MY SECRET METHOD For Finding Free Wooden Pallets to RESELL

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hey everybody this is John and I wanted to show you real quick why free salad supper club palette supply is created okay it's a byproduct and let me reverse here so you can see it's a byproduct of the inventory that comes in like this right so these raw materials are coming in like this and and like this right and they're using it up I'm not going to specifics of what type of business it is but they're using all this stuff up and the end result thanks the end result is this okay so they have a never ending byproduct of pallets that end up on my truck okay and they give you these for free now the other side of the equation is there's so much other items here as well there's an actual all of these here that once they finished with their product that they're making they have to ship them out on these right because specific you know types and stuff that they want with this particular type of business they don't need these styles they need these styles and I sell them these pallets and some of it's a brokering deal or combined with some reverb it's tough but it's a big brokering deal for custom built stuff as well and it doesn't stop there then you got all these tanks that come into play those industrial bags and they're the after they're used so I wanted you guys to understand that business after business after business out there that are star suppliers have a byproduct in the byproducts pallets and why that happens day after day after day tons of this stuff is generated they can't even keep up heck I can't even get it with supply right here for this particular style I'm always having to knock it down knock it down knock it down and but working with these styles of palates as you can see heavy-duty stuff and I have a buyer for these put on my truck took about literally six minutes to put these on my truck okay got them all for free and this supply has been not stopping for years and years and years and years and years I hope that helps you guys understand the palette game is beautiful it's not sexy but there's so much of it there's so many issues with the businesses that don't know what to do with it thank God I'm coming here to get some of these out of here on a you know a couple times a week because if not those pallets we stretched out all the way over here taking up their whole parking lot okay there's money money money money okay those were industrial bags this is the simplest biz this is John if you liked this video I'll need you to thumbs up I need you to subscribe and if you're interested and you're going through and watching this stuff under every one of these videos there's the ability to book an appointment with us to ask your questions thinking is a discovery call you know so we a hell we know that you know what this is about that's important to us that's the simplest build all right let's leave it at that have a good one off to my delivery you
Channel: John Charles Wilker - The Simplest Biz
Views: 32,264
Rating: 4.976109 out of 5
Keywords: how to find free pallets, pallets, pallet, pallet wood, free, free pallets, woodworking, pallet wood projects, pallet projects, recycling, wood pallets, reclaimed, free stuff, pallet furniture, dumpster diving, trash picking, dumpsters, find pallets, how to find pallets, homemade, pallets projects, free pallet, salvage, shop, recycle, pallet wood ideas, free wooden pallets, pallet reselling, wood pallets for free, wood pallets for sale, pallets for free, free pallets facebook
Id: PejtC0sBkF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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