How Well Do You Know Your Horse? Beginner Series | This Esme

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so do you think you know your horse today I'm going to be doing the British for society challenge award in silver for knowing your horse so I'm going to be doing lots of stuff with care with Caspar today we're back at planting College so let's see how it goes [Music] so I'm back here with k2 as a British whole society senior coach so Kate what are we gonna be doing today so today for your knowing your horse silver level we're gonna do a little bit about horse identification some actually going to measure cuspid today how tall he is and we're gonna have a look at his Anatomy so find out where his internal organs are and have a chat about the digestive system nice and we're gonna have a look at his health so we're gonna take his temperature pulse respiration just to make sure that he's all healthy and a little bit about feeding as well feed identification ok let's start off by TPR rates brilliant so here I have my stethoscope from actually gonna listen to Casper's heart which is located just behind his elbow here let's have a listen so you've had a licking to uh start using the stethoscope but there's another really easy way of taking Casper's pulse rate so using your two fingers and they're not your thumb just underneath the jaw here you'll find like a squiggly bit of spaghetti it runs underneath his jaw and I want you to just press that piece of spaghetti firmly okay okay and your feeling for the pulse remember horses pulse rates quite slow yeah okay you're gonna but tell me when she find it and then and then we record the timings okay yes okay so usually our horse is around 36 to 42 beats per minute so we timed it for 15 seconds and we found Casper had eight so then we need to then times it by Ford to make up to a minute so in total Casper's was 32 beats per minute which is quite slow but the reason why is because he's very relaxed it's in a stable and having some hay as well yeah okay so now we're gonna move on to piece of spiritual 8 so to do that we are simply looking around his flank area here for a whole rise and a full so it's a breath in and a breath out okay so you tell me when you can see him taking that breath out and in okay so let's go okay so what do you find in sports team I found that he had three breaths in the 15 seconds they've got two times up by four so he had 12 in a minute fantastic and what is the horses normal respiration rate yay around 812 yep good fantastic okay so now we're going to take his temperature yeah so for this you can either have somebody holding on to your horse or you can tie your horse up Casper's quite happy being I don't to attain it so we've got a thermometer going to digital thermometer here Jess can I put in a little bit of lubrication there we're gonna hold his tail over to the side yeah hold on to your thermometer make sure it's turned on and when you insert it in you're just gonna slowly twist it and hold it to the side I can then see that his temperature is already going up now we're lucky with these digital thermometers but it should beat for us yeah okay or certainly once the readings ready it won't go up any further good boy that's it so we're nice and safe standing at the side here again when I take it out just slowly twisting it so we can see he's got a reading of thirty seven point one okay so what should the horses normal temperature be around thirty eight but usually between yes yep absolutely okay so it's your turn okay [Music] okay so it says there's 7.3 here let's take it out there we go it's just beeped logo cast ok Esme so we've taken his temperature opossum aspiration yeah now I'm going to ask you a few questions about his Anatomy okay so I'm gonna ask you to locate Casper's heart his lungs and his kidneys please okay so his heart is down here behind his elbow his kidneys all the way up here sort of named back and then his lungs take up a big space around here good and Kate tell me what's the function of his heart his heart is to pump all the blood around his body good and the function of his lungs with lungs did to breathe in and out so in oxygen out calm down good and what about his kidney it's what they did his kidneys sort of so they filter out things such as urea which then goes into the urine and basically filter the blood good okay so while Casper's eating his hay it's a good time to talk about digestion yes yeah so if you want to run through how the Hays traveling down his digestive system okay so he is gonna be using his incisors to pulling out the hay or maybe it's straw in this case and and then he cheese cheese and he'll seizes his molars so teeth right at the back as well and to grind down the hay and then he's also got saliva in his mouth that helps and break down some of the hay as well yeah and then it goes also goes then the food who goes down here's a food pipe or esophagus and then it goes down to his stomach that's about the size of a rugby ball yeah and can you think of another internal organ that is them very close to the diaphragm yeah good and thinking back to when you did your bronze award yeah and the rules of feeding yes you know the stomach the diaphragm what rule feed into that but you shouldn't feed a lot of food or like substrate just after you've ridden because obviously the horse is gonna be breathing a lot and you don't want that to sort of stomach be further yeah being able to breathe absolutely good okay so from this stomach where does it go next it then goes to the small intestine and then it goes you know how long this point is about 30 meters yeah if you think of a width of an indoor school it's wider than indoor school Wow you asked this morning testing yeah good okay then wait and then it goes to the large intestine and then it goes to the rectum and then the anus and then Alice poo yeah which we pick up yeah Beulah okay so I next thing we've got to do is we're going to measure yes okay so it's really important to make sure that horse is okay with the measuring stick yeah he seems to be it can be quite scary thing yeah that's fine so what you're going to do I'm gonna well Casper okay and you are going to take this over to us with us okay and you're going to bring it down over the top of its Withers have a look at make sure that bobble is in the middle that's yurt level and let's see how big it yes mm-hmm I'll hold him brilliant thank you good boy so Casper is 15 hands right okay so moving on to our feeding yeah I've got a variety of different horse feeds here yeah so if you'd like to pick one of them up and tell me what they are and why we feed them so here I have some alfalfa so we've got some chops of brass and straw in here and this is good to aid digestion and also because it's high in fiber also it's good for horses who maybe rush their food because they can chew yeah have some cheese and is there an alternative here that we could feed instead of yes we also have some chaff here as well which I think this one does have a bit of molasses in as well yeah fantastic and what about these to say hey we have some sugar beet we have it in the sort of flake form over here and then we also have it and then sort of not form as well so with this we'll have to soak it so we have some soak in a little cup here as well good - how long would we soak these sugar beet cubes for 24 hours yeah good what about the Shred absolutely okay so there any other alternatives to the sugar beet so there's also speedy beets as well it's just a lot faster which is about 10 minutes yeah much quicker yes okay and then we've got and two what we call compounds yes here so what's the difference between these two so here we have some Pony nuts and then here we have some pony mix so the mix you can actually like point out and see everything in here so we have some rolled oats we also have some rolled sort of peas and things as well and then their nuts is basically the same but it's in like a knot form that's all been compressed also this has molasses in as well yeah kind of test date okay excellent okay so half of that is May I was great fun thank you is also really good for me to sort of revise over some of my horse care and learn a bit more about Casper yeah fantastic well I think you've done brilliantly today thanks I am happy that you have covered everything in your knowing your horse a silver award so congratulations there you go they don't forget so Casper and I have had so much fun today doing our British cool society knowing your horse a silver challenge award if he wife as well would like to take part in some of the British rule society Challenge Awards I'll leave a link in the description below also thank you so much for watching today's video I really hope you guys liked it I'll see you guys next time bye come back to us Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: This Esme
Views: 105,575
Rating: 4.9714146 out of 5
Keywords: Horse, Care, Equestrian
Id: MKpE4y5P0b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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