How ULTRAKILL Made The Perfect Water Level

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i've noticed there are two opinions about water levels in video games one is that you absolutely hate them and you're i mean practically a normal human being just like everyone else and those that like it um if you do like water levels i highly recommend checking into a psych ward it might help you out a bit but no these levels are just completely clustered they're annoying they're slow they're sluggish and a lot of video games they just don't work out very well however in ultrakill there is a level which this is ultraco by the way this is not my gameplay i'm not that good called in the wake of poseidon 5-1 and i didn't think i would actually enjoy this level a lot but i'm just going to run you through the level basically here so you first spawn in and you're greeted in this nice little cave area where you just gotta jump up do some sliding do some parkour do some you gotta you gotta use i don't even know just you just do the stuff okay and then you ground pound down in this nice water world uh and that's where it shows the intro or of the wake of poseidon you're the ingredient with some enemies and you just gotta you know go ahead and clear him up do normal ultra kill style and you're not really slow like most video games you're not slowed down you can infinitely rocket ride which is really nice it's really fun but there's three main objectives in this thing you got to get three schools there's a skull in each room it's pretty obvious here's one of the rooms it's just a room filled with you guessed it water it's just filled with water after you do that you grab the skull and you go back and enter the scope back into a totem and you go to the next room completely different than the other rooms it's very small very compact and you're fighting three enemies after you just shotgun [ __ ] them like for i don't know 40 punches they'll die you grab the skull you run out the last room is actually not a water room it's just a normal room it has water in it but just not a lot a lot of the enemies in this room are very annoying you might actually want to check yourself also into a psych ward after being in this room because it's just complete hell it sucks ass you've got something flying at you 24 7. so you just have to keep slingshotting yourself towards it shock on it all right so once you get all the schools submitted you're of course you're just not let off the hook here you're put into two tunnels and of course you're walking through it and enemies spawn in they're not hard enemies to kill but it's like brah really can we just like have a chill moment you're then at the very end of the level where you're in a room and there's two drones i don't know what they're called and this is actually a point in the game where they're introduced to you after killing those two drones you then go fight two more drones which is very funny just keeps shocking them that's that's my ultimate move right there and then after that you go into another room where there's two more drones with more enemies and it's like when's this gonna end dude can this do we chill out man and then after you fight those ones you got two more drones and more enemies so after you're done with that you you can finally be free you can let your balls rest let them breathe a bit and you just look back and see wow this level [ __ ] blows ass you know even though it's a water level it sucks mega ass it's just clustered there's a lot of [ __ ] that's going on and there you go you check out you got the p rank and then the challenge is don't touch any water what on god's green [ __ ] do you mean don't touch any water there's water everywhere so after millions of hours of research i went back into the map and found out there's three nozzles you gotta hit they're all at the beginning of the map you just go around and with the challenge of don't touch any water in mind you start really going schizo there's water droplets dropping from the ceiling you see puddles that you didn't see before it makes you kind of go insane like i really started to have a mental breakdown playing this level and then you drop back in and it's like oh thank god no more water i'm finally free but you get pranked it's a social experiment there's water [ __ ] everywhere still you can't escape it so then you have to go through the level again fight the enemies ground pound them do the good old shotgun stride it works every time if you've never played this game just use the shotgun like it's not that hard and here's where [ __ ] gets really annoying there there's there's water in all the levels still there's there's consistent water there you touch a little pot puddle with one little pixel of your character's body that's gg you don't get the challenge and this isn't like some short level and by the way the the one room that didn't have any water in the first place it's still ass like there's there's still no water in it but it still it just sucks so then you finally get done you get all the skulls you come back and you you actually jump in water then you contemplate life but then it's like oh you're probably asking silly this isn't that bad there's you know you just gotta get through those three parts right no at the end of the level there's little lakes of water see those little blue streams that's all water i think i even touched it a couple of times unintentionally so what am i trying to get at here i played hundreds of video games with water levels i hate them with a passion they just take up too much of my time i'm trying to be a gamer get real xp out here and they're just slowing me down but ultrakill really does a great job at perfecting what a water level should be it's not a restriction of movement if anything it's it's a more of an ability to move better and i think that having this challenge of don't touch any water really repurposes the level twice you know the first time you're just playing it you're just kind of frolicking through it i mean obviously you're murdering a lot of enemies but it's still peaceful and then you go back in and it's like don't touch any water it's a whole new level the creators of the game really did a great job at designing this level and i i absolutely love it i i truly do love it despite it being a water level that is something that i have never said in my entire life yeah yeah i said it guys i said it so from here on out every video game that i look at that has some sort of water element or a long period of time we are interacting with water i'm gonna think back to ultrakill and see how they did it correctly finally but that's all subscribe [ __ ] yeah we finally got done with this level god damn i i'm pretty sure i didn't touch any water thank god [Music]
Channel: Sillyaw
Views: 144,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultrakill, new blood, ultrakill game, ultrakill gameplay, ultrakill prelude
Id: tF21yEWZ1Gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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