The WORST P-2 Challenge in ULTRAKILL

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oh God have mercy on my soul man I thought the Clash mode was over I thought we were done with this stuff but then p-2 came out and the comments just kept flowing in you guys wanted to see my ass get clap just one more time so I'll give it to you I'll give you guys pure pain well actually this this might not be too bad is it like a cheese you could just get straight to the end what if I just do that nah that's some [ __ ] [ __ ] we're fighting every single enemy that there is I don't care if it takes me 200 tries or two tries because it took me about 337 to beat the map normally yeah I suck here's the first room I don't think this should be too bad there's only five enemies plus two out there please God oh boy okay I already got one restart okay can we get a kill Cam that was I am pretty sure I killed that guy there we go got him got here oh my gosh it's so free look at this look at me go there's even a checkpoint here okay this isn't gonna be bad this isn't gonna be bad at all God oh so I need to kill the sentries first because if I don't I'm pretty sure I can't Dodge those so I need to go straight for the back hit them get the sword machine oh God okay nice can I hit this guy no no oh my gosh did you guys see that did are you guys watching oh no it's fine it's it's seriously fun I'm not expecting to go into this like first try type beat but this is what I'm talking about it's just gonna get worse and worse all right put your predictions in the comments how many tries do you think this whole thing will take me die he just dropped down he couldn't take the pressure I guess dude go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go get the checkpoint there's no checkpoint oh happy got the checkpoint all right can I choose this next part I think I can swing through the glass here hopefully if I can get there oh my gosh oh we can okay all right this is a lot easier now this actually makes it easier on My Sanity on my soul on my heart oh no I gotta I can't hit those right away all right here's the Strat kill this kill swords machines first makes it a little bit easier not not really hold on I gotta test can I kill this guy no no I I can't no that was actually half good semi-good partially good a quarter of good how am I gonna get the guys that spawn on top that's what's concerning me like a lot there they're there come on give it to me bro oh my gosh it's a checkpoint I didn't see that what can I leave Dutch cheese it I'm just gonna walk I'm just gonna take the walk guys I'm not I don't have to fight those guys I'm not going to okay that just brought a huge weight off my shoulder and off my wiener thank God wait uh oh we need to go back I forgot the skull like a genius give me it get me out okay foreign are you joking that's what kills me I look away from my screen for two seconds wait I have the skull still is this bugged wait what I'm so confused I'm actually very confused right now what is going on I must have the skull but I have to go back to activate the checkpoint where's the other guy where is he at here we go got him okay my gosh I do huh there's no checkpoint in here okay come on I I seriously have a moment of silence I think I just need to uh just chat up not not do that this is essential for my success in the future if I can't get this jump I get no [ __ ] there we go so I'm gonna have to run through two rooms of just hell where I get lightning strikes from Black Ops 2 every five seconds okay nice nice oh my gosh there's nowhere to go there's nowhere safe odd bit I told you I my skill deteriorates the more I play I don't know what it is maybe it's just I'm bad skill issue L ratio zit that was it that was it that was literally it but it wasn't is it bad that I'm actually looking forward to the boss fight I mean everyone knows why it's easy I've said it before and I'll say it again Clash mode is actually Ultra kill but rehearsed the easy Parts in the normal game are the hard Parts in in Clash mode I mean besides p-2 for some people it seemed like the boss fight was still easy on normal mode and these rooms were actually the challenge which I I don't know y'all are weird I'm just happy if I get like a c rank on this White why can I make that stupid little jump it's just a little jump you just gotta tap it over just gotta tab the freaking keys it was it was right there it was actually like I could smell it I could have literally lick the checkpoint after this I need to like go on a walk or something I need to walk the dog I need to take ketamine I don't know what it is but this ain't it man this isn't like enjoyable Ultra kill this is just it's just bullying this is harassing you I actually might be getting close to the amount of tries it took for me to beat this normally I think we got a good competitor here they're a little bit closer this time oh dude I'm making sounds I didn't know I could make ever in my life I wish I had a strategy for this watch the world watch the first like ever recording this to be done like first try I swear to God if I see a can back video of like oh yeah just just 2-2 Clash mode first drive blindfolded uh with one hand uh tied behind my back being held hostage by Obama no it's just you know it was just basic work and here I am literally with all the assists in the world a prayer beforehand the prayer wasn't apparently not working okay let me go off this little thing oh yeah that definitely worked I could feel the greatness there I could feel the potential oh my gosh I actually have chills I am not kidding you I think I sat there for maybe okay buddy you oh he's not even gonna give me the time of day to talk I literally sat there in silence for almost 20 minutes just just trying to do it I was like okay if I just maybe Focus up I'll be fine it took 20 minutes of just death after death after we're done we're done with it we're done with it it's fine now this room I'm actually not worried about this room because I'm pretty sure I can slap the the idols and it'll clear the room pretty quickly anything's better than what I just did there honestly you can okay okay this shouldn't be as bad as it looks got a little greedy there it's fine it's fine I'm really not upset cool little Super Smash Bros move isn't that impressive okay so it's after the drones they spawn in good to know I thought I ended wait it's open go go go down stay alive stay alive stay alive stay alive Stella go oh my gosh we have to individually play click it open open open open open open open open open open open open open open open open I'm sweating go go oh it's still they're still going man I am I'm in disbelief my gosh okay this became just a lot easier and the music is back oh oh I just want to thank my my indeed Mouse my keyboard the Kingdom of Heaven since forgotten my name God that's over boys this is it oh man die this was by far sorry that was very anticlimactic this is by far the hardest Clash mode level that I've ever played besides 4-3 it might be in a tie but this one was very rough all right how many retries how many 50 minutes okay 45 kills okay 444. 234 restarts I'm gonna go touch your ass um subscribe
Channel: Sillyaw
Views: 54,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultrakill, ultrakill game, ultrakill ost, ultrakill act 2, ultrakill memes, ultrakill gameplay, ultrakill review, ultrakill p-2, ultrakill sfm, ultrakill meme, ultrakill wrath, ultrakill update, ultrakill status, is ultrakill good, ultrakill gabriel, ultrakill sillyaw, ultrakill sisyphus, ultrakill new update, ultrakill p2, ultrakill v2, ultrakill p1, ultrakill 2-s, ultrakill p-1, ultrakill ps5, ultrakill 4-s, ultrakill 5-s, #ultrakill, ultrakil, ultrakill edit
Id: OkkY6kjysLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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