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good morning everybody how you doing today my name's Andrew I'm Daniel I'm Gavin I'm Grandpa I'm Aunt Becky I'm Lauren I'm Tracy and we're some of the veggie boys and girls and I'd like to thank you for stopping by if you're new here consider subscribing because we can grow a lot of things on the farm but one thing we can't grow is this channel without your help welcome back everyone it's so nice to see you the weather outside today is pretty nice I actually can see some sunshine which that's going to make a lot of work for us later on today but we're gonna get started with the farm market First Matthew beat me down here he has got started on vacuuming since Matthew is vacuuming I'm gonna get everything dusted and sanitized [Music] I'll tell you what's been nice the produce that we've been getting from the wholesaler has been beautiful lately and uh it's been selling pretty quick Matthew just finished vacuuming and we almost have everything out of the cooler we do have a few things on shelves in here that need to be put out and then once we get that accomplished we'll be done setting up the farm market my aunt Rhonda just came up from the greenhouse and said that she needed a certain type of pot filled so right off the bat this morning I'm making my way down to the greenhouse so we can get her all taken care of I didn't get it filmed but one of our water lines blew out and it was fraying all over our geraniums here hopefully that geranium will be fine this is what Aunt Rhonda needed she needed these Square pots So Daniel is putting them together and then we'll get them filled with soil [Music] now what's nice is Aunt Rhonda did not need too many of these filled this morning she just needed something to get started with so now that we have a few trays for her field she can get started with whatever she needs to now for today I'm not sure exactly what we have all to get done but one thing I know that needs to be done is a lot of these baskets need to be moved in our last video we spent a lot of time hanging up the rest of these baskets so our largest Greenhouse is completely full when it comes to the hanging baskets if I take a second with the camera and I just go along the whole Greenhouse though you can see that there is a lot of hanging baskets that are just sitting here now some of them still need time release fertilizer added a lot of them need the hangers and tags added but as you can see we do have a lot with the hangers and tags on them and these will be moved down to the lower greenhouses so if we can get a bulk of that stuff moved that would be nice we're gonna try and get started on that today but besides that we have plenty of other jobs to do so we'll see how far we get thank you we'll be back in that Greenhouse later on but for now I'm walking up to the germination greenhouse because we have some sunshine with the sun shining bright this morning we have to be concerned about two things one that our plants don't overheat and two that they don't dry out it's pretty obvious that we've made a lot of progress in the germination Greenhouse something I'd like to show you though is that we have some romaine lettuce here that didn't come up too well then we also have some Simpson green leaf lettuce that came up phenomenally we have red leaf lettuce and then another green leaf lettuce right here is some parsley that we had seeded this is the flat leaf and then this is a curly leaf and then one more thing is we've done some Tomatoes we have some Big Boy tomatoes here we have red Deuce we also have early girl and better boy now you did not get a chance to see us see these uh we just did the spur of the moment but it's pretty exciting to have some Tomatoes seated and Believe Me by showing you that I'm not telling you it's time to get started with planting tomatoes we get a lot of visitors here at the farm market so we try and make sure that we always have some early stuff planted just in case people don't live where we live now that we're finished with that it's a good time to get the animals taken care of oh I would have been down with collecting eggs much sooner but one of the neighbors literally drove into a ditch so we had to go pull them out and I wanted to bring the camera because that'd be cool but I didn't want to embarrass them so you got them pulled out of the ditch and I'm back to collecting eggs foreign basket of eggs collected and why are you on me I just grabbed a bucket of hot water for the calves while Dad and I see the Cavs Daniel is feeding the rest of the cattle only one issue he's not using the skid steer to do that he's using the 130 so it's a little difficult for him the skid steer is small and compact it makes it a lot easier to handle and a lot easier to feed with but at the moment we're having a lot of trouble with this Good Steer Loader so we're trying to get that fixed he's getting everything for you don't worry don't worry this feed that we're using for the calves has a lot of molasses in it and it gets a little compact so I try and loosen it up every day for them just to encourage them to eat a little more grain here you go [Music] are you hungry this morning [Music] foreign s have now got their breakfast and they've got fresh bedding putting some gas in the side by side because we're going to be using this to pull around one of the wagons she's running a little low so now that the side by side is all filled up with fuel it'll be good for what we need with it later on we had a lot of scrap metal and just some other junk sitting over in this corner and we've been cleaning it up Dad and Daniel are going to be cleaning up this section and then they're going to be cleaning up this over here and in the meantime while they take care of that I'm going over to The Big Greenhouse to help Matthew [Music] I don't see Matthew anywhere he must be working on something else Aunt Rhonda are you good in here all right good yeah they're all fine in here the planting crew is limited today not everybody is here since the whole planting crew is not here well that means they work a little bit slower than normal so they don't need all of our help since they don't need help this gives me a great opportunity to go down to Greenhouse number four and start preparing it for hanging baskets [Music] as you can see Greenhouse number four ah it's kind of full I would call it a mess we have to move all these pallets we have a few elevators that need to be moved we have our mulch Lang tool we also have a few machines in here and that would actually be a little difficult to move all that by myself so I've got another job let me just be honest this would not be my first choice for something to do today but uh it needs to be done so what I'm going to be doing is going up this aisle way and pulling out all these weeds that we have in our aisle way look at that it's March and I'm already pulling weeds what a deal now a good thing for us is the only area we have problem with weeds is right by the aisle way now we do have a weed barrier down and that helps under these tables but we always struggle with it in these aisle ways now the interesting thing is this doesn't need to be done right now because we're going to be putting hanging baskets in here you know just hanging them up but I fear if I don't get it done now not gonna be motivated to do it later on and then it'll become a bigger issue foreign house so I'm definitely going to need a drink of water here soon because it's spicy in here the interesting thing about these greenhouses is that they have roll up sides I mean right now it's like 40 degrees outside but it feels like 90 in here you could imagine how warm it gets in summertime so the roll up sides on the greenhouse are very helpful now the only problem with the roll up signs is when we roll them up uh weeds can be blown into here the seeds and that's what a lot of this is It's just blown into here now if we don't roll up the sides on the greenhouse our plants would die from the heat so it's kind of like a necessary evil but uh it is what it is it only takes us about a half hour to an hour to get all these weeds pulled out of here and then we don't have to worry about it for the rest of the year foreign now it would be easy to move all this stuff out of here with the skid steer loader but as we mentioned before the skid steer wait did I mention that we're having trouble with the skid steer loader it's a hydraulic leak we figured that much um but we can't move this stuff out of here too easily with the larger equipment so we have to use the smaller stuff so Joel's tractor got it in a nice position to move it but it can't lift it anymore so we're gonna grab it with the forklift and then we'll be able to move this out of here as well oh how do you feel about getting Greenhouse number four cleared out I'm getting excited ooh show me some excitement I'm just happy we have Joel's tractor because none of the other equipment can really fit in here the door's just a little too short for the forklift to get in what we're gonna need to do next is pull these elevators out of here so I'm going to run and grab my side by side so we can do that we don't want to break our mulch layer so I'm going to run and grab a chain so that we can move that easier and I need the side by side anyway so it's a good reason to go for a ride I can't see anything in here and there's no pins in here all right here we go just remind me I gotta put this back on the feed grinder when I'm done [Music] [Music] foreign okay [Music] just got the call that I am late for lunch I didn't even know it was lunch time so we're gonna head down and eat I know what you're saying yeah sure Andrew you didn't know it was lunch time I didn't believe me I'm as shocked as you are oh looks like we're having sausage we have some leftover dinner and then chicken noodle soup oh this looks good currently I'm walking up to the house Lauren needs rice for making dinner so I'm taking rice up to the house and then we have to go pick up one of our wagons that we have left out in the field before I go pick up that wagon I wanted to show you what Greenhouse number four looks like with everything pulled out of it we already got that walkway up there cleaned a little bit now this walkway down here wasn't near as dirty so that's going to be a lot easier we have a few things we need to touch up on in here and then we'll be ready for baskets this is where the skid steer loader is trying to get this thing back running because we miss it put your windshield up then you can uh yeah that one won't be cold now myself Gavin and Dad are going back to the fields to get this tire fixed Daniel you brought the most expensive Jack we have out to the field I brought the easiest one I've got to head back to the farm we got the wagon with us you're calling me a wagon no I said the wagon's with us on the wagon what when we got home we unhooked that other wagon and then we got hooked up to one of our hay wagons now the only concern that we had was the other wagon was going to be more difficult to back up this wagon not too difficult so this is the one we're using now although it is not as cold as it has been we're still going to be hauling Precious Cargo so we're gonna have to move quickly here what we're going to be doing is transferring hanging baskets down into the lower greenhouses foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're not going to carry them all in from the front we're going to roll up our sides and we're going to start handing them through [Music] it won't tip it foreign [Music] good deal we've got our first wagon load of plants moved into Greenhouse number four come on [Music] I gotta tighten this thing I need a bigger head [Music] I wanted to roll down the side of the greenhouse to keep the wind from blowing over our plants we got our first and now our second load of hanging baskets put down here now some of the baskets are going to be hung up tomorrow and then the rest of the baskets will be moved to our other greenhouses we have certain flower types that go in this greenhouse we have certain flower types that go in those greenhouses some plants need a little more space than others and we have to keep that in mind that's why it's important to move all this stuff around we're going to continue to keep putting hangers and tags on these baskets and then once we're finished with that we're going to move the rest of them down so I'll see you when we're done with that we're still here in the greenhouse we're having a lot of fun Cali and Lauren are now here Cali has been going around looking at all the plants right having fun now that the day is over everybody is on their way up to the house I grabbed some Thai tea because it's something that I've really been enjoying the weather has changed a lot it's warm out I'm enjoying the warmth I can smell dinner already wow all right hon dinner smells so good and looks good what are we having tonight Asian style chicken and veggies all right it is supper time Cali can you say supper we now have got everything on the table so you guys know what that means this is where we're gonna end the video today I would like to thank everyone for watching and I hope to see you next time bye bye bye yummy yummy yummy yummy
Channel: The Veggie Boys
Views: 92,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegetable farming, the veggie boys, theveggieboys, vegetable farmers, family farm, real farming, how to farm, farm vlog, farming vlog, homesteading, homestead, farmers, day in the life, my day, day on the farm, a farmers life, farm life, farming life, american farmers, life on the farm, veggies, vegetables, big vegetables, growing tips, farm hack, garden hack, amazing, tomatoes, tomato hacks, vegetable tips, farming tips, garden, garden hacks
Id: s7-1zLRzumM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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