how the boys met

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hello and welcome to another video on the boys channel this is possibly the most requested thing it's how the boys met a long time ago in eastern rural australia in a ball sack a tiny little mully sperm was formulated little did they know that one day that little sperm would grow into this [ __ ] idiot he doesn't put his headphones on he's even have his headphones on he can't defend himself back off you big bully before this video starts we just want to say a big thank you for 1 million subscribers and to celebrate we're releasing a sick limited edition black on black the boys hoodie you can go to the boys dot store and cop it today but also we have a range of other items that you can buy we have bucket hats we have pairs of socks we have shoelaces we have other hoodies we have t-shirts we have heaps of stuff and if you spend over a hundred dollars you get the boys shoelaces for free for a limited time all you have to do if you want to celebrate 1 million subscribers with us and cop that black on black limited edition hoodie is go to the boys dot store or click the link in the description right now please buy merch i need taco money yes eddie's poor okay enjoy the video that's it let's start with why we all started our youtube channels i started my youtube channel because i heard that you can get free pax tickets my name is molly and i started making youtube videos because i wanted to be like pewdiepie when i was like 10 i really liked playing super mario 64. and i started making super mario 64 speed runs i started making youtube videos when i was working at target i was just so [ __ ] depressed if we were gonna mention the downside of why we started i would have said i was working in kitchens for 60 hours with an alcohol addiction i was going through college i met josh and molly those two lovely boys and you know they put me in a video people liked it well to to be fair narrator me and josh needed content that day and you just happened to be in a room and that's all i that's all i can ask for look at me now in a slightly bigger apartment than the one i had so now you know how you know what the reason was why me and all the boys created our channels however you don't know the how it began in the very beginning so i'm going to take you back back in time with the chronicles where it all began to how the boys became the boys brought you up here today in front of the moonlight and the other balloons to tell you how much i love you that's how you choke a kid and mommy is going to kill me we're going to go back to 2016 when josh had less subs than me i get this little notification on twitter that says josh dub gaming followed you and i checked him out and i was like oh he doesn't even have enough subs how am i going to grow from this i don't know about you guys but when i started youtube getting a hundred thousand subscribers wasn't a goal like it wasn't even a stretch goal it was like becoming like the president of the moon or some [ __ ] it's just it was just it was something i never thought about because it was never going to happen and me and mali just jumped into a video together once and we just bounced back off of each other that much that as soon as the recording was done we were like yeah okay this is a thing now we have to just keep doing this josh follows me on twitter i was working in the kitchen as a qualified chef 60 hours a week hate in life and then i flew to melbourne for my first pax in 2016 met josh dub and uh we just kicked it off and you were making vr videos and i was just doing some random like variety [ __ ] didn't know what i was doing my videos and then i got a job editing pueblo cop quit my chef job fast forward a couple years got a job working for laser beam and tanner and then as soon as i moved to sydney to take the job my channel blew up and i quit when you got the job with pueblo cop you were like happy crying dude it was like the first step it was 3am at night all the boys had just finished a massive pub g session and i get damn cop followed you on twitter i started crying i was a [ __ ] time but now i get more views than him so he gives a f [Laughter] nah jokes aside it was a very uh it was crazy time dude honestly and josh was working in a milk factory milk and cows i was working in a milk factory i was very happy to work in the milk factory i was thankful to work there because it was well paying and i thought it was going to work for the rest of my life and i was totally at peace with that and then the vive came out and i was so i was chasing immersive gaming i'm a massive geek so i pre-ordered that [ __ ] and then i wanted to show my friends at work so i uploaded a couple videos to youtube and then i started getting a couple views and stuff and then uh yeah i went to pax and i found out about the media passes and i was like oh dude if i get 50 000 subscribers i get free [ __ ] passes dude it's gonna save me 300 a year there was there was one year was about to bail i went to a click panel and the [ __ ] that loser fruit was saying motivated me so thanks fruity meanwhile while all this is going on juice is making minecraft videos now i just run around in vr chat or something and eddie's [ __ ] stuck in shells and targets yeah i was working at target in 2016 and uh that's when i started my youtube channel i wanted to do something on the side that made me happy and making videos was something that i was passionate about seeing all these other youtubers and just seeing like gaming in general back then you know gaming channels were actually promoted so i made a gaming channel and it took like two years to hit a thousand subscribers and then it actually went above 100 000 subscribers talking about what josh said you know 100 000 subscribers seemed like something that was really far away and something that was unattainable and then i got up there and you know 800 videos later the channel died and uh and and so so i left target and then i went to go sell cars and i was still making youtube videos and i was lucky enough to be able to quit by job selling cars i was doing youtube full time for like seven months and then it didn't work out the moment i quit my job to be a full-time youtuber the channel started dying so here i am finally being a full-time youtuber and then i start running out of money and i started looking for jobs again and then i decided let's take a shot in the dark and start a whole second channel and i started eddie vr as a second channel that saved me and it started blowing up youtube ruined my life so i doubled [ __ ] down is what he's saying yeah yeah exactly you know what's crazy about that whole thing though eddie is you had a friend called kevin who was also my friend yeah we're yeah we met we met through a mutual friend molly molly and i met because of kevin yeah because of our friend kevin but how i met the boys is i'm i'm i'm chilling i'm making tick tock videos i'm making vr videos i'm just doing my mexican screaming and all that [ __ ] and then one day out of nowhere i get a comment on one of my videos actually two comments one from josh and one from molly molly goes what did you say i like this funny taco man yeah yeah yeah exactly and then i get on a separate video josh dub going you're a funny also i think we should mention that while this is going on for you me and josh are also having our conversation what should we do about this eddie basically me and molly had that conversation too i blew up super quick right josh was like i've never seen anyone go from zero to a mil so quick or whatever the [ __ ] it used to be and then you come along eddie usain boltnet i get this message one day josh has like linked me this channel it's you he goes look at this [ __ ] he's coming for us and so we check you out and you happen to just be the source eddie kevin's friend i'm like i [ __ ] know this guy and then i said to josh how good would it be if all three of the biggest vr channels got together for a video and then we just launched our attack on your comments section to get you in and that's that's and that's how it happened next thing we're being racist in your comments and now you're playing with us i was invited to a discord call with or a discord group with you guys and all of a sudden you guys started talking about making the boys and i you know i didn't even get a chance to say no but that's enough of me how did narrator meet the boys as soon as i turned uh 18 and graduated from high school i had no idea what i wanted to do but i told my mom and my dad that once i was 18 i was no longer their problem they've raised me already 18 years i'm an adult now when it comes to like college or like education doing something that i want to do i'm gonna pay for it uh and i knew that the best way to do that was military so i did that for four years met some incredible people and had a blast and then right after that went you know what i love i love videos i love i love you know watching cool awesome youtube vids and stuff like that so i went and tried to go for my bachelor's in digital filmmaking and video production but in my spare time i love doing voices i love voice acting so what i did is i would go on vr chat a lot and you know do you practice different voices and you know different accents if you want me to and just learn how to switch and like just be all these different characters and you know this like kind of like the same characters that inspired me to be who i am today when i watched cartoons and i thought it was the one of my favorite voices was my narrator voice because it throws people off so i chose to be a little pichu bird and i would just go around vr chat and uh and just narrate people you know cut behind people and they'd be like oh look at the little pikachu and i'll be like hello there and this is now i'm gonna be following you until the end of time and then uh one day these uh two australians walked into my show-and-tell the funniest thing is narrative the first words i ever spoke to was josh don't touch it it might have diseases yeah and uh you know me being the kind of person i am and by no means shy they i just went you're an entertainer dude when we walked in you were entertaining a whole group of people man yeah literally proud around you and you used to play your own music when you did it josh was a banana i was an anime girl yup remember that skit you did when you were talking about iced water struggles i got up wanted to make myself some cereal realized i have no cereal or milk so i did the only thing i could do i made myself a ball of struggles [Music] was that it i got that from kevin hart are you saying that everything that we built the boys upon you've tarnished the sanctity of the we should have gotten kevin hart molly get kevin hunt the boys right now you [ __ ] imposter when you guys were blowing up i would i went into uh pavlov one day to make a video for my other channel before i started recording i got into this into this team deathmatch lobby and i see your narrator standing right next to me i freaked out because it was the famous narrator standing right clicking next to me i asked him if he could narrate me and there i was and there i was running down a corridor i threw a grenade at myself and it was so beautiful just listening to the whole narration as it happened like like throwing a [ __ ] grenade at yourself in a game is one thing but having narrator narrate that experience for you takes it one step further back in the day it was just me and josh we were playing public servers to get like fresh and interesting interactions and then we'd always run into so many issues with quits and stuff like that josh used to have to live stream our pavlov sessions to fill the lobby so we could get content dude yeah and then we were like you know what would be great if we had like a team of people that were all focused on the same [ __ ] kind of started just scouting people any any person we thought was real funny you know get them in rekid he's always going to be a part of the history right the way we met ray kidd was he was a fan of josh when you play climby this game could climb people can just randomly join you so he joined us once we did a video with him it was pretty funny was the first video i ever put on my oh we kicked him because he was [ __ ] annoying we kicked him and then he kept coming back yeah yeah like i said before me and josh before we started actually figuring out what we were doing with ourselves we used to like make videos just yelling at kids in vr right and so rekid was one of those kids that we just started screaming at for literally no reason dude i was like okay this kid is um you know roasting me harder than i'm roasting him josh booed him and there's literally a clip where josh kicks him from the server hey he's like mid-scream josh is like bye-bye i'll kick ya [Applause] okay and so then when we used to record pavlov josh used to live stream to fill the lobbies because my channel was like had 2 000 subs at this point he's already had like 300k so he used to live stream on youtube to fill the lobbies enrique joined us for about six sessions in a row and then we're like okay this can't get rid of him and then we just invited him to like see if he wanted to join us and then literally we meet you narrator did the same thing that's how we met rikid was he just wouldn't can leave us alone and then we started uploading to tick tock and that's when she really started going [ __ ] crazy also i think it's worth the mention that uh josh had a pretty established audience on tick tock he had 50 000 followers before i started uploading on tick tock and he was like hey you really got to start uploading on tick tock and then i started uploading on tick tock guess what within a week i overtook him me and josh used to compete dude we were the first ones to do it josh is like don't can tell anyone don't tell anyone that we're doing this well when our sub started going from like 400 a day to like 15 000 a day you'd go in there and no one was doing gaming tick tock i actually thought it was against the rules at first and at first it was like holy [ __ ] dude this is going to get saturated as soon as people work it out don't tell anyone about this let's do it as hard as we can and we did it [ __ ] hard and it worked well and now the another dip so and then like yeah a week after uploading i had a video get a million views that first clip of rican where he's like the thing goes scribble that clip [Laughter] i remember when that when that clip got like a million confused i messaged molly because i saw it on facebook when molly started vr channel i i thought it was just the lamest whatever dude i'm not gonna lie to you molly i thought it was pretty cringe because no one was really doing it that much i'm like i wouldn't watch that and then i watched a couple and i'm like maybe this isn't too bad i haven't decided yet juicy josh why did you start your [ __ ] channel dude oh uh basically i'm like i'm like 10 years old dude and i just could not i i all i would play was super mario 64. and i got my first yes computer and uh i learned what like emulators were so i i download [ __ ] fraps and i start recording these epic like mario 64 like speed runs i made like just a bunch of epic speedrun [ __ ] for a while and then uh i i saw uber hex or nova i watched his try mountain minecraft survival and then i'm like you know what i'm gonna be a minecraft youtuber and right back in like dude back in like 2008 to 2012 dude youtube was like the it was like the wildlands like we had like fred and so it's like anything goes dude i'll send a clip of my first minecraft let's play video dude dude please i was literally just like um hi my name's uh gage today we're gonna be playing minecraft what's up guys welcome to my new minecraft survival series yeah pretty excited about this [Laughter] you've got like this deep like hollow hatred that is like embodied within you dude that can only come from uploading hundreds of minecraft videos being a full-time reaction streamer editor yeah no it's just a life of pain i made source filmmaker videos at the same time i remember when i was in middle school one of my videos got like 300k views that like kept me going dude i'm like [ __ ] like in middle school like i'm gonna lose it dude my life's over i keep making these videos eventually i i was monetized i go through this partnering program and i meet this big [ __ ] ginger idiot named toasted shoes he's through the same program don't don't look him up dude don't look him up i love joe i love joe we all love joe he's like a virus dude every knows him i don't know him you don't want to know him he's human herpes basically oh cool okay and you don't get it from having sex he just pops up one day he can't get rid of them i would rather have herpes to be honest i'm sorry i love you joe yeah so i meet joe and and we're just making videos we have this other guy named uh maskman we're making videos with fast forward a little bit i stopped doing youtube because i dropped out of high school and had to have money so i just started working and i stopped youtube for like a year after doing it for literally like nine years straight and then uh joe messages me because he'd been working for cueva cop and i've been telling him like yo get me one of those editor jobs dude joe messages me and introduces me to laser beam this was like pre-fortnite laser beam joe also got me my job with coil cop by the way shout out to joe lennon's like oh yeah my my sister's starting a channel my sister tana is on her channel yeah you can edit for her i'm like oh does she do like gaming videos because that's all i'm good at oh no yeah no yeah nah nah she's gonna make reaction videos yeah when you when you sign a contract to be a full-time editor for reaction videos is the contract a requirement that's signed in blood yeah it's it's signed in blood and when i when i learned i was gonna edit reaction dude my nut shriveled up into my body it's literally a blood pack yeah so molly was my boss now he just comes crawling to me on all fours like oh juicy please i need a tick tock [ __ ] he tells you that we're equal partners but then every recording he literally tells you to get down on your knees and scream is it really yeah i met molly playing fortnite hide-and-seek and then we're in a call one day because he was my boss and eventually we just started actually being kind of friends one day i'm like hey my google home i set it up to do this cool thing and i'm like hey google okay boomer and the google just okay boomer okay boomer no here it is look here's the clip listen to it 2.4 million views ready boys boys i got that google home check this out already hey google start a boomer chain okay boomer yeah baby okay okay boomer okay all right shut up okay boomerang stop that okay dude what are you doing okay all you have to do to join is do something that's like mildly maybe will make molly chuckle do anything tick-tock worthy for molly's tick-tock and you're part of the boys so i was really really nervous to meet josh right and then i get into um uh contractors i think we were playing i was super super nervous to meet you and then i got into the game but the game has like appropriate heights for your characters i was super nervous and the moment i loaded the game i'm just looking down at josh and all the nerves went away dude so you're juicy huh molly said you're really funny let's see if you got what it takes we run a tight ship around here juicy i'm not sure if you got what it takes to join this is my perspective of juicy the first time i met him [Laughter] if you look closely on one of the pack on the packs when we all met you did you do a person for the first time if you look closely on one of the photos when we're all standing next to each other my feet are actually off the ground just like holding him up yeah i was i was i had my arm underneath your arm and we and me and uh who was on the other side of you but we just like lifted you up a little bit so you matched our height so now you probably hopefully know how we all came together but now we're going to talk about how we met in real life me and josh spent about 20 grand to fly to meet these [ __ ] [ __ ] and little baby juicy didn't have any money no i paid for him to come remember that yeah we get off the plane josh is like i want to go get [ __ ] drunk we get off the plane go to this mexican like tequila bar giant margaritas and we start messaging hey let's meet eddie eddie comes along we literally only made contact with you like a month before and yeah like we just like we met and we just hit it off dude you invited us to your house and we met narrator the next day yeah we spent like the next three days together and we're all like yes dude we all we all work on like a you know the gaming level but we'll also get along really well but that was the time in my life i don't know about you guys but i was like i can't wait till next time man first day of america trip it was the best time of my life as well eddie first day of america trip we get drunk in a mexican bar we go on the boat ride and then the next day after the boat ride we go to ihop and we meet narrative for the first time yeah i mean i met up with uh first with uh with eddie uh when we got to ihop that was the first time i met you in person dude yeah that was the first time i could not believe my eyes you tried a latte for the first time an ihop latte with whipped cream on top yeah and you thought it was the weirdest [ __ ] you have ever seen because in your life we aren't having this conversation again because someone's gonna mention fairy bread we leave ihop to get into our cars and narrator goes molly i got a present for you and i'll never forget this he made molly turn around narrator goes into his trunk and pulls out a dildo and he tells molly okay molly turn around and slaps him across the face with the dildo for his birthday he's a thick dude i do yeah yeah because i i told him i told molly i was like listen i'm just letting you know because we it was like a conversation like at we were all cooked after recording and i told molly and he goes like man i can't wait to see you guys i'm like yeah we're messing around and i go i'm gonna slap you with a dildo and he's like god no you won't and i'm like no no i'm slapping you with a dildo and he goes it's like whatever and then like right after i hop all morning just been like it's the one that's got like the suction cup on the bottom it was just in my trunk welcome to america so tamales molly's birthday so to speak because it was a couple days after i took them to the gun range to get their american experience broke and we're at the gun range and we're trying out we're trying out all these guns and all of us suck dude my only experience was with pavlov dude do you know how [ __ ] nerve-wracking it is to be around mully you how many shoots in the head and he's actually holding a deagle in real life i'm just waiting for those [ __ ] youtube reflexes to kick in and him to aim it at my face say some dumb [ __ ] joke and blow my head off and molly decides it's a great idea to shoot a fully automatic p90 but i add that we all agreed to shoot the guns that we used in pavlov to see if they how they performed in real life and josh goes hey i want to shoot a 60 round p90 it's a fully automatic p90 i'm like i'll do that too the range instructor comes up to mully and he shows him he shows him how to position the p90 for him to shoot straight at the target right and the instructor says okay it's your turn molly pulls the trigger and three shots come out and his gun starts aiming up and the instructor has to like hold him because he's like he jerks back the instructor holds him and molly goes oh am i doing it right and then he pulls the trigger all the way while he's not looking and the gun goes he gave the gun range a sunroof dude he said i'm gonna take the top off the concrete's coming off the roof and at this point the instructor just looks at him and goes um yeah we're not gonna talk about what just happened dude because there's a literal sign right next to my head that says if you damage the building it's a 400 line wait wait it's a 400 fight you emptied an entire p90 clip what about you about 50 60 rounds straight into the [ __ ] roof dude i'm glad i wasn't there for that dude i would have had to just walk out i was like we need to get the [ __ ] out of here yeah we chuck all our assault rifles see you later mate we can walk out the back we left we got the [ __ ] out of there dude yeah and then we uh we go to pax we fly home coronavirus happens now we can't see each other anymore yep we started the boys channel and legit as soon as the virus allows us to oh we're all going to hang out and have a trip together and start making real content not this garbage that you're watching if you're still at this point in the video you probably sat through 20 minutes of bullsh thank you and we love you for it thank you for watching wasn't nothing crazy or nothing like that we just wanted to tell a little story because we get asked about it like with every origin story we probably forgot some other pit that we should have said because everything happened so fast if you've watched this video to the end thank you for watching and sitting through eight mid roles i can afford to buy groceries this week and uh thanks for watching what do you want to see on future videos there is no future videos this is the end dude this is the last one yeah drop your dad's phone numbers in the comments so i can text all your dads read the comments dads this is over that's it this video is over this video is over we're done [Music] you
Channel: The Boys
Views: 3,490,195
Rating: 4.9680676 out of 5
Keywords: VR, Virtual Reality, The Boys, JoshDub, Mully, EddieVR, YourNarrator, Juicy, Comedy, Funny, Gaming
Id: y6-Lr9XxO_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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