How We Met | STORYTIME | He Ghosted Me!! | Chapter 2

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and so i walk into the room and from across the room i can see him like walking outward and he looks at me and he kind of mouths like hey can i talk to you real quick like out outside and so we go into the foyer initially he wanted to um tell me in private whatever it was so i was like okay like i was just very curious like what is it he got to talk to me about it was so serious that he like people can't hear so we walked outside he let me outside and oh it's all coming back to life how sweet um and so it was right there in front of the bushes outside of my church so then that's when he was like hi you guys and welcome back to my channel once again i'm so glad to have you guys back for another video so today is going to be chapter two of me and horace's love story sharing the story with you all um of how we met um the reason why me and harris decided to split our story up into parts or into chapters it's because of the fact that it's so lengthy uh we wanted to go ahead and make sure you guys can get the full experience and get each detail um without it you having to sit and watch a three hour long video so we decided to just go ahead and split it up into a part so that you can get to know us more get to know where we came from how we met and so much more if you are new here welcome welcome welcome my name is jasmine and i love to create faith-based content um i love to create memories so i'm vlogging a lot i'm obsessed with the makeup i love beauty basically you're gonna find a whole lot of different type of videos on my channel but it's because i'm not really i don't just stick to one thing i like to dip on dabble into a whole lot of different um categories and subjects so definitely if you're not already subscribed do consider clicking that red button down below and subscribing to this channel we would absolutely love to have you here so today is going to be chapter two of me and horace's love story um if you've not already seen chapter one i would advise you before you watch this video any further go ahead and exit out of this video and watch chapter one first before you watch this one so just so that you can get caught up um with everybody else um so i'm gonna either link that video up here or in the description box below but definitely check both and you'll see it so i hope you guys absolutely enjoyed this video like i said before i love you guys so grateful and thankful for each and every one of you but yes without further ado let's jump straight into the video but yeah so then that's when he was like okay so i'm not trying to hit on you or anything and so like when he said i mean that was the first thing he said but i just wanted to tell you that i think you are absolutely beautiful excuse me and so when he said that i was like oh my god i'm like flattered like you know instantly i'm starting to blush and it's not like i really like we said we weren't really paying any attention to each other prior to but that was just really sweet and the way he said it so then after that he said um and i was just listening to um your testimony and listen to what you were saying in there about the insecurities and things i don't i don't ever want you to feel like you're you know anything less than beautiful and so i just remember being like wow like and the way that he explains the story he always says that like i couldn't make eye contact which i couldn't i've always struggled with making eye contact especially with guys like without like you or not it was just awkward kind of you know it didn't mean i wasn't like you know flatter because i was so it came off like you didn't like the comments so then he said um yeah he was like yeah but i think you're so beautiful and i even you know i've even gone home and i told my mom about you like this girl that i met like she's so amazing and when he said that i'm like you telling y'all mama what tell your mama about me and you know i was just coming from a place of like hey you know if you feel like you are insecure like no you're not you're very pretty so don't feel like that and so you know it was kind of like that was really the end of it and i honestly thought i ain't gonna see you again so i was like okay thank you so much you know but the interesting part was you know we ended that conversation of course the rest of the night she could never look at me out of this yo after that i get so weird like because we ended up ending like the panel discussion everything and then we walked across the street to the gym and you know we ate hamburgers and fries and stuff y'all need i don't think you and kyle did get a plate we fixed plates for y'all at least i think i saw y'all but well y'all was in the corner and i could see him on my peripheral vision and i could not look like i was just so nervous you know heart melting and everything but i just i i couldn't look at him and i remember taking my sister in the bathroom oh my gosh this was just hard she's so weird which one you told jessica the one who cared that's your like that was your roommate so but after that um you know jazz and them stayed at the thing kyle and i left um and i remember talking to him and i was like you know like what you think about um jasmine he's like i can definitely see that for you like i could definitely see so what made you start asking him about me and that i don't know it was just maybe like that conversation just kind of triggered something like well maybe this can be something like maybe this this might be something so i started talking to him about it he's like nah man you just need to wait just like wait don't you know don't try to message her well of course i was impatient so i went ahead and i think it was like the next day it wasn't he friended me that night on facebook right after that he went in front of me on facebook um but you didn't message me i want to say it was a good few weeks and so finally i get the guts to be like you know what i'm feeling i kind of like this girl let me message you so i message you hey how you doing blah blah blah and i'm trying to do like small talk but see jazz was a person that you know she her like her grandparents her parents had like raised her to be where a man really if they want to be with you or if they're interested in you they will chase you and so they would always say men were created to hunt and you better not be run up behind no man he's supposed to chase you and you know seek you and the bible says a man didn't find like all of that old school also which you know i still support it to this day you know i'm teaching my daughters the same thing jazz is a um she's a moderate traditionalist she is very heavily rooted in traditionalism but she does have some damn points that she'll lean you know kind of like up when she had a nose ring you know she'll have little little different things where she'll be like okay you know i'll go with the flow but some stuff she's just like no this is what it is this is what it's not and if she don't like it she will say that but you know so you know and it was interesting like later on i had messaged her a few weeks later and you know like i said she's a traditionalist so i'm like talking to jasmine but i'm like this girl does not seem interested like just even the little hannah conversation we were having she was just sitting there like okay like you know like i'm not interested i'm not interested and so eventually you know it was just kind of like i don't even know what i'm doing like am i like messaging her for no reason you know so that was very so he kind of felt like i wasn't giving him any um i guess a sign like uh just yeah she could have waved the sos flag for two seconds i'm like okay she's interested but because i didn't see it i just saw oh well feel back when i say fell back all the way back so like he already mentioned i um i have always been the type to not necessarily play hard to get but um that's just who i was it probably because that's just who i've always been like i'm not gonna talk to a guy first i'm not gonna make the first move i'm not gonna show you that i like you even if i do like you because you know a very spirit-led person if god wasn't leading me to um reach out to a guy i'm not doing that so um and it wasn't anything personal when he was messaging me um i remember receiving that first message just being like oh okay so maybe you know maybe he is feeling maybe he is interested you know he's really cool he's cute you know why not just go ahead and communicate back because even if nothing comes from this he's a really great friend so i messaged him back and everything and i just remember him being so professional y'all so professional it was so it was boring me and i just remember being like how he was during the sessions and messaging him on instagram was like two different yeah he's playing dms i didn't realize that what was that what's funny is that in our vows i was supposed to and i told chelsea when we were lined up was that um chelvis when he married tiffany was like oh yeah i got something to say to everybody as it does go down in dms because that's how he he met tiffany but then he dm'd her and they had their first date like on the layover so she ditched her friends in the middle of the layover and i was gonna say that in my house was like oh yeah by the way y'all it does go down in the video you know but um yeah i was you know i think it was just a point where i was just so used to having to be professional for whether it was church work um just carrying yourself as an individual like always having to be about your business so it just kind of spewed over into that they was really serious and i was like man like you never loosen up and just laugh a little relax a little bit and i was like i don't know if i can do this and this is his personality all the time like but um so yeah like he said it kind of dwindled out and but it didn't mean that i wasn't interested i still was interested in you know getting to know him and just you know trying to talk and see if we could you know take this somewhere he was just uninterested and that's how he was acting whatever um but yes so he was just really serious and professional and he ghosted me y'all i just remember like waiting for him to respond he and like i don't get a weeks pass by if i don't get uh you know inkling you'd like this gun disappear yeah i disappeared like a thief in the night but you didn't like the fact that you had to work for it doesn't matter i wanted to make it easy for you and so at this point um i've moved on you know trying to talk to someone else because at this point it was not a really thing of like you know hey um we didn't establish anything you know no but you know it was not like that but it was just kind of like hey and i wasn't like i always viewed myself of getting married but i didn't think it was really something that would really happen you know because when you're having when you have a kid a lot of people don't genuinely want to take on that responsibility um you know when you're coming into like even in a relationship you're having a whole nother person that you know devotes your attention so it's like it's like prime example we got married but before we had got married i had this pay was seven well we got married paper seven so for seven years i had already had this like deep love for this person so now here i am trying to spread myself between two people you know so it's like that's a lot for some people to receive you know but that's just really kind of how it look if you look at it as a person has to split the love but not necessarily split the love but they just have to learn to learn love and balance the love just like when you know we have more kids it'll be the same thing now that i think about you know a time where now that we're talking about ghosts it was like i remember when we were talking it was a place where i legit was going to be like i have finally at this point i got her cell phone number like she trying to give me a second little chance and she you know i'm like she still don't like get the picture like she still don't get it and so that's later on this is like way later on bro that was just my point of view but we will come back with part two um of the our love story so i guess we're gonna go ahead and wrap up the video right here um obviously this is not the end of the story time so if you found this video interesting you would like to know more about or the rest of the story of how we met and how we ended up together definitely make sure you stay tuned for the next video and watch that one when it comes out pretty soon we hope that you enjoyed this video i actually had a pretty good time so far filming it with my this friend that is true that's the biggest thing is that we're like we're best friends first and then that's my yeah my um my wife i can tell you that much yeah like that's my like my best friend like we should get on my nerves but likewise mostly she is my best friend so yeah um like i said i hope you guys enjoyed this video we can't wait to see you in the next one don't forget to subscribe to my channel join the family guys we love to have you here um go ahead and please give me a big thumbs up if you like this video so yes thank you all so so much for watching as always and i will see you all in my next video bye so you
Channel: My Life As Jazz
Views: 606
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, Love, month of love, February, Valentine’s Day, Black love, In love, Relationship, Marriage, Married, Union, One, Four months, Newlyweds, Newly married, Husband, Wife, Family, Daughter, Dogs, How we met, Story time, Love story, Chapter 1, Dating, Intentional dating, Jasmine, Horace, HDMI, My life as Jazz, Jasmine Renae, Jasmine Daniel, Blog, Vlog, Christian couple, Christian dating, Journey to marriage, The wait, Waiting til marriage, Celibacy, Jazz, Jazz Renae, Life as jazz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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