How we find Free pallets!

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greetings earthlings and welcome again back to the it today we are laying down the floor for our giant army wall tent and we're going to take you with us and show you where we found an endless supply of these amazing pie wood pallets or more treated pallets that you can take apart anytime that you're in and that's kind of how we plan to keep doing our floor evelio over here taking the rake over it one more time getting the ground ready so that when we bring the pallets here we can pull them out of the trailer and lay them right down again so first thing we did was talk to mama Guyot before I started this great little way I found the clearest most levels of POD cleared all the wraps out and then we take the rake over it and make it as level and smooth as we can and we're off to find palates and I'll show you if he places along the road of examples of the kind of places that you'll want to look to find free palates in just about any town [Music] trailer so the best places we've found so far to find pallets are industrial drives where there's warehouses and such and you just look behind and see stacks some places have recycled pallet companies come take them for them and some don't so it's always worth it to ask and small chain grocery stores the larger ones usually already have the recycle pallet companies come in and taken their sex but the smaller ones usually will let you take them off their hands for free and with pallet wood you can build anything that you need to build out of wood it's fun and easy and free and you can get them in just about any town that you're in so it's fun to build with them learn from it and then you can leave them behind and get new ones next place you go you spend all that money on lumber that you then have to haul around with you the next time you want to move your house so that's why we do it this way so this time we didn't get as many pallets back that we're hoping we'll have more later um so yeah and we got this really cool carpet we can use for our roofs of chicken coops or anything you can build anything over these things they're awesome
Channel: BackToTheEarth Naturals
Views: 761
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: off grid living, free pallets, pallets, finding pallets, back to the earth
Id: mhkwCUfKD6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 21sec (261 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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