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just had an act of 1080 with a delorean and they just disappeared into thin air [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen pro gamer dude here back again with a brand new gta rp video and in today's video i use a time machine to run from the police and the cops aren't too happy about it anyways guys before we get into the video i just want to say we are getting closer and closer to 100k every single day so if you enjoy my videos make sure you subscribe and tell your friends to subscribe make everyone in your house subscribe anyways guys without further ado enjoy the video i know a lot of people in the comments are going to be asking how i managed to get the actual time machine delorean well all i'm gonna say is you can buy anything in the dark web with the right amount of money and because i spent so much money on this thing i'm gonna have to make a profit and i'm gonna have to become an uber hey yo i need a pizza you know what how about this i can deliver food oh the ai likes my car on my way okay so 703 is way over oh it's way up in the observatory okay now because i can't actually time travel in gta i'm gonna have to use the delorean as like a teleporter it could work as a time machine but i only go forward uh so i save time by teleporting i guess i don't know that's what i'm gonna call it for now so i'm gonna see if i can find a cop i'm gonna kick it up to 88 miles an hour and i'm gonna warp this thing looks super cool when i warp it through time all right i'm just gonna pick up a pizza from this restaurant all right i got his pizza let's go bring it to 703. first i want a cop to see me i kind of want to like start speeding just so i can warp away holy crap somebody got shot over there all right i'm going to use this long stretcher road over here to see if i can catch up to 88 miles an hour and if i do i'll warp all the way over to 708 or wherever that postal was supposed to be all right 60 70 82 86 90 okay we're doing it we're doing it and just like that we warped let's see did any cops see me that cop seen me but he's probably not gonna do anything about it all right let's go warp over to uh deliver this pizza all right i'm gonna fly around the corner i'm gonna turn on the sparks holy hey you order a pizza yeah uber eats here you go thanks man uh how the [ __ ] what what is that thing oh just my car why what's wrong uh it's like it came out of nowhere i don't know i guess i'm just zoned out i just drove it up here i i drove it anyway uh i got your bill through the app so uh thank you very much all right thanks man absolutely confused let's go see if anybody else needs a delivery or an uber ride can you deliver coffee yes i can deliver all right we got a guy a one two okay that's him right there i'm pretty sure so i will come speeding out of nowhere and then i'll get this ready and then i'll pop back into existence right in front of him hey pal how are you doing um hey how you doing get in you're the uber yeah i'm the old but get in i've never been in delorean before oh buddy let me tell you it's a real smooth drive where do you need to go uh 529 the los angeles customs 529 all right i'll take you where you need to go in no time this thing makes a weird sound oh don't worry about the sound uh the cops coming huh he is oh well that don't matter yeah you ran a red light yeah he's coming like this oh what off um is he oh what's he saying break break i just had an active 1080 with a delorean and they just disappeared into thin air uh it's gonna be north sam davis gonna be gray and black [Laughter] oh that's amazing that is amazing i love that so much absolutely confused what's that all right well i got you there pretty quickly we're right around the corner all right what just happened uh what do you mean we were once bought then we were nowhere wait we drove here what are you talking about i i don't okay how much will this cost me uh that's probably gonna be uh let's see i need to charge the uranium core flux capacitor let's just call it uh let's just call it five bucks uh-oh okay yeah recharging the flux capacitor is pretty expensive this is very odd experience just you know the cops might be looking for you i don't see why they would be doing that all right let's see if anybody else needs an uber bro my uber made us teleport all right we had a guy that needed an uber around 420 so i'm just gonna warp right back in in front of him so let me turn this on and then where's he at did you just come out where'd you where'd you come from huh where'd you come from i drove here what's what's wrong i i saw like what i don't know what you're talking about hop in i'll take you where you need to go okay all right pal where do you need to go uh you know uh the uh what's that uh 24 7 on your grove street i think 25 yeah yeah yeah oh yeah i'll take you right where you need to go oh thank you so much i'll take you there in no time sir no time out no time okay no time what's that supposed to mean it just means i'll get that quick that's all so uh i got a question about your car is this like safety regulations oh my god oh my goodness gracious oh my god jesus christ oh god oh all right we're here what happened what just happened my my head i drove you here oh my god i just drove you here pal you good you okay oh yeah my my head hurts oh okay well uh your total is going to be uh 25 tips are always welcome we got a guy that needs an uber at 200 i don't know if it'll be on this side oh there's a cop just warp into town oh looks like that cop didn't really care uh oh ah really cool i like that i'm just gonna pull over hey what's up buddy how are you doing i'm doing pretty good what's going on uh nothing much i saw you run the red light back there and uh apparently your vehicle's bolo i turned uh i turned right on red i didn't i mean the the when you lit me up i uh i ran the stop light but uh yeah no i uh ain't run though right other than that okay well uh your vehicle is bollowed i'm not sure why i'm sure this is the officer here for a vader i believe they i did nothing of the sword okay well the officer's here now so this is the right vehicle having a look at it i had um before it had uh the one i was looking for before had a black accent it's not yellow accents um so yeah probably won't have anything on it okay sorry for the inconvenience buddy sorry for taking up your time you're freaked out all right appreciate it have a good one buddy well got away with that one the cop didn't remember my car okay he said he was in the alleyway over here uh i'm just gonna drive on the sidewalk it's totally legal random homeless guy i'm getting it guessing oh what's up hey you uh you're here for the uh are you the guy doing the uber yeah so you've been pulled over man i know i got pulled over five seconds ago but the guy said i was free to go oh hey i already got pulled over they said i was free to go what are they talking about i don't know they already told me i was free to go they said i had a bologna in my car or something and speak bologna hey how you doing i already got stopped for this like not even five minutes ago they just said i was free to go they said i was the wrong guy some guy said something about a yellow car i'm definitely not a yeah we we just had him stopped but we couldn't really identify the color as uh i mean kind of going crazy and whatever they called so you're free to go sir all right all right come on take it where you need to go what do you need i got to get this bad boy up to 88 miles an hour so i just got to fight a long stretch of road oh that's where you need to go man i'll get you there in no time at all no time all right all right i'll take you there real quick damn this if you can even get it up to 88. i can hold on we're gonna do it all right we're here what the hell just happened what i i just drove you here um is this the place right here yeah it is all right that'll be thirty five dollars okay here hold on i gotta recharge these flux capacitors gotta get some more gas 35 all right yeah these flux capacitor capsules ain't cheap gotta refill it with uh uranium uh you my uber yeah oh there you are i couldn't see it hello yeah but where you need to go don't matter to me all right uh is there car rental place around here uh i know of uh luxury motor sports you might be able to get a place there and get a car there all right yeah and now i'm not from here so oh okay well uh i can take you whenever you need i mean wherever you need to go whenever all right uh yeah can i just go there please sure thing thank you uh just absolutely confused has no idea what to do at all it's gonna warp back in over here is this normal for uber's around here oh those re-entries are always weird all right pal is this where you need to go all right they have some cards somebody's already working here today all right thank you how much will it cost me that'll be 35 all right hey can i try out my weapon in here yeah yeah yeah we've got the range around the corner ah cool i'm gonna test out this new gun i got with my car i bought this car in the dark man you really can't get anything in the dark web this thing's cool i think this thing will kill someone you're shaking the building man i'm shaking the whole building i think he's shaking more than just do you work here what if you test it out on a human is this you want to try it i'm just wondering i mean i guess okay okay stand over there i guess uh you know this might this is a bad idea how much time cost i kind of want to issue the state police that well uh what happened was i went in the dark web to buy a used car i found a delorean uh which they claimed was part of the actual movie and uh they sold it to me for 50 bucks and this thing was inside why did i hear probing yourself [Music] i don't know my mouth tastes like metal though anybody else tastes missing in eyes take it like oh oh you okay what do you feel like nate anybody else taste metal anybody kind of tastes like metal oh what uh you want a wick here i could use that gun uh unfortunately i can't i gotta deliver more people in my uber dude they got been tossed like a rock the hands up pants up put your hands up no no that's up the laser worked on him hey you can't just go around shooting people man he aimed a gun at me and said hands up what the [ __ ] happened oh my god this guy just came in with an ar and said hands up and aimed it at me i don't know what this guy was thinking all right nobody leaves the store set down the reagan in my obviously uh okay i mean i kind of don't want anyone to touch the type i don't know what it is it was in the car i bought it off the dark way why don't you set it down i think it's like a taser or something set it down it kind of hurts i don't know what kind of long lasting effects it has because i mean considering i bought a delorean for 50 bucks off the deck that actually like does the dark delorean actually work i mean yeah kind of every time i hit 88 miles an hour it kind of starts sparking up and then i end up in the location that i want to go it doesn't really warp me in time it kind of teleports me it's pretty cool i gotta get some of those in our cars that would increase response times i'm just gonna walk you guys oh my god oh god you weren't joking anyway yeah i got some more uh uber things to do um 580 i'm gonna be outside at the delorean dude you need to stop leave why what's up what's going on need to get out why what's up get out and talk with them out i just said nobody leaves the store did i not oh arrested this is freaking ridiculous step out of the vehicle i'm not going to ask you again holy christ whoa he's hitting my car what are you doing oh god oh jesus i gotta get out of here now [Music] [Music] on a blue and great delorean act by times one oh it worked i took them southwest on strawberry i'm 99 in spanish it was kind of scuffed but it worked teleporting thing he was talking about holy crap this thing is awesome i would have said just authorized leaders officers a teleportation device oh uh i don't know how i got here but i'm going to leave hey [Music] hi everyone lauren is down at the so later on i sent a message on the dark web saying i needed to buy some uranium to fill my flex capacitors so i decided the best place to buy uranium was a big wide open street in the middle of everyone so i went down to grove street and i know what you're thinking yes i know i am a very smart person but while i was waiting my cat jumped on my desk and started attacking my stuff this is what it looks like by the way cat you better get out of here get go on biting the cord to my mouse oh the cops are here get out of here cat the delorean is going to be at post 113 grove street put your hands up oh god oh mid-shot at okay now it's real now it's really real oh that was a sick drift that was so clean 580 break do not let the vehicle reach over 88 miles an hour i did it i can't do that many more times though i need to buy some uranium next time we see that vehicle it is authorized immediately do not let that vehicle get to 88 miles per hour it will teleport away so wanted for the murder of a law enforcement officer all right so i'm meeting the guy for some uranium over here it's 73. hey these are guys yeah i'm gonna need this quick i think they're looking for me oh open the trunk open the trunk take out that yellow thing and put it in there oh why are you over the money give me your bitcoin account number okay it's uh it's 63 63 639 i'm teddy there you go i appreciate it boys oh boy we're getting out of here got a fresh thingy radium ah i need a straight away oh my god they're gonna kill me local gangsters oh i'm going to need a big straight away i'm going to need a big straightaway we're going we're now going uh uh northeastbound on dutch london street coastal 147 and eastbound on boulevard traffic is clear uh stuff i might go into it oh boy 79 80 82 [Music] is 53 uh eastbound on el rancho boulevard and he got off he uh i was going straight in for the pit and he just straight disappeared that was way too close those gangsters shooting at me actually helped i've seen we lost him again hey kitty you all right what the hell man what the [ __ ] is your problem sorry this thing's got a mind of its own i i don't even know when when i am right now you need a ride to the hospital hey is that the time machine i guess i bought it off a guy off the dark web for 50 bucks what the hell how did you get this thing i bought it for 50 bucks off the dark web get in i'm taking you to a hospital i hit you pretty hard ah i was pulling all over my door i was just about to go become a community watch man get in i'm taking you to the hospital man i don't got money to fix my bike damn it i'm taking you to the hospital get in i don't want you to die out here uh oh i got blood all over the door jeez man the hell is your problem man sorry this thing's gonna be mine i can't choose where it comes back in at well i kind of can but i've spent all day trying to find jobs you just ruined my bike man it's my only transportation i have hey listen you might want to hold on to something what do you mean oh that's right this thing does that come on man you know we don't need a warp man oh yes we do oh god oh god oh oh oh we're good hey here you go free of charge because i hit you hey uh damn it you look kind of familiar aren't you that kid that died yeah you got your head cut off by the mafia or something the hell are you talking about oh i don't know the time travel laws i don't know anyway good luck what do you see without my head cut off what does that mean see you around kid all right i think i'm gonna warp right in to where they are i think that would be the coolest idea all right this will probably kill me but it'll be worth it oh no no no no wrong area oh my god 4287 we just had no offer for struck by the door i just warped right in on top of them holy crap i gotta hide somewhere well that is the end of my ubering adventure uh i definitely gotta get out of here so i'm gonna go find a safe place to park my car all right i'll hide it like way back in here so no one can find it yeah right here is a nice little spot all right i'm gonna cover this thing with a tarp real quick all right we're all good to go let's tarp this thing up and get the heck out of here so [Music] you
Channel: ProGamerDude
Views: 2,556,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta rp, progamerdude, gta5 rp, gta, gta5, Fivem rp, gta5 police rp, gta5 roleplay, Fivem, trolling, gta rp troll, troll, funny moments, gta 5 roleplay, gta 5 rp, gta police rp, gta5 police roleplay, gta 5 roleplay cop, gta 5 rp trolling, gta 5 role play, fivem roleplay, gta5 rp plane, gta 5 rp trolling cops, gta5 rp cop trolling, gta rp kidnapping cops, trolling cops
Id: 42ItWwfB8FY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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