How You Can Become A Strong Christian COP Light Conference

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[Music] please all join me in welcoming lady adelaide hallelujah i believe that club was to receive me but i want us to give a resounding applause to jesus because he's the reason for our gathering give him praise those at the back those in the middle put your hands together for jesus he's lord hallelujah shall we share a word of prayer father thank you so much for this hallowed time in your presence i pray that your will will be done i pray that the words that i speak to your precious people shall be spirit and it shall be life lord let the word also go fall on good soil and let it yield much harvest to the praise of your name holy spirit i depend on you have your way in jesus name amen please take your seats good morning to you all well it's a pleasure to be here and an honor also so first of all oh let me put my phone on silent first of all i want to thank god for this privilege of being here with you in the philippines and i also want to thank pastor david samro and his wife and pastora a and all your pastors and leaders for having my husband and i here as i said at the main campus it now feels like family and the philippines feels like home because of you so god bless you and we are very blessed very very blessed to be here amen this morning i want to speak to you about how you can become a strong christian amen how you can become a strong christian now the bible says in ephesians chapter 6 reading from verse 10 that finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might amen and it says put on the whole armor of god that you may be able to stand against all the wows of the enemy amen does it say finally my brethren be strong in politics as they say be strong in business i need an answer does he say be strong in self-development be strong in the gym be strong in makeovers the ladies it says be strong in the lord so every christian or every child of god can be a child of god or a christian but to be strong depends on you and i our amen it didn't say pray that an angel will make you strong it didn't say let something fall on you for you to be strong it says that you be strong in the lord god is not against you if you are his child in politics he's not against you if you're his child in business but in this verse he's telling us to be strong in the lord because when we are strong in the lord we'll be strong in all the other areas amen and when you are strong in your business and strong in your own personal pursuits you are not likely to be able to stand against all the walls of the devil when you are strong in the lord he empowers you to be able to be strong in all the areas he says so that you may withstand the evil day i meant somebody so even though you are a christian every christian has an evil day amen so now i'm going to talk about how you can be a strong christian but with emphasis on how to have a deeper christian life amen how can we have a deeper christian life now many of us are born again many of us have given our lives to christ but we are not deep and when you are not a strong christian and you are not deep the wind can blow you easily anything that is light is easily blown about by the wind anything that doesn't have weight is easily destroyed anything that doesn't have weights doesn't have stamina for this life but we can become deep christians in our work with god and nobody reaches a place where you say oh i know all about god i'm okay now lady reverend there's nothing like that so how can we be deep in god i want us to turn our bibles to mark chapter four mark chapter four mark is not in the old testament please some of us we know where to get all the good things of this life but we don't know where to find the books of the bible but in the day that satan attacks you is not whether your clothes are designer it's not whether you are wearing jewelry it's whether you know god and his word that is what will save us amen mark chapter 4 are we there if you are there say yes if you are not there say wait for me verse 16. and these are the which likewise which are sown on stony ground who when they have heard the word immediately receive it with gladness amen and have no root in themselves and so endure but for a time afterward when affliction or persecution arises for the word sick immediately they are offended amen now i am sure this is a very popular parable about the parable of the sower it says that the so i went out to sow seeds and when he sowed the seeds some fell on good soil some fell on the rock some fell on the path some fell in different places but in this particular verse we are talking about the ones that fell on the rock and the bible says that the ones that fell on the rock are the people who when they hear the word of god they receive it with joy and a lot of us modern christians are like that when we receive god's word hallelujah praise the lord we clap we may even dance we may even do a cat walk so that is how we receive the word which is good we receive it with joy amen but it is not enough just receive the word with joy when they have heard they receive it with gladness and yet have no roots in themselves amen the bible is saying these type of people whether the seed falls on soil they receive the word of god with gladness they shout preach it they say pastor it was powerful pastor we were so blessed to receive it with joy but something else happens they have no roots in themselves when something is growing and it doesn't have deep roots any rain any typhoon any type any how do you call it atmospheric precious global warming all the things we know can cause that plant to wither but when it has root in itself there may be a storm there may be a flood but it will stand because the roots go deep now what i find interesting about this verse is that it says the root is in yourself not in somebody not even in the church but in yourself immense somebody and that is what we don't have as christians we have roots in maybe tradition maybe my mother and my father were in the church and they brought me along maybe roots and even just attending church but in ourselves we have no roots and then what happens to us is that and so because we have no roots in ourselves we endure for a time you see you become a christian you give your life to christ you receive the word with joy but because you don't have any root in yourself when everything is smooth sailing you are okay when everything is working you are okay and usually when you get born again it's like a honeymoon experience it's so exciting and it seems that god answers every prayer of the new believer you are so in love with jesus and you are flowing but afterwards afterwards so after a while the bible says when affliction or persecution arises for the word sick immediately they are offended immediately you fall away and the reason is that you don't have roots in yourself to ask for affliction persecution it is part of the christian life whether we like it or not now a lot of us like third john which says that we love it i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy so prosperous is type of is part of the word and it's true that god wants you to prosper but god also has other promises in the bible he says they that shall live godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution i didn't write the bible but it is true amen and when you suffer persecution and you don't have any roots in yourself you fall away amen but to be a strong christian we need to develop deep roots in the lord so that is my first point to be a strong christian we need to develop deep roots in ourselves now it's always very nice to talk about success stories to talk about how great god is and all the great things god has done i mean by the grace of god our church is in 65 or more countries there are more than 3 000 branches and the story sounds flowery and very nice but it has not always been summer amen and life cannot always be summer amen somebody the bible says so far as we live on this planet see time and harvest day and night summer and winter they will always be a part of us so in your work with god it cannot be that it's always daytime it cannot be it's always summer it cannot be that it's always not raining jesus has promised us that there will be difficulties in our work but when we don't have root in ourselves then we fall away during the time of difficulty amen so yes i mean when people read um success stories of maybe even a church on the internet oh wow this is a powerful church bishop dog is so anointed is also good but when we received the word of god to go into all nations and to make disciples we started in our church in ghana and um we used to meet in a canteen an eating place and sometimes we would come and then the country would be locked up because somebody decided not today the caretaker whoever it was so sometimes we'll stand outside on the car park and would have church and then the people who owned the canteen which was a medical school because my husband started the medical school sent us a notice that we were being evicted from our place of worship so we started to pray and as a church we had no money to move out and by the grace of god we got a dilapidated cinema building which had a not so pleasant public toilet by it but we were so happy to just have a place to move to and we thought that when we moved then we will work on it so on the day we had to move my husband draped himself in the banner that announced that we were moving and we got a brass band so we received god's word with joy that you know god will make room for us rehoboth and we will increase and we danced because it wasn't far we danced across the street to the new venue and then we started to work because we had received a word from god so when you receive a word for god you are excited we received it with joy like the bible was saying and gradually we built up the place very beautiful and we put so many beautiful flags of our churches and all that there we were so excited then suddenly one day we were in the house where we got a call that all our walls around the church had been mowed down including the nice flags and everything by the government and we didn't have any problem with the government so we were wondering what is happening but the walls were mowed down the church was attacked on a sunday when we were having ordination i mean everything was going smoothly and then we just saw some people enter the church they attacked the church physically pregnant women passed out blood was oozing and our pastors had to physically defend the church so when that was happening then you ask yourself did you really hear from god because you came with joy you remember you receive the word with joy and afterwards afterward persecution and affliction arise and persecution and affliction arose and for the government to be against you it's not an easy thing and we didn't understand and some people in the neighborhood and in the country said oh if they prayed more they would not have such an attack if they prayed more things but they didn't know our prayer life but god knew amen and they didn't know our even our communal prayer lives but god knew anyway it raged for a long time and we were so discouraged so after this attack you know when they attacked us i was somewhere and my children were in the tower doing children's church and my husband was in the basement in his office and then they brought me ma'am you have to come quickly for my safety into the basement but as i was in the basement my children were in the tower and my children are very identifiable in ghana because of their father's color they are like you you know and the rest of us are like me so then i didn't know what to do although i was in the basement with my husband and went the same office the lights were out for security reasons and we never spoke we never said what is happening what are we going to do we never spoke we just spoke in tongues because we didn't know you know in those times you don't know how to even frame your prayer topic so we just spoke in text and i was just praying lord cover my children cover us have mercy coverage i was praying in tongues well after a while everything abated and by the grace of god my children were okay but it was the beginning of a very long struggle and there were times when i thought when i was working as an attorney and as a lawyer i didn't have people coming to my office with broken bottles and it was more peaceful but when we received god's word to go forth and make disciples rather persecution and affliction arose but i believe that by the grace of god because my husband had roots in himself not in the things around not in whoever was powerful but the root in yourself causes you to endure and to prevail not because you are superman but because god in you is superman and god prepares you by causing you to have roots in yourself amen so it's good to be in a church it's good to flow but what is your relationship your personal relationship with god like because it is the root in yourself that will cause you to endure amen sometimes i look and i think that even when you are professional it may go against you because when persecution and affliction arise you have other options and you think i mean what the heck do i have to do this it is more peaceful somewhere else amen i remember when i resigned as a lawyer to work as a pastor my children came from school and they said mommy are you and daddy thieves and i said why so because i told my friends my mother is now a full-time pastor and they said oh so now both your parents are thieves and my children said to me it was hula when you say my father is a doctor my mother is a lawyer then to go and say my parents are both pastors oh two thieves you know so when you think about it naturally you say oh it's better to be the secular world than to serve god full-time but by the grace of god when you have the root in yourself affliction will come persecution will come but because by the grace of god and your walk with him he gives you strength and you develop your roots deep down within yourself the storm passes and you are still standing amen but in this day in this day and age we have a lot of shallow christians whose roots do not go deep a time of testing will surely come for every christian but if you are shallow in the time of testing you will fall amen and that is because you can't explain the reason why you do some things if people ask you so why do you go to church you don't know the reason you don't know the biblical and scriptural reason why you do the things you do that is why when you are angry with your husband you don't come to church because the church is not about your husband it's about hebrews 10 25 not neglecting the assembling of yourselves together as the habit of some of you is when i look at the bible wow how did the bible know that the habit of some of you will be to come to church in shifts you come this week you don't come next week it's according to your feelings but it's because you don't have a root within yourself you don't know why you come to the house of god you don't know why you come to church on sundays you don't know why you come to church on weekdays and so because of that there's no root so anything that rises it can even be the storm of sleep it just takes you over because you are a shallow christian i pray that from today you will not be a shallow christian amen and being a christian with rooting yourself means that you have a personal and personal experiences with god amen you can say the holy spirit impressed on me god spoke to me god spoke in my heart and said but when you don't have root in yourself you don't know god so you can't even say god spoke to me all that you know is the god of shadrach meshach and abednego but not the god of yourself you yourself you don't have a personal god every day say the god of abraham the god of isaac the god of jacob or what about the god of yourself because you don't have a personal relationship with him you are a shallow christian amen now many years ago a friend of ours who was very dear to us and very close went and joined the cult when we were in university and everybody said oh these people are finished especially my husband because it was his close friend and he just came to visit me and to me he was saying a lot of strange things he said jesus christ did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it and so he because he has come to fulfill the law we have to go back and live under the law mind you he was using scripture i said we have to go back and live under the law because jesus christ came to fulfill the law and i asked what does it mean he said it means we have to wear very long dresses we have to cover all our necks we have to do so many rituals and when i went to my bible the bible said love is the fulfilling of the law and that delivered me amen now here you are you have no root in yourself and people come and preach to you and say oh only hundred and forty four thousand are going to heaven yeah you are you are shallow you don't know god for yourself you don't know that saith the lord you don't know the word and somebody tells you from the book of revelations that only 144 000 are going to heaven but when you read past that verse it says and i saw many nations and many tongues and many tribes but you don't know that just ah 144 then they have made up the number already so it means i'm lost so because you don't know what you believe and why you believe you don't know why you speak in tongues you don't know oh it's just something they do in the church maybe it's just fashion but paul said he that speaks in an unknown tongue speaks mysteries unto god amen he that speaks that unknown time speaks unto god and not unto men but you don't know that church is like a crowd to you and you are just following the crowd now when you follow the crowd you are a shallow christian and when you follow the crowd you are not likely to end up in the right place yes democracy is good and i did all the constitutional law and everything which says that democracy is good but majority is not always right amen somebody because the majority in israel said crucify him the majority so if we're going by democracy then it's right but as a christian you are likely to go against the crowd you are likely to go against what is popular but if you know why why you do what you do it gives you roots in yourself immense somebody now i don't know whether it happens here but in ghana people maybe are in a church and then a visiting pastor comes a wisdom prophet and that he prophesies you outside your church he says i can see something the lord is saying your time here has expired it's time to move on the lord is saying he is taking you to higher heights and then because you have no root in yourself you follow everything today is a prophetic way to death tomorrow is baptism the next day is break forth the next day is breakthrough and the next time is break up amen and that is all because we do not have roots in ourselves but paul said in galatians one verse eight and nine so the first point is you have to have deep roots in yourself in order not to be a shallow christian amen galatians chapter 1 verse 8. paul says but though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accused amen so sometimes somebody may preach the gospel to you but after that the person can also preach another gospel so paul says if we or even an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you other than that which we have preached unto you it means that the same person preached the gospel to you but at a later time preach another gospel to you and paul is saying even if he's an angel from heaven let the person be accused amen but we take anything in ghana people are told you know you are married to a spirit that's why you are not getting married so meet me somewhere in the garden and let me remove your clothes so that it signifies a removal of the former bridal ware and then let me put a new cloak on you and you go and the man of god removes your dress and puts another dress on you because you say yes it's true he says i'm married in the spirit but if you are married in the spirit then the bridal gown should be removed also in the spirit amen somebody but because you don't have roots in yourself you move from church to church from place to place from prophecy to prophecy and you do not even end up growing amen but god is calling on us to have root in ourselves that is why paul said follow me as i follow christ not follow me for who i am follow me because of my giftings follow me because i'm so charming follow me because i do amaze amazing miracles he said follow me because i follow christ remember that with the children of israel when moses went up in the mountain aaron was also a leader but aaron made a calf of gold and said to the children of israel in exodus chapter 32 from verse 4 he said these be thy gods o israel which brought thee out of the land of egypt the israelites did not have roots in themselves so they were easily blown away how can aaron make a golden calf and tell you that this is the calf that led you out of egypt when you were there when the red sea was parted you were there when the egyptians drowned you were there when miriam sang that prophetic song and led you out and now aaron who is a leader makes a calf and tells you this be the gods or israel that led you out of egypt and you believe it and you follow it it's because you have no roots within yourself amen but i pray that at the close of this session you will have a lot of roots in yourself amen we shouldn't just follow the crowd we shouldn't become calf worshippers in this like in the days of iran because they follow the crowd many were many men and were destroyed in the days of moses and the 10 spies also followed the crowd which was popular but you and i are going to have root in ourselves and we will not be shallow amen turn to the person next to you and say the days of shallowness is over now if we are not shallow what should we do we if we are not going to be empty what should we do when you look at luke 11 25 the bible talks about an evil spirit that lived in a house your house is your life we know because jesus gave parables about a house being built on a rock so your house or your life is represented by a house sometimes in the bible so your house this house had a demon in it and then the word of god came the demon was dislodged and the house became free but the bible says the house was swept garnished and everything but it was left empty and when the house was empty the demon that had gone out it came out it came back again let's read it so that you know that it's true look chapter 11 look eleven are you there okay verse 26 then he goes and tickets to him seven other spirits seven other spirits not seven other women not seven other men because we are involved in a fight in the spiritual realm amen so seven other spirits more wicked than himself so the first demon was the tenant in the house now goes out and brings seven other demons spirits more wicked than himself and they enter in and dwell there and the last state of that man is worse than the first what happened when you read from this 24 it said that when the evil spirit is gone out of a man he walks through dry places seeking rest and finding none he says i will return unto my house which is our lives where i came out of and when he comes he finds it swept and garnished so you have become born again your house is swept your house is garnished but you have not filled it with anything and when the house is empty you are shallow and when you are shallow demons easily find a home in you immense somebody say minus me satan will not find a place in me so when the evil spirit comes it finds it swept it goes to bring several more demons because you didn't fill your heart with anything so when you become born again you should grow you should become a stronger christian you should furnish your house you should fill your house with something amen ephesians chapter 3 verse 19 says and to know the love of christ which passes knowledge that ye might be filled with all the fullness of god ye might be filled with all the fullness of god so as a christian fill your heart with the word fill your heart with his presence fill your heart with the holy spirit fill your heart so that when the evil spirit comes back it will read no vacancy amen because it is only when they are vacant beds that you can have a guest amen somebody so in order to be a strong christian one you must have root in yourself two you must be filled with all the fullness of god amen somebody now i don't like to just say be filled with all the fullness of god without sharing practically what it means to be filled with the fullness of god now sometimes people ask my husband so what is the secret of if you like your success what is the the secret of what god has used you for and his constant answer is my personal quiet time and then people say oh no we need a more powerful revelation we need something it comes it can be your personal quiet time so he wrote a little book which is called the secret and in the secret he just talks about his quiet time now sometimes i also get asked deity reverend how can i be strong how can i be a strong christian and when i tell people work on your personal relationship with god oh i thought you were going to give me a prophetic word i thought you were going to give me a revelation i thought you were going to say something more powerful but i mean something as basic as your personal work with god but that is when we will have roots in ourselves and survive amen now we need to have a personal relationship exodus chapter 34 exodus chapter 34. go back to my bible exodus chapter 34 are we there god was speaking to moses and giving him instructions exodus chapter 34. god told moses verse 2 be ready in the morning and come up in the morning unto mount sinai and present thyself there to me on the top of the mount and no man shall come up with thee neither let any man be seen throughout all the mount neither let the flocks nor heads feed before that mount amen god seeks private moments with you and i and in talking to mo said don't come with even flocks or heads or let no man be with you i need a one-on-one with you most intimate moments even between husband and wife are one-on-one amen somebody it is the same with your intimate moment with god and god is calling you to have precious time in your life every day to have a personal relationship with him he says when you are coming don't come with any man not even your husband not even your wife some people think that when a husband and wife are married in the ministry there's a shared anointing say oh it's a shared anointing so when your husband prays then by osmosis you have also prayed when your husband seeks god then by osmosis you have also sought god it's not like that each person will stand as an individual before the throne of god and before his judgment he meant somebody so i can't go and stand before god and say oh god you know bishop dad used to wake up and pray so his prayers covered me remember adam and eve when god came to the garden he didn't say oh mr mrs adam so what happened he said adam what adam said the woman you gave me he asked eve individually eve said is that serpent we keep blaming somebody else up to today but my point is god wants to know you as an individual yes you are part of cop yes you are part of a church but there's something called coming to god on your own and in his presence on your own there are times when i've needed god and my husband is not there he has gone on crusades amen there are times when i'm calling him and it's not because he's a bad husband but he's on the podium preaching and therefore his phone is on silent and therefore he cannot reach me and i cannot reach him so in those times when satan is knocking on your door you have no root in yourself you don't know how to use the name of jesus you don't know how to use the word to make battle you say that you're under the anointing of bishop dog what are you going to do his own crusades but god who never leaves you nor forsakes you when you call on him he will answer and that is why we must know him personally for ourselves so one of the ways in fact the key way of overcoming shallowness and having root in yourself is to have a personal relationship and a personal time with god amen i mean it's okay to come for fellowship and to do all that but it takes your personal time with god to develop some root in yourself now how do we divide he says that don't come with any man don't come with anybody some of us women we go into our closets and we carry our babies because sometimes we can't help it but the most quality time is when you spend it in god's presence alone with him then god can speak to you and god can tell you powerful things when jesus was on this earth mark 1 35 mark 1 verse 35. is the screen helping me and in the morning rising up a great while before day he went out and departed into a crowded place and departed into a place with friends and departed into a place with a lot of people around him and departed into a solitary place and there he prayed amen we all need solitary places because the way the world is going we are not going to win our battles by physical um weapons we are going to win our battles on our knees we are going to win our battles with the word of god which is the sword of the spirit now you when satan comes knocking you don't have the word you say ah what pastor was preaching last sunday when satan says so this you can't counter i said what pastor was preaching oh it was powerful oh but you know i can't remember but jesus the son of god who is the word of god the bible says satan came to him and jesus said it is written not pastor said not bishop doug said no lady reverend said but it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from if the word of god memorize scripture then how much will you and i jesus who is the word john 1 he memorized the word of god and he used it as a sword of the spirit and we when we are tempted we don't even know god's word god's mind we are just there oh let me call pastor pastor's phone is out of coverage area because he has gone to another island oh i can't find pastor okay let me call my connect group leader your connect group leader is in a meeting her phone is on silent oh my dear my god what am i going to do i'm finished you are not finished if you will know the word of god if you will meditate on the word of god if you will invest in your personal work with god you will have roots in yourself amen and you will even know why you do something i pray that god will help us now in matthew chapter 26 from verse 40. jesus said unto his disciples what could you not watch with me for one hour that means that every christian should at least have the objective the vision the aim of spending at least one hour in his presence spending one hour praying but you spend one hour on the ipad one hour on the internet one hour on pornography one hour on television one hour on makeovers your makeup you take one and a half hours but when the devil comes it's not your mary kay it's not your marked makeup that would drive him out it is the dusty of the lord that will drive him out amen [Applause] what could you not wait with me for one hour and then verse 41 watch and pray he gave us the reason why that you enter not into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak now well i don't know about here but in ghana we like to quote it oh lady reverend it's not me the spirit is willing but the flesh is just weak you know the spirit is willing but the flesh is just weak but he told you what to do about it he said pray therefore watch and pray that you enter not into temptation because as for the spirit it is willing the flesh it is weak but when you watch and pray it helps you and i to overcome temptation no wonder we are falling into temptation everywhere because we have no roots in ourselves so wednesday time comes we are shallow we give in to every desire we give into every lust we give into anything we like any wind can blow us but if we will only spend time in his presence watching and praying you know i know that prayer makes a difference so i'm just looking at the outcome for peter and for for jesus the same people peter was asleep and jesus prayed through so when the temptation came jesus took the test of time and peter and the rest the other disciples they went under so it shows me the power of prayer hallelujah so in the solitude place you spend time in his word in the solitary place you spend time praying and in the solitary place god will speak to you god speaks to you primarily through his word and you begin to have a storehouse of his word within yourself sometimes even what you study on that day you won't use it today it's a storehouse later when persecution and affliction arise then that word will rise up in you amend somebody if we will spend time in his presence we will not be shallow christians now lady reverend you say it as if it's very easy colossians chapter 4 verse 12 working with god is not easy but anything in life is not easy when you were studying in university when you were studying high school was it easy like pastor david was saying when he was taking the offering he said that when you don't put in much effort you don't abound so when you don't put in much effort in school you don't do well and when you put in much effort you get an a so in working with god there's something called laboring and paul said epiphanes who is one of you one of us a servant of christ salutes you always laboring servantly for you in prayers that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of god a perfect based heavenly in prayer prayer is labor prayer is work prayer is not a picnic prayer is not always easy when you are in distress is easy god is a spare tire when your other tire bursts then you start to look for him and to look for your spare time but if we will labor fervently in prayer prayer is weak it's not a picnic it's not swimming at the pool it is work but it will cause us to have roots in ourselves finally three strategies for a successful quiet time number one set a practical unchangeable and regular time for your quiet time set a practical and changeable and regular time for your quiet time yes sometimes it will change a bit but habits are formed by doing things continually amen so when you set a practical and changeable and regular time for your quiet time to meet god it means you are going for an important meeting and it will become a part of you just like maybe brushing your teeth amen pray to begin your quiet time i'm teaching you how to have a personal time with god pray to begin your quiet time psalm 119 verse 18 open down my eyes that i may behold wondrous things out of thy holy law number two read a passage from the bible expecting god to speak to you read a passage from the bible expecting god to be some people have daily devotionals some people choose a book from the bible some people choose a personality from the bible i mean different ways of going about it amen and then meditate on his word spend time in his presence and you will see that you are growing in the things of god amen somebody now these things look so simple but it is the simple things that are powerful and it is the simple things that have helped me to where i am amen it is also my secret and that has made me grow when you meditate in the word joshua 1 8 this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate upon it day and night it's just like the tablets that dry the doctor gives you he writes three times a day two times a day take with food take without food take before food is the same with the word of god and ephesians 6 says the word of god is a sword of a spirit sometimes in life things come against you sometimes in life things occur to you sometimes in ministry people do things ahead to you and you feel like retaliating but when you read the word the bible will tell you in first corinthians 13 verse 4 love suffers long and is kind so that will change your mind oh wow love suffers long and it's kind that is a root within you and because of that word you behave contrary to how the world will behave and satan cannot be footballing you around or throwing you around like basketball because you have a root within yourself i pray that in spite of all the church we do in spite of all the programs we do we will know god for ourselves and we will not be tossed to and fro by any wind of doctrine if there's any time that we should know god is this time if any time that christians should be stronger it's this time so everybody's confused all sorts of things are coming up and people don't know the truth but jesus said you will know the truth and the truth will set you free i pray that from today you will not be a shallow christian a shallow christian when you say let's go and work let's go and evangelize i want to be paid how can i volunteer i can't go and visit they must give me transport money but when jesus was sent his disciples said don't take anything just go the labor is worthy god will take care of you amen and all that comes from being a deep christian i pray cop that as we are individually strong we will begin to build a strong church and to bring the savior in jesus name amen stand to your faith please i want you to talk to god yourself you know where you are at some of us are very good at anything community but the personal relationship with god is a problem we are busy about the work of the lord and we have left the lord of the work but god is calling us back to the lord of the work and i pray that jesus will be lord in our lives again amen start to pray as god make me deep give me roots in myself help me to spend time in your presence help me not to respond to things that seem urgent let me know that my time with you is important and it's precious give me grace to meditate on your word and to pray and i believe that god will hear you i wanna be more [Music] [Music] you [Music] oh jesus [Music] lift up hands and say lord i want to be more like you i don't want the world to take me away i don't want business to take me away i want to be more like you i want to go into a solitary place i want to seek you for myself i want to know you for myself i want to meditate on your word i want to spend quality time with you i want wanna be a face so you work through i wanna be deep lord i wanna be deep lord right here this morning you don't know jesus as your savior you've been coming to church but you know that if you were to die today you are not sure whether you go to heaven or hell you know that your life is not where you should be with god you want to say lady reverend this morning pray for me i want to know jesus as my personal savior i want to open my heart and allow jesus to come into my life lady reverend i need a new beginning and a new life in jesus christ every eye closed and every head bowed you are like they're here this morning just lift up your hands and i'll pray for you god bless you i see your hands let it go high up above your shoulder god bless you god bless you god reach out to you where you are god bless you for putting up your hands and from where you are just take one more boat step come forward and give me the privilege of praying for you you raised up your hand come come to jesus all those that raised up your hands come forget about whistling your left whis on your right jesus is reaching out to you come i saw you all come come to jesus come to the fountain that never runs dry come to him who satisfies come to jesus encourage them heaven is rejoicing let us also rejoice come to jesus come come to the fountain that never runs dry come quickly come quickly jesus is here she's switching out to you [Music] oh thank you holy spirit [Music] i'm just leading you in prayer but close your eyes and let this prayer be your prayer to god god's ears are open and he's listening and god will answer when you call you want to say jesus jesus this morning this morning i come to you just as i am just as i am jesus take my life jesus take my life and come into my life and come into my life [Music] [Music] forgive me forgive me for all my sins for all my sins and wash me and wash in your precious blood in your precious man jesus jesus today today i want to say thank you i want to say thank you for dying on the cross to save me to save me thank you thank you for rising from the dead so that i may have eternal life [Music] satan satan listen to me carefully listen to me carefully i will no longer save you i will no longer serve you i break every chain i break everything with you within christ has set me free christ has set me free and i'm free indeed and i'm free indeed amen amen god bless you please who should they go to please follow that and go to the other room and they'll speak to you briefly and then you come back and join us this way god bless you god bless you and god make you deep within yourself amen this way and if you are still in the congregation i want to pray for you father i pray for your people deliver us from the deceitfulness of riches the love for other things and all the things are coming to choke your word i pray for a new beginning lord i pray that will not be deceived by the hectic pace of this life but lord we will always find that solitary place where we can find you cause us to meditate on your word which is the sword of the spirit and cause us to grow strong in the spirit man so that nothing will move us lord let your children be steadfast and movable always abounding in your work because of that personal and strong and spiritual relationship with you thank you for a new beginning a new seeking after you and for a new breed of christians who know you for themselves for your word says my god the people that do know their god shall walk strong and do exploits let that be our portion in jesus name amen amen
Channel: Lady Rev. Adelaide Heward-Mills Official Videos
Views: 850
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: wo9hLSYIJiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 40sec (3820 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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