First Fire in the Rumford Fireplace | CABIN BUILD | PIONEER | OFF GRID

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[Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] okay that was a lot of work for nothing because uh i'm down to needing one remaining stone for my chimney build and essentially it's the cap so um yeah i need a piece that's 24 by 30 inches and this this was pretty close until i broke the edge off there so yeah back to the drawing board anyway we can go up and have a look at the almost finished chimney uh minus a uh a cap for a flute cap but anyway i have to keep looking yeah sort of like birch park this year it's been a little hard to find for my canoe build anyway let's go have a look at the chimney so i've got a few minor projects left to do but the major ones are done the cab is up the roof's on and the chimney is finished except for that cat piece and a bit frustrating because i whittled away at taking that thing out of the ground and mother earth wasn't going to give it up too handily when i did get it out obviously too small uh well it wasn't until i broke it but anyway this project's done uh i think tomorrow i'm going to be able to fire up my fireplace for the first time uh but before i do that i attempted to building this cabin to try to keep it nestled in the trees i didn't want to take down a lot of trees for the build um so i've got to do a little elevation on the tree that's sort of overhanging the chimney i need a bit better draft that so that's uh that's my next project and uh that'll be the last one for today and then tomorrow uh i'm hoping to fire up that chimney for the first time my entire adult life i've been an arborist uh as a trade that's that's what i did for a living so uh yeah i climbed a lot of trees and got to climb one now and i got to get kind of up there a good bit and so we're going to leap forward from the 1700s into the into the in the 21st century because uh yeah no sense getting old and stupid too and i don't want to fall so pioneer would have gone up there and scrambled around and i could probably do it too but yeah i think i'm going to employ some modern stuff here and we're going to get this elevated over the chimney so i can have my first fire tomorrow so [Music] so oh [Applause] so okay got adequate clearance for the chimney it should draw really good and uh put away my 21st century tools and now i'm going to leap them back to the 1700s and this is how they dispose of brush no modern brush chippers it was drag and burn so yeah we'll get rid of this stuff and one more project done so [Music] so [Music] so so i had a very productive morning in the blacksmith shop today and i made a number of recouperants that i'm going to use for cooking and other things in the cabin today first being a number of hooks a pretty simple hook their drive in very common item in the 17 1800s being frugal you didn't have to make an extra nail it was just one piece it was built pretty easy so i'm going to hang up some pots over my windows i also built three things for the new fireplace oh and speaking of fireplace the exciting part about today is i'm going to light the first fire and it's been a rainy day uh so we've got a low pressure over us which means the poorest draft you can get so if it draws today and i don't smoke myself out in here i'm gonna be really excited uh anyway before i do that a few items that i made here this is called a trammel and basically what i've got here is my adjustment for low medium high heat like like you would in modern times i also built a rotisserie uh for beginner blacksmiths this is a great project really simple to build a few bends um drawing out the ends here and making some nice little curls on it this will be the spit part and goes through the chunk of meat you're going to cook and one final little skewer here that you can essentially if it works and it does you push down into the meat so you pull that out you can rotate the meat push it back in you can rotate this away from the fire back towards the fire so a simple little device is commonly used in the 1700s and the last thing i built for the fireplace is a trivet so that's for putting my griddle on and uh doing up my uh bannock and bacon and such things anyway i'm going to start by driving these pegs in and get my pots hung above my new countertop here you so in order to capitalize on all my space in the cabin when i put the uh the woodworking bench in um because of the annihilations in the logs and the way i did my trim around the bottom to seal my floor sort of sits out a bit so i'm going to build basically i give some modern times they call it a splash guard but i made this out of cherry that this really dates me uh that was cut in 1971 so just out of college i did it my first job working for a fellow at a sawmill spigel circular sawmill so you see in the in the wood and i decided to leave it much patina as possible the lines of the saw some of the teeth in the saw might be a little wider so they'll leave those nice lines in the in the wood so this is a piece of cherry he had a contract for cutting railroad ties and whenever i saw a piece of wood go through that i really liked it i set it off the side of the mill and i haven't deducted from my pay and i loved wood so there was a lot of weeks i didn't have a whole lot of money to take home but lots of wood anyway it's gonna make a neat splash guard uh and yeah it's relatively old like me anyway i'm going to mount this and then i'm going to light my first wire that uh trammel may have to be made a bit bigger actually um so a friend of my good friend of mine bob miller he uh he made me this little horn thing here and uh not only that but he charged the thing with uh fresh char cloth and some chaga for fire starting so i'm going to leave bob's fine gift there is a place on or up there on my mantel so first fire pretty exciting we hope [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: The Woodland Escape
Views: 749,080
Rating: 4.8844047 out of 5
Id: 9vIqK6JMR-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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