How to Climb out of Lower MMR Using MORDEKAISER - Season 14 Mordekaiser Guide

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yo what is up guys this is going to be how to climb out of the load MMR so bronze to platinum playing more the guys the last video and I started the series playing Garen and I asked you guys what Champion would you like to see next First 48 Hours highest like comment will'll be the champion that we do next and you guys decided I'm moric Kaiser here we are educational Mor Kiser video now guys I have one request to ask for all of you you guys like this series and like this educational content in general it would really help me out a lot if you could like the video and subscribe to the channel and my promise to you guys is that I will look to keep scaling this if I see that it's a series that is wanted I will keep making more videos like this I will strive to always improve my quality and my content and just keep producing good content for your review make sure to check out detector guy down below for the setup right if you want to look at the runes the builds the items that you need on Mizer Summoners check it out I wish you all an amazing remainder of your day hope you guys enjoyed this video and learned something new man to see you guys in the video every move you made I was watching you if you are serious about improving and climbing to your desired League rank you're in the right place I've worked on laying out two courses that will help you in all aspects to improve one is about all the fundamentals for the lighting phase and the other one goes in depth on Tempo and a mid to late I've been changer for 7 years and I can guarantee you that this will massively speed up your process and reaching any goal that you have set in mind both courses have a preview video where you can see the style of the videos so check those out before anything you can also always join my Discord to check out some reviews all right let's get into the video heading into the first draft here first things first what I'm seeing seeing is I get an ad jungler which is absolutely amazing one of the things I would always consider playing an AP Top Lane Champion is that it it just sucks if you get another AP jungler especially if it pairs with another AP mid laner right and that's one of the common trends that you might see is that if you have a AP midtop jungle it's really really hard to to play the game so I would I would not recommend picking more the Kaiser if you're mid and jungle are also AP Champions and if you want to play more the Kaiser I had this the last two lobbies both of them got dodged so I can't showcase it now but I said cuz I stopped the recording I said please pick an 80 mid or jungle because you don't want to have one damage profile in the team okay so here going over the setup here we're playing against a s Len both are 80 Champions I'm going to go with conquer Every Game Triumph we can switch this to or tenacity if they pick more CC but thus far it's only the Twisted Fate I can out play them Mor Q I think I'm going to stay with electrity here last time very simple and we going go second wi raliz cuz it's will increase our healing and our shoot also with our W attack speed adaptive and scaling Health beautiful we're playing against a cion here it's a tank and um yeah for the rest of the game it's a pretty standard setup um one thing I got to keep in mind is that the Morgana e of course will block my ultimate so if Morgana ease somebody I cannot ult them it basically wouldn't work right so that's a very important thing to consider here other than that I think I'm very good heading into this game might want to to get mer Treats but we'll see as we go into the game see how the game progresses uh my starting item idea year would be going for Ry I think it's simply the most consistent and also to give the uh the the the the what's it called perspective we're starting off in a in a bronze MMR game right so here we go and um checking up for the first four waves here we're playing morer Rengar against L Canan Canan is one of the weaker level one Champions simply because he doesn't really have anything to his name whereas morer gets an extra passive so I can do my q and if I land it onto him without minion it's going to be isolated deals more damage I'll talk about that in a second but it's the passive that makes me very strong level one Len Rengar both pretty strong in the early game also get stronger at level six I do think at level six the 2v2 is kind of like dependent on skill how good Le Al is and who I decide to ult as well uh but one thing I always got to keep in mind is that their mid laner has a global ultimate so that's one thing to always just keep in the back of my mind s is playing without flesh it's another important thing to consider and uh the one one thing that I was explaining here is if you use Mizer q and you land it on like an isolated Target it could be a camp Could Be A Champion could be a me it deals a lot more damage it basically crits and if you land your Mizer Q on multiple targets so let's say I head it on sign in three different means it's less damage so that's always a thing to consider um and yeah I hope we just loaded to the game so we're going to go ahead purchase the DOR ring and head into the game and to quickly fix up some of the settings that I forgot to change and uh then we are perfect to go all right I just wanted to set it to 45 um yeah so I'll go for door's ring and um I'll see the starting step that I always have like my starting step level one to start making my plans for my Landing phase right what what what crash do I want to do all that stuff is I want to get a w down in the early game to see where that jungles are starting right that's the first step of the fin man so let's get in here okay I see all of them here and I also can press T so I can already see that this guy started a d shield and has a m and dment I'm going to wait a little bit longer I'm going to turn off the sound of the pinks that's very loud get this all the way down all right I don't know how we died while seeing them but we don't have to know all right and um sign got an assist so one thing to consider when you're opponent gets either W exp or an assist in the early game they'll actually get level two from the first six means so they need the three castes and the three melees to get their level two normally you would need six means plus one melee meon or five means wave one and one melee from level two to get your level up but now Canan actually only needs all these six means because he's 2% to level two right now oh my jungler is also severely delayed like his buff is spawning but he's still wandering here but it's okay right now we know that Lin is very likely passing to Top by process of elimination if he's not starting here I assume he's starting here and I do not see the science I'm going to wait with pushing here and see how the sign will react there he is okay and now I'm just going to start pushing the wave and I want to play for my level two try and see if I can get a trade in remember if I use my Q on him and on the means it deals a little bit less damage so here if I get landed in oh he side it well no bone plating Perfect all right I'm going to hit the melee here so that I only need five melees to get my or five means to get my six means to get my level two rather I keep messing it up so here I'm going to AOE the minion and him Auto to get the passive now wait with the E because he needs to try and side step it right oh wait is he doing the boss he's doing the BOS And he ghosted as well and I can just e like this and I'll drag him below me so if i e like this right all my character will drag him down I got to be careful here cuz this passive is very scary in early game and you see here you saw 120 you saw like a crit animation with there too now I'm going to potion because listen could look for a super early gank to me here on Top Lane I'm not sure why the S decided to end like that but he's been watching one too many bow guyss maybe all right he's W Auto e if I kill his shiot he doesn't have it I'm going to wait with my w till it's full here now I'm going to W get the full shoot and I kill him with the passive I got to be careful though I want to sneak out this I'm going to have to flash away here simply so I don't die but now my next job is to try and pushing this way before Len ganks me okay so I'm going to try and hard push this wave as fast as I can because I assume list is coming into top side it's going to be a banger I should have went for the dark seal May maybe uh simply because yeah this this is a sci s players like to die that's uh the highest death champion in the game for sure maybe with cars okay and now we can recall uh multiple options here for my first item I think riy is the most consistent but I really want a dark to with how this sign is playing my renger has P into B and it looks like renger is 16 CS but all his camps are gone so that means Lin took some camps of the Rengar that I noticed here else the Rengar would be at um more CS right so Rengar 16 CS but all his CS are gone normal full clear 24 CS so he's definitely lost two to the Le in so Le is delayed into top the reason I don't appear is because my next me W actually walked into his turret so you see all six me are actually still alive here because my means were accurate onto his turret not onto his means and signus hard push this so I managed to preserve my TP which is amazing uh I got to be careful cuz I it is very very likely that Leist in is sub right now and I want to try and th out this wave here to not make it easy for the sign to look for proxy because because most s players want to look to proxy at these type of moments in the game if I don't give him the I mean he's literally tanking a tur two like that if I don't give him access into my turret then he cannot look to proxy right and I W at full shield and W again for a little bit of healing but I block his full Q damage so if your full area is if your like bar is full here your W is much larger right keep that in mind so I'm going to stack it up here I think listen might be looking for the gank I'm waiting for my e to use his q and then I'll drag him back because my e is guaranteed with my Q there's his W I'm going to hold my or there's his Q oh I met the passive go run out unfortunately so my movement speed is also gone cuz your passive actually gives you movement speed as well so that's important to know so I kind of lost my kill window um I mean does this guy just want to die again or why is he playing so aggressive I'm waiting for my Q to be back up so I can e into Q okay I got to be careful use the W here for the damage if I had killed the sign with my Q I would have hit level six but I might hit Level here from the me and I'm going to press my Al here to steal stats guaranteed the kill and kill this guy as well lovely right I spamming my level six here and then just make sure I landed same thing hold it back I want to push out this wave and then we can set up our next reset now we have four dark seal Stacks you see L is 32 CS at the full clear a normal full clear is 24 CS but he got eight extra CS from rangar SCS he could have also taken this no he didn't take the Scuttle so that's why the Luen is 32 after this full clear and I knew this because I'm counting my Jung Cs and I'm counting L CS right so if you want to learn how to trck jungas as well as that and learn all the other fundamentals highly recommend check oh I should have stayed for the plate what I'm talking highly recommend check it out my cor though link is in the description check it out all right now let's keep focusing his body a call right first habit you should learn if your opponent goes back into Lane press tab always check their items super important I get the plate because I means skilled for me and this is Twist fatal probably on me yeah I'm going to wait with my w though he hit a minion why is Twisted Fate get my passive I'm waiting with my w blue card I'm going to kill him and then do the same thing with my e like this plan like this and I pull him away very important to own it mechanic um yeah I mean the thing is they are super heart mechanically misplaying it because he he he hit a Min into blue card uh and that's just going to be the mechanical death this mrm as well right so yeah the mechanical skill in this m is is going to be lower in general but all the core concept all the fundamentals that I would use in Challenger games are still applicable here uh now we're going to go for riy I could consider selling this but I think it's too much um I'm going just go sit on this get my Magic Pen and I'm going to just keep snowballing the way I am I already have six dark seal stacks and I want to play for plates maybe play for grubs um as long as I don't die Canan can never really get back in the game and in terms of my gold income and all I'm going to try and Achieve here is to keep snowballing and never basically you know don't uh lose my gas I want to keep going I want to keep the pressure and as long as I don't die they can never really get close to the amount of gold income that I currently have so first objective here is to never die because I'm already so far ahead second objective try to expend my lead but in a let's say um in a manner where I'm not in in a risk averse way cuz as long as I don't look for like Montage plays don't go for like aggressive 3v ons 2v ons where I shouldn't then I'll always be able to expend my lead in a way where they can really punish me and as I push the wave into this turret I'm going to look for Jung CS because if I take Jung CS like this first of all I'm making myself stronger but I'm also making the leing weaker which is like a double whammy right I'm going to use my w right there to heal this is still the first SC I know that because it's 1200 HP Pro the passive q auto auto going to drag it I mean he's walking away from me let's get it like this and use my w one more time because it's running out I did not mean to proc that that sucks a little bit and let's run top because this guy is most likely looking for the plate I have my ALT okay he's walking away I'll take a sip of water mm perfect let's keep going all right I'm going to hard push this way simply because I want to continuously pressure this more this side I don't want to give him a chance at playing the game and the closer I ought him the less space he gets to run away from me which is an important mechanic to understand on the morer ult as well so if I eat him and then ult him he comes behind me he has even less weights Windows to Escape right to his thiret I don't never want to ult him like this because the area would just spawn around him I want to get him like here and then ult him so he can't Retreat to his thir when he acces he's locked into animation so it's very easy for me to land my e and kill him one more time oh there's Leen so no point to Old here because he's simply too close to his turret right and if he jumps on me here then I could ult him please jump try to bait now I can Al cuz he's not close enough to thir Q flesh is a mechanic you can do a Mizer this guy's ghost de as well so is ting to Mid game is absolutely over nothing they can do to me anymore this was like the one window where I had to be let's say a little bit more reserved but s is level six L was level five they absolutely no chance and the mechanic I used there was Q into flesh so you basically Pro your q and then you flash after it will land I'm not going to save for this plate here for two reasons it would ruin my Tempo and I don't need the gold on my reset the reason I say it ruin to my Tempo is because right now I instantly recall I never give the sign an opportunity to look to proxy into me because look when I'm instantly running back s is going to come back to Lane here let's say any second he's a little bit faster than me but can right now is not going to have enough time to push in this wave and get into a proxy position and that is because I'd never stayed for this plate had I stayed for this plate and he instantly run back top he would have enough time to push out this wave and start proxying which would I not want to allow because I want to keep my wave so I can keep hitting his turrets as well okay uh looks like mid lane is winning super hard as well it's also because this fight all the top and got nothing b l is kind of neutral and can is super super weak right nothing he can realistically do and we're going to keep pushing in our lead and play to expand it now I'm going to slow push this wave the reason that slow pushes to allow this next wave to walk into the lane then I can crash both play at the same time creating a larger wave and a larger opportunity I have my item now so he gets slowed by all my abilities but also my passive so he's basically stuck right here with me use W right here to block the damage and wait with my Q until it's isolated and then it deals extra damage boom all right look at this crit animation you see the crit animation right there that's because he's isolated all right super important going to use W because it's full heal back to full I'll do my blue tricket a little bit deeper so I can see the Le coming his blue bu is up his Grump is up again as well so I want to play for this plate but I don't want to take the full turret yet because if I take the full turret s is going to be allowed to form for free so instead I'm going to be pushing in this wave and I'm going to look to take the Le's jungle Camp same reason as before taking Le's jungle camps does two things I make him weaker I make myself stronger right and I'm more than strong enough to be able to do this right now I'm not going to lose much for it and also I got made sure to D away first so I'm not losing anything so I doing this right all right I'm can only stay for the Grump because it's going to be a next wave and I again don't want to give s opportunity to be able to push out the wave and look to proxy on to me this scuttles up as well cuz the icon is up there's so there's so many things that I can play for here all right there's a wart I have my ult again I don't want to Al like this I want to e into ult preferably e in behind me because then the ult radius basically he not going to be allowed to walk back into this turret because the cage doesn't get big enough okay I can take the turret right now too because it would also give me enough Tempo to take the next and maybe the blue buff and also if he stays here I can always ult him right and there's nothing you can do all right so I'm going to eat wow I'm St for a long time oh he just SS into me I mean I don't have to ult now because he's stuck right I have Riz I'm going to use my w to start healing and stop building more shiot and then kill him keep up the shiot and then I can W again I'm going to do the same trick here e into me actually I wanted him to not push my wave so there we go and now I feel grid again boom W back to full HP so that's also where the Riz comes into play right pretty chill and um yeah I mean we're just in such an amazing position but that's also because we got two kills in the early game right as long as I never die I can keep expending my lead there's nothing they can do about it I can just ult this guy and he's pretty much dead so I'm going to start off with my ultimate here give him no route of Escape well I missed my queue so he might actually be out of the dark oh okay A little piggy I need 2.6 so I'm going to saay for the Scuttle first okay now you're making me angry though I'm going to have my TP back as well multiple things that I could play for so I could look to shut down their bot lane or I could look to play for this top tier two top tier 2 gives me 800 or 700 gold which is a massive objective to play for of course and that is probably what I'm going to prioritize especially since enemy team is dead on B L right here so I'm going to be recalling spend gold in this item and then I'm going to be tpping into top first of all denying the s from any waves I can TP at 93 then you're safe and um yeah we're just going to keep expending our lead now I'm not going to be playing for kills at this point in the game there's many or plenty of other things to play for side waves Jung camps turds those are what I call to natural resources and they're also the most important and the easiest way to expand your lead a kills only 300 gold a sidew is already 100 gold plus a cap is 200 gold this turd gives me 700 gold that's two and a third of a kill so ultimately I'm not ever going to move mid here to try and kill them I'm going to stay top and pressure this because it's 700 gold and then once I'm done with killing every turret in top plane then I'm going to Reco go B and play for all the turrets there so that's how I'm going to try and expand my lead here playing for split pushing and play for natural resources on the map right this blue is gone the Harold is spawning soon too so haral is 200 gold and would give me an easier time pushing turrets too which is something to consider okay I missed that check items too he has this only yeah that Q hurts buddy I know okay EQ kills him pretty much especially if it's isolated right like this isolated goodbye Piggy and uh yeah one shot it just like that I mean I'm super inflated in Gold so this is just only going to get worse especially because like I said I'm not playing for kills the kills will literally come into me because whilst I'm taking their turrets guess what they they want me to take their turrets this guy's no flesh come here little piggy all right going to take a camp again this is like the third G gr I'm taking of him right oh keep in mind I cannot ult this guy when this e up I'm going to take this first going to keep my queue up so I can instantly try and que him oh okay uh I'm going to move to Mid and then probably move it to B cuz I want to play for those turrets right now that's the like the the largest amount of natural resource that I can gather I know I'm stealing it from the re but I might my name is written on this turret e landed Q stunt and we can play for the m 2 as well beautiful and like I said the kills will walk into you I mean again the lower MMR you are the easier it will be but these Concepts I'm doing I'm doing the exact same things in silver in Gold Platinum emerald diamond Master grandmas and even Challenger so keep that in mind let's move on to the next game I have a ad mid jungle my yaso says someone Dodge please why I'm tweaking I can't play R now something happened I have one day wait time please Dodge then un tweak with the daytime bro is cooking well that's the champion we should have Bann perhaps that's one definitely one of the two Champions that I recommend to ban but it's all good I think it's Ed car considering it banned Misfortune right that's always the thing I'll run it down if you don't Dodge okay let's bless this guy that like his girlfriend just cheated on him let's bless this guy's day give him some LP I feel bad for the guy though but we play against Teo uh we're going to go second wind and um yeah nothing else to add on to that standard room page right they're going to start desoot this game no Dorn's ring this one we're going to start desoot so do we have the extra sustain right Landing into a range champion and uh yeah let's dive into the game playing in silver MMR here checking out Teo setup he's playing flesh ignite so he does not have TP we already have the TP advantage and he's playing a pris no resolve so this Teo has zero sustain in this kid right he doesn't have Fleet he doesn't have resolve and he doesn't have domination like uh Taste of blood he has nothing that is going to sustain him whilst I have my w healing I have second wind and I'm going to have dshield healing so if I can take equal Health traes with this Teo it is beneficial for me because I will out sustain in the long run that's one mindset I have heading into this matchup then we have VI against Sho damn he has a lot of Sho points all right I would say that both CHS are pretty strong in the early game both can gank as well um yeah that's pretty much it after level six the Teemo is always dead to a VI gank and um other than that I'm just going to go into this game with the mindset that equal Health traits is good I can out sustain and I'll show you guys how to play melee into range Champions by using a few tricks um I mean we're going to do the same thing we always do right which is get the early game W with red site because we're at the bottom here bro this guy's name is go back to kitchen and his girlfriend just cheated on him oh man what does League of Legends come to we leave the base instantly we're going to be pathing here and I want to walk into here see if I can scout the starting position of the Sho as always the first step to like our structure and fundamentals is knowing where Bo jungles are pathing we know where both Jung are pathing we can make a decision with our early laning face all righty so we're walking in here yeah Soul's there too looks like VI is turning blue buff which is beneficial for me that means VI is doing a pathing like blue or she's pathing from B into top right so I know that my jungler is going to be passing into top this game which is amazing that means I am at least like playing either um neutral or strong site let's say Shob paths top into B then we would be strong site because their jungler is passing into B and if both Jung are ping into uh top them we are neutral okay I think my Ed car is just dead yeah that sucks okay so one very big misconception people have about playing melee into range is people kind of tend to let themselves get pushed in I'm going to try and do the opposite I'm going to try and push into the Teo remember this mindset any losing matchup can become a winning matchup if you hit your level up timers first so if you hit Level Two level three first and if I get priority into Teemo he like he needs to focus on last hits more than being able to arrest me does that make sense so here I'm going to instantly Auto q that means as much as I can because by pushing this wave even though it's going to cost me some HP it's going to net me into being in a good position because the Teemo is going to have to focus on lasting himself and as a result of that he's not going to be able to arrest me here he's arresting me right but now Teo is going to have to start focusing on last thing which allows me to kind of walk up to the lastet does that make sense okay lost one last at that unfortunately one melee it gives me level two here so yes I know I'm half HP here but remember we have sustain right D shoot second wind and now I'm going to hit my level two and Teo might still walk up there we go he walked up into my level up timer hit my level two first and now look at this right now that's a perfect example of just utilizing level up timers knowing the level up timers on the top of your head getting a trade timer on that level up timer and then boom putting yourself in a good position all right he's going to hit level two I can cheack my own level of timers and cheack his now I need two melees and I'll be grabing my level three I'll probably select W simply so I have a little bit more sustain and I got to make sure I crash this because Sho is paing to top as he did not start on the blue buff missing a little bit of last hits it's okay to not use my potion yet by the way because the lower HP you are the more you're going to be healing from Second Wind so there's always that to keep in mind too going to e here to get the Min because he silenced me Q this and W now I could consider recalling already um that is because I have TP okay so Sho here has 12 Cs and killed by jungler so Sho did these three camps you see as a rep buff and now he's going to go into top side right so Sho did the three bside camps and it's going to go into top side I want to look for an equal Health trade right here the wave is bouncing back into me that means Teo is going to be forced to walk up for last hits and I can use my TP like in an aggressive manner let's say I trade with the Teo right now I take half his HP he takes half my HP I base thep no counterplay for him right so right now this trade is absolutely amazing and I'm going to show you guys how to win your lane instantly from this position okay team always forced to walk up full assets why because the wave is pushing into me right so it's going to keep pushing into me but look at his HP right and he has no TP so if I base here and instantly TP back I'm back to full HP however the Teemo is below half HP and is forced to walk over for life does he get a kill okay he does get a kill that absolutely sucks there's nothing I can do about that that's my D making a mistake but Teo is absolutely not able to play the game here he can never get this wave to crash he should recall but if he recalls he's going to lose a lot of means right he's going to lose a full Cannon wave here potentially even more on the next wave so now we're in an amazing position reset timers level up timers jungle tracking all the core fundamentals that I always talk about I'm going to be patient here with my e just trying to Zone the Teo from the EXP and now canceling his recall is absolutely amazing if I can just going to try and cancel it like that because the longer I cancel him he's already lost a full Cannon wave here now right he's also going to lose this next wave now to put it in perspective right cuz it's hard to kind of see how valuable this is for me a full Cannon wave gives around 200 gold worth of exp or sorry 200 gold worth of gold but it also gives a lot of exp right so the gold plus the XP just about equivalent to almost getting a full solo kill and now he's also lost an extra additional wave right so he's lost a full Canon wave and the full normal wave Canon waves around I think 170 gold normal wave around 100 Golds so there you go 270 Gold Plus also the XP the way I see it if you are level up above your opponent you're kind of like 500 600 gold depending on the champion above your opponent so now we have an amazing position team is going to come back to me playing in the happy spot and he going to be forced to walk up for last it and I'm already level up and I'm going to get my level S faster right and now all I have to think about is how do I set up my next reset and this is all because of reset timers I utilize in my TP right and those are all the core fundamentals that you need to start ingraining into your gameplay too so here I'm F fighting him because I'm level five and remember if you're level up above your opponent you're way stronger okay the blind is actually annoying here but I think I still win because oh he one guess I'm tilted it happens though he level up he got one extra 100 HP I don't get the skill right oh my days he executed at least his wave is frozen I'm going to pck on the way the wave is still in a good spot I'm just going to say thank okay I can't say thank you well it's all good my V is a crit cloak huh all right let's focus I'm going to be level six it really sucks that I died there honestly it's just because he all right now I tilted now I'm now I'm sething with range but it's okay these things happen uh perfect example of just showcasing how important those level up timers are the thing is the the only reason he was actually that strong in general is because he got a kill on my VI right so had a blasting one instead of any other items but it's okay we boots dark seal and we are still in an amazing position the wave is still in a good spot team was forc walk for lastes right here and I'm going to be Ting him I think we kill him right that and uh and that is still because of the W position previously right got to let this que beautiful we get the shot down because he didn't die to the F now I'm going to be slow pushing this wave hard pushing on this wave getting my reset again always think ahead with your wave States and now I'm going to start pushing it right here basically I want this wave to be able to walk through the lane so that I can push it as fast as possible and now it's going to start walking through the lane so now I'm done with pushing it right this next wave we hard push as fast as possible and then we're going to continue where we left off all right so I hard push this and I'm going to set up my reset same things right you see me constantly talking about wave States and through wave state I set up my kills that's what makes me so consistent then the next step of course is to be good at last hitting that is unironically what I wanted to say that I miss the Canon M so I won't say anything anymore my bad sorry uh my brothers in YouTube for my uh for my manners all right I'm going to build this I think this is actually better because I don't need additional damage if I get on top of him I will kill him this would just give me more survivability to try and St check him and I think that is actually Superior to more AP um 1.3k for this full item they are going 0 Sho so they're basically 3 ad and an AP AP All right so they have a little bit of mixed damage VI is doing Dragon which is amazing with her crit cloak and her this guy has spent 1.2k gold in items and not a single extra bit of ad that is crazy by the way this has to be one of the worst recipes I've ever seen in any like in any meal but the guy's cooking it happens there's a shroom right there so we're going to memorize that and now want to poke the team all right one thing to keep in mind is that there is probably still a plant in the river that he can access um 30 for my old then we could look for all timers again before that I just want to look for equal Health traits uh he has one potion I have refillable but I do have more sustain and uh yep he's just continuously forced to walk up for last that's also because we crashed wave into his tur accordingly again right we slow push into hard push then we reset and that made the wave bounce back into us again so we've basically after the third wave crash Perman put Teo in a position where it's forced to walk up for last hits and that just makes us be in a very good position continuously right I'm going to walk through this room actually know a me will walk through it eventually I'll let the me do the work so I want to try and eat the Teo first closer to me before I ult him I can't like randomly ult basically always e into ult not a random ult and let's okay let's memorize on the next reset to buy a sweeper to uh be able to deal with some of these rooms okay at least he's forced to walk up for last HS right and if I just position myself like this he's either going to be losing last hits and if he walks up a little too far I can maybe get kill pressure so I'm in a good spot this guy's name is I am behind you and they have a Sho too Sho Babi so that's one thing to keep in mind you see whilst I'm pressing tab I'm always checking tap and just kind of seeing how strong people are on the map so I can kind of gouch how strong people will be once I fight them there we go we finally got an isolate the que on his face I'm going to pop a potion just so I stay relatively healthy and both me and teo's flesh timer are at around the same time so um can't really see if I can like use my flesh for an extra all in window here fighting mid oky doie see it looks very slow but I'm completely fine with this and then this next wave is going to be a Canon wave that's 200 gold there's about like 50 gold here 60 Gold at 1.3k I want to reset I can get my full item right so I'll probably push this wave right here slow push the cannon wave hard push the wave after I'll have 1.3k gold perfectly I'll reset I'll get my item and then the wave will bounce back into me again teo's going to be forced to walk for L and I get the full item see if he wants to walk for the cannon he does not okay unfortunately the thing is I'm just doubling hiss because this wave St has me like this perpetually right there's nothing that he's really been able to do and so now I'm going to start pushing and I'll show you that Teo can't really get a reset because of the way I'm playing so now I'm going to start pushing very fast and hard precis wave to I'll get my uh what's it name get my full item he's walking forward which kind of makes me think there might be a jungler it's okay I reset the SW I'm going to buy sweeper too and ELO can push this wave and look to reset which would be an okay play if he stays however he's going to be forced to stay for a longer time now TP back instantly by sweeper I'm behind him if he doesn't see you screwed but I have massive item lead right now okay that was a good Sid step by him but you see through using my TP this is how you want to use TP against ignite users right what Teo should have done after our reset was instantly recall himself but now that he hasn't he's just stuck in Lane look at his items look at mine right all right going to look for the turret keep my shoot very good damage okay I am okay with this I just got to be a little wory that I don't die cuz he does have ignite right and I'm going to push the wave Sho is dead so I don't have to be scared of a Sho gang I can always Q Flash keep that combination in mind I'm going to hit my level 10 here as well but I have to respect this ignite going to care for the shroom W on okay that was good spacing by him I have six drop so well done to the V on that part I think he's hitting level N9 here like he should be close to level 9 so there it is all right so I'm not going to play because he's going to get 100 extra HP every time he levels up always keep that mind he's being a little slimy rat I think this is the real one no I'm hitting the fake one and we are dead I believe yes unfortunate uh pretty hard display by me um Sho instantly ran top should have considered that that's my bad let's see I have multiple options here I actually do think I want Merk Treads because they have CC here his Q AP damage and also CC here so I think this is my best bet I over State here for sure so that was my mistake but we're still in the fine position here here okay this is looking like a banger all right yeah nothing much to do there we're going to go back into top um the one thing that sucks a little bit is that I use my ultimate at level 10 right if I'm level 11 the cool down does go down by quite a bit but it's okay um so let's see the items that teimo comes back with he I'm pretty sure he did ignite me um so my plan here on this way would be to slow push this hard push next this would be the next wave and uh keep checking items so the first thing I do when teo's back is check his items but we're still double in his Cs and because of that even though my score is 1 and two I am way stronger right 14 CS is about the equivalent of a solo kill so keep in mind even though it doesn't look like it I am super far Ahad of the team right now and that is all through fundamentals and your foundation which is lasting right that is always the thing that makes you the most consistent I'll keep preaching about that all right so he's pretty strong he's got some Tier Two Boots as well his blind is actually super super annoying man all right I'm going to look for this Golem Camp instead okay we do get the second dragon and we have six grub so that is a really nice thing by my jungler and whilst my jungler is both site of course I'm able to do this your passive also Pro and Jo cam so makes it very easy to clear all right okay do okay and use my w to heal back to full I need my level 11 before I want to ult so I'm ensure that it's like I steal more stats but it's also lower cool down I believe or maybe just only the kol down lowers I'm actually not too sure what upgrades come here little piggy he's no potion so any poke I can do is good as long as I get ahead out of the trade with health I can also look to flesh Al him I don't think he has any counter playay but he has to be in the center of the wave and then I can flesh Al him but I need him to walk a little bit further right just like that nothing he can really do he did Dodge my e and he has flush himself he's going to be flushing all right but it's too late Bluetooth Auto attack and that's why we flush old so he can't Retreat to his tur too far right he's still close enough into my range and we get a beautiful solo kill which might lead to getting the full turd I'm going to Ping his flesh here it's 1450 where he flash so 9050 is going to be his next flesh timer this is why you it's super important to have the timers in the chat right because I ping when he flashed 1450 plus 5 minutes flashes a 5minute cool down 90/50 top copy the message boom now I have a spash timer I get the full turret I'm going to hard push the next wave and set up my reset right I have two blade run Kings so building HP is not that valuable uh I'm thinking of maybe going for an item like Proto belt so I have an extra Gap closer onto a range Champion like team which I think will greatly benefit me and also because I don't think I need the liandries because they don't really have any tank so the percentage Health damage to me doesn't make too much sense right liandries with the percentage burn like I don't think I need it this game so I'm actually going to go for this and I think it's more consistent this game so let's go for this item right here and we're going to open up into to top um team is pushing up mid I could consider tping here maybe unless don't need to they will probably kill Deluxe as well without my help I'm moving to Mid here and then just kind of seeing what will play out oh okay this Lu might be killing all my teammates there so I'll just TP beautiful and I TP not only to get the skill but because I can also get the full tur and now I tell my teammates to go away and while they recall I get this full tur I'm able to reset the side wave and boom this is super super super good for me I will be able to get my Proto belt teo's pushing the wave back into me I'm going to fix the side wave reset go back into top and play for the top tier two I don't have old yet but he has BL on the king I think I still win I missed my Q oh but I won I missed my que though I eat him behind me and I missed my que I'm not the best mechanical player right that's definitely uh present in this game and the fact that I only have Magic versus only didn't make it so easy to One V one so I definitely kind of wanton something with armor now I feel like that's the most consistent thing and I think this is pretty good but I don't have too much crit so it's kind of tricky for me to find an armor item maybe it just actually is this H what are some other options I think sitting on this is extremely valuable because it like it kind of uh C like it it's just really good have an armor item right and they have a vein that's getting fed I think this is good I'll go into both I think I'm fine playing into the vein cleanse does not remove my ultimate so Vin has no protection against me and I have something to get close onto them I think more damage is also good this game I don't like building Jack show or like extreme High resources because they do have true damage in the vein and they have percentage Health damage on this right so I think getting AP in general is good this item might just be my best item to go for next I have magic resist in the Merks I have armor here now too so I feel pretty good in terms of itemization and there's the protobelt value instantly okay I'm going to be Ting this okay wow that slow is long maybe I should alter lock sir okay yeah well this is very I should have Ed the look 100% this is a prime example of why Vin count is Mizer lesson learned do not be Ting the VIN we're going to look to ought anybody but the VIN the game is in a very interesting scenario now though because the VIN is the person that I should be avoiding on the Sid Lane so realistically I should not be opening up in the S side L where the VIN is playing as she can see most of her damage is going to be true damage right uh she has two full items V should not be the one that we are trying to search I want to try and Sil against the teimo or Theon not against the vain because that's our win condition right now yeah so whatever this guy is doing I cannot complain I'm making the same mistakes pretty pretty sloppy game I mean honestly this why I have four deaths and I feel like all four of my deaths were avoidable well the first death was extremely unlucky against the team leveling up the second death against Shake was bad and um can't even remember oh the third was against the Yon here and the fourth was really yeah no I I've had very bad deaths this game Let's lock in I'm going to mainly try to avoid the VIN because that's their wi condition right and oh that was a Mis click as long as I avoid the VIN we're going to be in a good spot there always he's pushing into me so I can just take this I would be too late to this fight anyways the only problem right now is nobody's defending top because everybody died here um yeah we filed off sync because rakan and VI kind of went into V4 here it's good though Yas TP yaso two items V has two items this V is two items I do get my flashback soon V is going to be going mid now so that's amazing for me I want to S against either the Yon or Teo right I want to avoid the VIN that's their R condition that's the person that beats me so if as long as I'm avoiding vein I'm happy okay not sure who's going to be opening up into the sideline right now I see the teamot top there's the Yon so this is perfect for me but they could move into BTS I'm just going to take this wart and you see I'm going to act like I'm walking away the last second they see me and then I'm going to be walking in okay but he's predicted it there's unfortunately the Lux here too okay and let's back up I don't I shouldn't be looking for a 2V1 Venus Mitch he bought some magic resist too but yaso is hovering he can ult off of my e so that's one thing I should be memorizing here okay Venus alen and she's definitely dead there okay this is really good I have tping to top because yaso for some reason is B and so I believe I'll be tping top l in here so Teo doesn't get the full turret and I also get pressure into the tier two uh I push out the b wave there's nothing else for me to play play B I mean usually the yaso should be here right but now I just play both s side waves is completely fine for me too I get a lot of resources right and uh and I deny the Teo I deny him of getting the full turret so this good too and uh we're heading back to 10 St per minute okay I'm going to push this out entirely okay like that kind of missed it there okay do I can take some drone cams here there's two people here V is still dead but V should open up there from base somebody took this this guy also has BL ging so now they have three BL run Kings again something to keep in mind Teo went bot now if I am vain I am most likely opening up top line so I'm trying to put myself in the Vin's position here yeah there we go she knows that okay this guy just took my stuff she knows that she can One V one me so I'm not I'm just going to respect it if she cues into me then I can maybe look out play it but uh if she does not face check me I can never guaranteed land my abilities and it's simply too hard what I can do is look for this uh for this uh bull here maybe however the Sho might show up so I'm going to drag it into the bush here if v f Shacks me I can land my I and yo can hold okay that's super unlucky okay she just flush and cleanse oh if only I burn I'm trying to Old here so I also kind of save the yaso here but I'm not sure if I even win I am griefing it I'm going to flash here with v no ult so I just killed myself o o v had no old they were fighting both before that's my bad too this guy flush aled kind of overestimated my own damage in that fight too I thought my the V would die but she had a little bit of magic resist now actually negative score now the game has gotten in a bit of a tricky scenario but the good part about this of course that you guys can learn from my mistakes too and um well if I had no ult I shouldn't return to that fight I think the ult on Teo was also too too too much of the good part this gu should back off souls in one minute F has no flesh Clans that's super good to know and I think if we play as five we'll always be fine we're not as five the game looks hard let's go S5 I mean it's all right let's see I do not have flesh for the next fight but it's fine I'm trying to also here kind of consider who is going to be my prioritizing or who am I going to prioritize to ult in the next upcoming fight right to kind of anticipate how I want to play the fight I think my target is probably yon if I can or Lux because they're guaranteed targets for me to ult during my ult right alternatively I can also like Timo and kind of Zone him and my team is fighting 2v3 here again we're never really in numbers we're always kind of outnumbered and yeah then the fights just become super awkward okay this guy does not know that I'm here my UL him here he has no Escape that's beautiful okay soul is in or Soul well dragon is in 14 but my jungler and mid are dead so I don't think we should be grouping up we're just chain dying in mid lane nothing I can do about that I'm going to push out this wave I'll be 1.7 then we have our item I made plenty of mistakes myself so that's kind of why I'm so delayed in Tempo now um my teammate's dying here like we should just go as five and then that would be F I should turn chat on right and so let's do it so go S5 Bros and then we'll always win okay they want to contest but rakon is dead so I'm not a fan of contesting but Teo is also that I suppose but this is already gone this is already gone we should go here instead this is bad this play is already trying to salvage right they already have it all right I have my third item now uh I think the next item okay the Lux is super strong actually she has a big shot down walk gu five I almost have my level 16 Ultimate 2 so that's definitely what I want as well um sen is just taking cams and taking a lot of farm team two items two items two items three items and a half two items as well um yeah game is in a pretty I would say somewhat favored for them but it's okay we're at level 16 I'm still three and a half items right my CS has been super consistent and that's what keeps me consistent in my games and now we are s five we have VI we have raan we have Yas I think we're fine V has three items Yas almost has three and now we should move into Nash oh that's a very lucky VI here we should move here we can try and start it no no we should fight them and now if they walk into us we're going to try and fight maybe we should have started it I don't think they knew I mean here are just a matter of execution now that's definitely the fake one oh he Jed me I got caught by Lux but we got the kill on the Sho V died too I get my e in a second here e ult okay that's actually a really funny interaction right but always e to Old Slow with my passive key pathing with him and now we can do n beautiful that's the fight we needed subop chasing we instantly go for Nasher beautiful ping my team here this is the exact team fight we needed um yeah I mean the vi actually one shot the VIN I believe so that's really amazing I made a little bit of a mistake focusing the bad Sho um but then it was good right into old is always the main com you want to do There's No Escape Route for them going keep my W on we get the ner here and now the game stabilized again for next fight I will also have flashh so that's massive too um try to considerer my next item here I have a lot of op honestly I think I just finished my armor option but it's so tricky with their damage profile right it's not like they have ra damage like a hackim or an atrox or or or like a Riven they just have like percentage damage because they all build play with King so they just have a really old damage profile this game um might want a I mean this could work kind of to get more dueling power all right let's recall um I'll just this for the time being I think it's all right those Frozen art better yes I think Frozen art is better they don't really have any crit I'm going to stick with the Frozen art and now I move B the reason why I go B is because I have top anyways it's closest to the dragon which should be the next neutral objective rakan should be mid go for M I have TP um I think that's the best call to do this V is going for the death St okay or a guardian angel actually never mind it's a guardan angel um and I want to play B get this steer to tur Jonas stop he does have TP as well only two items keep checking items every time right so I'm not going to get surprised by anything and I canot know how strong people are okay I'm going to move both level 18 soon as well and uh three items here three items here my team is pretty strong like they they are good in the 4v4 I believe although that that looks hurt a lot okay that's not good all right my team got absolutely gapped I think I can get this before young gets this because he doesn't have a big wave I'm going to TP into top here in a second although no this is just gone I recall push this wave and I'll recall I'll buy Magi for the time being and see what we can do I'm just going to be as strong as I can I don't think they'll keep sieging but maybe they can top teo's here no he won't as sees me okay yeah I don't know I think my teammate is uh didn't play the execution well enough oh I think Lux flush let's play for this now this guy's death s this guy is going to have guarden Angel all right let's push up midwave and play for Dragon Goes five uh who do I want to all this fight it is most likely going to be yon three items Lux is amazing Teo is amazing those are the champions I can kill guaranteed right so those are the priority targets for me vain is the hardest I hope my team can deal with vain well Lux is still here what that's fine we just play Dragon I'm not sure if they spotted me that's is the real one okay massive I need to hold the team o oh wow it St me okay we got Lux two on top Lan and this Jones should die okay nice nice nice nice nice uh very weird scenarios happening we also get the added movement speed now of having this so this is really amazing wa I'm alone I'm griefing maybe I can baiter a little bit okay I do have pretty good movement speed because of when you have 10 Stacks in Mages you get movement speed from the item so that's really good okay she's going in one V4 she's trying to be goou okay Yo's pushing top as well which is good Oh my days that's almost a kill for her how is that old still active damn all right I'm going to base and go bot We Are One Dragon away from Soul Point 2 minutes for Dragon believe I'm in time good I'm going to push out B wave all the way because the next n objective is going to be draged I'm going to be pinging my teammates away I'm telling them don't overstay and uh yeah the reason this game is so hard for me in general is remember I was 5 and five at a certain point in this game right I have made too many mistakes going from Ling pH into mid to late I gave V too many kills and just kind of you know use my Tempo too much and it gave them the opportunity to get as many items even though I'm still the first one to be full built I didn't really control the game only now have I stopped dying this is also why I always say low death wi games right all right and our team is pretty annoying to play against I don't have too many targets to Al this game all right so get that little fellow out of there I can always consider tping here if they overstay all right I'll be tping not sure about this play in general all right that's the freeze Target for me going to wait a little bit with killing her so I my Coons back I I yelled with the viin snc she's going to come for me okay nice I use my w perfect we killed the V we got rid of our Guardian Angel oh that champion scary I'll defend one wave here in but Lane there's so little more guys can do into vain right that champion is is an absolute absolute horrific Champion to be playing against that's Mor Kaiser you do not want to deal with the VIN uh so sorry Nasher is the next objective that we're going to be playing for and so my teammate should back off go reset and go for Nash all right my yo is going to have four items which is really good sen has three items now V has four items so we're in a really good position and one thing to consider is rakan has no flash nobody really has fles besides the Cent so I can kind of already anticipate like Ron is not going to look for a flesh hold or anything like that this fight right this guy also lost his G Angel which is really good and I think Lux might be looking to face check me because she wants to look for warts or somebody there we go and I'm going to be alting here beautiful this is the real one I think oh there's the real one there he is little piggy wow that actually cancels it all right beautiful and the reason I knew that lux was going to face check here is because they want to get Baron Vision right so that's why I took my sweep on before I moved into that Vision pocket and yeah we were able to abuse it I'm going to ask the yo to be doing this no he should push this I actually maybe the should push his thir because I already like have enough gold right uh n this thir kind of does nothing for me actually either so let's leave uh next up 1 minute we're going to be playing for the soul this is good though for the entire team to grab yeah as long as I prioritize of uh luck then I'm always good right that's the easiest Target for me to be Al in this game I have four spare K gold that's kind of massive amount I'm going to be honest but since we were five and five we have stopped dying finally like little piggies I don't think there's any way for me to improve my M but other than maybe going for this this going actually work because it gives me movement speed as well right so paired with Magi I mean we're going to have to wait till this runs out but now I think I'm actually relatively fast still yeah we're 443 this is actually completely fine gives me a little bit of extra armor so I actually really like this uh ution here and now we can play for the soul Point yon is three and half items still no magic resist Lux is still here still shakeer three Teo three just the VIN is uh almost full Bo there's a chance that V or that the Y face checks me here and then else I believe he's walking here okay he was just here okay I was a little too late okay we got to play for the soul Point preferably I look for the y or for the Lux right those are the freest targets and that really sucks chunk into to half all right our team should be able to get the dragon because of this very nice I'm going to have to move here though I'm not sure if we can still win this fight as long as V is alive it's a really tricky fight I have my e oh I had to hold the Vish is free hitting on me a I mean they cannot end they cannot really do anything but uh yeah the VIN is so hard to deal with v is one of the hardest champions for the mor to deal with always right we have to really try and deal with vain only [Music] person okay I'll try and give my team a little bit of guidance this guy should back off cuz else he's dead all right well we did get the soul but in terms of winning the game it's just very tricky uh I think feel like the S is also very often caught like we never really 5v5 we we have rakan flesh now too so let's 55 before vain gets J let's go five mid try and see if the center walk smid with us go five let's go I think here we 5v5 rakan flesh yaso flesh I get my flesh soon we're full build still I think this should really be our way to win the 5v5 I really hope Sona walks with us here and uh now I 55 should really benefit us Jonas four items though V is going to be fullu she's going to have her Terminus but I do believe that we are still stronger she has no guard Angel yet oh that should be absolutely illegal this is the real one no it's not how am I so often wrong I should just click on them more I think what is even going on right if we land on the vein where it's like really good oh she's got an angel now she got one shot there please tell me the V dies right nice I hit the Lo that too okay it's just the Lux now oh okay maybe we can end not sure we only have one mil that died we do get a fresh wave I'm not sure we have enough I TP to be full HP okay and also preserve the me HP ra ra has to ult into him kind of all right what a game bro well I went from 5 and five to 16 and 5 but like I said I had to lock in because I was dying too often and making too many mistakes and we put it together we went five mid and I hope you guys learned from my mistakes and see the otheredit perspective there there you go definitely one of the hardest RS to play for me there holy moly all right let's move on all righty sing into the third game here uh I assumed I was playing against a rington top so I've went with tenacity and Bone plating but it looks like we're playing against a thresh stop with ghost TP interesting and we against the Nuno Jungle which is a very scary early game jungle so I am going to be getting my early game War down for sure and I want to know how this guy is pathing I've went for doran's ring I feel like regardless of we play gets ranked and or thresh here it's going to be fine of the deing and this guy is playing Fleet inspiration I assume it's going to be thresh stop though considering he's stop any STP right but let's see and I'll get my late game Warth down or my early game Warth down but a little bit later I want to place this one a little bit later because I do not see the thresh and it's going to give me the opportunity to just you know see for a little bit longer what the new is up to we have a w here but it basically does nothing for us and uh all let's get it down all right so I'll drop it right now and so I can back to wave it looks like vigo's passing top and I assume here the noo will also be paing to the top so both JS ping top this game um going to mean that we're playing like in neutral position right oh no okay so we're strong sided right now nuno's going to be ping into B vgo's ping into top so I can kind of do whatever I want and I could consider doing a second wave crash to make the wave bounce back into me and force the vgo to walk up for last it's on the bounds and without him having flesh we can definitely get some kill pressure and if he's not here I'm actually going to be doing that I'm going to try and do second with crash he's playing coal all right and so I'm going to be pushing very hard in the early game and doing a second wave cor I'll show you guys what it will lead to by doing so going to hit all these means here one melee right here grants me on level two he walked forward get my passive get him to have HP and now do the second wave crash now what I'm going to do guys is after the second wave crash what a lot of people do is they do the second wave crash but then they let they do not let the wave bounce back into him right now what I'm going to do is I am going to wave make this wave bounce back into me because by default you see my means are going to keep walking but his means are stuck right here this is the benefit of a second W CR this the earliest bounce that you can start making to happen so right now he's have HP no potion his stronger sping towards B but look my J is coming into top side and he's playing without flesh and right now he's going to be permanently forc to walk up for lastes now in this position he's not gankable yet right but if I only last it at the latest frames this wave will keep bouncing into me and on the next wave it's going to be like here and even the next way further is close to my turd right so we can definitely look for a kill window and that's what I want to look for here so just last hting and after this his means are going to be staying alive mine die and the wave will bounce back into me he's going to be forced to walk up for last hit my J is going to be tops side his is boths side and this is where we're going to look for our kill pressure all W manipulation right all jungle tracking with wave management and so now I'm going to thit out a little bit so I can hold it by myself in case the Vio does not decide to not gank but I'm going to be pinging I assume Vio first wants to do his Golems too which is completely fine and then right now as you guys can see the lane is going to be here and this thresh is extremely vulnerable to gangs right he's going to be warning here okay I'm going to th out a little bit just so that I can hold it here by myself and now thresh is going to be forced to walk up for lastet and this is where we can look for a patterns and he's basically permanently scared because Nuno right now is going to be bot Scuttle and vgo is going to be here in the Top Lane and it's probably right here going to be leading into a kill and uh guys how do we call this what do we refer to this what do we say I said it from wave number one this is what we call find now I'm going to pick my away my Jung so we don't push the wave and this is what we call fundamentals guys this is the prime example clean crisp second wave crash to making it bounce and this is just an just an amazing example and I will always say this guys knowing and understanding when to do what early game Crash will give you such a massive benefit over your opponent right whether you should do a second wave crash third wave crash fourth wave crash no other benefits no other downsides look what what to look for if you want to learn all about this highly recommend you check out my courses it's going to give you a structure in your gameplay that will just make you super consistent as you can see right here my L is just instantly won by knowing to do a second wave crash and making a bounce I explain it from level one all right so now I can still set up my reset with TP oh if that landed he was maybe even dead but now I'm just going to trade as much HP as I can got to be careful tur range though and now I'm going to be slow pushing this hard pushing next setting up my reset base probably TP back but might not have to because this guy doesn't have that much game or game play wave clear and then we're completely chill all right I shared a little bit of XP with my vehicle so I'm not sure if I get my level six normally this is the wave that gives you level six exactly but I'm just short cuz I Shar a little bit of XP all right and now let's get my actually I don't think I have to reset though like I could reset but I'm also super strong here and if he makes a s oh wait he's dealing a lot of damage one more EQ like that and he's dead though oh going to look for the thresh here he didn't see it coming ought him as well so I was looking at the thresh the whole time and I Ed n whilst he was standing here that means the gate opens like that so while Nuno was like he was standing behind me right that's where you want to Ultimate or Al press Al on your opponents so I couldn't find my wordss there because then the gate spawns like in a circle around them right but if they're standing here and I'm standing here you see they can only walk here like very briefly so always old when people are standing behind me that is also why I always say to eat into old so if you eat them behind you they literally have no Escape Route just like what happened with the nun there there's nothing you could have walked to and I was eyeing the thres the whole time I actually have this full item on my reset the game is absolutely over for the thresh and we got the noooo as well uh he's 32 CS that means he probably the full clear including the Scuttle then took one camp and died again so I assume he's either going here or into his bide instantly and yeah I mean I'm going to be buying this item why not a full item is a full item I'll get a ping wart cuz I don't need any potions and remember most important fundamentals guys stay hydrated all right well now I'm going okay L is both 36 here so he's got the one extra camp and all I'm going to do here is slow push this wave hard push next and I could look for the SC crab that's probably my plan here uh hard push this wave I can also look for plates maybe in the meantime maybe what I do slow pushes wave hard push next wave look for uh jungle cams the thing is guys at this point in the lane the thresh is already 0 and to I'm three and zero I never have to kill this thresh again to expend my lead I'm already super far ahead all I have to do is keep expending my lead in a manner where it's like Risk averse in the sense that if I like don't want to trade equal resources if he gets a wave and I get a wave we get equal resources but if I get a wave and I deny him by slow pushing and then I also get a plate then I've gotten the plate and the wave right so by default I'm expending my lead I just got 125 gold that the thr is not getting so I never have to kill this guy anymore I mean I could if he makes a big mistake but other than that I'm going to get the wave in and get a plate I'm going to get this wave in look for the Scuttle crap all these kind of things right so I'm expending my lead right the plat is already 125 125 gold the the scle is going to be like I think 80 gold something like that and so there 200 Golds just two3 of a kill but it took me zero risk right right I'm going to get my wart here I'm going to keep my ping wart for a little bit of a deeper wart so 125 gold from the plate I'm going to go for this beautiful and um I'm not too scared of Noo-noo especially when I'm old they basically can already not Tov one me anymore I'm going to get my P down here go back thresh the wave is slow push back into me the noo is there he's level five got a rub Crystal extra okay keep checking items right super important to do he's have HP so now I do want to look to see if I can trade a little bit more with him we got the Scuttle we got the plate and uh I mean ultimately I can actually also make this way push towards me maybe that is the play so now even though it doesn't look like it this wave is hard pushing into me because my three casts are going to die and his three casts are going to stay alive so on this next wave he has 10 means and I only have seven right I only have seven on this wave so this wave is actually pushing towards me although that's a little bit of unlucky targeting and now if I just only last it this wave will keep pushing towards me and the problem that the thresh runs into here is that the wave is eventually going to be so far up my Lane that I can just fles Al him and he's dead right cuz he's forced to walk up for Leets now which is absolutely not what he wants cuz if he's forced to walk up for leses he has to make a choice walk up and risk dying or stay away and get no farm right so he kind of is forced to make a bad decision here so what what what do you want to do Mr thres you want to walk up be my guest take half your HP all right now make your choice waiting for my next e wave manipulation of fundamentals guys set up your kills through waves and you'll be super consistent just T the meon damage like that V's looking for a gang too as I said thresh is going to be forced to walk up for last hits nothing can realistically do V's looking for the gank I'm GNA oh well I mean he kind of gave it away with that right kind of give it away with the Miss buddy oh we got a ghost that's pretty good if I'm thresh I probably want to reset so I'm going to do the exact same thing as reset too I think this h no no no no no I shouldn't I'll just crush the wave into his third and then reset this one this is a cannon wave yeah I'm going to hold my Q so I can use it on next wave for perfect CS as well we got two plates he did end up staying all right Mr Jeff play I respect that and you're dead No Escape From the slow can I me to beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful all right game is absolutely over and now my job unlike last game is to not lose my Tempo I shouldn't die randomly I shouldn't give people like the opportunity to get back in the game I should just continue pressuring the map don't look like the only way enemy team can get close to the amount of gold income that I have this game is by dying right if I die give shutdowns or anything like this that is the only way they can get remotely close to the amount of gold that I have this game as long as I prevent that from happening we're always going to be super far ahead and there's not really much counterplay for them to do believe this guy that again ult he's behind me so I'm going to ult like this right you see how small his Escape path is I got to get the plate as well and he can't escape right so when they're behind you instantly old second time we did it this game because they have no Escape P I'm going to Recon now because I have 3K gold in the bank better to just recall use my Tempo to spend all the gold and then come back on the map fresh lock and low let's keep it going I'm going to buy Tier Two Boots and I'll just get H I think I just get the components like this and yeah we keep expending ear leads like where the amazing position I'm going to go back into top because I should get the full turret first looks like all the other lades are doing completely fine too I mean I killed the nun top right and we killed the Ron top now so um and my but is doing fine in isolation or maybe Vio gave a gang there too so we're in an amazing position all I have to do now is keep expending my lead if I never die right I should expend my lead because I'm able to farm more camps Farm more waves and maybe get more kills and they can never get back close to where I'm at right now right so as long as we keep doing that we're going to be in amazing position okie dokie noo is tops side he is a full prot to Bel keep checking items every time so you know what to expect if Nuno ganks me here I know that he is a Proto belt this guy's walking up so I think Nuno is looking for a gank but I want to bait the gank because I can to one I'm very comfortable here with my items I just came back from a reset I have nothing to fear he wants the cannon so that's a b time to que him sorry Mr Jeff Jeff you're going to have to come with me unlucky Jeff okay I mean we have six grubs and Dragons again my Jonas are really putting in the effort huh on the Mizer so guys when you get Mizer I hope your Jonas are also going to give you all the grubs and the dragons because uh that has kind of been a blessing I'm going to be honest that's the isolated crit that definitely scares him and we're going to be able to push a turret and that's all I need right I mean this turn is going to give me 400 gold there sideway is going to keep giving me gold camps are going to keep giving me gold if I take jungle cams I make the nooo weaker make myself stronger nothing they can do like I said as long as I keep my Tempo like this we're going to be in an amazing position all right so this BL is spawning I want to take that I have a full item in base and now we just play for tier two turrets Herald or yeah Harold is there in 50 as well mid Lan is one plate Okie doie taking this is good to deny the noo make myself stronger I'll flasher and that is so I can maybe also get a little bit of pressure on his tier two turret I mean I don't really have a wave to play with but next wave will give me a wave to play with and I think think the thresh here right I even though I flesh for a Z4 kill it's also going to grab me 10 point to this steer two turn like I was explaining right and that's why I think this decision was absolutely worth it going to queue all the means like that line them up all right beautiful and I believe I have enough to get this I'm going to keep my w here just in case anybody wants to try and stop me because of the six grubs I've already done 500 extra damage the grubs are going to take the aggro which keeps the me alive this guy has Zas I've seen that already oh he us it though I'm going to eat him remember Morana means no ult so we focus the target without the Morana shoot I'm going to keep my que so that when I come out I can instantly que that guy all right nothing we can do anymore we have full item in base so let's not risk it the best habit here so always just recall not exp like you know not risk it and now I want to go B so I can play with the B TI too so I'm going to say let me B I mean I can't but I want to be b l now and I mean this is probably cuz assistant this is also not bad though since they're so melee centered I'm going to go for this and this is fine right I want to be both L now this thing is disappearing in 10 seconds so I might be in time at 4 minutes it disappears yeah I'm going to be in time and now why do I want to be B lan can you figure it out for yourself it's because that's where I can get the most gold income right there's still tier two turd granting me 700 gold ultimately that's where I can get the most gold income all right so he only has a reverence Hydra so I'm not too scared of him and the little crocodile's dead well this is a complete different game than last game right and that's mainly because I never died and keep expanding my lead so you see here if you gain a lead and you manage to control the tempo and never lose it this is what the game is going to look like next game it became a 40-minute Banger first of all because their Champions were pretty good against mine but also because I died so often right so here you can see the clear contrast again I going to keep W keep it up so I can block two hits and then heal a little bit now if I'm Noo-noo I probably want to walk to my jungle here so let's see if they're going to path like this I'm just going to wait here for a second we're not really losing anything here and I mean the game is absolutely blasted open this J is three and one poor guy can't really do much no no you want your R buff buddy oh no he's yanking but hello are you going to flush okay I'm going to be in time surely doesn't get it right I am your nightmare [Music] trash calculated change a player for a reason yeah I don't know what else to say man sometimes you just got to be a lucky Pig what else can I say well YouTube I hope you guys are enjoying it uh this game is pretty much over so don't end done I have my next item in the base I'm going to push the sideway first then take another jungle cam but at this point we've got an Al TI one two two turet and the next neut objective that we can realistically play for is going to be Baron but it's 3 minutes away so up in those three minutes I'm going to be playing for a side waves and jungle cams right if I take that jungle cams they literally have nothing to play for and to be fair they already really don't where is this no no is is he here is he taking Scuttle I didn't get conquer St so he's not in that bush as long as I just keep the n in The Jone cams there's absolutely nothing they can do okay thresh might have his ghost again sideway first the general Ru th that I can have with J cams right is if there is a side wave first you should take the side wave first because the Jung Camp doesn't disappear unless somebody can take it but the side wave will disappear right so take that first and then you'll be golden wow I actually AOE one shot the casters the beautiful thing about morer is that it's so stupid easy to farm right and you have AOE which makes it super easy as well I mean 2 minutes for bar now I'm going to take this Jung cam so I just deny the noooo he's absolutely unable to farm the whole game and yeah poor guy but uh nobody likes jug anyways I honor think actually that jungle was the most hated Roll by far but that's not even a surprise I try to predict it maybe it's like a second or third blue that I'm going to be nabbing sh no I took one last game Okie doie push this in yeah I got me unblock chat like I w't talk about it I don't want to talk about it I'm acting like I'm AFK okay I'm acting like I'm AFK he's close to me he can't run to his turret always will work Jen is here too sh that's how you do it YouTube that's how you do it Bros no I'm just a piggy I shouldn't be flexing I'm not going to be flexing sorry I'll take it back it's just that the bait was too large there was a onek shut down they took it they fell for it game over now we're going to be playing Nasher we just close out this game this was a clean example and I also set out to make this game a clean example definitely in contrast to all of the mistakes that I made last game right but that's why I also think last game is going to be super insightful it's more relatable but now I also made a game that you guys can kind of showcase that what happens if you do everything correctly and keep managing the tempo right at 12 St per minute or 13 kills I'm not looking for kills that are coming to me because I'm playing for turrets jungle cam side waves right I'm looking to go for these kind of side Wes waves and dra camps and because I'm doing so I'm getting the kills I'm not like roaming the map and playing for kills they're kind of coming towards me because of the objectives that I'm playing for on the map uh I mean everybody's one item I'm almost four items so so the game is absolutely over I don't have ult but I think I can beat them without ult that is how strong I am right now Nuno has no stop Gams I'm very sorry Nuno I've been taking them habitually religiously they kind of have my name tag on them so I'm sorry for that all right my Al is back and that means that I can basically one V4 anybody because if there's too many people ganging up on me all I do is I just press alt and I escape maybe I should have bought a dark seal huh I could have had like full stack Mages at this point she has Merks and Zas didn't use it though I checked right before going right I'm like okay she doesn't seem to take that much damage right because she has Merks but it's okay this guy's Merks as well going to wait for him to go for the last then go he's behind me insta ult No Escape Route so this guy will just die I have my w I have my i w you little pick all right let's do n now and end the game sorry now we do ner we're going to take that end the game that's not go for montages anymore just want to show guys you guys how uncool I am uh actually I don't need to sell this and that is because The Nasher gives 300 gold so I don't have to sell it I don't have to sell it anyways because by the time I respawn I actually have the gold but okay perfect my entire team is playing really well everybody is itemizing correctly this game too kind of besides like the boss thing here kind of uh a lot of kind of a lot of kind of huh kind of I'm kind of saying a lot of kind of I'm kind of a pig what am I doing with my life I'm kidding I absolutely love it I hope you guys are enjoying this though all right let's keep because I mean you you guys selected morer right I asked on the last poll we did gar first it was received super well and I was super happy to see that I asked you guys what CH you want I saw nases was like the top com for the longest time but that was more the so we we switched it to more the but now we have four items we do not have the baron B but that's okay the entire team has the baron buff let's close out this game that's the most important part never leave the small ones hanging cuz they're actually the ones that give the most gold this one tur is already super low HP but I can just push a top L here as well and push three waves at the same time Karma bot these three mid and meid top they have no engage in that draft besides a nunu snowball running them down if they had like I don't know or and like some extreme engage I might want to group up with my team but realistically nobody in my team should die especially with all of them having flesh besides fgo but he has old so we're completely fine here that's kind of the decisions or suppers that I have if I want to like group up with my team or Siege the sideline now I'm going to pick my team to go bolt I mean are they actually killing them maybe they are my team is just Faker my team is just Faker well GG that was a better game better example um there you go YouTube I I I bro I'm saying YouTube like I go from CH to saying YouTube there you go my fundamental dear fundamental Piggies hope you guys enjoyed it moving on to the next game peace all righty guys let's head into our last game here say all right guys I say all righty my dear favorite YouTube my dear favorite fundamental pleas let's go we're playing against an aali here with Ignite teleport she's playing conqueror resolve aali is not that strong in the early game um H I feel like our Champions kind of want to do a similar thing although she is more of an assassin I'm more of a juggernaut right but I feel like the Juggernaut class is pretty good into assassins in the general you know in general the only thing is if she starts snowballing on me it becomes a super hard game so I just want to play very consistent uh with my uh with my wave States and then I'll always be good uh they have a vgo jungle we have a b jungle I would say that pre- level six it's probably better for us to 2v2 after level six vehle gets old it's an easier time to reset right so I think we have the beneficial position pre six and after six I mean it depends on execution too if I ought the vgo we're also always fine um so it's a matter of execution more so than really uh like automatically winning or losing right um I am stronger than aali level one unless she s e because if she likes e she can e and powered Auto attack and then grab the E and another powered Auto attack uh but she might not know that usually a Cali players will start Q so let's just see how they're going to play I can walk around the vision right here and maybe face Che a little bit with Q see what she's up to I got conqueror stack so I definitely hit her she got her W down she's D shoot okay I'm fine to trade a little bit more okay that's fine I got second wi she probably is the same she does have Fleet we're both running uh what's it called we're both running um what's his name conqueror I mean I've got my passive here right so I definitely win I'm going to potion here and keep fighting here I win the extended fight for sure cuz I'm my passive she cannot out to stay my passive yeah be what the I'm going to flash that and the reason I flash is so that I can continue laning no no no no no just go M you're salvaging all all my Ari should be doing is just going M I don't know Ari AR is losing XP now as well the Y would have lost XP the Y would not have been able to play Lane and now you're kind of giving it away but at least maybe they share some XP here this is a super weird early game now I'm going to be honest the already following here is the stupidest thing and this is what I refer to as salvaging like the Y's already fine I flush instantly so I don't lose any additional HP and I can continuously Lane and the y lane should have been over with the move that he's making right but unfortunately aali fall follows or the already follows and then yeah I mean yon doesn't really get punished and yon should basically L Up full Lane full wave it's okay though um I hope she learns from it because yeah salvaging is one of the worst thing to do in League of Legends okay I'm going to play for my level three here I need to cast her in two minutes to get my level three I'd assume she picked e but I haven't really been able to verify it right she hasn't used other ability that's I used our hit her too and I get my passive here yeah she has her e I'm going to get my level three though so maybe she thinks she can win that's why I'm hovering in the means here oh my Cannon was hitting the hair Cannon close Okay um vgo could path into top because he did not do the Golem so I got to be a little bit wary of that right here so let's Crush in this wave and set up my reset for Crush all good and we can get up our reset I'm going to get my level four from one cast here that's the always is the level four timer oh she might actually be dead here was close she's not close to level four though no okay that's good I like that trade I like the trade multiple reasons if I reset I only at 600 gold what do I buy with 600 gold really hard right but now I can buy a blasting W or a giant Bel I think I'll go for giant or for um blasting want although giant might be better and now I don't have to TP cuz so he's pushing back into me anyways um both me and aali are losing resources but in the long run she should lose more although we might be having level leads here yeah our my means are 1% stronger which sucks a little bit that's because we collectively as a team have a level it a level up here and a level up here but this wave should still push into me because these three casts are going to stay alive and my CES are going to die she has no potions Vio top 24 CS you see how he still has a rep buff and no blue buff that of course means he PA B into top because his blue was already gone and I knew that K would never hit level four there so I was very confident in ding because I know she basically I only needed to have two more castes right if I had two casses left then uh I knew she would get her level four but I had so many meanss on the return so she could never get a level four there dodge two Q's isolate the Q on her okay that e was really bad but she used her W now as well that's beautiful she has no potions she does still have her TP ping the wart going to thin out here a little bit keep in mind that she has no potions going play from level five and then trade she hit level five too these e are really really stubborn W here to block most of the means damage and then recast it at the end all the wave here aali still forced to walk up for last hits we're hitting level six at around the same time but I'm a little bit ahead of the XP because she lost a little bit of XP on the turret right 8 car is on a rampage that's going to make the game easier side step got an early W here I think I can win the extended fight here because she basically use all her abilities fighting there right that's why I win the extended fight my passive would just carry the game for me and the reason where I win the fight is she used Q EQ but after that she has nothing left and so that is where morisa really shines with this passive is my passive keeps sticking as long as I'm in combat there right she can't escape me very easy extended fight bomba perfect fight for me I get my old as well she should TP oh nice yeah she TP she has the haunting guys so she's rushing Li most likely I'm going to recall even though she freezes it's better for me to recall because she's very close to level six she have like di as well so it's better for me to just recall here and H I'll buy this then I guess and I'll sit on one potion and now I need 950 for my reset and we actually it was probably better to wait for for refill looks like she ended up not freezing it so the way will push back into me which is good I am ADD items um I have more sustain right I my w I have a potion so I just want to look for equal Health like that and I'm super happy with that one thing to consider go guys look at the timer in the game 6 minutes so she can get access to plant River first because she has Tempo on the wave but she might not know that because she's not a fundamentals enjoyer so she doesn't know about the plant and River you guys are because you guys are my favorite fundamentals Piggies I'm going to eat here right there lucky hit she's away from me right so no point to flash ult because she can just Escape as she R behind me it would be worth it there is a plant in N but I have to play for it I'm Mor and I just heal back to full HP through my w and now we're in an absolutely amazing position but is winning I mean everything is winning so that's lovely I can EQ this and one shot the entire wave little awkward there beautiful than keep pressuring here The veh Gangs me I'm not really scared because I always have old that's a beautiful part right especially if he comes behind me I can just ult him there and he can't escape to S either and I mean you've all probably been there before okay I'm going to focus Vego all him he has no escape to his turret I can said this I anticipated this and there's nothing you can do beautiful try to keep to conquer stack up she does have old so let's back off now and I've that 50 gold it's absolutely perfect there right what I was going to say is you've probably all been there before that you're like perpetually being being pushed in by a Mor on the turd and every time you go for a me and he just Spam SK on you right and there's like nothing really you know like there's not much you can do um and that's kind of the position that I want to try and get into the Kali here but I got to be a little bit Weare of the fact that she has her ultimate here but yeah as I was saying I knew that if the vle comes that's the guy I'm going to ought if especially if he comes behind me so he cannot reach to his turret exactly that happened and uh well the rest is history I missed the Q that's the one I was not allowed to miss okay at least I don't your e so we are chilling I'm baiting here kind of no you know W she should be dead nice all righty then don't take my Cannon out get upset nice hey y yo yo yo yo yo yo what's my play all right Vigo should not be top side so I'm going to stay and double dip AKA take a second plate I don't have a wart I'm going to proxy next wave two and then get my reset in and my Bol is absolutely smurfing although their gen is still four and two but that jungler has nothing really going on for theel their Midland has nothing going on for theel I mean after for a second I thought it was voo it was a war disappearing I mean after I saw the Y coming top level when I'm already like yo what is this guy cooking man like this guy is uh all right at this point I'm too tanky for the akali to really deal with me I'll just sit on the dark SE I'll go with sweeper to because I can always spot her when she goes into W and the same mindset the py that I always explain when you're ahead right in theory I'm well not in theory fact I'm already so far ahead of the akali that the only way for her to try and match the goal that I have right now is by me dying and giving the shut out right cuz I'm here she's here right now and because I'm here I'm also able to expend my lead like this because I will always have priority I will be I will always be able to find J camps I can take plates all that stuff and she can't because I'm always stronger than her right so as long as I don't give her a shutdown I don't look like for stupid random 2v ones or like die to diving or doing some stupid Montage what always going to be in a good position this game I definitely should have been pigging there but I'm explaining to my favorite fundamental Piggies on how to play the game all right let's keep it going though if I lose this cannon I won't let's go I won't tell you guess what I was going to say all right there's the vehle check his items he's not that strong the W shoot is so massive man like don't recast it at those areas right just let it run twice okay yonis here well not that scared of that guy we going to e for are you going to Q for it average own players I'm going to reset though like I said shouldn't look for stupid risks so if V comes here I am maybe dead so let's recall right let's not take too many risks and um yeah gam is over I'll go for this item next but with the way my team is playing the way the rest looks very solid right and like I shown you guys in the game in bronze and a game in gold as long as I keep my position right now and don't give it away enemy team can out got back right I in the silver game I made a ton of mistakes and I it was hard but at this point all I have to do is just play consistant Never Die keep pressing my lead and then you're always good like these are the type of deaths that you really don't want to see all righty Y is back he has no ignite he uses e w pushing to me but at this point in the game it's actually not worth to freeze because I can gain more by pushing than I would deny him by freezing does that make sense so here in this game I would rather always push because I can play for plates and stuff like that and if I freeze I'm denying an 0 and5 y resources I don't really care about denying this Jon I care about my own resources more than I care about denying the Yon resources does that mindset make sense well you guys can tell me but I'm sure it makes sense because I no I won't I won't I won't give myself ego beautiful all right keep pushing I mean at this point I'm going to keep pushing side waves and turrets we're going to get three more grubs too and all I do is take plates take J uh take Jung cams take side waves take turrets and the kills would just come naturally to me because people will be defending this kind of uh positions right especially this guy I mean this guy just has a Death Wish permanently this game going to go for the Golems first I use my w okay V goes here no 2v ons I don't have old Let's Not St for stupid risk he is a full Kraken Slayer here I can q fles but not worth it he's on and six it's better to for me to maybe in the future preserve it for my own uh what's it called uh safety like uh protecting my 1K shutdown like my shutdown right now is more gold than a t to T would give you that's how big I am of an objective for enemy team realistically right so I'm going to keep that in mind so me me having flesh is pretty valuable unless I can get a lot by using the flesh let's say I could have gotten this two tier two turret by killing the own then I would have flushed like in the last game he's got a q for it my teammates are dying for for what where like why are they dying here they're doing exactly what you shouldn't be doing all they have to do is push push this out play here push this out push this instead they are randomly dying here and I don't know where the other guy died but they are griefing right this they're exactly what you should not be doing so learn from it I'm going to move into mid now actually kind of move mid I should have move mid and Spike is holding the wave not sure what you want to do here buddy all right that means below half now anything might come top who got the shot down aali and Jin all right Jin is two and a half items A's one item vle coming topside too for is red buff I'm be hiding here okay aalii spotted me for sure this guy is using it for Raptors all let's not move for this play I have a full item and basis wet back off these are exactly the fights we shouldn't be taking I have a 1K shutdown so I am going to leave this position and I still want to play for this tier two t I'm gradually getting there but yeah I'm not going to take the risk right if I take the risk and they get my shutdowns r we're going to be in a 14-minute game again simply because I'm an undisciplined piggy however I see them all holding into BS side at least Lulu and Jin and that's enough information for me to be able to push Top Lane here I have my items now I have all my gold set so AAL bot can only be this piggy with the V go I actually land on him if I keep my means alive I can probably get this tier two turn finally especially cuz I have six grubs well well well well well well y y y thank you for the r off now where are we going to go guys where are we going to go and play for the tier 2 yes why because that's where I can get Max some gold income am I playing for kills am I playing my macro round kills no The Kills are coming into me and that's exactly what I'm doing every single game and that's what make me so consistent right fundamentals macro and Tempo that's it that's it I mean I'm not a mechanical morer genius I do know items I do know like the Skirmish that should be taken skirmisher should be avoiding but that's also because I'm permanently pressing Tab and keeping track of the items right so I'm most trying to get as much information as I can and of course the most important fundamental don't forget get a better team right um yeah all right let's keep going let's keep it going I'm going to push this in I'm going to play for the B tier two and let's keep it going all right aalii is here my the guy has flesh so I think they're fine and them fighting here them showing for here so a salvaging play like Ari right now what she would do if she's here in Sid linee is she would move to the team and try to help here right me I'm going to utilize the fact that they are for Mid to get the tier two guaranteed because they are wasting well enemy team was wasting their Tempo going here as for right so the salvaging play would be to move and try to see if I can fix the fight the like the aggressive play or The Confident or not confident but like the consistent play would be to keep pushing because I'm guaranteed to gain something because they're all using their Tempo into mid giving me the opportunity to be pushing into B and now I got a full tier two turret a full tier three turret look at my gold guys I just got from base I'm already on 1.6k gold again 9 and3 gin that's definitely the guy I want to focus oh you're a puppy come here piggy you going flush that's what I thought thank you for the gold babies like I said not going to play my macro around kills kills will coming to me 3K gold yeah thank you very much thank you very much good Serv I'll take that with me oh wait a second oh yeah that's it that's it really well we got triple in up at minute 18 so we don't necessarily need bar now they also have only one next we got six grubs all you got to do is play six don't die and we'll carry the game right yeah we'll just win this game right now by default nothing enemy team can already do I'm four items if you count as an items K's three items she still needs to get a reset in most fat enemy member has two items who have this Jon isn't even an item yet yeah not surprising though but hey sorry that I'm flame this y so much soorry Mr enjoy okay he has an item he's he's backing now he's backing Wonder be wor about my so I might just like you know do the thing and just die for fun always scared when getting mag y [Music] y where you going to go no way you go that way right no you're that much of a pig I respect it I respect it I respect it J D my cat I can Q flesh that's always a fun mechanic beautiful all right that's how you win games on Mor Kaiser climb out of lar with Mor Kaiser big love to all my fundamental Piggies hope you guys enjoyed it my [Music] Bros
Channel: AloisNL
Views: 93,640
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Keywords: League of legends, challenger coaching league of legends, Alois Riven, Alois_NL Riven, league of legends music, league of legends reaction, League of legends riven coaching guide, league of legends laning tricks, mordekaiser fundamentals, fundamentals, mordekaiser tips and tricks, aloisnl mordekaiser fundamentals, how to climb season 14, mordekaiser gameplay, mordekaiser, how to climb mordekaiser, mordekaiser mmr climb, tips and tricks mordekaiser, season 14 mordekaiser
Id: N8cFno2SAGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 53sec (6233 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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