building in the sims but each room is a *different* pack

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I am going to attempt an extremely  chaotic build challenge today. I'm going to build the shell of a house and  then spin a wheel to determine what pack to   use to decorate each room which maybe doesn't  sound that bad, but just imagine for a second   if I'm trying to furnish the kitchen and then  I get forced to only use the Star Wars pack. So depending on what the wheel  gives us, this could go really,   really well, or it could be a complete disaster. And that is kind of out of our control so let  me show you the wheel that we've got today. I made a wheel that has literally  every single pack on it. When I've done this in the past, I've done  just expansion packs or just stuff packs,   but today I thought I would just  put all of them and see how it goes. The only thing is that I didn't put any kits,  I thought about it, but then it was kind of   getting to be too much so let me know if we  should try this again with just kits next time. I am totally down to do a video  where every room's a different kit,   but for today it's just every  room's a different pack. And when you think about it, kits barely count  as packs anyway because they're so small. But now we have to start thinking about  floor plan and these sorts of builds are   usually kind of weird, obviously, but  the floor plan tends to be a little   bit more closed off because we want  to have as many rooms as possible. So where I might normally make one big room that  has like the kitchen and the dining room together,   today we're going to split them so that  we can randomize for each room separately. Okay, so I'm thinking that I want to  start with like some sort of hallway. This will be like a front entryway. And then off to the side, maybe this  could become a nice big dining room. Perhaps this could be a living room. Oh,   and this might be cute because we  could have a big porch out front,   or maybe this is the dining room and this is  the living room because this room's bigger. That probably makes more sense. We can have a kitchen kind of off the dining room. I was thinking that this might  become a nice big bathroom and   then this could always be an office of some sort. Okay, this is getting kind of weird, I  started adding all these random shapes,   I don't know if this is a good thing or not. All right, you're going to have to just trust me  on this, but imagine we have a big living room,   this becomes an office, hallway,  hallway, dining room, kitchen, bathroom. So that's seven rooms downstairs  already and we're just getting started. Oh no, I thought maybe I could try and do  something kind of fancy with the exterior,   but in hindsight, this is maybe a bad idea. If you're going to build a house like  this, you kind of have to like plan ahead. You can't just like retrofit a roof  that looks like this onto a house. This isn't like absolutely terrible though,   right? I mean it's kind of bad, but  I've definitely done worse before. Okay, I think that maybe this will become  the kitchen instead, I've changed my mind. It's going to be like a  kitchen with a breakfast nook. We'll worry about that once  we start actually furnishing,   we don't need to worry about that right now. Okay, I can fit two bedrooms upstairs  which is not really that many bedrooms. I'm going to put another bedroom  and another bathroom downstairs,   this is going to be a bedroom now I've decided. Okay, this is our starting point and we  can always adjust the floor plan as we go,   we just needed to have a set  of rooms that we can use. And it's okay if it looks bad because the  house isn't going to be good anyway, right? Let's go ahead and spin and  we'll start with the kitchen,   I think, let's get the big scary ones over with. So for the kitchen, we are only going  to have access -- no, no, no, no. Okay, okay. For the kitchen, we only  have access to Tiny living. I feel like we can make that work.  There's not a kitchen set in Tiny Living,   but it does have a couple things  like we have this cute light. I have a table, I wasn't really planning on using  a bar height table, but I guess it has to happen. So that's a good starting point  for our little breakfast nook. We have a couple other things,  we have a cute mug rack sort of. I could always put a desk if we wanted  to, maybe I could get some of these. I don't know, we'll figure this out. We're going  to have to use a fair bit of base game to do it. Oh, and also I didn't clarify this,  but when I do this challenge I usually   just use base game windows and I put  the same windows and like archways   everywhere throughout the house because  that way there's at least some cohesion   because how do you decide what door  to use because it's in both rooms? So I just use base game stuff for it. Okay, so unfortunately there is  no kitchen set from Tiny Living   and that does really complicate  things, I'm not going to lie. I really, really wish that it had a kitchen set. I'm getting kind of nervous about this build now. I'm going to do what I can, I'm  thinking about using this dark   blue tile, and then I'll mix in some cabinetry. When I was planning this kitchen originally, I  had this vision and this hope that I would get   to use Dream Home Decorator for it and that  was really foolish of me because out of all   of this on the wheel, I had in my mind that I  was going to get Dream Home Decorator. Okay. There was an extremely low chance  of us getting anything that had any   sort of kitchen item so actually  I'd say it's kind of lucky that   even Tiny Living is what we got  because it has a table at least. I'm actually feeling kind of tempted to put  some bookshelves up against this back wall,   do these slot together or no? I don't think so, that's okay, I will slot them. But we can line that and it's some  nice storage in the breakfast nook. I'm probably going to want to get a trash  can so I can stick that right there. Tiny Living does have this really  cute tiny little little plant,   so maybe I could put that on that wall. Of course there's no wallpaper,  there's no flooring. Oh,   maybe I'll use this giant lamp,  does that feel like a bad idea? I don't really know. I'm putting any  clutter that I can find inside of this   even if it doesn't really match that well,  because you know what else we could get? This might be kind of nice. We could probably put   a small island just to like  fill in more of the room. It does make the kitchen kind of  square and I don't know if that's bad,   but I like how it fills it up a bit more. Okay, this tile has a little bit  of blue and a little bit of yellow,   emphasis on a little bit, but it is  something and then we could probably   put some yellow wallpaper around the rest  because it brings in more of the yellow. We need whatever sort of yellow  stuff we can get in this kitchen too,   just something that can kind  of bring the color over there. Because there's not much happening  here. Maybe this was bad,   maybe I should have just stuck to white. Perhaps it'd be better to  stick to like blue and beige. I'm kind of feeling like maybe  the base game doesn't have enough   to make this work, and I hate the white cabinets. I feel like it's so stark in a bad way. I really did not want to make  this into a blue suburban,   but I think the kitchen might have to be just  because of how little we have to work with. I think that actually looks a lot nicer, it just  -- it feels like it makes more sense in here now. I think unfortunately that might be  the best that I can do in the kitchen. Oh, look at that, there's like a little  coffee mug sort of thing, we can put that,   I think it's hot chocolate, but  it looks like a kitchen thing. I can get this cute little tray on the table. We could try and pretend that these  are cookbooks, those little items,   and that helps, we've got some  more clutter all from the pack. Okay, I think that might be the best that we  can do with the kitchen though unfortunately. That's sad because this pack would have  been real nice for like any other room type. I think I'm going to do the living  room next in this big open room. And for the living room, we  are going to have to use... Get to Work. Oh, interesting. I was going to get  really upset if it stopped on Home Chef Hustle. I haven't really used Get to Work  to furnish a house in a while,   there's a couple pretty decent things,  like look at this little table. This thing calls itself a lost pedestal, but  that might be kind of nice as a side table. We do also have some ability to maybe get like  a desk in here, we can use a coffee table. Maybe I'll stick the desk in this  corner with the chair next to it. I have this three wide sofa,  I don't think I can use that. I think I'll use this little two wide sofa. I'll put a couple chairs there,  we'll get a side table next to them. Ooh, sunflower art. You know what, that  might kind of give us some direction in here. We could also use the blinds,   but I don't know. This is the beauty of getting an  expansion pack, we have like so many more options. There's no rug, oh no. There's also flooring,  but it's like horrible linoleum, oh no! Do we have to use the flooring that it comes   with because I don't know if  I can bring myself to do that. Hold on, I have an idea about this TV.  Does this fit on here because if so,   this might be kind of cool to use like a  little TV stand, plus it has a shelf above it. I've never tried that as a TV stand  before. Oh, great. It's blue again. Oh no. Oh, oh, we do have a really nice lamp, that's  like my favorite lamp in the whole game. And we could get a nice ceiling  light too to kind of match with it. Um, the shelf options are probably not really  what we're going for, now that I think about it. I might build myself a little set of bookcases,  I don't know if this looks weird, I can't tell. Yeah, it looks weird. We could get a  third kind of chair and like put it   in the corner like this. There's also this  bookshelf, but this is a little bit fancier   than what we're really using so probably not that. I do have a Get to Work computer  so maybe I will put that one here. Um, this says have you seen these law breakers,  I think that's meant for the detective stuff,   but I'm just going to ignore it, I'll put it here. I really have to make a decision on whether or not  I'm allowed to use other flooring because I think   for the spirit of the challenge, we probably  should use the floors and walls that come with   the packs if they have them, but the problem is I  think if we do that, it'll turn out kind of ugly. Okay, we could at the very least  try try to use this like a rug in   the center of the room and I  don't think that's that bad. We don't have curtains in this  pack so I'm going to make my own. I did this in the kitchen too where  I took just like a base game curtain   and then I put a shelf on top  so it looks like a curtain rod. I'm just going to use a base game floor, I  think it's fine, I think we should be allowed. There are some nice things like I have this  little calendar, we've got a little box,   I don't think a box makes that much sense  for on top of a coffee table, but we can try. I need to remember that get to work has so  many nice pedestals because I always forget   about these and that actually looks pretty  good, you could use that as a TV stand. They're all just kind of classed weird,  like they're not really tagged underneath   the other console table sections so it's  really easy to forget that it's there. I might use a dark blue across all the walls  because that at least ties in the kitchen. I don't know, these two rooms feel like flops. I'm  trying to focus on just using Get to Work though. I know I could probably add  in some extra base game stuff,   but I feel like I should use  just Get to Work when I can. Let's move on. Let's move on and try and  do this hallway, like the front door entry. Oh wait, I should probably put a front door  and some windows in here before I forget. So for the hallway, we are going to be using... Seasons! That's actually pretty good,  I think Seasons has a couple   things that might work really well for  this, unfortunately we have no flooring. We do have wallpaper from Seasons. That's not  really what I was picturing myself using though. That's the only problem. I don't really  want to have that for my interior walls. We can use the Seasons railing which will be good. This is kind of what I was talking about, we have  this like really lovely little side table thing. I think that could work really nice here in  this room and we also have some lovely decor,   like look at this item. Inspiring. I'll use that somewhere, we could  probably get a little basket,   maybe they store their shoes  in the basket, we can pretend. They probably don't actually,  but again, we can pretend. We do also have a rug and it's a nice simple  rug so everything kind of fits with it. Oh my gosh, look at this coat rack item! Okay, I'm not really happy  about the colors on this. I feel like I kind of wish it came  in a swatch that I don't know,   matched everything else in the  house better, but that's fine. I put the little umbrella next  to it and maybe I could size   down the bookshelf and put it in the corner. Seasons does have a lamp so I  can put it on this little table. We have like kind of an orange  and blue thing going on,   I'm thinking about this stuff, but  we can try and bring some orange in. We start using random packs, it  still becomes a blue suburban.   It doesn't matter what I do, it's everywhere. Okay, I put a couple pictures on that wall,   I'm just thinking there's not really  that much else that we can put in here. Most of the other Seasons things are  really, really themed, and I don't know,   I guess I just think I don't really  want to have like a pumpkin in here. Maybe I could use this again, do you think  that's too much to have like two plants? I could probably get this little  trophy and I'm going to break out   a couple of base Game books just  to fill in the rest of the table. And I think that might be this  entry hallway done so from here,   you can get into what I think is going to be  the formal dining room, but I'm not sure yet. I haven't really decided. You can also access   the bathroom from this room and I know  that this is going to be the bathroom. So let's spin for the bathroom. No, no, no, no, no, no. Okay. Strangerville bathroom.  Strangerville has like nothing in it. Okay, I guess this is kind  of where things fall apart. I have been trying extremely hard to  take this seriously, but look at this. This is the shower that comes in Strangerville   and I feel like I have to use that,  like I think that's kind of the rule,   so does that mean the bathroom is going  to have like horrible stuff in it? I guess I could use that little toilet, is there  a wooden sink? There is a wooden sink but it's   from Laundry Day. Do you think that I can get  a free pass to use it or is that not allowed? I feel like the rule is base game, isn't it? Okay. I don't know what else to use, a lot of this  stuff is like laptops and lab equipment and we   can't very well put lab equipment in the bathroom,  so I think we might have to use mostly base game   from now on, but Strangerville, they don't even  have wallpaper -- oh no, they do have wallpaper. They have some dirty tile too,  okay, that helps. Maybe I can use   this Strangerville light so they have  only the weird wall lights in there. Do I use the metal on all the  walls? Maybe I do have to do that. Oh, they have stains, oh good,  okay, I can put some of those. And we could probably get like a nice cowplant  poster. Here, I'll get some good storage too,   it's not all bad. There, that is a  fully functional Strangerville bathroom. Oh no. Okay, well, I was going to try do  this hallway next behind the bathroom,   it's extremely small so we're not going  to be able to fit that much stuff in it,   but it looks like for this hallway, we have... Eco Lifestyle, oh, that's bad. I  don't want to get expansion packs   for these tiny rooms. It would be so  much better if I could use these to   furnish like actual large rooms like  a bedroom maybe, that would be nice. This is just the doorway to the backyard,  I don't need nice stuff for this. I guess we could just use a nice  big shelf like this in here. I'll put a plant in the corner. Oh,   this is maybe cheating, I just realized  though, I forgot to put the thermostat. We had Seasons for this room so I should put  it in the in the entryway just so we have one. I guess I'm putting a couple bits  of clutter onto this shelf and   there's not really much else that we can add in. I mean the room's basically full,  so I guess that's the hallway. I haven't fully decided on what  this room is going to be yet,   I'm thinking that I might make  this into a little office space. And maybe I will give us a second  bathroom just because our bathroom   from before didn't go that well, so maybe  I'll stick to the office vibes for this. I think it'd be nice to get a pack that  has some like fancy old furniture for this. Ohp, Get Famous, okay. Get Famous does have fancy old furniture,  I didn't really mean like that though. I wasn't really talking about stuff like this. You know what we could do instead is  have this kind of cool mid-century vibe,   that actually won't be that bad. We do have a nice rug that we can use. Get Famous is a good pack for  this, this is really lucky. Get Famous does not have a desk, but it  does have that more views video station. Oh boy, that is really tight,  hold on, let me scoot this over. I guess I'll put the desk in the back  and we can use this door over here. Oh my god, it like barely fits in  here. I had to rearrange everything. I feel like that's worth it. We also  have these certificates of completion,   I don't know what you completed, but okay. Maybe I can get a little toilet trophy too  for them. That's just a pedestal, okay. We do also have these really cool movie posters   and I think that's a really  fun thing to put in here. We could pretend this Sim was an actor  or something so they have all this stuff. We do have wood from this pack,   um, not really obsessed with how  that looks, but it'll do I guess. There is also wallpaper, same thing, not  extremely obsessed with how it looks, but   we could use it as like an accent wall on the back  and then just paint the rest of the walls white. Are there any shelves, like wall  shelves? No. What other sorts of   wall decor -- I guess they have props and stuff. Framed check? Oh cool, okay, let's use that. I also have this like little fancy helmet  thing, I guess we could put that down too. There's actually space for a couple  of trophies up there so maybe I'll put   both and then that might be the best  that we can do in this office space. I don't know if we can fit anything else. I'm going to spin for the bathroom next. Let's see   if we can get a better pack  for the next bathroom. Oh no. Vampires? Ugh. At least Vampires  actually has bathroom stuff. No, you know what, actually Vampires  is good for this because it has tile,   it's not tile that I like, but it has tile. And it also has a shower, it's  got a sink, it's got a toilet. So you know what, I will admit that  I did panic for a second there,   but I was wrong for that because  this actually is not that bad. Look, it even has a towel. We have curtains  too, but I don't know if I want to use them. Maybe I'll get this cute set of  vampire portraits on the wall. I don't think I want to put any cracks, I feel  like it's better just have it be nice in here. All right, this is what I've come up with,   I know it's simple but I think  it's the best that we can do. And now we're going to spin to  do the dining room right here,   and this is maybe actually a good time  to remind you that I have a creator code. So if you're buying any Sims packs,   you can use code lilsimsie at checkout  and I will earn a commission on the sale. There's currently a sale on the EA App. At checkout in the EA App, all you have to do  is put a creator code in this promo code box. It's not a discount code for you,   but it is a way for me to earn a little  bit of money off of your purchase. So I just thought I'd mention it real quick. And now let's spin and see what we get for the  dining room, so we will be using -- no, no, no! The Kids Room pack? Tor the dining room?  Oh my god, see, this is the problem. I made myself spin it first because  then I can't change my plan because   now that it's the Kids Room pack, this would  be such a cute place to put like a playroom,   but I said dining room. I said dining  room, so we have to do a dining room. There's no wallpaper, there's no flooring,   and there's no rugs from this pack  so that kind of complicates things. We do have a set of bookcases so that might  be kind of cute up against the back wall. Maybe I could use this little  table underneath the window. Oh,   we could use this, it could be  kind of like a beachy theme. Are any of these lanterns just plain? I  guess the white one might not be so bad. The white kind of fits the beachy  theme that we're going for anyway. Okay, this thing is not really the  same vibes as that beach thing,   but we're just going to make it work. I'm also going to get my little  custom curtains back again,   and then we have to get a dining table and I  think that we really need this dining table   to be bigger than the one that's in the  kitchen because otherwise it's pointless. Like why even have this separate room if you  can't at least sit more people around the table? But you know what, so far I don't actually think  this is that bad. I got my pretty lights there,   I've brightened the place up a little bit. I'm thinking about using this kind  of orangey color on the walls. Oh, we could get like some trim,  maybe we could do it in green. This is kind of nice, I mean it's not good,   it's the Kids Room pack, like  what are you supposed to do? I'm still trying really hard to make this not  that chaotic, like I'm trying really hard to   have this be at least somewhat reasonable  and I think that might be the best that I   can do because I don't know what else to add, at  least not from the base game, like it's so hard. So upstairs we have a little  hallway and then two more bedrooms. I guess I'll spin for the hallway  first if you want to even call it that. There's going to be like probably  one item in here, but that's okay. This hallway is going to be made out of... Ohp, so close, so close. City Living! Oh my gosh, that's  like right on the border. I guess if it says City  Living, we'll pick City Living. City Living has some wallpaper,   it's kind of like stinky wallpaper  though so that's a little bit sad. That's not really what I was hoping for, but  we could get some cute stripes just for fun. They also have flooring, but again, it's  kind of like stinky flooring so maybe I'll   use the same flooring from downstairs, but  we'll use the right City Living wallpaper. They do have flooring, but it's either really  shiny or like kind of stinky, and I don't really   want to use those so I might just use the base  game one and we'll use the City Living wallpaper. I'm thinking that a bookshelf or like some  sort of table up here might be kind of good. Oh, this is cute because it's like storage,   that makes sense to me. The kid  could like shove their backpack away. We do have some kind of nice artwork  that we could put on the walls too,   I just don't think that matches this wallpaper. Maybe I'll use a brick accent wall. I guess we  could do brick accent wall and then we could   have the City Living flooring, even though  I really, really, really do not want to. I guess I could use that. I don't think that's terrible, I mean  it's not good, but it's so small. I'm going to do this room I think as the  kids room so we'll spin for this one next. And in the kids room we will be  using... Ooh, the bowling pack. Okay, that's actually not that bad because  the bowling pack has some fun things. We have a rug that we could use and this  comes in some kind of funky patterns. We have some kind of cool  signs that we could put up. The kid maybe used to be a bowler or something so  they have, I don't know, bowling stuff in here. We even have a clock, oh, this  might be the best room so far. We even have a clock, this might actually  end up being the best room so far. So I'm kind of trying to go for  this like nice purple vibe in here. I'm going to pretend that this item is a dresser,   it's actually just a sideboard, but  we're going to say it's a dresser. There's not a bed in the bowling pack, obviously,   but we do have a couple base  game beds that might match. There's even a little lamp that  we can use on the side table. There aren't any curtains in the bowling pack,  I guess I shouldn't be surprised by that. There are some huge bowling posters. I'm thinking about getting these  and putting them on top of a desk,   of course there is no desk in the bowling pack. And we unfortunately cannot fit  an entire bowling alley in here. I'm serious when I say I  would. If we could I would,   but I don't really think that  it's going to work for us. I will put a computer because we don't have a real  computer downstairs, we only have that fake one. So that works if you want your  Sims to make YouTube videos,   but not to just browse on the  computer so we'll put one in here. I put a full-length mirror right there,   I really like that bowling wallpaper  so we can put that behind the bed. We can get this bright purple on  at least one of the walls and then   maybe the rest of them can be just  that like sort of light green color. This is so silly, what a weird room. As far as teens rooms go though,  it's actually kind of trendy and   like good looking, I don't even think it's bad. There are some bad rooms in this house,  but I don't think that this is one of them. Okay, I think I'll call this teens room done,   and that leaves us just with this  final primary bedroom left to furnish. I don't have any windows yet  so I'll get some of those. And for this final bedroom, we will be using -- Ooh, Paranormal! Oh, that's cool, okay. We don't  have a bed so we'll have to use a   base game bed, but we do have things like  nightstands, I've got little cowplants. I have a hanging plant. We also have a rug so  that helps, we can use use that for color schemes. I might get this really cool  piece of art on this wall too. I wasn't really planning on using  these curtains, but it might be nice. Okay, let me think about the bed for a sec  because I've put all this furniture down,   but I don't actually have  a bed that I want to use. I'm actually kind of feeling like  this reddish one, this is base game,   it's a reward from the artist career. I think that that might work really well. I'll  put this big chest over here on this side and we   can do some simple lamps, I'll probably put the  same curtain rod, if you can even call it that. I'll put the shelf above so it looks like it's one  big curtain rod even though it is obviously not. And miraculously, we also have a wallpaper  so I can put that on the walls in here. I'm putting this little cabinet down  because I want to have the cowplant on it,   but I also think that I need to put a picture in   there just to make it look like it's a  full gallery wall so I'll add that too. This I think is too big, but I'm  kind of tempted to use it anyway   just because I want to use the Paranormal stuff. There's some really nice furniture in this pack,   this is honestly like the  best room in the whole house. Okay, so I'm going to put a little  couch over here where I have some space. I'm going to do a picture of the  haunted house on the wall above it. I only have space for one chair if I  wanted to put a little seance table   because I'm going to have to stick it back here. I don't think that's all that bad  though, at least it's being used. Maybe I'll get another little chair,   just one that you can kind of sit in  and we'll stick that in the corner. Okay, well, this room might be done,   the whole interior of the house might  be done, this is so ugly, I'm sorry. The last thing is that now we have to go through   and try and figure out if  we can save the exterior. So obviously most of the  exterior is just base game stuff. I think that's probably for the best,   like I was saying earlier because that  way it at least matches on the interior. The base game windows kind of go with any style,   once you start throwing in other things it  gets confusing, but I'm going to let myself   use a couple of extra items, specifically  I want those brick columns from Get Famous. I did spin Get Famous on the wheel earlier so I  am allowed to use it, but I'm also probably just   going to get some regular Get Together columns  because I need to make this look a little nicer. I really need to add some columns on  the edges and stuff just to help it. Okay, I'm trying out this concept where I put some  of the fancy shingles on as like an accent color.  Ehh, I don't think it's a good concept, but  it's a concept. It's certainly a concept, yeah. And then I have these little flower  boxes, these come in the same color   so I can use those to get some more of the  blue kind of brought around the building. It's been a while since I last built something   this horrifically ugly in a video  so hopefully you can forgive me. I think the outside's coming together.  Considering it's like a weird mish-mash   of rooms, I don't think it's actually  as bad as I thought it was going to be. Considering it's just like  a weird mish-mash of rooms,   it's actually coming together a little  bit more than I thought it would. When I first started making this, I  was really worried about the exterior,   but this really isn't that bad. I think we've managed to kind of save it. I'm not done spinning yet though, I wanted to  get some necessities in, but I wanted to spin   one last time just to find out what pack  to use to decorate the rest of it with. And it wants me to use Vintage Glamour. Vintage Glamour on the outside. What are you even supposed to do with that?  There's like nothing that can be used from this. This would have been great on the  interior. I don't think I can use anything,   I honestly don't think I can use any of  this on the exterior, it's like too fancy. Should I spin again? That's not  really in the spirit of the wheel,   but like, I want to at least get something. Okay, redo, and this time it wants me  to use -- oh my god, Toddler Stuff? Actually -- um, well, I don't have a  toddler so that does pose a slight problem. I built this house for in my mind a teen and  their parents, but the toddler pack has a   grill and a picnic table and like some pretty  fairy lights so this actually could be okay. Okay, here's my vision: I've  got this little backyard going. Oh, these are kind of cute, look at these little  tables, but I'll put the picnic table underneath   the fairy lights that I strung around the back  and I made the fence fit the lights perfectly. Toddler Stuff also has this cute little set of   like paper plates and stuff so  we can use that on the table. And then I think once we get some  landscaping, the whole place could be done. Yes, it could be better, but  the wheel had other plans. So it's not great, but considering what we had to  work with, I like to think that I did an okay job. I'm doing some classic landscaping right here.   These flowers look like they're kind  of a light pink, does that match? Yes! Okay, that's perfect. So that's kind of what I had  in mind just to add some extra bushes out front.  I'll get a little mailbox. I think I might  use this same pathway to get up to the front. You know what, dare I say,  I think we kind of saved it. So here's how the outside is looking:   the last thing I have to do is go  through and put some terrain paint in. And with that, the build is complete. So here's our cute little exterior and  then when you come around the back,   we've got a small patio space  with some Toddler Stuff items. I put like a little curvy walkway,  I didn't forget a trash can. And I also put some planter boxes for us, we have  things like a telescope and a chess table too. On the inside, I don't think the floor plan is  terrible. If I weren't doing this challenge,   I definitely would have done it a little  bit differently, but it is what it is. I also would have furnished it differently,  had there not been a weird challenge to use,   but this is kind of what it looks like  for a top down view of both the floors. It is a weird house, it's kind  of cute from the outside and   then you go inside and it's like, oh, scary! But hopefully you enjoyed this video and I think  on that note, I'm going to end it right here. Like I was saying earlier, my  creator code is just lilsimsie,   so if you want to use that to  help support me you totally can. And I'm also doing a charity fundraiser  every day for the whole month of May   over on my Twitch channel, so  if you want to come hang out,   my name is just lilsimsie on Twitch,  I've got that link down below. And I'm going to catch you all  tomorrow, okay? Bye everybody. Oh my goodness, I have had such a week. I think we're finally in the clear  and things are starting to calm down,   but it has been so busy recently.  I'm sorry I didn't upload yesterday. [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 342,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: 8i6xgeCTigY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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