How To Start Your Own Pallet Business - Make Money Reselling Wood Pallets

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welcome to the how of business with Henry Lopez at David begin the podcast that helps you start run and grow your small business and now here are your hosts welcome to this episode of the Howland business sis's Henry Lopez and my guest today is John Wilker John welcome to the show Thank You Mike Henry glad to be here excited to have John John is a former contractor who is now a small business owner he he was a small business owner when he had his contracting business but he has developed a new interesting business it's not so new to him anymore he's been doing it for about 20 years right it's still fun though yeah absolutely absolutely so what he's done is he has developed a simple yet effective business model for providing middleman services for businesses that ship and receive products specifically or we're talking about here is he he acquires what's called industrial byproducts those are things like pallets and cardboard boxes and crates and other things related and that are used in shipping products and equipment he takes those from somebody who doesn't need him anymore and he sells them to somebody who does for a pretty good profit and so much so that that's his full-time business but he also teaches people how to replicate that how to replicate that business he's figuring out this business model again as he explains it the bottom line is he calls himself a middleman and John has developed this and he requires few employees of any a very little inventory or no inventory typically and no big warehouse space a lot of the things that we're always looking for small business owners and that we wish we didn't have in the case of those of us who do as he says quote it's quite simple but it has to be set up the kit in the correct manner for it to work and there's end quote and there is his his business model the methodology that he applies that makes this repeatable that makes this be able to make a business out of it so in today's episode we're gonna chat with John about his journey how he got to this business idea and we'll chat about the business but it's not just the takeaway for me it's not just necessarily that I'm gonna go do this business although some of you listening may well do that it's I'm interested in it decided to have John on because I want to get his insights on how he first of all identified this idea turned it into a business turned it into then a business that he can teach others how to replicate and some of those key takeaways that I'm convinced apply to any kind of business and also to anybody who's thinking about making that leap of starting a new business so we're gonna talk about that about his journey and so John Wilker once again welcome to the show thank you again INRI and you know when you were describing this business it it sounds so unsexy but it's not son sexy maybe in that is one's not something that that is a flashy business per se but it's sexy because it's a great example of an American small business in my opinion right and once we kind of peel back the onion here I am the numbers are sexy and I like the fact that it's invisible as well so we'll get into that as well and one of the numbers that I really like that we'll talk about is how much time you have that's free which is the end of the day when all of us are trying to accomplish in becoming our own boss right the flexibility so but before we get there let's go back in time tell me about what you were doing prior to this business absolutely you know I'm having to rewind back my mind 20 years because I've been doing it that long this business model so way back in 98 I was remodeling houses I had a business partner and we were doing nothing that wasn't very sexy either by the way but it was siding and painting and you know remodeling bathrooms and stuff like that and one cold December day back in 98 we had a bathroom remodeling job fall through on us and we kind of you know jumped in the truck and looked at each other day it's my partner same and I said well day we don't have anything else for the week what do you want to do he looked at me said well we could go pick up some pallets and I never I said what's a pallet you know he said you know those wooden things that they use and warehouses and move stuff around and I kind of turned my head like you know you see dogs do when you whistle or something I know what are you talking about and he said well I'll show you you know so we go driving down and to a right close to where we were it was a distribution company and they had like 1500 pallets stacked up in their yard so I didn't know quite out our approach or anything but we did and a very simple just asked at that point it gets a little bit more involved as you moved through this process but regardless they said please take him away and at that moment I went I was just shocked and I said they're gonna give us this right fifteen hundred of this this product so back then we didn't have any customer drain think so we were taking in a pallet yards and they weren't paying as much and we didn't know we didn't know we could get help lifting him as well so it was back-breaking it wasn't sexy at all but the money was decent you know even at a couple bucks that that day we maybe I don't know is three thousand around three thousand dollars for that afternoon and the next day we found a place that had 2,500 pallets so over that week you know that's what it all started and you know to kind of give you an idea Dane was my partner he was infatuated with this girl and he ran off with her and left me with this great idea but I had to figure it out then I mean I was I was on an island all I myself had just gotten started with this stuff that's where it all started and and it's been an adventure ever since I had to figure out how this model work I've never seen anything where you get you know 95 percent of yourself for free so when did you figure the component that you have now which is not to take it to that pallet yard but to sell it to the business across the street figuratively sometimes literally that needs the pallets when did you when did you put that together that was week three III I said wait a minute you know I was getting so familiar I was starting just starting to get the familiarity with all this and I'm going hey they're taking my perfectly good product and give me a buck or so right and they're turning around and flipping it and taking it to one of their customers and and up on the price by two three four times right I said well I just need to figure out who the customers are you think so that's when it all clicked for me as well acid I got to figure out who are the buyers and who are the suppliers cuz I wanted to grow it so I don't know if I should jump too far ahead of myself here in this process if you have a question in between this but that's when I realized okay I gotta figure this out and the only way to figure out that I back then being alone like I was and tilted I felt like a kilted lover look me out there hanging was to to get my hustle muscle on and get out there in in in efficiently and blindly try to figure this out and that's what I did yeah how did you start to so I mean immediately you identified alright I gotta be the middleman not this pallet broker or palette right because all I'm doing now is transporting that's not where the real money is the real money is Annie brokering these pallets you figured that out pretty quickly so then how did you stumble and this is free internet or at least oh yeah only before Google Maps and all that kind of good stuff right exactly so my hustle muscle was getting in I would park it in a distribution center so when you see a distribution center its overhead door overhead door you know doc doc doc office doc knock knock office you know or overhead door overhead or the word office office office so there's literally within you know eight hundred yards of each other 75 businesses right all with warehouses so I knew I'd gotten some supply had a few of these places and when when Dan was around so I said okay well maybe there's buyers here as well I literally went from door to door to door to door to door and I wouldn't hit forty to forty-five businesses and I wasn't being very effective but every day for a solid week okay and at the end of that week I had 12 suppliers and six buyers those six buyers after doing the math because these buyers I'll just buy once they buy over and over and over and over again I'd replaced the income on a yearly basis that I was gonna I was making with the remodel in one week okay so many questions here why why was it better for them to buy from you than to continue buying from the pallet yard where they had been buying before okay that's a great question well it's not just the pallet yard but we'll get in that in a second but the pallet yard they have the inefficiency of overhead they have to hire the guy to to fix the pallets they have nail guns they have forklifts and the rental of the property and the trucks and all that so there's all this over yet and they have minimum orders right so if you're a mid-sized business and you gotta order instead of what I need is I'm a midsize business I need a hundred pallets this week right well if I order from the pallet yard they have a minimum of 500 right and now they also have the problem with not the problem they don't have a problem but the buyer has a situation they don't have to pay a premium price because they have to cover their overhead the pallet yards do so I have to order two meaty at one time and I have to pay a friendly high price that I don't like to pay but I got to do it because I got my stuff out right so it kills their cash flow especially with the type of businesses we're dealing that I guide people to deal with they don't like it they have resentment okay so there's that or they have another fool that they're buying from kind of like me but the problem with this industry as I stated earlier it's unsexy and its invincible so for whatever reason and I'm not complaining because I like it right the the people they're dealing with are they haven't taken a bath in three days okay and they and they they haven't shaved and they and they they don't have their phones been shut off three times this year and they're not dependable and they want to be paid right then so it's it's kind of like knocking out third graders as far as that part of the model goes it's just not anybody with game has jumped into this arena and that's still the case in a little smart if not all markets today it's still the case it's amazing I get stopped I'm at a gas station you know and I have my pallet slow or whatever load it on my truck and these these people still come up to me and go what are you doing with that how are you move they're stuck in one little product line and one little model and and they haven't they just don't have the game to to expand the business whether it be through ignorance or laziness I'm not sure but I don't care and I'm happy yeah no doubt okay so three things I'm taking away from that one is you you are more flexible than that large and provided you provide that flexibility to your customer the people that are buying the pallets we'll talk about the people you're getting them from a little bit more in a moment you're beating them on price as well typically although that might might be an entirely it's more I don't have to buy a hundred pallets I can buy the 25 that I need from you today well but then this last thing is so key because I think what you've found there and this applies and again these are these things that apply regardless of the type of business you are you're professional you show up you can be found a month later you are applying a level of professionalism this is not something you're doing on the side in between gigs this is your business right exactly and in addition to that I'm offering since I've at least now in the beginning you know I I wasn't able to offer as many solutions as I am but the longer I was in this game and in this business I was able to see all the pain points in the in the sweet spots for these business owners have repeated itself over and over and it's the same everywhere you know it's that this is not unique to where I live this business model it's this is how the world moves the palette so I was able to offer other solutions that I would uncover as time went on right to give me the example of okay example they would have shelving and they were thinking they only needed you know everybody's familiar I don't want to get too far on the lingo but it's a 48:40 standard pallet the kind of pallet you would see in a grocery store in the back of a grocery store like that a trash bin or whatever well well yeah and then they have shelving and they're trying to you know store some other stuff on your inventory on the shelving but they're 48:40 sticking out six inches or 8 inches you know causing a possibility of an accident right so all right well hey you know two days ago I was at a place that had a slightly sore about it that fits all I know it fits on that shelving listening how about you know and or what about stacking pallets you you have your inventory spread out on one layer what if we can go vertical with some of this stuff so when you're going as you develop a relationship with these buyers you're consulting on how they can where efficiently manage move store this inventory exactly exactly and at a lesser cost you know another example is we'll call they would have strictly those standard pallets I was referring to and put two boxes or three boxes and ship it out on a customer that actually approached their business and was picking up right well that's that's silly there's paying a premium price for that larger pallet how about we we introduce you to some other things some will call pallets we'll call it that right and and you can if you have two boxes you put it on this smaller pallet and save some money so now I'm telling them longer pallets I'm selling the fourth of standard pallets I'm selling the smaller stuff and then I started innovating corrugated boxes or dunnage or crates or whatever the case may be as we moved through this process so now one customer develops into five custom into five revenue streams okay okay I'm going to come back to that in a moment but before we leave how you got here how long did it take with for you to decide this is my new business I'm going to abandon contracting oh this is a funny story I never after that gig I never did a remodeling job again that was it but after that first week I described to you where I got those first six customers and I have four of those customers to this day 20 my hope and those 12 suppliers a friend of mine opened up her catering business since she needed help and I don't know why well I know why I did it she was cute so I said yeah all houses before your wife I'm this is before my famous ends we mix people if there's no fun trouble yeah well probably in trouble anyway yesterday any-any who I I just did it I said okay I'll help you out for you don't month or whatever but listen I got this other business so and my lunch hour I would leave and and execute a couple pickups and deliveries right so after the I know was getting up at five o'clock in the morning doing this and because it was a catering business it was all doctors offices and disposable type event so it's like 20 events a day it's crazy but I would slip out and I'd go do those two and I would you know I after a few days that the cheque started coming in I'd say I said Christie I am making more on my lunch hour than I am all week with you so it's over these jacks and I said listen I can do it for about four or five more days so I did and she understood and we found somebody else to take my place but that's the last time I've ever worked for me so the money was attractive but there has to been more Jon because oh yeah I got to think early on did you believe this had legs and this was gonna last or did you feel like I probably would have thought okay I'm exploiting this until somebody figures this out and then squeezes me out well you know I was running across who my competition was yeah so at that point you know I wasn't efficient to the aspect of not know where to go to begin with but as time went on I kept on running into who my competition was I see and it was kind of like knocking out third graders yeah she not real I give you more and more confidence that nobody's gonna take this from you anytime soon exactly and I never had seen a model or I'm getting you know 95% of my stuff for free as well so I didn't see in and I have you know III have the ability to develop relationships so I have that going for me as well and I want to be just the pallet guy I started to befriend my customers you know to the point where they were telling me about you know I don't one guy was telling me about his IDI issues and stuff I'm saying you know I'm one now he's comfortable enough to tell if we trust you yeah exactly so those things started happen but that's such a key takeaway you you have built relationships with these sellers and buyers right they trust you now right down to the guy who sweeping the floor you know not in the forklift driver and you know the guy who has nothing to do with me I'm trying to create an environment where not just the person who's holding the keys to my success but all the people surrounding them because maybe that guy sweeping the floor gets me that forklift driver out there a little quicker because I paid attention to what its life's about you know I asked him questions what he does how long he's been there so that kind of thing comes into play and that's the enjoyment part of this business it's yeah of any business truthfully right that you are working with people that you enjoy that you're building relationships that you actually don't dread going to do it Monday morning right and is if you're dealing with blue-collar salt in the earth this is heavy industry we're dealing with so we're not dealing with people you know lawyers and doctors and people in suits and this we're dealing with the people that make this to run peppa dill so you know just at last a couple weeks ago and this happens all the time with this particular customer I'm getting my truck loaded by the forklift driver but he has a ping-pong table and way back he realized I could play and he could play but he could never beat me so we play ping pong on my trucks being a little bit so it's that kind of you know that's freedom you know that's what I call freedom where you're actually having some fun while you're doing your work and so early on did you was that part of did you see that early on and said this is what I want to do instead of what I was doing from a contracting perspective did you see that early on yeah because it felt like a treasure hunt to me and I would it really kept on the thought that kept on coming through my mind over and over again is I had a back in my 20s I was stuck in a corporate type gig and I felt like a cog in the machine and and they for lack of a better word the owners were jerks of this business 2004 a lot of them where I used to live and it was just high stress and no appreciation and I was stuck you know if I like was in that cubicle type life and I didn't like it and I remember talking to my girlfriend at that point I said you know if I could just sell hot dogs in up the price five times and make a profit selling hot dogs I'd do it rather than this well this was my hot dogs you know basically it was I ran across something that is so plentiful but it's worth so much and it's so vital for the economy I it felt like a treasure hunt I couldn't let it go and I was dead set determined to figure it all out that's great okay one tactical question here our specific question just because I'm curious so why don't these the provider the people who are giving you the pallets for free mm-hmm why don't they monetize that is it just not worth it to them that's it they just want them off the property why don't they sell them and get something for it exactly and there are certain certain businesses that we I will for that standard palate there's a portion of businesses where I do have to pay a dollar a piece for okay for that particular but there so uh so many other products or block product lines they'd rather give themselves a root canal they'd have to mess with it because you have to realize they have 18 trucks coming in on a daily basis that's right and they're having to keep up with their orders so I'm going to keep their employees fulfilling those orders and any time they're having a mess with their pallets they're they're getting behind on what happened they just want this stuff out of the way so the right to trade on what they do yeah it's a fire hazard as well you know or it's a rat infestation if they let it go too long they have to keep it moved out and and they a lot of times they'll use a dumpster or something very inefficient and they're having to have that thing dumped three times a week and they're paying money out of the pocket tick to to get rid of it or bring their guys in on a Saturday pay them overtime load up their box trucks and take them to the dump perfectly good product to me but they think it's a nuisance so that's okay on that point so do you take stuff that needs to be repaired refurbished do you take that do you fix it do you throw it away what do you do there yeah so that's part of my solution for them on certain business models or certain businesses that I'm getting supply from I will offer one to keep the area straight - I'm gonna come there more often to the other guy three I'm gonna move more product than any other guy because he's trying to pick through and get that one product line and making a mess of it the area then three I'm gonna offer you I'm gonna do a dump load for you every couple of weeks you know and incur the cost because my profit margin so what good I certainly do that for you and even if I don't get everything Henry I'm getting it enough to where it's one it's manageable and to everything I get out of there lessens the load of the drudgery of them having to do it let me sell okay baby so but if you but you're not you're not repairing any pallets no no the ones that need to be repaired I ate or I have the forklift drivers separate and when I do a dump load for them you know every once in a while I'll have a loose board and I have a hammer my shirt off but so where do those pallets that need to be repaired do you have a facility then that you do that or well how do you get in it in it no I don't mess with it I just take those to the DOM okay I have some customers you know that one I was speaking of that there's only put in a few boxes well if it's missing a front slat you know and there's still plenty of room for what they're putting on there they get a little discounted price yeah you're moving more product for that supplier I gotta keep that supplier hat he's my lifeblood so you know I'm always thinking up ways to finagle a situation where I'm still supplying a good product even though maybe it's slightly defective but I'm giving a price discount and I'm moving more stuff for my supplier to keep him happy and me exclusives ought to worry about any competition coming yeah that's great okay the other time I go on to talk about again it applies to so many businesses is cold calling you mention your your hustle muscle I think you said and going and knocking on doors and you still you teach that now to others as you teach this business to others how do you help people overcome that disdain and fear that we all have towards cold calling what's your secret well it's a mindset and if you go in there trying to think all right I'm gonna try to make some money from this person you're gonna you're not gonna do very well it shows it bleeds through what what I I take the approach is how can i how can I help this business how can i how am I gonna uncover their issues right what questions do I need to ask to uncover those pain points and what rolodex of answers am I gonna have ready for them if they say no to this what I'm gonna what's my what's my next item to sweeten the pot right so for me it's it's a matter of going in there and the fact that I'm actually asking the questions when they're not used to it and and getting involved in the way their business works when they're not used to it in this particular niche it's a breath of fresh air I have students that are going bear hugs from these warehouse managers because they finally have somebody that can speak their language know their pain and they're going to be dependable right so if you approach it that way I don't feel like I'm selling at the life I'm a solution yeah I love that this is unreal opus let's take a quick pause on this episode to chat about your small business dreams do you have a great business idea but have just not been able to get it launched have you built a successful corporate career but need some help making the transition to entrepreneurship are you ready to start building your own wealth instead of someone else's I invite you to schedule a free business coaching consultation with me just text a biz coach altogether biz coach two three one nine ninety six for more information I welcome the opportunity to chat with you about your business dreams and goals and offer the guidance and accountability that we all need to launch our first business as an experienced entrepreneur who also made the difficult transition from the corporate world I understand the challenges you're facing and often it's about helping you ask the right questions so that you can make progress towards achieving your goals I can help you through your transition to becoming your own boss to find out more or to schedule your free coaching session just text biz coach two three one nine ninety six now that's bi z co ACH biz coach two three one nine ninety six or visit the how a business calm all right so when did it turn into I've got a business here it's a great business I know how to do it now I'm gonna teach others how to do it when did that happen well about a year and a half ago a couple things happened I was just go over one I you know I haven't mentioned this but this business gives me a lot of freedom and I'm a able to pursue other things that I love whether it be music and I'm an artist painting and I do have a little bit of an internet business that's passive income but I saw I had a friend of mine on the on that internet business aspect he came over to Atlanta for that and he got in here and I realized oh wait I got a couple deliveries this morning so I said hey I gotta I gotta go do a couple pickups and deliveries he goes what are you talking about well I never called Luton Brite about my this other business and I said well my pallet I had a pallet business and I have you know 25 businesses buy from me you have about 60 businesses that don't know what to do with their stuff and I just connected it because what you never said so I said we'll come along with me so he came along with me and rode through it and we made a couple thousand dollars and well me in about you know two and a half hours that morning and he looked at me at the end and he said John this is brilliant can you teach me how to do it and a little light bulb went off over my head and I said well why should I have all the fun you know I should teach people how to do this this is so weird I don't not sure how it's gonna work out because people don't see this business it's invisible but well let's let's do this so I videotape myself over the next four months and everything I do and everything I say and every every person I talked to and so it's like over the shoulder type of thing and the clincher for me starting it also was I was online and I was scrolling through Facebook and I saw five Facebook ads within 5 minutes on how to be Facebook Ads and I said if people knew what I've done for the last 20 years maybe there's a portion of the society out there that to help out that's right and that so I did it and I'm so grateful at it it's fantastic and we talked about before we started recording that part of your process before you sign somebody up to take your program as you you speak with the Purser's to make sure they're a good fit what are you looking for in that ideal person that you're gonna teach how to do this one you know this isn't all rainbows and unicorns this is a real business isn't money's not gonna shoot out of your computer screen you know or anything like that but I'm looking for somebody that has one the ability to communicate and carry a conversation off and and ask some pointed questions and this not shot you know that's kind of a prerequisite because you are gonna have to speak with some people and you're gonna deal with some folks said you wanna you don't want to be just a pallet guy so I want to identify those type of personalities traits because I've gotten people on the phone and they're terribly shy and stilted and I've talked them out of doing this because it's part of the game or the part of the business model because it's it's not like the sexiest thing and the most intricate business model so you better have some moxie and be ready to get out there and hustle a little bit to make it to start with and be able to solidify that relationship by your communication skills so that's what really what I'm looking for to make sure that I have people that are wanting to create a better version of themselves yeah yeah John I think that applies to so many businesses I think that's such a general thing meaning I think that's in large part what it takes to be successful as a small business owner regardless of the business mm-hmm correct and to be able to push through things that happen to be able to put out fires to fix things on the fly you know I can't pick you all of that up on a on a phone call but I ask questions of them as well to try to figure out where they've been and what I don't want people with shiny object syndrome as well that's my problem but yeah you have to be resourceful right in the nuts that comes in yeah a small business owner right um what else have you learned now about business the business side of it obviously you were a business owner where do you work contractor but this is that now at a different level especially now that you're teaching others what are some key things that stand out that you had to learn about managing a business well it's it's going the extra mile for your customer and how that that pays off my daddy used to have a saying he said there's not much traffic on the next remodel right so in that house that's always stuck with me and sometimes your customer places you in situations where you know you want to cuss or but at the same time it made me want to fear as much with my customers so they know more about my business model and the more they know about my business model more flexible they are with me so I found that to be invaluable above and beyond the relationships that we build between between my customers under finished parent with them as to how your business works has helped you exactly you know if I want to take a week and a half off I have to help them understand listen we got a load you up I know you don't need this now but you don't want to right out right you know so we have to load you up with pallets hey listen I I'm running out of room you know it's not I call it my quote unquote storage but it's actually my supplier right I don't really them not exactly totally transparent like listen I need to get is okay if I bring some over here so I can make room and I'll invoice you later this week you know that kind of things so we're always I'm always able to keep they know what my cycle is and they know that I have to keep this thing moving because it could good you know if I don't it causes kinks and problems on both ends of the issue so that's part of it I'm transparent as possible with them so everything run smoothly you have no employees none well listen I have to backtrack I've given up my Thursdays to a friend and he goes out I called him the business and he knows my suppliers are my buyers are I've known him for 20 years he's seen me do this all this whole time and I let him do it on Thursdays like a certain area of town I work and it takes him a couple hours and I pay him a percentage of I mean that's because the challenge I see with this particular business is how do you begin to step back from it so that it makes you money when you're not there is that one of the wait thank you yeah that's one way or you get hired a labor but listen one if I my wife knows how much time I have available right so if I don't get out of this house I have plenty to do best so I want to give up and plus you know I have the internet business and if I sit in for the computer screen for much longer I'm gonna become a full of sedentary life and I have to get up move so it is a way for me to do both so I'll do it as long as I can because plus I love the people but the businesses and the owners and the employees that I deal with that work for these businesses that I deal with so any traditional marketing not for your education component but for the pallet business itself I offer that's a good question I built mine out so I I don't have to do that myself because I've been doing it so long so I guess I got ahead of the curve on on the internet part of it and I it's not a necessity I make plenty of money doing this and have it you know kind of like a well machine at this point and it's really much on it's on autopilot and I only had when it makes sense had new businesses what makes sense but for my students since this is the age of the Internet I'm able to offer you know in the course it's the only thing I have in addition to the training if you wanted me to build out a website that's optimized for mobile and phone and and for SEO search engine optimization for the web and have traffic coming to you right because I can do that for you as well because I'm kind of a ninja when it comes to that I've just had the time to learn it all so I do offer that for some of my students and there's a whole brokering side to disc where it's it's it's hands-off and someone else does all the work and you get a sliver to the liver so that website can come into play in that aspect so I've women doing this in New Jersey and Sacramento Utah and Virginia so they just work that part of the model na where they don't have to go out and move anything it's it's a brokering side and I teach that in the course as well what's your passive income yeah that's great okay so we've just touched on it but so then summarize for me you have the obviously besides the business but the thing that you have to offer is this course this online course to teach people how to do this right correct you'd like me to explain exactly yeah just give us briefly the the high-level summary of this offering understood so the the course itself I built it out where like I said earlier I went out in the field for four months and recorded everything that I do so it's all in sequences 13 modules the modules just to name them and each module has you know a multitude of videos and downloads in it all the questions that you have to ask suppliers where to find suppliers for drums and where to sell those so there's a whole multitude of files in there and one location for you that are available once you're done with the course we have a Facebook group for all the students that are across United States and Canada and Australia they help each other out so if there's a question there's ongoing coaching and training and I have a hold on specific topics that can cover just about anything so that's the overall bird's-eye view of what the course is you know the scouting part there's a lot of techniques of learning this business the insides of it where you want to become exclusive and and make it where this goes on autopilot where you you're satisfying the supplier and the buyer and yourself so I really cover those aspects and the money the amount of money that's involved to be made with this type of business it's crazy so believe me if you have the opportunity to check it out or if you want to do a little bit more research and go through your due diligence and we'll be giving you a link to check out some more and do your research and then call me up and let's get this thing going for some of you guys and get out of your cubicle yeah no I think that's great I think it's a fantastic offer and again the way you've approached this the way you do approach this is that people should feel free to reach out to you and have a conversation make sure it is a fit for them before they invest in this or anything else like it so just search for John Wilker or John or too many John's well maybe there are but John look her at least connect with John and see if this might be something that would work for you he's done this he's got the program to teach you how to do it he's teaching people how to do it today so wonderful all right we'll start to wrap it up I'm always looking for a book recommendation as her book you've read in the past or recently that you would recommend yeah actually one of my students recommended a book a little while back he's a clinical psychologist his name is Jordan Peterson these babies supposedly a rock star as far as the clinical psychologists go and he's written a book called that the twelve rules for life and example one of the rules that really stuck out to me is you know don't compare yourself to others compare yourself to who you were yesterday and try to make a better version of yourself today and so but stuff like that it's really inspiring and and it keeps me on my toes and try to do as best I can for the people I'm surrounded with I love that yeah that's a great takeaway thanks for that recommendation we'll have a link to that book as well on the show notes page in this episode at the hell of business comm so we'll wrap it up with this John which which one thing you want us to take away from this conversation III guess this type of business model if I don't care what you do where you are in your if you're let's say you're trying to run an internet business and it takes a while to get it going this is something that gives you time to do it right or if you're if you're stuck in your cubicle and you're just tired of it and you want some freedom that's what this is it's not sexy it's not normal even it's such a weird you know oddball kind of business model but once you start doing the research you'll start to see how what a necessity this this business is for other businesses and you might you know be the person to do it so think of it in those aspects and be ready to fix things on the fly that's what life's about you get into an opportunity you see the problems and you fix it as you go along and quit planning and do what you got to do to make things happen for your lives love it well if said so many takeaways there especially just a point about making it happen just do it right and always like that's that marketing campaign just do it but it's a business that the break-even is very fast so there's not a big investment upfront yeah you probably have to have some kind of a vehicle that's conducive or rent one or write one there you go but I don't have to I don't have to wait six months to start producing a profit I can do that very quickly and and it's about I always classify businesses as either you're in the shuffle business meaning you sold the shovels to the miners or you're in the mining business and the mining business has a lot of risks attached to it including I may not find any gold but here you're providing this essential component that these particular businesses is you but then if I need but it's not there anywhere near their core competency you solve that problem for them correct yes and and that's a great analogy yeah you are the you're not the gold digger you're the you're the picks in the shovel that accomplish that goal and this particular product line whether it be pallets or crates or drums are done at your wire wheels or corrugated boxes or gaylord boxes there's so much of it right it's the way the world is transported everything you see in your house everything you see in this room you at one point in time was in a crate on a pallet or in a drum or in a corrugated box it's right there you go so there's the magic of it love it all right where would you like us to go online to find out more about you just all right this is not ideal but I'm gonna tell you to go to the simplest viscom and look for this big red button that says you know get more information right don't click on register and all that that's for the students but I just have it on my on my page there just click that button get name an email and it'll take you through the process of where we go from there okay all right perfect excellent John this has been a great conversation very enlightening and loved just I always love talking about business that's why I do this show but it's a great perspective thanks for sharing your knowledge your insights and just how you you came to this business and what you're doing today thanks for being with us today Thank You Henry I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to speak to them folks and you're good at what you do sir I appreciate that this is Henry Lopez you've been listening to another episode of the how of business my guest again was John Wilker we release new episodes every Monday morning and you can find us on iTunes stitcher and at our website the how of business dot-com thank you for listening to the how of business for more information links and other resources please visit the how of business dot-com you [Music]
Channel: John Charles Wilker - The Simplest Biz
Views: 15,745
Rating: 4.9282513 out of 5
Keywords: the simplest biz, Pallets, business idea, how to make extra income, how to make extra money, how to start your own pallet business, starting a business, steps to starting a business, how to flip pallets, tips for starting a pallet flipping business, how to start a pallet buisness, best side hustle ideas 2020, pallet flipping, pallet flipping 101, pallet flipping course, pallet selling business, pallet buying and selling, how to start your own, reselling wood pallets, pallet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 8sec (2708 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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