101 years old AncestryDNA results!!! Native American???

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let me see I guess I should I should show you like what it looks like when they break it down it's like that have a map and then they show you where on the map your family come from okay so you like to do it [Music] are you ready mm-hmm hi the results are in this is my grandmother she's 101 years old and we're going to find out what her ancestry DNA is today first thing we want to do is we want to make a prediction so I'm gonna give my prediction when she's gonna give her prediction but I'll let grandma go first so grandma what do you think you are African and what else anything else okay and why don't you think you're Indian Eko my mom says grant her mom so your grandmother was an Indian yeah so that would be my great-great grandmother okay so what 25 percent Indian and 75 percent African all right all right so I think let's see I think 60% African 15 percent your European and 25 20 percent Native American okay so I am one of my grandmother's other granddaughters and I was videotaping so we kind of switched and our videotape for the results but I want to kind of give my prediction so I think that grandma will be I think she's going to be see phenotypes don't help because you would think that looking at her I don't know I think she is Native American but maybe not as much as we think I think that maybe she'd be 5% to 10% or somewhere in there and then I think there may be some Caucasian because it's always in there somewhere and so I would give that maybe another 10% so I'm at 10 and 10 and so it's 20 and then the rest I'd say African where in Africa have no idea but I believe the rest is African Hey all right go ahead and look now all right all right 88% Africa that's a lot 2% Asian 6% European what 3% American or Native American 1% Pacific Islander so you are 84 88 percent African now in Africa you're 20 percent Mali 18 percent Ivory Coast Ghana 16 percent being in Togo 12% synagogue nine percent Cameroon Congo six percent Nigeria and or percent Africa South Asia is only 2 percent and it says low confidence region Europe six percent is there's low confidence region let me see what low confidence region Oh Great Britain in Ireland so you're four percent Great Britain okay well let's see what you aren't Asia oh okay so Asia South 1% in Asia East less than one percent so yeah teeny-weeny bit Asian and in America you're three percent Native American so that Native American is in there and Pacific Islander one percent Melanesia and Polynesia than 1% of both of those so there you have it 88% African and you're mainly Mali what do you think Molly is a placemat with it and what do you think about your results I think it's good it's good are you surprised again well this is a hundred and one year old DNA okay and this is pretty pure I would say because you know a lot of African American people came from Africa and this says thousands of years ago so this went back quite a bit and she's pretty yeah prints are but you're more European than you are Native American you're more than European than you are Native American European white and then three percent Native American alright okay so I'm back again um I just had some comments on looking at groom's ancestry I'm very I'm surprised I was kind of close though um but when I think about her saying that her mother was a Native American I think that maybe the 2% Asian the six percent European the 3% American and the 1% Pacific Islander I believe those things combined and that's how we're her mother's DNA comes from because it's been a story all our lives that grandma's mom was Indian and you know a lot of black people they have Indian in a family what hey we delete it I just think that super interesting that you know you add that up the two percent the six percent to 3 percent and then 1 percent that is 8 9 10 11 12 nope 12 yeah that's 12 percent that is Asian European Native American and Pacific on which to me makes a lot of sense because a lot of Native Americans do have Pacific or do have Asian ancestry what I do find interesting that is lacking from her DNA is there's no Hispanic Spanish Latin anywhere in her DNA at all so I think that's really really interesting that she's really pure really you know African and Asian and Native American like I think that's like super cool and I'm glad that you allowed us to do your DNA like oh yeah and then this is something we'll have forever and then you know eventually me and Arielle and maybe mommy will do their DNA and we can all compare to see how it's really changed and maybe we can get your sister or I kneel to do one and compare theirs and see if one may be a little more Native American than the other so thank you our prediction was pretty accurate grandma no it was pretty accurate your prediction she actually was the closest yeah got everybody because she only had African Native American and I don't know if we want to show wait I don't know if you can they represent Native American straight-up Native American nothing else and 1% Pacific island
Channel: Ari
Views: 442,819
Rating: 4.8494 out of 5
Keywords: ancestry centurion native american african prediction
Id: UVPilxrhb8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2017
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