somebody that likes halo it is say it against our green demon demon demon three four three green okay hey friend have you submitted nevermind okay so this this guy is gesticulating and talking you the the sound of the waterfall directly behind you muffles any kind of being able to hear what they're saying but this dude runs over here and hops in this boat and is heading over to try to find the bird that went in the water awake and mine get back down get the sink get back down into the water mm-hmm so you're swimming fish you just by yourself right no I'm following these guys yeah that's right that's right first I meet many I know it's there so fixable that's a good thing oh my goodness I'm sorry I just dropped you okay when I see him starting to swim away from us I that's a speed to follow it's a good idea I'll follow as well okay and in motion motion Claudius and everyone else to move okay this was over here closer right over here right when she went down was it into the water it was around man even in this area yeah so everybody is swimming toward this gap here yes okay bird swimming that's swimming birds the new this bird is not gonna be able to be underwater but she is water breathing she has had water breathing and I see her struggling and since apparently I'm the fastest swimmer now I'm gonna quietly as I can yeah her regular speed is only 15 feet so her swimming speed would be worse yeah okay so I'm going to I'm going to try to get over and help meet you this guy isn't his boat he would she took out of here yes and he is a template you find you know yes PT pirate giving you consequences for your actions yeah so swimming over swimming over yes to to grab me as mud don't worry about it yeah I'm not I'm not set for you yeah for Jason it's fine it's fine okay so your swim super fast yes human boom instantly as well this one hmm this beam I broke on the first two okay so this guy is going to now you're gonna try to these are blue waters yeah how deep is it at this point and shallow yes ten I yes it is he's gonna see if he can see yeah okay he's looking for the bird I have advantage from insane black you roll stealth yeah do you have the stealthy outstation ostentatious hat on don't you know I think that it was only that it was only last and go until the next la Cite I'm almost certain it didn't okay yeah because I I stopped it at the end of last session were you near me cuz I can cast something on you I can cast before you left I will I will unless you didn't communicate to me that you won't get me where's she gonna cast yeah no it's okay it's okay I'm gonna guidance myself do I have advantage they just see him like touch you have advantage although you don't need to are you rolling something you're rolling stealth stealth yeah you do have advantage guidance from elven rogue or Rouge scuse me Alvin Legion 98 nice so that's a 3 on my guidance oh so it's 14 a 17 yeah so you managed to you know you've got this pirate outfit on that is a light-colored rep and you somehow managed to cover the bird up and stay still as this boat as this pirate in this boat is sitting there right above you looking down looking looking looking for a bird looking for a bird there's shouting you hear what you'd like to do I'm gonna stay still until he moves away continue until I can get underneath the dock okay I'm more than 30 feet away Emma I myself from view underneath the dock here yep yeah you're I mean you're obscured by completely I said there's not even any reason you know I mean I probably would have also swim yeah I think we're all heading that guy's what a lot yet is just blindly following all what what do we see when we get over closer to shore like both Egyptian the cages and what have you you have advantage from the brush of tea but it is countered by Jay hmm Jo 408 restive s of T not that good nein yeah I mean you can see there there is still water coming down here up here past the top of these what you can see on this map are massive cannons that stick out and you can see inside these cages that there are remains but with that roll you're not really sure what what's in them all right does that keep going the water this yes it goes goes deeper like it there's a channel or something that keeps going yes I'm gonna go Scout it out because I'm hoping that that's where we need to go okay that's where I'm going right I'm just going to look back at you and I'm gonna do this and point that direction and start swimming okay as you go through here you can see that it leads leads into the lair proper okay really come up with sign language before this whole series no that's perfect we're gonna need specifics so you do have a force of good from Joker 38 okay so that's underwater scuba gear not not quite chicken chaser find the elusive foul of Fortuna whose feathers bring luck and riches to whoever has them the chicken runs and disappears leaving only a single feather where gets 50% more gold the next time they find some sweet nice who gave me this that was all right Joker 438 okay 38 Thank You Joker alright so Civ if you dip your head in here yeah you see the interior of the Pirates lair which is a new map so I'm gonna go there just to mess with you and yes that directional up no I'll come back now that I see that are there obvious threats right as soon as we get past this point it definitely opens up into a much larger area you go through there okay then I'm gonna I'll come back okay is this guy still hanging around or Hidde the boat is sort of you know just bobbing here in the water and and rotating he's still searching in the water you're huddled just breathing water huddled with meep in your belly really and you know that cradling her and these guys are yelling at each other continuing to yell and this guy said and so this guy's yeah pushes the boat back and is sort of dealing with re-docking it on the side here putting the the rope on this guy is less and they're having a very heated exchange like I knew it here I saw Joey did I get a decent look at them I like what sort of the humans are they they are human they are do the same t-shirt t-shirt yes says I am human yeah they are pirates I mean these guys are Central Casting pirates scarves billowy shirts knives on their hips a sherry and forages are we all under the actually Johnny Depp ago is did you guys all fall so I imagine that we kind of have popped our heads up at this point then if we're under a job there's usually that air yeah um and I can hear them can we hear them yes and we just hear them are you they're bickering and ones making fun of the other you couldn't hit a you know you couldn't hit a what does the Pirates up yeah you can with your eyes open I would have well done thank you thank you I prepared all that improv so yeah I mean they're just there the good news is they are say improv yes the good news is they are they seem to be invested in their own argument and it is it is a beautifully expressed argument full of flowery language that impresses everyone over here and I'm gonna tug on I guess that's the Hema yeah I got a email I'm assuming you're swimming yeah yeah I'm check I check on me make sure she's okay you know she's bending under the water terrified of her done not understanding it's it wants to get out of this water I know I'm keeping her still as much as I can and keeping her in my cloak and well she can sense your emotions so I think it at a point she would allow it just trying to breathe deep okay he's expressing so what are we doing uh layer it that way it's simple in there well probably yes but if we're going to try to find sulcus I think that's the best way to go okay I don't want to have to kill these two men for no reason wanna kill anybody do you think there's anything about going in there like we're pirates and you know FEMA could you own the place disguise yourself as one of them you know Fahim of really huh I could maybe that you can make yourself look exactly like one of those men yeah normal human size one size larger than you so I think you can do it right yeah I can only go up one foot so I know one foot so let me I can be four foot three yeah so they'll they're taller than that yeah but not by a lot but I I can put on some of those heels pirate boots find some stones off environment is right there why does she she wants to go in and actually speak yes it won't immediately attract attention or at least you know attract attention if if she just looks like one of the scouts who's come inside okay you stand out into the inner the inner yes there's a water more water can we swim in there and see before yes but it opens up you're telling us that once around there you can stand there and see if you want yeah yeah let's see what's in there are there any other doors any other like I'm not seeing anything here on the map but I just wanna yeah those kind of swim and try to keep himself hello-o another entrance over there over there it is yeah hmm others gonna try to swim over there yeah and keep himself hidden okay I'll go and see what's going on over there okay I'll pass for I'll pass a point games tonight are weird MEAP over to you Oh James thank you so much oh yes your advantage from Ellen what is it oh la lah seminar similar yeah are we rolling stealth I don't know what he's rolling he's rolling perception but we'll still first dealt first okay okay uh stealth is not good backers uh not great at all are we all going in or just the two of us okay remember my song when I said we should stay together no one never listened stealth innate okay I'll look up at the cages hanging above our heads do I perception if you want it if you want to do that you do from dr. Jekyll thank you and you want a rope reception on the on the cages to find out what's in there I'll look up there I'll I'll even send digit up quietly - you said looks like bones and bodies yeah how vain how fresh role perception James you have advantage from a Michonne what 17:17 I got a on perception 8:21 okay so as you guys peek your heads up you see you see basically a docking area for ships to come through this hole here small row boats that could go through there and you see stairs that go up and from the water you kind of have a hard time seeing it's it's like a second level that goes up and pass that you do hear some sounds you're you were rolled of what 2001 everywhere yeah so you definitely can can hear sounds no the perception was a 21 yeah you hear sounds a fresh of movement as if there's something or someone up there I rolled an awesome to perceive what's going on in the cages okay so it is clearly the remains of living creatures that were not human these seem like bones chunks of flesh that would have claws that have strange structure bone structures these are very much non human remains okay those bones or skulls or anything can you see those do they look familiar to you can I roll I mean I'll triage nature you know or nature or I'll try as well FEMA you do have advantage on that role from username Eric but it was countered by RPG Maker and the James you have advantage from it is written in such a way that I my brain goes nope 18:01 mean you can't recall everything you've learned about creatures were when they were living yeah it is if you're actually kind of off-put by the nature of the grizzly the grizzly nature of what you're saying it's okay sorry and you're not able to place from where you are underneath you're not able to place what exactly what kind of creatures these are but they do seem to be mystical creature creatures of bazaar or a just sharpteeth anything like that some a couple of them have sharp teeth a couple of them seem to have like wing structures oh I'm sorry when I hear people come in okay got a minute grab I'll go and pull them back under the water okay yeah I know this okay and I'm gonna gesture back good hey guys coming back out yes so these yes this guy's out of his boat I'll subscribe to his posts these guys are the students kind of walking back and forth on his post Lily cuz if you see one well enough to uh and you guys is actually a you hear this baboon a little hole up here and comes down onto this ledge here and is sort of walking back and forth on this this ledge that's high above the the hole heute mmm does it look like a regular baboon it looks like a baboon with a little outfit on yeah mm-hmm we did get a force of good for ago from croisé Aryan seven seven seven ah yes seven seven seven oh wow I'm gonna explain to you what Jeff said with the other room and they're being sounds of other people coming out all right quick by grabthar's hammer love it if an ally is reduced to zero hit points during combat you may use your reaction to move up to your movement speed regardless of whether you've already expended your movement this round and make an insidious attack against the foe who downed your ally you must shout by grabthar's hammer and the sons of war man I will avenge you nice rats yes it in a movie it's a great movie alright what are we doing before you yeah this so I it's hard to tell from where I'm sitting but I'm assuming this rock wall is sheer correct yeah we would have a very in holds like is it cracked wall is or is it like wet yeah it's you have a real tough time coming with Freesat solo right I couldn't do that even with your grappling hook yeah it would it would require like yeah you'd be slipping El Cap look like that flag and there what's the symbol on not what is shown here it is a big splash of white with two eyes above it aside for now and very difficult code we should make a plan we should always be ironic agreed so yeah let's alright well we only have two options we are that go that way and take these two men out or we go inside and try to sneak past the guards yeah do you feel okay scouting in maybe maybe Syd's can stealth behind you and provide cover yeah I can go as one of the Pirates to kind of lead the way yes fine which way do you want to go um and I I probably heard him talking pretty well yep I mean I think we should go through the yes The Cove cuz ideally we don't want him to come with us cuz then it will be like he has a twin right shorter cleaner right um yes let's go in okay shall we and we will after intermission is gonna take care of you as we hit a little break on the other side we will see what's through the cave we will see how well lily does as pretending to be a slightly shorter pilot more fun inside boo beards jetty it's the ground see you soon yeah mmm fear Lord indras our campaign will continue after this brief Indonesian right now it's time for us to enjoy each other's company okay so the cat is out of the bag yes I see you've discovered Milo's boo look please do me a favor and do not mess with it I don't know what magic it possesses but I cannot control it I found it deep in the lower dark at the end of a very long quest a long time ago the time I believed it to be a great treasure of great value because of my very generous nature I decided to give it to Milo as a minion feeding ball yes he has a minion feeding ball shortly after he began using it I noticed that a faint glow emanated from its depths especially when he finished his meals that seemed to get stronger the hungrier he became so the problem is when it glows right listen listen very carefully my brains burn that's right it hurts me I don't like it and after a while if the burning becomes strong enough I lose control of myself and things happen so let's just leave it as is are we clear please leave it alone please I beg of you all right let's just talk about fun things shall we let's talk about the show talk about how wonderful everything is how are letting a fan join in for a game what do you mean follow her Fatima you want to come on to the show have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons yes well then perhaps we have that happen but I'll need to see your skill I'll need to see that you are capable of partying with this group I am off my diet and I have been enjoying brains for the last many days if I may say I have binge sorry I have binge to the point of almost exploding my stomach and let me tell you I feel fantastic except for when out Armando what are you trying to do that is not what I was looking for are you kidding me I just told you it hurts me when you touch that bone stop it please stop it I do not deserve it simpler SIVs love interests with multiple interests I've noticed plural yes life may be pain but it doesn't have to be pain entirely alright not all the time I don't deserve listen I'm bringing you this show it wasn't for me you wouldn't be able to watch - stop please stop it please not has to again life is brave good one that certainly that is very funny life is brain actually I write I really like that is there any way that we could get that stenciled onto the back of the throne please life is brain someone mana mana come over here yes come come on life is brain write that down no no write it down in your little in your booklet thing that I gave you yes you're still not using it all right you're still only making funny little pictures of me in it yes great so he's not able to write that down I'll have to remember it sir gage please draw it that's great do I chase chickens chicken chaser yes sometimes not often versa [Music] you know what our what is wrong with you people why is it it's not clear that you are causing me and my low suffering let me let me be very clear if I suffer guess what mahalo suffers because when I'm angry I get angry at my oh stop it no and I will not free my love as a matter of fact the more that you eat on me and the more like you cause me my pain I will cause him pain is that what you want is that what you want fine I'll give it to you my love get ready through for a thrashing - stop it please please please stop it Armando that's too by the way no good not okay very not okay is key consent is key I'm sorry I thought I read that as consistency is key yes consent is key true Paulo do you consent to every time they interrupt me using your bowl which by the way burns my brains you know that right mother does that you like that do you like when my brain burns huh do you like when that happens no of course you don't so every time you do it me and Milo will have a little talk good fine done next what are we talking about now no do not touch the pool please stop it please stop let's not talking about that anymore what class am I am it illicit swift the dough tied up and this is obvious don't call me Lord Skrillex what does my lil eat it's none of your business I make him fresh guru every evening I do it with my own two hands and sometimes with my feets don't pan down ill if it is race yes what did I say my class oh you asked about class I said race well of course I said Tori I said hold on I said class you were asking about race what were you asking no I don't feed him my scraps I make him a very special rule I'm telling you it's a very good I've even tried it once but I don't eat anything but brains and mushrooms of course and so therefore I cannot subsist on it and so I won't eat it but of course he's not going to eat what I eat and so I have to make him something very special which is a gruel and it's delicious if that's the type of thing you eat your class was asked your answered with Ray you answered with Ray's cosmic candy that's correct how about this why not you the audience guess what class I earn and yes brains are quite fatty but delicious hey what's up with your necklace today would mean what's up with my necklace today agent happening it's always the same necklace notice sorcerer a sorcerer no try again walk closer do you ever get your brain do you ever get brain massages the dumbest not that no how does that work what would I do would you someone literally come to me and massage the brain with both their hands is that something that we could do taxing wolf who told you that I was god class no I'm not a god another deity and I'm not working class I'm not a necromancer barbarian please look at the size of my bones [Music] it's as if you're not paying attention ravenclaw very nice getting closer oh listen lost local one I think you're misunderstanding just as I did they're not asking about my race they're asking hold on I need to go on to God real quick one second I'm gonna use my feet to type it in [Music] options do I have I mean it's just a mind flayer know [Music] it's not what you just said have I ever played D&D before of course I am DMD through-and-through listen to be honest with you I didn't really know what class I am see I never established that what the hell was that did you all just see what happened was that Milo that just ran in front of this screen like that way in front of the camera Milo Milo come over here look at me in the eyes and tell me who was that was that you who just ran in front of the camera or was that something else was it Jeff was it Jeff that was it Jeff tell me the honest truth it was all right he's allowed to do that okay fine I'm okay with that as long as it was was it safe well he's not allowed to do that no see if is not allowed to cross in front of the cab because he's too handsome he makes me look lesser I mean Jeff is also super handsome but see if is like really handsome like super very awesome handsome really gorgeous but I have a crush on synth you satisfied now all right let's talk about the digital items please mano bring me my yes the thing with it the information on it I need to read it I don't remember what is it called the thing with the writing on it yes there you go the cue cards perfect all right let me read them here we go all right you can grant the gift of advantage the ability to roll to 20 set it dice at once that's number one number two and for those of you that feel the players have had it too easy up until now which is awesome saying it's not easy Jeff makes this game very very hard there's disadvantage and the disadvantage will counter an advantage now if the player doesn't have an advantage they will roll to 20 sided dice at once and take the lowest that's disadvantage disadvantaged now you can also take pity on the adventuring party and have a player draw a force of good card that's good if you want to be bad you can then give them a force of evil card that's bad now what is something that we have all learned after all this time when you buy one of these digital items you must do what specify which pair it's fall at the table if you do not what will I do cause pain that's right for Milo and myself and then I will make the choice for you finally it's on you you can purchase an IOU and when you do it will light a candle and the rest you know when we reach 20 candles that's right a force of good pops out and there is nothing else that you can do there's no other digital items got it there is no digital item called Milo's ball stop it it does not exist it's not supposed to be there nope nope nope Jo Swift hobo Steve you're wrong it doesn't exist get over yourselves listen Jay lafete I am in a good mood it's just that my brain has been on fire for the past few minutes because of that stupid ball Milo would you like your gruel fine go fetch your ball as long as you promise not to make it glow stop it don't make it glow Koff addict three calf addict coffee addict you're saying here I want to know what the bull does no you don't he doesn't do anything he doesn't do anything it just closed a little bit and it's not good for you me or mala clear I don't want any more mushrooms listen I'm happy everything has gone so fantastically ever since the end of this last week I have dined on some of the most vicious brains I feel great so let's not ruin it with a little bit of sidetracking ie ball talk want some brain vodka Lord squiggles well squiggles why did I call it squiggles why are you calling me Lord squiggles floor Arab Anne [Music] Mylo ISM we will fill it I don't want mushrooms no does it burn when I pee look what what kind of question is that of course it burns when I pee it always has it's normal for an illicit is is it the meat of the brain or the content of the brain that makes the meal hard lousiest primus a player I see someone who's studied the illicit you see that's just what they tell you that's what they like to tell you that's what they like to say that's what they want you to think but they're wrong there is definitely a flavor all right humans delicious somewhat savory but delicious elves my goodness like desert orcs rubbery and mushy and poopy I'm not upset midnight clover I'm not upset I'm just a little aggravated get it listen you and I both know that it's not a good idea to mess with something that you don't understand you and all of your cronies do not understand [Music] don't tell a girl what to do you are not his real dad but ooh golden dag was telling you what to do ago well I'll tell him what to do is there a lady era ban well there used to be unfortunately she is passed many years back who plays you in the Lord a movie Tom crow easy who's that is that an actual tell mill Oh to pan down Milo you mean great John that's how you would say mill oh not Milo am i ello is Milo please get it right when are you going to fight with the players chiral fight with me are you kidding they wouldn't stand for a moment I wouldn't even need to move my eye in a snap look at me I'm even even try to snap my right hand but I won't be able to snap and I'll just be able to graze it a little like this perfect alright one last thing no no no cameras down just focus on the screen as I see the following tricks on a place on the Internet's call it the dungeon run bandim calm can you remember what they are that's right t-shirts hello we've got the dungeon run logo you ever seen it well there it is BAM hot damn look rosy cheeks pop and Devon all drink your fill Miep lives oh sweet and fun and fiery and actually quite dangerous it will burn you finally me yes that's the best Aaron I saw your comment there when's the intermission over that doesn't make a person feel very good this is live my friend I'm here in front of you I control you so don't forget it by the way if you want to get one of those shirts again they're at the the dungeon run fandom calm the butchers and thank you all those of you that have shared the show if you haven't I ask you to please do so remember I'll be joining you in the social conversation around the game and now it's time to rejoin our adventurers and we're back okay when we left off you guys were swimming underneath this cave beneath the water into this cave which puts you if you can help me out coming out here Oh from the step and you enter into whitebeard's jetty this is the pirate stronghold that you've heard about and you see what you see here on the map it is there's a little area where a small or even smaller rowboat then you guys are used to you guys have is docked and tied off to the dock there is some sort of cage looking thing there are there are spokes coming out of the water cordoning off partitioning off a section of water there is a bit of dock and some stairs that go up with crates and barrels stashed on it and then up on that second level after you step up out of the water and out of the dock that's in that little bit of water there is a sort of a sitting area and a pirate who is eating at that sitting area with his back to you alright so I'm gonna go in there I'm gonna try and find Argus and get him out and bring them back here is the goal yes yes difficut need money bribe him girl I stole the flood think all right her to them if you need to I'm going to and if it's more than like maybe an hour soon to come find me an hour behind you as best I can okay right did anyone catch his name who's they oh the guy that you play but the guy that you but I've now click that's me but um but you know I mean pirates call each other you know colorful names all the time so so maybe just I would if it's like the pirate equivalent of buddy Dave partner Dave bast you bastards that's your name all right here I go okay so you have cast thyself Express you could look live like three weeks ago Bolin's the master so use it your best memorable if ever the you had cast the sky self and yes and then with my actor feet I can impersonate right the man out there that I did not catch his name perfectly right and does that feat require knee you can enroll for performance or anything like that nope look at Jeff is that a wall right there over to the right a little bit who's ready she went up start yours she chopped it up on there and stepped up straight before you go up the stairs this this towards me a little bit that right yeah this is a this is a lower area just walk up here there's barrels and crates here and then you have to step up these stairs to get that's the only way out there is those stairs all right you go around and is it a ramp up there it looks like no there's a railing guys yeah this is a second level yes how far how far down is this from that level whatever three stairs would be it's you know it's not a full story down yeah but it's as you know you're stepping down into the water level and that's I'm gonna flat myself and crawl into these barrels yeah okay so you yeah you the barrels smell kind of bad but yes definitely real stealth you do have advantage from ash door but it is countered by Jo 408 sorry yeah Jeff I'm gonna go up there with him but keep myself low to the stairs okay are you gonna roll stuff this yes all right ago you have advantage from dupatta see okay thank you you're doing the same path right yeah down here low yep it is 12 13 18 all right and Lily you have just strode up being a slightly smaller version of the guy outside this ding dong eaten okay so you walk upright right behind him and as she's getting a dick area approach he hears a banging sound from uh go slamming into one of the crates and barrels and pushing them together it turns around us three sheets to a wind out here what are you doing in erekle fist I'm looking for Saugus Saugus Oh get back to your post days only are you talk to Saugus why because I have something to ask him it's a secret okay a secret oh I have a secret role deception drama in the point though she's allowed to have a seat melodies of old oh my gosh [Music] deception it's a yeah he's got to have a good to say your sacred show you tell you my secret know your secrets that's another secret you just told me that secret okay so it's not a secret now it's a secret we share we'll all bonded and your boy secret yeah it's like buzzers but it's safer cuz there's no illnesses we can play back and forth right yeah you know is target is your deep thinkers - I'm saying can you point me in its direction don't our talked about the sacred thing don't ask any questions I got raisin in for asking what I'm asking it tell you a secret right now we're both gonna get a lashing if you leave your post and go strolling into where why pay it is out of this body messing wave oh no me neither of course not no me neither now I just you know the secret we've got two more hours of sorry get out of this body ship Hotel what are you suggesting ickle suggesting there's got to be a better life than this I wasn't born to sit on some nest and watch a waterfall all day as much as it's nice for the first little bit you know you it sounds to me like you're suggesting in some newness how better draped you're drinking on the job - I like that the bookie day yes any of this top gets round to the guys you're lucky you're talking to me I like you I like you too we talked about it what secret Bono I thought you were running off together right now I know me neither I just I don't know what you want and I want you to get back to you coach before this already else comes out you know what lash it no so let's do this without the lashings I'm eating my breakfast and you're talking about great walking into a boy beards and showing him you're not at your post I'm gonna get yourself in there oh it's almost time where's my leave what is he gonna leave well he has to come out sometimes right you don't stay in there when what's close to time you can't leave occasionally did you bump your head listen I got something really important I need to talk to saugus and I'm trying to see him with help seeing right because I don't want another rash you about to watch the fight of course he's in there they're all in there and you and I are out here because we are the people who are at the bottom of the bloody food chain so I'll wander in there and get us both killed you're crazy I'm not gonna bring you into this don't you worry I'm a good friend your back was turned you were eating this chicken or whatever it is I my name is chicken of the sea I'm going into you so while she's causing your face I said we hear all of this yeah I used to get work we're probably can we can I essentially poke my head up I just want to see what's this black stuff what's this black let's be honest so you can yeah you can definitely see down this way as a as a pathway monkey James huh yeah he's in the [ __ ] today you know what I told you three sheets to a win this run is very strong it's bloody tomboy himself yeah his point well your man is fine he's done but his blood thirsty now is gonna get past him I I don't know what to say to you right now you're gonna get us both killed if you want to go walking in there I'm not gonna stop you but you don't tell them we had any kind of conversation I would never do that I'm trying to know who's in the fight so I can know we don't you go in and out really captured of course no one tells me anything up there I thought you might already be dead I feel stupid about it too well I'm glad I'm not the only one over here you know I'm here with you what do you think you're the only one we're together right now you can see me but you only want to be together right now right I just want to be clear - the thing is is that she's standing here right yeah he's talking to her correctly he's looking our Drake that's correct do anything is there's literally nothing we I will you said this is a cage exactly as it looks there are spikes coming out of the water that are cordoning off Oh bullying of something so I'm gonna stay under the water and swim closer to it to see what its cordoning off okay I don't like that look you just gave me lucky sectioning it off partitioning it that looks suspicious so I'm gonna get a little closer as you know the water is a little murkier here as if it has if it's as dirty as if it has more you know like bits floating in it right and as you get up the the you get up to the sides of these bars that come from the bottom and go up past the level of the water up as spikes and you get up to the surface of these bars and as you do to beady eyes come and giant jaws snap in the front of the the the cage it's a shark no it is not a shark but it is actually roll I can see in darkness some is it like rise fish that we the one that we caught yes the lobster fish eats got that got the clot got their claws on the bottom does he really no I don't think he it's under the water I don't think and he you're in a spirited conversation to say the least I'm gonna I'm gonna army crawl over to here and I'm gonna gesture to you to come to me as I'm laying flat and you guys can hear all the stuff about the fight I mean right right right what's what's uh what's nausea is doing over here she is terrified back up against the the the ground she's in she's watching you all do this and at you know above the water as you guys first came in here she said scholar befall else's pirate less stuff is not my bag okay doesn't matter Oh whisper it you're gonna poke your head above to get it on and probably to anyway yeah I'll hang my arm over though this side so that you can touch me if you need to talk I do need to touch you great all right we're gonna do some cards real quick we have three of them one for James a force is good from quizar ian 777s quiz Aryan and we have a good and an evil for Lilly one from ODE var is the evil and the good is from twins n- called meap's disguise viewer-submitted out of the amulet appears ents a small one-time use bird costume which will disguise me pin to any other type of bird of similar size oh we could have used this earlier yeah requires a DC 13 insight check or a DC 11 investigation check to reveal meep so not super high but if detect magic is running those checks cat a plus 5 okay well mate we could still use I mean doesn't like oh so it detect magic as if we were in Turla s-- I see well or anybody's using to anybody else yes okay I got a bag of unfavorable treats you are submitted a small bag of candies appears and you can't resist eating one for one D four turns for each candy you eat take one D for damage also the player that ate the candy has bad breath giving negative one charisma tricks for the rest of the session oh it tastes good though so how does it how does a I'm D for our skies self drop if you take damage no no and it's not even concentration is it [Music] one only one that's good so I'll just take one for damage give him soon as I can also one all right so as you're standing there you actually feel something grow in your pocket and you reach down and you pull out this candy and you looks delicious and you pop it in your mouth as you're having this conversation with this pirate and and it immediately hurts going down a mug of granny a mug of Grammy Dumble sucks famous morning-after drink appears drinking it heals you 1.d4 and cures any one condition nice that's us my mouth I only I'm gonna use another one condition B bad breath help sell it a little more huh but just give you negative one on Christmas X truth what you're doing that's true but she's already rolled she's already past so what's happening guys what are we doing I cast a visibility on so okay you pop out at all that I'm not visible right that's right very beautiful I'm going to pick up James I'm gonna slink through these bars and make my way down this way doesn't I can scope it out okay so you wander down this hallway so I can stand because it yeah now you're out of sight right and you see that this is a corridor that curves up and around any markings are there lots of tracks is there anything I can go off as far as what this chamber or hallway could be used for there's definitely lots of tracks there are lots of footprints and even claw prints there is it looks like things have been moved through here and lots of people have walked through here okay so it's well trouble mm-hmm I'm keeping to the wall in case somebody walks my way so they don't smack I'm gonna go all the way down here so that I can look around look both directions okay so you see this way you see you see a sheer cliffs edge down to more water it's where we saw the bevel and the this continues up and around as you wish your passive perception 9 you do hear some sounds around that corner but you're right sure what they are can I just look around the corner mmm sure you are invisible yes and you see a dog sweet that's perfect for Tibet see is it chained up or anything nope just a dog wandering it through regular dog and it starts sniffing the air as you come as you said I was sniffing it you turning around and looking it back the other way okay I smell good to get hmm Billy you're so it was becoming aware of like how long's is there a table where he was sitting like he turned around it he stand up when he turned around some his all around out and like sit down at the table kind of with him so he kind of would sit back down the way he was to turn his back right here I get back to your post and so many times I got the tail I know you've already told me knocks I'm hearing it just the same here's the thing I got word from a little birdie there if we can get Saugus off the boat will not be treasured in store for us now I know it's dangerous what sort of strife is the bloom in beau Oh with great risk comes great reward what are we risking our lives to hit Saugus out of it yes and to get us out of here why how do we get treasure when we go out of here there's about a bigger boat let's go into the Deep Freeze I want to go to the deep blamin reef I call you there raise you're in there you're gonna die in here from wit then only because of you what's that's a small Shack in your upper right corner yeah Shack are there yeah this is a room with a closed door okay god I just realized I still have do faux hems stinkbomb so I'm gonna turn back around Oh nicely done and I don't think it counts as an attack to just drop something because I'm not attacking it yeah yeah so then I'll drop the stink bomb here and so that mr. doggy hopefully bails it runs up and smells it beautiful yeah wait a ninja Civ I will mark that off the beginning of the game and then I'm going to continue going that direction so I can see what the dog was guarding okay the dog comes around this side here and you see it return I [Music] just put it I just said it somewhere you see it returned to its master standing here he's like what is he well is it what is it see dog what what's wrong Mme you were right Oh God but you guys smell on you am I good um I know it's risky but I want I want to see what's down that way so I'm gonna hit this corner try to look through that way alright and you can see and entrance into much larger chamber that probably connects to that now I'm gonna head back okay listen is there a way for me to get in there without getting seen so I can trying to off this August you won't get into the fight Marino if I'll get in seen sitting around crazy but you all crazy pirates that's what you're crazy too that's what brings us together okay so stop saying things like that like it's a new idea now when you say brings us together you don't hmm alright I'm sorry I keep getting stuck on that guy um I feel like the two of you are auditioning for the Rolling Stones by open he indicates just go around even a direction to get on the main no there's no way to get in there without being seen I don't need a ball I'm trying to be you are causing trouble at me can I use them yelling to get up to here let's roll stealth let's see if they can hear you an advantage pitcher beautiful do ya do two two one two three yeah yep so you managed to get up there without making much sound even walking up these wooden steps they don't creak as you are light-footed cat-like and you get up here and this is a stairs leading down to a door and as is that like another door to the left yep - two doors and doors so there is a room to your left a room to your right and big double doors in front of you all right going down to the big double doors and I'm listening at the door okay rule perception you do have advantage from battle Turkey thank you oof an 11 you definitely hear sounds through there muffled like people humping thumping people yeah there's definitely sounds of commotion but you're not able to pick anything out specifically or identify any particular sounds as it is loud like people yelling or just talking uh it it's not super loud but you can't really make out what it is you can't even tell if it's human voices or what mmm eleven year old eleven all right is the door locked it is yeah I'll go gets a little bit of a word from James and I got 40 feet of movement so right up next to say alright fire I'm not trying to be loud about it okay let's just then you are let's roll a stealth check and see if you can stuffily take a macular advantage you do have advantage all right huh Lilly would see him coming here for sure yeah are you using your mall uh they're not gonna knock him out I was gonna try to like grab bitten and I'm gonna get behind him okay okay okay no go no behind that pirate put myself in between the two of them you try to put yourself in between I'll go in him he's gonna turn around yeah I mean it yeah I'm gonna say wait I got something on you and I'm gonna like kind of get around like oh you got something on the back of your hair hold on just stay right where you are let me I feel like you're trying to protect him from us yes but I'm not like behind him I'm like like kind of like giving him a hug okay I'm so there's a table between you or you sat I guess I'm Katie corner on so I'm kind of going next to him and putting my arm around him and being like like like this doing that so I'm putting myself close to him okay like here's the deal I'm you're sending me very confusing signals all right so uh ago what are you wrong 14 all right so you come walking up here on planks yeah and the plank squeak as her arm goes around him and he definitely hears move in and he turns and she as soon as that happens I'm gonna try to grab him around his neck okay roll a string contest of strength you do have advantage from Eagle Eye 1 2 3 3 2 1 but it is countered by odd var I have advantage from Rizzo Ian but it is also countered from Amazon so it's straight strength yeah contest at 2020 so he's gonna see he turns around you grab him you grab his neck his eyes bulge he looks at you're not trying to kill used yeah trying to kill yeah you uh you you've got him in your sway cool so he's you know I'm trying to keep him from speaking and essentially sleeper hold him until he goes in at 20 that's happening right so he and he rolled it - yeah so uh so he is or god yeah his squeezed squeezed squeezed his head face get red his eyes bulge he's looks at you with a questioning I'm trying to like hurt and like I'm trying to help you sort of falls in your arms he's limping your arms no way that was he was in a position to stopping us from any sort of progress okay so I guess I'm sorry James degree will probably climb out yes yes yes check I'm gonna check that door is that locked which toy that door yes that one no what you see SIV as you walk down to the other area you know is another room that's not the word I wanted but so what I got yes Chambers much better and there is a wooden stump that looks like a work area with what appears to be pieces of an old mast that have been sawed in half or in sought in sections and it looks like an active work area and there is a table farther down past that area and some stairs leading up to a second level and this is all like a big open area right because there's essentially no doors except for that one right there yeah there is a door here no leads out leta oh no it's a door to it to a chamber set him up set him up as if he was passed out from drinking or something just sit him in the chair lean him against the wall so if we're not here when someone comes by they'll see him and maybe they'll think he's drunk either is there like liquor or beer around where he's at absolutely there's he was sitting down for breakfast there are drinks I mean yeah yeah I'm gonna pour it on him like on his chest but that into his mouth okay jam him make sure yeah make sure he gets into him alright uh as much of it as he'll take before don't wake him up right alright I see if he doesn't wake up yeah no he does not and then I'm yeah I'm gonna lay him where the liquor is in his lap aney alright so you sort of in the back corner here just like passed out yeah okay okay I'm gonna come back around the corner and be whispering yeah so I don't know how much of you you guys would be able to hear this but I definitely think Lily and I'll go would hear this did you try that door not yeah okay sorry did you want to do that first I know I was gonna actually wait for you to know it or Lily I'm gonna whisper and say this place is massive I have no idea where Saugus could be and I described briefly this hallway with the dog and the dog's owner and this other workstation area over here he's in getting ready for the fights they said the fights of the people did they captured that's what they said so there's a fight happening and everyone's in there to watch that's probably that's probably you can't see me point but I say that's probably coming through that Center chamber there the doors are locked and I heard loud sounds if I could see Saugus if we could find out where he was I could send him a message like I talked to a dipthong and tell him to meet us and tell him that what were here to do and he could just walk out with us they didn't seem very convinced that I could walk in there without raising some red flags but I'm willing to try it I just I think I'm gonna have to have a reason for leaving my post mm-hmm ready oh by the way by the way be careful of that and pointing down the one of those nasty fishes down there and I assume it's being held down there to drop unwanted people in that's very gross I have an idea okay you could tell them about the Phoenix yes use that as a reason to go and speak with them and then perhaps at least look into the situation and if worse came comes to worse you can ask for reinforcements and bring more people out it's a really good idea that's a good idea all right sieve wherever you are sieve yes I'm right here I'm pointing to this door could you could you maybe I'll back away and I'll back away make sure that I'm not in the visit locked no no oh I'm not gonna do a deep search but I'm definitely gonna make sure that there isn't any like obvious traps tripwires anything like that roll it up now you do have advantage from ravenclaw 9 3 2 1 - yeah you do a fairly thorough search of this service door you do not come up with any traps okay I'll open it and see what's inside okay so you swing the door open another stick and it is a storage container that has barrels and crates the crates several of them are full of living creatures oh there are very odd-looking strange creatures in these cages and the barrels are sealed behind them do the barrels smell like those other ones smelled which other ones you said those smell bad I believe yeah these well if you want to go in and look at check them out yeah okay so as you go in and look inside you definitely see these look like barrels of feed for animals and not humans and they do smell bad and these crates there as you enter there's some kind of squawking and and ruckus from a couple of creatures that are stuck in them there's at least two crates with creatures that seem to be dead when you say creatures like these are creatures that we've never seen before they're not like well you can investigate you can yeah I'm saying they're not like chicken their dogs they're like these are sure or yeah real nature investigation sure I mean I don't know have you guys communicated to her less creatures submitted I see yeah I know Howard says yes okay you guys can roll knowledge nature yeah 1800 way to heaven I want to search him yeah just give me one second so FEMA you have advantage from twins n but it was countered by eagle eye one two three two two one and James you are also doing you have advantage from z-man 9018 thank you it was no no ago you are searching him okay oh wait no that was at all an investigation on him you have a advantage from asthma 14 I'm on my knowledge on nature did you do I rolled I 18 for investigation what are you looking for exactly for invite your investigation I wanted to see if I could identify the creatures okay between the two of you as you kind of put your heads together it does look like there is one creature that you would recognize as being something you've heard about called an R lop and another that's called a chick Charney fastenr lop is covered in fur and has whiskers on its face it's a small creature and it's it's it's very tiny almost looks like a boggle it's it's got long fingers and elongated body parts it's do they looks very scared do they look emaciated do they let me know yeah the Charney is more like an owl looks like a three-foot-tall owl has three toes two slender arms with three fingers and a prehensile tail like an opossums and I'm gonna open one of the barrels and take out some feed okay yeah toss it into the cages no 15 on the search you are able to come up with 15 gold coins and the dagger he also clearly has a scimitar that he had taken off to eat and it's laying down next to him clean yet can you do a portal is it hard quite would it be too hard to portal him back to our ship I could I could do that but I need a long rest between portals I don't want to leave I know I don't have a lot of time no matter dog is going to eventually get over what kind of dog a regular dog um but I think we may have stumbled across a way to give whitebeard a problem what if he's if these are his trade if he's looking to sell these to make money off of them or something we could um we could take set them free set them free complete certainty cause extraction take them with us do these look like parts of those other creatures that we saw like put together or it kind of like what do you know it is sea monster creatures that had on being did they and they don't look like what was in the cages outside they they're air there are qualities that remind you of that those things there there are these are a variety of fantastical creatures it doesn't look like the exact same ones you saw outside but they are of of a category don't worry we will save each and every one of you on our way out if I think you should keep scouting yes that's what I was going to do I'm gonna go over here and make my way all right you as you walk over there you definitely hear sounds of work being done and it's from coming from up the up the stairs here need to cause the distraction there is a lot of wood famous mm-hmm this there's you get what I'm saying there's a lot of noises of banging and sawing and someone is clearly working up there can I just like take one step up and just peer across the way so I can actually see what yep you're still invisible right right what did you say was on that table this table yeah it's like a dining table it has weight that's the work over where yeah this is a work bench right [Laughter] and he's just like Bank is working so he's applying more planks down here and this area that is dirt and cut out from the coke he's laying these planks cutting wood and seems to be you know putting down the wood floor that you're walking on any other areas so he's just putting flooring and okay I guess that would be nice so just a general contractor putting in hardwood there's a door here wrecked I'm gonna keep going cuz I want to see what's over here and what's through that doorway yeah this is a oh that's the other thing very busy all the way back sweet yeah sweet careful alright so there is a force of good from icon Z one for Lily something I can see one thank you stop drop and roll the next time you are damaged by fire in combat you remember just what to do you stop moving drop to the ground cover your face and roll around to put the out the fire this reduces damage from the fire by half and you move 15 feet if an enemy is within 15 feet it knocks them prone cool pace Jeff yeah those barrels in that empty room right there yeah yeah I'd like to go in there and open those barrels okay so where are those here next to a still front so these barrels it is clear to you in contrast to the ones you never saw the ones in the other room but these are these do seem to contain rations and human food rations like that I can just take well yeah you pry open the barrel and you it's you know rations maybe is the wrong word evidence you know like hard set losses yeah it's got you all right water yes fresh water I've dumped it out ok the spills and splashes down this this might appear to be odd this stops sawing for a second and walks to the edge here and peers down hello when I start creeping closer to him cuz I have no idea what you're doing so you're at the bottom the stairs maybe I'm gonna wait to see if he actually comes down so I'll be back like a 5 feet I could jump on him pretty quick so I'll give him a little distance so water has seeped into this sail and I mean there's quite a giant barrel of water is quite a lie so is he coming down or is he just gonna hang up there and he's look in he's thinking he's taking a couple steps down the stairs he's looking he sees water trickling you can all hear him yeah yeah I'll go around the corner ok ignore it stupid bastard over here puncture the barrel I know I'm just don't tell anyone and it goes back up nice I remember this fight is I think it's those stairs now it's personal I have a what I'm sure it's very stinky and smelly uh leftover some monster I'm gonna cut them up and throw them in the food you wait what I'm ruined a thrashing yeah yeah yeah oh you oh you're bit the bits of the making problems for white beard yeah yeah good yep okay so you warfare tactics yeah maybe the very orcish maybe even the the bottom of your balls yeah which monster was that which one you said it was bits of oh there's I every monster we kill I take bits with me you never know when you might want to poison someone's food yeah you know right oh yeah so like there's some head of the cop brew in there yeah all right so what what are we doing now I want to start moving towards the door where you have all said that the fighting is happening now and that doors locked yes I I would have told you that yes beep is hiding away here my clothing okay all right I'm thoroughly confused so I'm going to go back to Lily's slash impersonating Perricone thing um I don't know what the plan is but stinky smell yes I think there's people all around us so we better move yes there's there's a way to escape out that way as well well do you I need to still get in there I need to right I think you need to you should I think you should try to unlock the door and our pirate friend should walk in right this I mean they may not they may be upset but it's it's something I'm gonna tell him - I saw a Phoenix right great don't tell picking the lock all right thinking you have advantage skullcap sweet I'll go where you still there yep if you come back okay 25 points five you are working on this this lock and you are hearing thumping on the other side of the door mm like drums no like someone hitting the walls and you hear a little click on the door and it reverberates right in front of you [Music] how does the wall look in front of it is it high yeah it goes all the way up yeah it's a solid door so it's so it's like a high like 10 20 foot high wall that's correct get go back and do you want me to open the door no and as you're talking it here it's door then this door click open and Saugus comes up with a name tag that says hello my name is sorry i i've not which door you go back to your toast what's wrong with this door is the door we brought the owl bearing why are you crazy because you want to relegate me to the foot of the building all right get back to your post before I take your hand I've seen something I need to tell what beard then go tell why beard I don't care post which daughter get him okay go around like the rest of us you're blaming boss just trying to save some time right back in your bedroom waving to so let me just lock the door as quickly as I can all right you all there's an owl bear in there there's some tiny creatures where I may see a tit I am showing great restraint right now by not shooting a fireball at that door you buried a job okay no they're using them they use it it's for the glare like some sort of the two of you should work the two of you Lillian and Sue it should work in in you know conjunction with each other going around Lily being the distraction talking and and Civ continuing to Scout seeing as much - be quiet out here hearing you and you're just walking around taking her by the hand and pulling her that way because if we come back and you're not here I will I will get Claudia and I down closer to the water if NEMA - to kind of keep ya like that down there yeah just to sort of keep out of out of eyesight I'm gonna keep feeding the creatures so she's so she's a snake this was a ground state so you're going up you're going to hear that was I'm gonna go past that guy he's working I'll go get you white man I'm gonna tell him something we're splitting the party oh he doesn't even look up as you walk by he's hard at work good job alright you come around here walk in walk on just the two of you yeah it's alright walk and walk and walk in and you walk here and you see well bah bah bah bah bah bah quite a sights finds its bit albear is so scary yeah it's quite easier than the one that you made sighs I see white hair and white facial hair on a mini it's the size of a minute's at least the size of a motley crew which makes sense all right so you come strolling in here and you see this sight of a whole bunch of pirates assume you're gonna stay kind of by the door there yeah whole bunch of pirates looking down into a pit with this incredibly large injured creature this massive owl bear the thing it's half bear with the face of an owl it's feathered and its legs have fur and its eyes or Biddy and it is bleeding from the mouth and from scars and slashes on its arms and torso and it is slashing and slamming into the walls and and they're all these of Pirates are laughing they're having a great old time in here is there anything in the pit wouldn't a bear not yet so what it's just doing that damage to itself no is there imaged okay yeah so as you guys stroll in here you're just gonna walk right into this room and I hold on oh so I meant can I like kind of see around when I like I can get to there and kind of like pop my head around just to see who I'm looking at like oh I see I see white bear in the middle there there's definitely a very large man the big belly and this enormous cascading beard that's white over the top of his belly it goes down past his kneecaps Wow and he sits in this big chair in the center in the back of this room looking down on this pit where this owl bear is to his left is a total a man who has a shell on his back and sits in a chair looks like there's long sideburns white sideburns that kind of go into whiskers on this tortoise face it is a humanoid turtle and yeah and there are a number of motley pirates all around there two on each side sitting in the stands that are at the back of this room Jeff while I'm down here just quickly side thing we've seen these beasts I think we have start to have an idea I'm gonna start ritual casting speak with animals hmm okay down here quietly it's gonna take me ten minutes okay but yes okay okay and as you walk in these two pirates definitely take note of you and and then they kind of look over at white beard and white beard turns that to you and goes oh huh what are you doing yeah oh my god that's the boys want it go with it hi sorry weird what's weird Ave know to enjoy my entertainment I know what beard and I respect that you know that I do all about butts in a Phoenix has flown through the waterfall all right oh I've seen it in news Whitehall I know it's crazy believe me I know and what did you do well we shot at it yeah sure and I think we got it but we found uh you know when it fell into the water it we can't find it anymore and why are you telling me this because it was home it was a little flag that said Saugus Vaughn flick you're telling me huh Phoenix threw in our water yes I know it sounds crazy on what are coming him that said Saugus like a banner yes so Casey I thought you're the guy to his left the table portal yes and it was weird and we wrote it and now we can't find it and I thought I would tell you because you would be mad if you didn't know I'm mad that I do know all right well I guess I was wrong wasting my time and I'm sorry he points out that pirate he goes caught it steps down a lot off the thing and he pulls out his scimitar and comes up to you to cut your arm he pulls it across your arm ah ouch check I'm gonna let me see what he would damage six points of damage check oof ouch check this guy's self yeah blood gushes from your arm and he looks at you and he goes I thought you were taller well this is a stressful job all right Jeff by stress shrinking everybody knows stress shrinking yeah the sky's self says it doesn't hold up to physic like so if if he cuts her arm basically it will go through the illusion to cut her right so it doesn't hold up to physical inspection so I do with that but it doesn't drop no from up no give you an opportunity to see through okay but you can really show that information yeah this dude as he pulls the scimitar across your arm and it goes deeper in than it should as it kind of passes past this illusion into your arm he turns in he goes and he reaches out and grabs you by the scruff of the neck oh geez grapple and all I have a vanity yelling I don't think you guys would hear it yeah I'm just wondering yeah heard okay so you got a role as strength gonna he's trying to grapple you so you gonna roll a contest of strength and I get no 22 I don't have good strength so I got advantage on that from oddvar oh okay so this is what I'm gonna do yeah when he does that I'm gonna drink this gummiberry juice nice okay a violet potion that once consumed gives you the ability to bounce around for two actions in or out of combat you can bounce thirty feet in any direction including up if you are pushed or thrown into something you will bounce off of it in the opposite direction what Lemmons unarmed attacks and blood projectiles will also bounce off of you so he is freaking out and I'm also gonna in character as the pirate also freaked out like so as you choose not to grapple you and gets a good ya motion down on the back you're next you bounce off in the opposite direction yeah blings bounce off this wall and go bounding off the bay and all these pirates are like there's it's like a record scratch happen and everybody's looking at this insanity that just went off and I'll be saying all of these Pirates are rushing down this this passage oh boy do I control it at all I don't think so I mean I think as you come to a resting stop you can now do a second bouncing action anyone but you sort of bounded back when I am there I'm gonna stop and look into my white white they're all standing in front of you scimitars out one of them has actually has a chain that he's swinging above his head stop something is happening and I feel like if you hurt me it's gonna happen to you there's magic happening to me alright this one comes on and it's sort of investigating what's going on bhai there's magic magic can I sneak past so I can get over to those two sure oh my arms are only so long are there probably focus that direction right yes okay I'm going to try to using my stealth and slide up and I'm gonna try to sneak this into the turtles hand okay what did you can you roll deception to see if you're there buying anything you're saying here and you're gonna roll sleight of hands yep Lily you you have advantage from Addison and Civ you have advantage from nugget Sarris rex megastores best Lily I will give you inspire the inspirer from Wookiee King no but I can play so I can play it I can still give it to whomever I want it's just like I'm giving you Bartok inspirations as long as I remind you to do the same so but I still so I got oh because of my bad breath just out of game Ron can you nice girl they're all there standing there's scimitars out and you've just told this tale of magic and it was we what happened I'm telling you a Phoenix come in with her name touring around it's like and then it disappeared and now this has happened in don't talk to me back away they believe that there's some voodoo on you they don't want anything a part of cursed one and I was sitting here clearly to curse you back okay so see if you have ruled side hand yes I got a twenty six passing a note in character and it it this Turtles a little total hand he sees it and looks up at white beard and doesn't understand why he has a note in his hand but he surreptitiously opens it and doesn't know what to do standing around looking these these pirates are all getting scared and and white beard stands up and goes oh I'll have to do this myself and he steps down y'all afraid of a little cars um okay so he's not around the corner Jeff did I hear him scuttle away the this one that was building the depths if you're over here you were right the working stops oh yeah the working definitely stopped then I'm gonna go you know I'm gonna try to keep my head below the the stairs to try to see what's happening down that way all right you definitely don't see anybody you know in your field of view okay anymore so no one down that way I mean you can see you can see where the guy used to be I'm no longer there and you can see to the back of where that corridor swings to the right all right and you don't see a person okay cuz the noise is the noise loud enough that we've reached us over here which noise the noise of the fray I don't think so I think you're in a you're in a this is a cave a corridor so I'm gonna try to listen to what's going down that hallway you also you are definitely taken by these creatures and you've been trying to tend to them give them food yeah I'm trying to listen what's happening down that like percent with role perception you know regular you do have advantage from j-rok safe from twisted Emily so I said from twisted Emily yeah this he looked like he's moving Saugus Saugus is standing here perplexed looking back and forth on not understanding what how this thing cut into his hand 30 20 30 20 yeah you you hear the sounds of this commotion happening down this this court I still hear her talking yeah she's you know okay talking very loudly and making a case for herself okay so white beard has parted this sea of men and stands here at the entrance of this corridor in the second he looks at me I'm gonna do that Fahim a touch on him so in the midst of battle a chosen opponent which is by beard and they will all see this suddenly stops fighting and shouts wait they might want to be friends healing the holder of this card 1d6 hit points before shaking it off and getting back to the fight okay so he says wait they might want to refresh I told you it's weird all the Pirates look at white beard just use like all your forces of he took mine they're kind of afraid and he says great a lot of ER well we're out of here and they're scared and frightened and then as they get closer to me is it funny the way your mouth amazing oh it's only my mom Wow I got to do it I got to do that voice as they okay so as they I'm gonna take one step closer them and I'm gonna light this force of the card that I don't know who games to makes this so long ago called the match of the funky flame okay when lit every creature in a 25-foot radius begins to spontaneously dance until the match burns out for is extinguished crushing it and I'm gonna try it like hide it from them so it's like I don't know what's happening this dude dances white beard dances dances two of these pirates but not the owl bear sadly not yeah I was hoping it would you know wanna see I want to see Lily go it alone on this one and just wipe out everyone so white beard starts dancing his you know big belly bopping his beard kind of swaying from side to side it is a massive beard that goes down to his knees it's swaying side to side his eyes are confused the pirates behind him are looking at him and they start backing away these new who are not dancing run I'm gonna whisper into saugus is here now's your chance all to live he turns and looks at you right but looks at your director and sees right through you and is confused and reaches out and feels fur yeah grab his hand and pull okay so that doesn't count as an attack does it cuz I'm not really it no no no he reached out for you these guys are running the albear is you know still bashing around down here more distraction exactly these guys are still doing how long does it say they dance for extinguish these three are dancing the student is dancing these guys are running away you're pulling him and going s direction okay you're running this way dog so here's the thing about saugus he's a turtle yeah he doesn't move fast yeah he's he's walking rather slowly I'll get behind him and push okay all right has it been 10 minutes yet it has okay more chaos do I hear anything wait we don't hear anything but sit down in your area you do not although there's now a disco happening pretty loud here like oh you know that kind of like alright echoey something okay and I know that the owl bear is behind that door yes you guys came back down through that way and told me this no no yeah they hope they tried to open that door closed I said I said Alabama yes wait what when when they talk to this guy yeah when they talk to that guy and then came back you'll heal so shouted there's an owl he said album yeah yes okay great oh you're right I haven't I haven't actually seen the alo bear so I'm going to start making my way up that door I'm gonna knock on the door for Hema come on whatever you're gonna do with those animals hurry up I think something I think it's going down gdfr going down for real here we go so Claudia is behind you kind of trying to keep up trying to make sense of what's going on well SIV what are you doing with saugus push behind I'm trying to get him out of here yeah he moves rather slowly yep and you guys come walking up to this pirate and his dog the dog is sniffing sniffing sniffing and this guy goes oh yeah what's going on wait it's okay so why why are you leaving so I guess goes you know so I guess looks and feels you pushing him and there's I'm gonna try to keep the turtle in between me and the dog so if the dogs on one side I'm not go to the other side yeah yeah but the other two were running did they run faster than the total cogs and tugs first sure I might sell the whole they come tearing around yes let's go in on and these to come this if they're getting that close I'm gonna shove Claudia into that room if I'm hearing people coming alright pass Mahima into the room yeah if we can we all free fit in there sure okay bettan hide all right you guys are cramped up next to these creatures and cages that are squawking and banging at the cages and VM has been feeding them food so they're feeling a little more robust you're pressed up against barrels and you pull the door closed behind you these guys run and leap into this boat and they're out of here roll away cuz it was prepping for the fight here anything is he is he doing anything else this guy's in a room yeah he's not stage he's about to bring a monster in to fight this this al bear so he's very occupied with what's going on can we start heading up towards the noise I just want to wait and see I want to start heading out towards them this guy with the dog is very confused and you keep pushing him and back and he said well what curse what curse well what you know Tsongas goes that way and he goes kicks his dog the dog runs this direction he runs past Jeff yeah are there like is there like a stone I can pick up at my feet anywhere in this cave like just oh there's definitely lumber and nails yeah I nail that'll work yeah it works I toss it right next to Lily like I trying to hit the wall next turning in her attention yeah okay I'm just tossing it as far as I can and just trying to get our attention Lily role perception see if you notice that you do have advantage Lily from a board game corner thanks game corner I love advantage if you continue to move these guys are past you he's running in here you're moving this direction yeah okay yes you definitely hear this yeah there's people dancing all around you which is about to wear off but you hear this nail building thing on the floor and you turn and look and see I'll go back there pointing at the saddle can I like I mean the match is about to go out so you get one shot to do that it's gonna burn it down to your fingers at this point you know matches don't last very long alright I'll look at them with like crazed eyes hmm and be like never touching me if you know what's good for you [Laughter] gummiberry juice my last bounce into a saddle I love this okay literally bound you bound over the top of this dancing guy and hit the ground one more time you bounce off the ceiling everywhere yeah you found it off the ceiling and Lance Squa into the into the the saddle and I'm assuming yeah and so the match the match burns itself out these these pirates stop dancing and look around and I stole lilius she's on the back of a go yeah I mean that's there and you hear a white beard go star and these guys are like hey you know they're freaking out but they're more scared of white beard than anything else so they start booking after you I love that we're doing this all not initiative I'm crazy but it's fun I know okay so so once I hear them run by did you lock that I don't know that no me no no no sieve did that lie out there don't work yes you specifically planned out I did I did lock it but I did not say that I locked it I just heard shaking yeah sure yeah okay so I'm gonna head back up Irie locked this because they didn't want the Ala bear to just burst out and start killing people right exactly okay so I'm gonna head that direction which direction towards the owl bear okay so you come out in this dry and be sneaky about it I will still do I have advantage hmm oh I'll just be yeah you did you do from ash drawer thank that's drawer 11 Lily grab teacher cannon so you don't do it very stealthily there's a lot of noise but you get yourself down here toward this door you guys are staying or clutter yet staying in this room and peering out and going with what's what I do and this dude is trying to figure out he runs up to through white Barry who says Oh laughter and so the this guys and the dog is from dogs hey Jeff while we're running she's gonna grab the t-shirt cannon that's in the back and I'm gonna grab the fire Molotov the two that I have okay I'm gonna grab one okay hoping that she's can hand it to me I can load it jump off that turn and fire right onto the onto the the wood the wood I'm in love with that let's roll some dice school dexterity would be what I would say maybe even athletics - Lily I'm gonna need you to roll dexterity as well just a straight dexterity roll you do have advantages I go you have advantage from insane black and liklihood vans from mario fan 15 sure help nice that would be a 23 okay so you are alright so you Russian pull off this move with aplomb you grab the the t-shirt cannon that old pal had given a go as you left Bingle and it is not loaded though is it it is not loaded that's why I was grabbing it too loaded the Molotov okay but with the Molotov cocktail so it takes it I need to use the t-shirt cannon card I'll do that well it's your kind of car that gives a C to F the friendly it well it says a hand cannon appears in front of me that's already loaded right buddy the purpose is to give it AC to a friendly so when I can use it as a weapon okay but you do have this as a weapon yeah so your dexterity role was good nothing you could have put the Molotov and it takes an action to crank her the to wind it up so it takes that these guys get closer and so fire like this area uh yeah I was just gonna try to I'm going to where we came from right jump off of that and like to try to fire it back so it sets this whole wooden area on fire okay when they come into it doesn't necessarily have to be like right there on the any part that's gonna keep them it's gonna burst in a flame and that make them make the choice to run through gotcha so I my worry is that is the leaping backward with Lily in your saddle might injure her well we already did that one right or was that the getting things cuz I the 23 in the dexterity I figured with our athletics was what was that role for on athletics that was the leap but I'm saying I think it needs I think you need to take a little damage if and on Lily I was gonna try to land on my feet oh I see yeah yeah I imagine the cool you know yeah then on your feet and this as you crank it Lily and you Jam the the trigger this thing with and it goes a Molotov cocktail is not lit either man you could just light it and drop it you don't even need to breathe I mean it's super cool and I want to make it work but for sure it takes an action to crank it it takes an action I light it and you don't even I don't know how you would produce the fire right now is there any other ammunition that you could have put into it instead the Molotov huh there's no torches lighting up this cave well I don't think they would have stopped and lit the Molotov cocktail on a tour yeah I'm dashing this way towards that Oliver okay as soon as I see you I say Fahim on this is oh you're going she's going yes when that way yeah yeah I mean I saw people running from here so and I know that's locked or I know it's shut so I don't know you know if you run 20 all that there I have a tinderbox I know I just take so much I understand what you're trying to accomplish but I feel like it's I get yeah I mean I don't let it I would still do that because a goat is not hard enough to realize that that's a thing great but he does it clocks this dude in the face with a with a glass you know last bottle pop into his head right he you know it kind of takes that damage but the next few keep calling well he's doing that I'll be like still screaming like crazy like a cinematic moment of this of like doing the Molotov cocktails shooting it just go cool and guys like ah I'll go realizing oh right got it fire yeah exactly that's very it's a very cool moment and no so which way it's so FEMA is it wouldn't run that way then I might want to run towards okay I'll bear that it would be definitely this way okay yeah okay James then okay and you saw that it is locked yes I tried the door it's locked yep yes lock okay unless you don't keep in mind I'm not very fast yeah you are your your book this to me is the moment at the at the beginning of Raiders of the Lost Ark who is like behind so that's kind of what's happening is your euro your book and these guys are these guys are going as well and what's Claudia doing she's she's doing him right there yeah but now that both of you guys have left which you really stay in the room maybe she's kind of a coward so yeah probably and then what happens I mean I think she's kind of peaking out here yeah and then what happens right at this moment in all of this chaos you hear and feel an incredible kaboom an incredible blast everybody role a strength saving throw do I have an advantage yes you have James you have advantaged from thank you how pagada pegasi I'll go you have advantage from taxing wolf Lily have advantage from username Erik and for him you have advance from Amazon Sean city of immense from snark on the cruel 12 gives you the prone 13 he may you go prone I go you go prone with I got 13 on the back 15 see if you stay up tip so you are all down on your backs and that as you are able to tell where that came from it's as if the entire place shook it says if the entire place there was this massive kind of came from above you as if this massive sound rocked the whole place and you all fall to the ground or disease except for seven you're still pushing him yeah its direction yeah are you trying to get here or off here we're going to use the portal I'm gonna go back to there because I want to find Claudia okay so that's that's direction I'm pushing him all right so you're pushing them back to Claudia these all these pirates do they not fall from the nope this is what's called a lair yeah snap as you are in the Pirates lair and they all come around to you and surround you and white beer comes walking up behind you and you guys can get back to your feet the two of you are here whoa and I'm trying to get through that door that's my goal right now yeah if things are if it's all going down I am well I wanted to shoot a magic missile yes a lock to try and break it open okay that follows logic you blow the lock yeah you can do that but as they surround a go and Lily here and Whitebeard walks up and he sees what looks like one of his pirates overflowing the back like penetrating in the back of this backpack thing and staring down at this crazy the cursed being that has caused all this crazy chaos and there's this orc that it is sort of on and in and of and he looks down at all of you and he says and that's we're gonna stop tonight oh and the candles are lit so we'll do that the beginning of next show I'm about to pass out I'm not feeling well so I'm gonna stop us here but we will pick up this next week I'm I'm feeling a little like okay but this is pretty awesome Justin and we are yeah we are having a lot of fun inside whitebeard's jetty so I appreciate everybody that gave us forces of good and forces of evil and advantages and disadvantages very very sweet of you to support the show this is gonna be fun we're gonna pick this up right here next week and I hope you join us Wednesday 6 p.m. Pacific time until then humankind be both true all of you played along and interact with the surrounding our humble thanks and thank you to everyone that shared our adventure and my respect and thanks to MD for D&D to staple clown general marklar Obie one sick no B speed bump 78 L team near battle turkey yes Jessie three two one three two one shadow in the shade Batman underscore Joker cosmic candy mickey wolf 19 Sarris garrett raga Ragland and davis wolf and all the others who viewers who submitted force of good and Forestville cards that were used in tonight's show and don't forget the dungeon run the official dungeon run after show is live every Tuesday night at 6 p.m. our host Trisha Hershberger sits down with the cast of the show and special guests to talk all things dungeon run from community questions and episode recaps to theories and all the fan art your mortal brains can fathom the dungeon rundown airs right here on caffeine caffeine dot TV /the dungeon Vaughan make sure to follow the channel to get live notifications and of course join us for the dungeon run next week and every weekend or sorry on weekend Wednesday at 6 p.m. Pacific again that's every Wednesday at 6 p.m. Pacific right here as the dungeon drum continues until next week May the dice roll in you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Caffeine
Views: 36,079
Rating: 4.9205675 out of 5
Keywords: dnd, caffeine, critical role, katie michels, ron ogden, morgan peter brown, jessica parsons, jeff cannata, jarred kjack, dungeons and dragons, the dungeon run, #thedungeonrun, #dnd
Id: zO-S1ty3jKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 6sec (12486 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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