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recently my husband joe and our daughter jada did their ancestral dna test we bought the kits from amazon on sale for 59 plus tax with prime the kids came the very next day they opened it and spit in the tube and then mixed the chemicals together shook it up put it in the boxes and then we mailed them back to sandy utah the next day well that was six weeks ago now today joe's test results are back welcome to the pantry show if you want to learn how to cook in simple steps and have your dishes come out great the first time then you're in the right place learn to make restaurant style meals comfort foods and authentic belizean dishes from basic ingredients guys i'm so excited oh my god this has been a journey because we turned it in like the 1st of november and it was due to come back like christmas eve and then they sent an email last week saying it's going to come back to 12. this is joe's ancestry results of course and then the 12 came nothing 13 14 today the 15th now they said jada is coming back to 15 but i doubt it so we're gonna go ahead and log in to his ancestry dna thingy right here hey guys before we get into the results i want to ask you guys to stay to the very end of the video because something unfolded that was unbelievable all right now jayla's test results came back midnight last night and we just recorded the show on that so you're gonna want to come back tomorrow also to see jada's results and then in that video is when i'm to be putting pictures and stuff all right so let's get right into joe's results and it says see full results all right okay let's see who lied great news your results has arrived ethnicity breakdown dna story ethnicity breakdown i guess oh just go to the arrow nigeria 24 i got like 16 nigerian i got it all right um cameroon congo and western bantu people's twenty percent okay southern india nineteen percent your mommy didn't lie your mommy didn't lie i know my mama is a half so ben and togo 10 mali 8 northern india 7 another india dame ivory coast of ghana 4 norway 2 germanic europe 2 percent jada the one you wanted is here but it's only one percent which one european jewish yes you have some jew and her i don't congregate one percent i jaina's gonna count it because she we knew some jewish would be in there because of his mom's last name what a job monday it's two percent it's more than the jewish uh england and northern and northwestern europe only one percent oh daddy you're actually italian i have a lot of that in me eastern band two people's one percent northern italy one percent and then the indian diaspora and the caribbean you know i have all those things too afro-caribbean afro-caribbean all right let's go back out and see it here i think this is a better breakdown the same thing but it just looks the layout is better okay joe so um how much percentage african are you let's go see let's go see how do i go back out to see that like the beginning okay it's right here you're uh 24 nigerian 20 cameroon congo and western bantu people so that's already 44 african 19 india 10 percent been in towards another african and then 27 other regions so how much african is that jada 24 why don't they add it up for me they added up from like 60 something percent africans okay 24 20 and 10. 64. no what was it 24 20 and 10. is that correct yeah 24 20 and 10. 54 african 19 percent indian let's add that's it that the 19 indian um and 27 other regions yeah okay so what do you think can you click on the indian and see like what part well joe was saying joe how much african you say you may have come up with one good 80 something percent right about 75. he said more than that and i said i don't think it's going to be um that much because of the mixture of your mommy southern india you want me to hit on that yeah there's southern india 19 and then there's also there was another indian where's the other indian okay let's see it doesn't tell you regions it's going to open it up right now it says your ethnicity estimate is nineteen percent but can range anywhere from six to twenty seven percent so it's these countries or cities car nataka tamil nadu ker kerala sri lanka this sri lanka's in there that's where they say your granny come from um bangladesh bangladesh that's what i could say there's no punjab what the hell where's the everybody we meet that's from here we go are you from punjab and you're like are you from there too punjab is a city right a city a city or a city in india so joe's asian then right jada yeah daddy you're asian daddy you're black and asian you're malaysian i need to people have asked me about blasian before i need to sharpen my spare i need to go back home oh my god it's stupid it's eastern portion of india's deccan plateau as well as sri lanka you see that mommy even neighboring bangladesh to the northeast this region is humid and tropical characterized by stunning beaches and majestic hindu temples built between the seventh and eleventh century daddy you could go back daddy you can go back yes go back where to visit india no no no i forgot you got no hebrew in them is that the jewel or maybe that's the jewish okay so click on the jewish parents see what part i'm going back to africa that's where i got the most up european jewish it says it's one percent but it can range from zero to one percent girl we stretch in this one [Music] lithuania belarus poland ukraine germany germany i know i got a lot of germany romania bulgaria moldova because he has more german yeah how much i got you got the german in you what did you how much i got let's go back and say the german it says it can be as much as four percent it's that check check the the germany jada that gives him the jew i don't know oh you're like by czechoslovakia oh without czech and salvation my great grandfather by my grandmother and he has a chicken in there too huh some kind of white people that's probably european but it's one percent european so count um about the european oh there's more there's bantu peoples here too so there's fifty-five percent and it's italian one percent we don't call these one percent you know but you know what these one percents can change though we should start counting them let's see the northern europe where you are england united kingdom england no wales the netherlands no this is the pc what is sleepy's agenda it doesn't say let me cover england let me hover over it part of england okay beer gym i think this is i think this is cool what do you think jay it's pretty cool [Music] molly he has i think i've been into and molly and me too did i saw another indian though did i read that wrong no you did it was something south is that another african country northern northern india let's see northern india seven percent nepal india and nepal oh pakistan no it's not covered well it's in there but it's more in this this it's okay let me show michonne the thing it's pakistan's in there too but this part here the highlighted part is more where his people are from but they covered the whole region because maybe they got a little bit of of something from that region so later on when they update it again when more people put in wow you might come more powerful because josh's josh is in there josh was hella in there i wonder how much indian joshua's going to come up with what if he comes up with more than you because he looks more indian than you you have to come up from you too i mean we don't have no indian you got ketchy that's a different thing that's native i thank you but you got you got you also got um joe i know they said my indian in belize but all those people are covered as native this is indian indian like kamala harris indian then all them together does it really though joe does it really i'm gonna get off this thing before joel says something doesn't get me demonetized okay so what i'm gonna do now i'm gonna go ahead and try to find pictures of joe's you know parents grandparents stuff like that and i'm also gonna um like put it side by side with what i got so that when jada's come back we can see what jada got from whom cool so i'm not gonna put this video up until jada's come back and then we're gonna open jada's and like show us snippet and then end the video i'm going to tease you guys i want to tease you guys all right guys see you in a few days after we turned off the camera i forgot that i was screen recording and i just continued to open the different regions in joe's ancestry just to see the different areas that he came from right so then i decided to go ahead and find dna matches to see if there's other people that's connected to him that's already in the system so i opened it here it wanted to give me a guided tour and so i opted out of that i didn't want to mess around with no tour right now i wanted to get right into the meat of the matter right away this person comes up as a first cousin armand arson and i know that joe has a nephew named armand but we've never really met him before so i decided to go ahead and open up this little tab because i couldn't get through to my sister-in-law to ask if this was the same person it says 100 percent grandparent grandchild have sibling aunt or uncle or niece or nephew so he would be considered a nephew but they call it the first cousin you know when you first see the um the tab so definitely he is joe's nephew it's 149 cm see it's a lot so then i started to scroll through all the different second cousins that showed up in the second cousin category and didn't really recognize anybody except for this richard bishop joe has a brother named richard bishop but this is not his brother and joe has an uncle named richard bishop and that uncle has a kid named richard bishop so we think that's the uncle's kid all right so i paused here for a while to think you know is this your brother why is it showing up as a first or second cousin right so then we continue on our little journey and we're getting into the category of third cousins right here see third cousins and i'm going to continue scrolling through these so now you can see the cm is getting less this is like 200 cm right for this one third cousin right here and we just keep scrolling not really recognizing anybody here but the scrolling is kind of slow because it has to load okay plus i was taking phone calls so now we're in the fourth cousin category so i continue to scroll and joe's sitting on the recliner and i'm sitting on the couch with my laptop and i said joe well i'm in the fourth cousin category right now and so far we're not related thank god and then bam look barbara greenwich fourth to sixth cousin with joe we shared 28 cm dna oh my god so i opened up the tab and i'm 27 third cousin once removed or half third cousins half second cousins what twice removed i don't know what all this stuff means guys i've never heard that me and you are related look 22 percent i mean belize has always been considered you know the royal breed country but it's like oh my god so i started to scream i called for jada because she went on her walk i logged out of joe's thing i logged into my thing and i'm dying for jada's stuff to come back and it didn't come back yet right so i'm scrolling through all these cousins i'm like well i'm gonna go into the fourth to six cousin categories the same way you know the same place i found me i'm gonna go look for joe and here we are at the 43 cms you know scrolling and then look did you guys see it look joe joe greenwich what the hell guys how can we be related so let's open it and see what his says give it a moment it says the same thing that mine says oh my god
Channel: The Bare Pantry Show
Views: 360,436
Rating: 4.8342857 out of 5
Keywords: AncestryDNA, Ancestry DNA, test results, ethnicity results, Joe's results, shocking, connection, cousins, Indian, Sri Lanka, Africa, Central America, Europe, European Jewish, Bangladesh, cousin, kissing cousins, relatives, nephew, 3rd cousin 1x removed, grandma, great grandparents, family tree, secrets, secret
Id: W0xb5GpcGfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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