Hr. Vinterberg & Mr. Bowie
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Channel: Menno Kooistra
Views: 157,197
Rating: 4.9721603 out of 5
Keywords: Thomas Vinterberg, David Bowie, Dogma, Heathen
Id: OmGdcSoTvvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 14 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
This entire interview was amazing, but the important bit starts around 14:00 or so it looks like. Bowie becomes particularly animated(in a good way) at about 15:30, and you can see he is/was quite passionate about the topic.
That part in particular clicks with me so much it’s ridiculous. The amount of people I see in my daily life that aren’t just woefully unknowledgeable on certain subjects, but are actually proud of their ignorance is infuriating. An absolute ignorance of local and global politics is the most common grievance for me here, especially given our current political climate...
Seems my timestamp is broken. “America First” @18:15