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what's up Dino crew welcome back to our channel you guys we first of all want to start this video by saying thank you guys so much for 10k subscribers holy crap for coming this a couple days later and we are gonna do a separate video on 10k and celebrating it and stuff and we actually still want to know if you guys want us to do like a live chat we've never gone live with you guys before so that would have you fun actually yeah go live oh yeah should be go live we actually now can make our own merch so are you guys so let us know if you guys would be interested in that and if you guys are new here and make sure you guys subscribe become part of the DNN crew we're growing and it's just fun let's get into the video they were retelling our story of how Mitch and I met we told the original one so long ago it has like 30k views but it is just like it's so crazy you know like babies like yeah and secretly we almost want to like redo a lot we're not gonna take them down but we want to redo a lot of the ones that we did in our old house and do them in our new apartment better be like cute I used to always be in back of a wall now though without further ado this is the story of how we met what came before how we got here we're not gonna do it like last time if you saw our last video she went first and I went yeah that way like it's hard to follow along yeah so now we're just gonna tell like we're still going back and forth but on each step so we met at a place called Caribou Coffee we both worked there and this first part is just how we started working there because they're kind of interesting stories yeah it's like fate so y'all need to know like how we ended up working together because that got the ball rolling so I was fresh out of high school and I had no freaking clue what I was gonna do with my life I was taking a semester off from college because I didn't even know if I wanted to go to college so it's like I'm gonna take a semester off but I need to find it in the mean time and so I did not want to take this job oddly enough my old manager that I used to work for while I was in high school reached out to me and was like hey I'm opening up a snoo store which is the caribou coffee do you want to work for me you don't have to do an interview I already know you I want you on my team and I was like huh I didn't know if I wanted to really work in coffee but I need a job and my mom was like destiny you better take this job I was like fine so I was like yeah yeah I'll do it whatever so that is how I started at Caribou Coffee and then do you want to talk about how you started they came and got me so I was in college I'd already done my year or my semester off and everything because I'm a little bit older but I think we actually all go through that hello phase of just like am I ready for school I don't know I need a break I think you should go through that dance most 18 year olds actually are not ready to go to college in my opinion because I was and I went a semester one semester I got like DS just like I was like nope can't do it went back and I don't think I got less than a B in any class sense so it really it really does help thing that you're up or the semester or however long I take just always go back but I left my other job because I got in to like a fight with some of the managers they're not like an actual flight but just like we were butting heads and one of us had to go and I decided I just had to quit he was he was my superior so I wasn't you know I wasn't gonna enforce anything so I knew I was in the lose situation so I left and I was looking for stuff out outside of like the food business anyone in the food business knows what I'm talking about once you like leave your job you like I don't want work with food or coffee or drinks or anything yeah and then you start looking for jobs and you're like I don't have skills except for food coffee drinks thank you they don't have the skills or the education so like retail and food like all you can really do now you retail because they for experience now so I went back to food so I had two jobs lined up neither one of them were the caribou one but one of them was a Cub Foods one and I was absolutely gonna take that one and I was like so dead set on it some people don't know what Cup Foods is Oh Cup food is just like a grocery dog foods yeah it's like a Kroger but yeah Midwest thing yeah and I was gonna take that I was just gonna be like a little hermit pushing carts around and stuff and yeah do that and then I just like started thinking like you know 2002 when I started I was 22 when I met you who are you yeah I was 21 when I started caribou oh yeah yeah cuz I was 18 oh my god and now do I do okay so I was like I'm 21 am I really just gonna like push carts and stock shelves at Cub Foods and stuff and I was like no absolutely not yes I was like that sounded then I like went back I was like no I don't want that job and the same manager that reached out to her that knew her reached out to me I took that job it was for a store that was like a new store that was just opening up so like we were training different places yeah and then we both ended up coming to the grand opening of this new store there's like the training yeah and they do it big so yeah like I have like trained with stores before but these people we train for like a month like a closed door yeah we were making food we were making drinks and then throwing crap out of when we were done with it right like you know and at this time I was eating kosher because if you're new here I am Jewish and I wasn't eating kosher then I don't eat kosher now don't tell my rabbi uh so I wasn't eating anything but the whole time I was just thinking like you know when they do these training sessions we should like cook for like homeless people or something like that and I know everyone thinks about that stuff and I know it's harder to do than just to think about but like it just seems so stupid to throw everything out like we ate some of the stuff and whatever but yeah it just seems so stupid but so we started training with each other and we actually were like training each other in the group that we were and yeah we were like we had like our little tasks to teach other people with and so she was teaching the barista part and I was teaching I think I was teaching either how to do like the bagels because it was Einstein bagels - they like teamed up and idea yeah right or I was teaching like the front thing but at first I thought you were cool at first in those groups like we had a little hair laughs and stuff like that and then what I'm most salty about what since that time since the trains uh-huh we have we've all had our little times I ended up being the Baker's I don't even touch coffee yeah and I came in early and then she was like the six seven o'clock sometimes opened Percy and I was like I was nicer back then and I am now I'll just admit that I was way nicer and she told she totally like took me away from that no I'm just kidding yeah she made me a mean person I was kidding but uh and this is why this is why I'm so mean I'm just kidding but you see one time though every single morning when anyone came through the door right I had my little working station you know and it was like facing towards this wall and people would come in behind me I turned my head around and it was like the sliding or like not sliding but like this like was it no ravallo of like a flat door you know I mean like some like you just push and it opens and what some doors you have a handle okay a handle so I'm going to have a little but everyone someone come by I play hey good morning blank I'd put the name right and she was one of these people walk in hey good morning destiny no I would say something sometimes not anything sometimes you get so tired Oh okay what good has to understand all right that's your point of view yes have to understand I've mentioned this before in our other how we met video but mind you we're like maybe a week or two into the trees all you know no I'm talking about after training this is like the store we have our shifts I'm in the morning you're at you're in the mid shift okay listen you guys I had the biggest crush on this guy literally my first impression of Mitch was I'm going to end up with him no yes I just like this guy is so no excuse no just listen I just thought he was so cute like everything but like I just but anyway yeah I was like I'm gonna end up with this guy I liked him so much and I barely even knew him I only talked to him like during the training and stuff so I didn't know him personally but I liked him so much that I was scared to say anything that would make me look dumb or just like anything embarrassing so I would say as little as possible I was losing okay we're looking back at what I should have done that yeah anyone who wants the tips that's a losing formula because for the first year we had not we didn't do anything more than those awkward little morning but you know what so how we actually started hanging out though and like talking to each other was we just started going out with work you know related type stuff because like this was like after a year we who had all been working with each other so we were getting like really familiar with everyone and so we started going like b-dubs with each other and stuff and like we would sit by each other okay but you're missing like a ton of what okay so the reason we started hanging out together is because of my co-workers which were mostly girls they knew that I had a crush on Oh like literally everyone had a crush on crush on Mitch but they knew that like I really had a crush on you so they're like let's all get together go bowling or go out to eat or something so we actually did try to go because we knew that you liked bowling yeah but that didn't work out so we all plan today to go out to be Tubbs well they did but it was really like so that you and I might get together because I knew I wouldn't talk to you so yeah we went out to be dubs me Mitch and two other co-workers and like he said we sat by each other because when we went into the restaurant my co-workers set then we were in a booth and they sat on a side with each other like we planned this to teach Utley I was like okay I'll go sit by myself so he has to sit by me and that was like the gate open how do you know how to describe it but that wasn't kind of started to get more comfortable with each other like talking to each other just on a friendly basis obviously one day after we had already like you know gone out a couple of times with friends we were talking in the back of the store yeah and we were just talking and like randomly about what we wanted to do and the like further like you know our career and stuff when we both wanted to be writers in some capacity and so like that was another talking point and then I said that I wonder at this time I was like really into religion and I said I wanted to write a book on theology and she's like oh yeah it's really cool and then like a couple days later I get a tax that says hey miss would you honor like you know go out sometime and talk about theology I was like what the hell never expects like that and so I thought she had said that she wanted to be a reporter like a journalist and so honestly I was dumb and I thought that she just wanted like interview me or something no like I was like it wasn't like oh I should like to meet today cuz at this time I thought she didn't like because of how she reacted to all my hello in the morning I was convinced she just like Benedict me it was like strictly business you know I'll forever be sorry for not saying hi and it should be way I yeah thanks I know I should we weren't on a date after that I was like yeah uh I'm surprised you're like you wanna get a coffee or lunch I was like she didn't know but I was like I couldn't do anything I got my free time so besides read or something mm-hmm honestly I I think throughout my whole life people looked at me and saw something different than what I was I had friends that they might have like taken this from but even the people who didn't know who I hung out with or anything you know they look at me they might see like vans I was a hockey player you know I don't know what people see but for some reason they think I'm just like this guy was like this crazy life and it's like no I read books about like how to start a business or like history you know like you know World War two Hitler I have this big book about Hitler and you know Jewish stuff and like yeah I read all the time and I like to read I like to research and for some reason people always got this impression on me that like I'm just like a huge partier and I was I think it's cuz of the way you dressed maybe but and your swag like just the way you walked although I walked so weird I love the way you look I don't know what it is but like yeah because like I I was like done party and I like 9th grade my group of friends we we were like hard partiers like early on I'm trying like seventh grade and stuff and by ninth grade I like if you do it early like it depends on how early you do it and you just get like sick of it you know you see everyone else doing it like I'm over it yeah I was done by tenth grade yeah his freshman year was just like so new to me in like we went to parties every weekend and then I was just like I'm sick of this like I just want to stay at home in bed like I don't want to go out like they would have to force me to like my friends I have to force me to go out cuz I was like should we do this guys I don't think so and so what was the place called again the place then we went to was called cafe latte I feel lot not the bread shredded chocolate no but it's like the same yeah thing I don't know yeah so cafe latte and she actually bought my coffee I bought his coffee because he didn't pull out his wallet fast enough and I didn't want to assume that he was gonna pay for it so I hmm what what's a girl to do just sit there and expect you to pay for it that's what's ailing right about my head I didn't want you pay because I didn't want you think I was expecting it I had my credit card or I had my wallet in my hand I didn't pull my credit card out fashion dad I didn't want any awkwardness so I just paid for it you know it was alright no because that was the most Awkward part actually why were you like embarrassed are you you're just like um that right there sealed my impression that this was not a date and wanted to be uh-huh no I like I really had no like care I didn't care this point like I was just like I was doing something right there oh my god now that I think about it it's like it's not cringy to look back on but it's funny to look back on our date because I literally remember where we sat when we talked about like we sat and talked to you guys for like four hours and I'm like you sure you don't need to go home cuz he worked the next morning at 3 a.m. it was like 7:00 and like you sure like you should be obviously we were just chatting up a storm and he was giving me hard eyes and like flirty smiling like a Felix could but no she had said that she was in a class called heart appreciation and so the whole entire night I was like looking at paintings and stuff I was like so what do you appreciate about we didn't talk about theology no fun and that was my way in but yeah that's how we met guys I hope you guys enjoyed our story time our how we met story retold and let us know what other kind of videos you guys want to see from us in our new place we have free rein to do whatever we want obviously or adults again and thank you guys so much for 10k it's still like I still look at 10k on our little youtube profile and I'm like wow I never thought I would make it to 10k it's crazy first thousand yeah I remember staying up the night we were at like nine something and we're just like waiting up until we hit a thousand real quick give me if you're still in this video and you have been here since if you were on the first thousand if you think you are even let us know anyway guys that's the video peace out denim crew [Music]
Channel: Destiny & Mitch
Views: 37,677
Rating: 4.9480896 out of 5
Keywords: how we met, couples how we met, how we started dating, couples story time, bwwm how we met, bwwm couple, how we met storytime, how we met story, how we met love story, how we met bwwm couple, story time, love story, bwwm, interracial love story, interracial how we met
Id: Wo-9dB3qwWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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