THE NEW DREAM HORSE GAME! - Sims 4 Horse Ranch Expansion #ad | Pinehaven

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Hello friends and welcome to a very exciting video today we are checking out the Sims 4 horse ranch expansion pack a big thank you to EA for sponsoring this video if you'd like to get your horse ranch expansion pack feel free to use the link in the description or it's in the pin comment as well unfortunately I wasn't actually here when this pack was released so I wasn't able to do like a review on the day but better late than never today we are going to jump straight into the Sims 4 and see what this pack is all about now I have already created my sim right here is Miss Abigail Pine Haven she's actually completely set up she's got like all of her different outfits I went through and like did a proper like outfit thing she's all set up with her uh traits so for her traits we've got horse lover we've got good and we've got Rancher I also set her like aspirations to be a championship Rider because I'm figuring if we're gonna do a horse review we should do like the full life because from what I have gathered this isn't just like a stuff pack this is isn't like just another reskin pet pack this is an actual lifestyle like this you can basically create a world and dedicate it to horses that's how in-depth this pack is so uh we also have a high metabolism I don't remember putting that in but it's in here so that's fine um the first thing we have to do is to add our horses to the household now I haven't seen how the horses are created I don't know if there's presets we can pick from or what the deal is so we're gonna go ahead and add a pet add a horse oh it's so cute but its hair is green I want to call this horse minty this this horse looks like his name is minty because of the the green hat this is so cute though so first of the bat we picked the breed so there are so many breeds to choose from I wish I could go through them all is this an occultique I bet it is it literally is oh my goodness they look different that's what I like most about these breeds is they are very clearly like this is very clearly a Percheron versus the Mustang I think I've decided for the first horse I want to make is sporcle which is the channel mascot she's basically everywhere on the channel so she has to definitely be made in The Sims so if you don't know Sparkle is a pentavian which is basically a pinto Arabian I'm pretty sure they won't have a pentabian but they should have an Arabian so let's see anglo-arabian or Arabian they do actually have what's the difference so this is the anglo-arabian and this is the Arabian I think the face is slightly different oh yeah definitely the face is definitely different so I'll go with classic Arabian because I feel like that's sort of closest but I'm so excited okay so the next thing we can look at is the body okay so there's quite a few presets can you you can okay so it does sort of work like the regular Sims where you can sort of um drag and slide things I don't really want to mess with this breed too much I'm actually I think gonna reset it yeah because this body is pretty good but if you wanted to have a Mustang that has slightly bigger behind quarters or a bigger chest or whatever it is the one thing I sort of wish that we could is this okay so this is um like their muscle tone and this is their weight so if you wanted to have a fat Little Pony you could that's so cute the only thing I kind of wish is I feel like the horse's back is really long is that just me I'm not sure it feels like this horse is like very long and I don't think yeah I don't think I can like shh oh God I just spun it I don't think I can actually shorten the horse yeah none of these really shorten the back that's my one criticism um so far is that you can't shorten the back because it is a bit elongated uh you can even change the hoof color oh my goodness okay wow the textures are really really nice can I if I click this okay I can't zoom in but that's fine I think Sparkle has quite light Hooves um so let's go on to the hair now there's quite a few hairstyles to choose from and a range of colors oh my gosh you can get a bit crazy and go for like My Little Pony themed hair that's so cute I will be making a realistic horse today um I wanted to make Sparkle so she has like a light blonde I think that's that's a pretty good start so there's lots of different hairstyles to choose from I think oh I like this one I like the kind of long wavy should we go for this one or this one I think I'll go for this one I think Sparkle has longer hair so she has kind of like free wavy hair oh you can do the four locks separately as well oh that's cute this one's really nice I'm gonna pick this oh she looks so fancy oh I love that so you can also do the tape oh okay that's interesting so we have this is the like regular tail then we have the braided which is lovely this is a wrapped tail I really like this I haven't seen this before and then you of course have your sort of long long wavy hair so we've got the same haircut I think you can you can oh that's really nice you can change them individually if you do want um I'm not too keen on the wavy for Sparkle but I feel like because of her I mean I guess we could go with the braid now we'll just stick to the wavy I think that'll that'll have to do um and of course if you have a drafty horse you can add feathers smuggles uh an Arabian though so she won't be getting any feathers and uh oh coat thickness oh you can make them fluffy oh my goodness they're so cute okay so unfortunately again as I said Sparkle is an Arabian so she's got really thin coats I think I'm actually gonna change the slider but she looks a little bit too muscular and I'm gonna put a little bit of weight on her um so that she's not like super skinny there we go she's cute um now on to the bit that I'm most apprehensive about the coat color and patterns what is this going to be and how much can we actually do for the coats um so it looks like we've got some presets here so let me just pick a color first um this is such a gorgeous gorgeous Palomino the dapples are too light for Spork although unfortunately the Palomino Sonos wait can I change it maybe oh okay so that's her a little stripe okay let me figure out what all of these do ah here we go so we can actually change the dapples yeah so we'll do oh that's good that's good Okay so we've got really light dappling on her oh that's so gorgeous so what happens when we click paint mode wait can I draw no way I can draw on the horse oh my goodness the artists are gonna go mad on this game I won't be doing that because I'm terrible let me see if there's any presets I think so there's stamps so this is like that you don't draw with this you just like stamp a single one on let me get rid of those um and then stencils oh hang on so you've got like I think you've got like guidelines wait oh so they flash up almost like well stencils they sort of flash up as guidelines for you to paint on I think oh hang on can I fill color oh that's so cool oh that's amazing okay so the stencils you work in a fill tool area and I think if we take this and take this and you can customize it from there as well oh my goodness this is way more complex than I was expecting genuinely I was expecting sort of some presets and maybe a few like different colors a bit like when you're picking clothes uh I was not expecting this level of of detail and Artistry I'm really impressed with that actually and also up here he uses mirror painting so uh if you if you I think if you hang on oh yeah yeah here you go you can see it like along the seam so you can have it mirrored if you want or you can switch off and just do one side and then oh that's really nice now admittedly sporcle has a very complex coat pattern and um I am not an artist so I'm sure one day I'll like properly attempt it or maybe one of you guys can if you guys end up getting into the Creator and you really enjoy doing kind of artistry and and creating in uh The Sims feel free to make a sparkle I'll put her up as a reference like both sides um and if you do make her make sure to tag me or send me an email of where I can find it on so I'm really happy with that so far she's pretty much got everything that sparkle sort of has uh is it possible to change eye color though I was just wondering um what's this oh this is oh look she's woke Oh Oh I thought she was playing dead so this is so that you can reach under the belly that's really cool and the horse just doesn't just snap into that position it has a whole animation that is a little bit disturbing I'm not gonna lie but that's really thoughtful to be able to reach under the belly like that and under the neck and stuff so that's really cool and I don't think you can um change the eye color unfortunately unless I'm missing that it's very possible I'm missing that so we'll go on to the outfits now from up here I can see that there's two outfits there's the riding and like the everyday like the normal um look of the horse which I really like so I'll pick out a couple of saddles I think is that a little God there's a little hat oh look oh look oh my goodness she's got a little hat on that is adorable um and there's also like oh that's cute there's a flower crown oh it's a shame there's no pink flower crown actually I I kind of wish we had a few more color designs here um I think I won't have the the crown then I kind of like it just basic that's so super cute though a bow um so I'm pretty sure that that is basically oh no I'm lying there is traits to choose from okay so there's aggressive Brave defiant energetic fearful free spirit friendly independent intelligent mellow and needy oh look that was so cute so the heroes are Sparkle let me just pop in her name this is Sparkle and her last name's Pine Haven now I was sort of considering just going in with like one horse but I do want to make another one I really wanted to make Jericho so let's go ahead and grab another pet there we go so if I go ahead and click this here's our household oh look they're so cute I'm gonna take a picture there we go oh look wait if I oh randomized portrait oh that's so cute okay no this this is the one I want oh that's so cute okay let's go ahead and jump in I am very curious to see what kind of gameplay we'll get um so here are the worlds I'm pretty sure there is actually a whole world dedicated for the Horse Ranch pack which I really appreciate so this will have all the amenities for the ponies to be happiest so I will pick a pre-done um rant and I think this counter Cottage sounds pretty good and it is within our budget so let's go ahead and click here and we'll go confirm move into Canter Cottage yeah all right so we are now in the game and oh look Abigail Pony was so cute I love that hairstyle she looks quite tired but that's fine so oh my God look at them they're so cute you know one thing that always gets me is sometimes in like creating the horse Oh wait we're doing something hang on hold that thought oh first snuggle that's so cute anyway what was what I was saying was when you're creating either your your like character or your horses sometimes they look really good in the Creator and then in the game because of the lighting and the textures they don't look as good however this game does definitely not suffer from that uh this game they look maybe even better I forgot to do sporkel's eyes she has dark eyes it's fine it's whatever she still looks really good so um I I want to kind of just jump into it should we let's see what we can do with sparkles oh goodness the sparkle that was really intense okay let's go ahead and clean her Hooves we'll get her ready for a ride how about that so we've got um clean Hooves cued uh maybe how's it going get stable go I can get the stable gossip from the horse imagine if you could do that in the Stables that the tea would be just so hot all the time the horse the the things the horses see in here you would just get the hottest tea from them so there is also a section for horse care which is great so we can brush coat we can uh what else can we do call a horse a drink okay I assume that's for the needs uh brush coat I think we just did that yeah we're brushing the coat now and we did clean the house I actually wanted to properly look at the hoof animation because I was yammering on while while it was going on I really like the the brushing animation it's really cute let me see what the hoof pick animation is because this is usually oh that's pretty good she actually grabs the oh she does the back one one oh heck yes Sims oh that's awesome so we actually do the the front hoof and the back hoof that's amazing oh I'm so happy with that right let's um let's can we just Mount will it change her for us or will we Mount bear back I hope we don't Mount bareback because we're not good enough for this okay interesting so it just it doesn't have like an actual attack up animation which is completely normal for The Sims I have seen hello there's a man at my house with a plate of panda Campo uh he looks really sad is he is just should I help him is he elderly he is Roberto crinkletop is elderly and he just turned up at my house with a plate of something okay all right I'm just just gonna let him get on with that um in the meantime I wanted to oh and there's somebody else on my plot okay sure people do people normally just turn up in people's houses I guess okay that's fine I did want to practice the barrels because I want to see what the animations look like and what that kind of is um hang on can I yeah okay oh gosh oh no oh no her quotation is so bad so one thing I did want to say about that is that's completely planned that's completely normal there's nothing to be judging here in terms of Animation because that's the whole point of the Sims is something that they do that's really clever is when you start doing something for the first time like in real life you're gonna suck at it at first and it's the same with horse riding so she's got her arms all over the place she's like bouncing in the saddle it's just it's it's not going well for her but as her skill increases I'm pretty sure the animation improves as well and she becomes more stable in the saddle she has the correct equitation she puts her arms in the right places and that's something I really liked about the Sims 3 as well because they had the same thing so as atrocious as her writing is currently um I really like that element because it's realistic so here is our first ever horse ride and honestly sporcle is just so cute she's so cute I love her uh okay so there's just people standing outside my house oh wait I didn't even notice she's talking to him from horseback and that might seem like a tiny tiny thing that's like not even relevant but usually in games you have to like dismount to do anything whether it be like talking to somebody or whatever it is so it's really nice that she can do that like from horseback 10 out of 10 for me so I appreciate the welcome work in but I think it's time to go home he's just sort of standing here and he did just leave his plate in my Arena so that's fine let's go ahead and practice basic drums I'm really interested to see how this animation will sort of play out let's see oh oh that was actually really good I mean my character was terrible she had terrible acquitation but I mean Jericho took us over it what a good boy oh never mind okay he decided that enough was enough okay that's fine um if I click this oh I can I can go for a relaxed ride or go for an energetic ride or an intense ride sure let's go for an an intense God they were not kidding when they said an intense ride oh okay but we're we're countering oh gosh her equitation is so bad [Music] terrible oh Jericho I'm so sorry you have her on your back oh no confirmed Abigail Pine Haven is terrible at riding horses goodness gracious she looks terrible where are we by the way we've gone over a bridge so that was something I was really curious about because if you don't know the Sims 4 isn't strictly open world usually you have to click somewhere in particular you want to travel and then sometimes you'll have to go to a map to go to a new region unlike in The Sims 3 when the world was completely open basically and because the horses obviously can't go on tour rides and go around the place I was really curious to see how that would play out in a non-open world environment but it does seem really interesting that they've created sort of like trails around places that you could be with horses which you can actually go on and go around and I don't think I think they were like yeah so I can't decide to like go on this main road I can't go uh that's why the little cross means on the on the mouse so I can choose to go certain places but it does have like a limit um but it does allow me to go on a trail ride which I really like where did she go oh she's all the way over here now okay goodness gracious oh my goodness okay Sparkle's playing with a man Spock was playing with a massive football oh my gosh where did that football come from was that always here I do not know she was just playing with the massive football I think she's just like hanging out that's so cute so Jericho and spookal are currently actually playing um my goal for today is I want to do at least one competition um the problem is is I think there's actually hang on let me have a look at the map so on the map here I think this highlighted section is sort of where all of the stuff takes place right okay I was correct so this building here is where all the competitions take place so if I click it obviously it's currently three o'clock in the morning I've just turned up to this facility at three o'clock in the morning uh but you can this is where you purchase horses you can spectate competitions sell horses oh and I think you can also train horses here as well as enter competition so I'd like to do before the end of this video I'd like to do at least one competition even if we're terrible so my plan is going back to our lot so going back to our house and then training the horses up and training my own skill and seeing if we can enter a competition and maybe do well as well I actually got a bit carried away and played for another 45 minutes I was pretty much just training sporcle and exploring the town there was a stable right next to the training grounds where I could feed sporcle and put her in a stable and I could also sleep on the sofa and use the bathroom upstairs so honestly I rarely went back to the house I also went into the ranch themed bar and had crisps and made some friends you can see how I got sucked into gameplay for so long the day has finally come after some intense training with specifically Sparkle I've kind of left Jericho at home um I could have done stuff with him but I like sparkle best so I'm a bit biased but today we are going to enter ourselves into a competition now I'm not expecting them to win but we gotta hope for the best so we click on this uh the competition barn and we'll go ahead enter competition so we can do either beginner barrels beginner endurance or beginner show jumping oh and Western Pleasure oh that's really cool so it shows you whether or not you qualify basically so we qualify for everything apart from Western Pleasure because we don't have enough temperament yet that I can work on but I think maybe we'll do a beginner Barrel Race I feel like that's good so let's go ahead oh and you get prize money as well so literally you could make this your way of making money I mean you don't make too much money off of like the beginner stuff but let's go ahead and confirm let's see I don't think we get to spectate I think they like go in and then like we hear the results yeah so they go in separately all right the barrel racing is almost done we won oh my goodness we won 250 symbolians like oh wait never mind we came second place it said Victory so I got confused okay so we came second really happy about that I'm surprised I didn't think we were gonna place at all um but we had a few minor inefficient rounding with the barrels uh but with a little more practice you'll take the top spot that's really cool I think oh I can now participate in barrel racing intermediate so you like unlock them as you go that's awesome okay which way they're gonna come out are they gonna come out this way or the other entrance yeah okay they came out this entrance here they're so cute I kind of wish she rode Sparkle in um uh that would have been a little bit more immersive and it's completely normal than Sims to not be able to see the competitions that's just how they run you just like go in and it's like an event that happens without you and you just have to wait for the results so a second place is not too bad not too bad at all I think it's time to go home though let's go ahead and go home oh never mind sporkel's had enough of us and has bucked us off okay so we guys still got some work to do uh just just go ahead and go home uh Sparkles should probably go with you okay Abigail's just gone she's just bye she's gone oh no she's come with us okay lovely okay so since we won a 250 simoleons in the competition I know for a fact that since there's so much stuff in this pack I definitely can't get into all of it but one thing I know that we can get our miniature I think it was goats and sheep and I really wanted to see what they look like because I feel like they're adorable so let's go ahead and see if we can find where was it yeah so if you call Ranch Animal exchange you can rescue a horse purchase a horse sell a horse which We're not gonna do or buy mini goats and mini sheep so oh my gosh they're so cute there's a blue one oh they're so expensive though we'll go with the dalmatian mini goat and the white mini sheep let's go ahead and tick click uh place in world oh it's [Music] oh it's we pick it up oh my God I'm in love they're so cute they're so cute what's the goat look like oh they're adorable they definitely should not be in this Paddock though there's so many big horses that are definitely gonna trample them sport go please watch this shape but the the tiny goats and the tiny sheep are my favorite part oh my gosh this is so cute actions oh gosh people just trampled them okay that's fine so definitely if you want to grab this expansion pack for yourself feel free to do so by the link in the description and if you didn't know the base game of Sims 4 is free so all you have to buy is the ranch expansion pack plus any other packs that you would like as well so make sure to check my link in the description below for that so I hope you guys enjoyed stay positive and I'll see you in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: Abigail Pinehaven
Views: 149,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's play, pferde, abigail pinehaven, horse, MMORPG, horses, лошадь, Horse Game Online, pinehaven, new horse game, best horse game, cheval, paard, caballo, häst, άλογο, sim4 horses, sims 4 horse ranch, sims 4 horse, horse game, new horse game abigail pinehaven, sims 4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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