Husbands Save Your Wives - Tim Conway

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I believe this is now the fourth message where I am appealing to husbands to be the kind of husband the Lord calls you to be from the Word of God let's read once again Ephesians chapter 5 verse 22 wives submit to your own husband's as to the Lord before we finish I do want to deal with wives and I do want to deal with children and Lord willing we will do that wives submit to your own husband's as to the Lord verse 23 for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church his body and as himself its Savior now as the church submits to Christ so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her well god help us to look at this once again to the ladies I want to give you two words of encouragement two words of exhortation right here at the beginning look ladies you married ladies you as much as anyone know that the man that you're married to is not perfect right ladies you know that you know where he's weak you full well know where he may be somewhat defective as a husband as a leader you know his quirks you know his failures I mean you know what ways you would like your husband to love you more you know that very well because that's what you would like to have happen and that flows right out of your own desires I don't imagine there's a wife here wives and new ladies that want to be wives this will one day be true that there's not a woman here there's not a wife in our midst that hasn't been hurt by her husband you know I don't mean physically I mean had her feelings hurt there's not a wife here that hasn't been frustrated with her husband angry with her husband maybe some of you have even had days when you give up hope that your man will ever change look I mean I realize you may have other days when you think God has given you a great husband but if you look at your husband and you think well this is the way he is and I'd really don't see a whole lot of change and I wish he would change I wish he would become more godly I wish you'd become more of an image of what we find here in the scriptures that he would be a strong and a courageous leader that he would love me like Christ loved the church ladies I believe the Lord would have me encourage you unto points here but there is indeed hope and brethren or ladies the first encouragement is this there is definitely a god factor in all this what I mean is I'll grant you that if your husband changing was left to him you'd be in some serious trouble but don't we believe have we not been taught is this not our understanding brethren is not our hope that as Christians were moving somewhere but we are becoming transformed from one degree of glory into another into the very image of Christ don't we believe does not the Bible teach that the old man yes it's deteriorating but what does it say about the inner man it's being renewed day by day is that not our hope listen I read somewhere in my Bible and I think you do too that when God determined to give a new covenant one built on much better promises what did he do did he come along and say it all rests on you the way I read the new covenant God says okay man you're helpless you've broke my law clearly you're out of the way here it is I will do this and I will do this and I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna remove their sin I'm gonna give them my spirit I'm gonna give them a new heart I'm gonna put my fear within them I mean God in the New Covenant he just busts in there and he says okay you need a new and a better covenant people and here it is I will and one of the things he says that he will do is cause us to walk in his statutes and to obey his rules if any of you ever read that where does that come from our our Bible man over here knows right is he killed 36 absolutely now listen wives if your husband is a Christian and if God said look I'm gonna make all these Christians and I'm gonna do all this for them and one of the things I'm going to do for them is cause them to walk in my statutes well ladies one of the statutes that he gave is that your husband's was to love you like Christ loved the church and God says I'm going to cause him to do that now that ought to be an encouragement to you the second thing that ought to be an encouragement to use this did Jesus not say somewhere like about John 17 praying to his father now listen when he was praying to his father in John 17 who is he praying for his disciples and those that would believe through their word that describes the Christians in this room you know one of the things he prayed for them sanctify them in thy truth thy Word is truth did he not pray that of course that's King James it probably didn't say it exactly like that probably not in English either right but here's a point what is sanctify mean I mean does it not mean to transform that person so that they are becoming more and more and more holy now here's the thing you have God's promise on it and you have Jesus prayer behind it that God's people would be sanctified in the truth Your Word is truth now here's the thing if if men are coming and sitting in the truth of these sermons would you not expect that right at this point men would be making progress would you not expect that if God has determined to cause his people to keep his Commandments and if Jesus is saying that praying for these men to be sanctified in the truth and if the men are being immersed in this truth of how to be a good husband would you not expect that somewhere somehow some of that's coming through God's going to see to it the Spirit of God is going to take that word and make that alive in the life and in the heart of that man see I would believe that if God's promised that Jesus has prayed for it then I think we're on good grounds ladies to expect that some good change is coming but here's the thing I want to give you two cautions or two excerpt ations along with these encouragement s' 1 ladies pray for your husband's if God's in the business of shaping these men molding these men into the image of Christ he's promised to cause your husband if Jesus has prayed and certainly God has heard that prayer if the Spirit of God is in the business of using the truth and his word is that truth and if we've been going to that word and looking precisely at what God says about the husband from the word in that truth and we're immersing the men in that truth and that's how the Spirit of God sanctifies and Jesus was prayed and the father has promised if those things are true and the soil is ripe for these men to become better husbands then ladies bombard the gates of heaven with prayer pray for him that would be the first excerpt ation to you the second one would be this ladies hold your criticisms hold your scolding hold you know what you know how it can be you're hearing these things for your husband and so you hear all these and it's like okay my yes my husband needs to respond here and then you get to where you're you're talking to them and you're demanding you if you talk about these sermons where you know in sarcastic tones you remind your husband about last Sunday's sermon brethren I'll tell you this ladies if your husband's a Christian if your husband has the Spirit of God in him if your husband has any conscience whatsoever and he's listening to these sermons he is not comfortable gods getting through so if he's a safe man God's getting through to him someway somehow and I'll tell you this if you come along and criticize you're sarcastic or demanding in this you know what that makes a husband want to do just throw in the towel so ladies pray hope expect seek the Lord plead for him don't pester him pray for him don't provoke him okay that was just a word to the ladies now men husbands brace yourselves we're not in the clear yet we've got more ground to cover I want us to look at something men whether you're already a husband or you hope to be even if you think God might have called you to single this but you're not quite sure it'll do you well to pay attention here it's in your best interest give close attention but then don't turn here but just listen to it Hebrews 13:17 says this some of you know it obey your leaders and submit to them for they're keeping watch over your souls as those who will have to give an account say what does that have to do with being a husband a lot brothers I know that text right there applies to elders to church leaders and to the church but what I want to make certain right now is that you see the principle that is laid down in the Word of God for us there's a principle that runs true here anytime you have somebody in leadership to whom others are required to submit which that's where a husband is his wife is required to submit he is the leader he is the head even as Christ his head the church you are called to that headship you have those who submit to you namely your wife your children you are the head of the family and listen the principal those in leadership in Christ Kingdom that have others submitting to them they will give an account in other words Eve was the one who initially fell into that sin back there in the garden but isn't it interesting when God comes he says what Adam where are you you got some accounting to do I want to know what's going on he calls to the man you see you know what and and folks you know what men you don't want to say to yourself well I'm saved you know you can get there you can get to where well my leadership for one judgment days a long way away well that's not a good way to think since when is that gonna profit you I mean just just because the judgments delayed still what you do today is going to be brought to account so you don't want to try to comfort yourself in that well I've got a lot of time and you certainly don't want to comfort yourself with the fact well I'm forgiven because listen undoubtedly the writer to Hebrews knew that the leaders that these people were told to obey were Christians as well they were forgiven men they were Christian men you see brethren even though you're you're in Christ does not forego the fact that you have to give an account and I can tell you that there there are pictures of people being saved so as by fire in the scriptures when it comes to leadership brethren I'll tell you judgment when everything you have done is called to account it is a fearful day it's going to be a fearful day even for those Christ now I realized you'll be saved in the end if you're a child of God you're certainly not going to be cast away but brethren we are going to be rewarded for what we have done and that which is wood hay and stubble is going to be burned up in that day that would you pour your life into that was made up of things that are not worthwhile by scriptural standards that which is not precious stone and gold and silver it's not going to endure the fire in that day your leadership is a man in your family just like those leaders in the church your leadership as a husband if it is not built of that stuff that the Bible says it should be built of it's going to be gone so that Oh brethren I want you to know leading the church in many ways it's a fearful thing to me I don't desire just to lead this church in the old way I want I sincerely want to try to lead it the way Christ wants me to lead it but it needs to be no different in the family men this is serious it's not safe to live like it doesn't matter how you lead your wife so let's read verses 22 and 23 again they're brothers there is something that's almost hidden here that I want us to make sure we never lightly pass over again Ephesians 5:22 wives submit to your own husbands so here's a responsibility wives have the responsibility to submit to their own husbands I just want you to see the logic I want you to see the flow here of these two verses verse 22 and 23 first the wife is to submit to her own husband as to the Lord and we're gonna look at that more closely when we deal with wives but here's the wife's responsibility now then Paul says okay women I'm gonna give you a reason behind that responsibility for the husband is head of the wife so he basically he's explaining to us why the wives should submit to their own husbands and it's of course because the husband is head of the wife and when the husband is head those who are under that headship should submit that's basically his logic I think you can all see it it's very straightforward then what he does is he hits us with these two words even as that's how it is in the ESV even as that that term as is an adverb of comparison so he gives us the lady's responsibilities a reason for that responsibility and then a likeness a comparison he's going to he's going to show us how the husband's headship is like something if then watch this if the wife doesn't resemble the church in obedience and the husband doesn't resemble Christ in his headship God's purpose for marriage is lost I mean down in verse 32 that's what we're told this mystery is profound it all refers to Christ in the church men the whole point here is your brother's your sisters the world must see Christ in you when they observe the way you relate and interact with your husband or with your wife rather or the whole god-glorifying purpose of creating marriage to be a living parable of Christ and the church is lost that's what he's saying he's saying wives you need to submit because Krait because your husband is the head the husband is the head because this whole thing portrays Christ in the church and because Christ is head of the church therefore the man must be head of his wife therefore the wife must submit to the husband and if if you take any part of that out the whole portrayal but the family was created by God and put in this earth to constantly proclaim the gospel constantly proclaim Christ and if if we lose that if you say well the purpose for marriage is companionship with the purpose for marriages sex so the primary purpose for marriage is creating babies listen all those things fall out of that and obviously God designed that in there but the primary purpose behind marriage is to portray a Christ in his church and that's what it says down in verse 32 we must never miss that so there's our whole flow here but now here's the point I really want you to see this morning something that it seems that almost nobody seems to take notice of I mean I went to sermon audio and I went through just it's unbelievable you can imagine on sermon audio com how many sermons have been preached from Ephesians 22 and following concerning the family I mean these are prime text to be preached on in the churches nobody not that I saw nobody had a title of any sermon that seemed to deal with what I want to point out to you it's it's almost like the only one I found that he even mentioned this was Martyn lloyd-jones and he said most commentators don't even deal with it or they just write it off brethren I think it's huge watch this season's 5:23 the husband is head of the wife even as Christ is head of the church his body now we might expect Paul to stop right there okay the man is the head even as Christ is the head period but Paul doesn't stop there he says and is self its Savior so in other words look at this how is the husband to be head of his wife even as Christ is head of the church and is himself its Savior okay men you see the even as how are you to be head of your wife even as Christ is and how is Christ while he's had and Savior and you know what practically know everybody wants to deal with headship but practically nobody touches Savior brethren you guys see it there right did you catch it Paul is specifically saying men are head of the wife and if you're wondering what that looks like it looks like Christ as head and savior of the church not just head but as Savior as well Paul is saying this is what husband headship looks like even as Christ is head of the church and not only that but also is himself the savior of the church men that's what I've entitled my sermon husbands Savior wives this is such a huge part of being a leader in your family men I believe God wants us to be a savior of our wives now clearly one of the things Martin lloyd-jones and his commentary on Ephesians points out is there are many objections that seem to get thrown out about men being called a Savior here you know what people say they say well Paul was just he was talking about how a wife ought to submit to the husband and then he was saying the husband's the head and then he was saying Christ is the head and he just kind of lost it he just he got talking about Christ and he just got so overwhelmed with joy and he just exploded into this and he's also the savior and isn't that wonderful of the church but brethren that's not how it reads and law and and I I think Lloyd Jones is act absolutely right he says that if you follow if you follow this even as Christ is the head and is Savior that's how the man is to be head here it is some might object yeah of course what would be the biggest objection to saying that a husband ought to be the savior of his wife even as Christ as Savior of the church what would be the biggest objection what's that we're saved through Christ I mean first some would argue that it's just simply impossible for the husband to be a savior of his wife as Christ is Savior to the church and they would probably do so because Christ as Savior what did he do Christ the Savior came to this earth he lived a perfect life made like us in every respect yet without sin he went to the cross he bore the wrath of God since when can a husband drink the wrath of God well simply can't Christ blood atoned my blood can atone for you not for you not for my wife not for anybody his blood actually removed my sin he went to that cross he died he drank that cup of wrath he satisfied the anger of God he turned it away totally he reconciled the people to God he redeemed us he paid a price we could not pay he satisfied the law he took upon himself a curse all manner of things we could not do brethren to be a savior from the wrath of God you've got to be able to keep the law of God you've got to be able to satisfy God for the sake of others you've got you've got to have somehow the merit to be able to erase sin and truthfully we all understand what Christ is as a savior is absolutely unique and that and that's right but listen my brothers this is no different us being called to be saviors than it is for us to be called in verse 25 to love our wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for it you see what I mean I mean listen if you say it's just not possible for us to be a savior because we could never do the things that Christ did what is it more possible for us to love our wives like Christ loved the church when he gave himself up for you see the very love that's being expressed his love as a savior you see that he gave himself up what is that a picture of unless it's a picture of the Cross giving himself up so brethren we need to remember this Paul is no we're here talking about husbands replacing Christ he's talking about the husband PO train Christ we need to remember that Paul certainly doesn't want us thinking of a husband should love his wife by atoning for his sins on a cross but he does want us to see Christ's love and to imitate that love to the extent that God empowered Christians can do what he's what he's doing here is he's taking the love of Christ love that took him to the cross and he's saying men behold that behold your Savior going to appease Almighty God you deserve damnation and destruction forever and forever you deserve punishment you deserve to suffer that wrath and anger of God the things you've done in your life think of the things we talk about what's true of this world around us evil beasts brethren that was us lost evil beasts we were at enmity with God we hated God we hated his people we hated his ways we hated his church we hated his we hated that way of atonement we hated that way of salvation in our pride we wanted to be good people brethren Paul wants us not to not to look at the husband and say he needs to be that for his wife he wants us to look at Christ and when we see that and behold that love when we behold how he saved his bride he says men now take that and is God empowered children sons of God take that imagery there and let it impact you let it permeate you let's see the sacrifice in it see the love in it see how he's saved and men be saviors as much as you are capable as much as you are able as much as that it applies to you men do that brethren realize with me when we come to the scripture there are many saviors portrayed for us in the Word of God listen to this Obadiah 1:21 saviors shall go up to Mount Zion to rule Mount Esau and the kingdom shall be the Lord's or how about Nehemiah 9:27 it speaks there of God's mercies and you gave them saviors who save them from the hand of their enemies speaking about the judges but not only that repeatedly men and women in the scriptures are set forth as those who are capable of saving listen to this Jude 1:22 have mercy on those who doubt save others by snatching them out of the fire the concept of us being saviors not just others like Old Testament not just the judges not just prophetic utterances brethren there are places in the New Testament where we are called to be saviors where we are called to save we are to have mercy on those who doubt save others by snatching them out of the fire James 5:20 whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death first Timothy 4:16 Paul exhorting Timothy keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching persist in this for by so doing you will save both yourself and your here's 1st Corinthians 9 22 I have become all things to all people that by all means I might save some men God is calling you to the responsibility of saving your wives how well you say concerning their spiritual salvation getting to heaven absolutely I believe that spiritually yes against the dangers be a rescuer listen even God himself does not always save just in ways that apply to atonement on the cross for instance 1st Timothy 4:10 for to this end we toil and strive because we have our hope set on the Living God who is the savior of all people especially of those who believe say what's that Savior of all people especially those who believe how does God save those who aren't believers you know there are people there are some people seated in this room right now that aren't believers how are they saved well God's preserving them from what they deserve right this moment God gave them food today you see God God is a preserver and a protector even of the lost in this world does God not hold the life of every human being in his hands is not life and death in his hands it is and even for the lost man they are preserved and they are protected from destruction and condemnation right this moment because God preserves them God saves them from that listen God is a savior of all men at least temporarily but especially of those who believe what what's my point in all this my point is the Bible uses this term in this way clearly the concept of Savior can be applied to husbands without it meaning that they have to go to the cross and atone for the sins of their wife men I don't think Paul tacked that phrase on the end of verse 23 as and is himself its Savior in order to confuse us to get us doubting whether or not a husband can really be a savior or not I think he put those words there so that you and I would use our brains and our thinking and literally just behold Christ saving and realize in that imagery I have a responsibility towards my wife that is as that is as much as it can be as that as much as a Christian can be as his Savior into whom he is being transformed into that image but as much as he can resemble Christ in that capacity I believe that's that's what Paul wants us to do brethren the truth is this you and I by nature are in great danger think what the term Saviour is all about we Savior has the idea of rescuing protecting preserving didn't we just walk through this world without a care but let's let's eat and drink for tomorrow we die brethren you think about some of the some of the ways you lived you just presumed upon God you were in such danger some of you you drank some of us we drank so much it should have killed us we did enough drugs that should have dropped us on the spot we provoked God with the way we drove the way we lived the way we just we counted life as nothing we walked on that edge we just dared God to take our lives away and we were in danger you know who was against us God was against us we were at enmity with him he was at war with us and if he was his angels were the devil was against us even though we were of the devil the devil is against those that are of the devil what does he seek to do with them destroy them yeah they may be they may be his apostles they may be his prophets they may be his people they may do his bidding but he hates them and he only seeks to destroy them and if he does certainly his demons do the law was against us we broke it and shattered it brethren the curse was against us it cursed us everything was against us we walked through this life happy-go-lucky right I mean where any of you there we just trout's through this life as though we didn't have a concern at all we thought it's good to go we can drink our sin like water and all the time sin was against us it was like it was said of Cain crouched at the door and its desire was to have us Satan's desire was to have us God was angry with us and his wrath was pitted against us everything was literally against us I remember reading of Jonathan Edwards one time was at him he talks about the fact that maybe it was Whitfield talks about the fact that even even when we walked through the world back then if we heard a dog barking that dog was barking at us it was just barking you're wicked you're wicked you're wicked going through life it's just those guys would describe the the fact that the Sun it everything in it was bent against rising and shining on us because we were wicked we were totally all this creation was made by God and for his glory and we were against that glory we fell short of the glory of God we walked through this life everything was literally against us all of creation that God had made for his glory the birds fly away from us I mean they're scared of us why because we're in sin were wicked they fear us because we go so we got blood on her hands we kill him we torture him we tear him apart we have no desire for anything but our own pleasure we were in danger brethren and I believe that this is exactly what Paul wants us to see he wants us to see the glories of Christ who came in brethren God literally came in and kicked open the dungeon that we were chained in he came in he tore those shackles off us he picked us up he put us on his shoulders and he rescued us he rescued us from death he rescued us from the law he rescued us from the wrath of God he rescued us from the devil did he not brethren from the power of sin he just ripped them up heart he took us out of that dungeon he is the rescuer and I Paul wants us to see that and to be filled with the glory of that and men to take that in sale K as much as it lies within my capacity to be a preserver and a protector and a savior and a rescuer of my wife then that I will be brethren again do you think women don't need protection I'll tell you what the devil came to Eve when Adam was not there and he did so on purpose now listen some of you women here you young ladies you're not married and so you say well what does this do does this leave us unprotected well brethren I'll tell you this for those young ladies that don't have their fathers ought to be their protectors if they don't have fathers the men in the church need to be their protectors and ultimately just like with the orphans we have to trust that the Lord the Lord is ultimately the protector of us all we have to rely on that but there is a place for male leadership in the lives of ladies even if they're not married they need protection scripture defines them as the weaker vessel there's a reason that the devil chose that certain opportunity men it I don't think you know Paul goes through all these dealings here and he goes into the next chapter and he goes right out into describing the Christian warrior this is what we need to be we need this we need husband warriors then we need men like are described they're warriors who take up the whole armor of God men of faith bearing their shield men of confident assurance of their standing with God you have you read that do you see what's there men with their feet Gospels shod men with belts of true than breastplates of righteousness men with helmets where they have assurance they have a confidence that God is there they haven't they have a shield brethren of faith they look at God's Word they're men of God's Word they're men of God's promises they're men who take these they live on that word they believe that word they seek to guide their families by that word men of Prayer and men who bear this sword the sword of the word of God that's what we need brothers I want to leave you with these three ways that we must there's other ways no doubt but three ways that we must seek to be saviors to our wives these are essential first we must protect our wives from the devil jesus is our example here you if you think about how Jesus was a savior to the church Jesus says one stronger then the strongman attacks him overcomes him he takes away his armor in which he trusted and divides his foil and Jesus is speaking right there about his ability by the finger of God to cast out demons and he's saying look I'm stronger and I come along and I bind that strongman and I take away from and what is his own Christ as a savior rescues men from the devil the reason the Son of God appeared first John 3:8 says was to destroy the works of the devil Hebrews 2:14 gives us something like this - since therefore the children share in flesh and blood Christ himself likewise / took of the same things that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death that is the devil brethren do you hear what scripture says there this listen men he's called a murder from the beginning the father of lies you know how he murders through lies brethren do you realize he murdered Eve through a lie you shall not surely die he's a murderer men if somebody told you there was a serial killer loose in this city and he was somewhere in your yard were you gonna do yawn roll over and go to sleep and yet the scripture tells us the devil is a murderer he is prowling about he is looking whom he may devour some man's going to say what do you expect me to do against the devil brethren in Christ husbands you have authority you have power have you never read Romans 16:20 the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet resist the devil and he will flee from you give no place to the devil give no opportunity to the devil how do how do you do it how do you protect your wife from the devil how do you do it I brethren I'll tell you this one of the ways the devil gets access into our families is how if feegans chapter 4 tells us that you don't want to give any opportunity to the devil what anybody remember what the context there is it says be angry and do not sin do not let the Sun go down on your anger give no opportunity to the devil men here it is are you going to be a savior to your wife the Devils standing at your door and guess what opens it you let anger have the Sun go down on it that kind of anger that simmers and Fester's men and women you have look man and wife don't live together too long you don't get too far beyond the honeymoon if you even make it past then we're there some form of anger does not creep in okay men you're gonna be held accountable for your leadership and for your savior ship of your wife here's one thing right off it's your responsibility it's your wives as well and your wife needs to submit to you and we'll deal with that later but look if you've got the responsibility to lead in your family and be a protector to that family and not to allow the devil in guess what you can't allow to be in your home you cannot allow anger that is not quickly resolved you cannot men you can't allow that you are going to be called in to account for it if you as a leader having them submit to you are going to be called to account you're gonna be the one that's gonna have to stand up first you're gonna be called to account if you let the devil into your home if you're not protecting your family protecting your wife you're gonna be the one called to account you're gonna be with one called to task here when God comes knocking it's gonna be fill in the blank just like Adam where are you you're gonna be the one called to question that Paul assumes that we can live and outwit the devil 2nd Corinthians 2:11 that we would not be outwitted by Satan for we're not ignorant of his designs brethren this is one of his chief designs but scripture says we can resist the devil the scripture says that we cannot be outwitted by the devil the scripture says that we will crush his head shortly God will under our feet rather than you can resist them you can fight him and this is one of the points men if you're going to save your wife but how about this you need to be a savior to your wife and to the rest of your family from the world it's your place to say here's the dress code in my family men it's your responsibility to say this is the music we allow in this house and this is the music we don't allow men it's your place to say we will watch this kind of movie but not that kind it's your place to say whether you're going to have a television or not whether you're gonna allow movies to be watched on the computer or not it's your place to say whether your family is going to have Facebook in that house or not it's your place men you're called to be the savior you're called to be the protector listen the whole point here is that God designed women to be led God designed women to be protected God designed women to be saved God designed women to be in that role and God designed you to be that protector and if we abrogate brethren if we drop the ball it's going to be your accountability right there you are called to do this you are called to be this the magazine's you allow in your house whether or not the newspaper is allowed in your house brethren modesty men and what men I'll tell you this you ought to be able to walk up to other men in the church and say does my wife do my daughter's dress inappropriately and if they say yes your wife makes me stumble your daughter makes me stumble you know what you need to protect them you are not being a faithful protector to your wife and your daughters who a lot of times women don't think like men they don't see like men furniture vacations listen men those men in this world that that their wife go off to the workplace and that wife ends up having an affair with her boss guess who was accountable there yes I'm not saying the woman wasn't wrong and it wasn't her sin but I'll tell you what there was a husband somewhere that did not protect his wife you let your wife come under other male leadership and you better watch out you have the responsibility to protect her you have the responsibility of the leader I'm not saying you can't let her go out into the world and you can't let her do things and you can't let her be involved in things but you need to be her protector especially if you're letting her go off in the world dressed inappropriately and doing something like that men protect your wife from the world what TV shows you guys allow in the house I'll tell you it men you're gonna be held accountable if you're constantly letting garbage come in if you whether or not you guys have cable if you're constantly letting your wife and your children come across stuff that you know God hates God disapproves of God in no way condones in his word and you're letting that filth into your house all the time and you're letting your wife and your children be defiled by it all the time guess who's accountable guess when God comes whose name he's going to be calling out not hers primarily and not the kids it's going to be yours brethren you see where courage comes in the problem is sometimes men were just afraid of the women in our family we're afraid of our wives were afraid of our daughter god forbid if we're gonna be saviors Jesus came through I'll tell you one last thing here you got to you got to protect your wives from the devil you got to protect your wives from the world but the other thing is Jesus Christ is set forth in the scriptures as a savior this way he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him since he always lives to make intercession for them men I'll tell you this you are largely responsible for the salvation of your wife you say I thought I thought Christ came and did that the thing is in the same way Paul could be a savior in the same way those who snatched somebody out of the fire are saviors in the same way they are saviors you need to save your wife in other words you need to seek to lead your wife in the truth you need to seek to protect from the devil and his lies by setting truth on that spiritual table feeding them opening up the Word of God men if you're gonna save your families and save your wife you've got to keep them in the faith men are kept in the faith men are kept from swerving from the truth and met by men I mean generically men and women stay the course you must persevere to the end if you would be saved and men you have a large part to play in your wife's preservation and her making it to the end keeping her in the truth keeping her protected from the devil keeping her not succumbing to the lies not like Adam did not there at the very time he needed to be there but this last thing is if we're gonna be like Christ you've got to pray for your wife you've got to pray for your children how many of you how many of us how many of us would have to admit if I asked for a show of hands or even more so if God just made it apparent how many men don't pray every single day for their wives Jesus guy guaranteed Jesus is interceding constantly for his people constantly that is part of what it is to be a savior men you've got to be faithful to lead whatever you might call it devotions Bible time you've got to be faithful to lead in your family you've got to be a savior to your family in that sense you've got to pray for your families you've got to protect them from what the world throws at the family you've got to keep it out of your house you've got to keep it out of their ears you've got to protect them you've got to protect them from the devil the very things that give him access you've got to protect your family from there are things that open the door wide to the devil don't let him in your house don't let movies that invite the devil into your house don't allow things on the computer that invite the devil into your house don't allow anger to fester that invites the devil into your house we've got to be saviors in this sense then that's that's basically it men save your wives don't miss that you young men that want to be young men that want to be husbands it's a huge responsibility and one day you're going to be held accountable marriage is a whole lot more than just the pleasurable parts of it it's big responsibility and we're one day going to have to give an account set your eyes on Christ as a savior and pray to God plead with God to let you take aspects of that and work it out in your life and your attempts to be a godly husband Oh may God help us you're dismissed
Channel: I'll Be Honest
Views: 19,208
Rating: 4.7687073 out of 5
Keywords: tim, conway, save, wives, marriage, family, husband, church, christ, Ephesians, wedding, true, love
Id: eHoPvce0x2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 44sec (3404 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2011
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