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good morning everybody how you doing today my name's Andrew I'm Grandpa hi K I'm Lauren I'm Tracy I'm Mimi I'm Grammy I'm Matt I'm Daniel and we're some of the veggie boys he girls and we'd like to thank you for stopping by if you're new here please consider subscribing because we can grow a lot of stuff on the farm but one thing we can't do is grow this channel without your help welcome back everyone it's so nice to see you we just got into the farm market and we're going to get started on setting it up the last time we had you with us we had a very busy day on our hands I believe Daniel got most of the hay crop all moan down so that's something we're going to be focused on this week coming up now since we are getting into fall things do not dry down as fast as they used to one it's not warm you know it's getting a little cooler and two probably most importantly we don't have as much sunlight as we used to so things do not dry down near as fast so because of that I don't know how much work we'll have to do when it comes to the hay today but I do know it was a big job getting all of it moaned down but first things first we're going to get this Farm Market all cleaned and set up Farm Market is all set up and we are now open outside though Daniel's been working on something a little different as you can see we've got plenty of open spots up here in front of the farm market so we're going to need to be filling those up which is what Daniel is working on he got a wagon load of mums to put out Daniel brought all these mums up from Greenhouse number four he said there's only 23 mums left in that Greenhouse that is a good sign that that means that we are just about finished with those green houses down over the hill so we can get them winterized and then we won't even have to worry about them anymore wagon is now completely empty there still is a few open spots up here in front but the rest of the mums that we're going to need are going to come from the largest Greenhouse we still need a few Reds some whites and purples over the past couple days we've been pretty busy and I think a lot a lot of people have been picking up mums but it's the time of the year for it so we kind of expect it and we're happy to see them go not that we don't like having flowers around it's just that's why we raise them to sell them so the first job we're going to be moving on to today is getting some white sweet corn picked dad just got back from the wholesaler so he's working on unloading his truck and Daniel is here with Aunt Rhonda he's helping her get the rest of the mums finished and since everybody's working on their own little job it's a perfect opportunity for me to run and grab some [Music] corn our white sweet corn patch is slowly getting less and less but that's for good reason we've been harvesting quite a bit here and everything that we Harvest we end up chopping for the cattle by now a lot of these secondary ears on the corn should be ripened up however because we've been receiving less sunlight and the nights have been relatively cooler uh things haven't been growing as fast so before when our sweet corn would be this mature I would have no worries about going through and pulling every single ear that I see however I'm trying to be a little more selective because I don't want to give anybody uh under rpe corn because usually it's not filled out all the way this time of the year you'll see a lot of customers canning or freezing sweet corn which is cool because we do that ourselves now most of the time people use the yellow and white but you do have a few that like to use just the white so what I like to do is make sure that I'm picking ears that are nice and ripe so everybody that is freezing or canning sweet corn gets a nice ear to use what is this look at this random wet spot like just right in the middle of the field nothing grew there as I'm going out through the field I got to be a little careful because look at these ears oh these ears look nice but nope that's field corn someone didn't clean out the Hoppers where' I leave my basket at am I lost oh there it is one two three potato Well that took no time at all and there's still plenty of sweet corn there if we need to come back and pick I believe there was a little over an acre of white sweet corn here and now we're down to probably a quarter of that we've gone through it pretty quick what's nice though is that there was white sweet corn here and yellow sweet corn and after we've gone through and harvested none of it was wasted which that makes every everybody happy but this is kind of what we have left here just a few more rows while I was harvesting the sweet corn dad was over here getting the calves taken care of and Daniel was also bringing in some beef that mom had picked up this morning from the butcher so like I said everybody's been working on their own little jobs but now it's time to get the rest of the animals taken care of so Daniel and I are going to feed [Music] silage not too much changes with silage for now it's kind of the same routine every day it is pretty easy but you do need two people to feed as we get more into winter time and when we start pulling out of the bags then you only need one person so that's nice look at our little baby back there with the mama oh these calves are doing great we still have Daisy and her baby in there but Rosie and her calf have been out Mountain pasture they've been running around no one seems to be bothering the calf so we're happy about that uh everything's looking good while we were finishing up the animals Matthew was out in the fields he was doing a little bit of picking but he came back to get me so that we can go out and pick together he did get a little bit of broccoli we're not sure if we're going to need some more but I know we need some cauliflower no if we're doing cauliflower you should go to the other end now Matthew did get two bushel of broccoli cut this morning and on the way over we decided we're not going to cut anymore it does keep for longer out in the fields as opposed to in the cooler we are running into a little bit of an issue though the broccoli has been kind of spoiling it's due to all the moisture same problem that a lot of the other vegetables are dealing with um but we've been trying to do our best to go through the broccoli as much as we can and get the orders taken care of since we're not getting broccoli we're going to be moving on to cauliflower and there is a lot of nice cauliflower here look at that now with cauliflower as we're harvesting there's a few things we need to keep in mind one we want to make sure that the head is a nice size like what we have here and then when we're cutting we want to make sure that we keep a few leaves with it a lot of times when people cut cauliflower they like to clean it up as much as possible but we do want to keep a few leaves on here just so that it doesn't get bruised when we move it from basket to basket something to keep in mind andan this stuff just looks nice and that one no that's not too small a it's beautiful now we just got done talking about how the broccoli lasts a little bit longer in the field uh cauliflower is actually a little bit on the opposite side we do raise some self-wrapping cauliflower so that's very beneficial for us that helps to protect it from the Sun however even though a lot of this stuff is self-wrapping you still will have some cauliflower that's exposed and when it's exposed to direct sunlight it turns yellow and then it starts to turn black now not too much changes with the flavor when the cauliflower starts to turn yellow however it does for whatever reason make it much less desirable and it does not sell as well so what we're going to do is be very proactive about our cauliflower and come through the fields quite often just to make sure we don't run into any yellowing of our caulif flower oh this is big head I think this is a little small yeah here's one we caught just in the nick of time you see how yellow that is compared to how how nice and white that is so we got this one we may end up eating this one cuz these don't always sell the best that's why we're out here often trying to pick cauliflower to make sure we can get it before it starts turning yellow we got three bushel of cauliflower now harvested the stuff looks really really good we got to a lot of these heads just in time to prevent them from yellowing again yellowing would not be the end of the world but it's something we try and avoid the cauliflower moves a lot faster through the farm market when there's no discoloration now that we're all finished with harvesting the cauliflower we're going to be moving on to [Music] tomatoes now you're probably all thinking what Tomatoes I thought we were done with harvesting Tomatoes uh no not yet uh harvesting Tomatoes now is just much more difficult as a matter of fact the only tomatoes that we can Harvest is plum because they're the only ones that have actually held up from the weather and from the disease now that does not mean that they are perfect we are still dealing with a lot of nasty when it comes to tomatoes and there's bugs everywhere um but we need three baskets because one Grammy needs tomatoes so we need to come out here and while we're out here we figure it's a good opportunity to look for an extra basket or two to have just in case someone comes in looking for some canners this is the only time of the year where I don't really enjoy picking tomatoes and that's due to all the rotten ones there are bugs flying around everywhere they get in your face they get in your nose G it's just not [Music] fun you know I think this is a good time to mention as I'm walking out through the field if you have not already make sure you like the video it helps us out a lot also if you're not subscribed please think about subscribing we're trying to reach 200,000 before the year is up can we do it I don't know we're trying to find out that should wrap it up for tomatoes Matthew and I just got the third basket filled the only reason I see us coming out here to pick any more Tomatoes is if any of the family members are canning and they need us to grab tomatoes because is getting quite difficult to pick if we have orders it's it's not going to be fun we were taking everything that we harvested back to the farm but we were getting flagged down by Dad so we got to see what's going on what happened broke a shear pin I need a bar I'm all jammed up we got everything brought back and moved into the cooler we do need to head out and pick a little bit more we need four baskets of yellow and white sweet corn and we also need some kale we've got a little bit of a detour here because we got it jammed up so good we're having to turn it backwards and pull a lot of the stubble out which has been a little bit of a pain turned out when we had our jam up it caused an electrical issue now that the electrical issue has been resolved we are able to run the chopper backwards unclogging it now it is lunchtime but Dad wants to get this all chopped up because he's going to be going to the auction so dad's going to spend a little more time here we're going to head back and get something to eat and then we'll have to take Daniel back to his Chopper all righty it is now lunch time here on the farm it looks like we are having BLTs today we just got finished with lunch so we're going to take Daniel back out to his Mower and Matthew and I are going to get picking again Matthew and I are now at the yellow and white sweet corn so we're going to get started picking basically the same concept I had with the white corn earlier uh it has been growing a little bit slower but thankfully all of these top ears should be ripe as we get closer into fall and ultimately the end of vegetable Harvest this is something you just have to keep in mind I mean I'm not a big fan of it am I tired of working no would I like a break yeah but who wouldn't you never really get a break on the farm because the second we're done with vegetable Harvest we're going to be moving into grain Harvest and I mean we also got all the animals to take care of there's always building projects that need to be done but for now I'm not going to worry about that and I'm just going to pick sweet corn [Applause] so we just got our four baskets of yellow and white sweet corn harvested hopefully that'll get us through the rest of the day but we have exciting news we've been using the side by side now for a few months and it's officially a farm vehicle because if you see right here there is grass growing in the bed of it that is the sign of a farm vehicle when you have literal weeds growing in the back of the vehicle and I'm so happy we got that sweet corn pick there's only one more thing we need to harvest and that would be kale we're talking about kale and how when we go back to Spring and we're selling veget vegetable plants we tell everybody to buy kale why well because it's one of the easiest things to grow and it comes back so quickly so you're going to get multiple harvest the only thing is once we get to this point in the year um we don't sell as much kale as we think we should water fly Matt spotted Lantern fly go get it Matt Matt's looking for a spotted Lantern fly we don't have too many of them here but when we find them we dispatch them Mar if you live in like New York Pennsylvania New Jersey Maryland you hear about these guys all the time spotted Lantern fly new invasive species terrible so anyway when you see him do the right thing kill him from what we understand here they have no natural Predators so it's kind of hard to keep them under control and if you raise fruit it's a bigger issue for example we only raise a little bit of fruit grapes um yeah they like to hit the grapes hard they will completely destroy your grape crop and take all the flavor out of your grapes which is not good we don't like that but anyway what was I talking about oh yeah kale um yeah a lot of customers grow kale now so we don't sell as much but it's okay as long as everybody's happy just got finished with work for the day we're making our way up into the house mom what are we having for dinner tonight sausage and peppers and um baked cauliflower roasted cauliflower all righty everybody we are getting ready to sit down and eat dinner everybody's coming out to the table so that means this is where we're going to end the video today I'd like to thank everyone for watching and I hope to see you next time by-bye bye-bye bye-bye
Channel: The Veggie Boys
Views: 97,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegetable farming, the veggie boys, theveggieboys, vegetable farmers, family farm, real farming, how to farm, farm vlog, farming vlog, homesteading, homestead, farmers, day in the life, my day, day on the farm, a farmers life, farm life, farming life, american farmers, life on the farm, veggies, vegetables, big vegetables, growing tips, farm hack, garden hack, amazing, tomatoes, tomato hacks, vegetable tips, farming tips, garden, garden hacks
Id: lA0xjgA4D2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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