Hunter Rotor Riser Seal Replacement

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all right i got a pretty heavy leak on this and uh i had some roots that i had uh dug up and so i think i've got a right i would bet that um there's just too many roots flowing to that so i'm gonna dig it out some more see what's going on with it well there it is um seals busted so this shouldn't be too bad i actually have the parts to do it so i'll dig into that and get that little gusher stopped okay okay so i took that out and i have uh the two rings that uh um have to be replaced and uh the hardest part is getting that cap off which i'll show you in a few minutes all right i'm gonna try this again getting this cap off is not a piece of cake by any means so if i break it so be it they're not that expensive there we go so i think i just had some debris in there it's causing it to leak but since i've gone this far i'm gonna take the rest of it off take your other take your hard seal um and those are rings it's got this little ring at the bottom ring down take your new seal and it's got a cup in there too face down and slide it over that little lip there and now i got that off without breaking it um but you need to really hold this down and put that cap on oh wait a minute to shoot um oh man oh shoot i really wanted to clean that out but it's clean enough and pretty short there we go so that's it those are the old ones and i still have some other ones because i remember you had said that you had had some leaky ones and you can buy these and uh and then that's uh it and you can just toss those which i probably think those were good but as you saw just had some debris on them and so we're gonna go screw this back in and see what we got okay um so really you just take uh this and screw that down that's tight this air i'll probably have to make some adjustments on it um but if i have to make adjustments on that as to where it shoots i don't really care it's not a big deal to do that that's it okay i'm gonna go turn this thing back on and let's see if i don't have any leaks around the top there keep our fingers crossed all right yeah there it is leak has stopped so really i just gotta fill that back in with dirt and straighten this up a little bit and uh i'll be good to go on that so that's really all the leak was um so but anyways that's all it's all fixed so it's a easy fix um so that's it
Channel: Jon Butterfield
Views: 733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5z6U1DK5QeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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