How The Owl House Quietly Fixed Its BIGGEST Flaw!

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when it comes to characters that I love I really gravitate towards the villains and I always have when I was five I wanted to be Captain Hook for Halloween and my mom was like Danny don't you want to be Peter Pan and I said Mom Peter Pan can suck an egg I didn't really say that but the point still stands not that Peter Pan could suck an egg I mean that one's pretty obvious but that I still really love villains villains just add a little spiciness to the story in ways that Heroes never could and what can I say between their commanding presence their unpredictability and the cherry on top that some of them have really compelling backstories the loose no set of me just can't resist and honestly having an interesting antagonist in your story is just as important as having an interesting protagonist however there is a looming threat that has swallowed the world of the boiling Isles whole a threat that existed during and even before we took our first steps into this demonically inspired world I'm of course talking about the Empire of the boiling Isles this heavily revered authoritarian almost Theocratic ruling class over the denizens of the boiling Isles alone are chalked to the brim with an extensive list of increasingly threatening antagonists that can range from the laughable to the nigh impossible to overcome so with all that said I wanted to make a video talking about the owl House's villains in a top 5 ranked order what went well and what went well because you'd figure that the owl house one of my favorite animated shows with its seven count on seven villains must have the best most Elite Squad of conniving mustache twisting villains of all time right nope what the heck what happened my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined we literally have multiple villains all with unique approaches and motivations so how can one of the best animated series that Disney has to offer fall on its face time and time again trying to construct a compelling League of evil for our main characters to go up against I don't know anyways thanks for watching be sure to hit subscribe for more unresolved content and that that right there is where we talk about villain number one let's boogie down to history town she goes by many names head of the emperor's coven who suffers BFF the prissy little Lily but you may call her Dingus I've already kind of gone over my thoughts on Lilith in my how the owl House's worst episode led to its best video so I'm not gonna waste too much time on her Section like some utterly pointless body swap Adventure that has no relevancy to the overarching plot so anyway yeah Lilith the Lilith problem I discussed from that video has a lot to do with failing to meet up with expectations take that joke I made earlier for example let's look at it critically and not make it fun anymore if I introduce you with an intriguing topic of discussion that you're waiting in suspense to hear the answer to only for me to immediately drop it with a fake out choke and not deliver that would really suck right correct so imagine if you will that the show introduced a villain with a commanding presence empathetic motivation and compelling backstory with deep emotional ties to one of its main protagonists and the next episode they were in they turned into a dog and barked well you must have a pretty good imagination because this continues throughout the season and I'm just so sad we had such a great framework for what could have been one of the greatest animated villains of all time skill motivation and hard and they wrecked it they just wrecked it on top of that Lilith in my opinion is Forgiven way too easily for literally pushing loose to her death and exhausting her sister's entire supply of magic I mean it didn't even take an entire episode and eda's already forgiven her for decades of trauma and Lucia says it's hard to trust each other but we never see that I mean I know we're pressed for time but this is important and even amphibia give it more than half an episode before granting forgiveness and that ain't much it may be a jarring transition to characterization but Lilith definitely works better as a protagonist but we have so many different characters to cover and the videos focused on villains so I'm not even getting into that anyway tldl cool envelope yes Emperor's dog wolf no [Music] love you yes I know after taking a battering for the barrage of Lilith Sims I now endure the absolute cataclysm of exactly tens of ones of kikimura fans I mean really do people unironically think Kiki more is the best villain the owl house has to offer because for me the only reason she's above Lilith on this list is that unlike Lilith I expected literally nothing from her she's basically Lilith 2.0 from season one first established to be ominous only to be as soft as an omelette no wonder she's so distraught in the coven Day Parade episode I don't think there's a single Mission kikimura succeeded in other than capturing rain and even then I call hacks but there is one thing that she succeeded in and that's being responsible for filling the villain void and fixing part of the Lilith problem the Lilith's problem existed because Lilith was supposed to be intimidating and and someone that the audience could root for she just wanted to heal her sister so her intentions were Noble even if her actions weren't so flipping the script and making her a consistent failure meant that the audience didn't want to root for her which actively detracted from their goal and ruined what was almost a good villain kikimura on the other hand doesn't have this issue which was by Design kikimura's intentions aren't Noble she does everything out of self-interest which means that the audience doesn't want her to succeed in the first place therefore when she fails over and over and over again it's actually a good thing because the writers wanted the audience to root against her while she is more of a boring straightforward power-hungry cliche compared to what Lilith could have been this actually works a bit better because the key word there was could of with all this in mind I'm honestly okay with how they handled her even if she doesn't exactly stand Above the Rest besides they finally did it we can finally have a goofy unsuccessful antagonist and not have to shake our heads in disappointment like my dad with my life choices so Kiki we don't want you we don't need ya but we're down for you always hook up up now on this list we reach my new personal favorite villain of this show the plant coven head Terra Snapdragon I don't think anyone thought much of her when we first saw her in hunting Talisman I mean I honestly thought we'd never see any of these characters in an important story role Beyond being bellus's more competent minions but then we got to fully's at the coven Day parade and oh this this is beautiful now that's how you do a villain she's ferociously powerful in that episode both in terms of raw ability and how she just dominates every scene she's in she effortlessly takes down the creature that loose and Amity were struggling against in seconds puts her Ally in her place by asserting her superiority in such a threatening way and flaunts information that loose and Amity need but don't understand and she does all this in just over one minute and holy macaroni her voice actress her voice actress Deborah Wilson might be one of my new favorite voice actresses not just in this show but overall between Tara The Harbinger from Halo infinite sabathune from Destiny Amanda Waller from Suicide Squad freaking Grandma shark from baby shark I think we might have a new queen of villains on our our hands and yes Grandma shark is a villain look at that face I have nightmares more pleasant than that face her bravado is especially apparent in the episode then's the brakes kid in that episode we just gotta see her let loose and the combination of dialogue and acting in that episode is hands down some of the if not the best the show has to offer I like that we have a villain who's just bad because they love what they do yes I love Redemption stories too but can we not with every single villain in this show thank you Queen T but that's not all because there's never a rose without a few Thorns she's also flawed from what we've seen with rain she has a tendency to underestimate others because of her own power I find it really intriguing when characters are affirmably so powerful that their downfall ultimately ends up being their own hubris looking at you Bill Cipher in this instance spoilers by the way terraz and a villainy stems from her placing too much trust in Bellows only for her to get stabbed in the back again despite all the horrific Whimsy power and manipulation herona's villain just kind of ends she does get one over the cats before she does so that's good but it's pretty unceremonious all things considered the show felt like it was building for her to be something bigger especially by introducing her so late in the second season I thought for sure that the Titan or the writing team had big plans for her for the rest of the show including season three but nope there's really no reason for her to fight the cats anymore unless of course she ends up joining the collector's Owl House team I guess if that ends up being a thing either way I may be a sad sap who couldn't see the seeds of this awesome villain Blossom but I am Rosie that a sunlight stealing Villain Like Tara was planted in this show oopsie Daisy I can't stop branching out into plant puns they just kind of arose out of nowhere would you stop itself leave it alone bud you know what I'm just gonna stop talking I'm beat anyway oh crap I did it again that boy ain't right the golden guard wisecracking child prodigy fan of other Disney Channel properties it's just a weirdo baby boy Hunter's kind of an interesting case in that on the one hand he's advancing the desires of the main antagonist so he's a bad guy but at the same time he's being manipulated so he's not a bad guy well he's bad enough to make this list so congratulations the thing about Hunter is that he's definitely the most dynamic of the villains in a good and a what kind of way if kikimura was Lilith 2.0 consider Hunter to be the 5.51 patch like I said when we first meet him he's kind of silly but he's competent see you two it's possible to be comedic and good at your jobs at the same time I should know I fail at it every day he cracked jokes he's very skilled he actually has the protagonist on the ropes where if it weren't for his negligence they would have been screwed but what makes this so strange is that literally the second he show not to be such a bad dude he's nerfed harder than a Gala horn in Destiny he goes from having the main character's backs against the walls to needing to resort to violating the Geneva conventions I'm telling Dad rule he becomes a completely different person the quips are replaced with angst which is a bit unexpected but I'm actually gonna defend Hunter here because a lot of people may be quick to judge saying oh people only like him because he's a bad guy who's actually good to go much but that's not the whole story he may be a bad but sad boy but bad is still bad Hunter's motivation is making his uncle the emperor proud and he's willing to do anything to do just that this combined with the power that he gets from his post and it all certainly goes to his head he repeatedly displays the makings of a megalomaniac particularly when he forces Eda and lose to kill the silky Damas and when he threaten the blight into Mass producing the Obama tons exclusively for the emperor this is why loose's desire to help someone like him an enemy in a weaker State than her is such an unfamiliar and emotionally uncomfortable situation to him he's someone who's had to prove himself worthy of even getting a chance to be helped so the dramatic shift in his characterization isn't inconsistent writing it's the direct result of a breakdown of this complex of his his humor only exists as a result of feeling Superior to others which is Amplified by what we find out is a feeling of inferiority by his lack of magic this facade masking the true Hunter we see in hunting Talisman all turns out to stem from a chillingly abusive relationship with Bellows who seems keen on manipulating Hunter into thinking he's doing the right thing and isn't afraid to strike him when he starts asking questions or step out of this laser focused part he's been made to play a so when we the audience understand this and see how he's treated we feel bad for him and want him to break free understanding this nuanced power complex of hunters is only half the Brilliance in the approach of season 2's writing for villains because how I feel the owl house is quietly fixing these pre-existing villain issues is best displayed with this character this evolution is particularly noticeable when comparing the episodes sense and insensitivity for Lilith and hunting Talisman for Hunter both are the antagonist's third appearance in their respective Seasons both asked them to work with the protagonist even if their intentions are to help out the emperor and they both need to be rescued by the protagonist at some point but what sets these two apart is that while they each give us reasons to root against them hunting palaceman gives Hunter time for characterization when did you get here we discover how passionate he is about learning more about the world around him even if it's a forbidden subject his hesitation to discuss it is a bit frustrating but also tragic which intrigues us but doesn't give us too much to get bored of him on top of that he has the option to take down lose yet again but decides to be helpful to her at the cost of his own shortcomings to Bellows and all of this ends up making us feel bad for him when we see how his kindness and admiration is treated by the man he chooses to follow compare this to sense and insensitivity we get to know next to nothing new about Lilith so when the time comes for them to bond at the end of the episode it's sweet but ultimately Hollow they played off as if Lilith had the option to take Eda to the coven then and there when we know from multiple encounters now that she's not capable of doing so add on the fact that she goes right back to world ways the next time we see her and at this point in the story there isn't a sense of repercussions for Lilith so her sacrifice comes off more as insensitivity Hunter's encounter is given Stakes Lilith's encounter is given grapes I know that doesn't make much sense but it does Rhyme so that means it's probably true Hunter eventually turns on the emperor just like Lilith but the fact that the audience can universally cheer him on even when he's making life difficult for the gang is unexpected and well executed it's very rare that we get to see any characters like this in animation so the next time that someone Compares them to Zuko tell them to not be so shallow he's just desperate to prove himself to his father figure while also trying to accomplish missions but not being super successful at them turning out to be really deep and emotional once you get to know him eventually helping out the protagonist has a scar in his face from facing physical abuse from a sad Father Figure oh my Titan he is Zuko foreign before I move on to the final villain of this list gee I wonder who that's gonna be I just wanted to have a quick moment for some honorable mentions it'd be an absolute crime to not mention everyone's favorite little sibling you never had character The Collector honestly I wrote the script a few months ago and I was really worried I'd have to upend this whole video because I didn't really have much of anything to say on The Collector yet but the further we got into the season and with what little we saw of them the more confident I was feeling that no one would blame me for not bringing them up and then this happened I'm it okay fine I have to talk about this I mean The Collector just pulled the big bat of the series in scorpion style and kindly fixed his drip problem for him casually made the series finale of amphibia look like an absolute joke all while completely reshaping the fabric of reality without limitations or remorse in a way that shed a tear from Bill Cipher's eye I mean The Collector one from silly Shadow kid to decimating the previous any percent Speed Run world record of becoming the most powerful entity in all of Disney animation ever all of this in mind the only reason I'm not including them on this list today is because I'd honestly rather make a whole video on just him sometime after season three is over the collectors are really intriguing character but right now I just don't know enough about him to make a good analysis of them as a villain we don't know too much about their origin what the reshaving of the boiling Isles means for everyone else what their beef what the Titans were and why they're called The Huntsman how they fit in thematically for the series and even if making them the main villain was good for the show overall but for the time being we'll call it even by considering them as number zero on this list because wow they look promising and I can't properly analyze them with only half the pieces while also making a fairly in-depth analysis like some of the other characters on this list as a wise man once said don't half-ass two things whole ass one thing so that's exactly what I'll do stay tuned for that also I want to shout out Adrian gray vernworth the illusion coven head I didn't really see enough of him to justify adding him to this list but I am loving his unhinged director personality Allah a less Disturbed Mysterio I don't know if he'll pop up in a big way again but man oh man I hope he does because I strongly believe with some more time this guy could kill in the Limelight figuratively and literally and now with that out of the way let's cover the number one spot [Music] the big bad of the story Emperor bellows initially we don't see much of him we don't know much about him and somehow he's easily one of the best villains on this list instead of being a wisecracking or humorous Villain Like many Disney animated shows of yore Bellows is unique in that he's actually allowed to just be intimidating they didn't even go over the top scary to accomplish this the writer simply let the audience gather small pieces of information throughout the series giving us just enough where we didn't know his intentions but knew what he was capable of and that was way more terrifying than any visual design deep Sinister Voice or nefarious scheme that they could have presented the audience instead they did the exact opposite his design isn't overbearing his voice feels soft but unsettling and we don't have a clear idea of what his plans are just knowing that he wants passage to the human realm but not to take it over with the power he has is scary because the audience is being presented with the unknown mystery is a key component In eliciting Fear And The Owl House team clearly understood this when writing Bellows we don't know what move he's gonna make next what he does and doesn't know and most importantly why he's doing it you can theorize but nothing's concrete and the only reason we do is because we as humans are uncomfortable with things we don't understand which once again is really what makes Bellows so terrifying this mystery of who Bellows is really engages the conversation around the character despite his few on-screen appearances to the point where it didn't even feel like he was absent at all from the show the contrary actually and I can't say that for many other animated villains let alone characters in general speaking of appearances Bellows has another major component on what makes him such a great villain and it's even reflected in his design in season one and the first half of season two he wears a mask as a physical representation of what little we know about him whereas in the second half of season two when we get to know quite a bit more about him the focus is instead on his face specifically the magic scar stretching across it showing just how good of a manipulator he is by making him literally two-faced he's tricked just about every character in this show and that's no small feat considering how deep and realized many of them are this isn't candy from a baby at all this is a man who carefully calculated relationships and possibilities across centuries of time his ability to make others fulfill a role to suit his needs without them even knowing it is disgustingly masterful his tactics vary by person but he has his method nailed down they all play into his hands one way or another whether it be a victim of his lies or his most cautious of enemies sure as the show goes on and we find out more about him he becomes less mysterious and therefore less invulnerable again this is reflected in the permanent removal of the Mask but it makes up for this by at the same time lifting the curtain on his absolute malice and Psychopathic Tendencies after Hollow mind any belief in his redemption or desire to save his brother a huge Theory surrounding the character was effectively slaughtered along with Caleb his adamant belief in the superiority of humanity combined with his blade and disconnect with it and reality is incredibly compelling he says that he does what he does for the good of humanity and yet he's actively tried and in many cases succeeded in killing the only humans he's come across since entering the boiling Isles including loose and even his brother across multiple clones his insane quest to destroy the uniqueness of magic and all its sympathizers pays in Spades to the Thematic messaging of the series Bellow serves as a foil to lose and her belief in embracing what makes you unique he fights for the antithesis of this some may reduce him for that but to me between the physical symbolism and slow Crescendo into the second half of season two all of this points to an intended character archetype rather than a two-dimensional and predictable antagonist the threat he poses to the heroes is so well done that even after you feel like you know everything about him and he's taken down a peg in the season 2 finale that shot of him falling onto Hunter still probably made a lot of you tense up it just goes to show that even at this point he's still enough of an uncertain threat to make him stick to the back of your mind all of this is to say that sometimes you don't need to give your villains a zany personality or overtly brutal actions to win over an audience sometimes you just need to let them stare into the dark a bit and let them imagine what lurks inside I love this show and it does so much well but obviously it's handling of antagonists needed quite a bit of work but between the potential of villains like The Collector and the always unpredictable Bellows the show's on its way to fixing one of the most glaring issues of its run I'm hopeful with what we have now excited to see what comes next and so so glad to be far from any hoot subscribe to join the witch Appreciation Society I've been Danny K and remember to do something nice for yourself today and hey season three is coming in just a couple of weeks so I asked her Discord server to make some predictions on what they thought would happen and they did now it's up to all of you to vote on which predictions are best check the link in the description for parts 1 and 2 of the vote part three will be coming tomorrow unless you're viewing this from the future in which case it's out now well so vote the top voted predictions will be compiled into a big Bingo board as well as nine smaller randomized Bingo boards that you get to choose from we'll all get to play together as a community it's gonna be great voting ends just one week after this video is posted so if you're super in the future then sorry it already ended you're just gonna have to enjoy your flying cars and cures to all major diseases poor you that said stay wild witches I'll see you all on the heck side
Channel: Kasrium
Views: 536,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theowlhouse, owl, house, toh, amity, luz, eda, king, hooty, lilith, lillith, lumity, raine, theowlhouseseason2, tohluz, amityblight, luznoceda, noceda, covention, hooty's, door, upon, disney, channel, beta, little, miss, perfect, owlhouse, plus, gravityfalls, gravity, falls, dipper, mabel, pines, dana, terrace, alex, hirsch, review, clawthorn, clawthorne, love, looking, glass, ruins, kiss, animatic, animation, ordinary, Draws, Musical, cramity, analysis, one, Gus, Willow, 2b, season, new, promo, Blight, sad, s3, part, belos, gus
Id: or9MfPK0fRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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