HUMANKIND | Single-City Merchants | Ep 06 (Let's Play Miniseries)

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hey everybody it's party elite welcome you back to our humankind victor open dev one city merchant challenge last session was a pretty profitable one and a pretty successful one i would say though it has started to uh bring about some cracks in our empire peace with amorians was i think a good call though it has left us with san lorenzo it doesn't look like we're actually ransacking it at present so let's go ahead and resume the ransacking of san lorenzo so that we can continue to be one city merchants kind of the name of the challenge over here this was a temporary setback but that can be expected again when you go to war if you're going to take cities as long as we solve it i feel like we're still staying on theme on brand or whatever you want to call it uh so let's take care of that let's make sure we take care of that and of course the harappans might be a little upset about it but hey they'll uh they'll deal if they have a problem they can take it up with my army uh but apart from that though we have expanded even further uh taking some of these islands over here about ready to take this archipelago up over here as well we've acquired pearls for ourselves so lots of good stuff going on however with all this expansion as you can imagine things have been getting a little more unstable things are strained in fact the city's population is becoming agitated positive and negative events are equally likely to occur in this city you can see we have quite a bit that's helping us out but we also have quite a bit that's hurting us farmer's quarters arbors market quarters market quarters research quarters all these all these structures all of these districts just weigh down on the uh administrative capabilities i suppose uh of our city and so that's causing a lot of trouble once the ancor what is completed we will have a plus 40 boost to stability so that will be nice we should really consider some other options as well there are a bunch of holy sites we can place again we've unlocked quite a few we can place a few more holy sites down that should help we are also trying to unlock technologies that help we did a little bit of that last session but i don't know if that was enough anyway those are just some of my concerns but overall we're doing all right as we hit end turn to turn 95 and move onwards to uh hopefully gaining at least one star over here yeah it looks like we've got our merchant star beautiful thank you very much we're very close to getting our builders star as well making our way to the next era again like i was saying last session it will happen quicker than it seems we're closer than it looks over here want to mention as well folks if you've been enjoying this sort of different approach to content at least as far as this channel is concerned if you would like to see more like it for games in the future or if you would just like to see more humankind on the channel in the future please don't hesitate to let me know by leaving a like down below it does make a very big difference it just lets me know what folks are interested in and it directly affects the content i do on the channel if you have any questions concerns or feedback or anything like that leave a comment down below i do read all of the comments even if you're commenting you know months or even years down the line there are people who've been following this channel for a while that will attest to it i do read all of the comments so uh keep your questions concerns thoughts opinions all coming and i will respond to what needs responding to i will try finding answers when answers are needed etc etc i say we stay focused on the angkor wat over here that plus 40 is not a bad deal uh what i might want to do is eventually at some point swap on over to the stone rings and establish them somewhere fancy i suppose like up over here again i like using i like looking for like nice locations for these holy sites think of them as like pilgrimages and whatnot you know like this would be a cool spot like up over here right next to this uh iconic natural wonder maybe up over here yeah i like that lose three production if we were ever going to exploit it but you know when's that gonna happen right we'd actually have to pay in population for that that's unfortunate all right stay focused on the encore what then we'll do that afterwards sure these guys are both working on the encore what make sure this ransack is happening it is indeed that's another turn done dubai continues to lose population all right so with rhetoric research we have the theater we have the library and we have a holy day as an option as well but i don't think we need that what we do need though is i think the library is perhaps not a bad idea plus 10 science go ahead and pay for that that knows we have the money for it and turns to get this done once we build this nine turns oh hey that actually okay i wasn't expecting it to make that much of a difference but hey here we are the next thing we're researching is imperial power that gives us the um commons quarter plus five stability per adjacent district that is going to be extremely helpful uh initially we were doing this for customs farm but this is going to be extremely helpful when it arrives in nine turns we get our next tech star scientist star we need two technologies all right i'm fine with that athlete's gonna come by sooner i think builder is uh also not that far away either as we acquire more wealth we'll spend that money we'll spend that money what's going on over here these guys while you have this badge nodes along your trade route provide vision within a radius which increases the level of the badge are they getting the merchant badge because they're importing as well as exporting because i mean well we were exporting to a few folks at least i believe we're still exporting to the uh i'm listening maureen's here i suppose not well that's unfortunate they did ask for a trade deal we could try and escalate that to a trade everything sort of a deal let's propose it they might say no counter off right now you're not gonna get my money get get out of here but i made you my vassals we should be groveling at my feet well these guys down over here this cog is in trouble get you uh let's get you on here we've uh it's overextended its reach a little bit gotta keep it on shallow waters now otherwise it'll uh it'll fall apart like all the other ships keep moving here sure guys are still idle over here keep exploring again still looking for another continent oh hello lake hillier has been discovered that's another 50 fame for us that's interesting a sight more likely found in the unreality of dream time than in waking hours the lake is a place of spiritual rejuvenation so the reference to dream time tells me this must be something in uh in australia uh correct me if i'm wrong but i believe that's the reference we're getting over there to dream time very interesting i didn't i didn't know this was a thing cool very cool army lost at sea i believe we've already taken care of these guys yep yes down here as well acknowledge all this yes thank you thank you thank you that curiosity is actually new to me this happened up over here oh what do you know cool and yeah we'll we'll establish an outpost perhaps over here and lorenzo continues to grow or unfortunate souls i'm trying to figure out if i want to establish the outpost up over there instead if it even makes a difference i quite like the idea of putting it down over here sure i'll be down here for 190 influence that's fine that's fine moving you down over here keep exploring seeing what these guys have done for themselves down here i suppose pull you up this way as well get our exploration of uh of this little island very cool what have we got going on up at kerma mouse i could just and my okay come on there we go again and help but uh stress this is an early access build folks you can expect some glitchiness here and there uh what do you want to do over here we do not need a holy day or stay focused on the encore what looks like stability has stabilized so to speak still strained at least it's staying at 40 percent rather than shifting further down so i will i'll take that honestly i will take that that's fine by me we're doing all right over here looks like there's some iron to be had this is definitely a continent right we should bring our um bring these guys over they can set foot on it and get us that competitive deed get us some more fame the aztecs have reached the medieval era as the aztecs though the those who were once the huns and once the hittites are now the aztecs fair enough i'm a little worried about those guys i'm going to be honest they are encroaching on our territory i wouldn't be surprised if they're the next war we have to fight in fact not going to declare that war ourselves we're trying to be traitors the world just makes it so hard ooh hello wish we could pick that up we need an army for it though but actually if i keep talking about these guys being a threat and do nothing about it then that makes me the fool doesn't it so let's go ahead and pull these guys over 10 turns until the ransacking is done sure let's go on and move down to uh irma i guess 10 turns wow these guys over as well right about there i'm sure that feels a very very slow doesn't it feels extremely slow it feels extremely slow um industry we get more influence i think i'm fine without that right now yeah now we're fine what's going on over here these guys are ready to move let's go ahead and do exactly that they're pretty slow when at sea so it'll take them forever to get over to here but i do want to get them over there i'm almost certain that is another continent are you up to here we've got shallow water you'll stay alive i gotta pull them back to home turf to actually heal them up and home turf is quite far away actually the loop back up over here we should be able to get home from there this is a dead end for the ship of course we'll go up this way around the top over here see what else is available okay orients feel differently about us suspicious i feel like that's an improvement they were like uh hateful or what were they earlier i forget now but i feel like that's an improvement i feel less threatened by them being suspicious of us keep exploring i don't think we'll be able to come down over here without declaring war so that's all good put you guys up over here again try and bring them back home so we can heal them up and send them exploring again basically it looks like we have another decision to make the battle for the mind the great city of karma is bursting at the seams countless souls pressed within the city's tight borders in the dense squalid quarters cases of madness are on their eyes religious leaders contend that demonic forces are behind the afflictions while the philosophers argue for natural causes both are strong voices in the empire with competing solutions what is your response we could study for learning that'll give us plus 15 signs for 10 turns we could pray for fanatical we've seen that before or we could judge judge them as sinners and seize their wealth listen we're money minded but but i don't think that's like barely anything compared to our nation's wealth right let's go with study go without learning yeah sure things are looking pretty good so far we're looking all right no random declarations of war yet guys are still making their way back yes each turns until you're done up there okay oh what is this maureen's want a non-aggression pact sure i could counter their offer ask for money instead but again 270 gold what is that i accept maybe we can work together marvelous like the first rays of daylight yeah listen don't try to flatter me man we're literally at war not uh a few centuries ago we're trying to pull these guys over we've pretty much well let's let's see if there's more to explore down over here poke out for one turn and then pull back into safety right at least it's something oh you oh they're so very slow they're so very slow okay you moving up this way more iron up over here more horses up over here a watery grave part two a dark day for the empire the dive was a disaster from beginning to end stormy seas and lashing winds leading to difficult conditions both above and below the surface fifteen of the city's soldiers drowned while others returned with grievous wounds many say the city's military is cursed ruination the disastrous expedition has scared many away from military life in kerma gives us pacifist increasing the cost of building any of these units including air units which is not even a concept we have yet but fair enough that's unfortunate that's from the event from last session where there was that dive should have just paid the professionals always pay professionals uh move you guys up to over here try and get them creeping up back home yeah that should work out irma continues to grow osmosis event where up at san lorenzo exchanges between the people of this city and its neighbors led to a minor technological breakthrough enjoy this 105.6 science point boost cool you know what i should actually take a look at building relations with some of these other guys as well let's see if we can't get an non-aggregation pack going with these guys they're probably going to say no the world is full of new opportunities you know what okay fine i wonder if that'll give us the osmosis benefits as well we'll find out besides i think i need to concern myself with the huns if i'm gonna have a war with anybody i think it'll be the huns right all good so far lost at sea for these guys yeah i gotta pull them back up back to safety religious conversion according to nubian feminism sounds good to me osmosis that's the event we already looked at yep cool thank you resources sold the mauryans are purchasing our silver oh no there you see it nice guys oh hang on are we about to circumnavigate oh we are that's another uh that's another um competitive deed if we can make it across without dying i could get this shallow water here good good good i'm very curious what this unknown strategic resource is guys i don't know how they're gonna if they're gonna make it actually risk these guys over here we can move up there and then from here it's a bit of a challenge i think potentially oh no we can pull back to here they should be able to heal up in the territory as well cool nope you're going to wait much of a distance [Music] thank you for that update about dube we're okay over here these guys pull you down to here dangerous waters they put for the rest of this turn down over here pull you guys back up these guys over here and pull these guys as far down as they can go tiles i don't know how much of this is shallow these guys have been with us since the beginning basically so you know if they die now it's not the end of the world imperial power has been researched wonderful so again we can use those common commons quarters i think i might actually want to establish one and the customs farm as well good stuff good stuff i don't know i don't know if this is shallow water or not no it says ocean down there almost certainly is not right let's pull you guys back up maybe we can take to see from down over here or something orients continue to buy silver from us excellent uh let's go ahead back to kerma and why don't we establish the uh almonds quarters plus five stability per adjacent district okay a couple spots up there this is the thing about being one city is that your development across the board is a lot slower obviously right plus three okay plus 15 ability plus 25 over here but we'd be destroying this uh this market quarter oh that is a lot of stability though let's go ahead and pop you down i'm going to say over here i did want to put down a market quarter up there if i were to put down a market quarter up over here we're making plenty of money go ahead and pay for you and let's go ahead and get down this commons quarter [Music] plus five what about up over here good spots up here i think yeah that's 10 over here sure establish you pay for that slowly growing very slowly growing maybe establish another one another plus 10 up over here plus 15 mind if i do another 2 000 that's like all of our money spent but hey at least that uh stability is looking a lot better now okay that feels good that feels good these guys back up to here and see if this will actually heal us up yeah we'll you can see it growing over there good stay put until you're healed you how far can you go are there are there coastal waters out here doesn't look like it there might be up over here but that is a risk we'll be taking emptying tempting tempting we do have a civic point available as well actually we could talk about leadership did he cap that's not important to us army wages extra strength from ransacking land rights modify create outpost costs or allow the claiming and attaching to be done with money instead slaves is a conversation we could have plus one bonus population per ransack if we have war slaves or criminal slaves gives us plus one industry on commons quarters we just established some comments quarters those who break our laws will become vassals for the empire or the sons and daughters of the empire's enemies will become our slaves let's go with criminal slaves i feel as though um our intention is not to go to too many wars right so criminal slaves makes more sense and it moves us towards a world view in fact it looks like both of these decisions move us toward no this moves us towards a homeland view it looks like go for it great that should help uh accelerate some of our constructions and whatnot reductions i should say meanwhile our next technology we should perhaps take a look at uh the situation over here the next tech gives us our first scientist star for this era we could look at something that we'd rush uh for example fortifications it'll take just two turns might not be a bad idea either if we genuinely believe that war is coming with the uh aztecs i suppose now uh there's the ballista let's go with the foreign outpost next sure audrey could be valuable i suppose theology is available to us as well festivals theological administrators we're also able to move up to seafaring masters after foreign um foreign outposts again we're well in the medieval era chivalry gives us access to our unique unit over here the mejares get there we gotta get to feudalism hmm well let's stick with what we have right now and the turn there and 104. up over here i want to take this risk we're going to pull back we're going to pull around the top and just see if there's a coastal waters up there down over here let's pull you up to here and then we should be able to either stop off over there or keep moving up that way yeah we'll be fine return there and corwat is almost done fortifications have been researched excellent there's our scientist star beautiful we're very close to our next builder star as well our next athlete star and our next merchant star wonderful looking very good up over here let's uh move you up to there again it's deep waters over here so we got to get to the shallow water quickly hang tight for now where are these guys they are okay i forgot that i'd given them a set of orders already let's go ahead and get this exploitation going spend the money for it sure there's our builder star as well wonderful there's the horse ranch we also have what else oh right i forgot about these pearls down here i didn't even notice we had two sets of pearls from the same territory all right go for it look at that look at that fortune we're making go ahead and get these horses too went up there we go beautiful [Music] things looking pretty good there's our athletes star as well from all the influence we're gaining over here get to that shallow shallow water the harappans want a non-aggression pact i can get behind that sure what is this with trade over here [Music] looks like we are exporting quite a bit actually it looks like they're picking up pearls from us through a sea trade route this is so cool look at that look at that trade i love this i love this view actually you can see how uh see how goods are moving as long as the map cooperates come on now let me there we go that's pretty cool that's pretty cool all right we're almost done the anchor what and then we'll move on to that next what stability looking like over here but excellent moving you up this way our turn there not that far away from the next era a new wonder can be claimed as well that's what the anchor what completed another hundred fame for us beautiful and we are selling pearls to the horuptans we continue to sell pearls to the weapons a foreign war declared the aztecs have been branded even more traitorous it's the same the huns the hittites they've just been terrible people all the way through what do the greeks want from us a non-aggression pact they are afraid of us very well pleased to accept your proposal how about we trade as well beautiful the world is full of new opportunities is it not i don't think we're selling them anything just quite yet but when the time comes yes very good we could buy gold from them we have plus two percent money per gold import is just a my just as much you know mercantile as export is we're at plus one one one one at the moment so if we go ahead and buy your gold by sea it'll be cheaper as opposed to by land so buy your gold one one four three not the biggest bump but hey why not right why not the mauryans want to trade everything very well we can accept that [Music] what are they picking up from us right now looks like it's just uh silver that they're grabbing from us their own silver they're buying back basically san lorenzo one more turn until it's burned down all right so keep an eye on that right these guys have arrived now over here very well [Music] down to here here get you moving i don't want to declare war why don't we go ahead and see if they'll give us open borders propose [Music] i can i can go around their territories just fine or through their territories if they want to be like that up over here let's go ahead and take to the waters and see if we can't make it there right i would love to get to that continent these guys down here let's go ahead and wonder if i wonder if we can circumnavigate pushing up this way as well for that very same goal for that very same purpose [Music] one turn left over here so uh san lorenzo is idle right now [Music] we could that one turn that's left it can execute something i just don't see anything that's worth executing very well let's go ahead and uh sure let's get these scout riders use up some of this population right and as we hit enter you will see a couple things so keep in mind the silver over here the silver up over here and this copper is already being exploited right now we end the turn san lorenzo gets burned down and obviously these things are no longer being exploited however however when we establish our outpost at the exact same spot because why not it's a good spot we will immediately reacquire those minds so we will immediately reacquire those resources i think it's quite a nice system i think it makes sense i think it makes sense oh your job here is done you can stop ransacking now this is my turrets right now i don't think they are ransacking anymore i think that's the notification from uh from last time these guys are just fine over here keep you moving over this general direction we'll have to go around this whole thing or we could take the uh the waters down to seged down over here i suppose if need be get you in a second okay you're my penta counter okay fair enough i was worried that was my cog and i was like you should be able to get a lot further than that highway robbery oh dear the empire's trade routes resound with the noise of hooves on the dirt creaking wheels and fluttering canvas caravans loaded with silks spices and all manner of goods come and go from far climbs but near the city of kerma these convoys are attracting the wrong kind of attention merchants ferrying gold along a lucrative trade route are being targeted by a notorious gang and the traders seek your aid what is your decree so either we guard we will pay for hired guards to accompany the merchants maybe we'll get lucky a low chance of good consequences or we will hunt we will pay for hired guards to accompany the merchants maybe we'll get lucky same thing but with a lock down we get extra stability though the industry slows down a little bit but there's a higher chance of good consequences why don't we go with that let's go ahead and hunt these criminals down air steal from us see what that does for us looking pretty good guys hang tight for this turn next turn they can continue oh this game tempts me and baits me i gotta pick that up go for it oh there's our merchant star that we've acquired as well so let me actually take a quick look over here what are we looking at yeah we're not that far away from that third and final merchant star for this era not that far away from uh our athletes start either or for that matter the uh scientists are we've done pretty well but i would like i i think you guys let me know what you think but i think we've done a pretty good job of staying loyal to our sort of merchant approach obviously it's not the it's not like you can do just the one thing you know obviously other things are going to happen naturally through war and whatnot but i think we've pursued the mercantile approach we've pursued the merchant's life and it's gone quite well for us it's gone quite well for us actually you guys are not sure keep moving right are we gonna make it i don't think so i think the shallow water no this is coastal water here okay we should make it then the wisdom of others your merchants trek the world reaching great markets and far climbs and selling your highly prized natural riches for much coin conversely your empire sees many traders from distant lands and visit our plazas with their goods their wit and their provocative ideas when their knowledge contradicts the wisdom of your elders it raises the question of who you should trust so knowledge authorities allows us to either trust the elders wisdom or foreign innovations this will either give us science per researcher locally or science per number of trade routes on cities and outposts so again we don't have a civic point for it but some pretty cool options come up from this pretty cool options if i say so myself i wonder if i don't want to rush our research quarter up over here that plus 18 plus 12 plus 18 first i suppose but pay for that we've got the money and go ahead and establish you over here and pay for that because we've got the money beautiful and accelerate our research ever so slightly sure why not all good one idle army up over here keep you i guess moving as well let's go cool not much to do over here we've got all the exploitations done we could again uh attach it if we want to build some of the other structures but again we're keeping an eye on stability right what's the deal here army lost let's see a few of them actually let's go ahead and get you into these coastal waters you should be safe the harappans have forgiven our grievance for stopping trade again they're probably happy that the trade has begun again i imagine looks like pearls are purchasing are being purchased rather by the harappans and marsik will enter the sphere of influence of the harappans in five turns marsik up over here oh wow the harappan culture has really kind of taken over hasn't it fair enough fair enough the loss of the city has allowed their culture to spread in our general uh direction okay keep an eye out for that i want to attach it sooner rather than later in fact what's the stability looking like at kerma okay we're headed towards 100 so that's not too bad actually i didn't think we'd make it back to 100 i'll be honest with you but i'm certainly glad we have will you back over here but there's a spot over here that's exactly what i was hoping for good stuff good stuff emma bring me the next turn move you over silver being purchased by the harappans that's that old trade that they were potentially going to be upset about things have resumed the mycenaeans are aggressive really you want to try me buddy you want to try me so tell me herapans want to trade everything fine by me calling me a thief oh i guess it's because i ransacked that one city that's not fair my city i can do it as i please up over here i'm going to keep pushing these guys over i'm trying to get them to here right because i'm fairly convinced this is a continent fairly convinced keep moving these guys over what are we looking at over here one turn until this is done excellent there you go or an outpost has been researched giving us making it cheaper for us to buy resources eventual administrator for another city if we want and quadra rims are now available as well good stuff uber has grown even further a new grievance against whom the aztecs they've annexed the independent city of almaz like i said these guys are getting pretty aggressive there had to be a war next it would be against them the maya make the following demand pay 600 for what reason despise a snake you just want money the mycenians have ended their treaty our non-aggression pact has been reduced tolerate skirmishes man thought you guys were mycenians not calls cause honestly can't believe they have the gall to apply this kind of pressure on us therma it means we need to turn establish our military strength a little bit one turn way forward got some chariots done as well why not and some toss at the archers darkening back to the uh forefathers i suppose and looks like stability is looking very good actually wonderful pick our next technology over here theology seafaring mastery plus five money per naval trade route plus one money on coastal waters yup that's the way to go that's the way to go 17 turns fair enough greeks want to trade everything fine by me these guys are you know kind of like not much to do with our with our ships really guys meanwhile can continue on this way i wonder if i can make land fall over here instead looks like it should be easy to get to we'll see we shall see and over here pull you down to here perhaps then down to here come on come on there's got to be shallow water here somewhere ah these guys aren't going to make it but try and come up over there but no they're going to make it down over here meanwhile all right what to produce next more research quarters maybe not a bad idea well let's take a look at builder where is it need eight more eight more all right get some maker's quarters the ones we've been talking about for quite some time oh actually we've already established these ones fair enough what about the uh market quarters then up over here go ahead and oh we actually can't afford it wild borders are quite expensive maybe in a couple turns we'll be able to ube continues to lose population burma continues to grow a new civic is available to us i quite liked the sound of uh where did it go knowledge authorities also on science per researcher on city or outpost plus one signs for number of trade i feel like again that's uh not only does it push us towards progress or keep us at progress but it's also more fitting as as traders right let's embrace what we learn elsewhere hopefully to speed us up a little bit the trade routes over here horses being purchased by the harappans marble and ebony as well and stuff guys are about to get lost let's see let's pull you up over here we'll poke and prod up over here next looks like you're actually able to upgrade but i got to gotta bring you back to safe harbor first these guys down here should be able to upgrade but the quadrarim and then they should be able to stay out in deep water for longer just gonna do a quick test over there you guys are fine and just to make sure yeah cannot be done as the current position is not valid unfortunate but hey it is what it is i'm just gonna camp out next to your city what are you gonna do about it you stay put for now you camp out here as well you're gonna keep coming down over here again we have uh you know what i just realized we just recruited those units up over here didn't we wait no got so many recruitment spots where did i recruit that entire army these guys are up over here [Music] it must have been these guys doesn't seem right though oh these guys okay gotcha i guess up over there fair enough highway robbery continues over here all right favorable tidings the leader of the notorious gang who has been targeting gold merchants near the city of kurma has been captured the next choice however is not straightforward it turns out this highway man is something of a local hero giving away near all his spoils to the most desperate of karma they call for you to be merciful what will you do with the leader i could execute him regardless of intentions dreadful crimes were committed the merchants deserve justice are we a uh are we the sheriff exile him to respect the wishes of the city folk we will spare the highwayman's life still they must leave or exonerate hmm given their selfless charitable impulses anything but absolution would be a travesty no we will exile him he cannot go unpunished but we will not have him killed a merchant that allows people to steal from him is a bit of a fool we will exile him hopefully make an example we'll take better care of the people ourselves thank you very much right more resources being sold to the harappans now they feel differently about us hesitant how do you have nothing but love for me come on now come on now i'm very close to that next arrow start with the merchant approach go ahead and rush this looking good we could probably build another one actually we can also establish some more harbors if i recall correctly we'll be gaining gold from this as well not as much as the straight up market quarters we have uh built appropriately right 31 goal being me what about down over here using our unique um [Music] our unique uh cultural orders here plus 38. go ahead and rush that beautiful could establish more market quarters up over here furthering the uh the gains from these guys knock you down over there yeah and rush it just quite yet but soon enough yeah the quadrane doesn't seem at all bothered by the deep waters we get out of here though yes we can't let's see if we can't do it from down below up over here these guys make it across please be the continent please be the continent it would make me so happy this is our cog yeah i guess we're kind of locked in here eh well that's unfortunate or a little bit i suppose keep up over here look for some shallow water no such luck suppose we could take them take them along and let them be done as it were not much else left for them to do really fair enough lost at sea up over here all right no no such luck i was really hoping would work out very close we're very close coming all the way around we would need the quadri now can i how about we go ahead and over here establish our harbor right up over here or maybe even out over here nice spot for it go on and pay for it oh hey what do you know there's silver up here uh and let's go ahead and actually attach that territory because here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead i'm gonna attach suppose you and you look at that drop right down to 50 ouch um but we're going to do this because we want to get ourselves a quadrane out over here rush you out cool the market quarters might actually be a bad idea maybe instead we should try and get the the common quarters done instead plus 20 out over here sounds like a good idea to me we'll get that done first get that done first all right you guys are quadring again they will still take damage when they're out to sea for too long so just want to be careful about that they want to be foolish of course run them along the coast down south these armies are turning down over here in case these guys try something or in case the aztecs try something over here what are we looking at right oh seriously you can't on now we're so close or at least i think we are lost it's eunice destroyed yeah that's unfortunate what are you gonna do they tried they tried their best heroes in their own way okay we should be able to make landfall here good stuff up over here and this path is outside the game area okay listen you guys open borders things change excellent okay i was expecting them to say no and cause me trouble but hey that's actually not bad we can now just traverse through their territory and hopefully circumnavigate hopefully moving up over here enough good stuff you will move over this way actually made a bit of a mistake earlier the mayans have reached the classical era as the mayans fair enough they're so far behind us weapons continue to buy stuff from a saffron now new grievance is available i'm listening oh they've claimed this little territory for themselves okay okay okay we're fine we can get along we can get along really beautiful map though over here i quite like the uh way the space looks all right down over here pulling you down these guys keep pulling you down as well uh honestly we're just gonna i think station these uh ships there's not much they can do inside this massive uh sea i suppose an osmosis event over here gives us what exchanges between the people of this city and its neighbor harappans has led your population to demand changes concerning army composition oh well this is new okay i've never seen anything like this so they want us to use conscripts instead if i replace i will not spend any civic points my proximity with the harpins will grow if i refuse will cause some stability and we will get defiant oh ho well no i am king here refuse crap it's going to go right down to zero are you kidding me well that's a problem let's go ahead and establish this commons quarters keep us up at five all right maybe took a few too many risks there got some more stone rings down because again stone rings will give us plus 20 stability establish you uh where up over here is a nice spot i think been eyeing this one for a while we must uh work the people hard then we will or i can do this cannot be done as the action is locked you need to enact communal rights from the religious rights civics [Music] damn it really use this right now leave five turns before we can unlock that civic though all right well let's go ahead and rush these stone rings there we go down to nega down to 25 that's manageable that's manageable what else can we do over here another common quarters [Music] down over here for plus 20 works for me and pay for that there we go much better money makes the world go around honestly having a lot of money is the solution to all problems look at that we're about to hit our uh stars it looks like oh moving you down over here i'm pulling you over this way i wonder if we'll make it across ah well this does not count as a separate continent no because this is just a small island of course it is this then perhaps is the continent we'll find out we'll find out station you here station you guys here and our turn these guys have entered the classical era as accumulated persians fair enough well behind us and our merchant star was the first to be earned over here excellent the athletes star as well i feel like those go hand in hand as far as american top people are concerned good stuff the mycenians feel differently about us suspicious fair enough maybe they don't like so many of our armies coming next to them down over here let's go ahead and take to the seas see what we can do the human animal as your civilization grows you must recognize that your cities are not simply engines of production they are places where your people live and find community with the commons now a bedrock of your empire cities you must decide what is your most important obligation to your citizens what are our fundamental values public security or public happiness all right interesting now this must have been triggered because of all the commons we've made that's the implication at least you've earned seven stars and may now choose a new culture for the next era remind me later remind me later there's still some work i would like to try and accomplish over here it was looking like a pretty good uh i was worried about the repetitiveness the research quarters do look a little repetitive um these are these are looking okay actually this isn't too bad that was my biggest concern with massive cities that was my biggest concern the funny thing is how kerma has grown is like multiple little satellites as opposed to just from in to out it's been it's been a ride it's been an interesting ride we could try and throw this more normally but uh honestly we're seeing some troubles down the plus ends plus tens plus 15 up over here not going to do that up over here we have plus 20 and plus 25 we gotta demolish something for that not going to do that up over here plus 20. easy decision and afford it we'll be able to afford the next turn you're good pull you over keep you going so close we're so close the harappans have reached the ancient era as the harappans that's weird i imagine they're just like staying as the harappans i suppose is what it means to say well down to here a wreck okay good stuff good stuff the mycenians want a non-aggression pact hopefully they'll hold on to it this time around these guys down over here come on now not sure if we'll be able to set foot over here but we'll find out this way can we maybe violence has temporarily halted your purchase of gold from the greeks fair enough there must be war somewhere guys down over here keep moving you down up over here keep moving you across these guys you get to stay stationed down over here another turn done keep you moving we're selling horses to the greeks it looks like i don't know if that's the old trade that got broken so desperate to just make my way across kind of badly hurt over here actually know how much uh damage or how many turns we can take we are about to find out will you over here let's go this is also not a continent man i could have picked this up by the way really hoping this was a continent but it seems like when it's quite large end game is approaching the game will end in 25 turns again that's just for our early or early access victor open dev scenario a blooming state gives us access to another civic um i feel like i feel like those communal rights might not be a bad idea again to use procession to increase stability let's get that going shall we when the time inevitably comes these guys are actually gonna drop dead right now man seriously are we one tile away from circumnavigating i don't know how it counts circumnavigation on exactly where it draws the uh dvd numbers or the lines i guess look if we if we really want to we can be a bit more careful this time around but that will make it what you built if you guys exploring over here i'm sure there's much to find we can actually establish ourselves all the way out over here as well if we want to 350 influence yeah maybe we will actually if you're going down over here sure pick that up lost these guys unfortunate go ahead and establish this outpost up over here take two turns i wonder if uh if we can if we can actually attach this and build a harbor here instead to complete the circumnavigation something to make our affairs more civil the greeks wish to have an alliance very well this will be a blessing for all parties i accept mycenaeans have discovered malawi lake fair enough we have a crisis no they've been wiped out i imagine what's the deal here the aztecs are at war with your ally the greeks we demand that they surrender gotcha we have 10 turns before we have to push that oh dear these guys are is that why the alliance came oh i see they have uh athens up over here still they're in a lot of trouble though all right all right all right listen your help you need our help let's see if we can't communicate open borders with these guys trade everything sure but how about we also get open borders excellent this will allow us to move a bit more quickly into uh enemy territory as it were from down there and up over here as well we could declare this war your fight with our uh not enough war support we'll have to wait some time i think before we'd be able to uh pull the trigger we could make this demand as well they will undoubtedly refuse if we have no allies and you know we lose trade partners right move along the fairing mastery has been researched we can we can actually build the cog if we so choose are we done the um outpost over here i don't think so one more turn one more turn okay you guys down over here sure let's keep exploring keep you moving over here as well and let's go ahead and see what we can pick as our next research craftsmanship mounted warfare eology perhaps guilds guilds make sense right commodity markets ooh saboteur cannot be seen except by adjacent units well that's interesting i like that and trade insurance yes guilds i think makes most sense very well and our turn there got our builder star as well not that we need it i do wonder if we cannot and i'll be done with an adjacent city won't be able to get there that's too too far away i think too far away pushing through over here on you down this way therma is idle ability is dropping go ahead and establish another one of these quarters over here one pay for it look at that money too look at that money one of these down over here we're not gonna sacrifice the population we've got time we've got time these guys moving my mistake here i think was uh not staying put over here before venturing forth we might have been okay ooh the tutans have arrived they have decided to purchase some iron from us the war between the aztecs and the greeks has ended beautiful who won though who won that's the question looks like the greeks still hold on to babylon as well as athens so maybe it was okay we didn't have to dive into war anyway or after all rather i should say good maybe our threat made the difference there who knows by the way we're ready for what might come patient yourselves over here these guys exploring how is this not a continent stuff lost at sea for who these guys oh we should be fine yeah oh oh nope bit of a risk let's try it marcus's gives us some gold and we can pull down two here let's pull over to here stay safe alive these guys keep moving let's go uber has population loss now actually interesting it seems like we're okay but oh look at this crowd over here interesting next tenet is available to us as well beware false prophets in times of peace the voices of the deceivers will be loudest be skeptical of their words slows down conversion proselytize daily proclaim the truths of your religion wherever you find snakes preaching false fates negative 50 turns before being converted by other religions on territories under a religious influence if territories follow foreign religions donate generously plus three maximum number of holy sites or meet meditate often let's do combat strength on unit plus one maximum number of holy sites let's go with donate generously it fits our you know entire history i suppose as much as i want to meditate often donate generously i think works best for what we've already got oh our tier 4 faith then hopefully the full game has more than just that [Music] give me a moment to think friend now why is this available is it because we're in the medieval era and they're in the classical era or is it because of a technology that we've unlocked or is it because of our i'm not sure actually but hey you know what a cultural agreement sure why not shared logistics allows us to upgrade within each other's territories this must be because we have the alliance right a scientific agreement or free trade free access to this empire's resources the seller still gains the same amount of money [Music] yeah sure that seems like a nice thing to do we'll still make money there they have more to gain from that but a nice gesture their tenants completed when you're down over here as you heal up or you're not going to heal up actually not anymore you're not in friendly waters or in war being declared the unknown now feel differently about us access to marvel was purchased by the harappans fair enough nubian shamanism continues to spread burma what to do with karma not much to like actively pursue right now i suppose we could go ahead and make a artificial reservoirs uh get those levy administrations going sure that's fitting for our cause right get the customs farm as well in fact let's go ahead and rush that maybe and this oh we have some money got too much money great fish market yeah that looks good to me these guys moving the closest i can get the closer i can get rather to crossing this gap over here better it'll be maybe from down over here actually newtons are buying iron okay who became the twos what do you desire these guys the mycenians fair enough fair enough i guess we kind of have to bring you back home don't we if we're going to heal you oh we can just station the point we're very close to the end of this scenario but i just want to explore as much as we can basically pulling you guys up here let's go the aztecs have entered the medieval era as the aztecs okay fair enough irma continues to grow of course it does venturing out from here makes most sense wait one turn there these guys pushing over this way eat the other side of the world we can see it the english have reached the medieval era as the english and we're all finally kind of entering the medieval era they were so far behind me but now they're you do get advantages if you fall behind you do get advantages go ahead and upgrade these guys cannot do so because we're not in a valid location however if this is oh the greeks became the english eh who does this territory belong to we just we don't know who it is fair enough i was wondering if we could interact with them and convince them to let us upgrade over here i don't know if this will work i don't know if this will work disappearing acts a citizen of the impoverished city of karma has come to you with a disturbing tale over the last few years several young people including his own daughter have disappeared without a trace scouring the lands he eventually came across her and others on the stage in kerma the youths claim to be happy with the theater offering an escape from poverty the father petitions you to put a stop to his right to this practice which is shattering families what do you say i can halt for celebration but also defiance we can legalize they're old enough to make their own choices and livelihoods even if it displeases their elders okay defiant and celebrating okay what just both of them give us both or compensate the practice will be prohibited but the youths in karma can stay the families will be redressed and in time karma will be proud i'm torn between legalize and compensate [Music] go to legalize i don't know if we can afford the defiance actually let's go with compensate that defiance might be more expensive than any amount of gold in any amount of gold that we're being purchased by the mongols violent people live on this continent it seems fair enough and if i'm not mistaken i thought i saw a battle break out somewhere over here no yes actually oh damn when did this happen the um have lost canisius over here do the uh well they were the huns the aztecs now right curious that's curious are we going to make it how does this calculate circumnavigation the waters we can see pulling you through taking a little bit of damage now don't know if we'll make it the english want a scientific agreement fair enough push these guys maybe down this way not really much to explore over here anymore good stuff army lost at sea ah they're not gonna i guess you really need to get to a later technology to do the circumnavigation i guess some of those uh or or you know if i was established over here and i could well no because i'd have to spend the same amount of turns there might be a more lucrative spot over here to cross from all good accumulated persians of the medieval era they want a non-aggression pact fair enough that's what these guys are the accumulated persians fair enough we finally met them now at the end game vermont let's go ahead and let's get more of these going another reminder of the new era just to queue all this stuff up i've lost these guys no point trying that again grievances available against the harappans i discovered the great barrier reef first so i have sort of dibs on it i suppose oh that's not good they're also going to cause me to lose my quadro ream over here it's not cool guys it's not cool trading with you for so long iran sacked up over here fair enough who knew there'd be a violent people and the war between the aztecs and the twons has ended as well looks like status quo has uh returned very curious what they're accomplishing through those wars the harappans feel differently about us they are afraid of us well in that case how about you uh give me hey did they they did they yielded wow they truly are afraid of us they've accepted our one demand beautiful beautiful and we have access to coffee over here in three turns this will be established we can actually stay put over here and actually even upgrade over here go ahead and do that wonderful let's keep exploring i didn't think it would be that easy but all right i'll take it i'll take it idle down over here keep moving that turn done blooming state one more civic available two more civics available actually go ahead and give ourselves this doesn't matter to us city cap doesn't matter army wages now religious minorities go ahead and get that stability and as far as land rights are concerned fundamental values public security the dangers of the world are myriad or public happiness a joyful life begets a prosperous one i like the sound of that so with that for now these guys are still sure able to explore down over here and kerma we have run out of things to do makes sense as we approach the end of the early access uh playthrough right eruptions continue to buy stuff from us i love that i love that we were able to just uh force them off this island over here i was like no no i saw this first this belongs to me you get the hell out of here and they just powered before us here's the great blue hole unfortunately first discovered by the harappans fairly late in the game actually all things considered fairly late in the game these guys moving sure that foot on this uh island continent who knows and scoop this up and scoop this up as well we'll probably have to come back to heal up it looks like dragons of the battlefield tales of other empires armies boasting fire breathing engines is spreading like wildfire through your own ranks driving interest in weapons powdered by gunpowder right powered by gunpowder now one such scorched and blackened armament has been scavenged from a recent battlefield what should you do with it we could display it to get swift on our units plus one movement speed studious gives us experience gain or deconstruct spawns army gunners in karma our alchemists can resurrect the weapon and create our own fire breathing unit yeah sure let's do that these guys look pretty cool it's the archibus all right fair enough fair enough i like that i like that i like that uh kind of interpretation right it's very fitting very fitting well someone is technologically maybe a little ahead of us though i don't think by that much gunpowder warfare oh hang on a second oh i see what's going on see i'm i believe i'm limited am i not the reason why i haven't wanted to uh flip to the next era is because i'm pretty sure that brings the end of of the playthrough it'd be quite unfortunate if we spent the last 10 turns uh not having moved forward when we could have because the the the not that we could have taken advantage of the next era's uh technology we still have a long way to go but maybe we will do that next turn and if rings and end it brings an end and that'll be fine that will be fine rest you over here and our turn there this technology is done good stuff guilds have been researched let's go ahead and enter the next era oh among these guys hang on a second friends the weapons are in the early modern era yeah everyone else no the aztecs are in the early modern era as well all right good to know good to know maybe we could have stepped forward let's try it for ourselves so this would be the last step either this or seven more turns i apologize if i misunderstood the limitations of this open dev but hey you live and you learn right uh the options going into this era are the dutch as merchants stock wisdom gives us more money per traders on all cities the voc warehouse gives us money per population plus three plus 30 money per adjacent harbor and a plus one trader slot on the city or outpost and we get the uh loot i think is how that is said uh as a uh naval vehicle the nassane are another option land of plenty they're the agrarians again you can kind of see everything that's coming with these guys uh the joseon i'm butchering that for sure uh our scientists um we've got the ming again i guess just to clarify so these guys are the dutch these are a this is a native american people these guys are uh korean china with ming we've got the rocket cart over here which is what i thought we were going to get uh i bet i can actually be in the early damn the mughals are uh indian or long story i'm generalizing here um but indian is is what we can say i suppose they're from the subcontinent uh we've got uh there they are the uh the builders we've got the ottomans as the expansionists i think the ottomans are fairly common commonly known people the from anatolia i suppose uh we've got the poles from poland and thereabouts they are militarist ottomans by the way are expansionist the spanish from spain expansionist as well see everything they've got over here we've got the edo japanese from japan see everything they've got with them as athletes the venetians are the other type of merchant these guys are more focused on influence plus one influence per number of trade routes on territory and the thing that i cannot pronounce both the artisti i guess gives you influence and influence based on adjacent market quarters too and of course we have access to a rather awesome looking ship over here with a gun platform cool uh moment of truth over here though folks as we pick the dutch uh with stock wisdom i feel like that's a bit more fitting and the voc warehouse is also a bit more fitting based on our playthrough so far so why want to go ahead and adopt the dutch way of life adopt this beautiful getup and confirm that for the intrepid the world is an endless festival of commerce pick our next technology over here and when we hit end turn it should bring us to the next era weren't able to recruit any of these guys actually rushed through it felt like we really rushed through that medieval era didn't we because we were done many many many turns ago many turns ago there's a turn geography cartography algebra optics astronomy it's a time of discovery and exploration but discoveries are not made solely by traders and adventurous those who explore with ships and caravans would go in circles without those who explore with pens and parchment and just like that we've entered the early modern era nice to see the transformation of our our buildings over here once again [Music] the walls and everything being upgraded as well we did build these fortifications as the dutch culture you've reached the early modern era i suppose we could have done this sooner we might have actually uh made it through this uh this era as well looking at how much we've uh how much we've accumulated we might have made it a bit further through this era but uh we cannot go to the next one which involves the persians as builders the austro-hungarians as athletes the british as expansionists the french as scientists the germans as militarists the italians as athletes the mexicans as agrarian the russians as expansionists the siamese as builders the zulu as militarists very interesting error this next one you can see the persians are a bit of a repeat actually of these cultures which is the merchant i don't think i recall myself saying merchant even once so uh looks like it is a changing times changing times indeed looks like uh yeah no no merchants or you could of course stay as the dutch by transcending um but folks there are six turns left in uh in this open dev let's go ahead and see what we can accomplish in those six turns do i have some regrets i guess i do regret not entering this era sooner uh i must have i guess misunderstood the limitation oh can we not play these guys are going to drop dead out over here so be it but hey uh i don't think we would have gone too far ahead in all in all honesty lily over here is looking good put down another one of these lots to research from go for it this rushing everything makes it all just a little bit too easy doesn't it i would certainly say this we've been successful in being merchants that's for sure let's go turn there oh wait what was that what was that hold on so much going on wonderful has been locked by another empire no that's somebody else what did i just do i got something there resource sold foreign wars new grievances the aztecs want me to break my alliance and get out of here the english forgave a grievance at peace with my enemy tell me about yourself relax want me to go to war i mean these guys are not able to move on here uh okay these guys are stuck here it looks like all right fair enough fair enough let's uh sure keep you there i suppose things are starting to start to have more and more issues i can barely move the map around and move these guys around go back to subaru over here see if oh massive battle going on over here [Music] this is not it the defiant canvas with cultural venues flourishing across the empire a famous painter has been criticizing your rule obliquely to their work based in the cosmopolitan city of kerma their latest piece depicts a gluttonous saggy fleshed giant snacking on a platter of sugared cakes and they're gaining much public attention what is your response i will encourage him sure the edge of the artist's sensor can be blunted by seeming pleased absolutely yeah doesn't upset me you have nothing to gain here continue to sell our resources continue to be filthy rich [Music] we've done pretty well still still more to do over here oh hunting forests well that's cool i can only do it in specific spots either that or games not letting me put things down where i want to and to tell you earn 149. yeah if we focused a bit more on science then we might have been able to explore some of the more modern uh weaponry and if i do actually manage to get another uh play through done or at least begun on the channel we will be starting and we'll uh will be a bit more aggressive with technology and warfare so we're able to see some of those aspects but we have reached our last turn the game has reached the turn limit you will be remembered as party elite mythical ruler of the dutch beautiful can we actually see uh the details of our journey over here i think uh maybe we have to hit end turn one last time to actually see how resources played out and all that kind of stuff let's go ahead and plant uh another forest sure why not there's the end game button i would say we did pretty well if we take a look at our overall spread of culture you can see dutch culture basically dominates across the board over here there's a little bit of aztec culture to the south but otherwise this entire continent is dominated by our culture well and there's a split over here where we did not explore it's kind of funny to actually think that we never actually went down over here as far as faith is concerned our religion is superior spread all the way across not just our lands but to others lands as well you can see down over here these lands do not belong to us but they all believe what my people believe so we've been quite powerful in that way as well as far as our influence is concerned it's grown fantastically i would say we could have perhaps claimed another wonder at some point yeah i didn't get the the notification for that but it was the taj mahal for extra money on settled cities copy palace [Music] production towards any shared projects gets a huge benefit there saint vasil's cathedral faith-based focus over there but apart from that i do believe we have seen all of the other wonders so fair enough all right good stuff i do believe it's time to hit that to end game button and say farewell to uh gloriously wealthy empire [Music] oh nomadic tribe of course in the neolithic era this is a nice breakdown 50 fame there we go from each of those stars though it looks like you can get three stars you can only get one each fair enough then in the ancient era we were the nubians three competitive deeds it looks like and then the stars we gained as well i like this breakdown bringing our total up to 1427 fame then in the classical era where the axomites one competitive deed accomplished quite a few stars acquired as well again this is where that patience pays off right uh i say patience but you could also be aggressive in different ways to acquire even more influence or even more fame sorry over the course of those periods in the medieval era as the ghanaians two competitive deeds accomplished and a handful of stars over here you can see that merchant focus definitely coming through there in the athlete focus as well taking us past 4 close to five thousand very close to five thousand and the early modern era as the dutch unfortunately i think we just have that one competitive d taking us past that 5k mark but not much else i wish i had realized that we could actually play in the early modern era i just didn't want it all to end sooner than expected i apologize for that but despite that i feel like we did pretty well we can watch how everybody else did as well but i don't think uh i don't think we quite need to i think i'm fine skipping past this uh because again like does it does it doesn't really matter hopefully you guys will agree and say no it's fine and we can move on um so i'm gonna go ahead and skip the rest of this because i do want to get to in third place vlad in charge of the huns classical era was his best in second place the harappans whose best era was the medieval 3592 and us with 5029 fame first place as the axomites of the classical era being our best uh best era as far as fame accumulation is concerned i like these screens quite a bit actually quite like the art direction as well big fan of these all right cool very nice very nice moving past that here we go so our best city is kurma karma is the best city across the entire world of course our longest war was against the mongols but they weren't the mongols at the time at the time they were the mauryans our longest ideology was progress and we found 34 curiosities excellent if we took a look at fame we were among the most oh we were the most famed except for this one moment in time over here fair enough fair enough if we take a look at food yeah we didn't do we didn't focus too heavily on food that's for sure or uh oh look at that spike in industry over here take a look at money yeah no competition when it comes to money i think it is safe to say that we definitely took a a a merchant's focus over here science we could definitely have boosted ourselves up which again if i do a second or a next playthrough on the channel again it'll start soon and we will take a scientific and militaristic focus i think influence we were top dog for a lot of it at a certain point in time must have established a wonder or something over here spent that influence to pick one up and that put us slightly behind the um the hittites huns aztecs very cool stability i kind of don't know if i want to look at this we definitely hit low points fairly often though not as low as some others actually so there's that population steady incline steady incline no explosions again there were a couple of times when we had to use our population to uh accomplish various tasks religion yeah we were relatively top dog all the way through there were times when uh the you know aztecs i think it was uh were beating us slightly but at the end there you can see a skyrocketing research technologies researched i suppose we got a head start but we did lose that head start i think we took a couple of longer term research projects that slowed us down a little bit and we did not focus enough on the sciences early on to keep us moving at a fast pace trade oh interesting now trade unfortunately i guess has to do with import and export we weren't really importing all that much because we didn't really need to because we had all those we had all the uh the various um goods that we wanted i guess i could have imported more luxury goods to get even more benefits off of them i suppose that is an option but i opted not to i opted not to it does look like the harpins were doing a fair bit of trade and we saw that actually because they were buying a fair bit from us actually uh yeah overall you know apart from the beginning where nobody was buying anything from us we did we did decently maybe a handful fewer wars and we'd be doing even better from a military perspective yeah relatively middling not surprised there but you can see how the uns aztecs hittites whatever you want to call them through the different eras how they skyrocketed at the end there they did become a rather terrifying force as far as cities are concerned yeah we had one and for a moment we had two and then right back down to one fair enough restart the game's recap from the beginning no we shan't be doing that folks i hope you enjoyed this uh mini series a bit of an adventure together i hope you had a good time over the course of the many sessions if you did don't hesitate to let me know by leaving a like down below it does make a very big difference uh again i can't i feel terrible for for not flipping into uh the uh fourth era sooner but uh like i said earlier hey you live and you learn uh hopefully i'll be kicking off another play through in the next handful of days or what have you uh feel free to subscribe to the channel for more humankind and more strategy gaming content in general i've got lots planned for this game and strategy gaming is what we do on the channel so you'll find lots of it so yeah don't hesitate to subscribe uh leave a comment down below if you have any feedback any thoughts any opinions for myself or for the developers and don't hesitate to join our discord either linked in the description down below again folks i hope you had a good time this was certainly this was fun for me i i enjoy sitting down with this game and just playing it uh uh you know at length it's the it's the kind of game that really grips me uh so i'm gonna go ahead and give some feedback for the developers but this is where i bid you farewell as always a massive thanks goes out to all of the channel members and patrons who've been supporting the channel on a monthly basis y'all keep us alive and running smoothly and of course a big old thanks goes out to each and every one of you for watching
Channel: PartyElite
Views: 18,220
Rating: 4.9621301 out of 5
Keywords: humankind, humankind gameplay, humankind game, humankind opendev, open dev, humankind victor, humankind partyelite, humankind campaign, humankind civilization, civ5, civ6, civilization, civ 6, humankind vs civilization, humankind merchants, humankind single city, humankind nubia, gameplay, humankind guide, how to play, tips, humankind 4x game, humankind strategy game, humankind game sega
Id: h2oKkkFmU4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 45sec (5205 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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