Hunter X Hunter is a Masterpiece.

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Yeh it is very good all in all but I disagree with one aspect of it. The translation for the you are light scene is incorrect, and i'm not sure where he got it. What Killua is actually saying is 'sometimes you shine so brightly that I must look away'. So this scene I interpret as Killua completely idolising Gon, his shock is one of awe not a realisation of a difference in ideology. He is completely unable to see how Gon's actions seem to suggest that he will sometimes put his goals or his anger ahead of him at this point. This is something he only begins to realise once he removes Illumi's needle and thus giving him a much clearer mindset and a sense of self worth outside of Gon, which he didn't have before. His complete realisation doesn't come until he is in the hospital at the end of Chimera Ant and he demands that Gon make it up to him and apologize. Something which doesn't happen and thus drawing a line in the sand between them until Gon can own up and truly apologize to him.

Great analysis otherwise though. I just felt as though I had to point this out as he was referencing an incorrect translation and therefore came to a interpretation I can't quite agree with.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/FlatCaterpillar 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] Yoshihiro Togashi the fantastic author behind you you hakusho and hunter x hunter was bound by limitations in storytelling with his debut series in making his own story he was shot down in his tracks the editors and publishers of YuYu Hakusho suppress saga she's creative freedoms as an author by outlining where he could take his own story after abruptly finishing this story in an act of defiance so gosh she started a new series in weekly shonen jump and this time something was different the must have been something akin to a condition in the contract in which the world is also no apparent deadlines for delivering on this new story and even though this may seem like a bad thing as it would go on to produce numerous extended isis's this extra time must have been added solely for Takashi's creativity and storytelling capabilities as what we got in the long run can be said to be one of the best flowing stories and shounen jump manga for most looking back at the first arc of the series can be in obscurity considering how different of a path our protagonist takes after five story arcs the Chimera ant arc hold stock no punches and tells us a story that we have never seen the likes of before dawn befriends free people on his way to becoming a hunter-killer basaltic lio Rio parada Knights and keroppi Caqueta their friendship is a wholesome happy constant there seems to make its way into every arc one way or another for many this friendship is the backbone of their enjoyment for the series especially the friendship between gon and killua because of this the events that transpire in the Chimera ant arc are not for everyone and it should be said that there are a significant amount of people who don't even like this arc at all obviously this video is simply my opinion so just remember it's fine to hate this arc and it's fine to love it and this video is in no way trying to convert or preach about anything I'm simply talking about something that I love to talk about now that that's all out of the way let's get into this [Music] you as established before our 4 main protagonists don't stay together throughout the entire story let go as far as to argue that the only friendship that matters for this video is gon and killua the SU bonded over their very unique circumstances killer will was a trained assassin - a very uncaring an abusive family gone had been abandoned at birth and was raised without parents guns motive for the vast majority of the series is to find his father emotive which he shares with killer WA after the four friends finished business in New York Neal GaN declares that he needs to find his father and aims to play his game greed island in order to obtain even a clue as to his location both go through this grand adventure game created by Gunz father they both march on together with a shared goal in mind during their time and greed Island the to play a deadly game of dodgeball with razor one of the game's island masters the two boys devise a way in which they can win by blasting the ball at deadly velocity towards Razer but it would hurt killaura tremendously in the process gan says that it has to be killer despite the injuries he undergoes to launch the dodgeball he wants killer was to be the one to share this goal with him gone let's kill aware share his burdens because that's what true friendship means to them the two managed to triumph their way through greed Island a seemingly unstoppable duo God wins a card which is able to locate his father they both use the card and are transported but not to his father to another man named Kate Kate introduces himself establishing that he is a friend of guns father and could tell Gahan the location where he is however gun replies that he would prefer to find him as a hunter gun would rather continue his adventure with kill aura and keep it alive as their shared adventure is almost what underlines their entire friendship even though this particular moment may seem insignificant in the whole scheme of things it is actually very important going into this arc as the two already have a well-established dynamic at this point Gon and Killua naturally want to help Kate with the Chimera ant problem that emerges Kate a double star hunter warns the two of the horror these creatures are capable of and this is where Gunn's accomplishments begin muddying into his decision-making when the party is ambushed kite loses his arm to a terrifyingly powerful and we got to see so much development an explanation of kites powers only to see it amount to nothing in the face of these monstrous creatures hate having sustained an extreme injury orders gone and killer were to get away but gun doesn't cooperate instead he begins charging an attack towards this creature if a 2-star hunter amounted to nothing then Gunn's life is practically over in this moment this action reminds us that gone is still a growing child in the times he has been victorious and large fights it has always come at a huge price gone literally sacrificed his own arm in the arc before and always puts his health and life on the line his victories from these fights are more of a hindrance to him now than a good thing as God has gotten too used to fighting this way and has developed a nasty habit of reckless abandon this is not something God can used to his advantage anymore in the face of these large adversaries and as children so often do Gahan doesn't manage to learn this lesson first time around in fact it's the main contributing factors to why Gahan and killers friendship breaks down by forcing his way forwards despite the fact that this fight would end with his certain death Gahan is neglecting to show any care for his friend Kahlua and Killer realizes the reality of the situation they were much weaker than kites and were foolish not to think so sooner their ideologies begin to collide for the first time during this confrontation and it happens again when Gaughan awakens from this confrontation Gahan says that they need to get stronger so that they can rescue kites has gone assumes that kite won the battle against the end caliber with a shocked expression thanks to himself sometimes your two radians and I can't see the immediate truth but can i still stay by your side [Music] kill ever questions whether he can stay bygone because after their conflicting feelings Kilauea is now able to see through this childish optimism and sure enough toga she proceeds to show was in the very next scene kay did not survive the fight rendering Dawn's projections as childish thoughts whilst also aligning the audience to kill his character in a way that has never been done in the story until now at the palace invasion gone is presented with the creature responsible for fighting kites left completely vulnerable Nephi Peto is using her powers Felisa heal a small girl named Kaimuki khan is about to take this opportunity to destroy Peto despite the human life it would be taking in the process killer Patel's gone to stop and we can see from gongs internal struggle how far he has come from the selfless caring boy he began the story us completely looking past Kaimuki gone only proclaims justice for kite naturally kahlúa in order to calm gone down states how Peter must be left alive in order to heal kite unable to take out his vengeance GaN tends to kill Aaron states that this has nothing to do with you in this moment gone pushes kilowatt away as a friend their friendship built upon their shared adventure and their teamwork is single-handedly crushed when GaN says this their shared goal has always been to avenge kite and killed Peter together but GaN makes it abundantly clear by pushing kilowatt away that at one point or another he has stopped seeing this shared goal and only ever intended to complete it by himself but why has gone suddenly changed so drastically during this arc well the man who gon is avenging kite once saved GaN as a young boy from certain death this boy he was born without any influence of a father figure on a remote island sees this glittering image of a powerful man and he even teaches him a lesson GaN goes on to search for his father and more or less makes it his life's mission after playing through his father's game and winning GaN doesn't find him but instead is reunited with the man who saved him as a boy once again Gahan spends time with kite taking an interest in to who he is and when deciding that he wants to help with that chimera ants forms a close units with him without even realizing it God hasn't been looking for his real father as much as he has been looking for someone to fill that role the reaction which Peter elicited from Ghana and first striking Kate was almost completely normal as it seemed quite instinctive but it also serves as an indicator for God's willingness to fight the hate if we take the idea that God sees cases of father figure and apply it to the rest of the arc from this point onwards it would explain why God's behavior drastically changes his whole adventure until this point has been to find his father and he has had to adapt to fighting to reach him the moment something goes horribly wrong with his found father figure gone can't accept it to the point where he can't simply run away as he has only ever run towards these struggles killer understandably leaves to go and deal with the other Cameron's within the palace this leads into a confrontation with pom who after reawakening from her Meadows rampage thanks killer and when the conversation shifts to gone she tells him that the person most important had gone is you killer were now aware of God's viewpoint and stance respects and understands God's position even saying to Malaya Vaughn I already know God won't budge an inch our worst I'll go down with him I guess Kahlua remains gongs friend to the very end what Takashi has done with killaz character is a marvel to say the least Takashi is developing killer was character by deconstructing guns character caliber is almost like the main character now with how much we get to be in his head this is interesting when you think of how do you hack a show ended and how to gosh II wanted to deconstruct the characters but it was not allowed to perhaps the ideas which were born from this almost happening came into play for hunter x hunter in this are either way the story accelerates to full throttle when Neph Apatow leads gone to a remote location only to tell him that kite is no longer possible to save GaN does the unthinkable and makes a restriction of Nan saying that he doesn't care if everything ends and manages to obtain all of his potential men concentrated into this one moment the price have gone chasing his father and his habit of childishly fighting to protect it at any cost proves too high and what better of a way to symbolize this than half gone go to the point of sacrificing his literal adult self by turning into a fully grown man suffice it to say gone obliterated Peter and manages to catch a glimpse of kahlúa as Peters men after death continues to follow its owners last attack tobacco powerful killer was stuck to his promise of being bygone side in a second and obviously came to understand what GaN was leading to him he even retrieves his near dead body and finds a way to restore GaN to his former self the solution is nanny Kerr the person whom a killer strived to reach and ultimately impacted his reluctancy to interfere with gone further gongs journey as a character more or less came to a close the moment he saw Cates bite the dust after that it was a downward spiral to self-destruction during this time killer was started his own journey about halfway through this arc he becomes aware that his elder brother illumine has been concealing the existence of Kaluga sibling and Erica's older she is hidden away because of her potentially devastating powers similar to gone killer and now has someone he needs to find and instead of turning his back on gone towards the end of this quest Kalama finds and frees his sister and even heals gone back to health when the two last speak gone more or less realizes that this is the end of the line for Kilowog the two after having accomplished so much arrive at an impasse with barely any dialogue we see the two part ways and the feelings of happiness and innocents are completely gone it's interesting to see the effects of being a hunter on two young boys because unfortunately they aren't allowed to be young for very long life-and-death situations mixed with missions protocols and feelings are all melded together in the head of this child who for a large portion of the story we can see is silently suffering the show was this through the secondary character and then see that you have to say goodbye to one another at the end because of the effect that this has on their friendship is honestly heartbreaking and it is one hell of a way to develop the main characters the deconstruction of gon and killua's friendship is one of the big reasons why the Chimera ant Ark is such a masterpiece [Music] you you we first realized that this story is taking a dark turn when this originally comedic character who jumped from a blimp and won at a supersonic speed game of dodgeball suddenly meets the duo who bring down the chimera ants with a certain seriousness about him when Gon and Killua were forced to run away from never Peter Nassar Oh simply offers the to some training to get better or faced losing their hunter licenses altogether it sounds pretty harsh for a pair of kids who just got their asses kicked but as we can tell from the presence of these powerful characters things just aren't so simple anymore Netta Row is the elder of the series a 100 plus year old man who everybody addresses with the utmost respect a man who spent years of his life in full devotion to training and yet when he sees the condition of the chimera ants in mg/l even he thinks he's not powerful enough to stop them Metro's character initially serves to add a foreboding atmosphere to this arc he does this first through his dialogue then physically then thematically as the story progresses we get this beautifully done backstory phenytoin who climbed a mountain and spent years there to reach enlightenment he would make 10,000 punches of gratification every day until the process became refined to the point of mastery meta resin and power is suitably a bodhisattva of guanyin who was often referred to as the most widely beloved buddhist divinity with miraculous powers to assist all those who pray to her so it comes as no surprise that the activation for this inane ability is the praying gesture itself NetZero is almost like the idea of the human spirit embodied carrying themes of faith power and responsibility in the face of marijuana succumbs even more apparent Miriam is a borderline omnipotent unstable creature with the ambition to rule the world like a god the two characters are designed to clash together in the worst possible way but instead when they arrive at the location of their fight miriam attempts to speak with diplomacy he proposes his ideal world than a zero in a calm manner Sharon no intent of fighting and instead wanting Metro to also speak back to him in a debate Metro almost forces himself not to listen as he realizes that no creature with this much power should be able to live among humans the old man even says as much in his final words telling Moreau I'm not to underestimate humanity's endless potential of evolution and malice whilst detonating a nuclear rose from within his heart who really wins this fight Metro dies so he presumably loses however he kills Meryem from the after-effects of this explosion this fight is much more than a one-on-one Shonen battle whoever loses this fight loses their whole species marijuana is the king of the ants and nasara was the leader of the only group who can do something about them net zero was aware of this and needed to be able to win at any cost thus he went in with the most poisonous and destructive bomb the humanity had ever created the winner of the fight is humanity against the ants the horrible truth behind this fact is that by annihilating the ants Humanity is no better than them by resorting to this horrifying method to dispatch of these enemies the sense of wonder that was created around hunters and this world of people is given a much darker overtone after this moment some people voiced their opinions that Merriam's fast who were powered for a main villain and made things unrealistic but I beg to differ sagashi purposefully shows everybody this unbeatable monster who's capable of world domination and goes against everything that the human world represents not once as mayor I'm shown to be weak he is the epitome of his species so why does togarashi kill him off this way we in truth humanity is the real monster due to this the fight ends up introducing the sharpest tonal shift in the series with every arc after it's seeming to keep a tone things are never quite the same anymore we get to see just about everybody look back from metros impact in the series but we were never there to see what kinds of things he did for the Association by showing has so many flashbacks the nets are out we get a constant reminder of how the series used to be the contrast of both sides the imagery and the themes of the fight serve as a perfect climax for one of hunter accents his best arcs with the birth of Meryem we initially saw a cruel tyrant who did as he pleased and had no remorse in killing anyone who got in the way of this when people say that Hunter x Hunter gets dark they aren't kidding around one of Maryland's first acts was to behead two parents influence of their daughter and eat them then he wonders why they didn't fight back and uses the little girl as practice to kill slower then eats her to his character normalizes the brutality and violence of the arc but that isn't all he does a small girl named Camus he is taken prisoner by the Royal Guards she is blind and at first appears to have no value to the king she is a champion of gun G and when the King humors her by playing against her he is defeated by her many times so why does Miriam's character grow and how could anyone gain sympathy to a character like that we grow and change based off of our failures if every time we did something we succeeded there would never be any reason to change and thus you would never grow by failing something we are naturally inclined not to give up and so in order to grow we have to take a failure and try again to succeed this is similar to Marilyn a freshly born king of absolute strength he never loses and thus he can never grow he is confused to those who don't even try to oppose him Kaimuki is the catalyst and the growth of Marilyn's character by constantly beating him at gun gee Marilyn is presented with something which someone else is better at than him and so Marilyn's resilience at challenge in Kaimuki is amplified he has to beat her and win so he must begin to think and grow as a character fortunately for the human race Miriam takes a long time and being any kind of a match against Kaimuki and so the two play on for long enough that other elements of their dynamic begins to develop first by being a king Miriam demands a certain level of respect from those underneath him I said before he is also an absolute ruler and so by being defeated at something Miriam almost subconsciously begins to show respect to Kaimuki he does things which otherwise would have been completely out of character before ripping his own arm off taking an interest in Kaimuki upbringing and saving her from crows Marilyn grows a quite real compassion for his rival she originally needed to live only so that he could beat her however losing constantly despite his strength than her winning despite her weaknesses must have triggered an extreme interest in Miriam as by the time the humanity inevitably makes his move against the ants Miriam still hasn't beaten Kaimuki he gets extremely unsettled when she is hurt by Xena and demands NetHope toe to prioritize Kamui's healing over the ongoing invasion at this point obviously gon and killua's story fits in and then net arrow and Miriam have that confrontation as I had also said before Miriam initially displays no attempts to fight nettle and instead wants to be diplomatic about the problem of the ants this is showing firsthand the effects that Kamui's presence has had on the king Netta row even acutely observes that something horrible has happened as the king is constantly shifting from human and ant perspectives metro forces himself not to listen aware that this kind of a person should not exist in the world and the two begin their fight the fight ends in the destruction of the rows and even though Miriam's royal guards find him and manage to revive him by force-feeding themselves into his being Mero has been poisoned by the chemical compound within the Rose which will slowly destroy every cell in his body marijuana chooses to spend his dying moments with Kaimuki playing against her one last time his end is a very human one he begins losing his vision towards the end of the game and he is unable to play any further his body beginning to shut down he instead talks to committee obviously finding comfort in her presence he passes on like any other person at the end of their life would it's a tragic ending made even more tragic and that it was only made possible by giving Marilyn the poison of the Rose if he hadn't been poisoned then Marin could have gone forward with his plans for wooden over the world only by assuring his death was it possible for Marin to value life and spend his dying moments with the one person he could never beat we are positioned with Marilyn for the first and final time as we are there for their final game we lose our vision alongside him only being able to hear that you talk to one another by the end and when the end does come it brings an overwhelming sadness to it [Music] so many characters that we grew to love destroy themselves to make this happen and what is the end result that they worked so hard for more death what I love about this ending so much so gosh II knew the moment he made this arc where he wanted to take the story and he really embraces the drastic change in themes to accomplish this where you you hakusho was never given room to develop enteric Center makes up for tenfold this is near a perfect of a story arc as I can recall in recent memory and definitely earns being remembered as one that was why hunter x hunter sky mara ant ark was a masterpiece I hope you will enjoy the video very much and found some of my analysis to be interesting and original as well my next video be sure to follow me on Twitter to find out everything going on behind the scenes be sure to like the video and subscribe for more thanks very much for watching and I will see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: AlexEnterprises
Views: 184,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anime, Hunter X Hunter, Hunter Hunter, Dark Continent, Chrollo Vs Hisoka, 2011, Togashi, Hiatus, Aleczandxr, Alexander, Manga, Review, Analysis, Alex Enterprises, Chimera Ant Arc, Gon, Killua, Godspee
Id: o2fCYB9vSZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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