I Found a BIG GOLD NUGGET in Bedrock!!

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I feel like I'm gonna have a panic attack okay let me get I see a piece of gold and that looks pretty big Brian just came across a signal using his detector I'm trying to find the mother lode good morning or good afternoon everybody welcome to the channel if you are new to it my name is Paulie so in my last video if you haven't seen it already I came to this area where apparently the gold rush time miners did really well for themselves and sure enough I did well for myself I opened up a bunch of bedrock and found a lot of gold just sitting in this little area right here and I left it up to you guys whether or not I should stay up here and chase the gold or go underwater and see if I can chase it down there now most of you wanted to see me stay up here and just chase the gold so that's what we're doing today I will go underwater and look under there - just not in this video so since we know the gold is here I thought we would chase this bedrock and go up over here where my mining partner was working where he didn't finish now I know there's bedrock there there there and there so what that tells us is that all the stuff in between the bedrock is overburden and that's all worth panning first pan three small dots Oh four small dots they're a little piece you could probably see nice it's gonna take a little bit for me to clear at all that's overburden and remove some of these rocks out of the way so I'm gonna get most of this cleared out out of the way and then we'll just go from there so not even done filling up my third pan right here and I found our first piece of surface gold I don't know how big it is okay yeah just a just a little flake sweet point zero zero zero zero six maybe so I just removed some of the soft overburden and just pushed it aside I can deal with that after so I'm just more interested in this like bit Breaking Bad Rock and kind of stuff that you see here and now that we're getting into some actual gravels this could actually be pretty good assuming it's anything like our last spot over there let's find out they call me the hand panning one-man hand so I saw a little piece of gold at the corner so I decided to film it oh yeah that's what we want to see that is what we want to see three pieces three pieces of shiny hey Brian look at this My partner is upset because this is his unfinished hole so I'm sorry this is where we are right now getting a bit deeper and obviously it's getting better broken bedrock that's where you're gonna find all your silver Brian just came across a signal using his detector right in the line of bedrock where we've been working hey no no no there you go man your first piece of what is that your first picker no you're seriously holy cow I don't know what that would weigh that's probably that's a half gram first piece of detective gold right that's what I'm saying and in the bedrock good for you this is where he's working and this is where I was working before and it's in line right here so I think we're onto something hey do you want your spot back I'm feeling kind of funny now because right here I got my detector and it that would've been so easy for me just to detect it but I didn't okay now it's on next pan nothing let's take a closer look at that nothing another pan down and this is the most colors I've seen today sweet it's definitely here I feel like I'm gonna have a panic attack okay let me okay so this is what I'm doing I'm getting down to bedrock I'm trying to get down over there and over here and over here so I can make a pool so I can suck it out using my sucker tool just in this area thanks just moving off my spoon I see a piece of gold and that looks pretty big I don't know how big it is I mean it looks I'm gonna pull it up with you guys but I just want to get a close-up first I'm sorry I'm sorry Brian okay Akil switching spots so chunky one come in [Music] so I just switched spots so you can see yeah that is gold for sure that is hundred percent whole holy cow [Music] whoa that's like maybe three grams I don't know three or four grams here you equal what do you think I'd say four four grams yeah okay let's keep digging I'm shaking too let's see what it looks like in the pan huh look at that oh my goodness stop shaking I know I'm shaking we're not even at the bottom oh my goodness listen to that quick [Music] hey you say okay so ten minutes later at me staring out this piece of gold I want to explain something this is where it was this is bedrock that can move I'm not even at the bottom and where I found it there's still there's still clay and rocks like this so I'm not even at the bottom I don't I don't know what to say let's just continue nice and deep - it's still going a few minutes later and we got another nugget I hope it's a nugget we can't really see how big it is but I already have the close-up shot so now it's just a matter of digging it up all right oh yeah it's not it's not big there we go what a yeah all right not bad sweet so a good half an hour later after whining and crying and removing some of the big rocks of the way I'm slowly getting deeper to where I want to go it's still taking so long but consistently finding gold but this is the best part of had in that half an hour more flakes to take for the rake Jake so I'm slowly slowly getting deeper and deeper I've been doing some pans here's another one not t-bag at all huh but I'm tired but I cannot give up because there's probably more gold in here this is what we want that's the good stuff ah it's so roughly in this areas where I found that nugget so presumably there should be something like that around or at least at least something but I could be wrong all right let's test this so one little piece I'd say that's a little picker not huge but uh still a nice little piece of gold what I think I'm gonna do now is really concentrate everything by scraping it all into a bowl putting that in the pan and then filling it up for the water and sucking it out okay just picked up another piece of gold on the surface good sign that there might be gold around [Music] there's Lee very thank you so far nothing [Music] that's kind of disappointing couple specs it's kind of disappointing I thought there'd be more but that's okay we're at the very bottom clean it out sometimes that's just how how she goes so there you have it found nuggets all the way down to the bottom and then find nothing at the bottom it just goes to show that not all big pieces of gold or at the very bottom of crevices sometimes they're on the way down I'm okay with that because we're still leaving with some gold and speaking of gold let's see how we're doing in the snuffer oh you can see it man that is so beautiful right on so it is that time for me now I'm calling it a day I'm tired mining partners ready to go I'm ready to go now if you guys could do me a favor please let me know in the comments below what I should do next I mean for sure I'll be coming back here and going under the water I don't know if that's gonna be the very next video or not but we know the gold is good here we know it is around so I want to hear you guys have thoughts and maybe you guys have a good idea on how to pull out the most gold in one day that's legal but until then let's hurry up and get back to the house okay let's see how we did today so clearly we found some gold a lot of nice little pieces in there and I really really like that big awkward looking shape nugget I'm actually really surprised we found that on the way down to the bottom of the hole she does have some thickness to it so I am really curious to see how much she weighs so first thing is first we want to set this up and prepare then prep up a cup up preparation of weighing I'm thinking this nugget weighs maybe 3.9 maybe 4 grams if we are lucky and we're lucky almost 6 grams 5.8 wow that's it does have thickness to it so I'm not too surprised now let's weigh the rest of this stuff I missed a little bit but that's okay our total six point seven four grams not tea bag so six point seven four grams is a great take for gold for a day I cannot calculate exactly what that is worth because I don't have internet right now so I can't see today it's gold price so maybe you guys can do that research for me and then leave it in the comments below but what I can do is make a really cool sound with this piece of gold that almost broke my pan alright so if you enjoy this video please let me know by leaving a like comment share or even subscribe your subscriptions or comments never go unnoticed I'm just a very slow at responding also if you guys could just let me know what you want to see in future videos I really want to hear your ideas now that I have a lot of free time and I'm also on social media so if you want to see behind the scenes stuff or what is coming up in the near future feel free to check that out thank you all for watching thank you so much for your support until next time I will see you later hey do you want your spot back [Laughter]
Channel: PioneerPauly
Views: 752,157
Rating: 4.8845396 out of 5
Keywords: finding, gold, big, nugget, nuggets, panning, prospecting, pan, bedrock, crevice, crevicing, deposit, treasure, treasures, river, metal, detecting, detector, dredge, dredging, exposed, deep, nice, placer, goldrush, rush, video, goldbug, bug, mine, mining, sluice, sluicing, scuba, sniping, diving, dive, underwater, water, coins, found, money, fisher, garet, atpro, minelab, Monster, GM1000, hunting, adventure, vancouver, island, british, Columbia, bc, collection, rare, dangerous, relic, relics, jewelry, awesome, pioneer, pauly, Larouche
Id: 3Na8AjCRjQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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