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go live Oh finally I'm not lying you was streaming on stream labs yeah whether you use OBS oh my guys are alive now yeah I think it's just guys welcome to today's stream today we are doing the final episode on humid fall flat thanks to everyone reminded me that I'm not live and now I am like welcome today's three bit embarrassing we've already took this one stump is stream already but yeah this is the last one we've got no plans to do any other sort of levels because we finished the wall we took them all in the wrong order so yeah this it sounds weird doing an intro again because we've already had this we've already had this you know this intro do you be telling us that you know we're not live or a mic smeared for like a week now so we how are we supposed to trust you like you know we can't anyway what you I just had to drag you that I think I think we can drag this look big bread baked bread here we go this is how we do it so we've already started off yeah well anywhere Stubbs how are we doing are we doing all right yes we are good god but to hear it come on give us it give us a cuddle we need to quit eat ever a nice couldn't let me start it wouldn't be a human full-fat without a nice a nice embrace oh no you freaking you out coming down as well I wish the added a big how much the other thing where you could just let go of your hands like yeah we are we are we are it's just me we have yeah okay just me thinking off then oh my goodness few guys wandering squid I'm really upset because you are not chewing or making any noise or slipping don't worry guys I've got some crisps repeated it and yeah look listen to these bad boys it's the grit look at my character this barrel let me stand it where did you okay we do this together I think we won't be too heavy relativity crisps no I think maybe we just needed this barrel now I can it Erica it's like Donkey Kong I can it just keeps oh maybe not I think another won't come until this one's gone but do we use this to get up like what here possibly hmm yeah I think we gotta shove it here and then put the pipe behind it does something pull the lever stops us you could test it out God Paul that red lever and see what happens okay you're not good yeah ten outta ten for the levers got it get up there see if you can make it up hard you reckon we can we could walk on it together hold it in places like makeup okay come on get up nice maybe I do for me I do yeah just I'm just moving it a little bit that's it yes go on all right let's bring it closer okay or not I need the pipe I need the pipe I can see I can see what the pipes missing job it said give me the pipe yeah would you be at a posture yes Oh Ali's opened up oh nice good job all right we stick this in here then do it oh it's not long enough stumps it's not gonna fit this is useless take this point take this fight it smell like an scooby-doo when there's like one book or something that's like really bright compared to the others ah you know is whatever level do I have to show this one in here then yeah cuz then we don't need that door anymore we just go up oh look at our look at that no we don't we don't need that door we did we just get through that door no yeah we need that door but we need this Piper here oh okay the door that you came through maybe I should the barrel in to lock it open no we don't need that dogs love we just jump over look I'm just going to new squid ah big bread what do we do here then push the barrel push you got get it got oh no no it's rather oh we need another pipe oh let's UK let's do your plan but now let's see awesome now he wants my plan now he wants to lodge the barrel in the door now he's finished mocking me yeah well we can do baby if we keep this door open we can drive one of the pipes for it are you gonna try to pull it over here all but we need to get I don't know if this gonna work actually now I reckon this should have given us enough pipes here like look there's that pipe up there that we need okay so we just need to push this barrel down across the way hmm we just need to get some momentum on this thing okay so if I does she to keep pushing it like this to get some speed yes okay you go you push it down to me and I'll I can grab it you've got it right I'm gonna get our run-up I'm gonna head back this thing okay come on push it push it push it don't what you not it okay okay yes okay and is this the whole thing go to spin around and then it knocks it uh-huh we'll find out keep pushing no it's the wrong way around I think that it's not gonna go the whole way around is it push it push it push it push it push it push it push it push it and then I get on like this okay and then I fall off can it scrappy grab it I can lift it up as it tell me can we get the barrel past it and then slide it back the other way is that can we get it no unless we can use Donna we can we use this to climb up now yeah yeah but then what do we do here like how do we get close how do we get onto the leg spin you know my shoulders oh did we knock it by pure fluke we did that if you move another the big physical object objects around you'll be able together okay how Pazzaglia stops come on give us a gives her a pull pull pipe just let go of it now I need an eater yeah beyond the only thing holding me back from this right you can do it I'm gonna read some donations right hello to our regular doing it porcupine who says a gift flash kappa shoutouts though shout out to fresca thank you every attempt and omission from there is less appear thank you Abbie said I love you guys thank you space gun oh excuse me that so exact you're just gonna come through he says I remember race to the moon it was my favorite series good series great series top tier series I love the zhuzh is great ever got ggc's ggz remember when I stole the rocket and got really angry it was like literally six months worth of work like like actually Envy on the real time book was good junk in a video and then you when I'm recorded without me I didn't know you were recording you didn't tell me that's what that was the truth of the situation I was set up a joke but then you did a video about me you fought one of the other teams stole it book ball was kid all right I like the invention of book ball we should we should have made that into an actual real-life game stamp so we missed an opportunity there I mean it doesn't require much equipment just a pocket a ball just a book it's a next where am I going up and down good I oh wait so oh we need a there's a gap I could joint get without a pipe there oh what a catch and then there's this button here this ah oh we got cold we got a cold oh I think we need to get a torch or get yeah see that firing in there on the opposite side no fair so you see where those wooden panels are you see that they're building on fire yes oh we need to get fired from there so this needs to we need to get this so we can walk across and get up there could you use me smartly on the head okay go stab do I set these logs on fire yeah set them on fire just go watch from here well what if I can go across this pole like a ballerina I never look see yeah god stops I'm just monkeying around me I don't mind me go stabs good job that bad ear you're doing one for the team get in there I have no idea what's gonna do something I'll probably open that door on the other side maybe no you've powered this pipe we need to redirect it over this side like oh yeah we see the redirect the plumbing they the problem with this game now is just because we're so proud gamers were too good we're too good for the show good stuffs we totally issue was raised a good look we're too good we get give it back to the stars right thanks Lauren preciate Andrew says probably gamers yeah I mean we are let's be honest there's there's no one in the business quite as pros means I was literally all stamps I'm gonna like jump and leave it like the wedge didn't play what we trying to do it I reckon we gonna have to put the bridge across to catch the barrel yeah that's Australia do but I was like what does this block here for there yeah let me go into me lose the area okay this was nothing we got barrels dropping I think we just yeah I think we just need to get a barrel watch this over like to the other side like opposite to where you are there you ready and then we can climb up on it and there's a pipe on barrel to where you are yeah this this really requires a hula hoops out no well thanks for the - I might the first super check you are George miles thanks for the five do either of you like my Chemical Romance I think like one I'm gonna do like one song from My Chemical Romance they've like just come back haven't they I think weird the beam I mean sped hmm in a broader was - oh there's gonna be all the days yeah thanks to the nation dude love you squid please play home games with stamps oh yeah let's play some Xbox 360 Hunger Games like the good old days oh we tried we did we did try the stream next day - Lizzie love as well as so me okay so as well as som e bo d YK n OWS MA they said hey Saudis donate forever I finally saved up enough money to donate almost a whole five dollars I have a full-time job hashtag I don't like oh that's also thank you so much donation feel free to to save your money for a more worthy cause than me Yeah right come on okay over a little fairy pop up here come on go up there go from that side put your way towards the back man eyes oh yeah couple pipes we have a chain I mean is that uh you can't control they I will not be imprisoned we can't just climb over here back off yeah let's do that although there's a lotta that are we need a ladder on that so you stand aside don't both come over come over grass is greener on the other side what's around it I think we need we need to get the ladder over so we can um oh no oh no why have you done you broke the ladder Oh liquid with the game Oh stamps I think do we need to use these just me won't be one there maybe just tell ya you send this cyclone fishing through oh how do I get back use the ladder how do you fish it through and I'll understand well look at mine is if someone was on the other side they could just pull it the rest of the way Savas watch this hmm getting the spa day nice party no I need my no I think we can open that door so where's this team going so we need the steam to go to the door so I weave this destiny oh yes oh this we need to take this out and make this just into a corner and then we can take it we can go around big Bryn stumps big friend let me give you an with us no you're not helping so this needs to come into the car we need to flip it cuz the this end was wrong but there you go hey I'm so smart I'm so smiles kids oh my god it's good that happened we got a pipe it's like you in the last episode with Frankenstein why you know where there's pipe connected to oh no I still use the pole of it trying get this guy down my cat despite long enough oh okay oh I've just collapsed this hook big down 31 let this hold like scaffolding things this light was I went to poke the polar pole and whole thing just collapse yes we need a straight pipe Dana been Clues the nade and after which t-bag do we use I use debt this I'm a PG tipper although although y'all crate me and I do need to run about this I do need to vent this good a bill opponent tender torn that bends and we got box of tea bags and like moldable ones of them they're meant to be like a separate little pyramid shape tea bags there was stuck together and then you try and rip apart it'll break both of them and you'll be down like to bird tea bags in one swoop Wow and I was I was really tempted to like to an angry tweet Fiji - why didn't you no no no why didn't I don't I can handle losing a few PD tips but I like like I genuinely think about it every day oh do I make tea I'm like remember when that path all stop together just you should just angry tweet them I know I just why not that's what it's for mr. mr. angry tweet people that's that's what's where's all others that's the sole purpose of twigs just to complain there we go grab this here which needs a good old bendy bite right so we need a careful stabs we've got a little bit of working out to do them it yeah so we kind of well I think it's gonna have to like loop back on itself isn't it with one of these so I think that we haven't got any - yep we haven't got any doubt just a straight line so this one is gonna have - okay I guess this could work your grafts are standing here and plug your bulb is in this right and then we use the two right angles just to loop back around on themselves so that this one goes in here yeah it's won't work but then the two right angles will link these two poles nice big bread big bread cuz we can steal this one predicts we pass stops your brain is just bulging it's huge that's just my hair I've actually got really short hair I just got a huge head how did you have it cut no it's like beginning of February but I'm booked in certifcate enough every once I gonna do with all you cold snaps what do you get cold would you enjoy good you cities picking in a februa hey javi your haircut a certain time of year no it's just that's what he said I got it done yet I said no haven't done yet is cold could you just leave these up I think you just excuses you just don't want to do some labor oh I said price $10 to either of you who's free yeah they're just about to me too as well scream now you've earned the money squid oh yeah how many who the hoops can i buy it for $10 on her to blue says Typhoo is the best brand 40 how much Typhoo typhoons like a tropical storm isn't it just Thai food what I said dear thank you too spicy for the earth nation oh hey oh this doesn't look good table Trane's dog / - says you guys my inspiration who was your inspiration well stamp is inspiration was me he liked he saw me do videos and he was like this guy is amazing I think I'm just so inspired by I just need to do what he's doing so yeah that sue stamp is his parishioners well they're like any youtubers that like yeah my Mizzou godson what are these questions genuinely - I was actually a syndicate like when he was like first started off I used to watch his videos and like when I met him I told him like you know I used to I was I was like oh and it was like yeah that's a nice moment what about you have from me that from here see you now he's here does he still do stuff I don't know I watched him in there in a long time like he kind of like the type of video like I liked it like almost like podcast style videos we just talked for a very long time and I believe like just some gameplay in the background and he kind of became like a funny moments like yeah yeah it was funny but like it just wasn't like Thunderstone I kind of just like kids though you saw my wife and then like yogscast as well like simon inverse so is there any youtubers you like still watch cuz for me personally I don't really watch any game and stuff anymore no no I don't really like it's more just like dating jelly game with use and stuff I guess yeah I don't know which any Let's Plays no I don't watch any Let's Plays anymore i watch a lot of like really weird videos like oh yeah go on go on spit right watch a lot of like Carl azuz like a lot of car review videos like I like like the challenge like so like do give each other about five hundred quid and then they'll say to each other okay you gotta find the car you got it yeah but there's like a few channels that do it that's just as fun and it's a lot like less production value but it makes it still as interesting if you know what I mean yeah what's like a weird like hobby that you have I watch a lot of DIY videos you know like if I'm doing a project I'll like research the heck out of it and then like try and do it myself you know I come over the channel is cool but it's a it's a all about like minimus like not minimalist houses but like really tiny houses tiny miniature homes have you seen them tiny like caravans at people that know like tiny homes well these are like custom build yeah yeah and have you ever seen like I like like car cleaning videos as well yeah so it's you watch other people save it's like an American guy this American guy and you'll get like a crazy dirty like the interior they'll be like you're just stuff that there's like blood and stuff inside in tears and you wouldn't think that you be able to get it clean and you're like cleans the heck out of it and it looks amazing it's so satisfying to watch yeah I have seen someone like I had watched some videos it's a guy who buys like really old like confuse like really old like Max and stuff I was like from like the early 90s then like opens them up and clears out all the dust so I watch some of them yeah there's also money they say like oh boy relate to the satisfying win like there's like loads of layers of grime and they just like you know say they have something they have like the like the pressure hose just like oh yeah yeah I like a nice pressure hose yes very nice grab our met what's the choice everybody saying their border toy what just calculating video it's a what why is there blood in cars you should watch someone make tiny food Lizzie's that could be quite satisfying let's go some place she really likes this guy on Instagram who does a who makes like tiny um like pottery like makes tiny visors and stuff but like you see a close-up patron just looks like a bowl or a Vaz or something but then like he'll put like a coin next to it you see like it's smaller than like a coin wow that sounded really patronizing but it was in sync good job man that was this wig I still watch quite a lot of like GMM yeah light it up I like I like doing I like watching their like disgusting ones like the disgusting challenges I think they're pretty fun actually the most recent one it was um the actor that plays the sky in the star wars fallen order things like kyurem his name but he was in it and it was quite interesting yeah wait what are we do dear we just been talking about YouTube I know look we push this over to this side yeah then we grab onto waiting kind of use it like a pole vault to go over oh the steamy amela the steam here yeah yeah we spent getting our pipe down you want to get up here no can pull it pull it okay we can follow ball a crawl you say that I'd do it I'm skating the point no we need to go across together wait no no way no stops starts no okay oh wait awareness wait why okay dropping that what you would do right so what are we trying to do is I guess we need to pry this big kind of Ferris wheel type thing you just stick this in all right can we do this is a straight line or so let's do it did it get on oh my goodness oh this cuz this goes fast getting some of the tire oh stop stop stuck I don't even know where I'm like invisible I can't even see me again okay we're gonna make it under with the pipe y'all gonna stay on it trying to sell myself line okay I got it those right do we need to just put that in the middle and power without power power everything whenever think now you need to keep that envy on so these we've got two corners so that would that will go in the middle than these two corners we'll get the other two points okay so that's gonna make it spin really fast oh yeah come on get in the middle there we go right okay go use the straight one no any two corners oh yeah when you got stuck out dead does he reach out yes I do sorry guys we've been talking about weird videos and stuff can its it just good I just give it they'll flip aroun oh space yes he did it should you're welcome hahaha he said I'm sorry squid one is for participating even though I didn't scream for you who says that when swimming is going walking now say hi hello Zack hi Zack I started to the Baker set up to to Ben who says what happened to the original top here and there's a lot of controversy in there he ended up getting basically Jeremy Clarkson ended up getting sacked because he punished a producer and then this basically like they said they're all go as a team did you get to go on it I went on like 110 just destroyed so where am I now oh the whole rate the whole rings gone where are you this is the egg cuz it's the exit the bail libel surely not I think it is that he was a teenybopper baby level on the ice one again oh the goddess feels like horrible memory exit node I'm gonna let you throw beyond completely so sure that's why anyone should we play some air packs uh it's kind of a huge update it's gonna be such a big update for me hmm Justin and Kevin still we can tender stream here all right I don't mind saying sorry I left my game collection on screamers private stop looking at my game looking at my game Oh what it's the ace the year of the rat it's the year of the rat don't care just for you laughs you'll have a few games just for you yes I love people game so we had plan just play for that level I don't realize it was gonna be so short so enjoy a little bit of cheeky bonus my favorite game yeah what's it beef a did make you play human fall flat buzz is good laughs you did literally literally drag me through it but after one lorry eat everyone is telling us to play different games I want to play overwatch and I'm gonna be stubborn we don't have gang beasts downloaded which is why we can't do gang fees yeah well do that thang stream yeah I don't even own it on a tire like what do you have to you have only on anything no yeah like like we know it but I'm teasing I like party game like consoles the the ps4 that's what we mainly play on when people come around so yeah I don't have it on xbox so I'm NEX possible so you're right I'll send you a I've sent you an invite yes I hear there are oh you're gonna get what boxes and stuff by the way oh it's like you know the Chinese New Year it's doing that weird thing we have to keep on smashing here harbour thanks to the fire you guys are my childhood and I'm proud of that game should we play gamers can do Yeah right those of you oh this is everybody rushing to other Xbox is like those of you who own overwatch on Xbox one sorry it's not cross plate you can you can join in if you want we do team Stampede versus teams quit let me wait until you join the game yeah it's ticking parent it does this weird thing with boys you wonder to get in you just leave and I'm gonna fight over watch alright why does he take forever to join this game but I'd have no problems with any of the games apart from overwatch at the beginning but you mean maintenance fine mine's really quick no no is it like it's a quick for me to get on boys alright it's just a beginner it's just the beginning [Laughter] mine's a noisy stuff Jesus I need to shove the towel in again I'm playing it it's not good you know I love it yes I play Dragon Quest builders and I really enjoyed that I tend to not play cuz it's really big game I tend not to play really long games just because I like to play a lot of games but yeah I think it looks like it's got some really cute characters in this fight cause so maybe I think dragon quest 11 oh yeah that's one you said yeah on ps4 so maybe I'll play it pretty one streamit no just isn't so long Vince says you got me addicted watch five eternally grateful well if you're an Xbox trying get in the game you can join us and I thought welcome back he just says right I'm on our reader called wiser you seen your own team squid and I'm on Team stone maybe Dover back to the 15 hey squid would you do friend offer with funds for a series you I could be quite interested I still want to do a hardcore series I don't know when but I kind of still want to do one sorry from bud Tran stomper says one person when I am you would take to this island one person on one item ooh one person on one item yeah we you're going to tell your fiance are you yeah yeah I know I was obviously but I'm to try to think of like the whole combo go as well is it like it was an item do we get food no I know I think you can assume you can survive it's like an entertainment and entertainment item [Music] so I'd probably take like a mmm probably like what do they call them they're like the new like where do we have internet on the island email to get rescued this is hard I'm just messing about why am i a sniper yeah well I like to be die to be damaged but mmm yeah I don't know I'm confused if it was insect then I probably choose like a Google study however so like it doesn't even matter if you know because if you took like a console then it'd get out dead but if you got something that's kind of like a you know something that's all over the Internet hey guys things not a face oh here we go hey know someone shows Reaper know why twice a team squid why do you like this I would stayed up a venue making sure I get its character people are so quick someone backed out for me hey legend no internet so on on my granddad was youtubers can set customs and private games so you don't get targeted but like sure like that game would be filled up with someone like its I don't get like how that would make it any better hmm yeah yeah it would be against opponents it would be if it's a private game it would be like do it up you'd be like this would be only people that know us yeah they're pretty end up getting like even targeted more or like everyone playing yes want a selfie yeah no I think it kind of works best and if we did it like an actual video on a mini game that way people that you don't know guys your thingy and people won't know it's you also we need to like we should have put the delay off as much as possible we put on low latency looks like five minute delay you want like extra latency I mean there would be a way to do that we could like set up our own giant delay first ring but then it's like why bother streaming game as well just record yeah you kind of lose all the benefits of her of it being live oh my goodness this hamster ru Reaper what about a few in the face ya know hashtags the team stampy's in the chat no we are not doing that that will annoy you more he won't see my ones let's be honest tag team stampede in squids Chuck please it's not as this not dog player this I basically got no game sounding I'm gonna head function so this is gonna be a a little bit a little bit interesting haha I got the hamster stops sure yeah I love no excuses may well have no excuses around here Oh see no Lotte no oh no good team square did my Chuck yeah yeah go team wrong phrasing one run shot oh my god that's like oh oh team stamp your team squared it's just like a wall of it yeah you started the spun you stata something you can control well I'm gonna tell my game sign up a bit well let me know if the game sound starts echoing so I'm just playing it through my speakers and on my old Mikey was actually okay doing that but this one it might be a bit equity they feel is that going let me know how to turn it down but I don't know yeah let's go team do well you got a a diva on your team it doesn't likely they keep flying in my face yeah come on team squid we've got this I got him I got him a shot from times up there [Music] well the Hales thank you mercy what are these orbs what are these orbs what do they mean by male okay yeah I'd say the game as well as the triple what a guy personal two chicks chat hashtag retrieve stabs hashtag TSS no lie let's be honest it's absolutely possible to be fair this has been a very like back and forth like even game am i crouching I am have you played this enough before I don't know you have it's not yeah so they do like map pools now so in like when you play like there's certain maps that will keep showing up and then ones that won't and then like they're all switch what character you ash it's like you just yeah Oh where's that looks like a fused your bomb was yes I'm pretty much its straightforward hello on with Bob on the Bob the robot mad oh nice okay how are we doing not two minutes very left yeah you didn't you got the first point like is basically instantly so you unloads of time on this point okay I've got my special I said let's use it so that's what you want to get in like close in a big group well I kind of like flanked around and then do it so we have a Hilo are a team yeah so you always have to healers into tanks I think I can tell when people are looking at the screen they're kind of like I just saw so no kind of just pacing back and forth not really like looking like I want do good they say looking at this stream to like see where we were taught if we do well or not I need to I really need to relate to the healers on team stampy yeah yes all right think mine are doing well but I don't know okay all right stop sniping myth so I need the healers how do you spam heal so if you pressed down then to the right you spam I need healing if you want to annoy your your team's your your right thing you know yo it go invincible now so try it I think already use it oh thank you my healers aren't literally the second we get damage they're on top of me like so good it takes me like 20 minutes to get healed with my team there's one guy just sitting in a car not doing it I think knees are here as well I think another not play yeah they'll get kicked if they don't play for a while like I think they might just be watching mystery if you're doing that okay like what up you do it again I think someone's at the door once I forget who I survived because another boost right gg gg team stampy we've got a good chance to win but basically for those who don't know overwatch we now need to push the payload further than squid steam did in order to win so we've got a yeah do it faster than 69 meters 69 centimeters that's how far we've got to push it and if we gotta pass it we win if you don't we lose oh no I missed out I'm gonna miss not be damaged our towers too slow that's too slow talking oh my god can I go ash again please see a big funnel - or I could go to reprint sure than really target squid yeah can I go could I be the widow war soldier please switch off I'll be eternally grateful just so I can try and bully squid on wari prints no no it's done oh he's back we aren't we're not really nothing here we had crew we had crappy healers thus thus what I'm saying oh yeah blame the table I can tell you already becoming a noble play you immediately blame the team but every winning chat I'm guessing we didn't whistle so you've got a certain distance we gotta put so we got to push the payload further defeated you pushed out like halfway through the map you were basically bang on like 50% of the way through so it's not guaranteed that would win but we have a good chance like no matter what it won't be a draw basically don't know who to be mmm I've got with me healer you do know your streams test given full flat right yeah it's pretty Kate the tie we did do you back we finished it and now we're doing I don't wanna be this one what's Lucia like what does he do he's like the one he likes to speed boost his main thing is he makes the team move fast we don't because he's best when you have a really good group together team which we probably won't have his when they're all like talking so okay so sorry that was my fault okay I'll have to just shine cha I need help with is this to heal so you Swiss oh you play music so when it's green around you your speed boosting when it's kind of the the yellow color that means that your own oh you're not rude damaged this is how you play Reaper what do you mean I was a healer what y'all wait to do so you got a thing almost like sweeper that allows you to excuse me but if you're to go your tomatoes here are deep launch a bouncing sphere that either heals just be a move faster okay right following I'm like way in the back line this you what they do they feed the payload in are they could have good I never play reef and or me I'm just judex I wanted to bully you Wow cuz you entry for evil your favorite may need to switch off no been stoned how we do in chat they even join this tena attend gameplay I sprained my team is nice you can send herbs as well okay I'm falling yes you can do even damage orbs or hitting also as you do damage that recharges the amount of feeling that you have no I hate being like I hate being like this I want to be yeah I'm just used to playing damage all the time yeah they're stopping it like you can add value to the team without being the wonder damage if you enable someone else to do like it's just as good true that's true it's all about team it's all about support and not getting killed share like this is like I feel like I'm throwing like smiles at people [Music] we're so close you see the little lads have a yellow triangle yeah we win or we got it we got it it started oh my goodness team squid what are you doing what is it because you had a bad healer you're not full attention oh is that you oh that's you that's you there you see I see you through the wall oh is this from last round oh yeah oh this is what I was like squid - you're right hey switch this bomb now around to something overwatch G yeah I think I'm gonna do this a right I'm gonna you can have a quick game Majesty to be our beef for it where you off to I'm just gonna quit drink like a bad dry mouth okay we're switched to a beer of this screen and I'll speech in couple minutes guys you hi Chuck oh I just nearly choked to death of a sandwich I inhaled the bread oh that was scary I was gonna die still feels like I'm choking [Music] I'm sure kid I'm good I think stops I just nearly died on my sandwich I was seized the opportunity to make a quick cup of tea I just kept my head like wireless headphones in so they're making the tea my son here I like I like went ahead a little bit my sandwich laughter I like inhaled it and I was literally choking on it no I had a bit left over so just finished it oh my god that was horrible well you let me go down oh thank you oh sorry I'm picking picky picky mode right new team it's still a team stampy vs. team squared it's one zero okay can we give me here can I couldn't make a graphic like a counter for wins and losses what do you mean like you play this game all the time that's like asking a random ER to like we should do like a like we play like you know like like we play this and see you wins then we do like rocket League a game that you're good at know what we do what we do is we pick a random game that none of us have touched and then and then just have like a best out of three just jump straight yeah well we'll ball game guys they don't go any uh any ideas for like what would be like a game that we can like like a family-friendly game that is like sorry neutral ground that you don't think women I would have played fought that yeah I've no play fallout the courts play fine nice play way more for night than me you can't even really happen like a good one be worn in fortnight it's been a good game we can have one be 100 like this we have our our teams should do fortnight but like no builded Ford motorsport seven I like far as our Father such a good game I might be a horizon all right father horizons curette Oh as a rodent behind us he's weak for the road of - he's weak he's still back there God rode up who you were he playing as this guy honza before you got on you got in your damaged you feel happy now yeah yeah I know I know who to target now then gotta go how push starts he was just camping you can go so you can go up to the high ground you see like above you don't forget if you holiday you can run up walls if you want to get to the high ground and like shoot down we are so push back is ridiculous you just poking on a Leo it's no it's not good to pick up this far though because if we get taken out we have to run so far to get back to here but if you get eliminated you spawn right there so ultimately and we're like even now it should do you just use you guys's need to all push out as a team and not like one at a time I think happening oh you got your Oh already you want to be doing loads are damaged quite a few kills how about tea let's go we need to push it go eventually you break out gone camping generally doesn't work that's like one teams like much better than the other mind that loose ears well alone yeah the hard to hit home a really hard to hear is it so fast what a hit how's that you yes good old bow and arrow I'm gonna pop here why not send in a Bob took out your Bob Brooks okay I got you laughs we always apologize when we take out a Bob huh it was like me you got it but you just feel bad about it stop shooting me with arrows ah big fat piggy okay it's a pretty close game you have to be fair this is quite a hard one so this choke point where you're going to like wait like this is quite difficult bit to push it through someone gets kind of tunnel together oh I need to change the stream tile what about onion you don't put it so however what people gonna be welcome views always goes Oh again these guys out again no you see uh Murray's name is yeah he's not he's not easy to his hands are you gonna really like lead sounds like how to shoot no don't get plans again I take it for navigating from this list of shots where everybody's I get a few kills right back no I never thought my goodness yeah I blame me chalk it on bread yeah thank you to transform boosters hey stops you're amazing and thank you to add to the Irish [ __ ] who just says hey you welcome back to the stream I think you were here earlier for a gang these but we don't play gang be swollen I just dissociate those games together so much I was just saying wrong cha let me play hands or somebody back out thank you thank you so normally I'm playing normally I had damage but yes everything I say I just know that it's way more entertaining to watch the damage compared to healer and stuff usually most people prefer it and that's why I'm pretty like Starbird with like all right guys we have a team photo everyone me I feel the back of this area everyone if you got a moat go down into your little stat yes same guys everybody army team photo guys everybody like the way pictures facing I don't know what we gonna do everybody everybody stand here thank you Jason place of the carnation and I love your streams first youtube video ever watchful of me what so nice and the most recent thing you're watching YouTube's me as well because you're watching me right now unbeatable team stampy the elite squad are you watching you yeah I'm like ground hands access I don't have to leave you second it was now like I know how to do just doesn't seem natural for them yeah I like very yeah I don't you jump it up and down yeah Bailey I thought that was you you you popped up I fell off my climb back up I got you there was a guy Neil I thought it was one of our guys but it wasn't defend come on team defend who so slow is this guy whoa what we got it we got it to the area that was quick we could do a TMP and squid versus a versus chat yeah but we've some of the challenges well yeah I guess that's just some shouting if I go can do a random though because I like some of these people in the game I reckon are better with me so I don't think it's like I think it's just like luck of the draw and the way everyone's run the meat protip yeah okay let's to over what we do we do what we do one more this yeah you set up your thing so everyone who's in the game now please don't don't leave the game to stay in the game I'm gonna remove you just so we can let some some new people join and if people start backing out it starts gonna gain confusing a road hog destroyed shut up all right on do I have a thumbnail lemon features a roblox rock and Ben clues Barry my thinking about pressure and that is not a conversation tonight screen start speaking about Forex err no no definitely not definitely not someone that knows I guess took because it when people back out gets so confusing hopefully I haven't kicked somebody who's just joined sorry if I have someone backed out the game I know what we can do either so new people now we could do golf with friends that's what we need to do next yeah you said about yeah house should be quiet quite fun to do where do we pick our characters like in the game I think would map to guitar okay we got welcome to the stream they said the only was specific the glad they didn't so we did do we got the game right human yes laughs earlier so yeah if you want to if you want to go like back in time and watch the VOD of that I know you can but yeah we finished it really quick we only have one level to do we just lasted for it because for Ally pro gamers so yeah now we're doing teams time peepers team I'm winning I'm doing great yeah don't forget go go to your comfort they pick here is what was the hero we played online you you'd like destroyed anger like player the game huh we're so would your wasn't soldier when you do ah yeah it might be actually yeah I'll try soldier their the mighty boosh thanks for the relations appreciate it okay I says there's an inappropriate counts banning spamming banned yeah I've got one on my as well I'm trying to find the book I can you yeah can someone say the name of the person I've already banned about three people yeah if you let me know the other name of the person I don't think I have any uh-oh oh they're a bunch of bots yeah nice any mods on so I'm gonna just try and do as much as I can I think can you do slash mouths on YouTube I know you can do on Twitch put sorry I'm banding as many as I can flashback does it work it's not twitch okay think of Banda little ones that are there now I miss twitches commands that's why you to be south that was easy what a pain in the butt alright Teebs squid we got this cobalt I believe it everybody I believe in you all right absolutely everyone he only divas not liking me today he was like charging me down no I'm gonna run that summer I'll stab someone up some real men yeah you find you I should have suggested you to go your best hero who's yeah no uh blankie hands oh would you come from I'm not gonna be Fanning these accounts between every deaths I'd like to pick a find someone who I'd kind of trust Luna if you can just say something in the chat I can mod you if you wouldn't mind helping out trying to think of someone who's just being nice in the pod that's how you get mods so just keep making new ones yeah the best way to be a mod is just to be nice and helpful and don't ask to be a mod there are certain rules have been a mod yeah yeah you see someone really wants to be a modest of like they just want the power yeah yeah lunar if you're still here wouldn't mind modding I see you in the chat I can try and try and get you oh this is so I'm really sacrificing my own super tender little she was out just there right okay you are now a moderator Luna congratulations on your heroic promotion if you don't mind just do you just do hide messages on channel 2 so you know that stuff shows up wide reader feature thank you so much ah okay teams don't be I'm playing again now I can help out a bit better how's the pets they're all good yeah oh good I need to like that mean actually might as well get one of the minions to join me in the stream and all the other Molly but like I need to cable manage I got half my wires hanging down and like if one of them gets ahold of the wires they'll just like unknowingly like pull them off we'll just be consoles all over yeah I just don't know aurilla okay in my office it's the cable fiend ax is fine IX is like I have to be in a puppy she's just been so good like you never choose she's not really a Barker like we got you're pretty lucky I think come on team squid oh holy Schmucks oh I got rushed this is like such like that Lucy on your team so get mad you realize a healer could be circuit like actually damage-wise yeah see he's just really hard to hit so he's quite hard to like his like shots go quite slowly through the air he's much better at like close-range and burns fan but yes then yes is the best for damage for healing you just want to like drag out as a potential ago Zegna he's just very vulnerable oh he's out in ease all waiting all right you got that point in the back off laughter they're just get knocked out I just like landed on my back I haven't so many chests as I loose it says I have nine cats Wow nine cats Wow that's crazy no no it's all like there's a lot of cats one of my favorite t-shirts is really favored now this one I really got it for me but it just says like one cat away from crazy now y'all right only have one you got a long way to go to the crazy how many pets do you have overall they're like two two cats three dogs so we had four Kaspar are all dislike run away my one year ago like he was we rescued him and he always like like to go wandering but like he wandered and never came back so yeah yeah ended up somewhere you know yeah you know what just blew me more I mean things like cats can I just live in the world yes he used to like go out and like rodents bring them back sir up if you still this out days is probably surviving because he was a good hunter but see yeah we've got so we did a [ __ ] out so we got three cats three dogs tarantulas four rabbits - chickens - gerbils and how's the other process on on building the ark going it's fine bit slow miss do it alright with know whatever recently yeah that's true global warming and all that that Lucia just to bug me nose in your toothpick to get your team's doing good now yeah team squid come on team squid I believe in you guys may be proud make me proud of like a proud dad yeah sorry gobo stuffing the the chat I'm trying to keep an eye out for something else I recognized some odd and I just trying to leave them as I can seems like there's not too many anymore oh yeah I should really look at the screen come on team squid get out of your stamps yes boys that's what I'm talking about oh you're gonna get your first win come on squeeze I think one look like nice a payload not moving I guess I believe in you oh yes healers he was doing work this is what we need keep it moving keep the pail okay guys don't hit me don't hit me no I panic my eggs just hold LB to spread oh yes yeah he's like the only character that can sprint we look at me go five seconds team squid come on a dopey guy at the end as long as you're touching paler like keep going maybe I do then stumpy boy like go away Deaver I got my father's going back with Bob Oh been rares Thank You Luna for your help tragically most of them but yeah ya know they just keep coming back here's that BOTS they're not like actual people ah come on team squid keep pushing oh you're in overtime you don't know if you get off the cart you lose oh you're doing well running my way back I'm running keep holding hold it on I think you're gonna get it this is gonna be the first day you complete the map we stoning it for so long nice one jog right nice walk no it's moving yes yeah if we if we do the same then we get to like a tiebreaker basically nice Thank You muna for for continuing to two more dream man like what do we do I could you make just like stop them it's just like endless new ones be made and you could turn the chat down you could put slow mode on for longer so it's less in the chat because every time they message they just gone like immediately anyway you can find keywords so like one person standing it's just like instant new accounts basically have you set keywords so you can ban certain keywords if they're doing like a certain well it's not what they're saving it's the name of their account right okay that's a tough one yes man if it carries on I might just have to turn shut off which would be like really sad like the livestreams it's come on it's kind of the point tis the point between rounds I'll have a look I'll have a quick look on the sands and see what was anything you can do yeah I'm getting like like she's deleting the the second they pop up but it must be all she's doing is staring at the the chat doing it is there anyone in you chatty come watch what they're getting like like on state Lunas the second they pop up blues deleting them it's not so it wouldn't make any difference if we had more people modeling it's just they're the second ones delete if there's no one straight back anyway yeah we see if it carries on if so I might have to turn the whoa if yeah you know but it's nice just like swearing or anything in the word it's just not for a Fiat but you know if if people aren't liking it you know just obviously just turn the chat off or just don't look at it yeah yeah yeah yeah best thing to do you guys ignore it look at Bart Lubow no no people st. just add more mods but icon like the worst thing you could do as a stream is to mod someone that like you have to like never trust them like or you just don't know well because you know people can they can abuse that I said oh I like always jokingly but it's kind of true know is yeah yeah cuz you don't to get on them they could just literally abandon anyone and timeout anyone and I think you can on your life.you settings you can actually set certain like rules what I'm what could actually can and can't do yeah yeah but the thing is this cuz it's I need these accounts to be banned that's been like the most extreme kind of measure there is yeah Wow am i doing double-duty decent chatter uh I feel like I am I think I'm doing bear with the soldier I do like the soldier yeah when your your team's definitely doing better than it I mean you didn't set a high standard let's let's be honest yeah it's cool a spade a spade like as a team doing wow I can see you up there oh wow what's the kill feed on that Sigma character that I play a lot of line oh yeah we're really is God is that like a three burst kill I was crazy so he's gotta things he can knock people down with a rock and then he shoots shoots two little orbs in and if you get it as a combo it's like an instant kill but it's like really tricky today you stop it you stop it no oh the diva got me after all of that oh that mr. blow myself up I don't know if it's I just think of all of the all of the messages that are coming through our like nice normal messages but all of like their profiles are coming up weird if that makes sense hmm like the comments just sound like normal comments hmm yeah so I think I think I'm gonna have to tell my child guides I don't I don't think I have a choice can I even do that that's what I can do yeah I think I'm turned off sorry everyone I know they'd like it kind of sucks watching a live stream with the the chat off oh wow thank you so much Luna for the help you did everything you could but it was as you I went away it was gonna be endless there was no there was gonna be no end to that story Donna keep yours on because they might there probably to come over to mine now yeah probably not would they not on yours no no I just you great snappy turn to chav Anna unfortunately people have to ruin it for others you want to chat over it just with you well it's nice people want a chat we were havin II well I don't know what it was cause it was just it was always just the same title it was just it'll just look like really no comments but like the the name was that oh no oh I'm in the wrong spot oh I mean the respond ha ha ha yeah how long have you got you got over 2 minutes on this yeah but we haven't even gone to the second point yet ain't looking ain't looking too great for teams don't be it what am I going well like we covered screed Colin Kilbane can't shoot me shoot me yeah it gives me shield aha your nemesis Lucy I got you he's good he's good that player he's very good you really do like in the game of overwatch get to like learn the other team and like rekt like they really stand out are like they're that one you know you kind of get like each game you can end up getting your little nemesis okay this is the final push alright so we got three minutes to get to the end and that'll be that would only be to draw as well so this could this could go we've away to be Paris's no matter what's gonna be a close game how is that thing still alive oh you did all your own get a good one there we go Luna thanks for the five cute l stamps that was no problem stamps Luna says it was no problem Thank You Luna baby clue says please send the Scooby Doo theme tune Scooby dooby doo where are you we gonna be stamps his team easy-peasy Pooh now we're doing all right here took team squid yeah we're kind of stuck in this doorway all we gain some kills now though I was gonna keep spraying all right no you don't yeah yeah yeah yeah creepy buff I Sedona Wow come on team squid we can't let them get this all right nice tubs guide Nam Danny Boy hey there boy every time I die I go glance up at the chat was just nothing yeah you have to look up but that was like yeah you guys check after I don't think it was people just making it count Angelo thanks to the nation being a viewer forever Gigi you know thank you dude I'll do that okay we got 30 seconds team Lucia it's my nemesis hmm he dead maybe there is not oh no no no no 10 seconds oh come on team moving keep it moving come on team I just got actually an eyelid from around the corner le that's for the five what G 2 6 2 has a falling your videos ever so you'll never fail to make me smile no no no no Nora we're gonna do all the good is so close come on team ok back everyone's down the car never to start the car oh my god the so many of y'all team here oh my goodness there was so many of your team they're trying to stop the lecture to rebuy doing overtime the same isn't it he's done it so over times endless as long as one of us is huh so we drawing with Rory so we go but we only have one minute to put these crazy craft 2.0 happening no sorry dude I hate not have a good job so if everyone's just joining sorry that there's no chat there was some hackers in the chat earlier and I was forced to do it to have to switch it off I apologize for that I know it's not so fun to watch a live stream about a chat no much nothing big not much I can do turning on again see how it because if it's any better now it's pretty easy to turn on and off to be fair Yeah right Ben Clues thanks - I thought - what school did you - Greta I was a home fair in Hooda spherically yeah some sensors all scuse me DVD little experiment nope okay it's just carrying on yeah cuz that like the comment is like someone saying why doesn't YouTube do something about them you know but then like their name is just showing up something bad and they get some glove which is making their like name show something different they've had a job turning the chat back off but it was just saying yeah yeah sorry guys what a pain I feel like I saw it because I always uh study like roots goes alright don't grow don't be careful careful Road told you a bit up by yourself they like charged at me he likes me no oh my goodness is loose you go away oh no cuz you've only got a minute as well and you're gonna get progress of those those couple eliminations as wasn't even moving in the beginning I've only just got on it now well that's your leisure this first week he's flying Oh piggy no piggy no no biggie I mean we would reap from the car you can do a lot of damage gotta get this reap up he's down he's down he's down I know you're making so much progress here this ain't looking good I'm gonna go down here as well it's gonna risk a no no I got killed room by out I went for the bold risky play go team no we're like at all we've only gonna have a minute oh that's gonna care for a couple kills a barrel can I solve the Rubik's Cube no I can't Scooby yeah I keep just glancing up and it's just like a big empty last stat is on this grade oh my god come on go DPS my go damage for the push to find out no I think he's on Bop all right come on team squid we got a so what we got to do hold you for 101 years yeah so so where where you got that cartoon if we push it further than it than we win not as far you win and you've got a minute yeah but like if we get it to overtime as long as we stay on the be alright okay she just messes saying you're played without me I don't know if she's home but she's probably listening to me now I'm messaging I'm saying like you're home are you home I can talk to her e23 where's the live chat there were there were mods if not more like hackers in the in the chats like to turn it off oh my goodness a piglet deep they stop really too far you up but if your tank we stopped way too far then see we can't say who tell themselves you tell them you tell them what their problem is yeah it's exactly what happened with all our Thai but we still wanted to get it just a run back that takes forever [Music] yes oh I've been like that it works out so like the further we push it the shorter your run back is yeah the beginning we have a big advantage but until we get to checkpoint it gradually like Swift is the other way around you're way too far up to be soldier but I did like the cat was continuously moving sounds kind of hard to stop it yeah that's why you that's why you want to tank with the children otherwise it was just gonna keep going I was like no one's actually going in right right over time guys everyone stay on the cut we've got a child see you know we're going up utq picks right Deaver if you be are you be our rock on the car if you can and the more people you have on the cart the faster it moves as well oh my goodness which get an eyelid whoever said the carts in the car the cute guys get it was like wandering around like it's so easy just to like accident you wander off the cart on a chase after someone come on Oh give it up give it up no okay it's so close to where you got it - oh you're fine ha ha ha sorry I am gonna be the comeback is this actually gonna be the comeback no one seems to be dying believe it can't believe it's not butter [Music] see the play of the game lucio this was this with our team bus is one of the ends I'll squeeze take it out play of the game right you do much we do one final game just because there's been people waiting and then separate yeah so do you I can I can play a bit longer Oh Wicky Wicky going then yeah forget I said anything hmm so we're gonna do the same thing again so people in the game please don't back out of the game stay in the lobby we'll wait until you're removed and then that will kind of allow the people that have been waiting to have their chance to play some to us miss plays game chip and I squared just in case anyone backs yeah yeah everyone's been good so far syndrich thanks with the nation what do you call a pig that does crack here it's an easy one stamps come on a pig because karate pork foo pork chop been colluding to the - can I get a shout-out to my channel yep thanks thanks for the donation dude everyone go check out Ben there we go we're like to sort of promote in this channel so I mean shout outs are fine as long as they just don't get too annoying no you don't get it oh yeah I got doom fist somebody wanted me to be Ganges I'm gonna try again Joe as Kenji scans you the one that is free stuff trying it again that name just is coming up again what it is it's gonna be a widespread problem mm-hmm [Music] Alexandra said the bots were from a raid from a different stream I reported it if that helps I don't know let me switch around let me go it's absolutely go toward yeah someone said that the the bots were from a rage from a different stream you know I don't know what that really means like they were like is that someone's channel I guess oh so that's why would it be makers it's making other like genuine people that are commenting it's making their comments look like this way it's gotta be a bark like it's this is my fear now is that our fans someone thinking that they were bad but it was just someone in their name just showed up wrong mm-hmm that's my worry now so I just don't I'm gonna go through I can go through my badness and kept I just wasn't no with him someone that was actually bad let's play video games whoa I went flying then I'm playing to one I haven't used Kenji in here just then Jiga Jiga Jiga Jiga Jiga okay anyway I keep using this character so badly so yeah there are flanking character you don't to say that you want to kind of hide behind us and like do damage they might get out is it good up close yeah yeah he's very hard to be accurate arranged because I'm playing him wrong yeah he's like sneaky Frankie like ninja character no babies play these silly AUB's get out of here Rob get out of here let's hurry do damage without me you can carry turret oh my goodness I'm so bad at this character you don't push him like from the front line like that you need to need to sneak around the back yeah you ain't getting me again baby Teva love my ride up buddy here lastly just three with a left trigger man so he always does three one he does this like electric it as a spread right trigger does them all in a row so if you're if you're some insane still you're trying to get a headshot finger three in a row if you're against like like a tank or something if you do the spread if they're like something bad like you can like you can hit them live like them when it's wide and it means even if you miss like some you'll hit them with the other okay I'm just a change character guys I'm sorry yeah he's like the one of the highest difficulty by him and Widow were probably the two I need to kind of practice with these saw things chat this would this would be a good time for Reaper soldier you don't have much of an angle to get us really question once it gets around the corner don't know one giving you tips noob you know you're not moving the payload no it got made doesn't cover every time I die I got a look at the [ __ ] for a hopefully if it was something to do a raid and just one other channel doing it that Lisa swore no fingers crossed guys even on Wednesday Hey I'm here loose yet easy claps boys easy claps my character is basically us like a big black circle and that's like what you shoot if you could just light up up it like hit every shot of it I keep that characters real good come on come on let's get the pail go in use my office hello anyone is just jumping on the screen by the way reason there's no chat as those people like there's some stuff hacking or something going on earlier and there's nothing I could do about it the only thing I could do was turn the chat off oh that's the reason why Oh future screams the chat will be back oh yeah we're doing overwatch team stumpy buzz team squid for the moment it's not going very well for for Team stumpy and multiple reasons now they're coming comments and energy band emerges yeah someone said bun emerges it's that how that helps um ah can you just ban all emojis possibly I'm guessing sir but the thing is is what you're banning is you're banning what they say and what they said was fine it was their account name I think that's the way they're getting around it it's just Eisley emojis the name of the account yeah the name of the account had emojis in it but I don't think can't ban someone's like account name because they're everyone's account names meant to be safe anyway yeah yeah like no one like no one actually said anything bad in the chat it was just always the account name Thank You healers appreciate it please for the hunters time for scrap mechanics oh yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna play scrap mechanic when the survival comes out it's been like four years in the making but hopefully when it comes it-it's gonna be great hi stamps yeah I was doing a little he'll marry old sod before I uh I need a healer I walked into it of all those amazing I'd like one hitch pin I just walked into the arm oh great great stuff oh we've got ten seconds war yeah you got overtime though and you're close to the next point if you get it to the next point you'll get extra time come on team squid keep it going I believe in you all your uh your mercy players very good oh lucky team squid you didn't see my donation pretty much halfway through the map Oh probably like hang on halfway through the mouth that's not too bad reisi players thanks for super chat how do you join saps how do people join so just add us as a friend on xbox yes only on xbox this guy's friends list and then just click on our name and do join game I think it's like full up at the moment we've liked the game and people in the queue so you don't have to wait until the end of the game for your chance to get in didn't scrap mechanic survival already come out no it doesn't come out yeah well you know what yes I I can block work Oh block links pretty do that anyway allow all comments hold potentially inappropriate comments for review code all comments four of you or to say see this is just across the whole channel though all messages in your live chat or potentially inappropriate chat messages for review I let's give that a guy give a little test like YouTube gotta have a way to deal with this you're the thoughts I wouldn't yet yeah I have too much faith in them no no a little Terran little chat test it'll probably just flash on for a second and disappear but we're we give it a go come on team so we need to okay hi also mustard hey babies all of them are using mode uses in their message they're not they'll use it that's in their name kind of ironic the person giving that tip for wasn't one of the ones that was that was showing up bad well can you just watch on my voice on ain't I let it in the deep of all healing quick real it yeah it's the SKA of food looking a bit chilly squared looking a bit chilly Oh seems impossible to get get liar around the gutter aim for the head shots okay going down going down boy where are you we're going on I am where you think I ant oh oh he's on the roof I got my lid okay not looking good they looking good for you squared I'm making speed eat I'm trying my best hmm leave me alone I think you're just hanging around too long we need to push him like you don't even have to always get a kill when you push in and just do damage be a distraction and just prioritize staying live a bit more rather than getting kills is your plane almost like Cod where if you die you just straight back again remember it takes so much time like it's so we better to stay alive when to trove the sacrifice my throat is you drawing yeah boy that's got a bit of playing again I reckon that will be I don't know if it'll be your view but like yours that was basically our whole team just take it out I would oh I'm playing like a right turn it soggy so ready everyone hide Ben thanks the Dada dude yes we know these chapters of work Luna that's the five I love it when you stamp a stream can you play golf with friends yeah I really want do golf or friends it's great again if we go to get a few more people involved with the stream as well if we do golf and friends instead of us the two of us both yeah I think I played it sometime ember when it was like so much fun the craze was intense yeah such a weird game to get like really popular at least just a really fun golf game you died already what's nice it's not like the really mean you just stayed alive like T what do you we still there is already a machine please me play it again y'all reckon it's gonna be that I reckon you see I reckon E is that moment inside that room yeah it is it is it is oh there you are to be fair they got a trip yeah they got three and you got one oh I've thought I've got everyone so when you and elimination is almost like like a psyche is basically a kinda like final blows is like the equivalent of like I kill when most games I guess right so they're all permit in the game please don't back out the games there the game will be removed feel free to join the the queue again if you want a chance to play again then we want to give a chance for as many people as possible to give a chance to play so if you keep an eye on we need to get my dogs in Oh welcome back Zomba Oh zombats on these good they've joined the dark side they've donned join order or disorder for Santos not a stock exchange them option wait let's carry out two ago Havana Ivana no I'd be like quite hard to like what Blizzard well come here you know you have a little hum known little bar don't you who you I love half sentence fun hey you got there all in my office you're watching him do watching my stream without a variety Jack honestly I feel like it's dropped a bunt but I thought like everyone would disappear Yeah right chat what's a good healer to you so kind of what Lucia cuz he like annoyed the crap outta me last game Miley's brought me a gingerbread man I want a gingerbread man come here Kumi come on oh you big boy I just about I asked if there's any particular heroes that mean to play yeah let's do we should do it an overwatch game voted by chat like let's do a chat favorites serve a brief like every time you can get like pause and stuff and like each game you should do like a poll like who we have to use not be funny great temporary shield switches between two songs healing boosts amp it up increasing yeah so you yell when you got a yellow circle do anyone in that circle gets killed when it's a green one everyone gets the speed boost then if you press right bumper it basically makes whatever type you're doing stronger so if your speed boosting you go faster if you're healing you heal them more but your main thing is like your mobility you can ride as if you hold aid right Oh sick if you keep holding it down what does yellow do this as well I'll see yellow spewing says this automatically hurt people a lot of losses so just shoot wow that's cool so I can just keep spraying yeah so you don't do the LOI the damage is the thing is he's just like kitty is quite tricky to hit this kind of his thing Thank You Massie we know I sort of dodging through my teammate again I could just fly her out in a sec oh this is great you spin my head right round right round I wish you a squashy made when the game first came out that was her favorite hero and I think I'm doing any sort of damages so say he his healing is quite low the way he's good as if your whole team's grouped up you can heal like all of them at the same time I don't think any of that anyway I'm gonna show like he'll like the whole team yes a lot of Lucy OHS they get a lot of people moaning because they just leave speed boost on and just go around doing damage and not actually healing as though right don't be one of them just running around it's a minute I know they can do the right lot from a team and then you're you're olma gives like a big like like she would boost to everyone what are you doing back here you got like a liking to all yours just like a hiding way at the back oh the I'm dizzy now sorry chat yeah I have to change character to like someone else zhenya Maura thank you for the heels this is really a team stamping I think it's to the Torbjorn behind us somewhere yeah he's Bay's back here with bison to help you get them doctor in the water give me back that was so long as a lariat I got him can this can this woman shoot through walls who the one with the Myra and no no okay I'll get who's like suck it all the life from them no stop just so you know it would be right at the back you leave my mercy alone as well nice birthday night we've had like crazy good mercies I don't know what I'm doing my eyes I'm gonna be honest I have not seen you once this entire I'm not I'm not really doing a right a lot of help I'm gonna be completely honest here kind of move to a sniper now I've even moved anything I don't even know what the object is supposed to be me of Charlie you're trying to capture the poised knockouts you you might be getting it now you got people on the point all I breguet I knew you're just gonna chop my kitchen look for gay because you were just she was doing her Rolly which gives all of our team shield you just rinse away from them right at the back to try to get them it's so funny like now you can just tell you just you can always literally see it in their eyes when they're just gonna like charred right away all right come let's go step it up this scare you you're throwing for your team Anna hi I'm not about my comfort zone eh I play baptise what does he do buy a lot biotic launcher regenerative bears motto in multi field three round burst gun what were healing projectile that heals all our allies near the impact era it wasn't I've done a fair never never never rave with Lucio I think it all do so once a healing wants a shoo-in that's pretty easy that's pretty easy to remember this is like a healing yesterday the heating's always like a grenade launcher so you're in mortality field or you can throw down as a test now so yeah if you're inside of that you are invincible wow there's like a diva bomb coming or something if you throw down your like your everyone will survive but it can be destroyed and I've just made it weaker because it was really three strong so that's your best thing is that it more telling you feel but it it has a really like slow like cooldown so use it oh there we go because I use it yeah so often what you do when you're playing a against one of them did you really paid it out you forced them to use it then once they've used it then you push in yeah my Rockets I could've liking so if you want again zombozo funny but if they just play like this in this feel if this is like how they normally play this like constantly flanking wonderfully so else I give Genji ago why not why it's a customer I like this guy this is cool you can shoot like instant help of evil nice like it no no the healthcare oh my goodness guys this guy's amazing Thank You Lucille what's this guys all do I just come out so you put down a little square even if you shoot or he'll through it it's amplified so you can even use loads of damage all those are healing but like same with the whole oh I'll put it way too far haha whoops yeah doing when you press Y you will ring up the square and then you press white trigger to place it where you want I thought it was gonna be like right in front of me oh wow Thank You Missy for the res whoa label looking I'm not Lucia program they lose you to slapped me I swear you just slaughter what did he do a course I'm sorry but I just I I know you could punch people every characters got like a daily attack all right so they of doesn't do laser damage it's good like if you need a reload ass I need to do like a bit of extra done it oh we gotta get it [Laughter] slow snail game next to the five you watching you visitors crazy craft I love yours and SAMHSA's channel thank you try holding Crouch for a super jump oh yeah oh we just lost our squid do you know what his secret super job you can do her job yeah I reckon it would I like that I was that was probably my favorite Gila stick if he does lots of damage as well that's what it no it's a little bit of best of both world you know what I mean alpha otters thanks for the doll appreciated my son was again there's one elimination thank you but you already gots fine there doesn't mean you did bad yeah like that's thank you judging how well you did from what your k/d does anybody want to see couch [Music] [Music] got there all in the office all right welcome give you plans to the game welcome new players to the game before we're doing team squid and staffs first viewers you wanna do that yeah it's due to a difference stop licking me oh no I do I don't know I can get you onto my team he comes out removing someone I don't want to do that because people have been queuing what you one day I would just do it again then and do it next same film okay they even then I don't know how I would do it then like cuz the spaces fit our filling immediately maybe so much we say after this game I'm gonna start a whole brand new Lobby yay yeah if you're in the queue now feel free to leave the queue like your this isn't gonna be a permanent queue okay perfect well I get quick wallet what it searches t yeah I could use some more I got fire be joy BRB bitter [ __ ] who wants to see doggy can ooh ooh ooh let's beat Reaper anybody want to see doggy pan I just said jealousy doggy camp and cujo's laid down where's my dogs are doing it for fun expertise that was like yes he is doggy come I could try get it set up to be honest but curious on the floor literally laying behind your Molly's here yeah my way is approval no no stop liquid no ah well I was locked in as reaper an hour it's taken me up it okay I'm gonna be the big hammer swinging dude smashing welcome back welcome back I didn't get damaged da moneh tanky boy Hadouken lunatics are the five Haggart ago soon just on in case I have to leave in a hurry it's been a great stream off IQ Luna appreciate I'm being the hub big hammer boy stamps a hammer time oh really well don't forget you got a shield yeah yeah so favor with this last time and are basically charged in not knowing that I had a shield but I do know which is like the main reason you're playing is there we go he's easy look at him for you so you wanna have this shield up and then move forward to like allow come on team everyone on squiddy beans and then you wanna before it gets fully destroyed you want to drop it so you can like recharge off the tree huh how do I drop it just stop holding it button you're pressing to lift it up stop raising it start off not using it now you can't stop using it yeah yeah then you I think your team's destroyed us diving you have that first point already are you going right huh I'm next year if you want to go right heart we've been testing we need a key test will run away down I'm so confused no oh you mean oh I saw a nice to put it down on the ground no good this thing I'm just like literally hugging the payload right now everybody on my payload can see you up there come on T let's go there you go you know like the real run off I'm a real write hat so when you are okay so when you get charged by another Reinhardt I killed it you charged back you both bang into each other and you don't get charged I'm in charge still came out on top you're asking a young team around Jay he was kind of charging in a bit it on his own son but if you were so your ultimate just lay on the ground and it knocks everyone down okay but if you're like someone's holding up a shield it blocks it so you know doing is watching our ride huh guessing when it looks like he's trying to all and make sure you put your shield out too like for him it's kind of a bit of like a mental game you play yeah better chess yeah just just like chance just like go that's like oh yay did it to me right I see yeah so if you had your shield up you would have blocked it so eventually you get used to like learning when it looks like this whoever can charge theirs so the catch are true if they've got the shield up no if you if you if you got your ship so the charge or something about the ultimate grounded that gets blocked by the shield the charge if you both shot into each other yeah but if I charge and he has his shield that will he go through yes a noise Olmert where his charge yeah yeah Oh squids gonna hit start let's get a bit start ah goddamn it it's hard I need to wait for my tea really yeah now we do know either so what does his all do that character like he's easy to so that's what I'm every slams the ground and not sent run to the floor but don't do it into a shield so even my shield or our Reinhardt shield you do it into their shield it will get blocked right so here you're completely by yourself with your shield up you're not kind of helping your team okay now they're back it's alright but when you're out then you're kind of just wasting your shields health for no reason right but Brian likes so he kind of want to stay around corners and like kind of make sure you have your shield hi help and then quickly push forward to get to the fight yeah oh I kind of did by all I didn't know what it what the effect is gonna be you knock anyone down I thought I think so everyone everyone way to put the aerbook what was I supposed to do that was my I lifted you up please Lucio neat kneeling switch to healing not damn it no let's the he he was so long and there just be Bruce they are nice Kenji noise noise well a quick nugget hello yeah so if you're getting hit by a hammer put your shield down like like mailee damage just go through the shield ah you're getting wet with a hammer just put yours down and even get out of there or fight I'll just keep whacking some of the damage is getting you anyway ah all these little things but I feel like you're starting to learn it now when you're taking like 20 guys that's this you even want to back off and put the shield down or move forward here no sandwich team we got a few team medicine so our Rhinehart's probably gonna try now shot you here cuz I vote the keys done in a world that you want to be trying to block it if you can I feel bad for betraying my my team I got white anywhere it's the last point at all yeah you still have two minutes like you did the rest so easily this is right at the end your team you're still doing well instead of walking forward holding it up a good trick is shield hopping which is where you jump while walking forward yes so basically you Joe and as you started don't you put the shield up so you can move quicker it's good for backing hours where if you're backing out a fight you jump backwards and then put the shield up so you're moving quicker that mainly got your shield up another thing you can do is say if you think someone's trying to earth shudder and you want to like kind of beta out you can um know that as soon as you start swinging it pour your shield out and it kind of cancels the animation so it looks like you're gonna go into attack but then you just go in them put your shoulder [Music] it's cuz I'm used to like playing so many FPS that it just kinda like just me like a one-man one-man band thing so we're trying to work as a team I'm not used to it right now I can't do a lot of damage you Jerry don't get most eliminations but you can often end up with most damage so you're an elite pressure on bar you wanna yeah you did not want to come in test the wrong ain't no and you were back in their area like no matter what you're gonna die you were kind of backing off and putting your shield up like why don't drag out your death because now you've got to wait longer until you come back like sometimes you want to you want to die quicker to get back in the game I tell you why if anyone's like look into games I once is it's like such a good like like someone who's like played a lot it's not you either that's not a good way to learn like I ain't great at playing the game I know a lot about it whoa you got it with eight seconds left the friend today with me everybody saves see if these what do you see if thieves far yeah in ages okay I'm gonna be piggy oh whatever dogs just fired oh it's been live channel and one of those messages came up and said it was held for review who working now I know but then the next one wasn't Oh Cujo that's Phoenix that stinks dirty I know I didn't get damaged or tank can I become another one damage this round please go I know you don't mind yeah they made me put the street I end with a stream so his pig is is he got like is right trigger for like a sprayer left for like concentrate awful what the piggy character rode up so I think of like right trigger like almost like a shotgun and less like trigger or weird it's like slightly longer range and more like directed it's still quite close range whilst longer range I'll go to switch no I'm on I'm on healer here just pull the titties like flat ground behind us be aggressive unimpressive aggressive shutting down we punished them here we get the first point let's fish you up to par you you gonna get me that easy done uh how's hope it's a biggie picky picky I have a fish aggressive mr. to the point I wish go to the point by myself and just hope they come we could have got the points guys come to the point it's not some window ah oh my goodness yeah no it's not see guys how's it going right now swing swing a hammer go crazy I keep you here I can take it out Oh two tix two tix two tix I'm miles away haha I grappled you know huh man this piggy well he's weird yeah he's good he's good at like so you've generally doughnut aim for tanks you might feel like the the squishy targets like the heels and stuff just put them in the squishes had one hit so see we have a doubt your vote I wait for you to hook and then did it when I thought you're gonna do it to waste it and now you're a bit more vulnerable I know you're gonna pretty hook against Sue's I'm gonna do my little dodge oh my goodness well your nano boosters need you do like extra damage ah I need to get out of here oh my goodness what he's going on yeah I'm so bad at this game guys all right I just like know how to play damage the big guys are really weird like I'm just wanna like run in yeah come on biggie we go piggy boy evil baby piggy I got you Genji don't you worry about it all right where we going what you Reiner there's a road off to your left be careful oh that's just great don't worry about coming your way sorrows our healing that's right what a time to realize cat died said ya know you were on the car you just moved it in you pushed up too far ah it's good a back cap but basically you're all killing us Wow piggy piggy piggy piggy piggy Pig always a car gone I saw the way over here now yeah and as I said you were pushed up in front of it that we just moved it in did your folks even rather than the objective we've got in for free basically what console on the Xbox one which one DX Johnson yeah - you're right again G okay come on team squiddy beans oh my goodness I'm gonna nail it oh my goodness what am I getting hit from here nice let's pretty good old so what you're always really good at as well as um destroying shields yeah but also like knocks everyone back as well as if you're playing on a level where they're like an edge you can kind of like and docked everyone off the edge oh my goodness I use no hook at the wrong time let's just try drew did it we've lost this team screaming's whoa you're doing a bunch of votes now they could turn it round maybe possibly I don't know we had a really good Reinhardt player okay dude no huge bet me a cup of tea don't just one in my dreams sorry there's no chat it should be should be signing this homage please no despicable please one for me one time a done healer it's my turn to be damaged now eat salt Piper and tangen chant tangent rhyme I know you're there sitting there going like all the other one more switch the other person will switch no you switch I do that's just Winston do a shield yeah so you like put down my like a big like bubble shield they're not gonna switch okay see what this guy's like it's got a zapper as well nice nice zapper so he's good against like big groups because you're like electric unlike attacks them all when you land on someone that impact has done it but your bed but you do like your normal gun if you're against this one person does really low damage okay you're not like the high damage character but you're good against a safe there's a Widowmaker you know like that like sniping at the back you've gotta just jump on her and then do the do like the bubble shield and just kind of bully her so she can't shoot anyone else you're like kind of almost like a good distraction all right Kenji okay now it doesn't really go that far the range either no soup I'm just spraying everywhere look at any mortality no I really wouldn't mean Eiland thank you appreciate it about the bus next to the tent dude how's everyone good just used when the next rock extreme is gonna be whoo hopefully soon needs to play again just really good really good fun hahahaha I would just like put cheap people this guy's following Oh big self-destruct scaring the game boys come on monkey so I said overtime if you guys get a third the point you lose hole why did it just run in like an idiot of what she's too serious is it my game face nice so used to scream and what tumors doesn't say anything I'm just like yeah okay what does this guys all do get you healed stamps what does mrs. Aldi so you get loads of help and then you can like keep jumping and just like knocking people around maybe I was pretty bad time to use it really about time to use it one team every just group up you might have to go for a big shower here right now I don't think we're I think is gonna group up I just go for the hero plate I'll try and keep you here what if you push in going wrong I go for the shut up at least contest No no you're getting like like you're getting so powered overtime it's ridiculous I'm just go about punching people like we got the thing where like everyone's just running in one at a time or not yeah he asked the West out of their way egg to group up but everyone's running I'm like like I'm literally doing not just waiting good play that's that every everyone got everyone watching this tree ever go to Rhinehart don't push it in until he moves that wasn't to stops you just keep doing what you're doing you just keep just doing what you're doing whoa nice oh dear we got two minutes later push it easy boys tell stamps his thumbnail is still human fall flat Aaron clean automate he told you to change ett said change and it said no i should have a change now if you refresh it we've of all you have a watch Nev you guys ninja propio do we not care we are we're doing great thanks we are doing dude thank you for the kind message thank you to uh to sit he says I'm the mercy man but I don't have an xbox well that's not very helpful is he mercy main with an Xbox to come help me out so you've got two minutes to get to where we go to yeah mm-hmm we could have so easily stopped you at the first point we grouped up you were so close I've gone to either let me one damage this round boy oh we play nurse Oh ain't saying well oh you oh you bad as I never try fairer but depending on what your team has I might switch around will see might switch you up we haven't got much of everything don't like the Zen and Lucio is healing you don't do loads of healing by work we see you how how well it works I need to get out of you ooh no that's good oh you miss your bangs you're right there you get the phone at all now we're just monkeying around smash me Eddie in we should at least get the first point yes I was just trying to stay in the desert okay unlikely us that the things we have so little time all of this even if we get the point you've wasted so much time it's good for team squid no matter what home outside my door one wants to come say hello know you've a crease got a double yeah we got it we got it we got it then we go get my doggy in hello dog and no I know been like for our play since I've seen you and I've missed you so much well you swum captain I be the naughty little monkey helps us out well that Genji doesn't know you don't do your out well stamps right once there the pipe tanks thanks down the cup of sliced a we're gonna walk off the car when I Reinhardt you might have to be our anchor on if everyone else is kind of all over the place no it's just like I like people it still is still in it we're still in it this is still still doable the things we're not gonna get any time whole game we have to stay on the cart like the whole time no matter what yeah let's just go back no ot was alive was gonna happen everyone gets too excited chasey dog feels we were winning the right heart just wondered off the point no we actually had a child no Alex and look puppy did you just walk home did you do you just walk home did you yeah yes you did but she's so high but she's get so hyper after our wallets yeah right yeah I do one more game where do we do us on the same team then yeah yeah sounds good bro it sounds good sounds good team speed win one nip no it was like five I think yeah oh I don't it's only gonna be one game so don't bother joining the other cute but feel free to work to spectate if you would like to do it's been good because I should we do chat any any maps chat wants to do that is know already hi guys oh we got zom-bone RT the flanking toby all right who should i be for the final one hmm maybe soldier waiting to hear in the games to be ready to pick quick see you ain't miss out god he got it already got it what is stances man [Music] stamps nice i switched around I don't when you have a main oh nothing nice played card for the moment Sigma yes I said you weren't on the screen I said make sure you're on it I was on it no it wasn't in the game yet it was waiting for to load in like it's no big game you make sure on the minifig you like no I got it team squid server back out damaged come on beep beep in my friend pick something else you're gonna steal you're gonna steal the come on bots Torbjorn is that what you're gonna do tom pop back out please love you please come on do it do for squiddy play come on yeah choose some Samba Samba Samba let me down Baptiste yes a tricep that's great have you come down underneath me here you crouch down and jump you can reach up to like where I am well wearing ah yeah thank you oh crap yeah then jump we hopes before they go - they got a reaper okay someone's going up behind us here Oh another flanking talk you're okay it's good positioning I'm shooting in from a distance here very represent people keep on if they could see where I have a display they keep gonna sneak up on me anywhere you can split yeah same place thank you oh I stuck up yeah hey Shh no cop army did so though so second you start getting damaged we just throw that in water immortality' down at your feet cuz then shoot that thing before like killing you and you just be shooting them down ah [Music] and you can also kind of place it like slightly round corners and stuff so it's harder for them to hit it yeah yeah so if they're critical just wrote down at them now there you are only he was see a player reef reef the same place I want it behind you always come to me now it's like a fuse right there as a reaper behind us though we got taken out nice ones aambat don't go to triple he's making this decision to be spent all you're worth it hey stabs boy wait lol oh no Widow making out oh they took out some BOTS across the way there's a reefer coming to your right spirits you're right Reaper I put the thing that all must have put it on up it right over there mm-hm I was so Chad nincompoop valia got a blank up behind where we were there I'll get that chato way so DB nearly three hours all right um but still alive there's always hope when we got a ssambap these guys are as well hey there he goes there he goes goes off but repo Reaper - you know that keeps you alive that I think yeah it is just gonna blow me off my foot be pretty damaging good Dungey a little bit these you're weak I'll buy you got it I'm gonna use this shield now it's good guys right hugging to the point sorry brother yeah there's the oh shut up I've got my help my crop it out up here looks like team magic animal Club GG's you know I don't care what he's Baptist we're gonna carry out with him why stream during school at school to be honest I've been at school for a fair few years but it's like it's like the best time for as it's like evening and like from the UK people are out of school and like the u.s. no matter when we stream someone's gonna be at work or school or asleep there's no golden time where everyone know you can't please everybody can we please anyone who are you playing us look at this look at my my TNT it's like my handbag he's so fancying it thank you let me out of boys okay to let me at him I should be the like this guy you know he's fun right I I'm gonna do a sneaky last-minute switch to Farrah I just didn't want the enemy team to see her [Music] capture the objective I'm trying to hear like guys too far away thank her as well like I was just like that well verify verify I can't hit them yes I was doing so well it oh I'm gonna switch to someone to shoot this fare up let's go I'm going about flash yeah I was shooting her a baby she dip now it's on but sort of like yeah he's at the point here oh I didn't know I needed oh that guy is annoying okay who does that ooop lastima creed on oh oh there's the ferris woody where the feral thank you ah squid never shoot some another pink bubble around them doing so increase their charge yeah says Arya who's the one who puts bubbles your plates over for ya a bubble on you and teammates and then if you shoot at those they're shield up why don't we did it I start team Mak easy oh we got cute we got cue Alex cam on my stream cute little Alex cam awesome gonna play the game [Music] nice war legend anyway back to keep Alex mean is it gonna zoom in is not a minor there we go oh hello well you try to zoom into Fez you have it like switch to like the like a different camera like at a different angle really confusing like he's switching there we go right now I can zoom it oh that's my face where's Alex there she is there's my Alex oh she's getting up she's getting up where's she going where's she going oh she's looking for a toy looking for a toy for me to fro all right so good names going out something to eat but yeah GG everybody we're joined in the other game the other side yeah speaking first we completed fall flat which is good yeah it's been a shame that uh we shouldn't really just do it in the last room we had just done the last like 20 minutes some of the levels took us like an hour and a half you know yeah that's true we didn't know we were gonna blast through that one so yeah fingers crossed my chat will be sword in the Niska so we're all gonna say goodbye and then there's gonna be no no one's saying bye just imagine people saying bye I will do I will do so right and that is gonna be an extreme here are we just gonna end the stream now sweet lord you want me to leave the cool and you say your own yeah well I'm just gonna end it here I'm not really doing anything else okay so I don't know when there'll be another stream I won't be streaming for probably until maybe Tuesday would be the oldest I'm gonna stream next but there will be a video going up over the weekend so there won't be zero stampy coming up what about you spirit are you gonna be doing any more streaming over the weekend what are we on to Thursday who said choose Devon yeah I probably do in some while streaming over the weekend and it's fine it's something else to play like I needed a new streaming game so if anyone has any suggestions let me know I kind of need to get my teeth into something else so yeah there's actually like a 200 new Pokemon being added to the solid shield sir I might do a little bit of catching some more like Jen ones and then Donna might do some awesome uh that yeah I think we're stood you a battle yeah I still need some writing battle fight as a hope one of his name 100 yeah yeah like the postgame yeah I said I need to defeat him since it did I stop stroking her she's like why'd you stop stroking me I'm adorable now you will see you all later uncool to sin thank you for my message
Channel: iBallisticSquid
Views: 79,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5ufc5Nrn_zE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 5sec (10325 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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