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all right what do we have here fred meyer jewelers  come on beat in there oh here we go come on   be the money look at that uncle michael two tiny  little baby gold earrings sweet with hearts on it   we don't class remember what do you guys  want me to do uh help uncle michael with   we're taking we just found 15 dollars here we are back at unit 412.  about to see what we got be scared yeah it's a weird one it's not very well loaded so  basically this stuff right here we've gone through   and the box on the dresser in these two wardrobes  so we can plug that in the back of the truck   then we'll put the mattresses on the back  of the truck and then we'll start loading   this is coming to my house but not today  we want a little gym in the backyard we're   about to get started in this she said  because she climbed all the way back up   here she was whittling her way through  here she's kind of like a little rat   she says these have a tags on it so might be some  good stuff to take to my storage anyway let's get started all right finally a sealed box what's  in here this is the jewelry box you think it's towels look at see what i'm talking about  see i'm talking about see that solve this paper oh i don't know there's good stuff but  then there's crap it's like they just not it not necessarily that's  presumption presumption is the   first mistake we make as humans presume kid stuff they bought good clothes and stuff  because the shoes and stuff were pretty nice   yeah it's all right it's just  it's just kid stuff right   yeah they're gonna they're gonna  go lady gaga tomorrow for that okay that's a nice little jacket there  a little pico new york company all right i'll probably have to make a wardrobe with just  the best clothes ashley stewart look at that for now we'll just skip through  everything and we're just going   to pull out good stuff and try to move fast always one of the most important places  to look in a wardrobe is the bottom of it   like that see what is that this is for a really big ipad i hope we find  that because that would you keep that ipad   look how big that factor is a lot of these boxes are gonna be too tough to  go through so i'm just gonna film them at the   market and stuff guys like for example there's a  u-haul tow hitch we're gonna need this when you   place the other thing inside of a kitchen box  things like this and what is in here this is   the dresser mirror how do you get that much food  in things on a dresser mirror i don't get it   oh yeah look at that you guys see any dogs  you like that's a cool ladder right there   that's probably 30 40 bucks right there those  are always guaranteed sale michael kors yeah   i've been seeing this all too often lately  tell jack how good he did last night   on your purses look real quick i don't know i  thought no that's not we're here filming today   we don't film that way i'm looking for curses  shoes what's that that is kate spade look at that   kate spade why don't you go do something else  then you just interrupt the filming process and i have to yell at you and everything else all right oh yes look at that got the little kid kate  spade ooh wee uh no let's jump in the bottom here oh there's a chat on some ankle  no that one's all you that's you   new york company we're gonna  set that aside what is this no   it looks a little more special at first it's  still kind of cute costume jewelry i'm on rolex   that was damn close what does that say i  can't what's your you got your eyes on you no   xavier all right a box of jewelry this is why  we have to go through this unit heavily because another 10 carat pin from working forever burberry body i can't see nothing in here go ahead and  hang all these back up in here i would just   roll them in there right so we can fill in some  more good stuff i don't know what do you think   he's leaving all right what do we have here fred  meyer jewelers coming home and beat in there where are you you want this left out let  me see that looks like something that's   cute no i don't like the dirt stain on it  damn why couldn't you have been in there we have to be really careful with this stuff  because somewhere is her jewelry and it's like   just thrown in they have some clean toys that's  expensive stuff you can tell they didn't do much   cleaning look at their duster still got the tag  on it i think jess might want that and this is the   other dilemma here guys well the first dilemma  is i'm working with uncle michael so you know   no that means i'm doing like monsters you know  i'm doing most of the work today i don't care   about your truck i don't care about your truck  that's me or right out of here you want to quit   don't scare me so we got the elevator  full going in the elevator we're going   down the elevator and then we get out of  the elevator obviously that's the next step don't let that thing fall and hit you  i'll have to laugh i wouldn't worry then we get out here and we're right here it's just toys huh toys and  tv stuff was there any video game   systems under there we should bring this out i always want to think about video game systems   now that's gonna go in the wardrobe that's  kind of gold right there now get out of the way now there's a karaoke machine on the bottom  come on jewelry i'm afraid that we're going   to overlook jewelry in this unit that's a  virtual reality machine but that's not special oh those are actually some cool glasses  but they have the frame in them or lenses this is how you go through these type  of units we will throw this out at the   flea market stuff and double check that we're  not overlooking gold but these boxes are just   probably some of the worst pack  job we've seen in a while right there's a thumbnail disgusted by what  he found at the bottom of this box   you see what's falling out of this box yep   oh yeah mckay would like to point out that  you stole a handful of chains the other day yeah she did she said you were at the flea market  and she asked when we go home don't come you be   able to change your deep pocketed oh it was like  three dollars she's on it some guys came hey and   tried to cover it up in a bowl and now like and  i saw it and i'm like oh thanks for being honest   oh they were trying to hide it from me oh these  beets i think these are beets yes you are okay   this is a weird box see what i mean oh my gosh look we found money hey uncle mike i'm going  to give you a tip today here's 15 bucks oh look i need to go through this box heavily done your help has arrived they took ibuprofen it's your help wow look at that  gucci that says coach on it they bought something at the gucci store  oh here we go come on be the money look   at that uncle michael two tiny little  baby gold earrings with hearts on it a brand new chromecast we don't cast remember what do you guys  want me to do uh help uncle michael with   we're taking my dolly nice tiffany earrings sterling silver it is this is all stuff that stays but the blue  the blue thing can go this facility is weird yeah they just threw all their good  stuff in here that's tommy hilfinger   you done at that level you  know what i would do stick that   i'm not going to worry about that later  this is what i'm here to do now as i film   that's why i hired clint to come out too and  you're here so just tell me what you want done i   would go load that stuff down there uncle michael  i got to fill the elevator you don't have to   clean what's your eyes like your eyes can you read  that and with the dining table i don't think i'm   taking the market either oh okay i told you  that already we're not in a hurry right now it says mont blanc which is very expensive because we're here we have a process you always  want to do things the difficult way because it's   easy for you but it's not for youtube and youtube  is the most important aspect when we buy it   right clint mckayla's yesterday tell us the most  important part of a storage unit is the video look at that toys all right that picture can go i'll take this one   look at that that's that gold i would say that  is look at that and i'm wrong huh that's pretty   cool yeah but it looks broken looks like  that piece your son bought for his daughter uncle michael is like eating with a child he  doesn't get it he's always in a rush and that's   why i get frustrated when we make that when  we do these videos i tell him we're taking our   time like i'm paying him to be here i'm paying  clint to be here so that i could make the video   because i have to make the videos we don't have  time in the storage business which people don't   realize they're basically like i can't believe  you did this and then there's no time i bought   four units they give you 48 hours to get it all  out of there then i have to get the videos made   then on top of getting the videos made  i have to edit the videos and i gotta   sell this stuff and i gotta move and we just  found 15 this box is turning to be really good so i have to do my best to make  these videos the first time around   so that when we get into the flea market  i'm not just sitting there dealing with that i'm waiting for one of these  to pop up a big diamond ring   or a little diamond earrings look at that because my thought is all the boxes that we've  taken out so far even though it looks like toys   this one's a little different you can see  this one is slightly different there's   a different feel to it it's  not just like standard toys   but there's jewelry flooded in this  in this box right here look at this   and so that's why i don't want to just rush i i  have to take my time those are beautiful that is   a josten's 10 carat ring right there very heavy at  least 12 grams and look at this a pendant set and   yeah this is phenomenal this will  make this unit a little more exciting so i'm gonna finish this up and  i'll show you what else i find   all right so we got some tvs here this is kind  of a cool find so let's see what we got here hisense is a cheap brand isn't it i don't  know look at that look at the tv melted or   is that like a cigarette see that that's  where it's made i think no that's a mount   i'd say we can't even get any other mattresses  right now oh right here they're all high since oh come on b jewelry be  jewelry ah where is the jewelry my heart is racing crayons are you serious would you you scuffed it what is this the dresser is nothing in there right   say what how do you know there's something in it  doesn't go in here let me see what he sees not   i'm still very happy about the unit so far first  off i know i found enough gold and silver to put   this unit in the crossfit oh wow oh wow look at  this disney costume oh boy this is tight disney i think these are all disney costumes all princess costumes look at that look at that cinderella and snow white converse this looks like a personal box this looks like toys they can  just go inside of that wardrobe this looks like toys they  can go inside the wardrobe yeah i can go inside of there there's a nice shelf you  don't need those at your house i could probably set trains on them that would  be an ideal thing oh we actually got some stuff   over here guys have to show uncle michael the  proper way to load stuff guys this is how it goes   literally him and clint had the little  mattress on the bottom big mattress on top   when it's all started don't try to act like  you didn't who's the whole you come on okay this is the jewelry box is it hidden deep under here you got sheets could be oh our scrubs oh are they okay so what do we have here uh i think it's the the android version of an  apple watch all right let's see what's in   here let's go like this no yeah let's see  we got ray-bans look at that holy smokes kimono look at are those ivory i don't know you're the youngest one here oh clint  i bought a whole unit full of new panties again   yeah yesterday's unit's all new freaking clothes is it panties okay we got some toys we don't  need to go through all the toys can you clap while you do it no you could do that all day long okay let me see  what you guys do i do that all day long you don't   even know let me see what you got you can't  i'll do i'll do 11 but i don't want to uh huh last time i did a contest it was me  jw and alex and either one of you   look at this i like that forever grinding that's  mine that's uh that goes to your bookshelf that's   a wall decor this is close there's some levi's  501 size 40 those might fit you uncle mike some good jeans but i don't  want to go through this here okay it feels like all  clothes what you got in there   we're looking for jewelry boxes yeah i  know is there any in the bottom of that   no it's not very close that's a very  common place to find jewelry boxes we'll turn up and stalk them i  guess i have to be very careful it's craziness i can't get  to that guy there's no way   right now i'm gonna dig through that so this  will get done at the flea market this is wild nice shoes a couple bucks and shoes i mean this  is a lot of work in this union and it cost me   a lot to get it done but i paid so cheap i  think this is going to end up being a good   450 dollar you're going to click  turn around because like we got   those are kind of cool clay just the jewelry alone  is probably going to put us in the profit margin nice it's a good little bus is on copper what  i'm seeing right now is a lot of clothes that's   what i'm seeing coming out here at this site is  just clothes after clothes don't get me wrong   this is good clothes but this is not hunting  for no sense no sense in filming this this   is not what we're hunting for if i see some  cool stuff i'm gonna pull it out for auction   stuff but for the most part this is just flea  market fluff clothes okay same thing close yep that's heavy i'm looking for that jewelry box i want it no this is just a junk it's just i don't even fendi reading glasses those are kind of  cool a lot of good reading glasses but hmm mess is all i could say one of the biggest  messes i've seen in a long time let me peel my way   out of here we got some cool stuff don't get me  wrong the dining table the couch set and the white   set are going on the internet those are great  those are going to be going facebook mark blade   well over a thousand dollars right there couch  shit's flawless this dresser said i'm not very   fond of it's already beat up we're taking that to  stockton all this clothes shoes etcetera stockton   these are going back in that's for the little  one to do math and we got some good stuff we   got a wardrobe full of great clothes we got this  one box right here full of great little things   a lot of gold a lot of silver this  box pays for the entire unit page for   the expense i promise there's over  450 where we paid 450 plus we paid   150 for uncle michael 100 for clint well anyway  we're like 700 here in expenses for the day   all together after the unit's said and done that  will pay for anyway let's get this all wrapped up that's what's left we'll pick up  tomorrow after the flea market this is my jewelry box that we're going to go  home and play with and make lots for the auction   to find out what's gold and this is the last  trip here let's go see what uncle michael has   accomplished weren't you a mover we're going to  build up here and then we're going to deck over   i'm and we came back to the stores to top  off with some of the stuff we sorted from   some of the previous videos we gotta get  the two dollars in one's already in isn't it
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 9,192
Rating: 4.8868685 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, as I bought an abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: 2O3XP8MkNg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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