Huge Family Horse Ranch | The Sims 4 Horse Ranch Speed Build

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hi guys welcome back to my YouTube channel and welcome back to Summer Sims 4 speedballing video or welcome to the channel if you are new here sit and stage video I'm going to be born in the brand new world of chestnut Bridge which is the latest world that we've got for The Sims 4. it came in the latest expansion pack which only came out a couple of days ago this Sims 4 horse ranch EP and I'm going to be building a huge and I mean really big family horse ranch so this house ended up having a three bedrooms and three bathrooms and it's built on a 50 by 50 lot now of course we just got a new expansion pack for The Sims 4 which is the Sims 4 horse ranch EP for future reference the expansion pack came out on Thursday evening for me it came out of six even though I didn't actually get my house in the back until like 10 pm at night but that is just due to my internet of low speed but the the pack came out uh like Thursday evening or Thursday depending on where you are in the world and yeah I'm doing this voiceover on Saturday so I've only had my has in the park for a few days but so far so very good like let me tell you like this expansion pack has just met my expectations and then just smashed it out the park so of course naturally the first thing that I did once I got my hands on the expansion pack which was basically come in Jump straight into an empty lot and basically just had had little brows all the new content that we got from this DLC I am so so happy with all the new build and buyer stuff from the horse ranch expansion pack I'm not even just saying this because it's new fresh content I genuinely think it might be it's some of the best build and buyer that we've got from any DLC ever it is so good and I don't think the thing is I don't even know what I was expecting but I wasn't expecting it to be this good if that makes any sense it is just the wooden textures on this furniture that we got in this game on all the wallpapers each is so absolutely just stunningly beautiful can't even describe it the new objects that we've got the swatches on them just it just even like the mesh of them they just look so they just look so good I'm just so so happy with all the build and buy stuff in this pack alone and then I've done a little tiny bit of gameplay I haven't properly dope dived into the actual proper foot on gameplay but for the little bit of gameplay that I have done I have been really having a lot of fun with this expansion pack and yeah I just I want you to do a build pretty much just showcasing everything we got within this new DLC and put it all into one and so yeah I am absolutely just in love for this build so I really hope you guys like it as well but anyway moving on from that and actually getting on and talking about what I'm doing right now so you can see that I've already come in and pretty much just already done the show of the house I'm already moving on and just start playing about some window placements and stuff like that but the actual main structure and the main the main body of the house is pretty much already done one thing that I did want to mention and kind of speak about is coming into this build I was in two minds because one part of me was like built ain't massive the ultimate all the new content in it just basically field almost like a show home for this new DLC and just basically a show home showing all the new items all the new gameplay features all the new furniture that was me on one hand but then on the other hand I was thinking well when I think of ranches and when I think of like a western horse ranch normally they seem to be like one-story houses and so come into this build originally in my mind I was thinking that I wasn't going to make it to be a two-story build but as soon as I started recording it just that went out the window and it ended up being an absolutely massive house but this way I was able to fit all the new content in the house somewhere so the actual house itself like I've mentioned it ends up having three bedrooms and three bathrooms there is also a kitchen with like a little dining room table in there then there is also like a separate dining room a lounge room then we also have a utility room and then a double garage which that's just like on the actual inside of the house itself we do also end up having like a little separate do you just call it a ranch like a horse ranch and I where the horses will live there is a separate building for them I didn't want to attach them to the house because something in my mind I just it felt weird if I would have had like the actual horse's house within my Sim's house does that make any sense but there ends up being a double garage and within the double garage we've got one of my new favorite gameplay objects I'm not joking your Sims can now make one of course I had to place it down to the field somewhere now one thing about me and if you maybe watch my content before or you've maybe like caught up in a few videos here and there you might have heard me talk about the nectar making in The Sims 3 Because I have literally said about this for years that I really wish that we can make wine or like make nectar in The Sims 4 because it was something that we could do in The Sims 3 from the world adventures expansion pack and I had so much fun doing it when I was a kid and I've said for literal years how much I would love something like that in The Sims 4. guess what we've got it in The Sims 4 I'm so excited honestly I'm not joking I'm probably just as excited about the the next making as what I am about the horses I know to a lot of people it probably doesn't even seem like that much of a big deal but the amount of houses that I built just in the past that I've said oh I'd love if I'd be able to have like a little like nectar making station or the amount of different houses that I've built to have wine cellars that aren't actually wine cellars but I kind of play pretend in my head because I wish we had something like that in The Sims 4 and now we've actually got the ability within the Sims 4 horse ranch expansion perks for your Sims to physically make one like your Sims will literally go into a bucket and stomp on some like grapes or apples or whatever they fancy and your Sims can now make a bottle of nectar I'm just so excited about it but yeah I end up placing it down into the double garage on the inside of this house and then on the outside of the house that ends up being I'm just gonna call it and refer to it as the horse's house because I feel like staying horse front all of the horses rant might be wrong I don't know but I feel like horses held is just you understand what I mean it's where the horses live but it ends up being one horse house on the exterior of this build and on the inside you can fit two horses within the actual the barn itself now something which I'm so so appreciative of with this expansion pack we can physically just place down the horses wherever you fancy like the thing is if you think back to other expansion perks like the court actually been DLC you have like cows and you have llamas but they're kind of tied to an animal shed I'm not sure if you're familiar with this expansion pack I'm so grateful that they weren't a completely different row and they didn't make us like have this one like certain looking object that the horses are tied to it's pretty much just like a hay bed you can place it down anywhere you can place it down like your kitchen if you fancy like you've really you have no restrictions from what I've seen anyway where you can close it down I'm just so happy with this with this just one small little detail because it opens up so many different possibilities for build because if you think about it whenever you're trying to build a farm in The Sims 4 it can be very tricky if you're trying to build a farm that's not in like a cottage style because previously we've got like cows and llamas tied to an animal shed that comes in one certain type of architecture it can be really hard to like fit into say for example a a Japanese Farm or something like that and you've got to try and find work around but yeah with the horses expansion pack they just gave us pretty much a hybrid you can plonk it wherever you want and I'm just I'm so so grateful that they did that but yeah in the horse's house that ends up being two of them so you can house at two horses that also ends up being like their little hay barrels and their watering station there's also like a few different toys started about outside there is it called a paddock I ain't got a cloak I think it's called a product it sounds right I feel like I should be calling it a paddock but basically the horses have got a front garden outside of their little house it pretty much ends up having the exact same items in their in their little gardens what it does on the inside of their house but the only difference is there's no hay bed outside I decided to put hay beds inside of course you could probably add some outside but then there might be any shelter for them and they're not feel really bad if I put a horse down and then it starts like chucking it down around or something but there is enough space to add more more hay beds if you fancy but yeah it ends up being a few more different like hay stations watering stations bouncy balls also end up placing down little chicken coop into the horse's front garden as well which I don't know if that's realistically a good choice or not I don't know in real life I'm not sure if chickens and horses go on Jumpman I I I'm not a horsey person in real life I have no idea how them two animals interact with each other but in The Sims I feel like they should probably be all right so there is like a little chicken coop in the kind of like the horse's front gone the horse's Paddock I basically when I was building this house I was thinking well me personally when it comes around to exploring the gameplay and exploring this expansion pack what kind of things would I want to play with what kind of things would I want to do if my Sims do just happen to live on a ranch and one of the things was okay well obviously I want there to be horses but then I want there to be other kind of animals as well and so I thought oh chicken coop that's look perfect small object it kind of fits into ranch life and maybe like some sustainable living that also ends up being a vegetable patch as well in this in this lot you can see it just kind of on the right hand side of the animals house like the horse's house that ends up being at plenty of planters for your Sims to grow all on like fruits and vegetables and herbs and stuff and then in terms of the horses that also ends up being kind of like a little a practice run I'm going to term it as a practice run I think that is the the correct way to say but basically your Sims on their horses they can do all these different jumps they can walk around barrels and all these different things in this new expansion pack and I just want you to include one somewhere in this house where it is one of the biggest Lots not only in the world but also in the game I want to make sure to include one of them kind of interactable things for horses and so yeah I just place it down on the right hand side I kind of built this house in a bit of a a puzzle way to start off with which basically what I did is I built the actual structure of the house and then once I've got the structure down I was happy with it and I did the windows and the doors and you know all the bits and books like that I then started figuring out okay well how was the actual outside of the house gonna look like how was the goal gonna look is there going to be enough space to have a vegetable patch is it going to be enough space to do this and do that and so on and so forth so to kind of like start off and kind of like the first like few minutes I basically plonked down some fences and tried to fence off different areas and then once I was happy with all the different placements for like the horse's house the vegetable patch the practice run once I was happy with the placements for her that's when I come in and start decorating them I was just basically placing them down as kind of like a reference for my future self when it comes around to actually Furnishing them if that makes any sense whatsoever but you can see that I'm currently just going around and just doing it some Sarang painting now let me tell you the terrain painting on this one alone was such a process I Must Have Spent probably about 45 minutes at just figuring out what terrain paint color I wanted to use because I was so indecisive on the overall look of the terrain because the thing is where I'm building this section of the world of Chestnut Ridge it's kind of like a a desert there's a lot of sand there's literally a cliff next to the house I mean you can just about see the cliff but there is a lot of terrain it that I am not too familiar with when it comes around to building and so I didn't know what kind of terrain paint color I wanted to go for so you would have seen I basically went through phases of picking the terrain paint picking the color putting the color all over on the floor and then I decided to change my mind but that process happened about three times so originally when I started off by doing the train paint I basically plonked down some mud we got a new Mud terrain up from the new expansion pack I used that on the majority a lot kind of mapped out it's kind of like a little bit of a guide for myself okay I want terrain paint in these different areas but then I didn't like the look of the mod so then I've placed down at this base game to remain pain which is kind of like these little tiny Pebbles and it's ever so slightly that these tiny little bits of grass in them a place that over the top of the mud but then we've placing down this pathway on top of a mud it made the path so much darker than what it originally is but I'd already mapped out the way that I wanted the terrain points look so then I ended up combining another terrain plane which is one from the growing together no not ground together the get-together the expansion pack it's kind of like this really light rain path I then placed down that on top of the base game one you can still see the base game one in some like smaller increments but then this way it was kind of like a little bit of a happy accident but it made it look a little bit more dimensional because sometimes I find when I place down terrain paint in the game it can just look very flat it doesn't look like it's got much depth to it if you're just using this one terrain phone all over on especially like a massive Rod like this one and so with having like different layers of the terrain paint it just kind of made it look a little bit more 3D and I'm really happy with the terrain paint in the end but yeah it definitely went through its processes if we're actually getting it to this point because I was just so indecisive of what color I wanted it to be what shape I want it to be I also end up placing down some mud in like some certain sections to make it look like cars and trucks have drove on the pathway they've got like model dirt on their tires and they've kind of like brought it in into the actual lot itself so I placed down some like mud terrain in kind of like a circle motion around the wishing Wellness Center and then I kind of LED that to the garages around the side I really do like it but yeah like I said it was definitely a process for this one but you can see that I've now moved on and I've started going around and just doing the Landscaping it for this build now I feel like it's very important to know this out because you've probably noticed it if not you're probably going to notice it now but if you were to look at my catalog right now I'm very much aware that it looks like an absolute massive just mumbo jumbo of stuff the UI is completely broken and everything's just not in its correct place it just it's a big mess to say the least I want to clarify that this is not a part of the whole front expansion pack like don't worry you're not going to download the the new EP and this is going to happen to you basically when I was building this I re-added a mod that was outdated with a broken new eye back into my game which I did on purpose but it was just so I could do some Landscaping which sounds very backwards I'm very much aware but basically I am someone that uses the better build by mod by Twisted Maxi I honestly I swear by this mod it is my absolute number one favorite mod of all time and when I do not have it in my game I actually I I can't function properly I don't know what I'm doing like the actual the mod itself is such a key part of building to me now I physically struggle to build without it but when I was building this it was probably around about 3 A.M 4 a.m on a Friday morning and the the bit of build wire mod was yet to be updated but what happens is when you have mods in your game that are broken and you get such a huge patch update like the one that we've just got it does end up breaking UI mods and just mods in general but I basically cannot build without without the Better Built by mod and so I basically decided I know I can't see the menu that properly right now but I feel pretty confident in my in my knowledge of remembering everything in the menu of where it's meant to be so basically even though the mod was broken I added the mod back into my game so I could freely place down at live edit and debug menu items when I was Landscaping this build also want to know that don't worry it's not going to stay like this throughout the rest of the build this was pretty much just when I was doing the exterior because once I had basically got the lock to a point where I was happy with all the placement of things I left out enough guides myself like the Landscaping I knew where everything was going to go I then decided to exit my game re-addin at this broken mod which sounds really backwards I know I'm very much aware of it but I re-edited it back in because I'm someone that I really struggled to landscape without the live edit and the debug plants in the game because although we do have some really nice bushes and trees and and just general like shrubs in the normal building bar for the game and not like the debug ones I know I'm so used and just so prone to the more detailed ones that we've got from live edit menu that whenever I place down a shrub that isn't as detailed I just look at it and I think it's not really as good as it and so I just basically added in a broken mod into my game just so I could place down a few different trays and a few different shrubs but I actually it was all right I didn't really run into any problems one problem that I did run into which I actually managed to find a work around is I just couldn't find the flooring because it was look I know currently I'm just placing down some lanterns but if you just look at my like my build catalog but you normally find like the wallpaper on the floor and stuff the flooring option complete disappeared don't know where she went like she's completely disappeared but I managed to find a workaround which was I just used the little like eye dropper tool onto the flooring and then it bought up the menu anyway but in terms of actually placing down the Landscaping yeah I pretty much just added in it the better build by mod so then I could have access to all the different live edit plants and trees and disrupts in the world and then I wouldn't have to be really restricted into just using the handful of ones that we've got from like the normal game because the thing is as well when I was building this house I did want to build it for my save file and this is going to be my save file and I know if I was to use like the normal plants and stuff and I was to fully do it I knew that I would probably end up loving it as well but I wouldn't have loved it as much because I couldn't go into that much detail and not even just like Landscaping purposes but for other purposes like live idiots sacks of potatoes and live edit like watering hands and like little tiny details like that like little tiny grass clumps little bits and Bobs right like the tiny little details is one of the things I enjoy most about building The Sims 4 and when I don't have access to them them I feel like I've just lost my arm and so I needed to have them in my game and yeah the menu doesn't stay like this throughout the rest of the build don't worry as soon as I move on into the inside of the house I remove it because I no longer needed it but yeah if you're wondering what is happening with my UI like I said don't be scared it is not the expansion pack is me it was a me problem I did it to myself but it was worth it because then that way I could just freely landscape and freely place down live edit menu items and debug menu items and not have to search through a massive catalog of things just named debug hopefully that makes sense but anyway move on from that as you can see I'm just going around and placing down a few different like little rocks that we've got from the new expansion pack placing down a few different like shrubs here and there something that you might notice is I keep on pulling out brooms from my library now I want you to explain this because it's actually a really handy trick so going back to the better build by mod I promise it is relevant but with this mod I added it back in and it was outdated one because it completely messed up happy one of my game you know you can see the absolute kerfuffle that is on my screen right now on the bottom left-hand side is just there is like park benches in the roof there is like chairs randomly next to a fountain like it's just all a bit ski riff but in the process of re-adding the build by mod back into my catalog it has the older packs there aren't no DLCs attached to it but it hadn't been updated for all the new content that we've got from in the horse ranch expansion pack so every single expansion pack or every single DLC that we've got in The Sims 4 it has certain like debug items it has certain like live edit items for example if you think about realm of magic you can find like all the different brooms and all the different ones and all the different familiars within the debug menu for that game pack but where I was playing it with an outdated version of The Mod the mod hadn't been updated to categorize all the new live edit and all the new debug items from the horse ranch expansion pack and so basically I did my little trick which I have done this a good few times before but basically before I came in and I started recording I basically just went through the debug menu in the live edit menu without the bit of build by mod installed into my game so I it was all uncategorized it was all a little bit like all over the place basically but what I did is I went through the debug and the live edit menu I filtered by the horse ranch expansion pack so then I could see all the new content that comes behind these cheats I then basically found all the different items that I thought I might want to use in this build and I plonked them into little rooms I then saved the rooms to my library and then I basically had access to them even if I didn't have the cheat installed into my game or I hadn't activated the cheat now like I said I've done this before I did this with you know the cottage driven expansion pack when that first came out I did it then and I actually uploaded these saved rooms onto my gallery so if you ever want some like cottage living live edit stuff or debug stuff maybe or someone that plays on Console or something I have uploaded these previously onto my gallery but yeah I basically just created these little these little rooms for myself for when it came around to actually record him that had like different shrubs in and then summer had all the different like new trucks that we got some had like horsey related stuffs then we have like you know like a little horse broom and like just little bits and Bobs are basically stuff that would have come in the debug menu and the live edit menu from the horse ranch expansion pack but I just basically categorized them into different rooms saved into my library and then exited the game then the cheat kind of like disappeared but then once I go back into my game even though I hadn't turned on the show hidden objects 2 or the show live edit objects cheat where I saved all of them items into a room in my library I still had access to them I can't even like begin to tell you how useful it'll be even in like situations like this like I was still using the normal kind of like live edit menu in the normal debug menu so I still had access to say for example you know the get together expansion pack I still had access to all that live edit menu but where I'd created all these little different separate rooms with all these like horsey bits and Bobs I then had access to them as well and they were kind of semi categorized honestly super handy and it really does help when it comes around to doing builds like this where you haven't got access to mods like the better build buyer if you are interested let me know and I can upload my little rooms that I've created onto the gallery like I said I've done it previously before for the cottage living expansion pack I created rooms that have like fences in and some of them have like sheds I used a shed in this building if you noticed it it was by the right hand back side a lot you know we're a place down like thin garage doors and I'll place down some trucks in front of it well I found like a debug shed within the horse ranch expansion perk I think it's a live edit menu I plonked that down I saved it to my room previously and then when I was looking for like different objects and decorations to kind of like furnish and just decorate the exterior it really came in handy but yeah let me know if you are interested in me uploading like my little saved films I might once I actually re get the bitable by mod once it's updated and I've got it in my game which I think it is now actually been updated but if you want to I can create some more more customizable a little bit more like better rooms the rooms that I created were very slap Dash now I only had a handful of different objects to work with but they really did come handy when it came around to doing this build like one example you'll see it when I was doing the Landscaping I kept on pulling this little room out that had these kind of little little tiny red flowers in them because I used them all over this building Landscaping you can see that I've kind of like moved over to the back porch of the house but you can see them little tiny red flowers I pulled them out from one of my little saved rooms honestly super handy and if there's one thing that I can recommend when doing like a build they're like this and you want to use so many different live edit objects and maybe you're someone that plays on Console or maybe you're someone that doesn't like to play with mods that often try just making these little rooms and you'll figure yourself honestly they will thank you for it but anyway moving on from that and actually getting back and talking about what I'm doing right now so you can see that I have it pretty much finished up the majority of the front garden I'm surely going to move over and start Furnishing the inside of little like horse's house but you would quickly just see me do like the back porch area so on the back porch itself I end up placing down a few different like little seating areas we've got one that's kind of like a little bench it's got some cushions on it also got like a little tea set so you'll see some go out there and like brew a cup of tea and then they can sit on the little sofa and just like look out onto the view I purposely didn't fence in the whole entire back on because where I'm building it's quite a secluded area and I didn't want to have like a really big fence like covering kind of like the natural landscape around it because if your Sims live here they haven't got a direct neighbor like next door like if they can come downstairs and like a towel and it'll be all right like No One's Gonna see them and so I didn't want to like fully fence in the whole entire house and so yeah your Sims can like sit a little sofa and drink a cup of tea there is also like a little chest tape out there a few different Planters a few new rocking chairs which the rocking chairs that we've got in this park are so adorable I can't even put it into words because the thing is we've had rocking chairs previously from different in The Sims 4. but they haven't been the rocking chair that I've always pictured in my mind because me personally when I think of a rocking chair I'm thinking of a really classic old little rustic wooden rocking chain or maybe I'm like a pill or a blanket on it or something like that previously we've got two different versions of a rocking chair or like two different DLCs that gave us rocking chairs in the game we first got introduced to a rocking chair from the Nifty knitting stuff pack and we got four versions of a rocking chair pretty much all the same thing but like one of them's got a pillow on it and then there's a version that's got arms and there's a version that hasn't got arms well basically the the color swatches on these Nifty knitting rocking chairs aren't exactly my preference they're not my cup of tea they're very you know the orangey wood that the Sims team went for a proper phase of loving in the same sort they're very much associated with that like orangey wood I think there's like a white a black and then like bright colors as well normally when I place them down into my builds I'm not gonna I'm not gonna sway towards like the bright orange you would then we got introduced to some North rocking chairs from the uh growing together expansion pack which I do also still really like but they're a little bit more like softer rocking chairs they're ones that you can place down as like your front room they're a little bit more like comfy looking they look like they've got some sort of like cushion or like some sort of like soft Furniture we haven't had a classic rocking chair with the new expansion pack we've got two new versions of a rocking chair and I use the version there's got this tiny little pillow on it and it's just it's honestly so adorable also before I move on I start thinking about what I'm doing right now I painted the ceiling on the porch and it was my first time painting a ceiling in the game because if you're not aware Tuesday of this week so basically a few days ago we've got an update to The Sims 4 we can now paint ceilings I honestly right at first I was like it's not gonna be that game changing no it's very Game Changer honestly the screenshots for this house just bring me so much pure happiness and excitement because I no longer have this like off-white kind of gray ceiling ruining my screenshots the screenshots of this house are just so pretty and what makes it is the fact that we can now paint ceilings but I started by painting the ceilings on that little porch area and it just made me so so happy I was just beaming once the poking the ceiling and then I could see that the ceiling and then the balls and then the floor it all kind of like combined into one and it just it just looks so cool and I'm just I'm so happy we've now got this feature in the game I honestly didn't think it would be as game changing as what it actually ends up being but I think of all the different possibilities think about like when you paint like a nightclub paint the night when you build a nightclub in the game sometimes you have like really dark walls in a nightclub because I mean you're not going to have like bright pink walls in a nightclub and I mean it might do but I mean I've never personally been in one like that but if you was to go and you used to build something like that and then you take screenshots of it a lot of the time you've just got like a really just off-white gray ceiling just rolling your screenshots and now you can paint the ceilings whatever color you fancy whatever color that you've got in your floor room you can you can paint and it's just it made me so happy but anyway besides the point as you want to see it I'll just quickly did it the little horse ranch inside Area honestly didn't really know how to how to furnish it because I've never been in like a stable that's the word that I was looking for stable well anyway the horse is stable I quickly decorated it I placed down some like tears onto the wall some little scratches little bumps here and there also plays down a bunch of different like hay on the floor and now as you can see I've now moved on into the inside of this house quickly just did the like little entrance hallway but I've moved over and I've started Furnishing the kitchen I can't even begin to express how much I just love this kitchen it is probably one of my favorite kitchens I've ever done and I know I've said that before in the past but this tops it this is I know it seems so simple but there is just something about this kitchen that just brings me so much happiness and just fills me so much excitement and the screenshots as well for the kitchen they're just they're just so pretty look I'm just the screenshots of this house just you know I'm just obsessed with mainly because we now have painted ceilings and you can really get the kind of like Western you feel that you're trying to go for but the kitchen I'm just I love the new counters I just love all the new like decorative pieces that we've got I don't know if you've seen it but in this new like horse ranch DLC we've got like this wall decoration which ends up having like pots and pans kind of like hanging off it we've finally got like a new updated version of it because previously we'd only really had one item like that in the game and it was an object that is from base game but now we've got one from the horse ranch expansion pack and where it's from a newer DLC or it's like not from the base game it's so much more detailed and just like the mesh of the item just looks so nice I haven't placed it down in the kitchen yet but I will get around to placing it down in a little while but then also in terms of like the kitchen cutter we've got like random little pops of like spatulas and spoons and stuff we've also got individual plates now which you can stack you can stack as high as you want and then we also got these little kind of like oh I can't think of the word that they're called but like iron pots I know they've got a name but I can't think of what they're called but we've got some of them in the game and you would have seen I basically placed one down and then I basically went back into gameplay mode because I have the tool mod installed as I'm doing this but where I don't have the bitable I'm already installed as I've moved on into the Furnishing I couldn't access tool in build by mode and so in live edit mode I basically got another one of these little like metal iron pots and I rotated it and I made it a little bit smaller so it looks like these pots are being stacked upon each other also got some really new beautiful like flower plant decorations I place them down next to the little Pops that I was talking about but I am so obsessed with the plants in this pack they're just so pretty you know like a like a water pitcher that you'd normally like pour water form like an iron one we've got some of them but then they made them into plant pots and then some of them have like a lavender coming out of them some of them have like some sort of like blossoms we have bigger ones smaller ones I'm just absolutely just obsessed and so in love with the new plants that we call in this new part that I think I'm probably going to use them in every single build going forward and if you didn't manage to catch it when I would place them down into the kitchen don't worry because I definitely place them down a few more times in this house I was just I was so obsessed with them but if you didn't manage to catch it I mean I've got one on the table in the kitchen can just about sit on the left-hand side but if you didn't manage to catch it don't worry because I'm going to end up placing them down throughout the whole entire house I was just so obsessed with these new plants they just they're just so pretty but we've got so many new objects I'm just so happy with in this DLC and like I said at the start of this video I truly do think this is probably like one of the best build and buy customers that you've got from any DLC ever just because the quality of the objects and the swatches of the objects one the swatches make it so usable you can use these in so many different scenarios so many different interiors and in just so many different types of builds I know that I'm definitely going to get my use out of this purchase because for starters the the catalog itself is absolutely collateral there is so many different objects in the pack itself like the actual build by items they there is so many I couldn't even count but not only that just like the quality and the mesh of them it's just it's just so pretty and it's just I just I'm absolutely in love and I'm just in absolute or if anything from this whole entire back but also in the kitchen if you would have seen I did also place down one of the new dining room tables that we got from the DLC the one that I've placed down is the little round one and then I'll place down at one set of the chairs so in the kitchen I was trying to make it feel like it's kind of like the breakfast room as well it's kind of look like The Breakfast Table so I was picturing your Sims to be able to you know eat their breakfast there maybe like have a bite of lunch or something but when they have like their fancy dinners or like they sit down of an evening as a family if that does ever happen in your game can never get myself to do that but if it does happen in your game I imagine that there is a more like formal dining room which we'll move on to shortly that has some more Larry chairs and you'll see what I mean move on to it but I'm absolutely obsessed with them but currently you can see them just going around and just Furnishing the inside of the lounge room so going back to the quality of the items the quality of these chairs I just I can't go over like the sofas and the armchairs they're just so good and they come in so many lovely swatches I had such a hard time trying to pick and trying to decide what Swatch of the sofa to go for I think I ended up settling on maybe just like the default Swatch of the sofa but I think why I love this packs build and buy a catalog so much and just why I'm just gushing over this whole entire park in general is because you know normally with a lot of different DLCs in The Sims 4 we get a lot of different Furniture Swatch options we've got a lot of different color ranges but I'm not gonna lie to you half the time I don't even touch office watches because the amount of times you've got some really lovely sofas but they come in like bright orange or bright blue or just like a really bizarre color that doesn't match the interior of the house I want to decorate I feel like a lot of swatches from a lot of different items from loads of different DLCs a very particular swatches I feel like you would use in a particular kind of settings whereas the horse ranch build and bike catalog there is so many neutrals I want to cry and it just it makes me so happy and that's just why I'm so obsessive it but you can see in the lounge room I also placed down the new fireplace I kind of like pre-place it down because when I was coming in and I was figuring out like the wallpaper from the flooring I just want you to see if it matched with like the the chimney on the exterior because I always try and like to see if I can line up my fireplaces on the interior with the exterior chimney and it pretty much lined up perfectly which I was really happy about but you know I pre-placed that down before I moved on into it also in the lounge room we've got a new standard piano which the standing piano for starters it's really really chunky don't get me wrong love it but it's very chunk a lot I had a bit of a toss trying to clutter at the top of it because I wanted to feel very loved in this house I wanted it to feel like Sims have been living here for some duration of time and they haven't just moved in like I wanted there to be little small realistic touches here and there but yeah we've got a new standard piano again it comes in some really nice swatches which I'm just so grateful for but now as you can see I've now moved over into the more formal dining room and this is where I use some quiet Larry chairs now I feel like these chairs are very much going to be a Marmite situation now what I mean by a Marmite situation is I feel like you're either gonna love these chairs and you're gonna be as obsessed with them as maybe what I am or you're not gonna like them and you're gonna think they're quite ugly I personally think they're just so beautiful and just so unique and I was so excited when I saw these Nicola for the first time honestly I I nearly jumped off my chair because I can't believe we've got something like this in The Sims 4 don't get me wrong it's not the first time they've introduced and animal print into the game we have a lot of different animal print of different items in the game like beds and sofas and stuff from different DLCs the animal print that we've already got in the game is the one that we've got from the get famous expansion pack and it's an animal print which I'm not particularly fond of it's like pink and black cheetah print or you know just like tiger print in like bizarre colors like love the animal print not a fan of the color swatches but the swatches of them dining room chairs they're so good and there's so many different options as well I really didn't know which one to go for but in the end I went through a like a kind of like a brownie and like a black kind of Swatch on the actual cowl print pattern itself now we do have two new dining room tables like I said I used one in the kitchen as kind of like a little breakfast table but then we also do have one or three tall long table as well which I am not I'm not I don't dislike it but I found it quite hard to try and match along with the chairs I wanted to use and so I didn't end up using it I ended up using the one that we got from the jungle Adventure sure game pack I was debating using the one that we got from my wedding stories because the one that we got from the my wedding stories game part it's kind of like a bit of a cloth over the top of the table which I really enjoy them small little details just because it looks so sweet and wholesome but I couldn't quite get the colors of the table from my wedding stories to match the chairs from this new DLC so yeah I decided to opt for one that came up from the jungle Adventure game perk but then also in the dining room I placed down some more like China cabinets and placed down kind of like a table in between them to make them look like a bit of a built-in feature a place down at some sort of like it looks like an old Wagon Wheel or something in the wall and then it also just crushed it up in inside the cabinets with like some more plates and just loads of random bits and Bobs but now you can see that I've now moved over into the garage and this is the room where your Sims can literally make a bottle of wine now I can probably understand that a lot of people are so baffled why I'm so happy and so obsessed and just as excited about Nook to making to horses trust me I get it like if I was she would probably be a little bit like all right it's not that exciting but for me this is honestly ground broken because the amount of times I have done builds like I said that I wanted to have like wine cellars or I've gone along the storyline of the Sim owns a bar downtown and they make one in their basement and previously I've literally just placed down this like wall decoration that we got from I think it's the dine out game pack and it's basically just a a shelving unit that's got loads of different wine bottles and I always say oh it's like where they make their whitest where they store their wine now we can actually do it and it just it brings me so much happiness it brings me so much to it but you can see that I've placed down the nectar making station kind of like towards the garage doors and then behind it we've got all these kind of like modular almost like shelving units now these also came with a new DLC and basically your Sims can store wine in these units so you can basically plop a little bottle in there and then it will physically appear in the in the Shelf we need it itself which I really like because sometimes in different like areas of the game you might do do something and it might change an object but there's no physical difference the object itself you don't really know that there's something in there whereas now with this little nectar shelf thing you can put a bottle of wine in it and then it physically shows that in the game which it's a small little detail but I really like that detail also I have heard through the grapevine no pun intended actually that that was generally a mistake I didn't actually mean to do that but I've heard from the group one apparently if you place down at these into a basement it makes the wine age better or faster which love that love small little details that's really honestly just makes me so happy and it just makes me just want to bounce off the walls I'm just I'm so obsessed with nature making the Sims 4 and I know a lot of people probably don't understand it because it might seem like such a small feature but for me it was something that I played with pretty much every single day growing up playing The Sims 3 World Adventures and I'm just happy that I can basically relive my childhood now in The Sims 4 but also in the garage I've placed down like loads of different like decorative barrels there's those different like storage covers using like storage boxes I placed down some extra like hay barrels which normally the horses would fade from but I was thinking they'll like back up once you know you're not going to have all of the the hay barrels outside you might have like one that maybe comes out every so often maybe like when one's dirty kind of like switch them out and replace him so I put some like spare looking items if you want to put it that way into the garage as well also plays down a few different bikes a few different like clothing units I was thinking that's where they keep all of like their riding gear or something I also placed one of them down into the kitchen as well which originally when I placed it down I was thinking it's a bit weird that you've literally got a wardrobe in your kitchen because it's literally a wardrobe like your Sims can change their clothes they can do everything that they would do at normal wardrobe within that little like shelf in you they're clothes hanging off it but I place it down to the kitchen and I was thinking maybe the kitchen can kind of double up to be a little bit of a bit of a mud room or something the clothes that are placed down by the way again from the DLC this is new content but it's kind of like cowboy outfits it's just love the small detail house but anyway moving on from that as you would have seen I just quickly did the downstairs utility room so there is a washing machine and a tumble dryer in this house but then also on the outside that ends up being a wash tub and then also like a laundry line so your Sims can you know wash their clothes and little wash tub and then they can hang it out on the line and you can dry in the sunshine which I just love having that little feature in my feels I always do it in my personal gameplay as well just because I prefer personally getting my Sims to hang the washing out online rather than just shoving it in the in the dryer I don't know if it's just a preference thing or maybe it's just an English thing we don't really use dryers in the UK and so you just always hang it out online or if it's raining you have one of the little things on the inside but if by besides the point there is a utility room in this house which means this house does have laundry if you don't want to play with laundry in your game you can definitely just replace the washing machine in the tumble dryer maybe like a bathtub and then make it into maybe an extra bathroom but now as you can see I've now moved on to the upstairs portion of the build and I'm currently going around and just doing the hallway so in the hallway itself I placed down a few different like little seating areas by like the staircase they also ended up being like a little toy box I placed down one from the Parenthood game pack it's kind of like outside the kids rooms because the way that I decorated the bedrooms in this house there is a room for a set of parents of room for a kid and then a room for the infant and I was thinking the little toy box outside is like the kids toys and it's kind of like where they collectively keep all of their stuff and whatnot but you really quickly seen as well I did just do one of the bathrooms now like I mentioned there is three bathrooms in this house like always though I only ever showed the furniture for one but there is one ensuite of the parents room the one that I showed you which is kind of like the main bathroom and there is also a tiny little bathroom downstairs the bathroom downstairs is pretty much like a half bathroom because it only has a toilet and a sink in whereas the other ones have like the ensuite has a bathtub and then the main bathroom which I just showed you has one of the new fancy showers which I'm not gonna lie to you I don't know how often I'm gonna use a new shower that we've got for the DLC because it is very particular I will say that I appreciate it though because imagine if you've got a sin that absolutely lives and Brews horses they can have a shower curtain that's got horses on it or like cool shoes on it which I do appreciate it I don't know how much I'm gonna use it but where I was just trying to Showcase everything in this build I did decide to plop it down into the bathroom we also did get a new bathtub as well but I decided not to use a new bathtub because the new bathtub is it's completely wooden and I didn't I just didn't feel like it fitted for this house but I still appreciate it it's still really pretty object but either way as you can see I've now moved over and I've started Furnishing at one of the first bedrooms which is the infant's room ironically I say that and I've actually just finished off the room but in the infants room I use one of the new rugs that we got from this new DLC which is so adorable I could not even put it into words I don't know if you would have called it but we've got this new rug and it's got these little sheep on it and it is just the nicest thing I think I've ever seen at front infant in the game ever it is just so pretty we don't really have that many like infant objects or like infant gameplay objects from this DLC if any but you've got a lot of objects that you can tie into influence rooms like the rocking chair that also plays down into their room I place down this really pretty painting above the crib which I did want to mention because I know someone's gonna someone's gonna say about it but normally when it comes around to Furnishing influence rooms in in my Sims build I normally like to not put anything near the crib in terms of like all decorations like a wool decal that's fine but you know like a painting above a crib normally it's a no-go for me because in real life you cannot have a painting above a crib because what about if the painting falls off did you get a moonlight so I'm in my Sims build I never do it but the thing is when I was decorating the infants room I found this Swatch of this painting which has a horse in it a sheep and a goat it was the most perfect painting for the room because when it came around to decorate in the bedrooms I tried to decorate the infant's room to be like a sheep theme and then the kids bedroom to be more like a whole skill kind of theme but I found this painting and it was so perfect perfect and like the the picture frame just tied into the color scheme for that room but the thing is I wanted you to be able to see it in gameplay and if I were to place down that painting on another wall if you're playing like half or up half or down mode it would have disappeared and just knowing that you would have been able to see it in gameplay just kind of it it made me place it down above the crib if you don't like it and you don't think it's very realistic which granted it's not very realistic and please do not do that in real life it was just such a pretty painting and I really wanted it to be almost like a focus point in that room so yeah I placed that down to the ball but you can see that I've now moved over and we're currently going in and decorating the whole skill bedroom so in here I use one of the new beds that they've got from the DLC we've got three single beds and then two double beds there is a double version of the bed that I've used I was having a little bit of a hard time trying to figure out which bed Swatch to go from like what kind of like oval color scheme I wanted to go for in this room and so you would have seen eventually I ended up swatching swatching I ended up switching out the wallpapers from the toddish room and then the kids room and kind of like switched around the wallpapers so then that way there was kind of like a more of a blank canvas because originally going into the kids room I had like this bright red wallpaper and I just I was having a really hard time trying to match the the bedroom covers to it but you can see that I've now moved over into the last room which is the parents bedroom this bedroom brings me so much happiness I can't even tell you the screenshots of this room some of my favorite screenshots I've taken in such a long time but I could say that for the whole entire house and I'm pretty sure I have said that for this entire house because I'm just so obsessed with every single small little detail in this house and just all the objects and just they're just so good at the mesh of them the quality of them the coloring of them it just it makes me so happy but in this room I use one of the new beds and they're also placed down a little ottoman on kind of like the edge of it I use the ottoman in that Larry kind of like Marmite Swatch that I use the dining room chairs in downstairs because I'm just such a big fan of it and I feel like a lot of people are either going to love this Swatch or they're really not gonna like this watch I just I just think it's just so cool and unique to this expansion pack and so yeah I'm gonna see if I can try and figure out how I can place this down as my normal builds but in this room as well I end up placing down at Summit get together wardrobes also ends up being like a little TV unit I put a little like retro TV on the TV cabinet that ends up being another little like separate wardrobe with a mirror and then a bookcase and that is pretty much it so anyway guys I'm gonna go ahead and end this voice over right here as always you can download this build of via the gallery my gallery ID is Jessica pie YT which is a search for the hashtag Jessica pie YT or just the hashtag disco Pie as always thank you guys so much for watching this video and as always if you do like more content then please subscribe and hopefully I will see you in my next Sims 4 speedballing video bye guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Jessicapie
Views: 126,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 house, sims 4 family home, sims 4 family house, sims 4 save file, sims 4 generations, sims 4, jessicapie, jessicapieyt, sims 4 big family house, the sims, sims, sims 4 build, big family home, the sims 4 speed build, sims 4 farm, sims 4 huge farm, sims 4 family farm, sims 4 horse ranch, sims 4 horse ranch build, sims 4 ranch build, sims 4 horses, sims 4 horse stables, sims 4 family ranch, sims 4 big family ranch, sims 4 big horse ranch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 28sec (3088 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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