Bee Man Vs Bees On Tree & Inside Wall Of House

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there's a beehive in the wall of this house that has swarmed the other day they were coming and going pretty steadily where this water line meets The Brick exterior but of course since they've swarmed that activity is down quite a bit I'll be showing you what that Hive looks like since I did wind up removing it but first let's look at the Swarm that's in these people's crape myrtle tree the other day when I showed up it was bright yellow on the day I'll show you what it looks like today all right there we go you ready look at that something's still going on in there what do you think all right but okay [Music] [Music] sometimes when I'm shaking a swarm I'll just do like a little small shake at first just to see if we get lucky and she pops out and I'll deal with the rest of the base because the main thing with the storm is you know catching the queen putting her aside then it's all downhill from there can I cut those branches okay make this a lot easier shake them film all that stuff [Music] foreign folks so what you're looking at here see these things that kind of look like peanuts those are queen cells or in this case swarm cells the bottom of the queen cells have these little hatches that have been pushed out this is telling me that this Hive did in fact swarm and because I'm seeing these swarm cells that have hatched out coupled with the fact that we have a swarm hanging in the tree right on the other side of the wall here I would say that the Swarm came from this hive oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] got some weight to it with all these leaves on it all right hold on [Music] question the temperatures are dropping a little bit it was in the 50s this morning should be friends she is in the box somewhere [Music] I got him prowling up underneath my shirt right now too foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I got a stinger in my index thing on my left hand just leave it in there for now get that out in a minute I think she might leave it to the other side let's see [Music] I miss you all right let's see if we can get it folks [Music] we'll try to pick up this song I mean I know she ran up here but oh yeah [Music] maybe she went up to this corner kitchen [Music] well he might be Angelo I got one on my left armpit right now thank you well I'm trying to catch the queen right now I'm not worried about what's going on up there right now no problems no problem he's just uh trying to hide up underneath these bees see let's see okay I don't have a hive tool to move them issues we keep an eye on it and she's in the kitchen there she is oh she's not that big is she all right let's just put her down here you know sometimes it swarms you have more than one Queen but uh we'll see how they react uh apparently I did not hit the record button on my iPhone so this is the footage we have see if you can spot the queen inside the queen catcher [Music] there we go [Music] Show Yourself here let me just put her on top of this Frame right here and we'll see if they love on them remember we'll rub a banner on the frame and uh then I placed the nuke on the tree over here okay I'm loving her up so let's go ahead and put on frame here you say loving her that's anybody well I'll walk right past this one folks even though they were there pulled up start grabbing my equipment you know to remove the knees out of the wall inside and uh the homeowner said Hey look check this out so uh this nice little treat to deal with okay there you go yeah tiger stripers small little Queen because they will thin down okay they will thin down to swarm you know bees will actually put them on a little diet so let's put this in here I'm hoping it's not I think it might just be warm enough for them to come down from the crepe myrtle and join uh the rest of their sisters one more frame to put in five frame movement it's one of those pruners but they come in handy they're lightweight you know they're growing on me I wish the entrances were a little bit lower but other than that I kind of like these now they're temporary temporary housing you know you can't keep these in here for an extended period of time they'll just swallow because they're not stackable okay so um yeah I mean I'm helpful to open entrances [Music] all right yeah this is the vent side [Music] no event then okay all right y'all can work this out let's just go ahead and just go ahead and place it over here let's go ahead and place it over here I went back later on that evening and all the bees were in the box folks and that's all the footage unfortunately I have of uh this swarm shake and um and the bee removal I don't know what happened the footage but I couldn't find it anywhere but hope you all enjoy this video another one from JP to be a man to the next one y'all have a great day because you know I am foreign
Channel: JPthebeeman
Views: 143,914
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Keywords: save the bees, live bee removal, louisiana bee man, jp the bee man youtube, bee removal videos, jp the beeman, how to, new orleans, bee hive removal, jp the bee man, honey bees, bee removal, bee removal new orleans, honey bee removal, live bee removal near me, killer bees, jp the beeman youtube, how to remove a beehive, bee tree, jp the beeman videos, live bee removal videos, queen bee, nice bees, jpthebeeman youtube, bee rescue, bee swarm, honey bee swarm
Id: A7hmY6dkbcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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