ILLEGAL FREEDOM: Winter Journey Across Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

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[Applause] here by the gardens to meet up with his son and his friend from [ __ ] England never met the guy before don't know what he's like hopefully he's going to endure this three to four day trip that we're about to go to about two hours ago I got off the plane to the terrible right this part of the city zero hours of sleep for the past twenty-four fantastic of Billings porcelain dolls I'm going to meet up with them no let's go to the stores we're going to buy the supplies we're going to do the routine sit get on the bus get to the tax to get to the poorest yeah basically it I'm gonna try to find the guys [Music] my place bro where's our boy he's still ok so now we're going to the store we're gonna buy the food and [ __ ] it's basically the same routine as everytime my brain is slow right now still I'm still working on that zero or asleep but it's gonna get better eventually I'm gonna start making more sense so there is a bit of a change we went to the zone in September right now it is February there are a zillion days I didn't even know that but yeah what a romantic way to spend Valentine's Day going to the zone anyway so there are new rules in the previous year a lot of illegal tourists went to the zone Ukrainian government are pissed and they increased the penalty there should be more security the fines are higher we will potentially go to court that's basically with since the weather is also going to be [ __ ] apart from that not much study I go into the story [Music] it's a man it's all I got all right over 10 kilograms it really feels like the journey is beginning my legs are already [ __ ] weak train has left the [ __ ] mall right now we're gonna go shop we're gonna buy after that bus station and tax you can't wait for the taxi guy hope it's the same one the first part of the journey always begins in the city walking we're getting tired but we're not going in all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like a song so weirdest entering the town we're gonna meet the taxi guy last time we're a bit out of the town bit somewhere in the center in the back it was so hot I'm like literally sonna we rode there for about an hour and a half something like that I try to sleep through most of it cause I'm so damn tired but for the taxi boy [Music] [Music] is a protozoan commander ugaki boomer sooner tester on a planet of Aetna very air spaces [Music] all right so that's the point you don't have much time now because it's 1630 we have about 40 minutes last time it took an hour to reach the river we cannot cross the deep way as it's going to be extra you know cold and we will not be able to recover in time because the temperatures dropping close so we're gonna go to a different part of the river which is gonna be a bit shallower so we're just gonna take our shoes off and hopefully go through like that the walk begins boys this is nostalgic as [ __ ] all right so barely made into some of the hard you saw people back there not sure if they were security or just like they were definitely not stalkers maybe some wood cutters yeah see I think there were wood cutters we still walk around okay so the people are there and they use we're using it to cross this or anything [Music] so you heard them you heard it somebody was like lawyer I [ __ ] heard something let's just [ __ ] so Anton said that this is the first line that leads into the official exclusion zone [Music] my legs by the way if I haven't complained in a while feel really dead managed to get on a bit better Road right now it's 1720 like I mentioned we're going to the shalvoy River place and Tom told me this river crossing that we're going to right now so I'm gonna try to show because it's so much earlier [Music] the first we'd have to get like far past the villages to actually see abnormal levels of radiation it's a bit shallower there so we're gonna try to walk across if this is not the specific point and then done system move forward I was just basically but yeah shoes off and walk yeah it's gonna be we had some issues with our primary stalker secret spot turns out it's not that secret it's just [ __ ] so we came to another one someone's gonna try see how deep it is by the way it's probably - temperature at this point dude that [ __ ] goes down quick you see oh [ __ ] after six already and we still haven't cross the river third time's the charm we have to go naked there's no response [ __ ] you swatch already [ __ ] what what Oh I'm gonna have to use a sock as a glove because I don't know where one of my gloves are this is some real survival said bro go go go go let's go quick so what I did was I immediately put my thermal clothes on because they were on the top and the words of dry Stan I put my pants on because even if they're what I still need them I'm Tong give me an extra sweater I put all my few shirts all my socks I have using a couple of socks as love for my left pan and I think my sleeping bag is way mein sweaters and main everything is wet so once we find a house I need to warm the [ __ ] up more and not lose any of my fingers figure out how I'm gonna draw everything that's the main [ __ ] this is like a this is like some kind of it's a bridge could I use this [ __ ] bridge back there past the fields now entering the forest area I already feel like the first farm buildings so this is apparently Church that's cool damn are those plastic windows holy [ __ ] those are plastic windows this was built after the catastrophe yes yes and it's still abandoned this is definitely a unique specimen huh and there was like a mini thing behind it huh [ __ ] completely wet throw and on the very bottom is my sleeping bag the top is pretty dry is like the worst thing is that my sleeping bag is what this place is pretty good well this is one hell of a start to the [ __ ] tape surprisingly I lose my phone in all this much 1926 I've been up or basically more than 24 hours now I think we're gonna make it to the village by 9:00 or something because it's like three kilometers crazy how quiet it is there's no wind right so the first abandoned village is starting nope [Music] oh [ __ ] boy thank you right now we're inside this attic he is barely visible he's in the shadows I'm still [ __ ] semi-wide we decided to stay here just because it's a cool place we're not gonna sleep here Anton is recommending us to walk another 8 kilometers which we have already basically walked today in total we're gonna walk like 16 kilometers eat a bit warm up and continue going rest up I'm still wet it should but I guess we'll worry about that when I need to go to bed yeah that's gonna be an issue anyway the biggest issue is like these wet clothes right here this is all my secondary strip mine there run my socks and this is my main stuff my two sweaters I like to mention on the bottom is my sleeping bag which is also a toilet paper surprisingly isn't this is me sitting by the way so you see my ass is pretty damn light warm some food up for myself [Music] kind of dry my gloves on this pasta with cheese I'm gonna add some sausage and from the rest of the water I'm going to actually make the medicine drink because I do not want to get sick this is good they're eating noodles we're gonna finish the it again continue walking not dying today on the outside right now taking a piss god man it's a quiet night apart from Anton and Jack talking there's no wind but it's starting to rain bit by bit all right eight more kilometers to go baby I am feeling better feeling refreshed that's cold I'm ready to move I'm not gonna film like has detail does a wooden date time so I'll probably make this three hour journey across a dark and cold Chernobyl zone quick who years just kind of like quick for me it's gonna be quite an endurance round all right here we go you ready we're gonna be done walking like round 11 I think yes after two or three twelvers eight yeah to the next village tomorrow we will have about 20 kilometers left until pre-packed and then we're gonna stay one day in prepass and then we're gonna turn around and go back yes that's the plan man the class the graveyard still is beautiful and lush as it was was it five months ago these fake flowers and like painters crosses really bring out the happiness you know in these dead people interesting lighten up with like everything basically looks the same you couldn't tell this is winter tip you know I wasn't hyperventilating when it jumps into that water a couple of hours ago respect right now it's 22 so we've been walking for about 2-3 hours it started to snow or rain a bit more and we're nearing the end Old Forest name yes less than an hour to walk if you're really tired we just been talking about the way we go soon there soon gonna pick a house for us to live in but this sign crossing the road that security goes across we're not gonna walk along it as you see cut through it and head forward to the closest village again Antonia sticking a bit of a different path because it's winter we cannot walk as long 22:33 I'm tired of [ __ ] not cold and just um be walking so [ __ ] keep going right so you can probably see that it's starting to rain put on this like semi poncho thing it's really small and barely helps anything but I guess it's better than nothing close to eleven right now [ __ ] it boy keep on truckin alright so the village started I'm done says some of these houses it's a little convenient a spot check by police we don't want to get woken up in the morning can have a bad day so we're gonna go a bit forward take something further less obvious home sweet home [Applause] settled then let me give you a bit of a walk through all of this is my wet clothes my socks my underwear my sweaters my backpack this is all the [ __ ] that's filling the river now that is the dry corner that is all the [ __ ] that is dry stuff that this plastic cannot soak water and this I was worried about this the sleeping bag now the top of it is okay the bottom however it does feel a bit moist but not as much as I expected because the top of the sleeping bag is water repellent so theoretically I should be okay sleeping in it that's their sleeping spots yeah everybody's chilling that's basically I just wanted to give a bit of an overview with a different perspective of the selfie stick I really hope my [ __ ] is going to try and I'm not as worried about spending the night in kind of a moist sleeping bag as it was it's not as moist as I thought regarding this room pretty sure it's not gonna try I'm gonna try to dry it overnight a bit put a dike in the bag and we're gonna get to creep that it will take it out again hopefully in the next couple of days he's dry enough to try to take on all of these clothes was basically went to but they like kind of try out of my body so yeah somebody was here they're off their gas tank yeah [Music] the calendar says 28th of April 1986 was the final date on that calendar we've got some drawings of like fruit and we should kept gonna try to get into my sleeping arrangements and hopefully spend the night rested good snuggled up that's the rest of the people the top of the sleeping bag does feel moist I guess more than the bottom [ __ ] no choice all right talk to you in the morning good everybody's awake it's 10:00 I woke up around 7:00 and I was cold so I went outside I exercised a bit came back slept again sleep was okay wasn't as bad as I imagined now we're gonna pack up eat and go [Music] [Music] close they're not that dry they're still pretty what maybe it will not take them to prove that with means extra white extra to try to try them again which I don't think I will be able to before trip ends so I think I will actually leave him here come back on the way back and then take them actually when we were afraid that the first time in the summer I did not sleep in the room because it was like so does this [ __ ] room is Darius [ __ ] as it is is so much better than the other side so we haven't checked this in a while the radiation levels 0.12 thinking Kiev it was 0.12 some around there so it's basically normal 0.13 around here nothing terrible as we move a bit closer towards Pripet it's gonna increase 13 all good macaroni with mushrooms mix up some of this meat paste realize in four seconds I have some oatmeal got a refill water and grape that and I have a lot of left that's gonna be planning another beautiful Chernobyl day so it's rained in the night it didn't rain much and it was very very quiet no animal noises it's just so [ __ ] quiet yeah so this is it this is the village not gonna go into any of these houses because I think the house that we were in beautiful house is basically a representation of the best of what this builds house all for how much do we have left to walk [Music] we're probably gonna reach creep at around 6:00 so it is gonna be dark but at least we can actually walk through the zone in daylight which is so much more better wake up in the morning sorry exploring the city so this trip is mostly concentrated around Pripet just wanting to explore the city more than I did the previous time because we kind of like length roads real quick this time we're going to spend an entire day we're gonna try to explore for days [Music] bunker that is a bunker holy [ __ ] maybe it was more of a like a wine cellar or some [ __ ] bunkers were mostly civilian and of course somebody looked like they slept here this is like the modern trash pit of this village holy [ __ ] this is kind of well cut down so this is the one police check yes yeah it has badging [ __ ] damn yeah cool nice okay this is the whoa this is a review here 16:10 19 ok this October this is great this is if you don't have something grand oh my god that is sugar well the reason we didn't stay here of course was Anton's paranoid about police checking and by dad this would have been cool better to be safe [Music] [Music] there's an old swing set oh that's cool there's another old trike that's like an old truck that seems like a house with somebody stayed at all so it is twelve microsieverts just the same as in the house everything's cool as we walk forward slightly increasing showed fifteen at one point this is nothing to be worried about it is 12:20 right now [Music] [Music] [Music] so these go to Chernobyl power plant right yes the power is still on we follow these we would end up in the reactor okay taking a bit of break there is about plenty of kilometers left 13:02 so we walked for basically one hour and guns doing his thing shoulders really hurt and thigh muscles really hurt also an interesting thing this part of my leg right here this whole side I barely feel it I don't know what's up with that something related to cold hopefully gonna rest and keep on moving following the power lines I'm gonna follow these for an hour so now it's 14 getting closer towards the road I assume we're gonna tick like last time to the right side and into the third village radiation levels still the same heads 0.12 taking a break got about one kilometer to go to the road we're dead we should be afraid that maybe three hours we'll see okay so the road begins it is 1438 we're gonna head that way towards the village and then kind of I think Pripet is somewhere there so just like last time this road is you don't have to do stupid [ __ ] everything just like last time this road is used by security yes this road is going to lead to the village and from that village we're going to go a bit off track past the edge of the red forest again hopefully I'll throw all the shrubs onto the prepense area yeah basically it is 15 we're getting closer to the village okay it is only 10 I remember last time went to rest somewhere on the side of this road the radiation was 50 just because we went somewhere into the bushes now at 1600 slowly increasing as we approached the village so the road is there we're gonna chill here need some food rest up here they were eating like ramen without water is not really a need to cook I ate like a Twix but I'm still hungry so I'm gonna actually blow some water make dodged his math watch what she's basically read super nervous about eight kilometers left until creed that I'm kind of cold to that's why I want some more through the whole way it was constantly like raining bit by bit we have minimally another two hours of walking and right now it is 15:40 so yeah I actually figured out what the borscht is it's beetroot that's good they're actually boiling water - he's gonna need something taken an example after we snack we're gonna go it's been off since I last checked the meter oh [ __ ] zero six seven the same shitty [ __ ] dosimeter where the limit is set zero point thirty easy way to go to our location zero six seven that increased drastically in the last kilometer we went through the radiation levels increase to like five I think four times now we're gonna go towards the radiation station there's this little house with like the radiation detection equipment I guess that's why it's change it's still not dangerous as soon as I stepped on the road I heard a noise wait wait what a good scar I think yes we're gonna go around and we're at another road the road we ran away from just right there thing we hear is right there I don't think it's the car [ __ ] told you [ __ ] told you station this is what we were hearing that stupid place and as your radiation bars do go here and I saw like some damn fresh tracks definitely are went today but the low like humming noise we heard from like metal distance to the station it sounded more uneven like a porridge that's why we freaked out for a bit it's 1.33 slowly increasing and also as we come closer there is more risk of security patrolling 1632 probably an hour it's gonna be dark slowly walk forwards of the ketchup the temperature is also dropping and it's getting colder yeah we're approaching the edge of the red forest again and if [ __ ] hopefully won't have to go for all that like foliage over there last [ __ ] last time no number I told you that this road you follow that direction you like I've been doing a fight for this trip I chose to skip Doga because personally if we climb Lily it's gonna be dark lime later it's gonna be more risky maybe this time to movie I'm down in writing to a seven and we already had to run from security art this trip is more about out pretty bad so here we are on the road to Pripet which divides the red forest yes I already see the power plant right there right there reactor five the unfinished one we're pretty close since this path kind of divides the red forest red forest is there so we're basically on the edge of it last time we went into that direction off the path which was very terrible basically followed these like car lengths that way how are we going to go through the same path no no - is there are more chances to actually just sleep through so we're not gonna try to [ __ ] go the hard way since we're basically on the edge of the forest let's check 180 something it was 140 150 radiation is increasing bit by bit but still nothing dangerous for this - harmless we have to I don't know eat the red forest this is the very edge of it that is also like another part of it this road kind of divides it this is not the middle of it it doesn't go through the mail so it's not that dangerous we're gonna be walking through this for maybe half an hour more and then go a bit into the forest as we go to the train station to free that - that it's going to be dark by that time but maybe able to come back in day time I think those four do replanted trees now hundred percent sure but I think this whole area was burnt due to the particle cloud you fell over here it is 4.8 [Music] yeah it's at about six right now still not interested LF as I mentioned but not live here 1720 so yeah it's gonna get dark we're hearing dogs come from Crete that I'm Donna's guessing their security dogs with security personnel accompanying them hopefully we can make it out of there padlet senses into our apartment by the time we get to the station it's gonna be dark it's the only thing we'll have to worry about its dogs by the way let me check these are similar one last time 2.4 we passed the edge of the red forest and I shouldn't be heading to the train station right there that's the military car going towards I assume rector for and we're right next to the road so we're gonna listen a bit and try to run through hopefully just a single car but since everything is so quiet around we will hear the second car comment and before I can see us all right across right on to the train station [Applause] or at the train station and those lights I don't know if you can seem dark but that's director for right there cranes I think I'm going to climb here cars passing there I don't know if you can see what I said it's if a reactor farther cars passing the road behind us we're basically breathe that just the very edge of it alright gonna go down across the station in into the city further there is the actual Pripet station the big one it is actually working you see those two lights there we are just at the very edge of it so we can spend behind it is pretty bad right yes so this is basically fencing all around pre-pack at some points dispensers knock down like the one your do better factory but here it is standing cool technically street that is fenced off and that is where we're gonna go through okay wake up nice I took a single home sweet file oh sure now we've got a board up windows yes and start cooking food [Music] [Music] all right the window is done thanks to untwine here yes Jack's helping the flashlight I'm so [ __ ] done it is seven right now see the radiation all right now it's a 0.15 it's probably better tomorrow on the roof [ __ ] I'll make some food they've gone through tomorrow we're gonna explore I decided before on the roof taking the scenario you're gonna turn off the flashlight here there is the reactor it's very quiet on the island since it's called it feels more unwelcoming more like I'm not supposed to be here it feels quite scary you can only see silhouettes of buildings from the lights of the RET everything's dead no animal all right that's very big and scary moments like these but that's what makes it interesting for me the feeling of its safety makes everything more simple makes me focus on bigger details all right [Music] I think this is yeah this is in the old room well I want to sleep on the roof but they slept there it's time while the water is boiling her actually forgot to mention that when we were walking towards the woman that's the fence we've heard some weirdos not its first look for the noise that's looking kind of back towards the train station that we left we saw someone we don't know we'll move in with flashlights close enough that we could see the flashlights moving in the distance once we messed that we've heard some light routing like oh that's of a [ __ ] very low it didn't sound like a howl it didn't sound like a dog maybe like a tiny dog everything but it just definitely sounded like a human just [ __ ] scream or Hooten are whatever and it was like why close to us and it was moving with us I know some weird a security tactic to scare us make us start running so he can make noise but that is stupid maybe with some crazy stalkers just like screaming but yeah it was some weird [ __ ] once we passed that fence so this is some kind of all right yeah this is [ __ ] okay right now we don't have a lot of water we don't even have enough for like three cups of you know coffee or whatever so probably gonna go get more [Music] I'm gonna go on road we'll meet there okay sure so Anton is already waiting on the roof going to explore first and come back to Parkman and get the lot of balls go out fill them up I woke up and took a piss I was in another room and through the window I saw two cars go by black Mercedes so we're definitely not scared of cars flights the tourists are active during this time [Music] [Music] it is so quiet around that any noise people make how do we make it's gonna be hard work quite distant so that's the pool [Music] [Music] car [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so and this is hospital this is not the hospital where fire workers after the initial explosion happened through their clothes in the basement of a small house for these are not wards but maybe offices for still irritating patients cute [Music] now I assume we're going that building get a nice overview [Applause] one black one silver I'll [ __ ] people there I think that's a car right there there's another one are further there there might be security [Music] oh you think they saw it circling around holy [ __ ] now they patrol it [ __ ] helicopters it's coming back [ __ ] is not hiding at all [Music] we just want to go out and be like okay so now we're gonna go to the kindergarden holy make way towards the ferris wheel after that [ __ ] like Peter Saturday to the only thing that's helping us is the shitty weather guess this used to be the player these are some kind of signs here all these signs are [Music] [Music] oh my gosh this is baby gas mask [Music] [Music] sexy [ __ ] I think I had to step attractive [Music] [Music] yeah teaching pitch too big for my age [Music] as a tech goddamn in his house [ __ ] that's cool [Music] [Music] keeping a station via squeaks of the pine trees here - like a bad chef left in this meager food yeah this looks extra cold for me because these time [Music] [Music] there was a connection that's a nice vehicle that's [ __ ] over crime [Music] [Music] comes up to local oysters [Music] these of ours are quite clean compared to the rest hopefully we won't get far in our hair so this is a music class I like making music the music classes side wolf and rabbit this is like the the Russian Tom and Jerry English there's the date 1983 well they taught about the American side [Music] [Music] [Music] so now since we have a big breakfast and we're at times Fox we are going to go back to the argument to take the bottles [Music] reservoir explore along the way that's the there is a tourist car there [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah this is the balcony you slept [Music] this is the last of the water stop daren't the roof there's a 4G signal on the roof so ah they're [ __ ] nauseous I gotta rest [Music] [Music] alright so right now it is to explore until four or five and then go get the water please and then we either decide to stay for the night in the city over in the morning or try to go 20 kilometers towards the village in the night we will see how we feel there's probably a label [Music] this was like other school or towards Paris feel towards the hospital as well we'll see who's the school we just explored we're gonna go past it go towards the ferris wheel and center all right we passed the school never near the road yeah I think security is not with them but better be [ __ ] safe than sorry little illusion right there that are basically following them by God [Music] [Music] doors close security but already taking chances once we got back into mice to spawn amazing without fun the vacations so we need that [Music] tyro right there is where the car was [Music] [Music] tourists no nice maybe there is another car have to listen now we're okay [Music] [Music] just as I turned on the camera there was a road there like been just mr. Rivera salt and in front of us Hospital territory is the plan of the territory so here in the basement there are the dangerous clothes choo-choo Hospital hot children yes children and what about the big Hospital okay this is not the hospital with all the firemen [Music] [Music] [Music] there is a car right there going very slowly and it's stopping they stop being right there I saw the car right there this is dangerous because the car was right there do you think we should go too big this is where they would cut the person to check out what's wrong with them why do they die this is what [Music] that's nothing more about where that's the autopsy building [Music] [Music] under procedure but I think this is the building my firefighters that went down with the reactor like radiation poisoning other advantages and sensitive nurses had to take off their clothes the nurses just to do with the clothes [Music] 9 nothing dangerous the village had more radiation than this [Music] [Music] Jagr just found this place [Music] yes this is where you threw the clothes try to pile of [ __ ] Center thanks me okay oh [ __ ] that [ __ ] shook 57 right around that area and it started screaming no it's nothing between you and me it started [Music] [Music] this is where the pivot and the reason might be director was built in first place cranes a little visit probably it's right maybe a ship for me right now he's my [ __ ] head mounted camera is not working film everything with this one my stomach's making noises pretty hungry [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so there is still a car right there mm-hmm this is car why is Connor turistic [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] so some [ __ ] is definitely buried here [Applause] [Music] well there's a reason why there are so many [ __ ] signs the field is either two things liquidator buried here or maybe just like particle clouds [Music] good old reservoir it's a water filter all right there's the radioactive field to choice I have the security and get bugging transfer to keyboard drink this water drank it the first time hopefully security didn't poison [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] radiations not what I'm worried [Music] [Music] [Music] right there people walking here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right now it is 1715 we're having a properly since like I don't know let's try out this poison water and see what happens [Music] [Music] I got my camera working Irish the batteries this is supposed to be soup so it is supposed to be this liquid hmm pretty good nice combination of spices billion gonna try to make some tea or something I'm gonna have a feast this is me what's rice with rice and he's eating a summarized stuff - this chocolate oatmeal is so [ __ ] good I'm probably gonna make more of it all right hello continuing it's so good so we're done eating good about five bottles planned for today it's totally free pet and walk 20 kilometers towards the village where I left them close to drug sleep there continue walking in the morning cross the river hopefully not fall on it again get picked up by the taxi and go back to Kyoto tonight is going to be the hardest log of the journey it is also a cold night it seems like it's night but except 1843 [Music] yeah probably gonna leave around 7:00 and end to be in the village one there so yeah it's gonna be long but it's worth it to be in the city tomorrow back up and start going [Music] program go behind the door and then have to shut off my life because the sneaking starts almost like we talk to you whenever you are near the fence because that's one parallel to the fence I don't know Ferb in the climate this is kinda the update for now 1923 and we're almost out of the city talk to you [Music] walking on the train tracks to elect forward to sending a working train station in Pripet we're walking towards it towards the smaller screen stations we're going to climb there and cross the road be out of the city off the trucks small train station they're very close to the main road from now I really gotta keep the lights off so talk to you on our crossing the road okay we are on the road now not like oh we're going behind this okay good okay this 1940 we have made a pupster road heading towards the secondary road which splits the road for us and from there we're gonna follow it the village basically gonna keep lights in them on the road 1947 so pretty close to the main road we are going to follow this road for about four hours until orders yeah for 14 kilometers now cars go by this road right yeah we're going to be very close to the new area where they dump radioactive material so it has a bunch of security this road kind of leads to it we're gonna stay off of it for a bit on that side road and evade the really active storage facility I'll tell you what we're nearby all right now it's gonna be a big block I guess all right now it is 20 we need to walk another 12 going to sit for a bit and continue 20:42 to the right there is the radiation station and we are making good progress still only 10 kilometers we took a bit of a detour off bro because on the road we were going the shorter way through the paved road towards the toxic waste management facility we saw a lights moving in the forest the right of us just kind of moving in our direction so we dipped here into the forest and then we saw another more stabilized shining guitar doors now we've been making a huge arc around territory as far away as we can we'll go back planted paved road incidentally this right here nice so now we'll follow this road that way and we have 4 kilos left then all right now it is 20 to 36 so I'll be there by maybe after the villages starting probably approaching it from the side but we are pretty close he's 23 31 right now you know sometimes it's good to escape busy city life of Pripet and just come chill in our house in the village no name now half of my clothes dried in two days no they haven't they're all even the socks I feel like this is the nothing [Applause] [Music] what is it big yes there's a pig inside here with some extra water for oatmeal by the time we make the oatmeal it's going to get cold we need to prepare the sausage to be right the more protein you have the more energy the more you can walk I have a knife standard alloy knife you can take this on the plane and we want measuring according to the night I have about four and a half centimeters of big paste left so I shall cut about half of it I'm gonna start chopping things gonna be boiling and yes later I'm gonna put all it I can't really talk cuz I have a flashlight oh no let her rest for about two to three minutes all right first bite very nice I've put in a little bit more water it's gonna hydrate the meat that much more you didn't know that you got a you got a hydrate the movement hydrate the sausage and rehydrate my sausage my noodle you know what's funny we have so much [ __ ] water continue [ __ ] I hope you know if you'll sleep yourself forty-two out through 12 and great I made a [ __ ] soup I'm gonna be good enough I guess still chocolate that with the meal soup all right I'm gonna eat this [ __ ] and then God but I'm feeling tired herself Blueboy that's hot I'm snuggled up after one o'clock right now all right I don't know here good night good morning ten for me the worst night to sleep somewhere there in this gap between the floor and the wall I heard climb multiple times a night for like ten minutes interval I think it was a routers and [ __ ] smelling our food or something kept me up for a while the biggest obstacle we have today is the river we're gonna take a swim through that I'm afraid pick some food and so the only thing I have left is oatmeal and then maybe I'll make some tea and then maybe I'll get some condensed milk maybe I'll do everything so much coffee and tea left it's crazy [Laughter] I put too much water in there anyway it's dessert first Oh bye-bye [ __ ] yeah beautiful [Applause] very good weather so we have [Music] [Music] 12:33 right now into security right final on once we pass this one think there might be a car that way come in here Carlos far back I think it is gone where there - the security role we kind of crossed in exactly this road obviously connects to it it's an off road but if you solace from afar and start driving here eight kilometers [Music] we are at the first graveyard 13:37 and the end of the wow that's deeper than I intended [Music] [Music] we'll go to church bow to Polonius until that it's maybe another to the river full circle sorry noticed 14:13 two kilometers until the river prosthetic and then four kilometers until taxi after we crossed the river some time security patrol dare you're caught one time and running oh okay yeah so hopefully we won't have to be running arse [Music] the church is actually a church it's a stalker church this is weird I guess they gave up rebuilding it walled off the most well-preserved part [Music] [Music] this is the like this like this this is went out I was very cold very panicking because all of my clothes and everything I had were soaked or moist I didn't know where my phone was I didn't know if my passport was okay I got on whatever I had was the least moist and continued put the camera hide in Batcave which way is the stalker thing place so we are actually going to go more down lay somewhere there I assume the water is gonna be more shallow so we'll see I think we are either the spot we here's some like motor engines on the other side of the river but for lunch on it's going to check the spot now if it's the correct one and that makes me nervous [Music] it gets a bit deeper there above the knees pants off basically Gold but better than last time so I'm happy it's cold but it's doable okay I'm dressed it's 53 final chance of the zone [Music] sixteen that's a yes this is started the first villages okay okay so now this is the first zone the person living here you sometimes takes in stalker if it's late you can maybe pay or something then you can stay in this place not pay for free friendly man and we saw him when we drove give us on the bike going to now we got to get to the taxi catch the bus back to Kia which believes in an hour so hopefully we can make it [Music] [Music] nice right on time [Music] I made you this moment [Music] [Music] all right that's the bus we're gonna take to Kiev damn this is one hell of a [ __ ] you [Music]
Channel: shiey
Views: 8,731,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chernobyl, chernobyl radiation hazard, how dangerous is chernobyl?, how much radiation in chernobyl, is pripyat dangerous?, chernobyl mini series, shiey, ILLEGAL FREEDOM, journey across chernobyl
Id: S_NsueHWrfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 59sec (6719 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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