David Bowie ~ Funny Moments

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sorry what you saying I was I was I was saying be not that period back then and what was the period of the albums that we say you weren't writing for yourself you were writing for other people's expectations of the 26 albums I've made I think there were two when I really wasn't involved and that was tonight never let me down the two follow-ups to less dance which was put up here here's all it was my Phil Collins years yeah let me just explain that a little further I don't know it's some deep no I it's it's that there was a period when I was I was performing in front of these huge stadium crowds at that time and I look and I'm thinking what are these people doing here why they can't perceive me they should be seeing Phil Collins they were definitely Phil Collins type audiences you know and then that came back at me and I thought what am I doing here I should be crying to people who don't look like they've come to see for college that's what I've been used to up until that point you know it's a certain kind of mainstream feel they're not that I'm not comfortable in I just not comfortable in it you know and what did you think that you at your earlier things I felt betrayed because of that period they felt like this wasn't an awful lot of silly looking clothes and makeup and Vice already back makeup looks I'm kind of I'm not disappointing there because you don't ask him but I'm hoping that underneath there somewhere there's like a lightning flash painted on or something I'll tell you what I did to my concession to Ziggy do what did you kill Ziggy what why did you kill the game what did you kill Z you don't understand there was a war on your mother and I we tried to protect you from all this but well if you must know your sister ran away country dammit sorry you know I might actually have a dream once where you and my father oh please please don't share this welcome back David birds sitting on on some strange beachside back of you in Burbank Los Angeles we were talking about films and filmmaking one of the people I presume you would have liked to have worked with would have been Pierre Pasolini would I yes you have turned 40 now but still you look 20 in in your latest video why is that okay do I dare it me that I've passed 40 now but I still look how old 20 hear that again please I still look 20 in my new video how is this please I think that's a very flattering remark and I'm not quite sure how to reply to that one I'll think about that but when Alexandria gets old enough to walk up to daddy and say yo daddy yeah what do you do yeah what do you tell her so ask your mother that one moment was a scene little richer than decided you know this is it was seen you know the church and I saw him singing along there and I thought that's why but there were weird notes in that and there are other things on the radio that really committed me to the idea of music because it was the pieces of music that didn't they kind of broke my expectations of us I remember also on in those days there was Holst's planets sweet got played a lot especially Mars as the dududu and those notes was so weird they didn't follow anything that I knew you know and songs like that and pieces of music where the notes didn't go the right way really got me mad tubby the tuba regular that was a kind of a [Music] we had bet done together it was that no [Music] it was like awkward you know beginning to to where you've got to into some rock and roll around yeah well I like Little Richard along with this stuff I was also surprised by your you're a big fan of Frank Sinatra I'm not sure about that [Applause] you had a songwriting contest a while ago yeah tell us about that I didn't win you know I find out about this contest and I'm a bit of a songwriter and I thought maybe you'd perform it right here and we'd see who had the best song [Applause] [Music] you don't mind do you okay here we go it's in G you like G huh a luxury okay I'll live for G here we go again I'll get you the moon there are so many talk-show hosts [Music] but he is clearly better than most he's a handsome man but I'm not lying it should be and and I'm not lying this wonderful - Conan O'Brien that's a good part here here's the good part Brown control [Music] [Applause] [Music] you bust you g-string [Applause] are you getting people saying I enjoyed your performance but I hadn't even heard of you before I mean is it possible that element has crept into it yeah I would there have been some regular theater goers have comments well they had heard all her the name added many some I the perverse fashion or or some kind of really corrupted idea of what I was about right III I suppose they've got a different impression of me now little do they know how long will you do the part for on-broadway two hours how many two hours cologne I could actually go around the seventh album right now come on yes it's very successful already commercial unbelievers are the most extraordinary thing about Barry that I'll never forget is that he would talk with me rather barber talk at me for hours I never understood a word he ever said it was ages before I realized in fact that it was he was using words it was just this long drone which like sausage meat was cut off every few with an intake of breath [Music] I thought he was still on the country memories what about this thing that the cope loses you lose sections of your brain he wasn't cold it was coca-cola you were just going off no it was just the food I was eating Oh shucks one in it I've miss intone yeah I'm terribly sorry the calcium fix a lot milk I was doing a lot of milk when you work around New York and hardhats Thursday hey sweetheart [Laughter] good idea I notice that the music now is more more daring more adventurous more fractured is there a danger that by following your instinct your aesthetic into things that you write your artistic instead yeah that you will jeopardize that you know the money and a good life no Sherlock yes I think yes I think I've hit that one in the head and we have important news that David Bowie is about to retire and we'll be talking to find out all about that for them when we talk to him yeah I know that was a bit strong I knew I could believe it because I know what paper it was it was a mirror I think could be the other one it was the mirror it was two paragraphs in two paragraphs that got three things wrong which was incredible it said that I was - I said I was well I said there was a press conference started in New York and I said Simon said last tour or something like that and I said well I might be diversifying my career or they say and in phase advancer right so I just gave an advice in often no way and nowhere did I say that this is the final to it so that's number one second one was I said I'll be taking out costumes lights theatrical sets and floss ha ha ha joking a mile joke so in the favorite says he's taking out costumes and sex sets sex right so they've got sex in there and then we get rotting teeth they look fine to me I thought they'd look very good to me too yes well so my vanity was badly hit when heard about crooked teeth yeah roughing no no no knotting sex yes maybe so he's giving up his retirees not having any more rotting sex in the actual story I just showed you you know just go they showed you can't believe anything you read in the paper the best really I know it really sorts such a disappointment to me hmm they were longer but sorted better that's nice yeah for then I was thinking should I get there you might have already retired oh yeah it seems might drop down every knows yes they might have a bit of roughing sex on the floor now next moment is honorable you seem to be one of the few singers still going to be folks who evokes a great person you have a son of it's about my age oh good lord are you moving yes why haven't you got a job yet is that what you're like I was thinking what is it like for David Bowie to discipline you know like your son in his sort of rebel stage when he comes down and what sort of disciplinary can you be giving your past you know we went to when he was around 12 where we were living the town Johnny Rotten came in with pill pill had just been informed you know and my son said I really want to go and see them depth can we go sit I say yeah sure I'll take it down it's our fantastics the night rolls around and he says okay I'm just gonna get ready and he goes upstairs and it comes back down he's got like green and red hair and everything I know I'm saying I'm just about saying if you think I'm going out with you yeah yeah dad what what are you gonna get what you gonna do sir with another photo album view yes a bit like [Music] sometimes my hand inside the straw dispenser all the straws now knowing that they're as influential as you are there I got it out this time yeah and no I mean you've influenced a lot of people and I'm interested to know some of the people that have you seen on this show where they go sunglasses away that's really good ever bothered to dig to the bottom of that [Laughter] most of these fake exactly how much you influence other people I'm interested to know instead Jenkins yeah what happened really Carlos Alomar my rhythm guitarist had a riff that I've been using for foot-stomping you know rock and rock and we sort of let's take that riff and then write something over it it was Carlos he's really and then John was playing and he kept on coming up high I'll give you the Kadena high oh yeah right this is John Lennon saying I'm high and I'll put an F in front of it and that was it really yeah that was me talking backwards wasn't that good one all right so I'm just thrilled is it can be to have you here whiskers I've never said it before but I'll say I'm sorry I this might help out the only expression I know I use it for everything yeah I find depressed fill out a cat's whiskers and can you say it if you're happy - yeah now album Delp studio album 26 do you still get nervous all these years later all these albums later when you release a new album do you know the funniest thing actually is if I really really like an album I really get very nervous about it you kind of get protective about you know I guess what I guess I kind of know if an album is good or not very good because if it's not very good I don't really give a monkey's the last few I'm happy to say I've been dreading their release is that that's kind of perverse yeah not as old as big immature he'd already been around when naughty was around the wooden block yeah yeah okay right back to touring now you're gonna do some touring or it's Touring's a bit like sort of a musical version of Bill Murray's Groundhog Day [Laughter] laughing cameraman but you kind of you wake up and you look at you're in Dusseldorf or somewhere in Germany and you and you've got the remains of a cheeseburger that you started eating in Boston with you yeah that's a rough tour and I've got a choice of doing that or just sort of snuggling up with the man watching a movie about a rock band somewhere in Dusseldorf using a cheesy shoot I choose that but did you always feel that way did you love to get one but then the first first first 35 or 40 years I really enjoyed touring yeah now I just now I just shopping through my old 70 i'ts Oh watching Jack Benny's show waiting for one of your magical cameo someone asked me when I first saw you when I said in 71 and I said I had some old David Boies 78 that I play over how I got Little Richard Cindy I still in specialty I've got an Elvis a couple of Elvis stuff all right they're not got Buddy Holly by this why just want you folks to see this can you get a good close-up of it it looks to be a box it's a Nazi see this is all right it's caught it has right beside artistic coin box full of mystery and indeed I've got some yen here hundred yen would put one of the yen you see the end going on the topic wait a minute where did it go how much more can it take a lot sell you for a fact you can take up to 90 points I mean great who are you life is too short for questions wait what are you I can't see you try doing them something oh are you better yet explain yourself I can't explain myself I'm afraid because I'm not myself you see anyway explanation sticks such a dreadful time I can explain you well you didn't earn the right sorry again a wonderful child called Alexandria but actually Lexi haha and she's just three and eight months and for no darling you're three years and eight you're nearly four [Music] [Music] [Music] so young [Music]
Channel: gemma nicole howard
Views: 591,882
Rating: 4.9608383 out of 5
Keywords: david bowie, bowie, david jones, david robert jones, funny, funny moments, labyrinth, the man who fell to earth, goblin king, ziggy stardust, aladdin sane, thin white duke, idol, icon, british, brixton, london, england, music, rock and roll, pop, lets dance, part one, blackstar, interviews, starman, jonathan ross, parkinson, dick cavett, ellen, conan, major tom, space oddity
Id: HhH86U0gk5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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