Hunting YOUTUBERS As SIRENHEAD In Minecraft!

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today we're gonna be hunting down youtubers as siren head it's my ultimate goal to try and kill slogan but first we gotta figure out how to turn into iron head tiger how are we gonna turn into siren head what is wait why is there a bedrock thing over here this gem will allow you to travel home oh my goodness [Music] oh my goodness give me a kiss tiger no follow me follow me i see your first victim over there i think it's i don't know i think it's a youtuber i think that's kayla's right over there listen up listen up transform back normal transform background i transform back into normal okay tiger tech we're transforming back into humans feels so weird okay so we can turn into siren head right now bayless is right over there tiger he's in the house but obviously we cannot transform in the house we need to lure him out and get him out oh my goodness he's already he's already trying to escape he's sitting on fire all right i'm setting a house on fire oh my goodness is this is this is this is is he trying to mean okay no set it on fire we're going to lure him out tiger he's running out he's escaping he's trying to escape okay i'm chasing it to sirena i'm chasing you tiger let's kill him his siren head let's do this he's right over here he's right over here take him out get him get him get him shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him oh wait he dropped something we got him he dropped something away transformed transformed me dropping something back it's a book i'm gonna pick it up i'm gonna break it up pick it up okay book okay i'm gonna read it crainer's address minecraft street 505 with the coordinates tiger whoa guess where we're going next tiger look it's greener there he is chase him now oh did you see us chase him down i don't think keep on sneaking keep on sneaking i'm sleeping it's right over there i'm going to break in i'm going to break dream breaking in wait you can literally just use the door tiger where did he go his house is flipping over here come here up up up up up up okay he's right there he's in the back guard and tiger follow me you can climb along the vines we can climb along the vines yeah yeah wait oh he's right in the back there oh see us okay keep on climbing down yeah he's just playing some tennis right now but this is the perfect time to assassinate him as sarinade he's playing tennis with siren head what is up trainer how are you doing you tiger are you ready in three two one shoot him there we go wait i just got a tweet princeton just tweeted his address tiger oh he's gonna go to his tiger plays we're hunting him down he needs to come out at one point you're right you're right oh my goodness he's still hiding in there i can't run in i can't run it he's gonna shoot me the moment i run in i know i know i know tiger there's one part left here of the house i'm gonna play so much tnt that he has to come out once i blow this up he literally has to come out light it light it lightly i'm lighting him ready to chase him down ready to chase around tiger oh my goodness where is he he has to come out of his house right now tiger where is he he literally has to come out he's right here at the front door i'm kidding him coming he's running he's running he's running down chase him down i'm gonna turn into serenade quickly chase him down him go go go go go go go go go go go oh he's he's way dude come on quick he's way too quick he's so scared tiger we need to use we need to lure him into his spot we need to trap him tiger you're right you're right oh boy it's really he's gonna ride he's right over there he's running for a cave he's in a cave he's in this cave tiger i'm going i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming right behind you he's right over here chase him now tiger chase is down he's right over there all right oh oh come on come on come on come on i need to take it out any second now any second now okay quickly get to safety get the safety oh my goodness we got him tigers we got him oh boy he really is wait wait i'm getting a phone call hello jilly oh jelly's inviting us to his yacht this is a perfect time to kill him let's go well well jilly thank you so much for inviting us to your yacht unfortunately we're here to kill you as sorry ahead oh you're gonna die you're gonna die my friend oh wait oh no even more any more we have small we need some more if we need to morph he is going upstairs tiger destroyer break everything burn everything down burn everything down go upstairs i'm going to stare down i'm breaking the entire let's go jordy take him out take him out destroy his yacht so he has no place to go oh i just literally fell down don't worry tiger tiger break it all break it all i'm breaking it all baby oh oh i guess smell your jelly smell jelly get back i can smell you oh jordy we're getting really close tiger we are actually getting really really close oh there's nowhere for you he's above us he's above us here's what we're gonna do set it on fire set it on fire do you have flint and steel of course i do tiger oh he's gonna set his boat on fire let's go i'm breaking everything right now jordy we're forcing him down we're literally forcing him down break the entire ship breaking everything jordan right here i'm forcing him down and forcing him down i'm breaking him he's right he's flying around he's still flying around and everything set more on fire tighter set on fire we need to take him out he's way too fast he's way too quick i know i know jelly is way too strong for his tiger we need to out play him we need to out claim what should we do set it on fire set the flipping boat on fire the thing is already on fire it's not it really isn't tiger break everything and set everything on fire so that there's only one way for us to kill him come on there we go where did he go oh he's a blog let's chase him down let's go let's go let's go tiger he just jumped out we're forcing him down break everything break everything everything i'm gonna drill you to pieces i'm gonna drill over pieces i'm gonna drill him to pieces okay come on come on come on come on come on come on i got him got him by the way we're on jelly's yacht which means that slogan man has to be nearby tiger this is slogan man's house he's right over there are you ready to be gone no he's actually getting in his car quickly attacking him tiger he's right in front of us oh my goodness oh boy he's climbing up and driving up at the mountain we can do it too believe in yourself believe it well i can't drive up at the mountain oh my goodness where did he go you believe we're gonna oh he's right there he's right there there he is he's right there tiger okay he's right there he's almost trapped oh my goodness he's driving into the water oh my goodness doctor we have to chase him down by foot the car is unfortunately crashed oh my goodness he's getting away oh he just jumped down he jumped down we need to get this guy's really good got it all the way up you got all the way up there how is he even doing this your skills are way better than his thank you chase him down chase him down we need to try it we need to flip and kill him let's go oh no where is he heading to where is he heading to what is that what does that mean oh my goodness i have no idea he turned around okay we can get hit on him here okay tiger we're almost there we almost got him he's gonna get stuck any second now tiger he's about to get stuck here with the trees he's about to get stuck tiger now tiger we got him he's stuck right over there i'm about to finish him oh he pulled it down he pulled up and died we got helps if you enjoyed this video to make sure you click on the screen right now to check out some more really cool videos click it and i'll see you over there
Channel: Kwebbelkop
Views: 2,482,996
Rating: 4.515996 out of 5
Keywords: Kwebbelkop, Minecraft, Kwebbelkop Minecraft, Minecraft Kwebbelkop, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft roleplay, Minecraft mods, Minecraft funny moments, mincraft, minekraft, minecraf, minecraft house, minecraft survival, Minecraft siren head, Minecraft scary, Minecraft mr beast, Minecraft siren, Minecraft hunting, Minecraft jelly, Minecraft head, Minecraft youtubers
Id: xHE5H9b3IWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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