How To Fix A Leaking Sprinkler Head Step By Step

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[Music] [Applause] hey guys welcome to the video today in today's video we are going to talk about leaking sprinkler heads do you have a leaking sprinkler head after your zone your sprinkler system has shut off typically one of them it's usually the lowest one in that zone you may have a pool of water around it you may see it bubbling you may have really soggy grass all around it or water you know running down your driveway the pavement you know all those things indicate that you have a leaking sprinkler head we're going to talk about the most likely cause of why your sprinkler head is leaking and it's not actually the sprinkler head it's most likely the valve so let's go ahead we're going to head back to the sprinkler valve box we're going to take a look at it and go from there all right guys before we do anything we want to put on our safety equipment i have a pair of safety glasses that i'm going to put on here and a pair of work gloves let me do that now all right guys so next we need to turn our system to off like so and then just unplug the sprinkler box from the wall and then we'll go ahead and just set this down here all right let's head back to the valve box all right guys this is my sprinkler box and each one of these valves controls a different zone of the sprinkler system and what the most likely cause is is there's a piece of debris stuck in the valve for that sprinkler head and it's not allowing the valve to shut all the way when it shuts off it's it's it's allowing a small stream of water to continue into that zone which is you know being pushed out of the lowest sprinkler head in that zone and that's where you're getting your leak so we need to figure out which valve belongs to that sprinkler head and if you don't know the easiest way to do it is on top of the valves here there's a solenoid and you can manually turn these valves on so the way that you do this is by right here it tells you on top of the solenoid a quarter turn this way uh we'll turn the valve on so we will turn it a quarter turn that way you could hear it pressurized there and then we would go out and we would verify that that is the zone for the sprinkler head uh that's leaking okay now that we've verified that this is the correct valve for that sprinkler head and that zone we're going to go ahead and turn it off and we do that just by turning it back the other way until it's tight you want this you know snug tight but you don't want to over tighten it this is plastic you don't want to strip out or break the the threading on the solenoid or the valve so before we do any work on the valve the first thing we can do is there is an air bleeder valve here um we're going to turn this and it will open it up and allow water to flow out of the bleeder valve there and by doing this there's a possibility that whatever debris is trapped in there uh you know may come out through this process if it doesn't we'll move on to the next step which would be you know turning off the water to the system and then taking the valve apart but let's go ahead and try this first anyway just let this do this for a little bit here and then you could turn it off uh same thing with that it's plastic so you want it you know snug tight but don't over tighten it you don't want to strip the threading now you could go check your sprinkler head and see if it's still um still leaking or not all right guys so if that did not work we're going to turn off the main irrigation water supply mine's inside of the house yours may be inside or outside but let's go ahead and do that right now all right guys here is my main irrigation water supply shut off yours may be inside or outside but let's go ahead and turn that off here and let's head back out to the valve box all right guys now that the main irrigation water supply is shut off we can go ahead and check it by doing the quarter turn on the solenoid to see if the system pressurizes and it does not so the next thing we want to do is twist the solenoid all the way off and just set it somewhere where it's not going to get dirty we're just going to place it right over here you want to make sure none of this gets dirt or debris in it so we're just going to place it right there and we'll get these wires out of the way here now we can twist uh the top part of the valve off you know your valve may be different than this one this is a hunter pgv valve uh but you should twist your your valve off here and set that to the side and then this whole piece is just gonna pull right up and same thing we're going to set this to the side and if you take a look in here here's the diaphragm and we can pull that out um just by getting a hold of it here a little piece at the front that you can get a hold of and pull this out you can see it's got some dirt and debris on it uh this is a replaceable part and we will show you um you know i'll show you that part in just a second okay um and then we're gonna take this part out here and now we're gonna take these over to the hose and we're going to get them all cleaned up um before we do though you just want to kind of visually inspect in here you're looking for any dirt or debris just to make sure that there's nothing in there and i can see that there isn't and you also want to make sure you can use the water from this just to get any dirt or debris off the threading around the valve and so when you put this back on uh there's nothing in there that causes any type of leak like so all right let's go get all these parts cleaned up all right guys we're gonna get these cleaned up with a hose if you have a brush or something like that you can use that too to get these all clean you can try cleaning the diaphragm uh this piece here but you're already in there and doing it and these are are pretty inexpensive so we're going to go ahead and replace ours with a brand new one this is what they look like so let's go ahead and get this stuff cleaned up [Applause] so [Music] all right guys now that we have everything cleaned just inspect again you know make sure there's no debris or rocks in here if there is make sure that you get it out before you put everything back together and we're just going to go ahead and reassemble it so the first part is this one here and you just put it in and it just kind of seats down into place the next is our new diaphragm here this one goes with this little piece here uh just at this side of the valve there's a little slot for it so we can make sure that that one fits in there like so there we go uh make sure that you didn't lose this spring here on this part of the valve we're gonna go ahead and reinstall this this is where the solenoid goes in um this goes on this side so this just snaps into place like so you can feel it fit in there nice and good and then we're gonna take the jar top and just screw it back into place and you want to get these nice and snug and tight you know you don't have to like get a wrench or anything to get it down but just as tight as you can get it with hand um you don't want to strip it so you know just get it on there as tight as you can with your hand make sure your solenoid doesn't have any debris on it and make sure that this o-ring is in good shape and we're gonna go ahead and put this back in we're just screwing this in and remember just hand tight um snug you don't want to over tighten this one this is plastic you don't want to you know break or strip the threading on the valve or the solenoid okay now we're ready to turn our uh water supply back on to the irrigation system and check for leaks and see if this worked all right guys let's go ahead and turn the water back onto the irrigation system and when you do this just do it slowly [Music] okay let's head back out to the valve box and check for leaks all right guys now that we have water pressure back into the system we can test our valve and make sure that there's no leaks we're just going to go ahead and do the quarter turn to turn this on and listen for the system to pressurize there it goes and we can see that there's no leaks i'm just checking underneath here yeah nothing going on no leaks so that's a good thing i can hear the sprinklers out front running so let's go ahead and turn this off we're just gonna give the quarter turn back to turn it off um and let's head out front now and check out the sprinkler head and uh see if it's leaking all right guys we can see there that the sprinkler head is not leaking let's go ahead and head into the sprinkler control box all right guys let's go ahead and plug our sprinkler box back in here and turn the sprinkler box back on and there we go um you know we completed this job i hope this video helped you guys out i know how frustrating it can be when you have a sprinkler system that's not working or leaking so hopefully this helped you fix your leaking sprinkler head please like subscribe and comment and i hope to see you guys in the next video have a good one thank you guys for watching please like subscribe and comment and if you have the time check out these other great videos
Channel: Todd's Garage
Views: 31,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fix, leaking, sprinkler, head, how to, water, puddle, constant, constantly, system, one, broken, replace, puddling, soggy, logged, soaked, small, on, off, stop, step, by, heads, repair
Id: Tr7mMvIB5Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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