Playing As LIGHT HEAD To FIGHT SIREN HEAD! (LightHead Vs SirenHead)- Minecraft Mods Gameplay

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today we took the sword of souls and stole the body of both siren head and his brother question mark lighthead that's right not only did we become siren head for a day but we also became lighthead a more powerful and upgraded version of siren head who has the ability to cause blindness ah i can't see a thing let me go ahead and put my torch on oh oh my gosh that scared me look guys it's the like button hidden in the darkness you creepy like button guys go ahead and give him a press teach him a lesson hold on to your butts because the adventure is about to begin [Music] so guido one of the previous times we were here in the minecraft dimension at this lab we had a very exciting adventure we had to use this thing a special paranormal camera to take a picture of both siren head and lighthead and well i believe we ended up killing them both i can't really recall what happened uh so yeah we used that camera to take pictures for these weird paranormal photo collectors but now that we've already done that we've handed in all of our photographs it's time to turn our attention to something a little bit different you may find something very familiar waiting for us down here in the stock room let's go ahead and head down here once again ah yes remember this thing it's the sword of souls now buddy if you need a very brief reminder of what the sword of souls can do well let me go ahead and show you right here ah we have a volunteer there we go and as you can see the soul of any entity we kill is given to us by the sword of souls so we can now become a villager let's do this there we go we are now uh absolutely beautiful hey this gives me an idea maybe now the receptionist will love me let's go ahead and move through in this direction hey receptionist now will you go on a date with me oh geez guido change of plan she thinks i'm her brother or something okay well we definitely don't want any part of that no no look villager it's not your brother it's me it's steve okay sorry i was just trying to trick you anyway now that we know both siren head and lighthead are in this dimension somewhere why don't we go ahead and steal their soul and why exactly would we want to do that steve the fact that i just want to okay jeez are you my mother or something anyway the sun is setting buddy so it's time for us to head out there into this world and start to collect the souls of both siren head and lighthead who i believe may be his brother we never really did find out what that was all about okay let's do this all right buddy night has fallen over the lens and here we are in the great desert armed with only our wits and the sword of souls speaking of souls let's go ahead and start collecting them there is a spider right there i want to go ahead and get a little bit of pace right here so let's go ahead and take this guy down shouldn't take very long there we go and now we have the soul of a spider oh gosh i forgot how much fun this was oh this is so awesome oh my goodness there's a village over there let's go ahead and start creeping people out okay um let's go ahead and head this way as you can see as well no other creatures are trying to fight me as well purely because i'm in my spider form oh how about an end man that could be cool that could be very cool for terrorizing that local village let's go ahead and take this guy down oh jeez he fights back no no no no okay i don't wanna all right take two let's go ahead and try that again so i think it was this guy that we attacked last let's do something like yes there we go and now we should have the soul of an end man oh i am so tall this is amazing oh my gosh the end man's hand is actually really tough you can just punch straight through these blocks here hey boys what's going on oh my gosh they all look so scared oh my gosh the slaughter of the village is beginning now we are collecting all of these souls okay well guido my testing has proven very good the sword of souls is feeling super strong today you guys can live there we go so now it's time for us to go ahead and find lighthead and siren head oh my gosh can i actually climb these buildings i can i mean i'm not very good at it but at least we have a way to get out of this village oh my goodness buddy do you hear that siren head must be very close i mean we are very close to this weird forest here so we should be able to spot him any second now looks like we've got another village let's go ahead and transition into the end man right here give us a little bit more height oh my goodness buddy look there he is siren head it stood right there let's go ahead and navigate down here and let's see his behavior towards enderman does he hate them does he like them oh geez he's screaming a little bit i guess we're about to find out we are walking right underneath him here he seems to be uninterested in oh he's grabbed me okay all is well let's not fight everything's a-okay oh my goodness he's made me super slow okay this is going to be a very exciting battle indeed an enderman versus siren head in fact i think i want the pace here so let's go ahead and become a spider and let's see if we can take this guy down nice and safely there we go okay we just want to keep him at bay if he gets close he can kill us in one hit so we have to be very careful here come on come on come on this may take a little while but by the end of this battle we will have the soul of siren head to possess oh he's grabbed me no no no no no okay keep him at bay keep him at bay oh geez he's right there keep jumping back there we go oh oh geez he's got super close here oh my gosh oh he really is chasing me down now okay we've got to be careful maybe i can climb up a tree or something okay don't want to fall into a cave or anything stay back oh no he slowed me down once again no stay away from me please i don't want anything to do with you oh gosh he's right there we have been fighting this guy all day and night and no he took me down all right siren head bring it on i'm back i've got my sword of souls and guido i don't see this guy anywhere oh are you kidding me i'm here i'm in my spider form and everything and he's just disappeared i don't oh my gosh oh guido look what's in the multiverse is that it looks like the soul of siren head has already been captured but who could have done this uh oh my gosh what has he dropped an eyeing nuggets an iron ingot but most importantly we now have the soul of siren head oh my goodness look at how many hearts he has oh dude this is pretty unreal and now that i have the body of siren head there's only one more creature that i want to hunt down and that is lighthead oh guido what is this look at this it looks like this is a random structure and it's oh it's a campsite oh my goodness me okay it looks like there's a chest up here as well let's go ahead and check this out we've got what is that well let's go ahead and read this diary i guess what is that a walking siren bow quick oh guido i think they're talking about me anyway buddy enough about that silly diary it looks like there's another village over here and you're going to terrorize it right well guido what do you expect me to do i'm siren head for the day i'm on the hunt for lighthead cut me some slack okay you don't really get this opportunity every day all right buddy we have made it to the village and now it's time to destroy absolutely everything wait a second buddy look it looks like someone's already beaten us to it it is lighthead okay we may not get this opportunity again let's try take him down here we literally have myself in the body of siren head against lighthead here let's go ahead and try take this guy down i'm using every bit of my strength here to fight him so we may get that soul the elusive rare soul of oh my gosh how hard does he hit oh and he's approaching oh geez oh we've got to be careful he literally took down nearly all of my hearts right there oh i'm stuck against the wall please not like this not like this come on come on come on come on come on there we go i can actually see now and this battle is actually pretty epic okay grow on come on i need that sweet sweet soul unfortunately lighthead must have just about the same or maybe even more hearts than i do so we have to put in the work here if we are going to be able to take him down okay he's walking away want to keep the attack on here he's only hit me once i've hit him about what 20 times and he's still standing come on no you stay back mister you stay back dude he must be close to dying right now we've literally done everything we've been hitting him so many times and he's still moving towards us unfortunately i don't think this sword of souls is particularly tough i actually think oh geez we are blind again oh i actually think a diamond sword is much stronger but it's the only thing we have right now we just got to keep it up here we've just got to keep it up so we can finally take him down wait i don't see him there he is okay he's making a run for it i'm stuck in this random okay there we go there we go keep the attack on here we need that soul oh my goodness buddy look we did it lighthead has been slain and now i can go ahead and collect his soul let me try this out lamp head there we go oh my goodness we have become the most rare form of siren head his twin brother at least i think so lighthead oh we are so mighty look at this yes unfortunately that kind of breaks things but at least now we can begin to spread our fear throughout the minecraft dimension oh i love the sword of souls the citizens of the minecraft dimension better be prepared because when i strike it's going to be lights out
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 2,289,818
Rating: 4.8926888 out of 5
Keywords: siren head, minecraft, minecraft horror, minecraft survival, minecraft siren head, siren head game, siren head in minecraft, i found siren head in minecraft, siren head minecraft, sirenhead, siren head sounds, siren head minecraft mod, siren head minecraft battle, siren head minecraft addon, siren head minecraft build, checkpoint, officialcheckpoint, playing as siren head in minecraft, playing as light head, light head, light head minecraft, light head vs siren head
Id: Yh3ua77Iv_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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