How to Write OPINION ESSAY in 15 Minutes By Asad Yaqub

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bismillahirrahmanirrahim assalamualaikum my name  is Asad yaqoob and I am from Lahore Pakistan and   I teach aisles here in Lahore and I teach aisles  everywhere through my online aisles classes I   welcome you all to my IELTS essay writing videos  some of you requested me to make fresh videos   about essay writing and nowadays you know in IELTS  exam they are always asking about opinion essay   discussion essay and all that so I'm going to  tell you in this video series I'm going to tell   you how to write opinion and discussion essays  first of all we are going to start with opinion   essay and let me tell you the most important type  of essays for IELTS exam they are opinion essays   after opinion essays we've got discussion essays  then we have advantages/disadvantages problem and   solution and double christian essays so there  are just five types and these five types are   important but the most important ones are opinion  and discussion essays that's why I'm going to   start with opinion essay anyways let's just see  opinion essay there is a topic we just discussed   the topic in opinion I said they might give you  a topic like this prison is the best punishment   for criminals how far do you agree or disagree  with this statement now see the topic remember   at the end of opinion essay they will always say  how far do you agree or disagree to what extent do   you agree or disagree or what do you think right  something like that they're going to just ask you   at the end of the topic so the first thing is you  need to identify whether it is opinion essay or   discussion or any other type and then you got  to decide on the organization of the essay well   if there is going to be an opinion as say you have  to follow this formula to write your opinion essay   the first thing is write an introduction to the  topic which clearly states your opinion on the   subject and that is either yes I think prison is  the best punishment or no I don't think prison   is the best punishment remember in an opinion  essay you should have a clear position either   you agree with the topic or you disagree with the  topic you should have a very clear position on the   topic don't just write the essay that I agree and  I disagree so this is how you cannot justify with   the topic it's a good idea to either agree or  disagree with the topic and you can always write   a contrast paragraph as well in a minute I tell  you what is there after that think of two main   points to support your opinion and write about  them with examples now you need to come up with   two supporting arguments now for example if I say  I agree with the topic that prison is the best   punishment for criminals if I agree what are the  two arguments why I agree I mean I agree that's   fine now why I agree there should be two solid  reasons they should be two solid arguments and   these two solid arguments will come in the body  paragraphs of my essay is that clear just watch   this video and you will understand how to write a  Fenian essay after that think of one alternative   opinion however some people argue that now what is  alternative opinion in opinion essay alternative   opinion means what other people think if I agree  with the topic the people who disagree with this   topic what do they think what is their opinion  so that is what we call contrast or we also call   it alternative opinion so there should be one  paragraph this paragraph should be alternative   opinion introduction first argument with example  an explanation second argument with example and   explanation alternative opinion and conclusion  then you got to yeah write a short conclusion   to summarize your main points and restate your  opinion and you should write minimum 250 words   and maximum try to write around 300 350 words  but not more than dead now after this I'm going   to tell you how to write the introduction of your  opinion essay this is important to learn so now we   learn how to write introductory paragraph of an  opinion essay there is a four-step formula which   you need to learn and believe me right after  five minutes you will be able to write the   introduction of an opinion essay let's see there  is a topic the topic says the younger generation   is mainly responsible for the latest technological  developments how far do you agree how far do you   agree means it is an opinion essay I repeat the  topic the younger generation is mainly responsible   for the latest technological developments how  far do you agree now by the way when you read   the topic you should understand what is actually  the topic now if I just asked you do you think the   topic is technology or do you think the topic  is young people or do you think the topic is   changing technology tell me again the topic is  the younger generation is mainly responsible   for the latest technological developments how far  do you agree is it technology is it young people   or is it changing technology good the topic is  changing technology the topic is not technology   the topic is not young people but actually it's  changing technology so if you write a beautiful   essay on technology you will never get any  good bands for that if you just write about   young people you will never get any good bands for  that you need to write about changing technology   and young people are behind this change this is  how you need to understand the topic now there   is a four step formula whenever you're going to  write the introduction of opinion essay the first   sentence is going to be a general sentence about  the topic I repeat the first sentence is going to   be a general sentence about the topic now keep  in mind the same topic the younger generation   is behind technological developments and all  that keep that topic in mind and I'm going to   write the first sentence there is what we say at  descendants about the topic so here it comes these   days technology is changing at an alarming rate  now what is it this is a general sentence about   the topic these days technology is changing at  an alarming rate now the second thing is add an   extra sentence to support the first the formula  which I am giving you to write the introduction   of opinion essay the second sentence is err and  extra sentence to support the first now let's see   what is the second sentence for many of us it is  hard to keep up with the advances in areas such   as mobile form and computer technology this is  another sentence to support the first one then   the next one is focus on the question in your own  words you can also call it like paraphrasing the   question in your own words or paraphrasing the  topic in your own words so here it comes some   argue that it is young people who are driving  these changes the third sentence what is the   third sentence the third sentence is focus on  the question in your own words and the last one   is give your opinion and tell the reader your  plan opinion essay introduction fourth sentence   give your opinion and tell the reader your plan  let's see I tend to agree with this opinion and   in this essay I will support my opinion with  examples so this is how you're going to write   the first paragraph or introductory paragraph for  an opinion essay is this clear fantastic that's   lovely very good okay now let's go on we are going  to discuss how to write the conclusion of your   opinion essay in order to write conclusion of an  opinion essay you need to follow this formula now   we have the topic prison is the best punishment  for criminals how far do you agree or disagree   with this statement we have this sentence in  conclusion the first sentence of conclusion in   conclusion although it is a common belief Prison  is the best way to punish criminals what have   you done you have rephrased that topic what's the  topic prison is the best punishment for criminals   in conclusion the last paragraph you are saying  in conclusion although it is a common belief   that prison is the best way to punish criminals  after that in conclusion the second sentence is   actually your opinion then you say I believe  it is too soft and that it is not necessary   in the majority of cases now what is that that  is your opinion the first sentence is better   phrase the topic using different words the second  sentence in conclusion is give your opinion using   different words rephrase your opinion and the last  sentence is what you think you can say something   more about that personally I think prison should  be the last option when all else has failed so   this is how you need to write conclusion let me  tell you again when you are writing a conclusion   for the opinion essay the first sentence is you  paraphrase the topic using different words number   two you give your opinion once again and number  three you say something more about your opinion   in three sentences you can conclude an opinion  essay now let's talk about body of opinion essay   I've just taught you how to write introduction  and how to write conclusion but this time we   are going to learn how to write at the body of  opinion essay we've got the same topic prison is   the best punishment for criminals how far do you  agree or disagree with this statement alright now   let's go on with this essay the topic is prison  is the best punishment for criminals how far do   you agree or disagree with this statement the  introduction goes like these days every time you   turn on the television or flick through the pages  of newspaper you learn about the victims of crime   it's a general sentence about the topic second  but what is the most effective method of dealing   with the in crime rate in our society add another  sentence to support the first one okay that's the   second sentence after that some people believe the  best way to punish criminals is to sentence them   to time in prison rephrasing the topic in your own  words or focusing the question in your own words   that's the third sentence I completely disagree  with this idea and in this essay I will support   my opinion with examples give your opinion and  tell the reader your plan so this is a four step   formula to write the introduction of your essay  now let's go on towards the body the first first   sentence of the body firstly now you must write  phrases like that firstly first of all firstly   life in jail is far too comfortable now what  is your argument your argument is life in jail   is far too comfortable that's why I completely  disagree with this idea that a prison is the best   punishment for criminals do you understand now  you need to come up with the reasons so firstly   life in jail is far too comfortable for business  for example now you're giving example many inmates   inmates now you're using the word inmates for  prisoners so you need to use a variety of words   many inmates have access to luxuries such as  television computers and sports facilities and   so on in other words see that coherence and  cohesion in other words comma spending time   behind bars is more like being in a holiday camp  if prison is going to act as a deterrent if clause   this is a conditional sentence then I believe  it needs to be considerably tougher this is the   concluding statement and this is how you have to  close your paragraph your body paragraph now let's   go on with the next body paragraph there it says  another reason why I disagree with and then you   write the topic another reason why I disagree with  prison as a punishment is that a large number of   are not actually a danger to society now what  is the argument a large number of prisoners are   not actually a danger to society take shoplifters  as an example this is the example they are often   locked up in the same cells as murderers rapists  and violent criminals now see for jail they have   used the word cells behind the bars and all that  I strongly believe that this is a serious waste   of taxpayers money what's more petty criminals may  even learn how to commit more serious crimes when   they are inside now the next paragraph is called  the heart of opinion essay we call it contrast or   alternative opinion now here you're going to just  take a look at what other people think the people   who have opposite opinion now see you agree you  said I completely disagree but the people who   agree with this what is their opinion what do they  think what is their standpoint so you will start   the contrast paragraph with on the other hand or  you can start with however on the contrary like   that on the other hand there is an argument that  prison can help to rehabilitate offenders now this   is contrast of alternative opinion many inmates  have the opportunity to study while they are   doing time as a result many never real friend when  they are released now this is contrast paragraph   and then we are going to come towards conclusion I  already told you what what to write in conclusion   in conclusion although it is a common belief that  prison is the best way to punish criminals now   what have you done you have paraphrased the topic  in your own words I believe it is too soft and   debt it is not necessary in the majority of cases  what is this you have restated your opinion once   again personally I think prison should be the last  option when all else has failed in the support of   your opinion you have written another sentence and  this is how you're going to close your opinion si   so please whenever they asked you to write an  opinion si now in the next exams they are going   to ask you to write an opinion si you must follow  this formula this structure this organization and   most definitely you will get good bands in aisles  if you liked this video hit on the like button and   don't forget to subscribe my channel I also teach  I also online if you want to join my online IELTS   classes you can contact me for there I said yaku  wishes you all the best take care Allah Hafiz
Channel: Asad Yaqub
Views: 230,853
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Keywords: ielts, ielts writing, ielts preparation, ielts writing task 2, ielts e2, ielts tips, ielts writing tips, ielts general writing, english grammar, e2 ielts academic, e2, ielts writing task 1, ielts writing band 8, writing skills, pronunciation, Learn English, improve writing skills in IELTS, improve writing ielts, improve writing in English, AsadYaqub
Id: A3RPsdAhtE8
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Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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