The Loneliest Character in Hunter x Hunter

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yeah going against corruption derived from true obsession is a dark and powerful thing to be so possessed by a need to reach a goal that one compromises both their morals and how they behave it's an outcome that is uncomfortable at best regardless for the last surviving member of the courts a clan the ends holds so much value that extreme means are not only necessary but a necessity at times this is a double-edged sword such fierce determination gives Kadapa every opportunity to achieve his goals but being entrenched in hate takes its toll and as terrifying as the idea of not realizing that you're slowly losing yourself on the way to a goal is being self-aware of this is arguably worse as if you're looking at yourself in a mirror slowly but surely watching who you once were fade into nothingness aware but unable to do anything this is who karateka is a formerly bright and vibrant young man who doesn't enjoy what he's doing but knows that he can't give up on his ambitions no matter how miserable they make him and how profoundly they change him however it takes a great deal to change who a person is at the deepest level and in this regard because not all the way gone although we've seen how far he's sunk and how much coal tree he seems in a Dark Continent arc some little moments and hints make it obvious that at some level he retains sense of the caring loving boy of his past but the time to save himself is shortening and a critical moment for karateka and the entire series is on the horizon as so many big characters seem destined to meet in a dark continent arc but what got him to such a critical point for years now could not because life has been wrought with obsession in a departure from the archetypal revenge character could write because given another dimension through his self-awareness and his dynamism while he isn't someone with a static goal he's consistent in that he always seems to have a dangerous fixation having goals is obviously fine but whether it be capturing the spiders recovering the Scarlet eyes or maybe even going after the fourth prince in the future the nature of these goals is so self-destructive for karateka that there's always a chance that his hatred end up ruling in or leaving him to an early grave while there is much more to him this bold ambition is comfortably his primary character trait for the majority of the series this is evident in but far from limited to the occasion where he tailed netted oh that while he would prefer not to fight at all he's willing to do anything to get his license which would include fighting those he has come to think of as friends but at the same time he is only so focused on this goal because he's a completely caring person his desire for revenge is born of the compassion and love he felt for his family and clan and tragedy has not changed his inherent nature despite his reservations and initial trepidation in getting to know people he grows attachments to our protagonists relatively quickly and as demonstrated through his past and the story itself he considers these attachments to be vital as described by tales of nerdy ax karateka has a sort of duality on one hand he puts us everything into his dark ambitions but on the other he has to caring of a person to be solely defined by what he perceives as his true purpose and this is the most important aspect of karateka going forward some could construe his goal as selfish and that's definitely not an invalid claim but what is hunter hunter if not a story filled with justifiably self-interested people in a world where altruism is debilitating more often than not everyone has their own goals and one of the main challenges in writing a story like this is making the relevant characters resonate with the audience while hunter hunter is on points and believable with the cynicism that is present in so many of its characters self-interest is not a character trait that's easy to adhere an audience to especially with how fickle people can be when it comes to characters Soto gosh II needed to go the full nine yards and working nuanced into these people otherwise how else would we be able to become invested the resonance of crap because character comes from Takashi establishing intrigue in him by searing the audience to the cool factor of the archetypal mysterious young man with a tragic past hell-bent on revenge and slowly allowing characterization to fill in the subtle gaps that first impressions can't from there we become familiar with the quirks of Cora pika his gentle kindness his intelligence and his quiet appreciation for the joyous moments in life and since we get to know this softer side of Koda pika it is genuinely conflicting to root for his success given the knowledge that success could be detrimental to his well-being it's such a human thing to desire personal recompense and because of how easy it is to sympathize with Korra pika it's hard to resent him for it sometimes people simply deserve what's coming to them and something as sacred as his clans eyes deserve respect and restoration but at the same time it's hard to advocate for him striving for these things because of how bad this quest is for him psychologically and it's clear that what's healthiest for Korra pika is to simply be in the company of those who love and value him because that is when his heart is at its fullest living with the living and not living for the dead maybe tropica considers his friends to be a weakness of his not allowing him to strive as strongly as he can towards his goal but in the similar vein to his hatred and fury this weakness is the very crux of what makes him human and there's a fundamental balance in this duality could I because reaction after killing Logan was very telling a soulless glazed-over look in his eye a somber reflection of the cycle of suffering that his life had become obviously there was a large amount of frustration within him because we will gain had decided not to divulge any information on the troupe but I also see a despondent look in those eyes almost as if he's questioning it his life's endeavor is something that will truly bring him peace of mind there may have been initial catharsis but getting revenge is not something that karateka drives pleasure from and he's painfully aware of that yet he continues anyway because he needs to he sacrificed so much to get to the point where he was powerful enough to both capture the Phantom troupe and restore his clans eyes through passing the exam developing in specific nen techniques and integrating himself with the underworld of the setting could not because proven his resolve time and time again he wants to do this he needs to do this to restore the pride of his clan and carry out justice but is it really justice or is it just vengeance there's a fine but very significant line between justice and revenge while justice can be a byproduct of revenge the two are very different justice is usually carried out by an impartial third party like law enforcement to right the moral wrongs that have been enacted on society just as balances things and brings a resolution to situations but while justice is rational and impartial vengeance is emotional and personal while just as brings closure revenge doesn't resolve anything and further fuels emptiness but the thing is justice is not that prominent in the world of hunter hunter while the hunters Association is tasked with protection preservation and capturing criminals in actuality there are very few people that are concerned with things that won't benefit them there are obvious exceptions but at the very least within the window of the world that Takashi has provided justice is not a big thought for most of these characters and when we circle back to Kedah pika we'll find that he is no different while the act of hunting down the Phantom troupe capturing them and restoring the Scarlet eyes is a form of societal justice that is not cut out because primary motivation and as much as his motives were born out of a care for others and a pride in his clan the main reason he carries out these actions now are strictly emotional selfish and self-destructive Hume [Music] Cory Cory yeah Fukushima like revenge consumes you and eats away at your soul when we finally see crab pika again during the Dark Continent arc he's very visibly changed some critical self-awareness is clearer than ever when he describes himself as a beast in humans clothing crappy guy has been enveloped in hatred for so long and in the absence of his friends he has grown to use nefarious methods to retain the kurta eyes as he has told me sigh strong he was in danger of sinking into darkness when he was feeling a self-proclaimed indescribable emptiness upon thinking that the troupe had been killed and luckily he was brought back to earth by gone and his friends but in going through all sorts of Hell to get these eyes cannot because gradually relapsed so what happens if he captured the remaining members of the spider if he eventually finds all of the scarlet eyes of the court the clan will he seriously feel satisfied and whole unlikely if anything could not because fury will remain but he'll find himself without a goal or outlet and that's a very dangerous thing keep in mind this is assuming that he's able to achieve a goal that is already fraught with mortal peril without succumbing to darkness or being killed beforehand and that's far from guaranteed there's something very removed and cold a boca deepika character especially later on in the series the way in which he ignores his friends especially laurio is far from endearing and I'm sure that there's a small part in every reader that wants to throttle the guy and force him to just hang out with his pals for hours on end just because of all the good it'll do him but the thing is could I become as an intelligent guy with a pretty good grasp of who he is so I'm sure he's thought of this and I'm sure he wants to reach out to his friends he describes himself as a man without a home but just as ki Lua I'm sure he would be able to find something resembling a home through his loved ones however he just can't and as unlikable as his character trait of his is his ability to distance himself from those he cares about for the sake as goals is a testament to his resolve it's as admirable as it is frustrating because canopic I knows just how much these people mean to him is he's strong enough to realize that as much as they could save him he has to have conviction but the recently released chapter 361 shed some more light on this issue and actually adds a little bit of a new dimension to Kedah pika in this chapter were shown a flashback where it could not because old men teacher tells him that he should accept help from others and compromise on the coverage of his powers to promote this however cannot be corrected Lee goes against this advice deciding to go at it alone we're told that the chain on his index finger is capable of replicating other nen abilities its use is very limited but this power partly represents the fact that could not be concealed the need to do things on his own using this ability he has access to all kinds of powers meaning that there is less need to use people other than himself on this quest he separates himself from the others not just because they weaken has resolved but for their own protection and the flashback to his friends illustrates this point he feels an extreme care for his friend and wants to be alongside them but due to a combination of his red-hot motivation for his goal his knowledge of what it would take and his concern for his friends well-being he can't the contrasting motivations that result in this distancing and the way they sum up the character really drive home this dualism Crowell Lucifer is arguably one of the best judges of character in this series he seems to have a knack for understanding people and who they are at essence and one of the most important observations he makes is that cannot be completed to commit to anything if a consequence would mean harm for his friends while he was captured Crowther was so confident that he wouldn't be killed due to gon and killua being the spiders hostages and his confidence wasn't misplaced because at the time of the york-new arc cannot because friends mattered more to him than anything else whether that is still true in the Dark Continent remains to be seen but the signs are positive in my opinion human connection is the one thing that is consistently stops karateka from going off the deep end and it is the only thing left that save him if he embraces it he has every chance of finding fulfillment but if he abandons it to focus only on his goal he may find himself lost cannot be he is a character that would likely be on a path of relative light if not for one devastating event but instead he straddles the line between the abyss and a path to a fulfilling life between self betterment and self-destruction and the one thing that has kept him from giving in to his darkness has been his friends it seems as though karateka has somewhat moved on from his quest for revenge following the wonderful anti climax of the york-new arc with his motivations instead set on collecting the eyes of his brethren but with the Dark Continent arc in full swing and the truth likely to cross paths with the chain user once again those old feelings are very likely to resurface and I think Kadapa Co will come to find that a longing for vengeance cannot easily remain buried when the source of so much of your pain is right in front of your face there is the obvious caveat if he soaked his own onslaught but I'm fairly convinced that the story between the spider and the lone surviving Corte is not yet resolved I can't speak for anyone but myself but for me the main elements in Kedah pikas story that keeps me glued to the screen and each page is not just a desire to see him grind the spiders into dust or an interest in seeing how he intelligently deals with the many moving parts and political strife of the Dark Continent expedition while he isn't the most likeable character in the world his tragic self-awareness care for human connection and admirable resolve make me care for the guy so above all what I care about most is that cannot because journey ends happily for him and since this is such a broad subject of investment all of the little details along the way to that revelation are given extra weight because of any potential repercussions they could bring to the table it all comes back to the concept of nature circumstance and resulting motives shaping who we are cannot because probably one of the bluntest displays of nature and nurture characterization that I've ever seen but this all works in the story's favor and prevents him from being a one-dimensional revenge machine of the character his nature endears into the audience while the circumstances that shaped him have morphed him into a very conflicting character whose every action carries weight in the end we have a lost soul that is so easy to become invested in and root for yet one who should he continue striving for his goals may never find solace if he does not prioritize the things that can become his saving grace how far will could a pika go before he can finally rest and how much of himself will be left if he ever finishes as I postulated there is still ample opportunity for could I be cut to change but he's slowly wasting away well he gives into darkness let his rage consume him and allow emptiness to fill him until he self destructs or will he realize that no satisfaction or closure comes from revenge and attempt to finally form a meaningful life that he so deserves I found my thoughts on which is more likely but I'd like to hear what you guys think thanks so much for watching and I'll catch you all later [Music]
Channel: Aleczandxr
Views: 318,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hxh, 1999, 2011, madhouse, anime, animation, fights, fight, hunter x hunter, review, analysis, gon, kurapika, phantom troupe, genei, ryodan, spider, kurta, clan, eyes, scarlet, leorio, killua, yorknew, uvogin, reaction, ost, soundtrack, music, hisoka, zoldyck, netero, ging, hunter, exam, arena, greed island, arc, character, characters, chimera ant, meruem, election, illumi, shonen, hiatus, manga, togashi, chapter, best, all time, one piece, bleach, naruto, yu yu hakusho, top 10, top 5, chrollo, villain, moments, scenes, dark continent
Id: L1gzihnCF60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2017
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