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hey guys welcome back to my channel I'm Jessica today I have a huge Dollar Tree haul for you guys so I went to the Dollar Tree to try and stock up our camper with as much camping supplies that I could because I wanted to get like the best deal I didn't want to spend a ton of money to kind of get it stocked up for the first time so I went to the Dollar Tree I didn't find everything that I was looking for I did stop at the Dollar General as well I got a few things there so I will share what I got at the Dollar General at the very end of this video but I wanted to share I got so much from the Dollar Tree alright so we're here at the Dollar Tree we have a really big Dollar Tree in my town it was an old Rite Aid and they turned it into a Dollar Tree so we're gonna go in this one I'm hoping they have a lot of stuff if not I can always run to a different one but we're gonna go in here and I'm gonna try to load up on as much stuff for camping as possible like first aid stuff bathroom stuff kitchen stuff all of that so wish us luck now I've got Maddy with me and she just got done at the orthodontist she hasn't one where well actually this was her last visit the next visit she gets her braces off so that's really exciting I'm excited alright so we're gonna go ahead and go in here I'm hoping it's not that crowded I know you guys love Dollar Tree hauls I love Dollar Tree hauls I think they're awesome it's so much fun when you could get stuff for only a dollar and they'd always have such good stuff so I hope you guys are ready because we're gonna be here for a minute okay I'm not gonna go in any particular order I'm just gonna start going through these bags and showing you the stuff that I got so I got this pack of mixing spoons for a dollar and I just figured that those would be good for like making mac and cheese and big beans or anything like that I did get a lot of organizing things because I plan to put them in the drawers in the camper so I got pink because they didn't really have a lot of colors to choose from but I figured pink was pretty so I got those pink ones and then I got all of these and I probably won't use all of these in the camper but what I don't use all of you somewhere in the house I got this a really cute little flower for just like to stick outside of our camper when we get to our camping spot I thought it'd be cute to just stick out there and decorate like the outside and make it homey so I did get that I thought Kinsley would like that too I also found this little bug catcher kit in the like kids toy section so basically it has a little net where they can catch the bugs and then it has this little ball that they can stick the bug in there and then like examine it so this would be great for like lightning bugs I just thought it was fun it was a dollar so I'm gonna put this in the camper as like an activity I did get a bunch of toiletry items because I don't when we go camping I don't want to worry about a us forgetting anything but be having to pack I want to pack as little as possible when we go camping I want to kind of already have what we need in there so I got this pack of three toothbrushes this will be for tens or for Madeline my husband and I to keep in there and then I already have one for Kinsley so I didn't pick her one up but some baby wipes it's just good to have baby wipes everywhere um I did go ahead and grab some toothpaste I got some snack bags I think it's really cool that they have brand names there but I did get some little zipper snack sized bag and then I thought I knew I got two rolls of these I don't know where the other one is but this is shelf liner and so it's like the rubbery is that what it's called vinyl liner for your drawers I thought it was really pretty like a beige color cuz our camper is mostly like brown tones so I'm gonna cut this and put this in the drawers to try and keep them as nice and clean as possible I'm pretty sure I got two rolls of this I can't find the other roll all right and then I got two of these little plastic boxes with the lid the plans that I have for these is one is gonna be like our first-aid kit so I'm gonna put all of our first aid items in it and I think what I'm gonna do with the others put like all of our toiletry items in it so I got some glad clean wrap in case we have anything that we make that you want to put back in the fridge I got some aluminum foil did get a dish one scrubber thing for I don't even know if I'm going to use this for cleaning or dishes yet but I just went ahead and picked one up I got some tissues I got the little travel-size because I was thinking of space when I was thinking of everything that I thought it was thinking of not having a lot of space so instead of getting a big box I just got these little ones I didn't see as little makeup removing wipes because I feel like every time that I travel I'm always like I wish I had something good removing wipes because I hate to use someone else's washcloths to wash my makeup off I know we're gonna be camping I most likely won't even be wearing makeup but just on the off chance or whatever I just wanted to go and pick them up I did get a salt and pepper pack and some napkins alright so I did get a big ol bottle of hydrogen peroxide they didn't have smaller but that's fine and then I got some ibuprofen my husband is constantly getting headaches so I always have some sort of pain medicine on hand so I did it ibuprofen and I'm pretty sure I got talent' all teary I picked up some band-aids trash bags this isn't for a camper it's silly string I mean I'm gonna maybe put one of them in there as an activity for kenzley but I just picked these up for her because she's been wanting some facility string so I did get some calamine lotion in case we get into any poison ivy or poison oak or anything like that this is another toiletry item I picked up some bar soap I got a can opener because I figured if we're opening up a can of anything green beans or anything like that definitely want to have a can opener I feel like that's something I would forget alright so I did go ahead and pick up some shampoo and conditioner that's one less thing I have to worry about packing and fun story about this is this is what I used to use when I was a teenager I still remember using it this vo5 in the Kiwi lime squeeze scent I got both a shampoo in the conditioner it smells so good who had this we visited someone recently and they had this and I used it oh no I know what it was we went to an air B&B for our anniversary and this is what the host had for shampoo and I was so excited about it because this is what I used when I was teenager so totally random here's some more soap that I picked up this dial in the lavender scent I hope this smells good it says lavender and twilight jasmine so this will be for me and the girls and then I got the zest for my husband I did get a little tiny thing of dish soap some basically tums anti-acid this is gonna be for the first first aid kit because I get indigestion all the time and I do not want to be stranded at a campsite and have heartburn and not be able to sleep so I got back and then these aren't for camping but I'm just going to show you they have little solar lights and this is a little solar spotlight but they have these and so I got six of them for our front like flower bed we'll see if they work I got these tongs for pretty much we can use these for a lot of different things but I thought they might be good for grilling too and then I got some knives I got the dogs some dog bowls they're really little but like I said I tried to think of getting things small just because I'm thinking of storage so this is plenty to put their food in a little bit of water we can refill the water up but let's see I got some anti-itch cream in case we do get a bug bite I'm gonna put that in the first-aid kit this is also not for camping but I did pick up some Russell servers caramel chocolates because I love these and I had them at the Dollar Tree then I got two little baking pans I got a wreck single one and a circle one for pizza cookies I don't know who knows what we're going I do need to buy may not find necessarily if I have a ton of pots and pans but I do need to put some pots and like frying pans out there like probably just one of each will be fine but I do need to get a pot and a pan to put out in the camper ok so then I got some more the storage organizing bins and I just got some white ones these are like a little bit bigger and then this is just the other pink one with the lid I don't know exactly what I'm going to use these for or if I'm even gonna use them in the camper I just wanted to go ahead and pick them up when I was there because I use these all over the house so I don't find use for them in the camper I will find use for them somewhere ok I got a little trash can this will probably sit in the bathroom and then I got a pot holder for when we're getting hot stuff out of the oven a little plastic measuring cup I wanted a smaller one but it's ok it'll be fine and then I got this really cute little colander to strain like if I make mac and cheese or something I can strain the noodles in there and then I did get this dish towel to hang on the oven but I found one that I actually like better at the Dollar Tree I'll show you that soon I got a broom that way I can just kind of sweep I can sweep it right on out the camper I didn't even get one of the little things I'm just gonna sweep it right on out the camper but I did just pick this up at the Dollar Tree I got a thing of paper towels I got a little thing of lotion mouthwash I got these these are really nice but they have like a little like rubber lining in them I thought these would be really good for the doors and they're for something I may or may not use them but they're really nice I got these suction cup hooks so my idea for these is to actually suction cup them to the shower wall and be able to hang our towels in there when we're done showering so that they can dry so that's my idea we'll see if it works out I did pick up some scissors Youssou that here I'm putting more of my I got some allergy pills in case we start gettin some sneezes this is the basically Tylenol dollar trees brand little teeny tiny thing of sunscreen when I was done filming it I found these in the truck so I wanted to have this clipping really quick but I did find a mesh laundry bag at the Dollar Tree for our dirty laundry and then I did get this for the first-aid kit some antibiotic ointment in case we get a cut or anything I really liked this I think I got to abuse I'm gonna put one of these in my purse it's a little the little flossers but it comes in this really nice little case I did get two of those one of these is gonna go on paper oh my god he's in hers deodorant and I did go ahead and grab a bag of these little doggie waste these little doggie waste bags because when we're at the campsite I plan to pick up my dog's poo because that's just the responsible thing to do I got some more hooks and I got a tablecloth just for like at the campsite outside like a picnic table we can use this and hopefully reuse it if we don't get it dirty but if we do it's not a big deal IAS spoon fizzes by Betty Crocker Betty Crocker spoon I forgot I got this this isn't for camping either this is a little brush that I found this is for Bailey these bristles if you like ASMR if you don't know what that is you probably just think I'm weird but um these two look like they would be really good for shedding so I'll let you know if this turns out to be awesome ollie if you kick Kingsley another bucket cuz she broke her and she uses hers to catch toes and I got some clear hooks I got a dish drying whatchamacallit what do they call this what's it called dish drainer I don't know if I'll use this for sure because I plan on using well I'll probably use it if I wash like my I don't know I don't know if I'm gonna use this or not I'm gonna put it in there if I don't end up using it it's not a big deal these really cute little cups for the bathroom when we brush our teeth especially for Kinsley because she likes to rinse her mouth out with water I did go ahead and pick up some paper plates there even though I'll probably get some from the grocery store when I go to the grocery store for our camp food but I just went ahead and picked up these 2 packs plates and then I did go ahead and get a pack of plastic spoons work here's my other role of the vinyl stuff and then I got some washcloths for the bathroom the last two things from the Dollar Tree I got this little pack of toilet paper and this little pink basket I figured this might be nice to put like I really don't know maybe like some toys some like outside tweeze or something but we'll see we'll see once I get in there and get everything I'll find a use for it but ok so I did run to the Dollar General and I did get a few things from there so I'm going to show you that real quick so I did grab some more actual command brand hooks or I guess it's 3m as the brand but I did go ahead and get these picture hanging ones because I do want to try to hang a little bit of decor in there I might take it down like as we're traveling but let me get set up I might hang something so I got those and then these little clear plastic ones got these two little Glade room air fresheners this one's in the linen scent and this one is in the lemon scent I got some bug spray I got this a really cute little basket it was $4 I don't know exactly what I'm gonna use this for I thought it would be really cute in the little kitchen area maybe like put like forks and spoons or something in it we'll see and then this is the hand towel that I found at the Dollar General and it was only a dollar and it has a camper on it so cute so how to get that one so we do plan to bring the dogs with us sometimes times they'll be going to doggy daycare it just depends kind of how far we're going and stuff but we are gonna bring them the first time that we go and I kind of nervous I don't know how that's gonna go but I did pick this up at the Dollar General it's one of the little steaks that goes into the ground and then I got this tie out cable this one is 20 feet the Dollar Tree did have bees but they were only six feet which is not nearly long enough so I got this I'm gonna have it in the camper you just died to use it it's there if not then it's whatever but it's just something that I want to have in case I found this really really cute cutting board then we can see the detailing it was four dollars I got this at the Dollar General I was looking for Clorox wipes or Lysol wipes or any sort of like disinfecting wipe there was none anywhere but there was one of these in the wrong spot at the Dollar General Mean Green super-strength I guess they're cleaning wipes heavy-duty wipes surface and skin safe so this is what I wanted to keep in the camper to clean with for the most part that way I don't have to worry about rags or anything so I'm gonna keep these in there to clean like around the toilet and the vanity and around the sink and stuff I got this really cute little picture frame they had this is like really small size what is it four by six they have five by seven too but I want to put a picture in here and then when we get all set up at our camp spy I thought it would be cute to just set up on the little kitchen counter and just have like a picture of the family or something I don't know yet what I'm gonna put in there but I just thought it would make it like more homey and cute and it was only two dollars and fifty cents I got this rug for the kitchen area I like the colors of it I think that it's pretty and bright and fun it matches the hands out pretty good and last but not least I got this citronella candle and it says forever family and I figured this would be nice to set out at the little picnic table when we're outside eating and stuff to hopefully keep the bugs away alright guys that was my Dollar Tree haul I hope you guys enjoyed it I hope that if you guys are going camping this summer that maybe I give you some ideas but I need y'all's help if I forgot anything if you are a seasoned camper you do it all the time and you know something that I'm gonna want when we get there let me know in the comments so I can run and get it before we go on our first camping trip I know there are things that I have forgotten I know I'm gonna get there and there's gonna be things I wish I had so I know you guys will help me out let me know in the comments what something I miss with something that I definitely need for our camper that is gonna make our life easier or a camping hack or anything at all that you want to share share it in the comments it'll help me out so much and it'll help anybody reading the comments stay tuned I am going to be doing a camper clean with me very soon I need to clean it from top to bottom it's got cobwebs and I just want to clean it out and make it feel like ours and then I'm going to be putting all of this stuff into the camper organizing it and I'm gonna show you how I end up putting it everything and how I ended up using everything so you definitely don't want to miss that make sure you're subscribed to my channel don't forget to hit that thumbs up before you head out and I will see you guys in my next video hi [Music] aren't you tired of the drama you use it worst like they I don't need that type of drama and trying to be tough for the day
Channel: Jessi Christine- Keep Calm and Clean
Views: 62,109
Rating: 4.8741117 out of 5
Keywords: camping, camping hacks, camping tips, camping checklist, camping gear essentials, camping with kids, camping trip, DOLLAR TREE, dollar tree haul, dollar tree organizing ideas, dollar tree haul 2020, dollar tree organization, dollar tree finds, CAMPING, camping essentials, camping essentials for beginners, camping essentials for families, camping essentials checklist, camping essentials for dogs, jessi christine keep calm and clean, budget camping, camping on a budget
Id: xls9wylmskA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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