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what is it florida in here it's summertime just checked the thermometer it's reading a balmy 80 degrees in here we've got our plastic removed off of our seedlings because we don't want them to dry out i don't see any of them poking through just yet but very shortly very shortly it's not too bad out here today it's 38 degrees it's warming up good morning everybody how you doing today my name's andrew i'm matt i'm dad i'm autumn my name's daniel and we're some of the veggie boys and we want to thank you for stopping by welcome back everyone we are getting started in the greenhouses if you remember in the previous video some of the family went and picked up a machine from indiana and that machine's job is to fill these trays in our hanging basket pots just to give you a little reminder the way it works is we dump the dirt in here it comes out on this side we put it on our trays and then we slide them down and it levels it for us before when we did this job we'd take these dirt bags and we'd throw them on the ground and we would do our best to break up the soil that was inside the bags because the better you break up your soil the easier it is for the plants to root and it's easier for them to grow and this is what my aunt rhonda has been up to today she has been preparing trays for us so when we start going with the dirt because we go a little faster now that we have that machine those trays are called flood trays they hold water better so we don't have to worry about watering as often and yet we use quite a few of them that's why to some of you it may look chaotic there's just trays stacked all over the place but we've got a system and the system works really well so for right now rhonda is just filling up trays she's getting us all prepared because we're gonna fly right through it so we just had some more of our pioneer seed corn order show up the only problem is our forklift is broken so we have to use our bucket loader tractor to pick all the stuff out [Applause] [Applause] so the other day when we were dealing with that snow storm we had gone to another farm to see some steers that they had and dad just went and picked some up normally when we bring cows home we like to keep them separate but we went to this guy's farm super clean the animals were really well taken care of and there was no sickness in the animals at all so we felt comfortable putting them right in with our herd it's going to take them a few hours to calm down because of the ride and they're in an unusual place but they look good i think this is the second time we've had sunshine in like three months we've been in the north pole all along i want to be in the south pole now where it's warmer we're getting ready to get started this afternoon we've got everything set up and we're ready to use the new machine and we've also got the spud king's wife here well one of the spud king's wife so now we're gonna get started filling trays do you want to tell everyone what your job is i pick things up and put them down i pick up i put down okay i'll get these while the next batch is mixing [Music] so the dirt comes down through this hopper goes in the tray the roller pushes it down and then this little thing pushes all the excess and fills the corners [Music] this machine is really nice because we used to have to break up these bags of dirt on the ground and we'd have to pick them up and drop them pick them up and drop them and they get quite heavy at the end of the day but now we just break them up in chunks and put them in here it's a lot easier on us a lot easier on our bodies oh fine just apologize this is my second day using this thing and your birthday using it guys what is rule one when that whenever a problem happens whose fault is it blame the cameraman andrew that's two votes for the camera [Music] man when they get to like their autumn just pull it out gently as fast because the bags were outside for so long some of them are actually frozen solid because we live in a north pole well anyway they're frozen because they were outside but some of the bottom ones they were still frozen so we're putting them in here and it's turning it just so we can break that soil up everything's going well here for matt he has this big bin underneath to catch all the dirt that falls that he can't get and then we just take it and dump it back in the hopper it's a really good system i gotta get out of autumn's way you you can tell she's mad by the eyes that's what we've learned we've been going pretty steady here right now we've got quite a few trays finished we've got these tables over here finished now and we just got these tables finished so it's only taken us like an hour and that machine is making things fly by i know some of you may be concerned about dust too we're not wearing a mask while working with this dirt this soil is actually a soilless mixture it's made of peat moss and different types of bark so it doesn't give off the dust that normal soil soil wood so we're okay with that right now just doing another update to show you how everything's going there is a lot of dirt over here there is a lot autumn are you getting the hang of this job and then you'll change me to a different job and then i won't no around [Music] i just moved the last of the trays over to here dad's just got to finish panting them through to matthew and then we're done with these flood trays guys we're on the last stack [Applause] everything's been going really well the only problems we've had oh we just had a problem oh that's okay we'll forgive autumn we're moving on to something very exciting we're moving on to hanging baskets this is big for us because hanging baskets usually takes a very long time while we've been filling flood trays aunt ronda has been over here putting the liners inside our hanging baskets these are our 12 inch hanging basket pot and we attach hangers to them later on and then that's what all these drip lines up top are used for hanging baskets [Music] [Music] 128 baskets per tape [Music] as you can see we've got a lot of tables over here we can fit 128 baskets on a table so we're gonna keep filling down through here we we're not gonna fill all the tables with hanging baskets but we do go quite a ways we have moved into high production we are going really fast with these baskets right now they've got quite a few filled already and this is where it becomes more difficult for me because i have to put the dirt into the machine so i'm constantly moving the dirt bags over to here loading them and then grabbing more hey sir you know you have dirt on your face right it's my mustache your mustache is growing right there yep well we're stopping for the day autumn and i have the last pots that don't look safe there no it does not just going to give you some information of what we did we went through two pallets of dirt more than two pallets of dirt and then we also did half of these trays we did 5100 pots and i think we did over 350 hanging baskets one minute the ground's covered with snow the next minute your greenhouse is full of flowers and we're gonna get started on those vegetables really soon go up and plant them other two trays of flowers you forgot to plant yesterday i didn't forget there was just no seed there i didn't know where it was we are back up in the german asian greenhouse thanks to the old snail mail a mailman brought dropped off a couple packets of seed that were late we got two trays of impatiens here that we got to get planted it's gonna be really quick but we just had to come up here and get this finished otherwise they'll be too far behind the other impatience that we already planted [Music] [Applause] [Music] so no one wants to be the guy that didn't tag the flowers because uh yeah that'll get you in some trouble all righty we are all set up here in the germination greenhouse now it's not dark enough yet we like to cover this top with the plastic we've got the heated tubes underneath which feel nice and then we roll the plastic over top just to try and keep that temperature locked in because even though we have the temperature set to 75 here in the greenhouse even at night time the greenhouse can't keep up with how cold it's been wait a minute what is [Music] oh that's right that's grass i haven't seen it in so long i kind of forgot what it looked like [Music] all righty we got the farm market all closed up we got everything put away and now we're up at the house lauren what is for dinner tacos i found my pants and my shoes they're slippers claws if you notice the toes are all bent because tracy steps on my toes all the time i never step on them i always avoid them actually and occasionally if i do stuff on them it's nice oh you heard it you heard it she occasionally stepped on him alrighty guys we're sitting down for dinner tonight and we're having tacos as you can see so this is where we're going to end the video i want to thank everyone for watching and i hope to see you next time bye bye bye bye bye
Channel: The Veggie Boys
Views: 53,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegetable farming, the veggie boys, theveggieboys, vegetable farming videos, vegetable farmers, family farm, family of farmers, real farming, how to farm, farm vlog, farming vlog, homesteading, homestead, farmers, greenhouses, hot house, high tunnel, greenhouse work, planting vegetables, planting flowers, soil prep, starting a greenhouse, filling containers, filling flower pots, potting flowers, greenhouse tips, greenhouse farming, raising flowers, how to grow flowers, garden
Id: _Fk_v6JIIgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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