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today in gta 5 we are becoming a bounty hunter but we're starting off from scratch so we're going to have to work our way to the top i'm going to have to trap outsmart and do whatever is necessary to eliminate my targets and when i have all the equipment i need i'll be taking on the ultimate 10 million dollar bounty will it be enough let's find out also be sure to like and subscribe thanks a flat tire and a broken window i didn't even have enough money to fix any of this cops we are broke how the heck are we gonna hey hello hello yes well you're broke yeah i mean if you can help me out yeah that would be nice i mean look at my car just take a look at this have you seen this car i can help you out okay but take a look can i can you help me fix this window and the in the wheels i can get you some money you just gotta do me a favor i mean yeah sure what do you want me to do i'll do anything for some money you have to eliminate this man take him out you know what i mean yeah no i'll eliminate him okay that's a that's a very clear photo um i mean he i think i know where he's hiding i know i know he's the gang that he's in so um i'm just gonna have to take him out and then you'll pay me come out his name is rahul and i'll pay you very nicely oh you'll pay me very nicely all right well i guess i have a job then thank you so much and what's your name my name is juan thank you so much all right juan listen up uh i'll be back soon juan i'll meet you over here okay meet me here juan i'll i'll be right back okay all right cubs it seems that we got ourselves a job oh there is a red light over here juan seems like a really nice guy and all i gotta do is eliminate the the other person so he gave me a picture of the target which makes me believe that he is part of one of the gangs in the area now i know exactly where this gang is hiding oh no that's my wheel popping are you kidding me i really need to get some money to uh fix my car so the gang is hiding somewhere in this area juan also gave me a knife by the way which is gonna help us take him out or take the person out let's investigate the area and see if we can take out the target what was his name again oh well you know what it doesn't matter if we don't know what his name is i'm so excited this is literally the first job i've had in quite a long time and um i'm just a little bit nervou what the heck is happening over there what if was that a target is that him i think he just moved out of the way i swear that was him i'm pretty sure that was him let's move a little bit closer let me put the knife away he's gonna okay that's him that's him the guy in the right the one with the chain and the black shirt how many are there there's three people here they got hammers they got sticks i mean all i gotta do is take out that one guy right it seems that one guy's staying behind which is perfect since i'm gonna sneak up and take him out okay there he is he stopped moving oh no he's moving again he's moving he can't stop moving for a second buddy okay we got it and god okay that's one down that's one down we gotta we're not getting paid for him anyways i'm so sorry buddy you're not worth much money we gotta go for the guy on the right okay i'm gonna move up i'm gonna move up i'm gonna move up oh no i think i'd be spotted no i'll be spotted i'll be spotted i'll stop all right i gotta take out his buddy think about it's okay where did is he going he's running they're ready they're ready they're running my target's getting away oh buddy you're not getting away from me i am much faster than you i am the fastest man alive you're gonna be running into dead end soon oh buddy where are you buddy come on show yourself give it up stop take him out think him out take him out yes oh snap cups our first bounty is completed now let's go get the reward that was actually pretty easy i was expecting things to be much much harder let's go back to juan and collect our reward i am really exci oh hey good job oh hey hold on nice to see you again so uh oh my goodness thank you for the reward that's a hundred thousand dollars it's nice right well i got more where that came from you got more i mean i would love to take on another mission hit me up that was easy this is your next target all right game is grey mont there's a much bigger reward and you'll need this gun okay oh thank you so much for the gun juan and um perfect all right i'm gonna be looking for raymond and i guess i'll see you once i've eliminated raymond good luck it's gonna be great all right it looks like raymond is a pretty wealthy guy he's wearing a suit i mean he looks well shaved where the heck did i park my car by the way it was around the corner i think raymond lives in the rich area so i'm just gonna go there and ask around a few people and see if we can find raymond also i'm gonna buy a new car because i mean i got a hundred thousand right now i have a gun now this car is not gonna do the job anymore oh baby there we go we upgraded our car that looks amazing but we need more money since i spent it all in a car right now i can barely afford my gas let's go and see if we can find raymond somewhere in the hillside which is right in front of us okay well we're in the hills right now let's see if we can find someone and ask someone for some directions okay i'm gonna take a left turn over here wonderful maybe that person no do we just are people even walking in the hills over here it's just everyone's driving literally everyone's driving around who is the right oh perfect perfect uh excuse me ma'am excuse me i'm so sorry hello um who are you oh hello sorry to interrupt you um i'm just uh looking for my friend his name is raymond and uh i don't really know where he lives that's a problem raymond oh that guy he lives down the end of the street at the end of the street i don't even know about this i hate him oh you hate him talking about raymond don't even talk to me about him okay oh my goodness okay well she's getting really angry because of me asking about raymond but apparently he lives at the end of the street over here the end of the street the end of the street i've been driving for like 10 minutes right now i think i think we're here yes oh this definitely is the end of the street take a look at that the lit it just loops around okay i'm gonna park my car here cops this is where raymond needs to live somewhere in one of these houses i think this house i mean it looks like it's the end of the street house for me see if we can find a way to sneak in come on pistol already climb over the fence oh my goodness are you flippy kidding me enemies right here that's him that's raymond but he has some security guards i'm gonna have to take out these security guards before i take raymond out he's right up there he's right up there i know what i'm gonna do cops i'm gonna go right over here jump up oh perfect and now we're in we are in any more security guards don't see any more security guards i think we're good i think we're good we've infiltrated raymond's house and oh my goodness this house is flipping huge sea guard yup there's a guard right over there oh i see another car there's too many cars i'm gonna see if i can lure a guard up here let me just uh let me do a little bamboozle hey come up the stairs for a second but the stairs for a second oh my goodness i died i'm gonna pretend to be a tree uh hello anyone there hey right over here buddy right over here what what right over here right over here right over here behind you behind you what where what where what there we go okay we got one got one security guard down there's one more left and the mob boss but i think i could just take out the mob boss in one go the heck is that security guard doing i'm just running around on the field all right let's see if we can find the mob boss anywhere over here what the heck where is that security guard going we're gonna take out the mob boss i think he's a mob boss i mean uh that's what he looks like uh raymond raymond raymond hey buddy i'm sorry for you i need to make some money buddy i'm sorry up there we go oh my goodness well that's raymond eliminated oh snap the security guard's right there go go go run run run run run we gotta get out of here we gotta find the quan where the heck are you one where the heck are you all right let's see how do we find juan earlier he just came home from the sky oh hello oh my god listen up i think the guy out it's all good i mean i was being chased by security guards but that's fine so oh my goodness whoa that's a lot of money juan oh wow that's amazing great job okay so um i mean do you ask some more i would love to earn some more money this is a million a million okay give me a million this man he is a disgusting corrupt politician all right a politician okay well okay he looks like a politician to me you must all right this looks like an accident ooh like an accident all right all right i mean i got some money i should be able to do this juan i'll make this look like an accident don't you worry about this good luck all right thank you so much kwan bye okay he's just gonna swim up all right cops we gotta find this corrupt politician making me believe i mean if he's a politician that probably means he works at the courthouse right or the politician house whatever that thing is that's where all the politicians go so let's stake out that place right over there to see if we can stumble upon the politician and then all we gotta make the make happen is make it look like an accident i think the best accident to make it look like probably going to be a car accident this is it it's right over there yup is that that's the courthouse or whatever it is that's pretty much where all the politicians live or where they work so if we just stake it out and wait until we see him leaving the building we can follow him to his home and make it seem like an accident i think no one has seen our faces no one's suspecting that we are now a bounty hunter so we can just stand right over there is that him i don't think that's him but uh you do look like politicians sir just i wanted to say that all right take care bye oh that's a nice car that's actually wow is he gonna pick someone up i think he's going to beat someone up oh is that him that's it that's him that's a politician that's a politician yep all right well uh let's see if we can take him out it seems that he has a driver i don't want to take him out here because everyone's gonna know we gotta make it look like an accident i'm gonna just run across the street get in my car and let's follow him and let's wait till the right moment i think he's gonna go on the highway in the left over here and then all we got to do yeah yeah yeah yeah yes oh what if we like push him off somewhere over here that sounds like a really good one that way if the car falls down that's an easy takeout all right okay you know what let's be patient let's be patient and i'll just wait until tomorrow when he's gonna be making the same drive home and then we take him out right over there we push him off he falls off and everyone will think he was just the driver making a slight mistake oh oh it's the next day oh my goodness my i just slept over my large that's him that's him right there he's being picked up again he's leaving the courthouse okay we're gonna strike we're gonna strike we're gonna take him out that's gonna be a million dollars for us easy peasy we gotta get some speed though we gotta get some speed all right this is the moment of truth this is the moment of truth okay all right he's gonna take over this person and we're going to hit him off right at the first hole right over here in three two one yeah there we go oh my goodness mission accomplished that looks like it was a beautiful accident we're just gonna keep on driving and uh let's collect our reward with juan hey jody whoa good job buddy what how did you just get into my car don't ask the simple questions okay i want to ask the simple questions quan um i just killed the guy oh my goodness you just gave me a million dollars that looks like amazing one give me the 10 million dollar mission already i've got a five million dollar mission for you all okay five million dollars uh what do you want me to do juan is very difficult a very difficult one okay listen to me carefully yes he is a police witness okay so all right has he been he's he's been arrested by the police he's been arrested and he's going to snitch okay here's the thing i don't know what he looks like you have to figure that out all i know is he's at the police station all right right now i'll go go jody go thank you so much thank you so much juan okay we gotta go quick we gotta this is get that guy here bikers this mission is insane we're gonna get paid five million if we can take him out he's a key witness at the police station and he's going to snitch i mean i don't really know what he's gonna snitch on that's not what i've been hired for but i've been hired to take him out let me just uh scout around the area first let me investigate the police station first because i can't go in here guns blazing everyone's gonna know that's a police officer going on patrol right over there okay let me park my car and uh hey how are you doing i'm just gonna ask for some questions hello how are you doing ma'am no you don't want to say anything okay that's fine sometimes people don't talk that's uh that's okay we got a lot of police stations over here police officers all right guys it seems that they're gonna be transporting the prisoner in uh at 4pm which is literally in exactly an hour from now the cells are this way but uh security is a little bit too tight for me to go in here and um and take out the person hey yes sorry my mom is locked up in here i think so i just wanted to say hi but it's fine i'll see you next time don't worry about it all right cops i don't think they're suspecting that i'm doing anything crazy here this the prisoner is right in that cell over there can't get a good glimpse on that person but if we just wait outside till 4pm they're gonna transfer the prisoner and then that should be the perfect time to take him out okay let's see we can get on top of that building gives us a very clear view of the situation yes yes yes there is a ladder over here okay i picked up a sniper in the meantime by the way i didn't tell you cops it's a little bit of a surprise but since we got the sniper we just gotta get up here pull the sniper out in the let's wait it's just the waiting game now oh actually i already see a bus that's nice and a security guard next to it it's one minute to four i have not seen any movement yet when are you guys gonna move the prisoner that's wait is that the lady that snitched on the map us earlier wait a second is she the prisoner okay this is going to be just perfect now no one will know of our existence after we eliminate this lady alright she got in i don't have a clear shot just yet the bus is moving really fast too oh okay i only got one shot just one opportunity she's sitting oh no no no i can't see i can't see it i need to reposition i need to reposition okay i'm just going to take the shot in three two one i think i got her i flipping got her oh no okay the bus is moving they're they're panicking we eliminated oh snap police officer jumped out everyone's panicking everyone is flipping panicking oh snap okay they have no idea that it came from up here i'm gonna take this sniper out get out get out get out and let's get the next mission from juan well i mean i need to get my reward first though holmes whoa great job great job fantastic yes lovely lovely don't worry about it don't worry about it very well okay juan uh i took her out and that was easy oh my goodness thank you so much for 5 million five million that's amazing so give me this crazy mission already i'm ready i've proven to you that i can do this okay this yeah it's difficult it's very difficult yes i know what do you want me to do it's a giant conspiracy that goes all the way to the top all right juan so who do you want me to take out i know you have that mission 10 million is what i need you must kill the president way of the world you mean carl jacobs jenkins carl jacobs jenkins all right i'll take out the president of the world and i know exactly where to find him the military base thank you so much juan goodbye i'm gonna need it oh no no what this guy juan is just magical all right let's take out the president of the world the president of the world carl jacob jenkins is often staying right over here the military base which means that we're gonna need military means to take him out so i got myself a nice little tank oh baby yes yes yes i'm gonna take you out carl jacob jenkins this is gonna be the easiest job of my life but first we're gonna have to get into the military base because this is not gonna happen unnoticed oh boy there's so many military cars driving by right now this is gonna be epic carl jacob jenkins i'm on my way because i'm gonna take you out and i'm gonna collect my million dollar bounty i've turned into a bounty hunter but i mean a bounty hunter or am i a hitman i don't even know anymore regardless whatever it doesn't matter i'm not gonna get paid and carl jacob jenkins is going to be taking out the president of the world hello is anyone here because uh you won't be soon bye buddy oh i'm such an idiot bye bye bye bang there we go carl jacob jenkins where are you the army base seems deserted i'm gonna find you oh i see some people over there and a fam and the bam and the bam okay so far so good no jets are gonna be able to take me out carl jacob jenkins you will be gone soon carl jacob jenkins hello pearl jacob jenkins the president of the world oh take that guy out too and oh blah we gotta investigate there's a truck over it these guys got nothing on me absolutely nothing we got some fire trucks over here we just gotta blow everything up one point we're gonna stumble upon him he's gonna jump out bye bye bye truck bye-bye are they up there well sorry if you're up there you're gonna be done soon i'm just gonna shoot you out of that tower carl jacob jacob bye-bye there's another one down and take the tank out no no take the weak spot off the tank there's a flipping flight right over there get out of here okay carl jacob jenkins assume that he's somewhere inside after we start a ruckus like that go go go go go we gotta run we gotta run we gotta run they have no idea what's happening he gets too much chaos over here okay i'm gonna have to go into one of these buildings i gotta clear all the buildings just hope oh my goodness who is this guy what the heck looks like his private security guard he's hiding somewhere inside i think he's hiding in there carl jacob jenkins i'm gonna make my way in there and buddy i'm gonna take you out in style oh snap that thing just blew up making me believe that carl jacob jenkins is somewhere in here ooh he's inside of that room i think he's inside of that room i have the perfect way to deal with this girl jacob jenkins hello i'm just gonna bro grenade in there there we go it's gonna try to run out no buddy okay i think we got that security guard making me believe that the girl jacob jenkins is somewhere over here wait is that an elevator wait a second all right no one's in the elevator let me just take the elevator all the way up i heard a door i literally just heard the door the door the door just moved the door just moved okay we're hearing cops this is it the moment of truth carl jacob jenkins turn around i've been expecting you jordy wait carl how do you know my name i'm here to eliminate you buddy my brother once said you give me no his name is juan not one i know my own brother's name i'm not going to go down that easily no how did you not die there we go what the heck i mean i shot an rpg enemy survived anyways i think we got him jody jody wait hey good job good job george i i think it will happen to you it just passed me to 10 million and i think i'm done with this job by the way for now well done yeah i am proud of you my son thank you juan thank you i'm not your son but thank you for the 10 million dollars bye bye anyways guys thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed this new style video then make sure you drop a like and let us know in the comment section below also don't forget to check out any of these other really cool gta 5 videos we made just for you clubs go click it and i'll see you over there bye bye
Channel: Kwebbelkop
Views: 1,875,968
Rating: 4.8645782 out of 5
Keywords: funny, moments, comedy, challenge, fun, entertainment, kwebbelkop, funny videos, KOP, kwebbelkops, kweb, gta 5, minecraft, rp, roleplay, gaming, game, kid, child friendly, gta 5 rp, gta v rp, grand theft auto 5, grand theft auto v, gta, gta rp, grand theft auto 5 rp, gta 5 bounty hunter, bounty hunter, bounty hunter gta 5, bounty hunter in gta 5, grand theft auto, gta 5 mods, funny moments, gta 5 online, police chase, gta 5 roleplay police, gta 5 rp bounty hunter, gta roleplay
Id: mCVzrQI-J4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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