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don't know why war white camping not a good idea hello everybody welcome today I am out solo camping which was something that I haven't done in quite a while so it feels really good to actually have some quiet time some time a nature to think some sunshine and I thought it would be fun to kind of show you the things that I pack how I stay organized and just sort of my camp set up in the camping hacks video that I uploaded a few weeks ago which I'll link to right here I talked about the bin system that I use and I had a few requests to kind of dive a little bit deeper into what I pack and how I stay organized and so that's what I'm gonna show you today I'm actually gonna take you around my camp and just show you the things that I packed and how I set things up it's not complicated I actually really like to keep camping simple especially when I go by myself I try not to pack a lot of stuff or feel overwhelmed or stressed about all the things that you need to bring so when in doubt just keep it simple and I'm gonna show you how I do it so hopefully you can take some of these tips and organizational tricks and apply them to you and your camping trips okay so let's dive into the bins this first bin here is smaller and it houses all of our camp kitchen gear so as you guys probably already know I love cooking outdoors over the campfire and planning really delicious and fun meals when I go camping it's just like one of my hobbies one of my passions and so I really like to pack the camp kitchen gear that's going to allow me to cook those things a lot of this stuff I talked about in the kitchen essentials video which I will also link to below but that's kind of what's in this bin here's my coffee mug and a pots and then a bunch of stature bags here two are great for leftovers my cast iron pan is some silverware one of the things that I haven't talked about yet is this little hack here and this is just an old now gene bottle and inside is a bunch of our silverware and so this is great because instead of having this stuff floating around in this bin and then I have to go like dig through and find it they all just stay in here and then when I need a fork I can just grab this thing I know exactly they are and it's really really easy and so other than that this is really stuff that we've already talked about in some of the other videos so I don't want to like or you and talk about it again but really just like camp kitchen stuff here no food goes in this bin and that's actually kind of important I like to keep all of my food in one place well it's actually in two places so this bin or the cooler so anything that needs to be kept cold will be in the cooler obviously and then any other snacks or pantry items and stuff stays in this bin so let's talk about this bin okay okay so this bin is for our pantry items on kind of the top level here I have a snacks that I'm going to reach for throughout the day so I have some crackers some homemade trail mix here tortillas for another meal bunch of peanuts these are so good my mom sent these to me she got them down in South Carolina and they're like fried peanuts or something they're so so salty and so good and then I have a box of cereal here because I thought on this trip I put some milk in the cooler so I thought I would just eat some cereal with milk as a really quick no cook camping breakfast and then they have a bunch of apples here and some other snacks no okay got it but then a bunch of protein bars jerky stick nut butters things like that before we get into the other things that are here these snacks and these trail mixes and stuff like this are kind of things that I would reach for the most and so I tend to keep them on the top when I get home I'll put these back in my cabinet in my kitchen at home just cuz they're opened same with like fruit and I have an onion in here for a meal I'm gonna make later so anything that's perishable I will take out of the bin when I get home and store properly at home and the things that are not open or perishable I actually leave in here so all of these protein bars and jerky sticks and things like that I leave in this bin and I know that I always have a protein bar if I run out I forgot to pack one I need one for a hike I have a bunch of them in here in addition to that I have a massive jar of hot sauce which always stays in here this is kind of our favorite one and we have a little duct tape on the lid learned about this the hard way so make sure the lid is shut and then some maple syrup I always just leave in here because I make pancakes a lot and this is also where my this is also where I put my coffee and this I will take out when I get home just because I like to kind of have fresh coffee so I also have a few spices the main things that I like to keep in my camping bin are just black pepper and salt these are the two things that I reach for all the time and so instead of having to pack and unpack over and over again I just have little ones that I leave in the camping bin I have some cinnamon because if you make oatmeal pancakes I sprinkle it on top of cereal I love cinnamon so I always have that in here in addition to some chili powder so kind of whatever the spices are that you reach for actually Trader Joe's has some really good blends that usually we have in here I think we're out that everything but the bagel one so good so that would usually be in here as well and then I have some random bags of soy sauce okay so that's kind of all organized in this little bin here and this is just nice because it kind of keeps things upright instead of them just like floating around in the bin itself and so it just helps you kind of know where they are and then of course you can take this to the picnic table at camp or whatever so it's just really nice to kind of have it in there I also have I didn't really mention these little paper bags that steel shut which are nice if you just want to like put a sandwich in here I don't know we don't really use those that much I just like to have like stuff like that and here we have some of these plastic bags which have just been in here forever because we'd actually don't use these anymore the stasher bags are in this bin and that's kind of what I reach for most often so these have just been in here for like years and then I have some aluminum foil heavy-duty aluminum foil again always just stays in this bin and these are great for foil packet meals those are one of our like go-to meals so we just always leave the foil that we need in this bin so moving on to what I think is the best thing about this little pantry bein sort of systems is that we have a lot of food in here that just stays in here that's not perishable so I have an entire box of mac and cheese and you I guess it does technically expire although I probably would still eat it so mac and cheese and then I have four bags of Indian food here of all different brands these are so great because all you have to do is just heat them up and you can eat them actually you can just eat them cold too I mean they're fully cooked so they're really really easy for camping and they're so tasty Indian food is my all-time favorite cuisine so I just like love this and then I have a packet of rice that is already cooked and I also have a bunch of instant rice gear things are getting out of hand the next thing that I always leave in the spin are packets of ramen I have four packets of ramen here a bag of pancake mix and then some instant potatoes so this is like a like instant mashed potatoes and instant hashbrowns and these are actually pretty tasty with eggs in the morning these I would be fine if I didn't eat but they kind of are always in here because again they just are really really quick easy small don't go bad quickly and they're just nice to have as a backup forgot these were in here these are more of a snack bag dark chocolate peanut butter cups so good but those always take out when I got home and they might also have a couple meals that I made it home for usually the I just reserved these for backpacking but they're nice to have super car camping if you just don't feel like cooking that's another option those are kind of the main categories of food that I always leave in the bin so I have mac and cheese the Indian food ramen pancake mix and then some sort of like instant potato thing that stuff it's just so nice because if you stay out longer than you thought so like I'm here right now and let's say I just don't feel like going home for a day or two I know that I have plenty of backup meals or if your car breaks down and you're like stuck for longer than you expect like I don't know I just like to have these meals in here as backup or if just who knows who knows okay with the exception of these snacks that are here per trip this just goes in the closet when I get home and then on my next camping trip I put my little trip snacks on top and I take it and I put in the car so it's really really easy other things that are in here that I haven't talked about are just garbage bags so these are in here and then I have a Ransome reusable bank I guess if I need to go grocery shopping I don't know I feel like you these could probably come in handy if I just have those in here and save with a couple paper bags because who knows so that's kind of it for this pantry bin oh this stuff back in here so one of the things that I didn't mention in the other video when I talked about the bins is that these latch shut these specific ones that I have we actually probably are not soon we need a new one as you can see there's a crack in this one when they are not cracked these are actually really great for keeping critters out of your food which can be really important in high-traffic camping areas because even if the food is in your car in your car is closed and it's locked the room mice can still make their way into the car this has definitely happened for me I left a little protein bar out and my in the back and even though my car was all closed out something got in there and ate through it so this is great because it will keep the critters out of your food even when it's in the car okay so that's kind of a little bit more detailed look into these bins that always come with me when I go camping I'm gonna show you around the rest of my campsite right now and some of the other things that I brought on this trip so there's actually not a whole lot to show you other than maybe like the awesome view this is sort of where I've been hanging out little view I got a really nice view this way some mountains over there I set up my little stove system over here I'm dispersed camping right now so that means like I'm not out of actual camp ground so there's no like picnic table stuff like that so you kind of have to get lucky and find some rocks that work this is the stove value my spring and then on this trip I also brought a little table to put it on and I happen to be sitting on the perfect rock so this is actually great for cooking it's a nice flat rock don't always find that and then there's a couple other hacks that I want to show you that Nick taught me we have a bigger fuel can that we can refill easily so this is so nice because it's a lot cheaper than those green ones and then we have an adapter hose which works with this whole system and so that is really some that is something that Nick taught me so Nick actually lived out of his truck for quite a while so he's taught me a lot about little things like that that just make it a little bit easier I had my water jug here and this is a great rock for it because it just pour it really easily and have some space so I have that so as you guys saw I was sitting on this tarp and this actually always stays in my car because you never know when you're gonna need a tarp like it can be used to create shade we use it as a tent footprint sometimes and so it just always stays in the car for every camping trip so I'm going to put this back in here I actually slept in my car last night because I pulled up here kind of late when it was dark and I just didn't feel like trying to pitch a tent and find like a good spot so I have my sleeping pad which I love and then this is my sleeping bag and my pillow over there which I just grabbed my pillow from home actually so like super comfy comfy I feel like this is so luxurious for camping I have an extra wool blanket here the tarp some jumper cables and a tool kit that always stay my car's a little water bottle so that's kind of it for the back here or over here you so over here is a bunch of my camera gear and in here is like my notebook other filming stuff so I now travel with like tons of camera gear that's kind of all this is in my computer to put the footage on after I've filmed it and then here is my tent which I haven't pitched yet so that's it for the back and then up in the passenger seat here I have my duffel which just has like a couple jackets in here a hat some like just layers and clothes that I honestly don't wear like I feel like I just wear the same thing for days when I go camping so that's kind of what this is what's in here like toothbrush toothpaste that kind of stuff and then this is my day hiking backpack so just have that in case I want to go hiking a backup canister which we don't really ever use but in case we run out of fuel this is kind of like the backup one and then I have a smaller cooler here just show you so since it was just gonna be me on this trip I packed our smaller cooler here because I just didn't need like the huge Yeti and in here I have a bunch of pre washed and cut lettuce for salads and then some peppers cheese eggs for like a egg scramble cucumber a bunch of milk tomatoes so like really simple but I was just planning to make like eggs and salads while I was here that's kind of all ready to go so that is really it for what I bring camping how I stay organized there's actually plenty of space at least in my Xterra here so that's kind of how I do it if you have any questions at all make sure to comment below just even if you want to say hi I read all the comments I love hearing from you and I have a list of video ideas from questions that you asked and things that you want to know so make sure just to let me know let me know before you go I've spent too much time by myself now let me know in the comments below if you have any questions and make sure to subscribe to my channel ring the bell something really simple to do if you like my videos and it really supports my channel I'd love to see you in next week's video have an awesome week cesium peace [Music]
Channel: amandaoutside
Views: 83,162
Rating: 4.9118776 out of 5
Keywords: camping organization, camping hacks, camping organization hacks, camping packing hacks, camping tips and tricks, how to keep camping gear organized, camping organization ideas, camping gear organization, camping tips, car camping, camping bloggers, amanda outside
Id: B0t_YObYMa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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