How to WRITE ON TEXT in ADOBE PREMIERE PRO (Great for travel videos & vlogs!)

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sin o'clock what's going on welcome to Sinag walk today I'm going to show you how to do a super cool write on effect in Adobe Premiere Pro this is super good if you're doing like travel videos or something so let's get started so here we are in Premiere the first thing you want to do is drag the video clip that you want beneath your text to the timeline I'm just using a piece of stock footage which I purchased from pond5 but you can use any video clip in the world that you want you could even have white text over a black background if you want and let's just adjust this so that it lasts for however long we want maybe around 8 seconds is a good length of time and let's just zoom in so that we have a better idea of what we're doing alright so once you have your video clip on the timeline let's go to our type tool or you can just hit T on the keyboard and let's go to our preview monitor and type in whatever we want to write travel now as you can see here I am using a font called brush well which I downloaded for free from diff'ent but you can use any font that you want I picked this one because it kind of looks like it's hand-drawn so it kind of matches the style of the effect we're doing today and let's just enlarge this so it looks about the size that we want let's go to our graphics workspace and go to edit and then let's just Auto align this to the X&Y axis so that is perfectly centered in frame now let's go back to our editing workspace and let's drag the text layer so that it lasts for the exact same duration as our video layer beneath it so now as you can see we basically have the title looking the way that we want it to once the effect is complete and this is where the magic happens first thing you want to do is go to your project window and create a new transparent video layer hit OK and drag that transparent video layer right above your text layer and let's just stretch this out so that's exactly the same duration as the text layer and the video layer beneath it and then let's go to our effects library and search for the effect right on should be in video effects generate subfolder and drag the right on effect to the transparent video layer then with the transparent video layer selected let's go to our effects control window and let's drag this to the very first frame then what we want to do is increase the brush size let's increase this to say 50 and the moment we do that you'll see right here in the center there's this little dot and you want that dot to be about the same thickness as the brushstrokes in your text and let's go to brush spacing and adjust that two point zero zero one and on stroke length let's start with eight seconds you can always change these later the stroke length is basically how long the text stays on-screen after it's completely visible so we can start with eight seconds and with our playhead at the very first frame let's set a keyframe for brush position and let's drag this to the very top of our first letter so now this is where it gets a little bit tedious it's very easy it just takes a long time what you want to do is figure out how if you were writing this by hand what path you would write it in so for example when I write the letter T I'd begin at the very top and draw a line straight down so what you want to do is start by setting a keyframe for the brush position starting here at the top of the T in the very beginning then move this down a little bit which will automatically set the next keyframe go to your next frame and move this down again make sure you don't grab these little pieces here you can do that after the fact if you want to micro adjust it but I usually like to just grab this main button right here let's go to our next frame drag that along next frame and just repeat this over and over until you complete the entire word and again what you want to do is just sort of go the exact same route that you would if you were writing this and the route that you take is the route that it will appear when it writes on now just a little side note it's very important that especially when you move the brush position from one letter to the next you don't accidentally overlap any areas of the next letter because it'll appear pretty much early and it'll just look ugly and weird so make sure you're very meticulous about the brush position so that it follows a smooth path the exact same way you would write this with a pen if you are doing it by hand and I'll just speed this up because this is gonna take a long time all right and once we are done tracking the route that we want to take with our right on brushstroke tool next thing we want to do is go back to our effects window and search for track mat key you'll find that in video effects keying track mat key and you want to drag that to your travel title and with your travel title selected go to your effects control window and where it says track mat key mat go to this little drop-down menu right here and select video 3 and when you drag this to the beginning and play it through you'll see your text writes on perfectly thanks for watching hopefully you found this video somewhat helpful or even enjoyable I spend a lot of time putting these videos together so you know show me some love and hit that subscribe button see you next time
Channel: cineguac
Views: 196,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cineguac, write on, write-on, effect, text, scribble, hand written, title, travel video, vlog, travel, how to, tutorial, adobe premiere pro, adobe, premeiere, aaron fradkin, cinematic, filmmaking, editing
Id: sM_DUkdWEeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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