how well do you know the boys?

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welcome back to the boys channel today we have a pretty mediocre video actually we're just going to um see how well the boys know each other by asking simple questions and we're all going to write the answer on our pieces of paper and for everyone watching leave your answers in the comments to the questions that we're about to answer because we would really be interested to know who you would pick i drew myself wait is that ufo because you're an alien or do the sombrero the dude with the sombrero okay all right well you get the point juicy's been using his big brain lately to come up with some very spicy questions sorry if the question's just on him what should we go with first that's the question dude someone who's asking questions questions somebody asked us ask a question who do you think in the group has the biggest balls like physically like the biggest scrotum three two one you see do you say hey do you have to go into google and spell check what did you say the name of that i had to make sure it was right i had to google and go their channel okay three two one go listen to that voice and tell me that his big masculine balls aren't dragging on the ground every single day narrator when i think about it i imagine you having like a foot rest in front of your chair that you lay your balls across because they don't fit in your chair well we'll see actually juicy uh instead of a normal foot rest uh i have this wonderful device that i just go like that and i just rest my nuts on i knew it i knew it and they kind of just drop over the seat it's running dude i'm thinking about getting you like one of those like vibrating footballs dude if you could that would be that'd be that'd be great like once they're like soaking in you know what i'm saying molly did you vote for yourself no i voted for narrate a second i almost feel like changing my vote because you have the balls even though they may not be the biggest you still had the balls to vote for yourself knowing that you worked with someone who's fired javelin missiles we're talking theoretically who has the biggest balls no we're talking physically my dude okay next question who is the most likely to end up in a dumpster the morning after a night at the bar i know the answer to that uh 100 don't show your things yet once we're all ready all right we're gonna reveal our answers ready go juicy is a close runner up though josh you would have a quiet night and end up in a bin dude that's true all right i want to do the next question i don't have a question it's more of a scenario okay okay okay it's 4am in the morning we walk into a hotel room and there's two naked male strippers in a bed with someone there's an empty bottle of vodka next to the bed and there is a dog licking peanut butter off this person's foot who is the person in the bed with the strippers and the dog licking butter off their foot i have several questions what the [ __ ] it's a weird scenario but who's the member in the bed wait wait wait wait this is a very important question now hear me out the dog's licking peanut butter off of this person's foot yes is the person covered in peanut butter entirely or just their foot you don't know because there's covers over the strippers and the person alright you wanna ready to reveal three two one go ben shapiro he's not a member of the boys maybe not part of your boys i know he's into some weird hold on can we just take a moment to realize that juicy picked himself sounds like a night i've had he's also the only one with the clipboard and has a picture of the brush plush in the corner dude to answer your question eddie if it was juicy he would definitely be covered in peanut butter actually juicy are you covered in peanut butter right now no just just stand up prove that you're not wearing no pants and there's look there that's what's in who's most likely to cancel a recording oh that's actually a very good question i think it's the easy one all right you ready are we ready yeah yeah yeah are you all ready you've yeah 100 i'm ready i'm 100 reveal the answers yeah narrator we were trying to get this recording done but you have to go chase that narrator your turn to ask the valuable questions okay yeah all right all right all right here we go hold on here here we go that one was really easy though that was a good question i haven't even had good in like four years [Laughter] all right here we go my question for uh the boys right here who would be the most likely to get into a bar fight i've seen this one happen actually so i know god all right boys are you ready yes i'm ready ready dude molly otherwise you voted for yourself no i did it and he watched pick yourself nothing what for no why'd you pick yourself how many bar fights have you been in did none [ __ ] that wasn't convincing at all i swear i swear i've never been in a bar fight no no no i've learned my lesson from among us dude we are not trusting a goddamn thing that you say in that phone should we tell the story about the airport josh yeah we went to the airport together and molly got into a fight with an old braille man for no goddamn reason we're waiting to get on the plane to go to america i had a backpack on and i'm waiting in line to get on the plane josh is behind me there was this old guy right behind me and i moved up in the queue to get on the plane and i stopped because the person in front of me stopped as you do and this old guy walked into me and i turn around and he says you should put your bag on your front somali glassed him i said why he said cause i ran into it i was like watch where you're going kid and then we got into this full screaming match right before about to get on the plane almost didn't get on the plane that's a true story so we have the airport molly's one million party and the video where molly comes and pranks me dressed as a monkeys almost didn't happen because we got into a fight me and smashing got into a fire in a bunnies car park with a crack addict molly have you ever wondered if it's just you if you're the problem yeah molly's like everywhere i go people are sleep trying to start fights with me for no reason well yeah he's actually done anything he just yells at people it's just exactly the same as the our chat dude the mole of story is don't be like molly all right next question who in the group is most likely to have a kid first ah that was one of my questions are we talking about like planned pregnancy or accidental because i have an answer for both those questions accidental oh that's good one i'm ready i'm ready to three two one go oh okay because i'm mexican no i'm gonna like i'm just gonna like pop out some kids i think eddie the reason why i asked if it's planned or accidental is because eddie would hundred percent have a kid first if it was planned but juicy look at him he's the type of guy who'd knock a job accidentally what i picked juicy too because you just can't trust him with understanding how to put protection on what okay listen dude first of all dude whenever i nut it's just like a poof of dust that comes out like how could i get someone pregnant dude i'm last on the list it's literally like it's like a that's it it makes that sound too why'd you pick josh yeah watch me judge josh just gotta have sex to knock his woman up dude i'm looking forward to the day it's my 30th birthday this weekend she said this might be the one all right next question my turn isn't that right are going to have to go again juicy was first and it's me then it's eddie then it's you then it's narrator no stinky narrator's not huh you sound like stinky who's most likely to interrupt narrator and never let him talk during the boys recordings um even just thinking about it makes you [ __ ] angry doesn't it narrator i can hear it in your voice dude yep that's one of my pet peeves for those of you who don't know is when i'm in the middle of a sentence and someone just can cut molly dude you need to be stopped will never do it again until next time he does it again now you got a question you bet your sweet sally i do okay who out of the boys is most likely to cry in public i think we're all guilty of that nearly we've all cried in public actually at pax it was uh it was weird all right ready yeah boys ready yep three duo oh the reason why i picked you narrative was because one time i bought you 20 cheeseburgers and you cried when you bit into them [Laughter] what it was literally like when i was getting on my diet and trying to lose weight j.c j.c why did you pick eddie yeah why'd you pick me dog what the i know that you like you watch like an anime and like someone in it will have like a good day and you'll be sobbing dude that's why i picked narrated it that's why i picked it up thinking like narrative will cry in anime i cry a lot in anime and i'm balling my eyes out don't you say it like that eddie you know to me you know what you said right i'ma let i'ma let you all google that okay i have a question i have a question i have a question you know we all love each other right okay regardless of it there's some love here we're all boys we all enjoy each other's company we don't fake these videos like other groups do if someone came with a substantial amount of money let's say a million dollars who would be the first member of the group to sell out and leave the boys who's offering a million who is it he's offering a million to leave the group a thousand dollars 100 a cheeseburger can i get out the contract just for free okay write your answer down you can smeargle looking i don't know i mean i i mean i love all you boys i can't really see you guys leave them yeah no i thought that too narrative okay all right i'm ready three two one okay there's a lot to process from these answers right now as you can see i've drawn a very detailed picture of molly here the long shaft is just a symbolizing need for money i'm saying josh because he literally would sell himself on the street for a bit of coin dude i'm saying narrator because he doesn't reply in the discord for like three days i'm like he don't love me no more i put no one because i can't see anyone leaving you're so wholesome dude but you're wrong eddie's done himself he's the real smart guy here i've pulled into that million dollars dog like i love you boys well [ __ ] you boys this is me running with the sombrero to that cash bro that's all i'm saying dawg i ain't saying no to a million dollars bro i changed my answer if anyone is offering a million dollars for me to leave just please please next question okay so this one is uh this one is a question that you have to write two names on i'm feeding the fanfics which one of the boys do you think ends up together ah that's a very but consensually uh just together when molly gets drunk he gets handsy so does josh josh tried to grab my like 10 times in the comfort of his own swimming pool molly had his whole body on top of me at a rooftop bar i actually would like see myself with any of you boys i'd see myself with juicy because his [ __ ] smells like vanilla i'd see myself with josh because me and josh go way back you know i see myself with eddie because i like mexican food and naruto i know if i was with narrator he would just treat me like a king so i i don't see myself like really having a bad future with anyone in the group dude if i was with josh you would sneeze too hard and shut me on accident that's true what i'm ready okay ready go why did you write bottom juicy you know i can destroy you bro i would destroy you why do you keep giving such strong bottom energy dude look i just wrote no with a picture of a brush explain yourself why do you have a brush look every combination that i thought of was either disgusting or too beautiful for words to comprehend okay okay juicy would be like that one he'd crawl into bed at 4am be like baby i'm depressed [Laughter] i'm just saying like molly always says like he would be top dude but i'd walk in the room do that to molly bro and he just bro it would be over molly give us your best bottom noise you know i would give you mine but i'm obviously not bottom i did i did narada why did you want to see your answer i put i put i put juicy and eddie mainly because you know eddie's eddie's a good uh you know one of those rules people is always there for you out of all the rest of us juicy is always crazy he likes to go on adventures and so i think that would be a spicy relationship what are you doing after the today's session eddie wanna like i'm blocking you from all my social media eddie i just want to say something to you in full seriousness and i really feel that i'm right and saying that i feel that you would be a gentle and attentive lover not helping that no dude i would beat this out of you oh whoa he likes it wrong okay eddie you say this but you got like the little girl arms dude what are you talking about you got the arms the size of a [ __ ] toothpick bro i'd flick you and they'd snap oh you're trying to see these guns full all right boys i just want you to know this is a serious question all right serious big boy answers only who is most likely to message one of the boys at three o'clock in the morning requesting help with the tick tock or thumbnail oh science please until pennsylvania done as you know i'm the third biggest tick tocker in australia so this is a very interesting question there there it is there it is we're waiting for it here it is there it is the biggest in australia by the way three two one reveal yeah josh isn't even playing the game at this point oh no did josh put the same thing as the rest of us no it's not it's we wrote the same thing hey josh what does the uh bffr stand for i'm glad you asked eddie actually bffo has uh roots way back into the boy's origins basically it comes down to molly is a big fat that's referring to my answer damn damn get on with it next question next question who out of the boys has the smallest wait wait lengthwise or width wise lengthwise not talking about soda cans it depends so juicy you know the meme is that i say that i have the smallest but you showed me some pictures of josh last weekend and uh i now have a new answer dude josh just got the girth quaker dude what are you talking about yes the night that other weekend when i went to his house and it's just like two nuts that's all i felt was like a nut sack okay i got mine down i've got mine i'm only judging this on experience okay not on like memes or nothing like that me too me too three two one oh we can't show the name but this is a grind twitter who dm me photo of his co and it was tiny when you sent me that i thought it would i thought it was an audi belly button i honestly thought it was an acorn glued to someone's pelvis yeah yeah okay this question is who would be the first out of the boys to get cancelled okay well that's a pretty easy one is it i feel like this question could go numerous ways i'm just waiting to wake up one day with my coffee and look on twitter in the little sidebar trending in australia today hashtag cancel you know who you are you're making me sweat josh yeah i'm sweating every day all right ready three two one go why did you have to pick me i don't even say bad stuff come after every recording you have to like send out a list of notes to all of us like oh please don't include when i said this and please don't include when i said that i get a change log at the end of every recording how about you just don't say the things i think though that the most said thing in a recording from molly is all right don't put that in the video you watch after this he'll be like guys can we not put the don't cancel mully just get in the video you were the one that chose josh why do you say josh christine okay listen look dude equally me and josh say the most cook that would get us canceled but i don't put it in my videos he does he leaves that in sometimes i have a favorite dinosaur called a licolata [ __ ] what is happening that's my favorite dinosaur stop josh pull up the beanie come back to us jesus oh please dude that's my favorite dinosaur now right off what is happening oh my god all right uh i got a question out of out of us boys i'm a boy who is the most likely to spend all their money on something stupid molly did buy three gorilla suits and jump in their swimming pool juicy did buy that giant inflatable brush character we collectively bought a brush narrator bought a femme boy hooter get the ice cream shoes eddie get him don't you have a pair of ice cream shoes shut up molly show us an ice cream shoes this is just an insight into the deep addiction the ben and jerry's ice cream shoes it's ice cream on my feet okay okay eddie you sound like a crazy person i'm not crazy okay i will admit i did go out to uh breakfast with eddie and gabby and he was wearing those shoes and he got compliments these shoes are [ __ ] fire okay okay josh is like having a full mental breakdown right now everyone hold up your answers i say josh because you bought a [ __ ] time crisis arcade machine that's worth more than all of eddie's shoes i'm going to say boys every time i'm stopped oh hold up oh he's drawing all the shoes god damn it draw what you're thinking right now josh oh okay everybody draw what we're thinking right now really okay that's what i'm thinking right now and whatever i think comes to fruition that's what my voices tell me like and subscribe okay this that's the okay um i'm getting a brush tattoo if this video gets 100 000 likes
Channel: The Boys
Views: 4,904,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VR, Virtual Reality, The Boys, JoshDub, Mully, EddieVR, YourNarrator, Juicy, Comedy, Funny, Gaming
Id: rDaVFa3cPsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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