Which Army MOS See Combat?!? Which Don't?

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what is going on guys so today we are gonna be talking about which MOS is in the army actually see combat so I actually get this question a lot and that is does this MOS ever get to see combat and usually my answer is I don't know there's a lot of different MOS so there's a lot of different situations that can happen in the military where if you get deployed there is either a good chance that you're gonna get to see combat or there's no it really just depends on the world situation if we go to war all kinds of different variables and I just usually say it depends but in this video I'm gonna go into a little bit more specifics on details break it down a little bit so if you're thinking about specific MOS then you kind of know where that MOS falls in the likelihood to actually see combat and also by watching this video you're gonna get a better understanding of how the army actually operates and how we have your combat and wes's and your support and moisés so in the army you have different branches of the army so you have different branches of the military you got the Army and the Navy Marines all that stuff like that but in the Army specifically you have different branches that make up the army and they can be kind of broken down into different categories and you have your combat arms branches you have your combat support branches you have your combat service and support branches and then you have your special branches so if you ever go and decide to be an officer one of the things that you're gonna do along your path and is you're gonna actually just list all of the different branches of the army from your favorite to your least favorite and then you actually just get assigned your officer MOS based off of you know the branch oml things like that so basically what officers do is they kind of pick from all these different branches that I'm displaying here and if you're an enlisted soldier whatever your enlisted MOS is going to fall under one of those branches but basically it's pretty straightforward your combat arms MOS is your combat arm branch those are the the jobs the MOS is the people that are actually going to be in in my direct or indirect fire with the enemy so you got your infantry in there you've got your Special Forces in there you got your armor in there so you got a whole bunch of people that are actually in direct conflict or in direct conflict to indirect means basically you have indirect fires shooting from miles and miles away direct conflict is like me with my m4 or my saw gun or an infantry platoon going in just direct head-to-head conflict with another enemy force so that's indirect and direct so if you are engaging in direct conflict with an enemy you're gonna fall under the combat arms branches now we have different branches and so you have your combat - branches and then you have all of your different like support branches and so the combat support branches those are the people that are going to be directly supporting those combat arms branches so I am a signal officer I talk a lot about signal because again I'm signal I enlisted as a 25 Bravo now I am a 25 alpha which is a signal officer so talk a lot about signal but essentially you have your signal companies for simple so I have a signal company and let's say there's like an infantry battalion or something out there there's some combat arms branch they're doing some operation doing some mission in Iraq or something like that or it could really be anywhere else and as a signal soldier I may detach a platoon or a team or a small group of my company or if it's a huge operation the whole signal company might go in support of them so basically what happens is you have your combat alarms branches then you have your combat support branches and then so they are going to go and support those combat arms branches so in that situation if a conflict were to arise with direct conflict with those soldiers so I am a signal soldier I am now attached to I am a part of an infantry company infratry battalion whatever and we're going out on a mission well those signal soldiers are going out with those infantry soldiers the anti soldiers may be the ones kind of going doing their thing going on patrols and stuff like that but you have your signal soldiers who are out there they are in harm's way they are a lot closer to the conflict then somebody else who is at home who is in one of these other special branches things are going to be a little bit farther removed for some different mos is some different branches but you have the signal soldiers you have this military intelligence soldiers who are going to be out there and attached with those combat troops okay so they're not directly involved in that combat so you're not going to see a signal soldier unless something bad is really happening you're not going to see that signal soldier pick up his m4 and go out on the line and actually start engaging in direct fire with the enemy that's not going to happen under normal circumstances but if we go to like war somebody attacks the base that they're on things like that those signal soldiers are out there and that's why everybody that goes through basic training in the Army they learn those infantry tactics so then you have like I said your combat service and support branches those the MOS is that make that up they're gonna be a little bit farther removed so that's your AG's your you basically are lawyers of the army you got the finance Corps that believes in that service and support and then you have like transportation and ordnance those may kind of vary kinda just depending on the situation that you're in so let's say again this is all relative to the mission that you're on the area that you're in whether or not we're at war or not but essentially let's say you have a transportation battalion transportation company they are going to transport fuel transport equipment transport Humvees things like that over in a dangerous area so obviously in the situation like that if they go on the convoy which is essentially just a bunch of vehicles traveling there on a convoy those are likely to get hit by IEDs they're like too likely to get ambushed so you might see a transportation soldier a truck driver some kind of 88 series MOS guy pick up his import and actually engage and direct fire with the enemies so that's a likely scenario and when she might see a transportation soldier actually engaging in direct conflict but other than that it's not going to be super likely essentially transportation you are transporting vehicles goods I mean all kinds of stuff like said fuel for the combat arms branch you are supporting them okay you're kind of like a service supporting those branches and then you have your special branches so you got your chaplains okay so chaplains are never going to engage in direct conflict they're not supposed to actually pick up a weapon to engage in conflict so they're not going to see conflict if you want to see have a job that's definitely not going to be in conflict at least where you're not going to be direct engaging you could be a chaplain but chaplains are everywhere and so if chaplains are everywhere then they may be in some bad situations it's just they can't fight back but in those special branches you know you have your veterinarians you have your dentist you have some of the different medical fields not like a 68 whiskey - combat medic you have like your nurses and things like that that aren't actually going to go out to the battlefield but like I said all things are kind of dependent on the scenario in the military we call that met TC which is just a mission dependent on all the different variables that could happen but I mean if you have a post overseas in Iraq Afghanistan something like that right now you know there's gonna be some nurses there there's probably gonna be some veterinarians or something there there's gonna be people that are in this special branch and they're not going out to see combat but they are there have a special job and under all normal normal circumstances they're not gonna see combat unless we were to go to war and then someone were to just straight-up attack you know that base that they were on and even if that were to happen odds are they may not engage in direct conflict with the enemy they're going to be the ones that are kind of trying to get things and move more than like unless things we're just SuperDuper absolute horrible you're not gonna see a lot of these people picking up weapons and fighting so if you're under if you have an MS that's under one of those special branches I'm talking about not like the sixteenth whiskey's you know the medical it's going to be kind of MLS dependent a little bit if you're actually like a combat medic so whenever you're sitting there thinking of different mo SS and maybe you're trying to find an MOS that doesn't see combat just make sure you keep in mind the different branches that we have inside of the army and kind of where that branch falls is that at combat arms branches as a combat support branch is is a service and support branch or is it a special branch in the army and so there you can kind of gauge how likely is it that I'm going to see combat with this with this MOS and again all of this even infantry soldiers it's all just dependent on the situation you can be an infantry and serve your entire contractor and I've never even get close to combat right but you can also be a transportation soldier you can be a cook who's a cook for an infantry company infantry battalion or whatever and then your base gets attacked and then that cook has to pick up his weapon and actually fight I've heard stories of that so there's all kinds of situations you know when you're joining the army you're joining the military and you know there's a lot of crap that could happen whenever you're going to war so you know everything's up in the air whenever you go to war but under normal circumstances that's kind of what you can expect if you join a combat arms branch and you get deployed to an area where you're likely going to see conflict then okay you can expect that you're going to see direct or indirect conflict with the enemy how likely is it really just depends on the situation of that you know geographical area that you're going to and you'll be briefed on all that whenever you actually you know that situation comes up for you that's basically it for me trying to break it down in a very broad sense because one of the the issues that I have with all this stuff is trying to explain military stuff to a bunch of civilians people looking to join the military trying to get it into a way that you guys can understand so that is gonna be here for this video I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did hit that like button that we awesome to stick on some more of my videos hit the subscribe button that would be even better follow me on Instagram and snapchat if you haven't already I hope you guys have an amazing freakin and I'll see y'all a little later [Music]
Channel: Matt Ward
Views: 75,982
Rating: 4.9465518 out of 5
Keywords: Matt Ward, Matthew Ward, go army, Army Vlogs, army college, Army, Military Education, Army Education, Army Reserves, So you decided to join the army, What is the army like, What is AIT like, Army Training, Which army jobs see combat, Army combat, Army Combat MOS, army non combat jobs, army non combat mos, army combat jobs, Army Ranger, Army SF, Special Forces, combat arms branches, Combat Support Branches
Id: qagRZ5PWE3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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