How We Make Mama's Salmon Patties - Old Fashioned Southern Cooking

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fried up salmon patties we make some Mexican cornbread we got some crazy soy beans and some good old yummy here let me get this spoon out show y'all my cream potatoes cream potatoes now some people think Salmon's nasty it's not it's good okay now I buy it in the big can this one right here is double CU but I'll buy I don't care what kind it is it's a fish is a fish is a fish okay I'm going to drain this down the sink so what I do is I drain the liquid down the sink I pour the salmon in my bowl okay then let me move to here so y'all can see um then I take my can and when you look at this salmon and you pull it apart let me get over here close to y'all and just show you cuz some of y'all have never even made it Lord we grew up eating it we grew up on it let me move my cookbook out of the way it's going to have fish on it but look at how it looks it's got skin on it when you pull it apart it's got bones on the inside okay so what you do is you take that row of Bones and I throw them in my can and I take the skin throw it in my can now some people cook all of that I don't so I just take my hands and kind of Smash It Up throw this in the trash go wash your hands if you've got I will tell you this if you got soap in your kitchen which most of you do buy lemon sended soap make sure you get a pretty good brand now you can get soft soap lemon and it smells really good it's good and strong May lemon works even better I know because me and Chris fish all the time we got our hands in fish and shrimp and all that stuff when we're out on the boat and nothing cuts that smell on your hands like lemon does um anyway okay so let me get my cookbook let's make these exactly like it says in my cookbook it says your salmon your green onions minced a raw egg so we're using our onions instead of green onions cuz I didn't have any green onions you can always use what you got okay and if you don't have that use dehydrated onions and if you don't have those use onion powder just use what what you got look most of my recipes are not full of all this crap that you got to go buy at the grocery store that you never heard of most of my recipes are going to have stuff in them that you got in your counter that you already have in your refrigerator um I don't use a lot of special stuff now there's a few spices that I really like but they're just plain old regular type stuff it ain't nothing special all right an egg half a teaspoon of salt and a/4 teaspoon of pepper this is a/4 teaspoon boy I smell that cornbread already y'all qu teaspoon of pepper half a teaspoon of salt half a cup of self-rising flour everybody's like why do you use self rising cuz I love it and if you don't have some go get you some of it call it's good all right and eight cup of cornmeal you're probably thinking good Lord is that all the cornmeal you going to put in there yep I use more flour than cornmeal y'all they're so good too I had somebody make these and they really liked them eight cup of cornmeal I don't have an eigh cup so I'm just going to put in half of that all right that's it so we're just going to take a fork and mix it up the egg is what binds everything together so it is pretty dry but not real dry I'll show yall when I get done cuz this is a whole can of salmon you know not a little bitty half can but the tall can oh my gosh it smells so good to me I'm so hungry got to have something fried most of the time most of the time I have at least I have one thing fried now I don't always have one thing fried but most the time if I do there's one thing not two things so if I fry up potatoes I don't fry up my meat if I fry up my meat I don't fry up potatoes or okra or squash does that make sense put some grease in there I probably put I put a little good bit because I like for it to get I like for the salmon to get brown my salmon is pretty thick you know and I like for it to get nice and golden brown on top and bottom here we go once it gets good and hot you're just going to drop them in I take my hand like this that's just how I cook y'all and I drop them [Applause] in SC them over now you can move these around now if it was okra or squash or something like that you couldn't move it for nothing you don't touch it and you don't flip it you got to be patient let it get good and Brown y'all need to go back and watch some of my videos on how to fry up okra and squash and stuff like that cuz a lot of people lose their batter and stuff there's reasons for that get a sloted spoon I'm just going to use the one I used when I was putting them in here now they're going to start turning brown nice and golden brown and you're going to flip it okay I think that's the first one I put in so you're going to try to go in order of how you put them in there don't start just flipping them make sure you start in order with the first one so that they're nice and gold Brown if you don't then if we flip this one first it wouldn't be pretty and brown okay so do it that way so we're going to go in a row and that way it'll give them time to get a little more Brown as we go in the circle see how pretty they are mine are fluffy kind of and um I put just enough grease in there that it kind of comes up over the edges when they're frying and that way they get brown on the sides too y'all you come here to me and they don't poppy or nothing which is nice there's nothing in them full of water or nothing that's going to pop you when they're hot nice and pretty and fluffy this ain't working to take them out I'm going up catching this thing on fire and y'all know I've been known to do it I just ain't done it on live video I just throw it in salt pepper butter sour cream if you put too much sour cream in your potatoes it makes them sour so you got to be careful with it baked potato it's not like that I can put a ton on there and it be good well you can that's true but for some reason with cream potatoes it just don't work that way another thing that's really good and I need to make some is to roast some garlic uh like a clove of garlic cuz roasted garlic is not as strong and then put it down in there just kind of squeeze it in there let it drop down in your potatoes oh my gosh my brother told me about that trick now it's time to taste them and see if they're good never serve anything unless you taste it now Nana Cooks it till it's hard as a raw so I might slide it in there a few more minutes till Chris gets home but I just wanted y'all to see how pretty it is sounds like he's home he must have a radar look y'all see how pretty it looks I don't know if y'all can see that in that crazy light or not let me move it it's really really good crisy ready to eat or you want me to put this back in the oven and let it get real hot I mean let it get real Brown no mexic cornbow for
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 170,090
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Keywords: salmon patties, collard valley cooks, how to make salmon patties, salmon patties recipe, salmon patty recipe, salmon cakes, southern cooking, collard valley cooks recipes, how to make salmon croquettes, collard valley cooks salmon patties, canned salmon recipes, canned salmon patties, how to cook salmon patties, how to make salmon cakes, making salmon patties, salmon patties from can, how to make salmon patties with canned salmon, canned salmon, southern cooking recipes
Id: MntV9Qm7H4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2017
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