HUGE New Instagram Algorithm Update For Explosive Growth

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this might be one of the biggest instagram algorithm updates since the introduction of the algorithm those who understand how to use this correctly will be able to double triple even quadruple their growth reach leads and income on the platform or those who aren't using it right who don't understand how to use it are going to get left behind and see massive drops in both engagement reach lead sales etc you need to watch this video right through to the end to understand how it's going to impact you how to use it and how to avoid getting left behind let me explain what's happening and how it'll affect you now this update isn't actually something that i found on their official blog or on their creators account or any of that in fact i actually found it by scrolling through my feed and just randomly noticing it and this is something that they hinted at in previous blog posts about the algorithm and so it looks like they're finally starting to test this and bring it into action now some of you may already have this update many of you may not i'm not too sure if this has just been rolled out as testing in new zealand or if it's gone worldwide but i figured it was really interesting and i'll create a video about it with this new update what they are testing is they are adding both explore content and suggested content into the home feed in and amongst the regular content that you see from people you follow and this is absolutely massive probably a lot bigger than it may sound i'll explain why now in the past if you opened up instagram and scrolled through your home feed you would be presented with just content from people that you chose to follow that was the home feed you could click across to the explore page if you wanted to discover new stuff but your home feed was only exclusively people you follow then they changed things up and they added suggested content so once you've seen all of the content from people you follow it would then say you've seen all the posts from the last 24 hours and it would then go into suggested content which was pretty much just explore content but on the homepage highly engaging content and a niche you're interested in to ideally just keep you on the platform longer show you more content because you might run out of feed content in 10 minutes but they can show you literally days and days of content that you would like and that feature actually increased the amount of reach for accounts like mine who are posting a ton of viral content they get shared that gets engaged with well and that performs well to an audience who don't even follow the account but now what they've done is even bigger let me show you on my phone okay so diving into my instagram account you can see here i'm in my home feed i can see stories i can see my dms and i am just scrolling through here i've got a post from millionaire dream then there is an ad from rebel sport then there is a post from neo then there is this guy here investors and then up comes a recommended post and it says i just turn my volume off uh it says because you liked a similar post and there's a post from this person cadillac bougie and there is a follow prompt so this is not someone that i follow so it is just randomly come up in my feed and if we keep going there's a sponsored post there is a post from someone i follow there is a post from kennedy another guy that i follow millionaire dream and then we've got another ad and then we've got another person that i follow and then there is another one that's come up because you watched a reel from devon entrepreneur they are now recommending me this person's profile and this person is again someone that i do not follow and that i have never interacted with but they are recommending me this content in my home feed because of the content that i'm interacting because of the people that i'm following uh and so on and here's another one because you follow millionaire dream they're recommending this content and let's just continue sort of every i've noticed uh every sort of four to five posts there will be a post that comes up from someone that i do not follow that is suggested to me so instagram have started adding viral style content from the explore page into the home feed now in this situation for every four or so pieces of content that i saw from someone that i followed i would then be recommended one from someone who i did not follow followed by another four or so pieces of content from people i followed followed by another one from someone that i do not follow but what does this mean for creators well it's gonna be very very good for some people like myself and it's gonna be very very bad for some other people let me explain if you heavily rely on home reach to get your content out there and you don't get a lot of reach from explore or hashtags and so on this is going to hurt you a lot now instantly right off the bat basic maths if in the past five out of five posts that you saw in the feed were posts from people who you follow and now four out of five posts in the feed are post from people you follow there has instantly been a 20 drop in home feed reach which means your content will likely reach 20 less people in the home feed what is actually more likely to happen is the best creators will have the same home feed reach and the ones that have got less engaging content will probably have the 20 plus the 20 from those creators it's like a 40 drop in reach which means a lot less engagement which means a lot less growth and probably means a lot less leads and income for your business however for those of you who have mastered the art of creating content that goes viral on instagram that brings in new followers that builds your audience and that builds your business this is an amazingly good update this means that if you create the right content that works well on instagram you can get instagram to directly push your content into the feeds of your target audience who don't yet follow you and turn them into engaged fans and followers which means not only your engagement will increase not only will you get more reach but you'll also get a ton of new followers you'll get a ton of new leads and you'll be able to grow your business doing this which is awesome because it's just another way to reach more and more and more people organically if you know what you're doing another thing that this means is it only increases the importance of building an email list for literally every creator on the platform because with reach to new people who don't follow you increasing whilst reach to your existing audience is decreasing it is really important to create that email list so that you can get this increased amount of new people coming to your page getting onto your email list and then you've got an easy way to directly contact them without having to worry about any algorithms shadow bands account bans or any of that and with this update you can reach more new people grow your audience faster and then just simply contact them every week over email build your relationship there provide them valuable insights there just help them out and this will actually help you grow your business a ton and as you don't have to rely on any third-party algorithms or third-party companies to distribute your content you're totally fine now i actually made a full tutorial on how to create a freebie how to create an opt-in page how to set up your email list and then how to promote it on your instagram all the tools that i use so i'll link that video down below if you want to watch it now before we do move on to the next part i do want to say that i've put together a ton of free stuff to help you get results i put together a free ebook and training series which you can find in the top link in the description the second link in the description is a link to flick the tool that i use to grow my instagram it gives me all the hashtags i need all the analytics it helps me find trends and build my audience and then the third link is a link to a free class that i put together on skillshare teaching you how to grow your instagram so a ton of free stuff go grab it and learn how to build your audience anyway let's get back to the video now this update makes it feel that instagram are moving more towards where tick tock and facebook are currently where the main feed is not just content from people that you follow but instead the most likely content for you to engage with which is likely to better entertain you and keep you on the platform for longer think about it the reason that tick-tock is so addicting is because when you go onto tick-tock you aren't met with a ton of content from your friends and family and what they're eating and what they're doing and and that sort of stuff there you're met with the most engaging content from the niches that you are most interested in sourced from around the world so they're taking billions of pieces of content finding what you're most interested in and showing it to you that is why tick tock is so engaging and this isn't the case of instagram stealing from tiktok because facebook have been doing this forever the news feed is not just your friends it is content your friends liked it is content your friends have tagged in it is all of this stuff it's an algorithm put together to distribute content that they think you're going to enjoy the most memes videos etc based on how you interact on the platform tiktok pretty much took it from facebook and instagram is now sort of copying what they've done at facebook or is it even going to be called facebook anymore i saw that changing their name let me know what you think about that i assume it is going to be the parent company that's going to change their name not the application itself but we'll see now what this update should do is see a huge growth and the amount of engagement and reach you can get from feed content like still image content the amount of reach you can get should improve a lot same with reals reals have been undeniably by far the best way to grow an audience in 2021 and going forward it looks like they're just going to get even better with this update there are just even more places for your content to get promoted and it's just going to allow you to grow even faster however if you don't understand how to create the right stuff if you don't understand how to work the algorithm then chances are you could see a bit of a drop off in reach because your reach is going to be now taken away by some more viral style content now this should mean just another reason to up your instagram game put in the work as the opportunity is just bigger and bigger now more than ever and instagram isn't going away anytime soon or if you prefer let my team of experts come in and do this for you handle all your content your posting your hashtags growing your audience and generating leads then you are welcome to book a free discovery call in the link down in the description we'll have a chat see if you're a good fit and see how we can help that's it from this video let me know what you thought of this update in the comments down below and i will see you all next time
Channel: Josh Ryan
Views: 31,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow on instagram, Instagram algorithm, Instagram algorithm update
Id: YmU3QaH5PW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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