Friday Night with Ross & Bowie (2002)

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He doesn't so much say 'no' as look a little awkward.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2016 🗫︎ replies

the only important post on nofap

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/fantastic_damage 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2016 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone welcome to Friday night with Jonathan loss it's a 45 minute special and I've only got one guest this evening so let's hope he's bloody good I think most of you probably know who he is already and the great news is that judging by the impressive amount of equipment up here I'm guessing he might be singing a song or two I say impressive amount of equipment but I must confess the big box on the end is actually Parkinson's dialysis machine around the back we've got Esther Rantzen Zion lung but ladies and gentlemen let's not think of them because tonight it's just me and David boy that's why I was getting David Bowie is here he's in the building would you like a little peek he's in the greenroom let's have a look every day join us again next week when I'll be time they stated by age seven and you know it's taken him five days to get here from New York he came by boat silly bugger we the bought him a plane ticket if we'd know five days on a boat these hands must be wet law from soaking coal but it's one good thing about it if you've been trapped on the qe2 for nearly a week without any elderly widows looking for husbands and people who've been told they've only got a year to live then you must be desperate for a decent chap and that's what we're gonna have now you know I honestly could not be more excited let me of you I'm sure I've listened to this men's music through my entire life admittedly sometimes through gritted teeth but we forget about those companies but I've been wake up every morning this week and my first word has been bowing until yesterday when frankly the shine was taken off this event a little bit for me because my cat ladies and gentleman and how he was knocked over by Hitler on driver outside the house yesterday and you know he's more than just a cat you know I figured was like a little man in a furry suit and I could not believe how showers I was driving to the vet and I was crying my eyes out I was depressed my wife Jane was depressed the kids were depressed the cat was really pissed off but he's gonna be okay he's lost the sight in one eye he's gonna pull through I'm getting the cat back but then on top of that I've got up this morning and I was dancing around the room admit Lee only my pants to Diamond Dogs I stubbed my toe all right Dave I'll get you in a second good five days together you listen to me for five minutes so your forgiveness tonight I've only 70% here because part of me is thinking about the tow get on with the show you better I've got a sick cat arm to get back to ladies and gentlemen who is well no first of all before he comes out later gentlemen let's just remind ourselves of David Bowie in action there lies on my but she is a queen laughter the folding knives Danny Boy No and some place to meet you sir and that was great what I'm fine that was tremendous thank you so much for that I'm very grateful it's quite Danish this isn't it but this is the furniture let me start with the big question David you are a lovely looking slim man if you don't mind me saying so let's face it you're getting on a bit and you're looking fantastic for you I you've never been fat no no I got a bit kind of you know lazy at one point but I'm back to working out again yeah the Boxing Day yeah yeah I like it yeah when do you cut the rouse oh you know what I've been doing some boxing spider in it it's hard though yeah well that's the point okay we don't have to do this I'm doing this because I'm a fan I like the new have an awful lot of new I have it not be with me just in case you've forgotten dozen copies now it's fantastic it's a terrific album it seems to me that this has been better received than just about any help you've had out in the last five six seven eight years I mean it's really difficult to say you know okay yeah it's been it's been very positively received however it seems to be traditional now that every album since Black Tie white noise is the best out my foot out since scary monsters yeah that's what I get but this one just seems to I don't know it's it seems to have caught people's imaginations strangely I do get the feeling that by listening to me we can kind of get closer to you then where you have for many years in terms of knowing who you are and where you're at at this stage you know Jonathan that'll never happens the David life for you you seem more sorted I'm obviously I know next to nothing about you really but for the casual observer you seem more salty than ever before perhaps oh yeah I am I mean domestically my love life in my work I think I guess in in all those areas of my life everything is absolutely I couldn't ask for a better thing you know and a better place to be located it's just absolutely fantastic it's just there's you know as a writer though and I guess that's what you draw on it there's a second part of my life you know there's an inner an inner thing there's like sense of mystery that I'll never be able to fully confront you know there's a I need to escape from certain things you know there's a lot I'm drawing him in like crazy yeah I'm no idea where I'm going yeah let me ask you are you aware of this pressure because I kind of do feel I'm sure a lot of people do because your music genuinely has meant so much to me I believe you have some sort of extra knowledge you know I'm sure a lot of fans feel this way but I want certainty an incredibly well-read man your voice for either you getting operated so you're getting at that point where you come into terms we've inevitable death yeah mortality this probably should have been at the end of the interview but anyway don't worry it will be you know that period back then what was the period all of the album's that we say you weren't waiting for yourself you were waiting for other people's expectations of the 26 albums I've made I think there were two when I really wasn't involved and that was tonight never let me down the two follow-ups to let's dance which was period yeah rizal it was my Phil Collins years yeah that's not let me just explain that a little further I don't know I did some deep [ __ ] here no I it's it's that there was a period in up is I was performing in front of these huge stadium crowds at that time and I was looking and I'm thinking what are these people doing here why they can't perceive me they should be seeing Phil Collins they were definitely Phil Collins type audiences you know and then that came back at me and I thought what am I doing here I should be client to people who don't look like they've come for college that's what I'd been used to up until that point you know Stadium walk thinner it's a certain kind of mainstream feel they're not that I'm not comfortable in I just not comfortable in it you know and what do you think that you're at your earlier I felt betrayed because of that period they felt like this wasn't an awful lot of silly looking clothes and makeup and by Citibank up I knew had some great knocks I'm kind of I'm not disappointing them because you don't ask him but I'm hoping that underneath there somewhere there's like a lightning flash painted on or something I'll tell you what I did to my concession to Ziggy do what did you kill Ziggy did you kill the game did you you don't understand there was a war on your mother and I we trying to protect you from all this but well if you must know your sister ran away country dammit sorry you know I could actually have a dream once were you and my father oh please please don't share this although the makeup took some explaining at school my concession to z'ha'dum is that I I had those Sima those those platform boots yeah the stripe not the bit those horrible things the stack your boot thing I hated those platform boots that's what it was a solid that was the great thing solid Japanese platformers red with a black thing I've just had those remade in black patent-leather and they look fantastic you got to make sure you wear them both same time oh she looks like you've got an orthopedic problem luckily it wasn't that effective it must have been a great view just the way bands look they're like for brunch you you see them waiting for a bus normally women anoraks what's that all about where's look and then we've got watching music you know looking you know the Rocky Horror Show it wasn't that great a little bit of loic some velcro a couple of bits of look there you go it must have been great turning up at Top of the Pops though there's never known who would be dressed as a clown who'd be a snowman were there any outfits that you experimented with and even you tried them on a humming front the men thought you know what this is just too stupid one of your arms knit that for you baby looks like the whole knit joint someone had a machine they said it wasn't God Missoni job I say that was it was all Kansai Yamamoto fantastic style and if you ever be brave I mean now we look back in hindsight you think okay you can see why you made those decisions and you can see why they work but at the time when you did that when you cut your hair that way your experiment who makeup I like you really were out then you're on weren't you makes me wonder why I killed him off you know I was thinking wouldn't we all be interested in an album which told us where Ziggy would have been now you know where he would be 30 years on don't even that's a cracking idea oh no I know somebody probably right now do you still when you're writing lyrics okay do you still experiment with that cut-up technique you still use that that was very famously employed in some of the earlier albums and tracks I've used this method only on a couple of actual songs but I've used it for more than anything else only people often come up with very interesting as it used to look into I try and doing it with Diaries and thing was the most finding out amazing things about me and what I'd done and what I was going a lot of the things I had done it seemed that it would predict things about the future and will tell me a lot about the past and unless events I experiment before the show you have a way can be meat roll and creativity don't blow me okay before the show I thought okay when you do the color blue X I'm gonna do some cutting up questions for you some ideas down and I cut them up and I've pasted them together and I still don't know how you did it but look at here's one when Ziggy guitar T's crotch enjoying these make sense here we go Japanese my sense you'll like this one oh yeah Nietzsche preacher creature teacher that is not a power it was that's no you don't fat old Ziggy here's one you're like a Brian Eno makeup Arthur low spider-man that could be a miniseries or wonderful now these are wonderful here's a good this is a genuine one yeah primitive Jagger chimpanzee penis David Bowie is going to perform another track for us now it's gonna be a track from the new album Oh bleep it isn't doing okay it slip away you're doing now yeah it's a fabulous yeah but just love to taxes bones bones Oh on screen guy some of us will always always but we always what ladies better not leave a slipper white it's from the current album heathen you know I think that's going to be I think possibly my favorite track of the album oh great you played the Stylophone at the end of that what a fabulous treat to see the Stylophone not looking back on a top-selling album but back on TV let's see if we can conjure up something from the pot if you want to I don't only have one I've got one with a special holster ground control to Major Tom Mike this I've had this inside his mind about David Cassidy on the back double jealous that was before I discovered you're doing the the scratching of the back there whatever right in thinking you don't really need all that you could just go on the road with this allows some people I mean yeah I think some people have made a profession of this it's a great son do um deep you like playing around presumably but yours is cleaner than what this is boys and their toys hey if you are David if you want as a really good uses black of what art I could only get a white one how many stance did you have to put in to get one would you like the holster to take on do I get the holster with you want the holster no one goes home from this show mph you're kidding you can put on now the cool thing is I mean you can really you can get it out really quickly yeah it could be quick on the draw fantastic you never know when inspiration might strike yeah at a party and someone says you've done that nervous Stylophone on your David just a little world advice well we're naked around the house Wow yeah I'll tell you I'll tell you if that works she is one hell of a beautiful ones he'll get she's an incredible looking woman and she could do better you're right oh agree with you mother you are lucky look at that yep she's gorgeous ah see that little baby how old is she now 22 months that's wonderful but you're you're a lazy dad aren't you you don't do the nappies and stuff are you kidding me no you shouldn't be proud about that you should be someone I start proud I'm just you know I'm resolved that this is not my you know and I'm resigned is more than were darling and that pretty resolve believe me I'm I want to be there you know help us through the dictionary help her build a library up things like that a teacher walking and talking stuff I mean it now it's like ideal because she's had a conversation today this just unbelievable it was approximately Kathy hello darling hello buddy there's a character on Big Brother who talks let's demystify you somewhat just for my own sake you know fellas what is a good day for you David in New York when you're not recording when you know doing the the business what's a good fun family day for you what do I think okay I get up around 5:30 6:00 6:00 just about every morning I make a lot of European phone calls at that time do I probably that's when I go to the site a couple of sites that I look after not technically but I'm kind of overall operator on this is the internet because you're big yeah yeah yeah I got a I got my own side plastic got a kind of an off site that really the idea is to help graduate students find some kind of way to show their work and get known without having to pay huge Commission's to dealers who usually take about 50% of what an artist makes a better deal than you had in the 70s in it with you I just see mine bad you'll get about 10% of your total fee but I wasn't that lucky because you made nothing for you make nothing at a lovely wardrobe oh yeah fat lot of good it does you when you're kind of you know it's some place to live when you dress like that one sign outside I'm sorry might befall he's got a knitted Kazi and his legs missing and his arms to be sitting at least wearing like a fur thing and it wants to know if the rooms available let me deal with the do you mind talking about your sexuality sorry why what good look because what was the deal that you were gay for a while and then you went event you were not just happy but you were will you bisexual will you pansexual were you try sexual who you were because I thought being gay was a bit like the Foreign Legion once you joined I didn't can you allow back I was just very you know I just got me leg over a lot we did you have relationships with these people as well or was it my [ __ ] open ice I was incredibly from risk us I bet you bet and I think we're leave it at that no this is great stuff they've been my my VP you so you must have had a great time why would I go into that when I come make a fortune by writing a book about it why should I give it to you for free oh and we'll get to a bit should I've never yet tried even what I've never tried the man laughs okay haven't tried the man on man the man in man the man we've met I haven't tried it I was tempted recently when David Beckham scored that penalty goal suddenly I felt the stowing should I give it a try father it's such a serious and a life challenging and changing question the answer that I have for you would probably create such turmoil in your soul I'm not sure that you could actually withstand it or in fact last the rest of the show so I'm quite unhappy politely and reluctantly and not answer that question beautiful more specific joggers benighted his sir Mick Jagger and we had the big concert of Buckingham Palace and of all people you know Ozzy Osbourne was playing them on others does it does it interest you that kind of thing would you be would you like to be knighted would you accept that honor if it was bestowed upon you would I I think I would suggest that they give it to somebody would give it down it's not there's some people there's some people who kind of really they feel they you know maybe that it's something that enhances their life and whatever I'm not sure what I'd do with it I'd lose it or break it or put it in a drawer and lose the key you know I wouldn't know what I don't know what it's for I wouldn't know how it would enhance my life so David Bowie does sound peculiar doesn't sound quite right you know what do you do you miss things about this country that when you're not here because I know you're a fan of a lot of the new British comedy I know your fan of League of Gentlemen I believe yes we heal you I love your terrific manly can I show a clip I don't know if you've seen this kid recently I remembered it when town it's you on the Kenny Everett show and David you'll forgive me but it's one of the weirdest things I've said this must be what about ite I think it was it was I think it was a Christmas Eve show okay this is this is New Year's Eve coming from 79 into the new decade this is the way to celebrate it David Bowie we can ever what are you doing in those trousers let's stop it whatever it is Lily limit me ha ha ah you know I was in the war let him see you there hmm I fought for people like you and they never got one solid Omega pitch with my umbrella I think you'd enjoy it and why should you have all the fun so why don't you hit me with yours go on please teach me round and call me names and you try and sell that to the kids today that was so strange do you remember doing that yeah he was lovely he was yes you know you worked with so many great people other years I was thinking about that Bing Crosby Christmas special on when you sang drummer boy we've been Crosby which is just such a fabulous but all juxtaposition of of like iconic pop figures I don't think he knew he'd suck it with me he was already at a place where not much you know he wasn't kind of reacting to very much around him I mean he was pretty old by that time and it's just this little old fella on a store I love Dave and you know and I Bing hmm I'm David back along David hello like that it's actually a wonderful piece of music together every year I mean it keeps the Christmas chart let me I can ask you about a period which I I wasn't the biggest fan of that that's gone tin machine yeah now you were 42 41 when you started Tim Machine I can't do the math yeah you were that helping to me screams midlife crisis yeah well it was it really imploded on itself we had a lot of personal had a lot of personality problems within the band I didn't realize what it meant to be in a real democracy until I kind of I demanded one doesn't work that way does it oh oh he's demanding a democracy well yeah yes how do you want it run sir gonna be equal okay yes David your internet site I'm a member of your internet site I have a very net address I go on I look at it it's a fabulous salary but you know well it's great and I know we have people here involved with it as well um but I'm curious about when you're in the Internet because someone had told me and I don't believe this is true that I'm on your wife limits the time you're allowed to spend on the Internet she doesn't limit anything I do but do you find it best to leave like a word document open so that if your wife comes in when you're looking at for example lady bends over for you calm you can quickly click on the other thing paints hiding the screen and therefore keeping the relationship intact is this let's go back a little while to an earlier problem that you have is this it's something to do with that man and man love no I'm the least bicurious glad you could meet David and yet I do like looking at pictures of naked ladies ideally smiling good door you must occasionally look at a bit of the old porn on the internet David David nope you know what that's a good thing and as I grow slightly more sober and mature and decide that I would like to impress you I'm gonna stop looking at it as well you're gonna be a better man for it you know and your children are gonna thank you well the boy might want to find a few things lying around he hits 13 you gotta pass a few magazines on your little fella what about your son when when Duncan was growing up you must have said that you know it's 31 will it hit puberty any day now did you know did you ever have a father/son talk to him like a kind of birds in the beasts I think because from you that must be quite something yeah it was more of a monologue we do it's the birds and the bees in the Mollison no one gets home it's consensual yeah I think I don't know he'll have to remind me I'm sure but I'm quite I think I was quite loutish about it I'm quite graphic and full of you know bonhomie and back-slapping and I being a dad first night well yeah cuz I was absolutely not prepared for all the responsibilities that are inherently a part of it you know and I'd like firstly my son and I get on incredibly well and he's a wonderful man he's grown up to be just beyond my expectations of what you know one's own sharp and go out to be he's just terrific kind-hearted honest straight ahead I he's just a great guy you know and I'd like to be around quite a long time for my daughter to well and we would like you to be around for long time not just for your daughter but for us as well David if there doesn't seem selfish oh right let's celebrate the release of the new David Bowie album which is fabulous I don't know if you have a copy but it's fantastic thank you it's called here then it's out now this is a terrific track of it called everybody says hi but before we do that David Bowie thank you so much and also quietly the same thank you sale say I but to know what's what excuse me sir giant
Channel: marshare
Views: 231,442
Rating: 4.9389606 out of 5
Keywords: rock, pop, mor, blue-eyed soul, pop rock, art rock, art pop, new wave, soft rock, singer-songwriter, glam rock, kenny everett, stylophone, live, interview, jonathan ross, fashion, slip away, everyone says hi, everyone says 'hi', ziggy stardust, new romantic, dance rock, space pop, neoclassical
Id: NFrRG5PzjiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 25sec (2725 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2013
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